go workshop summer 09 - Meetup

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Yang Yilun, 7p. “Go is essentially a form of harmony.[...] As in life, we will need to view the whole rather than the part. Japanese go has focused too heavily on ...


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Summer 2009

미니~ Special Issue

Go Proverbs: Wisdom That Extends Beyond The Goban

指 南

written by Jin

An excerpt of points discussed during the workshop are summarized for ulterior study and enjoyment ~


A rather simple capturing strategy, it is of utmost importance to understand this concept and its implications thoroughly. This includes an accurate reading for White (W) and strategical positioning to fully exploit the potential of a dead group for Black (B). This means B can gain one consecutive move elsewhere by threatening to bringing life to the surrounded black stones.

The Ladder (Black to play): There is no escape.


2 eyes live, 1 eye dies. Although this is not absolute (in particular circumstances, a group can live with 1 or even no eyes), even the strongest players strive for eyes at an early stage to ensure life, especially when weak groups are involved. Creating eyes is a very straightforward concept, yet thousands of variations make it necessary to recognize good and bad shapes to solve tsumego (life-and-death problems). Tsumego problems range from very simple to extremely complex: they are regular matter of discussions among go enthusiasts in East Asia.

Slate is used for highest grade black stones,

The Go Player: Study of a Lifetime.

Mini Go Workshop | Montréal | 2009 夏季

& clamshells, for white stones.



The Goban: Kaya wood is the most sought after, taking hundreds of years to grow and a decade to dry.

“Those who are good at winning, don’t usually fight.”

- Zhang, 1078 AD

“To invade, need 20 points in open area; otherwise, keshi is best.” - Yang Yilun, 7p

“Go is essentially a form of harmony.[...] As in life, we will need to view the whole rather than the part. Japanese go has focused too heavily on the local (joseki) rather than the whole for 300 years. The reason the Chinese and the Koreans are overtaking the Japanese is that they are closer to achieving this whole-board view.” - Go Seigen, 9p

“One is never aware enough of the violence in go.”

- Pierre Audouard, 5d

“Rely on joseki, and lose two stones in strength.” “The enemy’s key point is also yours.” “Sacrifice plums for peaches.” “The greedy cannot win.” Mini Go Workshop | Montréal | 2009 夏季


The Monkey Jump

Many go proverbs generalizations can be applied to everyday life; they do not bring direct solutions to our problems, but rather are guidelines for a way of living in harmony.

There is a saying: “Show me your kifu (game archives) & I will tell you who you are.”