formato de solicitud para la expedicion de permiso para realizar

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FORMATO DE SOLICITUD PARA LA EXPEDICION DE PERMISO PARA ..... course happen, gave lectures, sponsored field and lab research, mentored students.

3. No. Pasaporte (passport number):

Estados Unidos

4. Visa: turista

5. Institución (especificar Departamento y/o Sección) (Institution: Department and/or Division) Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad del Sur de California 6. Domicilio (Address): Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 7. Números telefónico y de fax (Telephone and Fax numbers): Tel: 213-740-5828

Fax: 213-740-8801

8. Correo Electrónico (Email Address): [email protected] 2.PROYECTO (Project) A) DATOS GENERALES (General Information) 9. Título del proyecto de investigación (Project Title): “Investigación colaborativa: Transporte bacterial no-local de nitrato en sedimentos bajo Zonas Deficientes de Oxígeno: una nueva complicación en el ciclo del Nitrógeno”

10. Objetivo (s) (Objectives) Investigar el ciclaje de Nitrógeno en sedimentos marinos y columna de agua dentro de la zona de mínimo oxígeno a lo largo de la península de la Baja California.

11. Justificación del proyecto (Justification of the project) El enfoque de este proyecto son las formas de remoción de nitrógeno de las regiones subóxicas del océano: nuestro trabajo contribuirá a una mejor comprensión del ciclo marino del nitrógeno. El enfoque de nuestro estudio es el ciclo anóxico de el nitrógeno. Por lo tanto necesitamos acceso a los sedimentos subyacentes a las masas de agua libre de oxígeno. A lo largo de la costa occidental de Baja California y Mexico, se encuentra una de las zonas más extensas de mínima de oxígeno. Por lo tanto, es esencial para el éxito de el proyecto para trabajar en este ámbito. 1

12. Período de la investigación (indicar inicio y término) (Research time frame) Aproximadamente14 días entre 10 de Octubre al 9 de Noviembre del 2009

13. Tema: (Theme):




Geofísica Geophysics





Batimetría Bathymetry





Otro Other





Especificar______________ Specify

14. Lugar (es) de investigación (especificar Estados, Municipios y coordenadas geográficas): (Research sites: State, Municipality, and geographic coordinates): Aguas costeras de Baja California


y Baja California Sur; el trabajo se desarrollará solamente a bordo de la embarcación, partiendo de Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Sitio 4 Sitio 3 Sitio 2 Sitio 2a Sitio 1a

Lat, N 33.835 25.080 23.420 23.160 24.170

Long, W 119.028 112.950 111.230 110.950 108.120

Nombre Cuenca Santa Monica Cuenca Soledad Margen Magdalena Margen Magdalena Cuenca Pescadero

Santa Monica




15. La zona incluye islas mexicanas: (Does the area include Mexican islands):







16. De ser afirmativa la respuesta, especificar los nombres de las islas y su ubicación: (In case of an affirmative response, indicate names of islands and their locations):

No aplica


17. Descripción breve de la metodología a utilizar (Brief description of methodology): Colecta de agua Con roseta CTD, toma de testigos con nucleadores multiple y de gravedad.

18. Datos de los investigadores que colaborarían con el titular (especificar nacionalidad, especialidad, institución en la que colaboran y las actividades que cada uno desarrollaría): (Participants’ information: nationality, specialty, institution, and activities to be conducted):


Lista de participantes Participante 1 2 3

Berelson, William (IP) Prokopenko, Maria McManus, James (IP)




Puesto, experiencia Jefe de científicos, trabajo de cámara béntica, TCO2 Nucleado, Análisis de N2 Geoquímica, metales traza


Gonzalez-Yajimovich, Oscar

USC Oregon State University USC Univ. A. de Baja California


Krista Wolfe



6 7

Chong, Laurie Orphan, Victoria


Nucleado, Sedimentólogo Estudiante de posgrado, Geoquímica Estudiante de posgrado, Geoquímica Biología molecular


Mejia Piña, Karla Gabriela


Estudiante de Oceanología

México EU


9 10

Alejandro Aldama Cervantes Alperin, Marc

USC Caltech Univ. A. de Baja California Univ. A. de Baja California UNC


Riedel, Tim



12 13

Sanudo Wilhelmy, Sergio Dawson, Scott

USC UC-Davis

México EU


Singer, Esther


15 16 17

Thamdrup, Bo Pendiente Johnston, Dave Estudiante de posgrado de USC

USC Univ. of Southern Denmark

Estudiante de Oceanología Geoquímica, S species Estudiante de posgrado, Geoquímica, oxígeno Columna de agua, metales traza Biología molecular Estudiante de posgrado, Geoquímica


Análisis Nitrógeno



Química de azufre



Geoquímica General


Los Investigadores Principales (IP) compartirán responsabilidades entre ellos para asegurar un crucero exitoso y consultarán con Gonzalez-Yajimovich sobre todas las actividades. IP—Berelson es experto en la toma de núcleos, muestreo hidrográfico, muestreo y experimentos con cámara béntica. El dirigirá todos los esfuerzos de la cámara béntica en el crucero y supervisará todas las mediciones analíticas de TCO2, pH y oxígeno que se lleven a cabo a bordo. También será responsable de muestrear los núcleos de gravedad para el análisis de agua de poro. IP—Prokopenko tiene mucha experiencia en hidrografía y nucleado. Ella dirigirá las operaciones de nucleado múltiple y supervisará la extracción de agua de poro de los núcleos, incubaciones de los núcleos y los análisis de amonio y N2 a bordo. IP—McManus ha trabajado con Berelson y Prokopenko en cruceros previos y tiene experiencia en todos los aspectos de este esfuerzo científico. El supervisará el muestreo hidrográfico y el nucleado de pistón (gravedad), supervisará el manejo de todas las muestras de agua para el análisis de metales traza y ayudará en la supervisión de las operaciones de cubierta durante los lances de la cámara béntica. IP—Gonzalez-Yajimovich ha trabajado en cruceros previos con Berelson y Prokopenko en los cuales se logró recobrar muchos núcleos. El ayudará a supervisar la toma de testigos con nucleador múltiple y de gravedad y será responsable de todo el muestreo de fase sólida de sedimentos para ser utilizados en análisis sedimentológicos, incluyendo C, N, CaCO3 y Si biogénico.


19. Fuente de financiamiento del proyecto (Funding sources): National Science Foundation, USA 20. Nombres de los participantes mexicanos (especificar las instituciones a las que pertenecen): (Name of the Mexican participants and their institutions) Dr. Oscar Gonzalez–Yajimovich, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Ensenada.

21. Especificar si se realizarán estudios y/o exploraciones geográficas en Territorio Mexicano: (Specify if any geographic studies and/or explorations will be made within Mexican Territory)

Ninguna 22. Especificar si se realizarán levantamientos aéreos de información geográfica en México: (Specify if any geographic information aerial surveys will be made in México)


B) COLECTA (Collections) 23. Flora


Terrestre Ο (terrestrial)

Terrestre Ο (terrestrial)



Ο (marine)

Ejemplares vivos

Ο (alive)

Ejemplares completos Ο (complete) Otros

X (others)

Ο (marine)

Ejemplares muertos Ο (dead) Partes o muestras

Ο (samples)

Especificar: (specify) Agua y sedimentos

24. Ejemplares que se colectarían (en caso de que el espacio sea insuficiente, adjuntar un listado): (Species to be collected) (if the space is insufficient, attach a list)

Nombre científico

Nombre común

Cantidad a colectar

Localidad a la que pertenece

(Scientific Name)

(Common name)

(Number of



25. Destino final del material colectado (Final destination of the collected material): 6

Se trasladará el material colectado al extranjero:




(Will the collected material be transported to a foreign country): Los testigos de sedimento y aqua serán transportados a la Universidad del Sur de California para su análisis y de ahí serán enviados al Dr. Oscar Gonzalez–Yajimovich, para ser depositados en la Facultad de Ciencias Marinas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Muestras de agua de mar serán llevadas a USC para su análisis de nitrógeno disuelto y posteriormente serán desechadas.

Si la respuesta es negativa, pasar al punto 26 (if the anser is NO, skip to item 26)

Las muestras permanecerán en el extranjero de manera: Temporal Samples will remain overseas:







Ubicación de la aduana mexicana por la que saldría el material colectado y señalar la fecha de salida: (Mexican point of exit, and estimated departure date):

Ninguna Sitio y tiempo de permanencia en el extranjero del material colectado: (Place and time frame where the collected material will be deposited):

Ninguno 26. Instituciones mexicanas en las que se efectuarán los depósitos correspondientes del material colectado: (Mexican institutions where the collected material will be deposited) Facultad de Ciencias Marinas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

27. Con base en el artículo 28 de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente deberá indicar si las actividades, métodos, tecnologías y otras herramientas utilizadas para el desarrollo de su proyecto pueden tener un efecto negativo al medio ambiente





(Based on Article 28 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection you must indicate if the activities, methods, technology, and other tools to be used for the development of your project may have a negative impact on the environment)

Si la respuesta es afirmativa se deberá adjuntar y/o solicitar una Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental.** (If the response is affirmative you must include and/or request an Environmental Impact Assessment.**) Ninguno


28. Buque








especificar:__________________ Ship





EMBARCACIONES (Ships) 29. Nombre de la(s) embarcación(es) (ship's name): R/V New Horizon 30. Institución que lo opera (Operating institution): Universidad de California San Diego, Instituto de Oceanografía Scripps 31. Propietario (indicar nombre y nacionalidad) (Owner’s name and nationality): Regentes de la UCSD,EU 32. Número de matrícula (registration number): WKWB 33. Número de tripulantes (number of crew): 12 tripulantes, más 18 científicos 34. Nombre del capitán (Captain’s name): John Manion

35. Frecuencias que utilizaría (frequencies): Email [email protected] 1556462 (AnsBk=GOGO)

Inmarsat-B Teléfono Atlantic - East Atlantic - West Pacific Indian Alternate

011-871-330327320 011-874-330327320 011-872-330327320 011-873-330327320

Fax Primary MMSI # SELCAL #

011-XXX-330327321 303273000 71478

36. Puerto(s) que visitaría (Port calls): Mazatlán, Sinaloa Mexico y San Diego, California, EU

AERONAVES (Aircraft):


37. Modelo de la aeronave, características y descripción del equipo a utilizar: (Model, characteristics, and description of equipment):

Ninguno 38. Número de matrícula (adjuntar copia del certificado): (Registration number) (attach copy of the certificate)

Ninguno 39. Propietario u organismo al que pertenece: (Owner’s name and institution) Ninguno 40. Grado y nombre del piloto: (Pilot’s name and grade) Ninguno 41. Tripulación y pasajeros (indicar sus nombres y actividades que desarrollarían: (Crew members and participants) (names and activities to be conducted)


42. Si aterrizará en jurisdicción nacional, especificar el(los) nombre(s) del(los) Aeropuerto(s) que utilizaría y las fechas de entradas y salidas: (In case of landing in Mexico, indicate name (s) of the airport (s) that will be used, as well as dates of entry and departure)


43. Procedencia (From): Ninguno 44. Ruta (route): Ninguno 45. Destino (destination) Ninguno OTROS. (Others) 46. Características (characteristics): Ninguno 47. Registro y/o matrícula (Registration): 9

Ninguno 48. Propietario (Owner) Ninguno

3. LA SIGUIENTE SECCIÓN DEBERÁ SER LLENADA POR LA EMBAJADA (The following section must be completed by the Embassy)

49. Indicar si el proyecto se realizaría en el marco de algún acuerdo bilateral o multilateral y proporcionar los datos del mismo: (Indicate if the project will be conducted under any bilateral or multilateral agreement and provide information on the same)

Ninguno 50.El proyecto es continuación de alguna investigación previa: (Is the project a continuation of any previous research)





51. En caso de que la respuesta sea afirmativa, proporcionar información de la investigación previa (incluya nombre del titular, objetivo, período(s) y sitio(s) de trabajo. (If the answer is affirmative, provide information on the previous research) (name of scientist, purpose, research time frame, and research sites)


52. Especificar si se han remitido a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores todos los informes correspondientes: ((Indicate if all the reports have been submitted to the Secretariat of Foreign Relations)




Ο 10

53. Proporcionar los datos de las respectivas notas diplomáticas: (Provide information on the applicable diplomatic notes)

54. Observaciones (Observations):

Accesorios: Adjuntar el curriculum vitae que incluya la nacionalidad, y dos fotografías tamaño pasaporte del investigador titular. CURRICULUM VITAE

William M. Berelson Address:

Department of Earth Sciences University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 (213) 740-5828; [email protected]


University of Rochester Duke University

Geology Geology

B.A. (cum laude) 1977 M.S. 1979 11

U. Southern California Appointments: 2008-present 2004- 2008 1996-2004 1988-1995 1985-1987

Geochemistry Ph.D.


Professor of Geobiology, University of Southern California Associate Professor of Geobiology, University of Southern California Research Associate Professor, University of Southern California Research Assistant Professor, University of Southern California Post-doc, University of Southern California

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (5 most closely related to this project): Nealson, K. and W. Berelson (2008) Sedimentary Habitats (accepted: Encyclopedia of Microbiology) Berelson, W. M., W. M. Balch, R. Najjar, R. Feely, C. Sabine and K. Lee (2007). Relating estimates of CaCO3 production, export, and dissolution in the water column to measurements of CaCO3 rain into sediment traps and dissolution on the sea floor: A revised global carbonate budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 21, GB1024, doi:10.1029/2006GB002803 Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D.E., Berelson, W.M., Bernhard, J.M., Stott, L., Douglas, R. (2006) Nitrogen cycling in the sediments of Santa Barbara Basin and Eastern Subtropical North Pacific – Isotopic evidence for chemosymbiosis between two lithotrophs: riding on a glider, Earth Planetary Sci. Lett., 242 (1-2), pp. 186-204. Berelson, W. M., Prokopenko, M., Graham, A., Sansone, F. J., McManus, J., Bernhard, J. M. (2005) Anaerobic diagenesis of silica and carbon in continental margin sediments: Discrete zones of TCO2 production. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 4611-4629. Berelson, W., R. Anderson, J. Dymond, D. DeMaster, D. Hammond, R. Collier, S. Honjo, M. Leinen, J. McManus, R. Pope, C. Smith and M. Stephens (1997) Biogenic budgets of particle rain, benthic remineralization and sediment accumulation in the Equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, v. 44, 2251-2282.

(5 other publications also relevant to this proposal) Elrod, V. A., W. M. Berelson, K. H. Coale and K. S. Johnson (2004) The flux of iron from continental shelf sediments: A missing source for global budgets. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 31, L12307, doi:10.1029/2004GK020216, 2004 McManus, J., W. M. Berelson, G.P. Klinkhammer, D. E. Hammond, and C. Holm (2005). Authigenic uranium: Relationship to oxygen penetration depth and organic carbon rain. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 95-108. Feely, R., C. Sabine, K. Lee, W. Berelson, J. Kleypas, V. Fabry and F. Millero (2004). Impact of anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 system in the oceans. Science, 305, 362-366. Berelson, W. and L. Stott (2003) Productivity and organic carbon rain to the California margin sea floor: Modern and paleoceanographic perspectives. Paleoceanography, v. 18, 1002, doi:10.1029/2001PA000672 2003 Berelson, W., J. McManus, K. Coale, K. Johnson, D. Burdige, T. Kilgore, D. Colodner, F. Chavez, R. Kudela and J. Boucher (2003). A time-series of benthic flux measurements from Monterey Bay, CA. Continental Shelf Research, v. 23, 457-481.

SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES: Co-Director/Instructor-International GeoBiology Summer course on Catalina Island; sponsored by Agouron Institute and USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies. A 6-week class taught by various instructors with 20 students from an international pool of applicants. This intensive course involved lectures, labs, field trips and independent research for advanced graduate and post-doctoral students. I worked on logistics to make this course happen, gave lectures, sponsored field and lab research, mentored students. This course has been held 6 years in a row with an applicant pool of 50-60 well qualified students applying each year. Students accepted study at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, USC, Dartmouth, UT-Austin, U. Washington, Scripps, UNC, ETH etc. and we 12

have included international students from Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Greece, Cameroon, Indonesia and Turkey. The summer course recently obtained funding from NSF to augment the financial support supplied by Agouron. The NSF support is for 2005, 2006 and recently, 2008. In the fall, 2004 I taught ‘Crises of a Planet’, an environmental geology course to 240 undergraduate students. This course included a weekly lab and a field trip in which a polluted lake was sampled for water chemistry and sediment properties. I also teach ‘Oceanography’ to USC undergraduates and various graduate courses. I have worked as a volunteer for the Ocean Sciences Bowl, and event for high school students who compete to represent their school nationally by answering ocean-related questions. Our lab is setting up a mentoring program for high school women who intern during summer.

AWARDS/HONORS/AFFLIATIONS: Associate Editor (2 terms) -- (Reviews of Geophysics)

Cited: CSIRO award for Port Phillip Bay Environmental Study (1995)

GENERAL RESEARCH INTERESTS *GeoBiology; Layered Microbial Communities; Microbial respiration *Global budgets of carbon, silica, nitrogen and phosphorus: the role of sediment diagenesis *Factors that control the cycling of metals and nutrients in sediments *Calcium carbonate dissolution kinetics and its impact on paleoceanographic reconstruction *In situ device technology, Robotics *Radioisotopes and other tracers for mixing and advection in marine waters and sediments RECENT COLLABORATORS AND CO-AUTHORS D. Herron (Duke, MS-advisor), D. Hammond (USC-PhD advisor), J. McManus (OSU), V. Orphan (Caltech), F. Sansone (U. Hawaii), D. Feely (PMEL), C. Sabine (PMEL), R. Najjar (PSU), B. Balch (Bigelow), M. Prokopenko (Princeton), S. Dixit (LBNL), M. Alperin (UNC), D. Sigman (Princeton)



Curriculum Vitae

Maria G. Prokopenko Education: Ph.D., Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles M.S., Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati B.A., Translation/Interpretation in English, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow, Russia B.S., Geology, Moscow State University, Russia Appointments 2008 – present 2007 – 2008 2005 – 2007 2001 – 2004

(323) 630-4968 2004 1998 1995 1992

Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, USC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, USC Hess Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University Research Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, USC

Teaching experience 2006-2007 Mentor of an undergraduate senior thesis project, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University Summer 2005 Instructor of geochemistry, Geobiology 2005: An international training course in rapidly evolving field, USC-Wrigley Institute for marine studies, Catalina Island, sponsored by NSF and Agouron Institute Summer 2004 REU(Research Experience for Undergraduates) mentor, USC, sponsored by NSF Summer 2003/4 Teaching assistant in geochemistry, International Geobiology course, USC-Wrigley Institute for marine studies, Catalina Island, sponsored by NSF and Agouron Institute 1998-2000 Teaching assistant: Climate Change, Introduction to Oceanography, Geology for Engineers, Department of Earth Sciences, USC 1995-1997 Teaching Assistant: Introduction to geology, Structural geology Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati Sea going experience: Spring 2008 US Coast Guard Healy, Geochemist, continuous dissolved gases analysis on MIMS, Bering Sea Spring 2007 US Coast Guard Healy, Geochemist, continuous dissolved gases analysis on MIMS, Bering Sea Spring 2005 R/V New Horizon, Geochemist, California Borderland Basins Spring 2003 R/V Wecoma, Co-chief scientist, California Borderland Basins Fall 2001 R/V New Horizon, Geochemist, Gulf of California Summer 2001 R/V Point Sur, Geochemist, California Borderland Basins Fall 2000 R/V Sproul, co-proponent and participant, Santa Barbara Basin 14

Fellowships and honors 2005-2007 Harry Hess Fellowship, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 2004 Sonorsky Summer Fellowship at the Department of Earth Sciences , USC 2002-2003 Schlanger ODP fellowship, Joint Oceanographic Institutions Spring 2000 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Geosciences, USC Summer 1997 NASA Planetary Biology Internship, Center for Great Lake Studies, Laboratory of Ken Nealson Publications Peer-reviewed: Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D.E., Berelson, W.M., Bernhard, J.M., Stott, L., Douglas, R, 2006, “Nitrogen cycling in the sediments of Santa Barbara basin and Eastern Subtropical North Pacific: Nitrogen isotopes, diagenesis and possible chemosymbiosis between two lithotrophs (Thioploca and Anammox)—“riding on a glider”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 242 (12), pp. 186-204 Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D.E., Spivack, A., and Stott, L., 2006. Impact of long-term diagenesis on δ15N of organic matter in marine sediments: Sites 1227 and 1230. In Jørgensen, B.B., D'Hondt, S.L., and Miller, D.J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Scientific Results, 201: College Station, TX (Ocean DrillingProgram) Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D.E. and Stott, L., 2006. Lack of isotopic fractionation of δ15 Ν of organic matter during long-term diagenesis in marine sediments, ODP Leg 202, Sites 1234 and 1235. In Tiedemann, R., Mix, A.C., Richter, C., and Ruddiman, W.F. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Scientific Results, 202: College Station, TX (Ocean DrillingProgram) Granger, J., Sigman, D.M., Prokopenko, M.G., Lehmann, M.F. and Tortell, P.D., 2006. A method for nitrite removal in nitrate N and O isotope analyses. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods, 4: 205-212. Meister, P., Prokopenko, M., C.G. Skilbeck, M. Watson, and J.A. McKenzie, 2006, Data report: Compilation of Total Organic and Inorganic Carbon data from Peru margin and Eastern Equatorial Pacific drill. In Jørgensen, B.B., D'Hondt, S.L., and Miller, D.J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Scientific. Results, 201: College Station, TX (Ocean DrillingProgram) Berelson, W. M., Prokopenko, M., Graham, A., Sansone, F., McManus, J., Bernhard, J., 2005, “Anaerobic diagenesis of carbon and silica in continental margin sediments: Discrete zone of TCO2 production”, Geochim. Cosmoc.Acta, 96 (19), pp.4611-4629. Stott, L.D., Bunn, T., Prokopenko, M., Mahn C., Gieskes, J., Bernhard, J., 2002, “Does the oxidation of methane leave an isotopic fingerprint in the geologic record?”, Geochem, Geophys., Geosyst., 3(2), art. # 1012. Manuscripts in preparation: Prokopenko, Sigman, Berelson, Hammond, Bender, Barnett, Chong (in prep) “Contribution of nonlocal biological transport to sedimentary denitrification: a missing nitrate sink?” Prokopenko, Granger, Mordy, Cassar, DeFiore, Bender, Shull, Cokelet, Kachel, Sigman, Sambrotto, Berelson, Moran (in prep) “Spring bloom dynamic in the marginal ice zones in the Bering Sea from triple oxygen isotopes and continuous measurements of O2/Ar ratios ” Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D. E., Mahaffey C., Walker L., Stott L. (in prep.) “N isotope fractionation during oxic and anoxic diagenesis of organic matter: results of laboratory incubation experiments” Talks and presentations Invited: Department of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Weekly seminar, UCLA, “Application of triple oxygen isotopes and continuous O2/Ar measurements for monitoring spring bloom dynamics in the marginal ice zones in the Bering Sea”, 2009 Gordon Conference in Chemical Oceanography, “The role of biological transport of nitrate in the sedimentary N 15

cycle”, 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, “Biological transport of nitrate within sediments underlying oxygen deficient zones: a new twist in the N cycle”, 2007 Department of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Weekly seminar, UCLA, “Non-diffusive nitrate transport and its role in benthic nitrogen cycling in the California Borderland Basins”, 2006 Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, “Isotopic fractionation of nitrogen isotopes during early diagenesis in marine sediments: The story of two anoxic sites”, 2004 Dissertation Symposium on Chemical Oceanography XVIII, Waikoloa, Hawaii, “Effects of early diagenetic processes on nitrogen isotopes in marine sediments”, 2003 Contributed: 2008 Prokopenko, M.G., Granger, J., DiFiore, P., Mordy C., , Cassar N., Cokelet E., Kachel N., Kachel D., Sambrotto, R., Moran B., 2006, “Spring Bloom Dynamics of the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf as Estimated Oxygen/Argon Ratios and Triple Oxygen Isotopes, AGU Fall Meeting 2008 Berelson, W., Prokopenko, M.G., Sigman, S., Hammond, D., 2008, “Dissolved N2/Ar Ratios in Sedimentary Pore Waters: A New Twist in Marine Nitrogen Cycle”, AGU Fall Meeting 2008 2006 Prokopenko, M., D. Hammond, C. Mahaffey, L. Walker , 2006, “Nitrogen isotopic fractionation during oxic vs. anoxic diagenesis in recent marine sediments: results of incubation experiment”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abs. # OS42K-05 Hammond, D.E., Prokopenko, M. and Berelson, W., 2006. Measuring pore water N2 profiles to constrain denitrification pathways and rates in coastal sediments, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., OS45J-06 2005 Prokopenko, M., Sigman, D.M., Hammond, D.E., Barnett, B., Bender, M., Berelson. W., 2005, “Pore water profiles of dissolved [N2] andδ15N-N2 in the Santa Barbara Basin: Evidence for nondiffusive nitrate flux into the sediment column”, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B31A-0981 2004 Prokopenko, M.G., Hammond, D.E., Stott, L., Spivack, A.J., 2004, “Nitrogen isotopic composition of ammonium released during diagenesis of organic matter under steady-state and non-steady state conditions in anoxic marine sediments”, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP51G04. Berelson, W., Prokopenko, M., Stevenson, B., Spear, J., Dawson, S., Hugenholtz, P., Class, G., 2004, Microbial Distributions Through Pore Water Geochemical Gradients: How Well do Contemporary Organism Genomes Track Their Environment? Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract # B33B0257 2003 and before Prokopenko, M., Hammond, D.E., Berelson W., Souza-Egipsy, V., Stott, L., 2003, “Processes of early diagenesis affecting nitrogen isotopic composition of marine sediments”, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12-04, 2003 Prokopenko M., Hammond D.E. and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, “Fractionation of nitrogen isotopes observed between pore water ammonium and solid phase nitrogen observed in sediments from Site 1227 ODP Leg 201”, GSA Annual meeting, Denver, CO, abstract # 216-5, 2002 Huff, W. D., Prokopenko*, M. G.; Krekeler, Mark P. S.; Gerke, Tammie; Kolata, Dennis R.; Bergstrom, Stig M.; Cingolani, Carlos, 1997, “Geochemical and mineralogical variations in Ordovician K-bentonites from the Argentine Precordillera: explosive volcanism at the Iapetus margin”, GSA, 1997 Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, 29, no. 6, p. 210-211 Prokopenko, M., Krekeler, M.P.S., Huff, W. P., Bergstrom, S.M., Kolata, D.R., Cingolani, C., Lehnert, O.T.H., 1997, "Ordovician K-bentonites in the Argentine Precordillera: Origin, Composition, Diagenesis, and 16

Paleoenvironmental Implications", 11th International Clay Conference Program With Abstracts volume, 1997 Prokopenko, M., Gaines, R., Krekeler, M.P.S., Huff, W.D., Kolata, DR, Bergstrom, S.M., Cingolani, C., 1996, “Microfossils in Middle Ordovician K-Bentonites from the Precordillera of Argentina”, GSA 1996 Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, 28, n.7, p.295. Professional activities: Reviewer for Limnology and Oceanography Professional affiliations: American Geophysical Union, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Advisors:

Dr. William Berelson, postdoctoral advisor at USC Dr. Daniel Sigman, postdoctoral advisor at Princeton University Dr. Douglas Hammond, Ph.D. advisor at University of Southern California Dr. Warren Huff, Master’s thesis advisor at University of Cincinnati Analytical and instrumental expertise Standard geochemical methods including gas chromatography; stable isotope analysis (including on-line and off-line sample preparation) of sedimentary organic matter, dissolved ammonium, nitrate and dissolved gases, sample preparation using “denitrifier method”, operating and maintaining stable isotope mass spectrometers (Isoprime Micromass and Delta Plus) in various configurations (continuous flow interfaced with elemental analyzers or GasBench); operation and maintenance of Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer (MIMS); extraction and analysis of sedimentary DNA material, low level nitrate/nitrite measurements on the NOx box

Curriculum Vita James McManus 2009 INFORMATION Associate Program Director Professor, Marine Geology and Geophysics (Until June 30, 2009) (Currently at NSF, returning 1 July 2009) National Science Foundation (NSF) College of Oceanic and Atmos. Sci. Division of Ocean Sciences Oregon State University Chemical Oceanography Program Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 4201 Wilson Blvd. (541) 737-8285 Arlington, VA [email protected] [email protected] EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION


Education 1992 Ph.D. Oceanography, Oregon State University. 1986 B.Sc. Chemistry (Distinction), Stockton State College. Academic Positions 2007-present Professor, Oregon State University 2004-2007 Associate Professor, Oregon State University 2002-2004 Assistant Professor, Oregon State University 1998-2002 Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth 1996-1998 Assistant Professor (Senior Research), Oregon State University. 1994-1996 Research Associate (Post Doctoral), Oregon State University. 1993-1993 Adjunct Faculty: El Camino Community College. 1992-1994 Postdoctoral Reseach Associate: University of Southern California. 1987-1992 Graduate Research Assistant: Oregon State University. Additional Positions and Appointments 2008-present (until 30 June, 2009) Associate Program Director, Chemical Oceanography Program, National Science Foundation. 2006 - 2008, Associate Editor Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta July 2006 – July 2009, Member-at-Large American Society of Limnology and Oceanography RESEARCH My research focuses on a number of broad issues related to the Earth's biogeochemical evolution. This research includes specific studies on past climate and geochemical cycles, modern geochemical processes, and how anthropogenic perturbations might influence biogeochemical cycles in the future. My research includes examining elemental cycling in the ocean, estuaries, rivers, and lakes. Research interests (Selected topics): • • • • • •

Uranium, molybdenum, cadmium, and vanadium geochemistry in marine sediments. Carbon, phosphorus, and trace metal cycling in Lakes. Millennial-scale variations in intermediate water masses of the South Pacific. Molybdenum stable isotope geochemistry in marine sediments. Germanium geochemisty. Iron and iron isotope geochemistry.

Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Publications : Wheat, C.G. and J. McManus. 2008. Germanium in mid-ocean ridge flank hydrothermal fluids. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Volume 9, Number 3, Q03025, doi:10.1029/2007GC001892. Severmann, S., T. W. Lyons, A. Anbar, J. McManus, G. Gordon. 2008. A modern iron isotope perspective on the redox evolution of ancient oceans. Geology, June 2008; v. 36; no. 6; p. 487–490; doi: 10.1130/G24670A.1; 4 fi gures; Data Repository item 2008110. McManus, J., W. M. Berelson, S. Severmann, R. Poulson, D. E. Hammond, C. Holm, and G. P. Klinkhammer. 2006. Molybdenum and uranium geochemistry in


continental margin sediments: Paleoproxy potential. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 70: 4643-4662. Siebert, C., J. McManus, A. Bice, R. Poulson, and W. M. Berelson. 2006. Molybdenum isotope signatures in continental margin marine sediments. Earth and Planet. Sci. Letts. 241: 723-733. Wheat, C.G., and J. McManus. 2005. The role of ridge-flank hydrothermal systems on the oceanic germanium and silicon balances. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69: 2021 - 2029. McManus, J. William M. Berelson, Gary P. Klinkhammer, Douglas E. Hammond, and Chris Holm. 2005. Authigenic uranium: Relationship to oxygen penetration depth and organic carbon rain. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 69: 95-108. McManus, J., D. E. Hammond, K. Cummins, G. P. Klinkhammer, and W. M. Berelson. 2003 Diagenetic Ge-Si fractionation in continental margin environments: Further evidence for a non-opal Ge sink. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 67: 4545-4557. McManus, J., E.A. Heinen, M. M. Baehr. 2003. Hypolimnetic oxidation rates in Lake Superior: Impact of dissolved organic material on the lake's carbon budget. Limnol. Oceanogr. 48: 1624-1632. McManus, J., T.F. Nägler, C. Siebert, C.G. Wheat, D.E. Hammond. 2002. Oceanic molybdenum isotope fractionation: Diagenesis and hydrothermal ridge-flank alteration. Geochem., Geophys., Geosys. 3(12), 1078, doi:10.1029/2002GC000356.




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