Fast calibrated additive quantile regression

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Jul 11, 2017 - 1School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. ..... See Wood (2017) for an introduction to additive models, bases and ...
arXiv:1707.03307v1 [stat.ME] 11 Jul 2017

Fast calibrated additive quantile regression Matteo Fasiolo1,† , Yannig Goude2 , Raphael Nedellec2 , and Simon N. Wood1 1

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. 2 EDF R&D, Saclay, France. † Correspondence: [email protected] July 12, 2017 Abstract

Quantile regression provides a flexible approach for modelling the impact of several covariates on the conditional distribution of the dependent variable, without making any parametric distributional assumption. Motivated by an application in electricity load forecasting, we develop a computationally reliable framework for additive quantile regression based on penalized regression splines and calibrated empirical Bayesian belief updating. Gaussian random effects and parametric terms may also be included. The key objectives of our proposal are to obtain well calibrated inference about the smooth components and coefficients of the model, combined with fast automatic estimation of smoothing and variance parameters, and to do this for additive model structures as diverse as those usable with generalized additive models targeting the mean, while maintaining equivalent numerical efficiency and stability. Traditional quantile regression methods are based on the pinball loss or, equivalently, on the Asymmetric Laplace (AL) distribution, whose non-differentiability is an impediment to smoothing parameter estimation and computational efficiency. Hence, the approach proposed here is based on a novel smooth loss function, which corresponds to a generalization of the AL density. This more tractable loss is related to kernel quantile estimators, which have favourable statistical properties relative to empirical quantile estimators. By adopting this loss we are able to employ the general belief updating framework of Bissiri et al. (2016), but to compute by adapting the computationally robust and efficient methods of Wood et al. (2016), while obtaining reliable uncertainty estimates via a novel calibration approach to selection of the ‘learning rate’ required by the belief update framework. Our work was motivated by a probabilistic electricity load forecasting application, which we use here to demonstrate the proposed approach. The methods described in this paper are implemented by the qgam R package, which can be found at Keywords: Quantile Regression; Electricity Load Forecasting; Generalized Additive Models; Penalized Regression Splines; Kernel Quantile Regression; Calibrated Bayes.



Generalized Additive Models (GAMs, Hastie and Tibshirani (1990)) are flexible and interpretable statistical models that are widely used in applied statistics, especially since the advent of efficient and stable methods for smoothing parameter selection and interval estimation in this model class (see e.g. Wood (2000), Ruppert et al. (2003), Kim and Gu (2004), Fahrmeir et al. (2004) or Wood (2017)). The purpose of this work is to provide


an equivalently useful framework for well-calibrated additive quantile regression models. Our methods are novel in that all smoothing parameters and other hyper parameters are estimated automatically using numerically robust and efficient methods which produce uncertainty estimates simultaneously with point estimates. We were motivated by problems in electricity load forecasting. Electricit´e de France (EDF), France’s main electricity producer, has had considerable success using conventional GAMs for operational load forecasting. However the whole conditional load distribution is rarely needed for production planning purposes, which focus mostly on tail estimates. This is because the loss function associated with forecasting errors is highly asymmetric, due to technical constraints (e.g. plant-specific start-up times or increasing fuel cost along the electricity production stack) and to the regulatory framework (e.g. monetary sanctions for over/under production). Further, the conditional distribution of the electricity load is typically highly skewed and time-dependent. At system-wide or substation level this problem is relatively mild, but new technologies (e.g. smart meters) are producing datasets where this issue is much more extreme, due the low level of aggregation. Full probabilistic modelling of the response distribution might be overly ambitious for these upcoming applications, hence focusing on estimating only the conditional quantiles most relevant to production planning or smart grid management might be preferable. To be usable in practical forecasting, additive quantile regression methods must have several properties: 1) the range of model structures available for modelling quantiles must be comparable to that available for modelling the mean in conventional generalized additive models, otherwise the benefits of modelling quantiles may be offset by the disbenefits of insufficient model flexibility; 2) smoothing parameters and any other tuning parameters must be estimated automatically, otherwise the modelling process becomes too labour intensive and subjective for widespread operational use; 3) uncertainty estimation has to be part of model estimation, since knowing forecast uncertainty is essential for operational use and 4) methods must be sufficiently numerically efficient and robust for routine deployment. The work reported here started when two of the authors (YG and RN) were participating in the GEFCom2014 forecasting competition, and found that existing additive quantile regression method implementations failed to meet these requirements, forcing them to develop the ad hoc procedure described in Gaillard et al. (2016). The framework developed in this paper meets the four requirements by taking an empirical Bayesian approach to the general belief-updating framework of Bissiri et al. (2016). Specifically we represent smooth relationships between regressors and the quantile of interest using spline basis expansions, and impose Gaussian smoothing priors to control model complexity. Random effects and parametric terms present no extra complication. By adopting a novel smooth generalization of the usual quantile regression ‘pinball’ loss (Koenker, 2005), we are able to perform the computations required for belief updating of priors using the loss, and to estimate smoothing parameters, using the general smooth modelling methods of Wood et al. (2016). This allows us to achieve properties 1-4, provided that we can obtain the additional ‘learning rate’ parameter required by the general belief updating framework. We show how to do this efficiently and automatically in order to achieve good calibration of uncertainty estimates. Figure 1 provides some simple examples of the variety of models that our approach encompasses. This is an advance relative to existing methods, because stable and computationally efficient methods implementing non-parametric additive quantile regression are otherwise lacking. For instance, the quantreg R package, which is based on the methods of Koenker (2013), only permits additive models whose smooth terms are at most bi-dimensional, and it requires users to select the smoothing parameters manually. On the other hand, the gradient boosting quantile regression method implemented by the mboost R package (Hothorn et al., 2010) does not limit the dimensionality of the smooth terms, but it requires users to manually choose the degrees of freedom used by each base model. In addition, mboost uses computationally intensive bootstrapping to estimate parameter un-


certainty, while the approach proposed here quantifies uncertainty using computationally efficient analytic approximations without adding to the leading order computational cost. Yue and Rue (2011) and Waldmann et al. (2013) describe how to perform Bayesian inference for semi-parametric additive quantile regression models, but at the time of writing the second proposal is not readily available in software. The first proposal is implemented in the INLA software (Martins et al., 2013), but the associated documentation discourages its use. The vgam R package (Yee, 2008) provides a method for fitting additive quantile regression models, but also in this case the complexity of the smooth terms is determined manually. The work of Lin et al. (2013) is not an alternative to what we propose here, because their focus is variable selection, rather than smoothing. Quantile regression is traditionally based on the pinball loss (Koenker, 2005), and not on a probabilistic model for the observations density, p(y|x), which impedes direct application of Bayes’s rule. Yu and Moyeed (2001) propose adopting an Asymmetric Laplace (AL) model for p(y|x), due to the equivalence between the AL negative log-density and the pinball loss. However, naively treating the AL density as an adequate probabilistic description of the data is problematic. In particular, Waldmann et al. (2013) show that the resulting posterior credible intervals have poor frequentist calibration properties, especially for extreme quantiles. Further, as this work will demonstrate (see Section 6.1), in a non-parametric regression context selecting the scale parameter of the AL density using a likelihood based approach might lead to severe under-smoothing. Here we solve both issues by adopting the beliefs updating framework of Bissiri et al. (2016), and by coupling it with a calibration routine which explicitly aims at achieving nominal coverage. This work also addresses the computational limitations implied by direct use of the pinball loss or of the corresponding AL density. The main issue is that this loss is piecewise linear, which impedes the use of computationally efficient fitting methods, designed to work with differentiable, strongly convex functions. Yue and Rue (2011) and Oh et al. (2012) address this problem by proposing smooth approximations to, respectively, the AL density and the pinball loss. Here we derive a new loss function by embedding AL in a family which, while being differentiable and log-concave, generalizes the AL distribution. Interestingly, the new loss is related to kernel quantile estimation methods and results from that literature suggest that the corresponding quantile estimator, beside being computationally tractable, might also be statistical superior to that obtained by minimizing the pinball loss. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we briefly review additive quantile regression and how it can be set in a Bayesian context using the framework of Bissiri et al. (2016). Section 3 describes the new loss function and its relation to kernel quantile estimators. In Section 4 we explain how additive quantile regression models can be fitted efficiently, if the new loss function is adopted. We propose a simulationbased approach for calibrating posterior credible intervals in Section 5, and we test it on simulated examples in Section 6. In Section 7 we demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach in the context of probabilistic electricity load forecasting.

2 2.1

Background Quantile regression basics

Quantile regression aims at modelling the τ -th quantile (where τ ∈ (0, 1)) of the response, y, conditionally on a d-dimensional vector of covariates, x. More precisely, if F (y|x) is the conditional c.d.f. of y, then the τ -th conditional quantile is µ = F −1 (τ |x) = inf{y : F (y|x) ≥ τ }.



mm day −22 w



−23 −0.5


6 −24 1


3 Latitude






3 0.5







−54 −0.5










Figure 1: Some examples of the smooth components that may be included in the additive quantile regression models fitted using the approach proposed here. Left: effect of spatial location, defined using splines on the sphere, on quantile τ = 0.1 of minimum daily temperatures, estimated using the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) dataset (Menne et al., 2012). The Gulf Stream is visible. Centre: finite area spatial components, based on soap film smoothers, of two GAM fits for τ = 0.5. The data is simulated. Right: sum of the effects of spatial location, defined using an isotropic thin-plate spline basis, distance from the ocean and elevation, on quantile τ = 0.9 of average weekly rainfall in Paran´ a state, Brazil. The dataset is available within the R-INLA R package (Lindgren and Rue, 2015). The τ -th conditional quantile can also be defined as the minimizer of the expected loss Z  L(µ|x) = E ρτ (y − µ)|x = ρτ (y − µ)dF (y|x), (1) w.r.t. µ = µ(x), where

ρτ (z) = (τ − 1)z 1(z < 0) + τ z 1(z ≥ 0),


is the so-called pinball loss. Hence, given a sample of size n, one approximates dF (y) with its empirical version, dFn (y), which leads to the quantile estimator n

µ ˆ = argmin µ

1X ρτ {yi − µ(xi )}, n i=1

where xi is the i-the vector of covariates. In this work we assume that µ(x) has an additive structure, such as µ(x) =

m X

fj (x),


where all the m additive effects are smooth functions, defined in terms of spline bases, fixed or random effects. For instance, a marginal effect could be fj (x) =

r X i=1


βji bji (xj ),

where βji are unknown coefficients and bji (xj ) are known spline basis functions. Hence, in this framework, µ(x) is really µ(x, β). The basis dimension r is typically chosen to be sufficiently generous that we can be confident of avoiding over-smoothing, but the actual complexity of fj is controlled by a Gaussian smoothing prior on βj , designed to penalize departure from smoothness. The strength of this penalization by the prior is controlled by one or more smoothing parameters, which must be estimated. Analogous expressions can be used to define joint or more complex smooths, such as those shown in Figure 1. See Wood (2017) for an introduction to additive models, bases and smoothing priors.


Bayesian quantile regression via coherent belief-updating

In order to set quantile regression in a Bayesian framework, we need a mechanism for updating a prior, p(β), on the regression coefficients to the corresponding posterior, p(β|y). Usually this would be achieved by specifying a likelihood function and by applying Bayes’ rule. The difficulty here is that quantile regression is based on the pinball loss, not on a probabilistic model for the observation density, p(y|β). Hence, the likelihood function is missing, which impedes the application of Bayes’ rule. Fortunately, this obstacle can be overcome by exploiting the general belief-updating framework of Bissiri et al. (2016). In particular, within this framework a prior belief distribution can be updated to produce a posterior while using a loss function, rather than a full likelihood, to connect model parameters to the data. Before showing how this applies to quantile regression, we briefly outline the framework in its general form. Assume that we are interested in finding the vector of model parameters β minimizing Z E{L(β)} = L(y, β)f (y)dy, (3) where L(·, ·) is a general loss function and f (y) is the p.d.f. of y. Suppose that we have a prior believe about β, which is quantified by the prior density p(β). Then Bissiri et al. (2016) argue that, given some data y, a coherent approach to updating p(β) is represented by the posterior e−L(y,β) p(β) . p(β|y) = R −L(y,β) e p(β) dβ

When multiple samples, y = {y1 , . . . , yn }, are available this becomes Pn

e− i=1 L(yi ,β) p(β) p(β|y) = R − Pn L(y ,β) , i i=1 p(β) dβ e


Pn where − i=1 L(yi , β) is an estimate of (3). In addition, p(β|y) often includes a so-called ‘learning rate’ ν > 0, which determines the relative weight of the loss and of the prior. One way of setting up a scaled posterior is p(β|y) ∝ νe−ν



L(yi ,β)



Similarly to Syring and Martin (2015) we call (5) the scaled ‘Gibbs posterior’, while we refer to the negative of its normalizing constant as the ‘marginal loss’. Quantile regression, which is based on the pinball loss, fits squarely into this framework. In fact, if we let ν = 1/σ, with σ > 0, we have p(β|y) ∝

n Y


pAL {yi |µ(xi ), σ, τ } p(β),


where µ(x) implicitly depends of β and pAL (y|µ, σ, τ ) =

τ (1 − τ ) exp σ


− ρτ

 y − µ  , σ


is the Asymmetric Laplace (AL) density with location µ, scale σ and asymmetry parameter τ . Notice that the negative AL log-density is proportional to the pinball loss, which is the reason why Yu and Moyeed (2001) originally proposed to base Bayesian quantile regression on this density. Having defined a belief-updating rule based on the pinball loss, it is necessary to specify the prior on the regression coefficients. In a penalized spline regression context the prior on β is often a Gaussian density, centred at the origin, and with a positive semi-definite covariance matrix. Given such a prior, the regression coefficients could, in theory, be estimated by maximizing the corresponding Gibbs posterior. The difficulty with this approach is that pAL is non-differentiable at its mode, while log pAL is piecewise linear. Hence standard optimizers, such as Newton algorithm, cannot be used, because they require differentiable, strongly convex objective functions. In Section 3 we address this issue by proposing a smooth generalization of the AL density. As the examples will show, selecting σ correctly is of critical importance for the purpose of obtaining smooth quantile fits and reliable uncertainty estimates. Relative to the proposal Yu and Moyeed (2001), the framework proposed here allows for further flexibility when dealing with this parameter. In fact, we decompose σ as follows σ(x) = σ0 exp

m nX j=1

o fj (x) ,


where σ0 is the reciprocal of the learning rate. This is selected using an outer iteration, which approximately calibrates the posterior credible intervals of the conditional quantile, µ(x). The additive effects fj (·) are smooth functions, described in terms of splines bases, and their purpose is to modulate the learning rate, so that the speed of learning is inversely proportional to the variability of y|x. For fixed σ0 , the effects fj (·) are determined using the efficient methods described in Section 4.


Generalizing the Asymmetric Laplace density

This section proposes a particular smooth generalization of the pinball loss or, equivalently, of the AL density. Employing a smooth loss will facilitate efficient and reliable belief updating computation, but there are additional reasons for working with this particular loss. With it we are able to re-express the degree of smoothing, relative to the pin-ball loss, in terms of the difference that the modeller is prepared to tolerate between the estimated quantile and that which would be obtained by the direct use of the pinball loss. This puts the degree of smoothing of the loss on an interpretable and statistically relevant scale. In addition we are able to characterize the maximum rate at which the degree of smoothing of the loss must change with sample size to maintain numerical stability of our methods: crucially it turns out that the rate required to maintain a given quantile tolerance level is comfortably below the rate required to maintain stability. A final desirable property of our new loss is that, in its density based formulation, it provides a theoretically interesting connection with kernel quantile estimation methods, suggesting theoretical reasons for employing a smooth loss in addition to the computational motivation. Because of this latter point we focus mostly on the density based formulation in what follows.


The Extended Log-F (ELF) density

We consider the family of densities with exponential tails described by Jones (2008)  −1 pG (y|α, β) = KG (α, β) exp αy − (α + β)G[2] (y) ,


where α, β > 0, KG (α, β) is a normalizing constant, Z y Z t Z [2] G (y) = g(z)dzdt = −∞



G(t)dt, −∞

while g(z) and G(z) are, respectively, the p.d.f and c.d.f. of a (fictitious) r.v. z. Importantly, this family nests the AL distribution, which is recovered by choosing g(z) to be the Dirac delta and by imposing α = 1 − τ , β = τ , with 0 < τ < 1. Adding location and scale parameters is trivial. Obviously, we do not aim at recovering pAL (which is non-differentiable) exactly, but we propose to substitute the Dirac delta with a smoother p.d.f.. We achieve this by choosing G(z) = G(z|λ) = exp(z/λ)/{1 + exp(z/λ)}, which is the c.d.f. of a logistic random variable centered at zero and with scale λ. Notice that, as λ → 0, we have that G(z|λ) → 1(z > 0) which is the c.d.f. corresponding to the Dirac delta density. With this choice we have G[2] (y|λ) = λ log{1 + exp(y/λ)}, which leads to y

e(1−τ )y (1 + e λ )−λ  . pF (y|τ, λ) = λBeta λ(1 − τ ), λτ


where Beta(·, ·) is the beta function. The location-scale extension of (9) is simply y−µ

p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) =


e(1−τ ) σ (1 + e λσ )−λ 1    , pF (y − µ)/σ|τ, λ = σ λσBeta λ(1 − τ ), λτ


We refer to (10) as the Extended Log-F (ELF) density, because imposing λ = 1 leads to the log-F density described by Jones (2008). Appendix D contains additional details regarding the new density. Most of these are necessary to fit semi-parametric additive models, using the methods described in Section 4.


Motivating and interpreting the ELF density

Similarly to the log-F density of Jones (2008), the ELF density is related to kernel quantile estimation methods. Indeed, equating to zero the first derivative of the ELF log-likelihood w.r.t. µ leads to n 1X G(yi |µ, λσ) = 1 − τ, (11) n i=1

whose solution, µ ˆ, is a standard inversion kernel quantile estimator at 1−τ (Jones and Yu, 2007). In fact, the l.h.s. of (11) is a logistic kernel estimator of the c.d.f., with bandwidth λσ. As λσ → 0, the ELF density converges to the AL density, which leads to the empirical c.d.f. estimator (Cheng et al., 2006). Read (1972) proves this estimator to be inadmissible w.r.t. the integrated squared loss, while Falk (1984) finds the corresponding empirical quantile estimator to be asymptotically inferior to kernel estimators, in terms of relative deficiency. In addition, Cheng et al. (2006) provide considerable empirical evidence in favour of kernel estimators. Hence, trying to approximate the pinball loss as closely as possible, by choosing λσ ≈ 0, leads to a quantile estimator that, besides being difficult to compute algorithmically, is also statistically sub-optimal. Given that the ELF distribution, with appropriately chosen bandwidth λσ, is statistically superior to the AL distribution for the purpose of quantile estimation, we consider the former distribution to be a generalization of, rather than an approximation to, the latter. Figure 2 illustrates, using a simple univariate example, how quantiles are estimated using either the pinball loss or the ELF density. Notice that, while the product of λ and σ determines the bandwidth of the kernel estimator, these parameters are not interchangeable in our penalized regression framework.



8 −0.5





0.6 0.2 1.0 0.0

2 19



Smoothed Fn(x)



18 17 16 15 14

Negative log−likelihood



12 −1.0



6 4

Total pinball loss


1.5 1.0

Pinball loss

0.5 0.0 3.5 3.0 2.5

Negative log−likelihood

2.0 −1.5














Figure 2: Left: individual pinball losses (top) and negative ELF log-densities (bottom) of six sample points, with τ = 0.8. Centre: corresponding total pinball loss, which is piecewise linear, and negative ELF log-likelihood, which is continuously differentiable, with minima indicated by the dashed lines. Right: minimizing the pinball loss or the ELF negative loglikelihood is equivalent to using, respectively, the empirical c.d.f. or its kernel smoothed version to estimate the quantile location. Hence, while in Section 5 we propose a method for selecting σ, in the rest of this section we assume σ to be fixed, and we focus on determining λ. To do this, we firstly quantify the asymptotic bias of the proposed quantile estimator, measured on the cumulative probability scale. Theorem 3.1. For fixed τ , let µ0 be the corresponding true quantile and let µ∗ be the minimizer of   ˜ L(µ) = E − log p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) . Indicate with f (y) and F (y) the p.d.f. and c.d.f. of y. Then

|F (µ∗ ) − F (µ0 )| ≤ 2 log (2)λσ sup f (y). y

Proof. See Appendix A. Theorem 3.1 makes it clear that obtaining consistent quantile estimates generally requires reducing λ, as n → ∞. But, to maintain computational stability, λ cannot be decreased too rapidly. In fact, as will be explained in Section 4.1, the curvature ∂ 2 log p˜F (yi |µ, σ, τ, λ) 1 = − g(y|µ, λσ), 2 ∂µ σ

for i = 1, . . . , n,

where g(y|µ, λσ) is the p.d.f. of a logistic r.v. with location µ and scale λσ, determines the i-th weight in the Penalized Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares (PIRLS) iteration used for coefficient estimation. Given that g(y|µ, λσ) becomes more peaked as λ → 0, the distribution of the weights gets more skewed. This eventually leads to numerical instability, as PIRLS relies on fewer and fewer observations with relatively large weights. Hence, it is of interest determining how fast λ can be decreased, as n → ∞, without compromising stability. The following theorem is useful in this regard.


Theorem 3.2. Indicate g(yi |µ, λσ) with ui , for i = 1, . . . , n, and let u ˜n = √ Also, define q = (1 − 1 − c)/2, where c ∈ (0, 1). Then



ui .

 X    n 1−q ui ∗ 1 n ≥ c ≥ 2nλσf (y ) log E , u ˜ q i=1 for some y ∗ ∈ (µ + σλ log q/(1 − q), µ + σλ log (1 − q)/q). Proof. See Appendix B. Theorem 3.2 offers a lower bound on the expected number of observations whose curvature is greater, in absolute value, than a fraction c of the maximum curvature in the sample. It guarantees that, as long as λ decreases slower that n−1 , the expected number of observations with non-negligible relative curvature is bound to increase, thus assuring numerical stability. This rate is much faster than typical optimal rates for kernel quantile estimation. For instance, all the selection methods described by Cheng et al. (2006) lead to bandwidths that are O(n−1/3 ). This assures that, at least for large n, it should be possible to select λ using statistically motivated bandwidth selection methods, with little risk of hitting the lower bound on λ imposed by computational stability considerations. The analysis offered so far overlooked the fact that, in our context, the distribution of y depends on the covariates x. However, if the number of unique values of x is kept fixed as n → ∞, then our analysis clearly applies at each covariate value. Our considerations should still be applicable when the each observed vector of covariates is unique, but further work is required to clarify this. It is not clear to us whether the kernel bandwidth selection methods described by Cheng et al. (2006) could be adapted to this general setting. In fact, their methods require estimating f (y|x) and f ′ (y|x) using kernel densities, but this is not trivial to do when each yi is associated with a unique xi . To limit the scope of this work, we follow a simpler approach to bandwidth selection, based on Theorem 3.1. In particular, assume that the user has chosen the maximal value, ǫ ∈ (0, 1), of the asymptotic bias, |F (µ∗ |x) − F (µ0 |x)|. Then, for fixed σ, it is sufficient to approximate supy f (y|x) to determine λ. For instance, if a Gaussian model y ∼ N{α(x), κ2 } is used, √ then supy f (y|x) ≈ 1/ 2πκ2 , which leads to ∗

λ =ǫ

2πκ2 . 2 log (2)σ


Obviously, in an heteroscedastic setting, it might be desirable to let κ2 and σ, and therefore λ∗ , depend on x. This can be achieved by adopting model (8) for σ, and by using a Gaussian additive model where both α and κ2 are allowed to vary with x. The advantage of manipulating ǫ is that is it does not depend on the scale of y, and that it is arguably more interpretable than λ. In this work we select ǫ to be as small as possible, subject to numerical stability. Given Theorem 3.2 and the results of (Cheng et al., 2006), it is clear that this approach should result in values of λ that lay slightly above the O(n−1 ) computational stability boundary, but below the O(n−1/3 ) area of optimal bandwidths.


Model fitting for fixed σ0

Having defined a smooth generalization of the AL density, we describe an efficient framework for fitting spline-based additive quantile models. In particular, here we assume σ0 to be fixed, and explain how to estimate the regression coefficients and the smoothing parameters.



Estimating the regression coefficients

Let Xµ and Xσ be the design matrices corresponding to, respectively, µ(x) and σ(x). Also µ(xi ) = Xµi: β µ and σ(xi ) = σ0 exp(Xσi: β σ ), where Xµi: is the i-th row of Xµ , while β µ and β σ are vectors of regression coefficients. Here we use the prior β ∼ N (0, S− ), where − γ β = {β µ , β σ } and S Pmis an appropriate generalized matrix inverse of S . The latter γ is defined as S = i=1 γi Sj , where m indicates the total number of additive effects, γ = {γ1 , . . . , γm } is a vector of positive smoothing parameters, while the Sj s are positive semi-definite matrices, used to penalize the wiggliness of µ(x) and σ(x). To simplify the notation, in this section we indicate − log p˜F (yi |µ(xi ), σ(xi ), τ, λ) with loi {µ(xi ), σ(xi )}, which is consistent with the fact that τ and λ are assumed to be fixed here. We refer to loi {µ(xi ), σ(xi )} as the i-th element of the ELF loss. Then, the negative Gibbs posterior log-density of β is proportional to the penalized loss V (β, γ, σ0 ) =

n X i=1


loi {µ(xi ), σ(xi )} +

1X γj β T Sj β. 2 j=1


For fixed γ and σ0 , Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimates of the regression coefficients, β, can be obtained by minimizing (13). Given that the objective function is smooth and convex, this can be done efficiently using Newton algorithm. An important special case arises when σ(x) = σ0 , because this simpler model can be fitted using PIRLS. ˆ of (13) corresponds to that of In particular, notice that the minimizer, β, V˜ (β, γ, σ0 ) =

n X

Devi (β, σ0 ) +

m X

γj β T Sj β,




˜i (σ0 ) + loi {µ(xi ), σ0 }] and ll ˜i (σ0 ) are, respectively, the i-th comwhere Devi (β, σ0 ) = 2[ll ˜ 0 ). Now, in this simplified ponent of the model deviance and of the saturated loss, ll(σ µ µ setting, we indicate β and X with β and X, and the regression coefficients can be estimated by iteratively minimizing n X i=1

wi (zi − Xi: β)2 +

where z i = µi −

m X

γj β T Sj β,



1 ∂Devi 1 ∂ 2 Devi , wi = , 2wi ∂µi 2 ∂µ2i

while µi = µ(xi ) and Devi = Devi (β, σ0 ).


Estimating the smoothing parameters

A natural approach to selecting γ for fixed σ0 , is minimizing the marginal loss   X Z n loi {µ(xi ), σ(xi )} p(β|γ)dβ. G(γ, σ0 ) = − exp −



which, as we noted in Section 2.2, is the normalizing constant of the Gibbs posterior. This is very important from a computational point of view, because G(γ, σ0 ) can be computed and minimized using efficient methods, originally developed to handle marginal likelihoods. In particular G(γ, σ0 ), which generally involves an intractable integral, can be approximated using a Laplace approximation. This results in the Laplace Approximate Marginal Loss (LAML) criterion   ˆ γ, σ0 ) + 1 log |H| − log |Sγ |+ − Mp log(2π), ˆ (17) G(γ, σ0 ) = V (β, 2 2


ˆ Mp is the where βˆ is the minimizer of (13), H is the Hessian of (13) evaluated at β, dimension of the null space of Sγ and |Sγ |+ is the product of its non-zero eigenvalues. If σ(x) = σ0 , then the LAML becomes i h 1 ˆ γ, σ0 )− ll(σ ˜ 0 )+ 1 log |XT WX + Sγ | − log |Sγ |+ − Mp log(2π), (18) ˜ G(γ, σ0 ) = V˜ (β, 2 2 2

˜ 0 ) is the where X = Xµ , βˆ = βˆµ , W is a diagonal matrix such that Wii = wi and ll(σ saturated loss. For fixed σ0 , LAML can be efficiently minimized w.r.t. γ, using an outer Newton algorithm. Numerically stable formulas for computing LAML and its derivatives are provided by Wood et al. (2016). Importantly, the derivatives of βˆ w.r.t. γ are obtained by implicit differentiation which, in the general case, requires computing mixed derivatives up to fourth order of the ELF density w.r.t. µ and σ. Instead, if σ(x) = σ0 , the derivatives w.r.t. σ are not needed. Notice that the wi s in (15) and (18) can be very close to zero when fitting quantile regression models based on the ELF density, hence obtaining reliable and numerically stable estimates required modifying the PIRLS iteration and the computation of (18) and its derivatives. This more stable implementation is described in Appendix C. Superficially it appears possible to optimize LAML w.r.t. σ0 as well as γ, but the fact that σ0 is confounded with the learning rate means that this can not be justified by the Bissiri et al. (2016) framework. Indeed in Section 6 we present examples of the failure of this approach in practice: it produces over wiggly fits, and poor interval calibration. Instead Section 5 presents a calibration-based approach to the selection of σ0 which, as the examples will show, alleviates both issues.


Calibrating σ0

The starting point of our proposal is the work of Syring and Martin (2015), who select the learning rate, ν, so that the resulting Gibbs posterior is approximately well calibrated. In particular, consider a model parametrized by β and let Cα (ν, y) be the 100 α % credible interval for β, at level α ∈ (0, 1). Then, Syring and Martin (2015) select ν so that P{β 0 ∈ Cα (ν, y)} ≈ α, where P is the objective probability measure, based on the data-generating process, and β 0 is the true parameter. Going back to our context, recall that we are interested in selecting σ0 , which is inversely proportional to ν, and indicate the regression coefficients with β = {β µ , β σ }. Our proposal aims at obtaining calibrated credible intervals for µ(x), rather than for β or σ(x), as this is more practically relevant in the context of non-parametric quantile regression. Also, differently from Syring and Martin (2015), we do not calibrate Cα (σ0 , y) ˆβ = at a single level α, but consider all levels jointly. In particular, let us define V γ −1 ˆ ˆ (I + S ) , where I is the Hessian of the loss, and notice that the Gibbs posterior can be seen as a posterior based on misspecified parametric likelihood (the ELF density in our context). The posterior of misspecified models is asymptotically Gaussian (M¨ uller, 2013), thus it is justifiable to approximate the posterior of µ as follows ˆ µ ), ˆ V µ|y ∼ N(µ, ˆ βµ is the ˆ βµ (Xµ )T and V ˆ µ = cov(Xµ β µ |y) = Xµ V ˆ = Xµ E(β µ |y) = Xµ βˆµ , V where µ µ ˆ sub-matrix of Vβ representing the posterior covariance matrix of β . Therefore, if µ0 is 1 ˆ µ )− 2 , for i = 1, . . . , n, the true quantile vector, the random variables zi = (µ0 − µ ˆi )(V i



Algorithm 1 Estimating A(σ0 ) for fixed σ0 Assume that τ is fixed and that λ is a function of σ0 based, for instance, on (12). Then A(σ0 ) can estimated as follows: 1: using the full design matrix, X, and response, y, estimate γ by minimizing LAML (17) ˆ , estimate β by minimizing the penalized loss (13) or (14) and obtain or (18). Given γ ˆ 0 = Xµ βˆµ . the reference estimate µ 2: For i = 1, . . . , k ˆ , estimate β by minimizing the penalized loss (13) or (14), based on the i-th 1. Given γ bootstrap design matrices pair, Xi , and response, yi . The resulting estimate is βˆi . ˆ i = Xµ βˆiµ . 2. Obtain the bootstrapped quantile prediction vector µ 3. Calculate the standardized deviations of the bootstrapped fit from the full data fit  i ˆ )jj }− 12 , for j = 1, . . . , n, z(i−1)n+j = (ˆ µ0j − µ ˆij ) (V µ

ˆ i is the posterior covariance matrix based on the i-th bootstrapped sample. where V µ Notice that z is a vector of length nk. 3:

Calculate the Anderson-Darling statistic ˆ 0 )2 = −nk − A(σ

nk X 2l − 1 l=1


[log Φ(zl ) + log{1 − Φ(znk+1−l )}].

should approximately follow a standard normal distribution, under a well calibrated posterior. Ideally, we could calibrate the posterior to the data-generating process by minimizing a criterion such as Z A(σ0 ) = n {F (z) − Φ(z)}2 v(z) dΦ(z),

w.r.t. σ0 . Here F (z) and Φ(z) are, respectively, the c.d.f. of z and a standard normal c.d.f., with the former being implicitly dependent on σ0 , while v(z) > 0 is a weighting function. We choose v(z) = [Φ(z){1 − Φ(z)}]−1, which results in A(σ0 ) being the distance used in the Anderson-Darling test for normality (Anderson and Darling, 1954). Notice that, if calibration at a single level α is the only object of interest, this can be achieved by choosing v(z) = δ[|z| − Φ−1 {(1 + α)/2}], where δ(·) is the Dirac delta function. Given that F (z) is unknown, it must be substituted with its empirical version Fn (z). Simulations from Fn (z) can be obtained by bootstrapping (that is, sampling with replacement) the full dataset, fitting the model and then calculating the standardized deviations from the true quantile curve as above. Obviously µ0 is unknown as well, but ˆ 0 , which is the maximizer of the Gibbs posterior based on it can be substituted with µ all the observed data, not on a bootstrap dataset. More precisely, let X and be the original n × d matrix of covariates and let X = {Xµ , Xσ } be the corresponding pair of design matrices. Indicate the k bootstrap samples of y and X with y1 , . . . , yk and X1 = {Xµ1 , Xσ1 }, . . . , Xk = {Xµk , Xσk }, respectively. Given these inputs, Algorithm 1 details the steps needed to estimate A(σ0 ) for fixed σ0 . An important feature of this procedure is that the smoothing parameters need only be estimated once, using the full dataset, so that the cost of each bootstrap replicates is substantially less than the cost of a full model fit. This and the fact that, after the first



0.01 28.7(0.7) 34(2.1) 31.8(1.5)

0.05 125.1(1.1) 127(1.6) 126.7(1.8)

0.5 670.4(3) 670.8(3.2) 670.9(2.9)

0.95 242.2(2.8) 256.6(3.5) 243.2(3.4)

0.99 77.4(3) 125.1(11) 77.9(4)

Table 1: Mean(standard deviation) of the pinball loss for each quantile and method. fit, excellent starting values are available, means that the procedure has relatively modest computational cost. ˆ 0 ) w.r.t σ0 is quite simple. In fact, if the bootstrap Given Algorithm 1, minimizing A(σ samples are simulated only once, the objective is a deterministic function of σ0 , and it can be minimized using standard root-finding algorithms, such as bisection. In our experience, the objective is generally smooth and it has a unique minimum. Decreasing σ0 leads to more wiggly fits and hence to over-dispersion of z, relative to a standard normal. Increasing σ0 has the opposite effect.


Simulated examples

Before applying the proposed quantile regression framework to load forecasting, we test it using two simulated examples. In particular, in Section 6.1 we fit an additive quantile model where σ(x) = σ0 to homoscedastic data, while in Section 6.2 we consider an heteroscedastic example, where adequate interval coverage can be achieved only by letting the scale vary smoothly with x.


An additive example

Consider the following additive model yi = xi + x2i − zi + 2sin(zi ) + 0.1vi3 + 3cos(vi ) + ei ,


where ei ∼ gamma(3, 1), xi ∼ unif(−4, 4), zi ∼ unif(−8, 8) and vi ∼ unif(−4, 4). We aim at estimating the conditional quantile vectors corresponding to τ = 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 0.95 and 0.99. For this purpose, we fit an additive quantile regression model for each τ , using the ELF density and σ(x) = σ0 . We select σ0 using either the calibration approach of Section 5 or by minimizing LAML w.r.t. both σ0 and γ. We also consider quantile regression by gradient boosting, as implemented in the mboost R package (Hothorn et al., 2010). The fitted model includes a smooth effect for each covariate, based on spline bases of rank 30. Beside selecting the rank of the bases, the boosting approach requires also selecting the degrees of freedom of each effect, which we set to 6. The number of boosting iterations was selected by minimizing the out-of-bag empirical risk, based on the pinball loss and on 100 bootstrap datasets. The boosting step size was equal to 0.1. To select σ0 ˆ 0 ), with the calibration approach we used 100 bootstrap datasets, and we minimized A(σ for each quantile, using Brent’s method (Brent, 2013). We selected λ using formula (12), with ǫ = 0.05 and κ2 set equal to the variance estimated using an initial Gaussian additive model fit. Fitting this model has a negligible impact on the computational cost, as it has to be done only once, before starting the calibration. We first evaluate the accuracy of estimated quantile vectors using the pinball loss. To do this we simulated n = 103 data points from (19), and we fitted an additive model for each τ using each approach. We repeated the process 20 times, and Table 1 reports the average pinball loss and its standard deviation. Quantile regression using the ELF density and calibration achieves the lowest loss for all quantiles. Also, the variabily of the loss is


lower than with the remaining methods, suggesting that this method leads to smoother quantile estimates. LAML estimation of σ0 performs very badly for the most extreme quantiles. We comment on this issue later. Gradient boosting does slightly worse than calibrated quantile regression, but its relative performance seems to fairly constant with τ. On an Intel 2.50GHz CPU, fitting an additive quantile regression model with the ELF density takes around 0.33s for τ = 0.5 and 0.35s for τ = 0.01, if σ0 is held fixed. Calibrating σ0 for the same quantiles takes around 18s and 38s, respectively. Having fixed the number of steps, gradient boosting with mboost takes around 1.2s (≈ 2 × 103 boosting steps) and 17s (≈ 3 × 104 steps) to estimate the same quantiles. Selecting the number of boosting steps takes, respectively, around 150s and 2200s. In practice mboost’s computing times are longer, as the cross-validation needs to run beyond the optimal step size, which is not known in advance.


0.01 0.950 0.440 0.754 0.270 0.504 0.160

0.05 0.947 0.752 0.748 0.505 0.501 0.312

0.5 0.946 0.903 0.746 0.673 0.497 0.435

0.95 0.927 0.330 0.708 0.197 0.468 0.116

0.99 0.774 0.069 0.525 0.040 0.326 0.024

Table 2: Empirical coverage achieved by selecting σ0 using calibration or LAML, for each τ and coverage level. Table 2 reports the empirical coverage, at 95%, 75% and 50% level, achieved by the credible intervals for µ, using calibration or LAML to select σ0 . The coverage was calculated using 100 simulations from model (19). We do not check the coverage achieved by gradient boosting, because analytic formulas are unavailable and confidence intervals must be obtained by bootstrapping with each bootstrap replicate as computationally expensive as the original fit. Notice that the coverage achieved using LAML for selecting σ0 is well below nominal levels for all quantiles. In particular, for τ = 0.99, the credible intervals are so narrow that the coverage is negligible. The calibration leads to empirical coverages matching nominal levels almost exactly, for τ = 0.01, 0.05 and 0.5. However, some undercoverage might be occurring for τ = 0.95, and it certainly is for τ = 0.99. Arguably, here we are dealing with a worst-case scenario for quantile regression. Indeed, the observation density is highly skewed to the right but, when τ ≈ 1, the pinball loss is very steep on that side. The same holds true under the ELF-based loss, hence few observation located above the quantile have a strong influence on the fit. When σ0 is selected by LAML, these points are almost interpolated, which results in severe overfitting. The calibration procedure selects much higher values of σ0 , which in turn lead to higher estimates of γ in the nested iteration minimizing (18). Indeed, when calibration is used, the average total number of effective degrees of freedom is between 30 and 40 for τ = 0.01, 0.05 and 0.5, but only around 13 for τ = 0.99.


An heteroscedastic example

Here we consider the following heteroscedastic data generating process yi = xi + x2i + ei ,

ei ∼ N{0, κ(xi )2 },

κ(xi ) = 1.2 + sin(2xi ),


where xi ∼ unif(−4, 4). We simulate n = 103 data points from (20) and we fit quantile models for the median and the 95th percentile. In particular, we consider a simplified


τ = 0.95





y Constant σ

b) −4





Constant σ

a) −4








0.8 0.6

0.6 0.4






τ = 0.5


τ = 0.05



c) −4











σ = σ(x)

e) −4




0 −150


σ = σ(x)

d) −4



0.8 0.6 0.4

0.6 0.2







τ = 0.6




f) 10






Figure 3: a, b, d and e: nominal (dashed) vs empirical (solid) coverage at 50, 75 and 95% level, using a simplified (a and b) or full quantile model (d and e). c: full fit using τ = 0.95 with data from model (20). d: full fit for quantile τ = 0.6 using the motorcycle dataset. model where σ(x) = σ0 and a full model where the scale is allowed to vary with x. We use cubic regression spline bases of rank 30 for both location and scale. We set ǫ = 0.05 and determine λ using (12). Notice that, when the full model is used, we use a preliminary Gaussian model where both mean and variance depend on x, hence λ = λ(x). We fit this Gaussian model using the methods described by Wood et al. (2016). The first two columns in Figure 3 compare nominal and empirical coverages of credible intervals for µ(x), obtained by fitting 500 dataset simulated from (20). It is evident that the simplified model provides unreliable intervals even at the median, and at any nominal level. The intervals provided by the full model are much closer to nominal levels, even though they seems to be slightly too conservative where κ2 (x) is high and slightly too narrow where κ2 (x) in low. Figure 3 also shows a model fit to the motorcycle dataset (Silverman, 1985), obtained using τ = 0.6, an adaptive P-spline basis of rank 30 for µ(x) and a thin-plate spline basis of rank 5 for σ(x).


Probabilistic load forecasting

GAMs have proved highly successful at EDF, because they can capture the complex relations existing between electricity load and several meteorological, economic and social factors, while retaining a high degree of interpretability, which is critically important during exceptional events, when manual intervention might be required. However, as stated in Section 1, the cost structure relevant to an electrical utility implies that only certain conditional quantile estimates are of high operational interest. This, together with difficulty of finding a distributional model for the conditional load distribution that holds at several levels of aggregation, makes of semi-parametric quantile regression an attractive alternative to traditional GAMs. In this section we consider the two datasets shown in Figure 4. The first is the dataset used in the load forecasting track of the Global Energy Competition 2014 (GEFCom2014). This covers the period between January 2005 and December 2011, and it includes hourly load consumption and temperatures. The latter were measured at 25 weather stations,


UK grid

45 40

20 10



Load (GW)










2011 2011








Figure 4: Daily electricity loads, observed between 11:30 and 12am, from the GEFCom2014 challenge and the UK grid, divided between training (black) and testing (grey) sets. but here we average the temperature records of only four stations to obtain a single variable. See Gaillard et al. (2016) for details on how this subset of stations was selected. The second dataset we consider contains hourly electricity demand from the UK grid, covering the period between January 2011 and June 2016, which we obtained from We integrate it with hourly temperature data covering the same period, and measured at ten major cities in the UK, from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). To obtain a single temperature index, we calculate the weighted average of these records, using weights proportional to the population of each city. We aim at predicting 20 conditional quantiles, equally spaced between τ = 0.05 and τ = 0.95. Given that load consumption is strongly dependent on the time of the day, it is common practice (e.g. Gaillard et al. (2016)) to fit a different model for each half-hour. To limit the computational burden, here we consider only the period between between 11:30 and 12am. We use the period 2005-09 of the GEFCom2014 dataset for training, leaving the last two years for testing. Similarly, we use the last 12 months of the UK dataset for testing. Gaillard et al. (2016) proposed a quantile regression method which ranked 1st on both the load and the price forecasting track of GEFCom2014. This is a two-step procedure, called quantGAM, which was partially motivated by the lack of reliable software for fitting additive quantile models. Very briefly, their method firstly fits a Gaussian additive model to model mean load and, optionally, a second one to model the variance of the residuals from the first fit. Then, for each quantile, they fit a linear quantile regression to model the load, using the effects estimated by the Gaussian fits as covariates. We compare their method to our proposal and to gradient boosting, using the set of covariates proposed by Gaillard et al. (2016): hourly temperatures (Tt ); smoothed temperature (Tts ), obtained by exponentially smoothing Tt ; a cyclic variable indicating the position within the year (St ); a factor variable indicating the day of the week (Dt ); a sequential index representing time (t); the observed load at the same time of the previous day (Lt−1 ). The effects of Tt , Tts , St and t are modelled using splines, while Dt and Lt−1 are modelled, respectively, using dummy variables and a linear effect. For the GEFCom2014 dataset we use bases of rank 30 for Tt , Tts and St , while we limit the rank to 4 for the effect of t, which captures the long term trend. A periodic smooth is used for St . For gradient boosting we use 6 degrees of freedom for Tt and Tts , 15 for St and 4 for t. Notice that these parameters need to be tuned manually, which can be time consuming. For the UK dataset we use a


UK grid

1.0 0.8


0.98 0.96 0.94

Gaussian gam quantGAM Calibrated ELF Gradient Boosting 0.2


Relative loss













−0.2 −0.4

0.05 −0.05





quantile 0.95 quantile 0.05














Figure 5: Top: relative pinball losses for each τ and method. Bottom: for each quantile, the smooth effects of Tts and St , estimated on the UK dataset. similar set-up, but we use bases of rank 20 for Tt and Tts . We also add a binary variable, Ht , indicating bank holidays and, given that UK electricity consumption drops sharply around year-end, we use an adaptive periodic basis for St . We use σ(x) = σ0 and we calibrate σ0 using 100 bootstrapped datasets. We use 100 datasets also to select the number of boosting steps, while the step-size used for gradient boosting is equal to 0.02 for GEFCom2014 and to 0.1 for the UK dataset. Under GEFCom2014 we use ǫ = 0.05 in (12) to determine λ, with κ2 being estimated using a Gaussian additive model. For the UK dataset we use ǫ = 0.1. Decreasing ǫ further leads to numerical instabilities for the most extreme quantiles. These problems are easily detected ˆ 0 ). Having in the course of the calibration, because they result in discontinuities in A(σ tuned σ0 and the number of boosting steps on the training sets, we forecast electricity load one week ahead on the test sets. To forecast load one week ahead, we use the observed temperature over that week. Obviously future temperatures would not be available in an operational setting, and a forecast would be used instead. But using a forecast would add further uncertainty to the results of the comparison performed here, hence we prefer using observed temperatures. Week by week we predict the load for the next seven days, and then we re-fit all models using the newly observed values of load and temperatures. The top plots in Figure 5 show, for each τ and both datasets, the pinball loss incurred by each method on the testing set, divided by the pinball loss of a Gaussian additive fit. It is satisfactory to notice that the calibrated quantile regression approach does better than a Gaussian fit for almost all quantiles. On the GEFCom2014 dataset, the proposed approach does better than quantGAM for τ < 0.4, but it incurs slightly larger losses for higher quantiles. Considering that quantGAM was developed specifically for the GEFCom2014 challenge, this result is quite satisfactory. Gradient boosting is better than a Gaussian model, but it does worse than quantGAM or our approach above the median. However, on UK grid data boosting achieves the lowest loss on several quantiles.


On this dataset, our approach does generally better than quantGAM for τ ≤ 0.6 and slightly worse for higher quantiles. Notice that the scales on the two plots containing the relative losses are different: departures from normality seem much stronger in the UK dataset. Figure 5 also shows, for each quantile, the effects of Tts and St , estimated using our method. It is interesting to notice that the temperature effect is more pronounced on high quantiles. Instead, the demand drop around year-end affects mostly low quantiles. These effects lead to changes in scale and shape of the conditional load distribution, which cannot be captured by a Gaussian GAM, and might explain its poor performance on the UK dataset. Regarding computing time, calibrating the learning rate on the UK training data takes around 25s for τ = 0.5 and 50s for τ = 0.95, on an Intel 2.50GHz CPU. Having fixed σ0 , additive quantile models for the same quantiles can be fitted in around 1.3s. Under gradient boosting, the number of steps which minimizes the cross-validated risk criterion varied greatly across quantiles. In fact for τ = 0.1 almost 2 × 104 steps are needed, while for τ = 0.7 it is sufficient to use 400 steps. Using mboost, cross-validation takes around 2500s in the first case and 50s in the second. Fitting an additive model, for fixed number of steps, takes respectively 24s and 0.6s. The average (across the twenty quantiles) number of steps minimizing the risk criterion is around 104 , which translates to roughly 1250s to cross-validate and 12s to fit a single quantile model. In practice, the optimal number of steps is not known in advance, hence it is necessary to cross-validate beyond the optimal point (we considered up to 2 × 104 steps for all quantiles). In the simulation setting considered here, where the smoothing parameters and regression coefficients are updated every week, our method has the further advantage that it is possible to initialize these quantities using the most recent model fit.



The main contribution of this work, which was motivated by the need for more flexible GAM models at EDF, has been to provide a computationally stable and efficient framework for fitting semi-parametric additive quantile regression models. All smoothing and other tuning parameters are estimated automatically and well calibrated uncertainty estimates are provided at no additional computational cost. To achieve this we employed the general Bayesian belief updating framework of Bissiri et al. (2016), but by developing a particular smooth generalization of the quantile regression ‘pinball’ loss we were able to compute reliably and efficiently using the methods of Wood et al. (2016), taking an empirical Bayes approach of estimating smoothing and variance parameters to optimize an appropriate marginal loss. This approach gives us direct access to the rich range of smooth model components available in the penalized regression spline approach to generalized additive modelling. The belief updating learning rate parameter was selected to achieve good calibration of uncertainty estimates. Hence we have met the 4 requirements for a practical usable framework set out in the introduction. Working with a smooth loss is not novel in itself. For example Oh et al. (2012) and Yue and Rue (2011) have both employed different smooth approximations to the pinball loss or AL density. Similarly to the former proposal, our novel ELF loss allows us the relate the degree of smoothing to the asymptotic difference between the quantile estimates from the ELF loss and the pinball loss, but with the advantage that this is done in an interpretable manner, providing a statistically useful way of setting the degree of smoothness. In the work here we simply set the degree of smoothing at a level sufficient to maintain numerical stability, meaning that results are extremely close to those that would be obtained using the pinball loss. An additional attractive feature of the ELF loss is its close connection to kernel quantile estimation methods, and the opportunity that this may present to develop ways of selecting the degree of loss smoothness from a


statistical, rather than computational, perspective. Another interesting area for further work is to try to develop more efficient approaches to calibration of σ0 . Although efficient for a bootstrap procedure, our method still carries a cost several tens of times the cost of fitting given σ0 , and this will of course be limiting for some applications. In practical terms the electricity load forecasting examples demonstrate the practical utility of the proposed approach. Performance is competitive with that of gradient boosting, but at lower computational cost (much lower when uncertainty estimates are required). Similarly the methods are competitive with the ad hoc approach of Gaillard et al. (2016), on the very example for which that method was designed.

Acknowledgements This work was funded by EPSRC grant EP/K005251/1 ‘Sparse, rank-reduced and general smooth modelling’ and the first author was also partially supported by EDF.

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Appendices A

Proof of Theorem 3.1

To simplify the notation, indicate p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) with p˜F (y). We start from  Z  ∂ log p˜F (y) ∂ρτ (y) − F (µ∗ ) − F (µ0 ) = f (y) dy. − ∂µ ∂µ which is implied by the proof of Proposition 1 in Oh et al. (2012). We proceed to bound the r.h.s. from above. Simple manipulations lead to   Z  Z  ∂ log p˜F (y) ∂ρτ (y) 1(y > µ) − Φ(y|µ, λσ) f (y) dy, (21) − f (y) dy = − ∂µ ∂µ where 1(·) is an indicator function and Φ(y|µ, λσ) is the c.d.f. of a logistic random variable, with location µ and scale λσ. Then we have Z ∗ |F (µ ) − F (µ0 )| ≤ f (y) dy 1(y > µ) − Φ(y|µ, λσ) sup y Z µ = 2 sup f (y) Φ(y|µ, λσ) dy, y


where the second equality holds due to the symmetry of the integrand around µ. Using the substitution z = (y − µ)/λσ leads to |F (µ∗ ) − F (µ0 )| ≤ =


1 dz −z y −∞ 1 + e 2 log (2)λσ sup f (y).

2λσ sup f (y)



Finally, notice that the r.h.s. of (21) makes it clear that, if f (y) is symmetric around µ, then |F (µ∗ ) − F (µ0 )| = 0.


Proof of Theorem 3.2

Define u¯ = max g(y|µ, λσ) = (4λσ)−1 and notice that y

 X      X n n u u u ≥c . E 1 ni ≥ c ≥ E 1 i ≥ c = n Prob u ˜ u ¯ u ¯ i=1 i=1 Now, the symmetry of g around µ leads to     u ≥ c = Prob Q(q) ≤ yi ≤ Q(1 − q) , Prob u ¯


where Q(q) √ = µ + λσ log{q/(1 − q)} is the quantile function of a logistic distribution and q = (1 − 1 − c)/2, which is obtained by solving u g{Q(q)|µ, λσ} = c, = u ¯ (4λσ)−1 for q. Finally, we have   Z Q(1−q) u f (y) dy = nf (y ∗ ){Q(1 − q) − Q(q)}, n Prob ≥c = u ¯ Q(q) for some Q(q) < y ∗ < Q(1 − q), due to the Mean Value Theorem. Elementary manipulations lead to the final result.


Stabilizing computation under the ELF density


Dealing with zero weights in PIRLS

Quantile regression with the ELF density requires that we work with many weights that can be very close to zero, while the corresponding log-likelihood or deviance derivative is far from zero. This can lead to a p situation in which the vector containing wi zi is well scaled, while the vector containing |wi |zi is very poorly scaled. This scaling problem can reverse the usual stability improvement of QR-based least squares estimation over direct normal equation solution. ¯ be a diagonal matrix with W ¯ ii = |wi | We adopt the notation of Wood (2011). Let W γ T and let E be a matrix such that S = E E. Then let QR be the QR decomposition of √ ¯ WX and define the further QR decomposition   R = QR. E Define the matrix Q1 = QQ[1:d, :], where d is the number of columns of X and Q[1:d, :] indicates the first d rows of Q. We also need to define the diagonal matrix I− , such that Iii− is equal to 0 if wi > 0 and 1 otherwise, and the singular value decomposition I− Q1 = UDVT . See Wood (2011) for details on how to deal with non-identifiable parameters. Using this notation, Wood (2011) shows that p ¯ z = R−1 f , βˆ = R−1 V(I − 2D2 )−1 VT QT W¯ 1

where z¯ is a vector such that z¯i = zi if wi ≥ 0 and z¯i = −zi otherwise, while the definition of √ f should be obvious. Now we can test for stability of the computation to the scaling of ¯ z by testing whether W¯ p ¯ z = XT Wz, RQT W¯ 1 to sufficient accuracy. If it does not, then we recompute f using f = V(I − 2D2 )VT R−1 XT Wz. If we define the matrices 1

P = R−1 V(I − 2D2 )− 2 ,


K = Q1 V(I − 2D2 )− 2 ,

√ ¯ z, is to then another possibility, that may be more convenient when using βˆ = PKT W¯ √ ¯ z = PT Wz to sufficient accuracy, and to use βˆ = PPT Wz if not. test whether KT W¯



Dealing with zero weights in LAML

Here we show how the gradient and Hessian of log |XT WX + Sλ |, which are needed to maximize the LAML using Newton algorithm, can be computed in a stable manner. In order to be consistent with the notation of Wood (2011), in this section we indicate the smoothing parameter vector with λ, rather than with γ, the penalty matrix with Sλ , rather than Sγ , and we define ρ = log λ. Notice that (XT WX + Sλ )−1 = PPT , hence    ∂ log |XT WX + Sλ | T −1 T ∂W = tr (X WX + Sλ ) X X + λk tr (XT WX + Sλ )−1 Sk ∂ρk ∂ρk    ∂W XP + λk tr PT Sk P . = tr PT XT ∂ρk Then the Hessian is

∂ 2 log |XT WX + Sλ | ∂ρk ∂ρj

  2  T −1 T ∂ W = tr (X WX + Sλ ) X X + δkj λj tr (XT WX + Sλ )−1 Sj ∂ρk ∂ρk     T ∂W T −1 T −1 T ∂W X − tr (X WX + Sλ ) X + λj Sj (X WX + Sλ ) X X ∂ρk ∂ρj     ∂W X + λj Sj (XT WX + Sλ )−1 Sk , − λk tr (XT WX + Sλ )−1 XT ∂ρk

so that ∂ 2 log |XT WX + Sλ | ∂ρk ∂ρj

  2  T T ∂ W = tr P X XP + λk tr PT Sk P ∂ρk ∂ρj   T T ∂W T T ∂W XPP X XP − tr P X ∂ρj ∂ρk     T T ∂W T T T T ∂W XP − λk tr P X XPP Sk P − λj tr P Sj PP X ∂ρk ∂ρj

− λj λk tr(PT Sj PPT Sk P).

If we define the diagonal matrices Tj = diag(∂wi /∂ρj ) and Tjk = diag(∂ 2 wi /∂ρj ∂ρk ), then this last expression corresponds to the equivalent formula in Wood (2011) and can be computed in the same way. The point of all this is that, if we followed the original formulation of Wood (2011), we would be dividing by the (almost zero) weights in the definition of Tj and Tjk . This is avoided here.

D D.1

Details regarding the new ELF density Derivatives of the log-likelihood

The logarithm of the proposed density (10) is      y−µ y−µ −λ log 1+e λσ −log λσBeta λ(1−τ ), λτ , ll(y) = log p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) = (1−τ ) σ

When evaluating this numerically, it is important to approximate log(1 + ez ) with z + e−z when z = (y − µ)/λσ > 18, as suggested by M¨ achler (2012). The gradient is     ∂ll(y) 1 1 y−µ ∂ll(y) Φ(y|µ, λσ) − 1 + τ , Φ(y|µ, λσ) − 1 + τ − , = = ∂µ σ ∂σ σ2 σ where Φ(y|µ, λσ) is the c.d.f. of a logistic density with location µ and scale λσ.


The Hessian is

1 ∂ 2 ll(y) = − φ(y|µ, λσ), ∂µ2 σ

( ) ∂ 2 ll(y) 1 y−µ 1 1 − τ − Φ(y|µ, λσ) − (y − µ)φ(y|µ, λσ) + 2 , =2 3 ∂σ 2 σ 2 σ ( ) ∂ 2 ll(y) 1 = − 2 (y − µ)φ(y|µ, λσ) + Φ(y|µ, λσ) − 1 + τ , ∂µ∂σ σ where φ(y|µ, λσ) is the p.d.f of a logistic density with location µ and scale λσ. Now, define z = (y − µ)/(λσ) so that Φ(y|µ, λσ) = Φ(z|0, 1) = Φ(z) =

1 , 1 + e−z

is the sigmoid function. Also, define Φ(k) (y) = ∂Φ(k) (y)/∂y k . Then, derivatives of higher order are ∂ 3 ll(y) Φ(2) (z) ∂ 4 ll(y) Φ(3) (z) = 2 3 , =− 3 4 , 3 4 ∂µ λ σ ∂µ λ σ ( ) 1 3 ∂ 2 ll(y) λz 2 ∂ 3 ll(y) =− + 3 3Φ(1) (z) + zΦ(2) (z) + 2 , ∂σ 3 σ ∂σ 2 σ λz ( )  3  ∂ 4 ll(y) ∂ ll(y) λz 3 4 3 ∂ 2 ll(y) 2 (2) (3) 2 − 4 4Φ (z) + zΦ (z) − 3 , =− + ∂σ 4 σ ∂σ 3 σ ∂σ 2 σ λz 1  (2) ∂ 3 ll(y) zΦ (z) + 2Φ(1) (z) , = 2 3 ∂µ ∂σ λσ

1  ∂ 4 ll(y) = − 2 4 zΦ(3) (z) + 3Φ(2) (z) , 3 ∂µ ∂σ λ σ   3  ∂ ll(y) 1 (1) 2 (2) = 3 2 Φ(z) − 1 + τ + 4zΦ (z) + z Φ (z) , ∂µ∂σ 2 σ

∂ 4 ll(y) 3 ∂ 3 ll(y) z  =− − 4 6Φ(1) (z) + 6zΦ(2) (z) + z 2 Φ(3) (z) , 3 2 ∂µ∂σ σ ∂µ∂σ σ   1 ∂ 4 ll(y) 2 (3) (2) (1) z Φ (z) + 6zΦ (z) + 6Φ (z) , = − ∂µ2 ∂σ 2 λσ 4 where Φ(1) (z) =

 ∂Φ(z) = Φ(z) 1 − Φ(z) , ∂z

Φ(2) (z) = Φ(1) (z) − 2Φ(1) (z)Φ(z),

Φ(3) (z) = Φ(2) (z) − 2Φ(2) (z)Φ(z) − 2Φ(1) (z)2 .


D.2 Saturated log-likelihood, deviance and Fisher information matrix To find the saturated log-likelihood lls we need to maximize p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) w.r.t. µ. Hence we need to impose   ∂ll(y) 1 1 − 1 + τ = 0, = ∂µ σ 1 + e− y−µ λσ which leads to µ ˆ = λσ log Hence, the saturated log-likelihood is

 τ  + y. 1−τ

  lls (y) = (1 − τ )λ log 1 − τ + λτ log(τ ) − log λσBeta λ(1 − τ ), λτ , 

and has derivatives

∂lls (y) 1 1 ∂ 2 lls (y) = 2. =− , 2 ∂σ σ ∂σ σ This implies that the deviance is " #     y−µ y−µ Dev(y) = 2 lls (y)−ll(y) = 2 (1−τ )λ log 1−τ +λτ log(τ )−(1−τ ) . +λ log 1+e λσ σ The entry of the Fisher information matrix corresponding to µ is ( ) x−µ x−µ y−µ Z ∞ e(1−τ ) σ (1 + e λσ )−λ 1 ∂ 2 ll(y) e− λσ  dy, E = −  2 ∂µ2 λσ 2 −∞ 1 + e− y−µ λσBeta λ(1 − τ ), λτ λσ

and some algebra leads to


∂ 2 ll(y) E ∂µ2




1 τ (1 − τ ) . σ2 λ + 1

Random variables generation and moments

Notice that, if a r.v. y has density p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ), then  z ∼ B λ(1 − τ ), λτ ,

where B(α, β) is the Beta distribution and z = Φ{(y − µ)/σλ}. Hence, to simulate a random variables y from p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ) we could use    z z ∼ B λ(1 − τ ), λτ , y = σλΦ−1 (z) + µ = σλ log + µ. 1−z

Unfortunately, rbeta in R produces many 1s when the shape parameters are fairly small, leading to the overflow of z/(1 − z). A better scheme might be u ∼ Γ{λ(1 − τ ), 1},

v ∼ Γ(λτ ),

y = σλ(log u − log v) + µ.

The former parametrization is useful for deriving the first two moments of y ∼ p˜F (y|µ, σ, τ, λ), in fact         z z + µ = σλ log E + µ = σλ Γ{λ(1 − τ )} − Γ(λτ ) + µ, E(y) = E σλ log 1−z 1−z


where ψ(x) is the digamma function ψ(x) =

dlogΓ(x) Γ′ (x) = . dx Γ(x)

The variance is 

var(y) = var σλ log

z 1−z

  = σ 2 λ2 ψ ′ {λ(1 − τ )} + ψ ′ (λτ ) ,

where ψ ′ (x) = dψ(x)/dx is the trigamma function.