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RIL standards from the original Innoprise project were certified under the Forest ... (FSC), based on guidelines developed for tropical forests in Queensland, Australia (Marsh et al., ..... The orangutan–oil palm conflict: economic constraints and.
Supplementary Methods Oil Palm and Timber strategies

Most of the financial estimates (Table 1) for limiting oil palm expansion in forests include the profits from the sale of timber cleared prior to planting. We amalgamated the revenues for oil palm and the sale of timber to reflect the total value of that land use activity. When calculating the opportunity costs, we included lost employment, lost tax revenue and lost profits to the permit holder if this level of detail was available in the study. Some studies provided only an average yield from oil palm as opposed to an NPV (Koh and Wilcove 2007; Venter et al., 2009) and in this instance, we extrapolated the yield data over 30 years. We disregarded any studies with negative NPVs because we deemed activities that are not profitable are not a prominent threat to forests. We collected an estimate of the difference in carbon stored between natural forests and oil palm or timber plantations (Table 1). The carbon benefit for oil palm was calculated as the difference between the amount of carbon stored in standing forests versus oil palm plantations. The same approach was adopted to estimate the carbon benefit of reducing the expansion of timber plantations into forests.

Reduced-impact logging strategy

Reduced-impact logging (RIL) substantially reduces tree damage compared to conventional logging (CL) by directional felling and planned extraction of timber on properly constructed skid trails (Putz and Pinard 1993). Reduced-impact logging can result in half as many trees being damaged and half as much forest crushed by extraction equipment, equating to an estimated saving of 36 tC after two years and a cost of $135 per ha (Putz and Pinard 1993). Due to the stringent guidelines adhered to under RIL, there are frequently large differences between the actual area logged and the area designated for logging, resulting in RIL impacting a smaller area than CL (Dykstra 2012). As a result, profits from RIL are generally lower if compared across a full logging concession due to more area being excluded from logging, but are not consistently lower if compared by harvested area (Dang Phan et al., 2014). Some of the RIL literature presented both economic and financial analyses. The economic analyses evaluated logging from society’s perspective and included non-traded costs and benefits that could be 1

valued, such as differences in carbon storage, non-timber forest products, soil value, recreational value and biodiversity value (Dagang et al., 2005; Samad and Rahim 2009). Although the economic analysis provided a thorough representation of macroeconomic value, we refrained from using it to avoid double counting of carbon offsets (we accounted for carbon emissions when converting cost per hectare into cost per tonne of carbon reduced) and to maintain greater consistency in the financial costs across different REDD+ strategies. The short-term net costs of engaging RIL (over one year) were higher ($1,492 ha-1; Healey et al., 2000; Dagang et al., 2005; Samad and Rahim, 2009) than over the long-term ($833 ha-1 over at least 30 years and two harvests; Table 1) when compared to CL. Reduced-impact logging becomes more cost-efficient over the long-term due to higher revenues generated from the second timber harvest, as forests recover faster and carbon increases at a greater rate than those logged without stringent forestry management guidelines. Many of the studies used a simulation model RILSIM to estimate the net cost and revenue associated with logging operations to compare short-term financial costs and returns expected from RIL with those expected from CL under identical local site conditions (Dykstra 2003). Much of the RIL literature was conducted at the Innoprise Project site in Sabah. This site was used to test the costs and outputs of RIL against CL. The RIL standards from the original Innoprise project were certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), based on guidelines developed for tropical forests in Queensland, Australia (Marsh et al., 1996). We collected an estimate of the difference in carbon emissions (or carbon storage) between CL and RIL from each paper (Table 1). Most of the carbon measurements used DIPSIM, a model developed by the Sabah Forestry Department to simulate stand growth of dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia for up to 60 years (Ong and Kleine, 1996).

Reforestation strategy

The costs of reforestation under REDD+ include establishment costs, and the ongoing costs of protecting and maintaining the reforestation site (Chokkalingam et al., 2006), as well as the transaction costs associated with identifying and negotiating REDD+ projects and the ongoing costs of monitoring, reporting and verifying on carbon benefits (Pearson et al., 2013). However, there was


minimal data available on the costs of reforestation as a strategy for REDD+ in Southeast Asia. We did not account for opportunity costs of reforesation as the aim of this strategy is to utilize degraded land that was designated for plantations but is not being actively used for this purpose and restoring forests (main text, Table 1). The reforestation papers included costs of germplasm collection, nursery costs, planting, and maintenance (Korpelainen et al., 1995). The aim of most of the papers was to compare the profitability of different plantation models (e.g. large-scale industrial tree plantation versus small-scale agroforestry model), planting styles (e.g. line versus and gap planting) and different species for planting (e.g. Acacia mangium versus Canarium album versus mixedspecies). We took an average cost of all of the estimates from each paper (Table 1). Threequarters of the estimates sourced for carbon sequestration of regenerating forests were for mixed-species plantations (or succession) and one-quarter for monocultures (Table 1).

Protected area strategy

To compile estimates of the costs and benefits of protected areas as a strategy for reducing forest carbon loss in Southeast Asia we synthesiszd the results of three different bodies of literature. First, we estimated the financial cost of optimally managing a protected area based on documented budget shortfalls from protected areas in the region. The estimates of required funds to optimally manage parks found in the literature (Table 1) were based on information from park staff and included large infrastructure items as well as staffing requirements. Second, we measured the rate of forest loss in protected areas and extrapolated this over 30 years. The average deforesation rate in PAs was 1.93% pa (Kinnaird et al., 2003; Curran et al., 2004; Linkie et al., 2004; Phong 2004; Gaveau et al., 2007, 2009). Cacao, oil palm, rubber and coffee (hereafter ‘swidden’) are commonly planted crops in Indonesian PAs following deforestation and store on average 59 tC ha-1 (Swallow et al., 2007; Wulan, 2012). Third, we calculated the carbon emissions that could be reduced from improved management of PAs by multiplying the deforestation rate by the carbon lost from the conversion of forests to swidden agriculture (Table 1). An underlying assumption of this strategy is that better management of protected areas can halt ongoing forest loss.


Table 1 Summary of data collected and used in the meta-analysis on the net costs and emission benefits (measured by C) of REDD+ strategies. The profits from oil palm and timber plantations include the profits from timber extraction prior to planting REDD+ (a) Timber (b) Oil palm (c) RIL* (d) Protected areas † (e) Reforestation strategy Parameter Net cost Net cost Net cost Net cost Net cost -1 -1 -1 -1 Unit $ ha $ ha $ ha $ ha $ ha-1 Mean 4,383 9,942 833 689 1,743 Estimates 11735, 2,707, 1506, 1582 3298, 2112, 3104, 28352, 7707, 9506, 2150, 190, 159 319, 1411, 338 713, 4193, 606, 3502, 7965, 7741, 24212, 6520, 9541, 9251 610, 832 Sources

Parameter Unit Mean Estimates

Canesio (2003); MoFor (2008); Irawan et al. (2011); Sofiyuddin et al. (2012)

Net emissions benefit tC ha-1 133.02 199.85, 165.57, 141.21, 180.11, 183.59, 46.82, 64.04, 83.00 Sources Canesio (2003); Swallow et al. (2007); Gibbs et al. (2008); MoFor (2008); Adachi et al. (2011); Irawan et al. (2011); Saatchi et al. (2011); Khun and Sasaki (2014) * Reduced-impact logging

Tomich et al. (2002); Belcher et al. Healey et al. (2000); James et al. (1999); Emerton et al. (2004); Zen et al. (2005); Koh and Dagang et al. (2005); (2003); McQuistan et al. (2006) Wilcove (2007); MoFor (2008); Butler Samad and Rahim (2009) et al. (2009); Swarna Nantha and Tisdell (2009); Venter et al. (2009); Fisher et al. (2011a); Irawan et al. (2011); Ruslandi et al. (2011); Wulan (2012)

Korpelainen et al. (1995); Kosonen et al. (1997); Maswar et al. (2001); Nakama et al. (2005); Chokkalingam et al. (2006); Nguyen et al. (2014)

Net emissions benefit tC ha-1 144.20 163.36, 208.16, 141.00, 180.11, 105.99, 161.29, 235.39, 80.72, 103.98

Net emissions benefit tC ha-1 90.96 94.17, 159.33, 96.52, 27.91, 84.75, 22.39

Sequestration rate tC ha-1 192.96 190.06, 193.48, 136.90, 251.40

Kinnaird et al. (2003); Curran et al. (2004); Linkie et al. (2004); Phong (2004); Gaveau et al. (2007, 2009)

Silver et al. (2000); Nakama et al. (2005); Olschewski and Benítez (2005); Budiharta et al. (2014)

Net emissions benefit tC ha-1 41.77 40.10, 51.38, 33.00

Syahrinudin (2005); Swallow et al. Healey et al. (2000); Pinard (2007); Gibbs et al. (2008); MoFor and Cropper (2000); Putz et (2008); Venter et al. (2009); Adachi et al. (2008b) al. (2011); Irawan et al. (2011); Saatchi et al. (2011); Khun and Sasaki (2014)

† The sources listed for the carbon emissions benefit for the protected area strategy are papers that estimated the rate of forest loss in protected areas. Estimates of the carbon stored in natural forests were sourced from: Swallow et al. (2007); Gibbs et al. (2008); Adachi et al. (2011); Saatchi et al. (2011); Khun and Sasaki (2014). Estimates of the carbon stored in swidden were sourced from: Swallow et al. (2007); Wulan (2012).


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