Feb 13, 2013

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The group unanimously approved the President's report. Motion by Karen Chance,. 2nd Matt Taylor. 4. Matt Taylor presented the Treasurer's report for 2013 and ...
Northern California Youth Rugby Association (NCYRA) Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting Minutes #11 Date: February 13, 2013 Time: 7:00 PM ± 9:00 PM Location: Lafayette Library ± Arts & Science Discover Room 3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Lafayette, CA 94549 The BOD plus committee members listed on the attached sheet met at the Lafayette, CA Public Library. The attachments show the attendees, clubs and organization title information. 1. Robert Salaber (President) called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and followed the above agenda. 2. Robert Salaber (President) asked for discussion of the minutes of AGM meeting. The group unanimously approved the minutes from the previous meeting. Motion by Rob Salaber, 2nd Owen Flynn. 3. 5REHUW6DODEHU 3UHVLGHQW JDYHD3UHVLGHQW¶VUHSRUWZKHUHKHUHYLHZHGSURJUHVVLQ the Schedule, Registration compliance, Match Reports, NCYRA Playoffs, Insurance, Rookie Rugby, the All Star program. 3.1. There were multiple problems registered concerning the Registration and verification compliance. The officers made a list of the problems and will address those problems with the Adept CMS supplier. Robert Benson (650-5201060) made the offer to help anyone with his or her specific problems. 3.2. The registration total for the year to date is 4,100 players vs a budgeted goal of 5,000 players. This will affect the budget. 3.3. There are 9 clubs that have not registered an adequate amount of players and are playing games. Salaber noted that teams are not obligated to play teams that do not have an adequate number of registered players, and they are not allowed to play against players who are not registered. 7KHJURXSXQDQLPRXVO\DSSURYHGWKH3UHVLGHQW¶VUHSRUW0RWLRQE\.DUHQ&KDQFH 2nd Matt Taylor. 4. Matt TaylRUSUHVHQWHGWKH7UHDVXUHU¶VUHSRUWIRUDQGGLVFXVVHGWKHFDVK position of ~ $ 114,000. The group unanimously approved the report. Motion by Belinda Van Tonder, 2nd Doug Urioste. 5. Committee Reports

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Robert Salaber presented the Inter-Conference Competition (playoff) committee report. The group unanimously approved the report as presented. Motion by Marleny Taotua, 2nd Owen Flynn.


Robert Salaber presented the High Performance / All Star Committee report. There will be 3 All Star weekends during the season, and the first camp will be on Feb 23 in Dixon. The Boys All Star teams will plan to travel to BC Canada on June 17 to 21. The Girls All Star teams will travel to Portland, OR. The group unanimously approved the report as presented. Motion by Bob Benson, 2nd Karen Chance.


Rob Salaber reported for the Inter-Conference Disciplinary Committee. He noted that each region (Sac and Bay) needs to have a Disciplinary Committee. Matt Taylor noted that John Coppinger as accepted the position to head the Bay Committee. Matt Eason heads the Sac Valley Committee. The report was unanimously approved. Motion by Owen Flynn, 2 nd Dave Williamson.


Owen Flynn presented the Public Relations Committee report and discussed the following. The group unanimously approved the program as presented. Motion by Matt Taylor, 2nd Stephen Moore. 5.4.1. The committee is working on a golf tournament. 5.4.2. The committee is working on another addition of the Newsletter (The Scrumdown). Nancy Taylor is working on content. 5.4.3. The committee is working on a consolidated college list and is planning to provide seminars to acquaint players with college rugby opportunities.


Rob Salaber presented the Coaches Committee report and discussed the coaches certification course. The group unanimously approved the report as presented. Motion by Marleny Taotua, 2nd Dave Williamson.


Dave Williamson presented the Referees Committee report (The report was printed and handed out). Dave noted that they have trained a large number of referees, but that there have not been as many new active referees. There has been poor compliance with the field regulations before the games which has caused disciplinary problems (bystanders participating and berating referees, referee dissatisfaction). Dave recommended that the field compliance be signed off before the game. The group unanimously approved the report as presented. Motion by Karen Chance, 2nd Chris Nolan.


Rob Salaber presented the committee report for the High School competition committee: Approval motion by Owen Flynn, 2nd Karen Chance. The motion carried unanimously.


Rob Salaber presented the report for the Single School competition committee: Approval motion by Matt Taylor, 2nd Karen Chance. The motion carried unanimously.

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5.10. Rob Salaber made the report for the Middle School Committee. The report contained in the minutes detailed the rules for 2012. The motion carried with one vote against the motion (Motion by Marleny Taotua, 2nd Owen Flynn) 5.11. Stephen Moore presented the report for the NCYRA youth committee. The group unanimously approved the report as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Dave Williamson, 2nd Rob Salaber. 5.12. 5RE6DODEHUSUHVHQWHGWKHUHSRUWIRUWKH6HYHQ¶VFRPPLWWHH7KHUHDUHGDWHV RSHQIRUWHDPVWRKRVW6HYHQ¶VWRXUQDPHQW7KHPRWLRQE\2ZHQ)O\QQ QG Doug Uriste) carried unanimously. 6. Rob Salaber presented the Tournament Committee report. All the tournament dates are on the NCYRA web site. The group unanimously approved the program as presented. Motion by Matt Taylor, 2nd Karen Chance. 7. Owen Flynn presented the Fund Raising Committee report. Andy Smith reported on the planning for the Golf tournament. The fund raising goal is $13,000 to $15,000. The group unanimously approved the program as presented. Motion by Rob Salaber, 2nd Dave Williamson. 8. Other items from the Floor. Steve Moore asked what was causing the lower registration. Rob Salaber noted that there were nine teams that have not complied with registration (3 HS teams and 6 youth teams) 9. The motion to adjourn was made by Owen Flynn (2nd Matt Taylor) and carried unanimously.

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