general lower bounds for the minor crossing number of graphs

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Jul 17, 2008 - So the Euler genus of an orientable surface with k handles is 2k, and the Euler genus of a nonorientable surface with k crosscaps is k.) AMS Subject Classification (2000): 05C10, 05C83 ... new vertices, two new edges and one crossing. ... by a vertex: the new graph still has G as a minor, but its drawing in Σ ...
University of Ljubljana Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics Department of Mathematics Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Preprint series, Vol. 46 (2008), 1054


ISSN 1318-4865

July 17, 2008

Ljubljana, July 17, 2008

´ Czabarka Eva Imrich Vrt’o

General lower bounds for the minor crossing number of graphs Drago Bokal∗ Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Maribor Koroˇska 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia ´ Czabarka, L´aszl´o A. Sz´ekely† Eva Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208, USA Imrich Vrt’o‡ Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Sciences D´ ubravsk´a 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic July 15, 2008 Abstract There are three general lower bound techniques for the crossing numbers of graphs: the Crossing Lemma, the bisection method and the embedding method. In this contribution, we present their adaptations to the minor crossing number. Using the adapted bounds, we improve on the known bounds on the minor crossing number of hypercubes. We also point out relations of the minor crossing number to string graphs. Keywords: minor crossing number, crossing number, graph minor, hypercube, string graphs.



The minor crossing number of a graph G on a surface Σ, introduced in [6], is defined as the minimum crossing number of all graphs that contain G as a minor: mcr(G, Σ) := min{cr(H, Σ) | G ≤m H} . H means that G is a minor of H.) By mcr(G), we denote mcr(G, S0 ), the crossing

(As usual, the notation G ≤m number in the sphere S0 . ¯ such that G ≤m G ¯ and mcr(G, Σ) = For each graph G and each surface Σ there exists a realizing graph G, ¯ ¯ ¯ have the cr(G, Σ). An optimal drawing of G in Σ is called a realizing drawing of G. We shall assume that G and G same number of connected components. ¯ In other words, G = (G ¯ − R)/C for suitable edge sets G can be obtained as a contraction of a subgraph of G. R, C ⊆ EG¯ . The edges of R are called the removed edges and those in C are the contracted edges. Note that the edge-set C is acyclic and that EG = EG¯ \ (R ∪ C) are the original edges of G. It is clear that every graph G has a ¯ such that R = ∅. A stronger claim can be established using the following theorem. (Recall that realizing graph G the Euler genus of an (orientable or nonorientable) surface Σ is defined as g(Σ) = 2 − χ(Σ), where χ(Σ) is the Euler characteristics of the surface. So the Euler genus of an orientable surface with k handles is 2k, and the Euler genus of a nonorientable surface with k crosscaps is k.) AMS Subject Classification (2000): 05C10, 05C83 in part by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia, Research Project L1-5014 and Research Program P1-0297. † Supported in part by the NSF DMS contracts 0302307 and 0701111. ‡ Last three authors were supported by the EPSRC grant GR/S76694/01. The fourth author was also partially supported by the Vega grant No. 2/0111/09 and the APVV grant No. 0433/06. ∗ Supported


Theorem 1 ([6], Theorem 5.4) Let Σ be a surface of Euler genus g and let k ≥ 1 be an integer. Then mcr(G, Σ) ≤ k holds for a graph G, if and only if G can be embedded in the nonorientable surface Ng+k of Euler genus g + k, so that there exist pairwise noncrossing onesided curves γ1 , . . . , γk in Ng+k , each of which intersects G in at most two points, and such that we obtain Σ by pasting disks into Ng+k along those curves. ¯ of some realizing graph G ¯ of G in Lemma 2 Let G be a graph and Σ a surface. There exists a realizing drawing D ¯ ¯ ¯ Σ, such that (i) |V (G)| − |V (G)| = |E(G)| − |E(G)| ≤ 2mcr(G, Σ), (ii) the crossings in D involve only contracted ¯ and (iii) no two edges of G ¯ that are contracted to the same vertex of G cross in D. ¯ edges of G, Proof. Let Σ have Euler genus g, let k = mcr(G, Σ), and let γ1 , . . . , γk be the curves guaranteed by Theorem 1. By moving the curves along the edges, we may assume that the curves intersect the embedding D of G in Ng+k in the vertices of G only. Let ∆1 , . . . , ∆k be the disks we paste along γ1 , . . . , γk into Ng+k to obtain Σ. Each disk has at most two points of G on its boundary, which correspond to four intertwined points in the cut surface. By adding (at most) two edges and precisely one new vertex for every new edge, and by drawing them as paths on the corresponding disk, ¯ of a graph G ¯ in Σ, which has G as a minor. In each disk ∆i , we introduced at most two we obtain a drawing D new vertices, two new edges and one crossing. As G was embedded in Ng+k with no crossings, the drawing satisfies (i) and (ii). Suppose one of the crossings would be a crossing of two edges that are contracted to the same vertex of G. We can replace this crossing by a vertex: the new graph still has G as a minor, but its drawing in Σ has fewer than ¯ satisfies (iii). mcr(G, Σ) crossings. The contradiction implies there are no such crossings, thus D


The Crossing Lemma

1 The following result was conjectured by Erd˝ os and Guy [9] for a general constant c in place of 64 , and then proven 1 by Leighton [16] and independently by Ajtai, Chv´ atal, Newborn, and Szemer´edi [2] for c = 100 . A folklore beautiful application of the probabilistic method derives it from the Euler Formula [1]. The sketch of the proof below refers to this proof.

Theorem 3 (The Crossing Lemma, [2, 16]) Let G be a graph of order n with m ≥ 4n edges. Then, cr(G) ≥ 1 m3 64 n2 . The Crossing Lemma was improved several times and the current strongest version is by Pach, Radoiˇci´c, Tardos, and T´oth [18]. Sz´ekely found many applications in discrete geometry [29]. Recall the definition of the generalized Randiˇc index of a connected graph G, X α Rα (G) = dα u dv , {u,v}∈E(G)

where α is a real number and dv denotes the degree of the vertex v. Further, we use ∆(G) and δ(G) for the largest and the smallest degree of a vertex in G, respectively. Somewhat intriguingly, this quantity, coming from mathematical chemistry, provides a lower bound for the minor crossing number of graphs: Theorem 4 Let G be a simple graph without isolated vertices that has girth r and let Σ be a surface of Euler genus g and α ∈ R. For α ≥ 0, define dα = ∆(G), and let dα = δ(G) otherwise. Then, the following holds:    α r  X r − 2 Rα (G) dv − + g . mcr(G, Σ) ≥ r + 2 d2α r+2 dα α v∈V (G)


¯ is a realizing graph of G in Σ, i.e. mcr(G, Σ) = cr(G, ¯ Σ). Assume that a vertex v of G has Proof. Assume that G been substituted by iv + 1 vertices (of which iv are new vertices) and iv edges. Apply the Crossing Lemma proof ¯ such that we make independent experiments for the iv + 1-tuples of vertices (i.e. include all or none) with to G, α probability (dv (G)/dα ) ≤ 1. Note that unlike in the proof of the Crossing Lemma, the probability distribution is no longer uniform. ¯ and its drawing D: ¯ By Lemma 2, we can simultaneously assume three properties on G P (i) v∈V (G) iv ≤ 2mcr(G, Σ), ¯ involve only contracted edges of G, ¯ and (ii) the crossings in G

¯ (iii) edges that are contracted to the same vertex v ∈ V (G) do not cross each other in D. Let ev be an edge that is contracted to the vertex v ∈ V (G). Then, ¯ Σ) ≥ mcr(G, Σ) = cr(G,


¯ cross eu ,ev ∈E(G)

du dα


dv dα



¯ and the corresponding subdrawing of D ¯ by picking disjoint On the other hand, we take the random subgraph G′ of G r sets of vertices above with the prescribed probabilities. For any simple graph H, cr(H, Σ) ≥ e(H) − r−2 (n(H) + g) ′ by the Euler Formula. We spell out this inequality for G and take the expectation. The expected number of P P α vertices in G′ is v∈V (G) (dv /dα )α (iv + 1); the expected number of edges in G′ is Rα (G)/d2α α + v∈V (G) (dv /dα ) iv (corresponding to original and contracted edges), according  the αlinearity of expectation. Finally, the expected  α to P dv du ′ ′ ¯ , which is greater than or equal to the expected number of crossings of G in D[G ] is ¯ eu ,ev ∈E(G) cross

crossing number of G′ . Combining these results with assumption (i), we obtain:    α  α  α X  dv α X dv dv Rα (G) r  X du + ≥ iv − (iv + 1) + g  2α d d d d r − 2 d α α α α α ¯ v∈V (G)

v∈V (G)

eu ,ev ∈E(G) cross

   α r  X 4 dv Rα (G) − mcr(G, Σ), + g − ≥ d2α r − 2 d r − 2 α α v∈V (G)

which together with (2.1) implies the claim.

Combining the same non-uniform probability distribution with the proof of the ordinary Crossing Lemma, we obtain the following: Theorem 5 Let G be a simple graph of girth no isolated vertices. For α ≥ 0, define dα = ∆(G), and let P r that has r α dα = δ(G) otherwise. If Rα (G) ≥ 32 r−2 dα d , then the following holds: α v∈V (G) v cr(G) ≥

4 1 27 d4α α

r−2 r


(Rα (G))3 2 . P α d v∈V (G) v

This theorem has little to say about girth in view of results of Pach, Spencer, and Toth [20]. However, we present it as a possible direction of research into combining the Crossing Lemma proofs with non-uniform probability distributions on graph vertices. (In this regard, we acknowledge interesting discussions with Lincoln Lu.) Note that Theorem 4 simplifies to the bound implied by the Euler Formula in the case α = 0; in this case, all probabilities are equal to 1. Similarly, Theorem 5 reduces to the bound of the Crossing Lemma. For α > 0, the bound favors vertices with large degree, and, for α < 0, it favors vertices with small degree. Note that α < 0 may give better results than α > 0: an example is a graph L(n, k) obtained from a disjoint union of n copies of a ¯ k by connecting the vertices of complete graphs with corresponding complete graph Kk and an independent set K 3

vertices of the independent set, so that in the final graph, all vertices of the independent set have degree n and all vertices of the complete graphs have degree k. Such behavior of the bound from Theorem 4 indicates that the edges incident with vertices of small degree contribute most of the crossings in the graph. Like the Crossing Lemma, Theorems 4 and 5 can be applied without any knowledge of graph’s global structure: the only information we need are the degrees of adjacent vertices. Contrary to the Crossing Lemma, however, Theorem 4 does not require any restrictions on the density of the graph. In fact, it performs best on sparse graphs that have a dense part. For Theorem 5, however, the edge-density condition is replaced by a bound on the generalized Randiˇc index of the graph. As an example, consider a graph R(n, m), which is obtained by m-times subdividing each edge incident to a fixed vertex v of Kn+1 and consistently connecting all vertices at a fixed distance d = 1, 2, . . . , m from v in a cycle (more precisely, number the edges adjacent to v by 1, 2, . . . , n, and let yj,i be a subdivision point on edge i at distance j from v. Add the edges y1,i y2,i , y2,i y3,i , . . . , ym−1,i ym,i and ym,i y1,i for each i) . Then mcr(R(n, m)) ≤ cr(R(n, m)) = cr(Kn+1 ), but the average degree of R(n, m) is close to four for large m, thus, the nonstructural bounds considering just the number of edges and vertices become trivial (Euler bound, Crossing Lemma). Theorem 4, however, produces the following bound: !  α  2α 4 4 1 2n(2 − 3m) + 2n(2m − 1) + n2 − 7n − 6 . mcr(R(n, m)) ≥ 10 n n  1 For n > 4, m ≥ 0, and α → ∞, this expression simplifies to 10 n2 − 7n − 6 , which is approximately 25 of the best known lower bound for Kn . A similar computation for the graphs Km,n produces 23 of the best known lower bound for mcr(Km,n ), applying α = 0. Even non-integer values of α can give best results. For instance, the graph c 10 R(199, 100) + 10 (K100 ∗ K100 ) has largest bound at α ≈ 1.032 (Gc is the complement of G, G + H is the disjoint union, and G ∗ H is the complete join of G and H). Similarly for the ordinary crossing number, the edge density condition of the Crossing Lemma is violated for graphs R(n, m) with large m, but with α → ∞, the value of generalized Randiˇc index satisfies the condition of Theorem 5, which thus yields a lower bound of the same order of magnitude and with the same constant factor as c the Crossing Lemma. Again, the graph 10 R(199, 100) + 10 (K100 ∗ K100 ) is an example with a non-integer optimal α ≈ 2.247.


The bisection method

Leighton was interested in bounded degree graphs for VLSI design. He invented the bisection method and showed that cr(G) + n is bounded from below by the squared bisection width of the graph mulitplied by a small constant (the bisection width parallels the concepts defined below) [16]. This result was later extended to general graphs by Pach, Shahrokhi and Szegedy [19], who also produced specific constants and replaced n with the sum of degree squares. Independently, S´ ykora and Vrˇto [28] proved an essentially equivalent result for crossing numbers of general graphs in surfaces of higher genus. As usual, for X, Y ⊆ V (G), by hXi we denote the subgraph of G spanned by X, by E(X, Y ) we denote the set of edges xy ∈ E(G) such that x ∈ X and y ∈ Y , and E(X) = E(X, X). Let G be a graph, α ∈ (0, 1/2], and W ⊆ V (G). A set of edges F ⊆ E(G) is an α-edge bisection of the vertices of G with respect to W (in short, α-edge bisection ofG with  respect to W ), if V (G) can be partitioned into V1 and V2 such that min(|V1 ∩ W |, |V2 ∩ W |) ≥ min(⌈α|W |⌉ , 12 |W | ), and every edge between V1 and V2 in G belongs to F . We denote by bwe (G, W ; α) the size of the smallest α-edge bisection of G with respect to W , and use bwe (G, W ) if α = 1/2. Note that |W | ≥ 2 implies that Vi ∩ W 6= ∅ for i ∈ {1, 2}. The condition min(|V ∩ W |, |V2 ∩ W |) ≥ 1   1 min(⌈α|W |⌉ , 21 |W | ) is equivalent with max(|V1 ∩ W |, |V2 ∩ W |) ≤ max(⌊(1 − α)|W |⌋ , 12 |W | ). If α ≤ 21 − 2|W | 1  or |W | is even, then min(⌈α|W |⌉ , 2 |W | ) = ⌈α|W |⌉, so we can replace the condition on |Vi ∩ W | with min(|V1 ∩ 1 1 W |, |V2 ∩ W |) ≥ α|W |, as one would expect. However, if |W | is odd and α ∈ ( 21 − 2|W the condition | , 2 ],then  1  min(|V1 ∩ W |, |V2 ∩ W |) ≥ min(⌈α|W |⌉ , 2 |W | ) is equivalent with min(|V1 ∩ W |, |V2 ∩ W |) = 12 |W | < α|W |. 4

A set S ⊆ V is an α-vertex bisection of the edges of G (in short, an α-vertex bisection of G), if the vertices of G − S are partitioned into sets V1 and V2 , such that the graph induced by Vi , i = 1, 2, has at most (1 − α)|E| edges; if E(G) 6= ∅, then we require that, for i = 1, 2, E(Vi ∪ S) 6= ∅ and that every path connecting V1 and V2 in G contains a vertex from S. Let bwv (G; α) denote the cardinality of the smallest α-vertex bisection of G; again we use bwv (G) if α = 1/2. A set S ⊆ V is a strong α-vertex bisection of the edges of G (in short, a strong α-vertex bisection of G), if the vertices of G − S can be partitioned into two sets V1 and V2 such that min(E(V1 ∪ S), E(V2 ∪ S)) ≥ α|E(G)|, and every path connecting V1 and V2 in G contains a vertex from S. Let bw∗v (G; α) denote the cardinality of the smallest strong α-vertex bisection of G, again α = 1/2 is simply omitted from the notation. Lemma 6 Let α ∈ (0, 1/2]. For any G = (V, E), bw∗v (G; α) ≥ bwv (G; α). Proof. The statement is trivial if E(G) = ∅, so assume E(G) 6= ∅. Let S be a strong α-vertex bisection of G. Then for i ∈ {1, 2} we have that E(Vi ∪ S) 6= ∅ and |E(Vi )| ≤ |E(G)| − |E(V3−i ∪ S)| ≤ (1 − α)|E(G)|, so S is also an α-vertex bisection of G and the claim follows. ¯ that can be obtained from G as follows. For For a graph G = (V, E), we define HG as the set of all graphs G every vertex v ∈ V , subdivide every edge incident to v. Then each edge is subdivided twice. The new vertices are called leaves. If v has degree at least three, remove v and attach a tree to the leaves, s.t. the internal vertices of the tree are of degree three. Note that the number of internal tree vertices in every such tree equals the number of leaves less two. The edges of these trees, as well as the edges incident to degree one or two vertices of the original ¯ ∈ H. The non-leaf tree vertices are internal vertices. Note that the vertices that have G, are called tree edges of G ¯ ∈ HG , then the number of internal tree vertices at every tree Tv , degree one in G are also internal vertices. Let G v ∈ G, equals at least the number of leaves less two (equality holds if the corresponding vertex v in G has degree ¯ ∈ HG we denote the set of leaves by L. Then |L| = 2|E|. Let I be the set of all internal at least three). For G vertices of trees, then |I| ≥ |L| − 2|V | = 2|E| − 2|V | (with equality if the minimum degree of G is 3). The newly introduced concepts are related in Lemma 7. Lemma 7 Let α ∈ (0, 1/2]. For any G = (V, E) without isolated vertices, ¯ L; α) ≥ bw∗ (G; α) − 1 ≥ bwv (G; α) − 1. bw∗v (G; α) ≥ min bwe (G, v ¯ G∈H G

Proof. Again, if E = ∅, the statement is trivial, so let G be a graph such that E 6= ∅, so |L| = 2|E| ≥ 2. By ¯ L; α) ≥ bw∗v (G; α) − 1. bwe (G, Lemma 6 it is enough to prove that bw∗v (G; α) ≥ minG∈H ¯ G ¯ Let G ∈ HG be a graph that has minimal α-edge bisection width with respect to L, and let F be the smallest ¯ with respect to L, i.e., |F | = bwe (G, ¯ L; α). Since |L| = 2|E| is even, the graph G ¯ − F consists α-edge bisection of G ¯ ¯ of subgraphs G1 , G2 both having at least ⌈α|L|⌉ > 0 leaves. ¯ is adjacent with precisely Any edge e ∈ F not belonging to any of the trees that replaced the vertices of G in G ′ ¯ ¯ one tree edge e1 in G1 and another tree edge e2 in G2 . We obtain a set F by replacing every such e ∈ F with one of ei , such that the sides are chosen evenly; then at most one non-tree edge e is left in F ′ , and |F | = |F ′ |. The ¯ ′ is incident to a single non-tree edge in E(G ¯ ′ ) ∪ {e}, ¯ ′ . Since every leaf in G ¯ into G ¯ ′ and G set F ′ separates G 2 1 i i ′ ¯ and every non-tree edge is incident upon precisely two leaves, the number of non-tree edges in E(Gi ) ∪ {e} is at ¯ to a vertex we get the original graph G. For i = 1, 2, let Gi = α|E|. By contracting every tree of G least α|L| 2 ¯ ′ . Note that be a subgraph of G spanned by the vertices that were contracted from trees containing leafs from G i ′ G1 and G2 share vertices that correspond to trees containing edges from F . Then E(Gi ) contains the non-tree ¯ ′ ) ∪ {e}, and so |E(G∗ )| ≥ α|E|. Let S be the set of vertices in G that correspond to trees containing edges of E(G i i edges from F ′ and the endvertices of e. Clearly, the vertices of G − S can be partitioned into V1 and V2 such that Vi ⊆ V (Gi ) ⊆ Vi ∪ S and every path from V1 to V2 goes through a vertex of S. Also, |E(S ∪ Vi )| ≥ |E(Gi )| ≥ α|E|. Then S is a strong α-vertex bisection of G of size at most |F | + 1 (and the edge e is in hVi ∪ Si for both i = 1, 2). Hence we proved the second inequality: ¯ L; α) = |F | ≥ |S| − 1 ≥ bw∗ (G; α) − 1. bwe (G, v 5

∗ let For the first inequality, let S ⊆ V be a strong α-vertex bisection in G suchthat |S| = bw  v1(G;α), and  1 1 |E| or ⌈α|E|⌉ = |E| > |E| . V1 , V2 ⊆ V be the partition of G corresponding to S. Now either ⌈α|E|⌉ ≤ 2 2 2 1  1  1  If ⌈α|E|⌉ ≤ 2 |E| , then let C = ∅. If ⌈α|E|⌉ = 2 |E| > 2 |E| , then wemusthave E(S) 6= ∅; in this case let C = {x1 x2 } for some fixed x1 x2 ∈ E(S). Let c = |C| and α∗ = min(⌈α|E|⌉ , 21 |E| ). In particular, 2α∗ ≤ |E|, and if ⌈α|E|⌉ > α∗ , then ⌈α|E|⌉ = α∗ + 1 and |E| is odd. Moreover, |E − C| = 2 12 |E| . If c = 0, then 2α∗ + c = 2α∗ = 2 ⌈α|E|⌉ ≥ ⌈2α|E|⌉. If c = 1, then E is odd, 2α ≤ 1, and 2α∗ + c = |E| ≥ ⌈2α|E|⌉. Thus 2α∗ + c ≥ ⌈2α|E|⌉. Let ai be the number of edges in Ai = E(Vi ) ∪ E(Vi , S), and let b be the number of edges in E(S) − C. Set b1 = max(α∗ −a1 , 0), b2 = b−b1 , and let Ei contain the edges of Ai and bi edges of E(S)−C, such that E1 and E2 are disjoint. Then |E1 | = a1 + b1 ≥ α∗ and either |E2 | = a2 + b2 ≥ a2 + b ≥ α∗ or |E2 | = a2 + b2 ≥ a2 + b + a1 − α∗ ≥ α∗ . Therefore |Ei ∪ C| ≥ ⌈α|E|⌉ in all cases. ¯ ∈ HG as follows: insert trees on the leaves corresponding to vertices of V1 and V2 arbitrarily. We design a graph G ¯ corresponding to the edge x1 x2 in G. For s ∈ S, s ∈ If C 6= ∅, let l1 l2 be the non-tree edge in G / {x1 , x2 }, let Ls,i be the set of leaves corresponding to s that are endpoints of edges in Ei . Insert a tree on the leaves corresponding to s such that a removal of an edge es separates the leaves Ls,1 from Ls,2 . For F = {es | s ∈ S} ∪ {l1 l2 }, the graph ¯ − F consists of two graphs G ¯ i containing the set of leaves Li of size at least |Li | ≥ 2α∗ + c ≥ ⌈α|L|⌉. Therefore G ¯ L; α) and proving the first inequality. ¯ F is an α-edge bisection of G ∈ H implying bw∗v (G; α) ≥ bwe (G,

We establish a lower bound on the minor crossing numbers of graphs using Lemma 7 together with the following theorem: Theorem 8 ([3], Theorem 3.1) Let G be an n-vertex graph with non-negative vertex-weights w such that G is embeddable in an orientable surface of Euler genus g. For any ε ∈ (0, 1), there exists a set S, such that q  g 1 |S| ≤ 4 2 + ε n and no component of V (G − S) has weight more than ε w(G).

Theorem 8 or some similar result on separators together with the standard iterative technique for producing an p p α-edge bisection of size at most c∆(G) 1−εp n using separators of size at most cn , 0 < p < 1, [11, 17, 27, 28] implies the following: Corollary 9 Let G be an n-vertex graph of maximum degree ∆ embeddable in an orientable surface of Euler genus g. Let L ⊂ V and ε ∈ (0, 1), α ∈ (0, 21 ]. Then there exists an α-edge bisection of G with respect to L of size at most q 4∆ √ ( g2 + 1ε )n. 1− ε

Proof. Assign weight 1 to all vertices from the set L and 0 to all remaining vertices. According to Theorem 8, q  g 1 there is a set S1 ⊆ V (G) of size 4 + 2 ε n whose removal leaves no component of weight larger than ε|L|. Let C1 be the largest component; then we can group the other components into two sets A1 , B1 ⊆ V (G), such that there are no edges between A1 and B1 in G − S1 , and w(A1 ), w(B1 ) ≤ (1 − α)|L|. q If w(B1 ∪ C1 ) ≤ (1 − α)|L|, we are done, g 1 ′ otherwise we proceed by separating C1 using a set S1 of size at most 4 2 + ε εn into components of weight at

most ε2 |L|. Then we can add all but at most one (call it C2 ) of those components to sets A1 and B1 obtaining A2 ⊇ A1 , B2 ⊇ B1 , such that w(A1 ), w(B1 ) ≤ (1 − α)|L| and there are no edges between A2 and B2 in G − S2 , S2 = S1 ∪ S1′ : the same argument as before applies. Iterating this procedure, we obtain sequences A1 ⊆ . . . ⊆ Ak , B1 ⊆ . . . ⊆ Bk , C1 ⊇ . . . ⊇ Ck , and S1 ⊆ . . . ⊆ Sk , such that w(Ai ) ≤ w(Bi ) ≤ (1 − α)|L|, w(Ci ) ≤ εi |L| for i = 1, . . . , k − 1, w(Ck ) = 0, and |Sk | ≤

k q X 4 i=0

g 2


1 ε

εi n ≤

4 √ 1− ε


g 2


1 ε


Let F be the set of at most ∆|Sk | edges, incident with vertices of Sk . The vertices of Sk are isolated vertices in G − F and can be properly distributed among the sets Ak and Bk , so that we obtain Ak+1 and Bk+1 that are a partition of V (G) with w(Ak+1 ), w(Bk+1 ) ≥ ⌊α|L|⌋. Thus F is an α-edge bisection of G with respect to L.


Theorem 10 Let G = (V, E) be a graph with minimum degree at least three, Σ an orientable surface of Euler genus g. For every α ∈ 0, 21 , there exists cg > 0 such that 2

mcr(G, Σ) ≥ cg bw∗v (G; α) − 4|E|. √


ε(1− ε) ¯ ′ be a realizing graph of G, i.e., Proof. We prove the theorem with cg,ε = 128(gε+2) for any ε ∈ (0, 1). Let G ′ ¯ , Σ). As G has minimum degree three, we may assume that G ¯ ′ is cubic (cf. [6]) and we can mcr(G, Σ) = cr(G ′ ¯ ∈ HG by subdividing each original edge of G ¯ twice. Using a standard technique of Leighton [16], obtain a graph G we will prove that ¯ Σ) ≥ cg,ε bwe (G, ¯ L; α)2 − 4|E| + 2|V |. cr(G, (3.2) 2

Then Lemma 7 will imply mcr(G, Σ) ≥ cg,ε (bw∗v (G; α) − 1)2 − 4|E| + 2|V | ≥ cg,ε bw∗v (G; α) − 4|E|. ¯ and replace every crossing of D with a new vertex. We get graph GD on Let D be an optimal drawing of G ¯ Σ) + |L| + |I| = cr(G, ¯ Σ) + 4|E| − 2|V | vertices, whose maximum degree is four, embedded in Σ. (Recall that cr(G, the internal vertices I and the leaf vertices L were defined before Lemma 7.) Assign the weight 1 to every leaf vertex and weight zero to other vertices in GD . Corollary 9 implies that there exists an α-edge bisection FD of GD with respect to L of size q |FD | ≤

( g2 + 1ε )|VD |.

16 √ 1− ε

¯ but two edges in FD may correspond to the same edge of G. ¯ Each edge of FD corresponds to a unique edge of G, ¯ Thus the set F of edges of G corresponding to the edges of FD has size at most |FD |. Since F is an α-edge bisection ¯ with respect to L, we established of G q q g 1 16 ¯ Σ) + 4|E| − 2|V | ≥ |F | ≥ bwe (G, ¯ L; α), √ + ) ( cr(G, 2 ε 1− ε which implies (3.2).


The embedding method

Let H, G be two graphs. An embedding of H into G is a pair of injections ω = hλ, Λi, λ : V (H) → V (G), Λ : E(H) → {P | P is a path in G}, such that Λ(e) is a path in G from λ(u) to λ(v) for any edge e = uv ∈ E(H). The paths Ωω = {Λ(e) | e ∈ E(H)} are called ω-active paths. The edge congestion µω (e) of an edge e ∈ E(G) is the number of active paths using e, and the vertex congestion mω (v) of a vertex v ∈ V (G) is the number of active paths using the vertex v ∈ V (G). Edge congestion µω and vertex congestion mω of the embedding ω are the maximum corresponding values over all the edges or vertices. Given an embedding of H into G, the following theorem bounds the crossing number of G in terms of the crossing number of H: Theorem 11 ([25]) Let G be a graph of order n, ω an embedding of a graph H into G with edge-congestion µω and vertex congestion mω , and Σ any surface. Then,  2 cr(H, Σ) n mω − . cr(G, Σ) ≥ µ2ω 2 µω For our purposes, we need to refine the above statement. Let ω be an embedding of a graph H into a graph G. For a pair of edges e, f ∈ E(H) let P be a component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). Clearly, P is a path in G. If e and f are adjacent and P contains a λ-image of their common endvertex, then P is a starting component, otherwise P is a non-starting component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). We denote with oω (e, f ) the number of non-starting components of  P we denote the set of entangled edge pairs of H: a Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). Let oω = {e,f }∈Πω oω (e, f ). With Πω ⊆ E(H) 2 pair {e, f } ⊆ E(H) is entangled , if oω (e, f ) > 0. Theorem 12 Let G be a graph and ω = (λ, Λ) an embedding of a graph H into G with edge-congestion µω . Then cr(G) ≥ µ12 {cr(H, Σ) − oω } . ω


Proof. Let D be a drawing of G and let D′ be the subdrawing, induced by the edges of Λ(E(H)). Using the embedding ω as in [25], we construct a drawing DH of H as follows. First, we draw each vertex v ∈ V (H) into the D-image of λ(v). Second, we draw each edge e ∈ E(H) in a small neighborhood of the drawing D[Λ(e)] of the embedding path Λ(e) parallel with that path. We say that such DH respects D and ω. In DH , there are precisely two types of crossings. Crossings of type (i) arise in small neighborhood of some crossing x of D: if Λ(e) and Λ(f ) each uses a different edge of G that crosses at x, then e and f cross in a crossing of type (i) in the neigbhorhood of x. Crossings of type (ii) arise in small neighborhoods of some vertex v of G: if v ∈ Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ), then e and f may cross in a crossing of type (ii) in the neigbhorhood of v. The construction of such a drawing DH alone implies Theorem 11, as there are at most µ2ω crossings of type (i) at every crossing of D, and at most m2ω /2 crossings of type (ii) at every vertex of G. The improvement follows from elimination and a more sharp counting of crossings of type (ii). The sharper counting relies on the obvious fact that crossings of type (ii) appear only at vertices of G. Thus, they can appear only at vertices of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ) for some e, f ∈ E(H). We claim that there exists DH with (a) at most one e, f -crossing of type (ii) per non-starting component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ) and with no type (ii) e, f -crossings at starting components of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). ¯ be the drawing respecting D and ω with the smallest number of violations Assume no such DH exists and let D of (a). Further, assume that P ⊆ G is a component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). ¯ in a small neighborhood of w ∈ P , we can If v ∈ P is an endvertex of both Λ(e) and Λ(f ) and e, f cross in D flip e and f in a small neighborhood of P such that the crossing is eliminated. The new drawing still respects D ¯ and D[f ¯ ] are routed in small neighborhoood of and ω as P is a component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ), and both drawings D[e] ¯ ¯ P . But the new drawing has a smaller number of violations of (a) than D, a contradiction to the choice of D. So we may assume that P is a non-starting component with at least two type (ii) crossings of e and f . Let x, y ¯ the two crossings appear. If we flip the edges e and f in be the vertices of P in whose small neighborhoods in D ¯ and ω as in the previous paragraph and has small neighborhoods of the crossings, the new drawing still respects D ¯ ¯ We conclude that (a) holds. a smaller number of violations of (a) than D, another contradiction to the choice of D. 2 In DH , there are at most µω type (i) crossings at any crossing of G, and altogether at most oω type (ii) crossings. Thus, µ2ω cr(G, Σ) + oω ≥ cr(H, Σ), and the claim follows.

In special circumstances that are of interest in [5], Theorem 12 could be improved: Theorem 13 Let G be a graph and ω = (λ, Λ) an embedding of a graph H into G with edge-congestion µω = 1, such that all ω-entangled pairs of edges of H have the same common endvertex v. Then any drawing D of G has at least cr(H, Σ) crossings in D[Ωω ] that do not involve two edges of Λ-images of ω-entangled pairs of edges. Proof. Let DH be a drawing of H respecting D and ω with smallest number of type (ii) crossings, as in the proof ′ ′ of Theorem 12. We augment DH to DH and produce an embedding ω ′ = (λ′ , Λ′ ), such that DH respects D and ω ′ , ′ ′ µω¯ = 1, Λ (E(H)) contain the same edges as Λ(E(H)), and DH has no type (ii) crossings. ′ If DH has no type (ii) crossings, then ω ′ = ω and DH = DH , otherwise let x be a type (ii) crossing in a small DH -neighborhood of a vertex w ∈ V (G) and let e, f be the two edges of H crossing at x. As µω = 1, x is a non-starting component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). So let Pe and Pf be the maximum common w − v segments of Λ(e) and Λ(f ), respectively. We alter ω = (λ, Λ) to ω ′ = (λ, Λ′ ), so that Λ′ (e) uses Pf and Λ′ (f ) uses ′ Pe , but otherwise they are equal. By flipping e and f in a small DH -neighborhood of x, we obtain DH that respects ′ ′ ω . After performing such a change at every type (ii) crossing of DH , the final DH respects the final ω ′ , and DH has no type (ii) crossings. ′′ We further produce a drawing DH , which has no type (i) crossings on the Λ-images of the ω-entangled pairs of H-edges. As all such edges are incident with v, we can uncross them at any type (i) crossing involving such edges, even if the two edges are not from the same entangled pair. The new drawing is still a drawing of H and has at least cr(H, Σ) crossings, and we deduce that all these crossings are type (i) crossings appearing in small neighborhoods of crossings of D. As µω = 1, each such type (i) crossing corresponds to a unique crossing of D, so D has at least cr(H, Σ) crossings of which none involves two Λ-images of ω-entangled pairs of edges. 8

The ideas behind Theorem 13 could be applied in more general settings, too. By eliminating the crossings in a specific setting of a given embedding and a given drawing respecting that embedding, the bounds could be further improved, either by decreasing the multiplicative factor (in our case µω ) or by decreasing the subtracted constant (in our case oω ). ¯ its realizing graph in some surface Σ. For a vertex v in V (G), let Tv be the tree in G ¯ Let G be a graph and G ¯ ¯ that is contracted to v. For any path P = u0 . . . ut in G of positive length, we define its lift P to be the path in G ¯ corresponding to ui−1 ui ∈ E(G), i = 1, . . . , t, and connects the edges ei and ei+1 with that uses every edge ei of G the unique path in Tui connecting their endvertices. Formally, P¯ = e1 Tu1 e2 Tu2 . . . Tut−1 et . ¯ a realizing graph of G in some surface Σ, then a lift If ω = hλ, Λi is an embedding of a graph H into G and G ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ of ω is any embedding ω ¯ = hλ, Λi of H into G, for which λ(v) ∈ V (Tλ(v) ) for every v ∈ V (H); and, for e = uv, Λ(e) ¯ ¯ ¯ is the path containing the lift P of Λ(e) extended by the path connecting λ(u) with the initial vertex of P and the ¯ ¯ path connecting the endvertex of P¯ with λ(v). Note that we have the freedom of choosing λ(v) ∈ Tλ(v) . After that, the lifts of paths are uniquely defined. ¯ a realizing graph of G in some surface Σ. Further, let ω = hλ, Λi be an Lemma 14 Let G, H be two graphs and G ¯ Λi ¯ be a lift of ω. Then oω¯ (e, f ) = oω (e, f ) for any pair of edges e, f ∈ E(H) embedding of H into G and let ω ¯ = hλ, and consequently oω¯ = oω . Proof. Let e, f ∈ E(H) and let P = v1 e1 v2 e2 . . . ek−1 vk be a component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ). If P is a starting component, then (by symmetry) we may assume v1 is the λ-image of a common endvertex w of e and f . By ¯ ¯ ¯ ) contain the edges e1 , . . . , ek , and as and Λ(f definition of the lift ω ¯ , λ(w) is a vertex in Tv1 . Furthermore, Λ(e) there are unique endvertices of corresponding edges in Tvi , i = 1, . . . , k − 1 and unique paths connecting these ¯ are in the same component P¯ of Λ(e) ¯ ¯ ) in G. ¯ In Tv , ∩ Λ(f endvertices in Tvi , the respective lifts of P into G k ′ ¯ however, only the endvertex w of ek−1 is a common Tv−k -leaf of the lift, the other leaf is distinct for each of Λ(e), ¯ ). But, as Tv contains no cycles, Λ(e) ¯ ¯ ) ∩ Tv has only one component that is a path P¯ ′ and contains w′ . Λ(f ∩ Λ(f k k ′ ′ ¯′ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ) ∩ Tv that corresponds As w is in P and P , P is a part of P . Thus there is a unique component of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f k to P . A similar reasoning applies if P is not a starting component: in that case, the Tv1 -endvertex of e1 defines ¯ ¯ ) ∩ Tv which contains e1 Tu e2 Tu . . . Tu et . Thus, for every component P of the only component P¯ of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f t−1 2 1 1 ¯ ¯ ). As Λ(e) ¯ Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f ) there exists a component P¯ of Λ(e) ∩ Λ(f is a path for every e ∈ E(H), there is only one component P¯ for each P , and the claim follows. We define sω (v) to be the number of ω-active paths starting at v ∈ V (G) and tω (v) to be the number of active paths passing through v. Then mω (v) = sω (v) + tω (v), but we define νω (v) = 12 sω (v) + tω (v) and νω = max(maxv∈V (G) νω (v), maxe∈E(G) µω (e)). As follows, this refinement strengthens the translation of the embedding method to the minor crossing number in such a way, that the result generalizes the lower bound on mcr(G, Σ) in terms of cr(G, Σ) and ∆(G) from [6, 10]. Theorem 15 Let G be a graph and ω = hλ, Λi an embedding of a connected nonempty graph H into G. Then, mcr(G, Σ) ≥

1 {cr(H, Σ) − oω } . νω2

¯ be a realizing graph of G. Proof. Let G ¯ Λi, ¯ ω ¯ such that for every v ∈ V (G) and e ∈ E(Tv ), µω¯ (e) ≤ ¯ : H → G, ¯ = hλ,  0: There exists a lift ω  1 Claim 2 sω (v) + tω (v). ¯ implies the theorem. Claim 0 implies µω¯ ≤ νω . As oω¯ = oω by Lemma 14, Theorem 12 applied to G ¯ ′ ) for any v ′ ∈ V (H) so that Now we prove Claim 0. According to a previous remark, it is enough to define λ(v ¯ the bound of Claim 0 holds. Let v be a vertex of G and Tv the tree in G contracted to v. If sω = 0, then there are tω active paths using v, none of them as a starting vertex. In ω ¯ , at most the corresponding tω lifted paths can use any e ∈ Tv , so the claim holds. Therefore we may assume that sω ≥ 1, so v = λ(v ′ ) for some v ′ ∈ V (H) with dv′ ≥ 1. As the paths going through v contribute at most tω (v) to µω¯ (e) as in the previous paragraph, we may for simplicity assume that tω (v) = 0. Let e = u1 u2 be an edge of Tv . The forest Tv − e has two components T1 and T2 9

P with ui ∈ V (Ti ), i = 1, 2. Let Ei be the set of all original edges of G, incident with Ti , and let µi = e∈Ei µω (e). ¯ ′ ) ∈ V (Ti ), then µω¯ (e) = µ3−i . If µi < µ3−i , we direct the edge e from ui to u3−i , otherwise we Note that, (∗) if λ(v leave the edge e undirected. With Te we denote the component T3−i and with Te′ the component Ti . If µ1 = µ2 , then Te,ui denotes the tree Ti . With µ(T ) we denote the sum of µω (e) for all original edges incident with T . Claim 1: Each vertex u ∈ V (Tv ) has at most one incident outgoing edge. Suppose the edges e and f are both directed away from u. Since Te′ contains Tf and Tf′ contains Te , this would imply µ(Tf ) ≤ µ(Te′ ) < µ(Te ) ≤ µ(Tf′ ), a contradiction. Claim 2: If u ∈ V (Tv ) is incident with an undirected edge, then there is no outgoing edge incident with u. Let u be incident with an outgoing edge e and an undirected edge f = uu′ . Since f is undirected, µ(Tf,u ) = µ(Tf,u′ ) = 1 1 ′ ′ ′ ′ 2 mv . Then, µ(Te ) > µ(Te ) ≥ µ(Tf,u ) = 2 mv , since Tf,u is a subtree of Te . This contradicts µ(Te ) + µ(Te ) = mv . Claim 3: u ∈ V (Tv ) can have at most two incident undirected edges. Let ei = uui , i = 1, 2, 3, be three incident undirected edges. Then µ1 = µ2 + µ3 + µ′ , µ2 = µ1 + µ3 + µ′ , and µ3 = µ1 + µ2 + µ′ for µi = µ(Tei ,ui ). Since µi , µ′ ≥ 0, this implies µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ′ = 0, contradicting dv′ ≥ 1. Claim 4: The subgraph of Tv induced by undirected edges is connected. By Claim 1 and Claim 2, the unique path e1 . . . et of Tv connecting two undirected edges e1 and et has only incoming edges, therefore the path can contain undirected edges only. Claims 3 and 4 establish that the subgraph spanned by the undirected edges of Tv is a connected graph P of maximum degree two, and by Claim 1 and 2, all edges of T incident with P are directed into P . If there is no undirected edge, then Tv is a directed acyclic graph and must have a vertex P = u of out-degree zero. If we embed v ′ into P , then Claim 0 follows by (∗). The inequality mcr(G, Σ) ≥ cr(G, Σ)/


∆(G) 2


, proved in [10] for ∆(G) = 4 and in [6] for general ∆(G), is a

simple consequence 15: If we embed G into G using the canonical injection ι, then sι = ∆(G) and k j of Theorem , which together with oι = 0 implies the inequality. tι = 0 imply νι = ∆(G) 2 Note that there are two ways of using an embedding ω : H → G to obtain a lower bound for mcr(G, Σ) in terms of cr(H, Σ). We can apply it directly using Theorem 15, in which case the lower bound is roughly cr(H, Σ)/νω2 , or we can first apply Theorem 12 to obtain a lower bound on cr(G, Σ), and then use the embedding ι : G → G from the previous paragraph, in which case we obtain a bound, roughly equal to 4 cr(H, Σ)/(∆µω )2 . The direct approach is preferable whenever 2νω ≤ ∆µω , otherwise the indirect approach yields a better bound.

5 5.1

Applications Hypercubes

Theorem 16 For the n-dimensional hypercube Qn , bwv (Qn ) ≥

n ⌊n 2 ⌋−1


2n+1 √ (1 2πn

− o(1)).

Proof. We prove the claim for odd n. The even case is similar. Consider an optimal vertex bisection S of edges of Qn , which separates the hypercube into G1 = (V1 , E1 ) and G2 = (V2 , E2 ), |V1 | ≥ |V2 |, such that |E1 | ≤ 2n−2 n and |E2 | ≤ 2n−2 n. By contradiction, we prove   2n+1 n √ (1 − o(1)). = |S| ≥ ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1 2πn For A ⊆ V , define the vertex boundary of A as ∂v (A) = {u ∈ V − A : there exists w ∈ A, uw ∈ E} and the edge boundary of A as ∂e (A) = {uv ∈ E : u ∈ A, v ∈ V − A}. Case 1: |V1 | ≤ 2n−1 + ⌊ nn ⌋ . Since |V1 | ≥ |V2 |, this implies 2           n n n n n n n−1 − = + + ... + , |V2 | = 2 − |V1 | − |S| > 2 − ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 2 ⌊ n2 ⌋         n n n n n−1 |V2 | ≤ 2 = + + ... + + . 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ 10

Distinguish two subcases. If       n n n , |V2 | ≤ + + ... + 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1 then |V2 | =

        n n n n + + ... + + α , 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 2 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1

for some 0 < α ≤ 1. According to Bollob´as and Leader [8, Corollary 2],       n n n +α n > . |∂v (V2 )| ≥ (1 − α) n ⌊2⌋ ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1 ⌊2⌋ − 1 This, however, contradicts to 

|∂v (V2 )| ≤ |S| < If |V2 | > then |V2 | =

 n . ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1

      n n n , + + ... + 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1

        n n n n + α . + + ... + ⌊ n2 ⌋ 0 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ − 1

Similarly,       n n n +α n = , |∂v (V2 )| ≥ (1 − α) n ⌊2⌋ + 1 ⌊ n2 ⌋ ⌊2⌋ A contradiction again. Case 2: |V1 | > 2n−1 +

n ⌊n 2⌋

. We have 2|E1 | + |∂e (V1 )| = |V1 |n, implying 2n−1 n + |∂e (V1 )| > 2n−1 n + |∂e (V1 )| >

n ⌊ n2 ⌋

This is a contradiction to |∂e (V1 )| ≤ |∂e (S)| ≤ |S|n
0, such that mcr(Qn , Σ) ≥ cg

4n (1 − o(1)). n

for the n-dimensional hypercube Qn . For the sake of completness, we provide an upper bound: Theorem 18 For the n-dimensional hypercube Qn , 4n mcr(Qn ) ≤ √ − 2n. πn 11

Proof. We make a staircase drawing of Qn by first identifying the vertices of Qn with the subsets of [n]. Each vertex corresponds to a line in the drawing; lines whose sets have even number of elements are horizontal, lines whose sets have odd number of elements are vertical. Lines intersect other lines only when the cardinalities of the two sets differ by 1. This gives the bound mcr(Qn ) ≤

n−2 X i=1

  n4n Γ(n + 12 ) 4n n n − 2n ≤ √ − 2n. = √ i i+1 πΓ(n + 2) πn

Qn A similar approach can be applied to the Hamming graphs Kpn = i=1 Kp . They are n(p − 1)-regular, have pn vertices, n(p − 1)pn /2 edges, and are a natural generalization of hypercubes, which are Hamming graphs for 2n p = 2. It is known that cr(Kpn ) = Θ(p2n+2 ) [30], thus the embedding method lower bound gives mcr(Kpn ) = Ω( pn2 ). Combining Theorem 10 with the vertex boundary estimations in [12] and the approach used in Theorem 16, we get 2n a better estimate mcr(Kpn ) = Ω( pn ).


String representation of graphs in the plane

A graph is called a string graph, if its vertices are represented by simple curves in the plane, and two vertices are connected by an edge if and only if the corresponding simple curves intersect. Benzer [4] was motivated by biology and Sinden [26] by electrical engineering to ask which graphs are string graphs. Ron Graham deserves much credit for recognizing the importance of the problem and making it known. Although Kratochv´ıl [14, 15] showed that the recognition problem of string graphs is NP-hard, only recently were Pach and T´oth [21] and independently Schaefer, ˇ Sedgwick, and Stefankoviˇ c [23, 24] were able to show that the recognition problem of string graphs is decidable and is in NP. The basis of this result is an upper bound on how many crossings a drawing proving that an n-vertex graph is a string graph may need (note that a pair of crossing curves may intersect many times, and this may be even needed for the string graph representation). In view of this history, it is surprising that the following analogue of planar graph drawings has not been considered before. Represent the vertices of the graph G by simple curves in the plane, and make sure that any two curves representing the endpoints of an edge of G intersect, but allow intersection of curves representing nonadjacent vertices. Minimize the total number of intersections over all pairs of curves. We call this quantity minus |E(G)| the string crossing number of G and denote it by i(G). Note that this definition is analogous to i(.) in Richter and Thomassen [22] and Juarez and Salazar [13], where it was applied to closed curves. We have an interesting observation, supported by Propositions 19 and 20: i(G) is intimately related to mcr(G). Proposition 19 Let G be a graph. Then, i(G) ≤ 4mcr(G). ¯ be a realizing graph of G as in Lemma 2, Tv be the tree in G ¯ corresponding to v ∈ V (G), and Proof. Let G ¯ ¯ occur between let e1 , e2 , ..., em be the edges leaving Tv in G. Recall that all crossings in the optimal drawing of G tree edges of different trees. Extend Tv into a bigger tree by adding to it “half” of the edges e1 , e2 , ..., em (till their midpoint). Draw now a closed curve Cv′ “very near” around this extended tree in such a way that if Tu and Tv share an extended edge e that Cu′ and Cv′ touch at the midpoint of e, but have no more points in common. To obtain the string Cv cut open the closed curve Cv′ . Note that for uv ∈ E(G), |Cu ∩ Cv | = 1, and a crossing of e ∈ E(Tv ) and f ∈ E(Tu ) results in at most 4 common points of Cu and Cv . v 7→ Cv is the required string representation of G. Proposition 20 For any graph G with t(G) tree components, mcr(G) ≤ i(G) + |E(G)| − |V (G)| + t(G). Proof. First we prove mcr(G) ≤ i(G) + |E(G)| − |V (G)| for a graph G with δ(G) ≥ 2. Assume that v 7→ Cv is a string representation of G with a drawing D that realizes i(G). In other words, the strings intersect |E(G)| + i(G) times in D. We can assume without loss of generality that no three curves pass through any point. Observe the |E(G)| intersection points in the string representation that represent edges of G. If Cu and Cv have a point p in common that represents an edge e of G, choose vertices ue ∈ Cu and ve ∈ Cv very close to p such that they can be 12

connected with a curve Ce not creating any additional crossings with Cu , Cv , or any additional Cf . Furthermore, we can make sure that the first and last point thus added to any curve Cv is within the segment of Cv bounded ˆ with a drawing D ˆ as follows: the points of this by the first and last crossings on Cv . We create a new graph G ˆ are drawn as follows: along the curve Cv connecting graph are the points ve on the curves Cv . The edges of G ˆ of a graph G ˆ containing G as a minor. neighboring points ve and vf , and the curves Ce . We obtained a drawing D Since δ(G) ≥ 2, this drawing removes a crossing from both ends of each string; so it removes a total of |V (G)| ¯ is therefore at most i(G) + |E(G)| − |V (G)|; wherever the curves crossings from D. The number of crossings in D Cu and Cv touch (not cross), we could eliminate an additional crossing. To conclude, let G be a general graph and let G1 be the graph obtained from G by removing all tree components of G. Clearly mcr(G1 ) = mcr(G), i(G1 ) = i(G), |E(G1 )| − |V (G1 )| = |E(G)| − |V (G)| + t(G), and every component in G1 has at least one cycle. Create G2 from G1 by iteratively removing degree one vertices. Since every component of G1 has a cycle, G2 is nonempty, has the same number of components as G1 , δ(G2 ) ≥ 2, mcr(G2 ) = mcr(G1 ), i(G2 ) = i(G1 ), and |E(G2 )| − |V (G2 )| = |E(G1 )| − |V (G1 )|. The lower bound follows by the previous lower bound applied to G2 . Propositions 19 and 20 easily extend to general surfaces, but not Corollary 21. Combining these propositions with known results on the minor crossing number from previous sections and from [6, 7], we obtain bounds on the string crossing number for several families of graphs as well as general bounds. Perhaps most interesting is the following observation that follows from Proposition 19 and the results of [7], which claim that mcr(G) ≤ cH |V (G)| for H-minor-free graphs G: Corollary 21 For every graph H, there exists a constant cH , such that every H-minor-free graph G has string crossing number i(G) ≤ cH |V (G)|. In other words, Corollary 21 implies that graphs with no prescribed minor have their deficiency to being string graphs linear in their order. Proposition 20 with Corollary 17 implies that    n |V (Qn )|2 4 =Ω , i(Qn ) = Ω n n thus exclusion of a minor is necessary in Corollary 21. It is easy to see that the bound in the proposition is best possible. We conclude with an observation that string crossing number of G can be defined in different ways analoguously with the crossing number: the faithful string crossing number counts just the crossings among strings representing non-adjacent vertices of G, and the pair string crossing number counts just the pairs of non-adjacent vertices whose strings cross. The pair string crossing number actually counts the minimum number of edges that need to be added to G to obtain a string graph containing G. The inequalities between these variants of string crossing number are obvious, but it is unclear whether there are any equalities.

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