Thcsc studics can bc classificd in tr,r'o main groups based on .... sT..\tlt.t: ('oN'l'Rot- R t:(;roNs. H t Jc J:c st:tr t = Undtr rcfrnntc apprurchinc rttth rncrc:sing sJ*cd. 7+.
A New PI+D Type Hierarchical Fuzry Logic Controller Sezai Tokat, ibrahim Eksin. and Miijde Giizelkaya
appro.rinratc anv rcal continuous function on a compafi set rvirh arbirrary accuracy [a]. Thc information in a FL,y"*i, storcd in a knos,lcdgc basc. Thc knorvlcdgc bas" consists ofl rulc ba_sc and mcmbcrship functions n,hich cnable, *.11ng
Abstrac!- In this studt., a fu:zr'logic controllcr that uses thc intcgral acfion in a hierarchical manncr is considercd- Thc output of a conventional fuzzr. logic controllcr that uscs crror and dcrivativc of error as input variables is improved b.v using the second derivativc of error. An important fcaturc of the proposed controller is
vcry clcar starcmcnts froni ill dcfincd or complcx parametrrs
by using linguisric
simple structure. The simulations are pcrformed on linear and nonlinear plents. lt is shown that the new structure providcs an improvement in svstcm pcrformancc without inserting too much complcxih'. !ns[e-t
faTms- Fuzzv logic control; hicrarchiczl control; PID
controllcrs. Thc output signal of the controllcr is related o the time derivative and time integal of the controller input ind dircctly thc controller inpur isclf. The dcsigncr's task in ?lD control is to dcterminc which of thesc components should rc used in what portion and how thcy are to be connectcd I I ]. fhe main bcncfit of using PID type control is is casc of icsign. Parametcrs may be tuncd in a varicty of ways
input-output rclation of a convcntional PID controller is dircctly obtaincd by using a FLC strucurc [6] Threc input PID rypc FLCs arc dcsigtrcd in rhe litcrahre
I7). Howcvcr. FLC translatcs skillcd
lelayed linear systems and particularly complex or vague vstems that have no precisc mathcmatical models [2]. An
bcRcr controller performance is to incorporate human rtelligence into automatic control by developing fuzy logic i:-L) algorithms [3]. Fuzzy logic is first introduced in 1965 by Zadeh. tt is a eneral purpose, easy to implement and simplc to understand :rethod to realize nonlinear functions. FL systems are proved
rcduce thc complcxiry of a PID typc FLC [8].
[9] invcstigated one-, rwo- and thrce-inpirt PID type
and evaluatc thcm rvithout involving any
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simulations by defining proccss indcpendcnt crireria. ln
the numbcr of inpus arc reduced to fr,r'o by using a mathemaiical fusion of the input variables and the design is performcd through a phase diagram analysis. An optimal fuz4 PID controllcr is dcvclopcd in [2] by separating the PI and D parts. A simple PID type FLC using a single input variable with thrce rules and six design parame ters l5 proposcd in It l].The simplification is obrained as the
from the incrcasc of input parameters, different algorithms havc becn dcvelopcd for thc construction or tuning of frrzy systcms from numcrical data. There are differcnt ways to
Itemative that can be used to facc these problcms and to have
Manuscript reccivcd January 27. 2001. authors are with thc Concrol Enginccring Dcpannrnt, lsunbul :chnical Univcrsity, 806?6. lvlaslak, lsnnbul Turkcy. Enail: lstokat. cksin. .:aya ) (Corrcsponding author to providc phonq Mfijdc Gnzclkaya: +90-212i 5 3 500; fax: +90-2 I 2 -28535 86; c-mail: gkaya@
knowledgc into linguistic rules consisting from a condition and a conscqucnl part- Thcsc rulcs are formcd by considcring cach possiblc combination of propositions in the condition part. For threc input variablcs and if cach of them take oo m linguistic v-alues, than thc corrcsponding completc rule base contains m' diffcrcnt rulcs. This combinatorial explosion in the numbcr of fuzry rules involves a high design effort for rhe tuning of large numbcr of parametcrs, complicate thc gencration of an cffectivc and rcliable rule-base and is cxpensivc in terms of mcmory rcquiremenls and real-time computational cfTort [8J. To decrease the design effort arising
ncluding manual tuning, Zieglcr-Nichols tuning, loop .haping, analyicat methods, pole placement mcthod etc. Also heir simpliciry of operation, low cost, inexpcnsivc naintenance provides an cxtensive usage in industrial :utomation and process control systcms [2]. Howevcr, it has ,cen known that conventional PID conrrollcrs gcnerally do :ot work well for nonlinear systems, higher order and/or time
universal approximators which can be able
With their"l
is uscd for thc adaprarion of a convcnrional plD controller [5] whcrc a FLC is urilizcd on-linc bascd on crror signal (e) and is first dcrivativc (de) ro dcrerminc the controllcr paramercn This study is conccrned with thc sccond group in which, tbe
l/^)NE of the bcst known controllcrs uscd in practicc is thc \-,/ con vcn t iona I p roporti onal-intcgral {eri varivc ( Pl D) type
I be
approximarion propcrry and linguistic srrucrure, FL systems has found many succcslful industrial applicarions in tbc automar;c conrrol ficld rvith thc namc fuzzy logic controller (FLC). including complcx sysrem dynamics rhat could exhibit a highly nonlincar charactcr. Thcrc arc scvcral studics including FLC and plD subjects. Thcsc studics can bc classificd in tr,r'o main groups based on thc considcration of thc Fi-C part. ln the first rhe FLC
controllcr parametcrs containing mcmbership functions atc
optimized via genetic algorithms both in [2' I l]' In [3], the proportional term in the convenrional PID controller is replaced with a two input PD rype FLCAlthough it iricreases the system performance, using the second derivative oferror (Ale) is expected to be inconvenient considering that it will increase the system input dimension, simulation time and system complexity [12]- Thus, most of the PID type FLC applications in the titerature are designed using e and Ae as input signals to avoid the increase of input dimension [3]. And generally PI or PD rype FLCs that are shown in Fig. I ,or their combinations are used as a controller' The rule base of the FLCs given in Fig- I are basically chosen as symmetric and the magnitude of the linguistic variables are proiortional with the distance from the diagonal of the linguistic ZE (zero) output as shown in Table l.
The hierarclical FLC was first introduced and designed in [3]. ln this hierarchical srnrcture, the number of rules will increase linearly whereas it is e,xponential in conventional counterpart- In a hienrchical FLC structure the most influential parameters are chosen as the system variables in the first level, the next most important parameters are chosen as the sysrem variables in the second level, and so on as shown in Fig.2 [ia] where an n input fuzzy system is realized by an n-l rwo-input frzzy systems. In this hierarchy, the first level gives an approximate output which is then modified by the second level rule set. This procedure can be repeated in succeeding levels of hierarchy. The number of rules in a complete rule set is reduced towards a linear function of the
by the hierarchy. Methods for
transforming hurnan experience or knowledge into the rule basc and database o{ a finzy inference system seek to generate the rule-base of a system by leaming all parameters of rhe system at once. Their success is limited and if there is a need to add or remove one of the parameters of the rule-base the the However, whole rule-base must be rebuilt
hierarchical structure, each input variable is used in a twoinput FLC and the knowledge can be easiiy rcdesigned rvhen adding or rcmoving an input variable.
(r) Fig. l. FLC slRlcturcs with two inpus: a) Pl t1pc. b) PD-type TAELE I RULE BASE OF r\ CONVENTIONAL FLC CONTROLLER
ll E
NNI tq
NS t:
rvithout Hos'cvcr, in this study. thc A:c inlormation is usr"d dcsigncd is FLC PID'rypc Thc' incrcesing systcm complcxiry.
Thc transfer function of a conventional PtD controllcr can b!. wrirlcn &s
by dccompoSing thc tfrrcc input systcm into nvo dinrensional systcnrs FLCs in a tiiffcrcnt structurc by using thc hicrarchical
topic. ln Scction 2, thc hicrrrchical FLC structurc ts ln Sccrion 3' thc proposctj PID rypc FLC tvith
thc to applicd is hicrarchicll srructurc is givcn. Thc n$v algorithm comparco lrc lincar and a nonlincar plant and thc rcsult-s
intro'tuning of lkzy PID con(rolfcrs.' in Proc. !5'' tF.lC Tricnnio! lt'orll Congress' Barcclonr Spein. 1 l -16 Jull' 1002.
fl91 [20]
115-15.{, 1995.
F.6. Shinlcy, Procesr Contyol Systens+pplication, tlesign and tuning, ll'lcGnwHill. NcwYork. I 993. R.K illudi, end N. R. Pal, -A robusr sclf-tuning schcrrr for pl and pD typ< conrrollcrs,- IEEE Tronsactions on Fu=.r, Systems, vol. 7, no,l, p9.2-t6. t999-
IEEE Conference on Control Applications 2OO3
June 23-75, 2003, Hotel Hilton, Istanbul, Turkey
Technical Program Chair :Georgi M. Dimirovski
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