Finding ways to 'take five' - Give yourself permission to relax

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Findingways to'take five'. Give yourself permission to relsx themselves. We know from research that people who don't take good care of themselves, don't live asĀ ...
Findingways to'takefive' Give yourself permissionto relsx

themselves.We know from research that peoplewho don'ttakegoodcare don'tliveaslong." of themselves, Alsoconsiderthis:A farmer'sjob is neverdone."Farmersand farm familiesworkveryhard,"addsDonBower, DeparhnentHead,Child and Family Developmentat the University of Georgia."But there's alwayssomething more to do regardlessof how manyhoursyou work."


f f there were 25 hours in a day, I how would you spendthat extra hour - would you cram in another hour of work or wouldyou taketime for yourselfand relax? Beforeyou answer,considerthis: Accordingto studiesconductedon stressand its polar opposite- relaxation - thosewho are less stressed and more relaxed live longer with fewerhealthproblems. "Relaxingis a very importantpart of farming successfully,"saysRobert Fetsch,professorandStateExtension Specialist in the Department of Human Developmentand Family Studiesat ColoradoStateUniversity. "Ag productionis such a high-sfess, high-tension occupation that it's importantfor everyoneto take careof

Reloxation ig rclctive The evolution of farming and of American work habits in general, haveprogressedto the point where time for relaxationis a scarcecommodity. Studies have shown that Americanshaveaddedthe equivalent of sevenweeksto their annualwork schedulesince1970through longer work hoursandlessvacationtime. 'These are sometroubling statistics,soit's importantto find somebalancein yourlife,"saysBower.'There is clear evidencethat over time, stressreducesyour body'sphysical resilience.You're less likely to be able to withstand infections and injuriesif your body is not renewed by relaxationas well as good nutrition andexercise." WendellJoyce,farmerandcurrent ExecutiveDirector of the Canadian FarmBusiness Management Council, notesthat farm safetycan alsobe at risk. 'lVhen I reflect on it, all the closecallsI'vehadhavebeenwhenI

wasunderpressureor overtired,"he says."There'sa very definitecorrelation betweenthe two." Beforeyouinsistthatyoucan'tpossibly take five minutes out of your scheduleto do nothing,considerthat relaxingisn't simplybeingidle. "Relaxationis relative,"saysJoyce. "It doesn't have to be sitting on a beachor in a rockingchair.Relaxation canbe sitting on a factor. I find making hayis asrelaxingfor me assitting in a rocking chair in the living room. Checkingcalveswith my son is also relaxing.Relaxationis more of a state of mindthana physicallocation.It can be definedin manydifferentways." ElaineFroese,motivationalspeaker, authorandfarmbusinesscoachin Boissevain,Manitoba,definesrelaxation as enjoyrnga cup of tea and a good laugh with friends aroundthe kitchen table.For her husband,it's calling his mother who lives three hoursawaybut wantsto remainconnectedto the farm. Her 8Gyear-old father who still farms relaxesby taking a l0-minute power nap after lunch. "I haven'tlearnedthe art of napping,"sheadmits."But it's a great way to take a break and build more pausesinto your life. It's reallywhereveryou go in your mind,body and spirit whereyou lose all track of time andyou becomerenewed." Here are someguidelinesto help you find balanceby learningto incorContinued on page 20

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porate relaxation and "pause" into your day: Determine what makes you stressed - Pay attention to how your body reacts to certain situations.Notice when you feel tension in your neck, shoulder or jaw. Stress causes other physical changes in your body as well, such as increasedheart rate and chemical imbalances,notesBower. l.earn the difference between problems and predicaments, encourages Fetsch. Predicaments are forces over which you have less than 50%control, such as the weather, commodity prices, etc. Problemsare factors over which you 'When have at least 50%control. I ask people to list their top 10 stressors, weather almost alwaysmakes the list, so do commodity prices and equipment costs," says Fetsch. "But these are all predicamentsover which you don't have control. Rather than focus on these, focus on aspects over which you have control such as when you'll turn on the irrigation water. "The same rule applies to relationships with people. You probably don't have a lot of control over what Mom and Dad thinks," he continues."Instead of

Rondy Weigel Extension Specio/ist University of Wyoming

focusing on their reaction,focus on how you can be the best farmer, husband, wife, etc. you can be." Control your reaction to stress Fetsch defines stress as a responseto a perceivedthreat. Rarely are our threats truly dangerous,but threats against our plans - especiallythose involving time, money or relationships - are the basis for most of our stress. For example,what is your reactionto a rainy morning if you had fieldwork planned? "Instead of letting it stress you out, focus on work that can be done in the

barn or the office,"saysBower. Making it a productiveday will reduce the stress. "Make a conscious decision to reframe an unplanned circumstance as an opporhrniff to do something else," he says. Rather than obsess about them, train yourself to let go of those things you can'tcontrol." Your perceptionof a stressfulevent is a key variable between those who handle stress well and those who don't, explainsFetsch.For example,it may not be so much a financial condition as what that financial condition means to you. "If you thinkyou're going under,you'll

the broin.Theresult:reloxqtion. Once Polriciq Kqtz you leornit, you con inducethe relox- LifeBolonce ond Renewol Strotegist wheneveryou ore con- Soskofoon, otion response Soskotchewon frontedwith o stressful situotion.Here's Find c technique how: Sit quietlyond comfortobly, relox Reconnecl qnd breothe lf procticing reloxotion tootime yourmuscles It's importqnt to buildo counterbolseems throughyour recognizethot stresstokes nosewhile you soy the word "one." once to pressingfor performonce. consuming, So timeowoy fromeverytoskyou do. For Continuefor l0 to 20 minutes. workDon't mony people hove tremendous of exomple,even bosic chorescon ioke worry obout ochievingo deep level loods ond enormousexoectotions longerwhenyou ore bottlingstress ond of reloxotion. them.In Rother,useo possiveotti- how quicklythey'lloccomplish fotigue.In the overollschemeof things, tudeto permitreloxotion peopletend to hqve one of to occurot its response, the benefitswill mqkeyou moreeffective own poce. two experiences: croshond burn, or throughout eochdoy. wheretheyblindlygo Reloxotion cqnoccurin vorious woys "blurondendure" Meditotionis one formof reloxotion. ond in monyploces.Successful thesotrelox- throughtoskswithouthorvesting It'smorethonconcentroting of completing You on o con- otionshouldbe enioyoble something. ondeosy,but isfoction's o process by whichyou goin it moy toke time to perfect.Don't be moveimmediotely on io the nexttosk, mosteryover your reoctionto externol discouroged if o reloxotion technique ond you don't get ony relief becouse informqtion. it doesn'twork rightowoy.Keeptryingo there'so consiontflow or morethings Whenyouoresuccessful, involveso tempororyshutdownof the vorietyof techniques untilyou find one comingyourwoy. informotion processing mechonisms I try to encourqgeo rhythmof renewof thqtworksfor you.

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have a lot higher stress and depression than if you think you have some way to manageit," he says."It may help to consider that at other times in your life you may have lived with less income. or maybea spousecan get a part-timejob. "lf you look at positiveactions,it will help your stress level and depressionand will help you stayhealthier with better family functioning. It's like a card game - ifs not so much winning or losing, but how well we deal with the hand we're dealt." There are several physical and mental activitiesthat can releasetension and promote relaxation. Physically, Fetsch suggeststhat you do stretching exercises every morning, especiallyif you plan to do a physically strenuousactivity during the day. "Periodicallythroughout the day take some time for deep breathing. Roll your head to the left and right a few times and closeyour eyes for a secondor two," he notes."It's a relativelysimple thing to do that doesn'ttake much time. It's bestto be ableto relax for 20 to 30 minutes,but even a minute or two is better than nothing." Emotionally, Fetsch says to focus on things that are pleasantto you, such as 'There family. is real value in getting physically removed from the operation,"

addsJoyce."But on those dayswhen you can't do that, you can do it in your mind." Take some time off - Try setting aside one day a week where you don't plan any farm work. "Having a day with no real fixed agendacan be beneficial," Froese says. Stay connected with neighbors and the community - Joyce indicates that in just one generation we've gone from a societythat enjoysa friendly visit to one that hopes no one stops when they spotus outside. "The culture has shifted," adds Froese."Dropin visitsjust don't happen anymore.The gift of a visit, a good meal and having fun together are becoming lost rural arts. They used to give people a lot of renewal and relaxation. But we can regain some of it. Most of us have a cell phone. Call your neighbors and ask if it's OK to drop in. They have the opportunity to say yes or no, and you haven't lost anything by asking." Stayingconnectedalso helps identify neighbors and friends in crisis. "Keep an eye out for who is withdrawing," says Froese. "Some people's response to financial and time pressures is to pull back from the community. Pay attentionto who isn't coming

to the auctionsand specialcommunity events.Most people don't even realize that they are disconnecting." go of hostility - Research indicates that those who are not only stressedbut are also hostile about it, are 'There's at greater risk for health issues. a difference being stressed and being stressed with hostility," says Fetsch. 'Tfhen there's anger and blame toward the government, family members, the neighbor,etc.,at somepoint thesepeople will likely have health problems." Give yourself permission to pause - Don't confuse relaxing with being lazy.It's a good thing. "Everybody has the same 24 hours a day and everybody makes decisions about what to do with them," Bower 'Think says. about other people who dependon you. If you feel you're being selfish by taking a few minutes to relax, considerthat it's an investmentin your family. It's an investment for being around to see your children and grandchildren. Farmers in particular are very concernedabout appearingto be selfish, but consider that by relaxing, you're doing somethingfor someoneelse.Give yourself permission to take care of yourself."I

ol. lt doesn'thoveto be o sobboticol or o There'so lot to be soidfor productiv- ColleenJolly Specio/ist threeweekholidoy.Insteod, the biggesi ity, ond the thingswe occomplish do Extension goins ore mode momentby moment mqkeq difference. Butin the end. it's lowo StoteUniversily throughout the courseof the doy. Use not whot you con occomplish; it's the of peoplewho ore importont Brealhe deep and relar commontosks,suchos heodingthrough presence Reloxotion conbe ony heolthy mentol, o dooror turning thekeyin theignition, in our lives. os triggersfor renewol.Stop for o Reconnect with the reosonwhy you physicolor sociolbreokowoyfromworry the or concomefromeveno brief minute,tokeo breothond lookoround. do thethingsyou do ond recopture deep For iustthot momentin time,be o little spiritof conbe os simple chonge- o minuteof concentroted threeminutes or o thesunriseoveryourgroin breothing, of shetching morethoughtful oboutyou.rintentions. oswotching tolkwitho fomilymember. Thqt'sthe stortingpointoboutdevel- bins.Remember thotos yougo through- lO-minute Foro quickreloxerwhenyou beginto opingo moremindfulpresence obout outthedoy,thethingsyou'6 doing-os producerore the things notice tensionond fotigue,try deep whot'sgoingon in yourlife.These doys on ogriculture Focus by on iustyourbreothing we tendto be disconnected with others. thot meqnotherpeoplehovefood on breothing. "WhenwosthelosttimeI theirtoble.Topintowhot'sbelowthetip inholingthroughyour nosewhile you Askyourself, present withmychildren wosociuolly or of theiceberg.You'renotiusthorvesting countslowlyto six. Slowlybreotheout; to six.Continue breothing my spouse? When wqs the losttimeI corn or milkingcows; you're doing ogoin,counting for severol minutes. lookedthemin the eye ond hod o reol something for moresignificont. usingthistechnique to You'llfind thotyou con feelrechorged conversotion withthem?" continue withthetosksot hond.