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NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF A STEEL SUPPORT ... Serbia. e-mail: simon.sedmak@yahoo.com. 2 ... solution for the support structure for a pipeline.
32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia, 2015


Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade, Serbia. e-mail: [email protected]


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade, Serbia. e-mail: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Shown in table 1 and figure 2 are the dimensions of the profiles used[2].

The aim of this paper was to show the numerical process of determining the best solution for the support structure for a pipeline in Sweden designed by a Serbian construction company. For this purpose, numerical models with different steel beam profiles and different structure geometry were developed [1]. Possible choices for profiles included HEA and IPE profiles, along with a rectangular profile.

Tab. 1. Steel beam profiles. IPE 100 50 b h 100 b1 5.7 b2 4.1

IPE 200 100 200 8.5 5.6

IPE 240 120 240 9.8 6.2

HEA 200 100 190 10 6.3

HEA 240 120 230 12 7.5

2. Materials and method The material used for the simulations was steel, with an Elasticity module of 210000 MPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3. The profiles used were HEA 200, HEA 240, IPE 100, IPE 200, IPE 300, as well as a rectangular profile 80x80 mm. The geometry of the structure is shown in figure 1. It should be mentioned that this was the initial design, and that additional beams (“X” shape shown in the figure below) were added to increase the stiffness of the structure.

Fig. 2. Beam profile dimensions.

Numerical calculations were performed for two models using ABAQUS software [3]. Both models were made using wireframe elements. First model was made using HEA 200, HEA 240, IPE 100, whereas the second one was made with IPE 100, IPE 200, IPE 300 and the 80x80 rectangular profile. The load was applied as uniformly distributed pressure acting along each beam, with values ranging from 0.08 to 0.425 kN/cm2, depen– ding on the position and direction of the beams. These loads were determined by taking into account the extreme values of the real wind loads. Boundary conditions were

Fig. 1. Support structure for the pipeline.


32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia, 2015

defined by fixing the bottom of vertical supports. The load and boundary conditions are shown in the figure 3.

The results shown here are the ones that have shown the best behavior under the load, which was due to the added “X” elements. Different versions of stiffeners and their positions were tested regardless of the Profiles used.

4. Conclusion Upon detailed analysis of numerical results, it was determined that the structure shown in figures 4 and 5, with additional X elements (used for stiffening) represent the best solution. The stiffeners were positioned in the way to ensure both structural support as well as the most economical solution. Between the two models,(HEA and IPE profiles) model with IPE profiles had acceptable levels of stress and was thus adopted as the optimal solution. The strain that occurred in the structure in case of extreme loads remained in the elastic zone. The structure was built in 2014 and is in use.

Fig. 3. Load (longitudinal and lateral) and boundary conditions.

3. Results and discussion Given in this section are the results for Misses stresses and strain, caused by the longitudinal and lateral load. Shown in figures 4 and 5 are the results for the model with IPE 100, 200, 300 and rectangular profile.

Acknowledgements The study was carried out within the Project TR – 35040, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia. References [1] Čosić, M.; Folić, B.; Folić, R.; Sedmak, S.: Performance based seismic analysis of highway E75 overpass at Kovilj, Integritet i Vek Konstrukcija, 17-28, UDK/UDC: 625.745.12:624.042.7, ISSN: 1451-3749 [2] Branko Zaric, Dragan Budevac,Branislav Stipanic, Celicne konstrukcije u gradjevinarstvu,Gradjevinska knjiga a.d. , Novi sad 2007, ISBN 86-395-0496-2 [3] Tasko Maneski, Kompjutersko modeliranje i proracun konstrukcja, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , Belgrade 1998 , ISBN 86-7083-319-0

Fig. 4. Stresses in lateral direction.

Fig. 5. Stresses in longitudinal direction.