Flatness and Sampling Control of Induction Motors - Science Direct

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In this paper we propose a sampling control strategy for Hat systems. It essentially relies on the fundamental property that the motion planning for a flat system is ...

Copyright © 1996 IFAC 13th Triennial World Congress, San Fmncist.:o. USA


• Cenlre AUlomalique el Syslemes, teole des Mines de Paris 35, rue Saint-Honore, 77305 Fonlainebleau Cedex, France [email protected].•mpfr t Cenlre Automalique el Systemes, t eole des Mines de Paris 60, Bd. Saint-Michel, 75272 Paris, France [email protected]

Abstract. A sampling control strategy for flat systems, based on computing open-loop references, is proposed. It is used to control the induction motor, shown to be flat. Keywords. Nonlinear control, sampling control, flaUless, induction mOlOrs.


trol community, see e.g. [8,15,12,1l,3,4] and the references therein. We show the induction molor is flat -this means its dynamics is nOl as complicated as it may look-and apply our sampling control. Simulations iUustrate that a good performanoe is achieved even with a fairly large sampling period. It is worth mentioning that our computations are straightforward mainly because they are carried out using the complex variable notation (time-varying phasor) model of the induction motor, contrary lO what is usually done.

In this paper we propose a sampling control strategy for Hat systems. It essentially relies on the fundamental property that the motion planning for a flat system is trivial, due to the fact that its dynamical behavior can be completely described by differentially independent functions [7.13,5]. The control scheme simply consists in computing an open loop-+,) to steer the system from the state at time It to the state i k +1 at time ll ot I, "Sensible" means on the one hand that the error to the reference trajeclOry must


decrease. i.e.,

IIx,+] - i'+l1I ::: KTllx, - i,lI.

with U(I) (and possibly some of its derivatives) nollOO large. • The control U(I) is hold to a constant U, E u((l" 1,+ ,)) and applied to the true system (starting from x,). We then have the following simple robustness result (we recall the notation 'P(a) = 0(0") means there exists a constant '" such that 11'1'(0')11 :!: "110"11 fora ->- 0):

Propo.iliiition 1 The error to the reference trajeclory decreases up 10 measurement, control M{d and model errors:

IIx,+, - x>+]1I ::: KT IIx~ - x,ll

IIx'+,- >h,1I :::KTllx, -x,1I + IIx, - i, 110(1)

for some KT < I, and on the other hand thal the control u(1) (and possibly some of its derivatives) is not too large. There is a considerable freedom of choice at this stage, but it should be emphasized that this boils down to fixing the initial and

+ lI~ull,O(T) + .O(T)

end poinlS of the flat outpUL and some of their derivatives and

connecting these "boundary constrainLS" by an otherwise un-

KT < t,



(measuremelll error)

(colllrol hold error)

(model error),

lIoull,:= sup«!•. ".,] IIU, - u(I)II.

Wc now show that holding the conlrolto a suitable value can reduce the corresponding elTor:

The control hold and model errors can lhus be made arbitrarily small by shrinking the sampling period T.

Proprn;ition 3 The error due 10 lhe control hold can be made 118ull.0(T 2) by choosing U, := ~ u,«)d/111(1) =

I,(x(s), U,)ds

lo(i(s), u(r»ds,

IIW)II = IIh, +


!O lIox,lI +

(4)>/1 - ob)H(s)

- lo(i(s), u(s))) dsll

f (LII~(s)1I

+ PIIH(s)1I + NE)ds

(f,(x(s), If,) - lo(i(s), u(s)))dsll

!O 115xlII +

!O 115x, 11 +

whereP :=

sup 1I>/I-obllandIlHII.:= 4.9 ~ r.+l

(LI15x(s) 11 +


L 118x(s) lids,


1I/, (x(s), U,) - lo(i(s), u(s» lids


IIH(t)ll .




d>Jr, R, +K(dl M



where - := - J( RrM

M .



+ (R, + R,-, )i. = LT .M


u, . •

+ jnplJ-)>Jr,=u " '*' L,


u" (14)


IS a dlmenslon1ess coeffiCient. We LT are thus left with only one (complex) differential equation. It is possible, though far more tedious and seldom done, to recover the same equations by a singular perturbalion analysis on the state equations for >Jr, and i , obtained from (1)-(4) by

eliminating 1/16 and i r . The common interpretation for the two time scales is that the transfer from VOltage to current is fast compared to the transfer from cUlTent to flux .

The model of the "perfect" motor thus boils down to the electro-magnetic equation (12) and the mechanical equation (6), which remains unchanged. It involves only the state variables >Jr" IJ, (} and the input u, and is obviously flat, the other variables being given by the static equa tions (11)-(13). Notice that (13) can be seen as an observer since it provides the usually non-measured ftux 1frr from the measured curreOl t6 and voltage U,. We will use thi s "perfect" model to design the control law.


Fig. I. open-loop control (no parameter error).

l ·.;. ~'}S:;- 1 :1 ~.1


The nominal angular velocity is 150 radls and the load torque is IONm.

Figure I corresponds to a purely open-loop control on the whole simulation time: the sample value of u, is simply equal to the mean value of u;(1) over thc sampling interval. The perfOlTRance of this open-loop control is quite good when the

model parameters arc well ~known. because the motor is naturally not unstable. Nevertheless, when the parameters are not I Lcroy Some' A3L instaUcd 1l11lU: Lltboratoirc d' AUlOmatique de Nanles, France.





L, = 0.425 H, M = (U72 H, np = 2, L, = 0.076 H, J = 0.0293 Nm/rad/s2 .

The simulations illustrate a change of the angular velocity set-point: wc want to go from 150 rad/s to 75 rad/s in 0.5 s. The slip velocity is kept and equal to R, /L,. The samplin period T is equal 10 10 ms, which is very large compared to sampling pcriods usually considered [9,101.

SIAf6~current I ~~ (A)


following parameters:

R, = 0.93 Ohm,


" . 8 - -

For simulation, we consider a 1.5 kW motor 1 having the

R, = 4.90 Ohm,









time (I'

Fig. 2. closed-loop control (50% error on R,).

precisely known (for instanCe R" the rotor resistance, varies a lot in operation), it is much beuer to use the control strategy proposed in this paper. On figure 2, the control has been computed with a rotor resistance overestimated by 50%. On each sampling interval, the control steering back to the reference trajectory, corresponds to a stable second order linear error dynamics with time constants 0.10 s and 0.08 s. In spite of this large parameter error, the pcrformance is very good.



C13] Ph. Martin.

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We are thanlc:ful to J. Chiasson for inleresting remarks about

a prior version of this paper and also 10 A.K. Chelouah et E. DeIaleau for fruitful discussions on electrical mOlOrs.

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