Guatteria rupestris (Annonaceae), a New Species from Minas Gerais ...

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Guatteria rupestris (Annonaceae), a New Species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Author(s): Renato de Mello-Silva and José Rubens Pirani. Source: Novon, Vol.
Guatteria rupestris (Annonaceae), a New Species from Minas Gerais, Brazil Author(s): Renato de Mello-Silva and José Rubens Pirani Source: Novon, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Summer, 1994), pp. 146-150 Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press Stable URL: Accessed: 29-06-2015 11:44 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references.

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Guatteriarupestris(Annonaceae),a New Species from Minas Gerais,Brazil Renato de Mello-Silva and Jose Rubens Pirani Institutode Biociencias,Universidadede Sao Paulo, C. Postal 11461, 05422-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

ABSTRACT. Guatteria rupestris Mello-Silva & Pir- longa,discoconnectivipianohaud umbonato,aurantiaco; circa 2 mmlongis.Monocarpia10-17, teretesani, a new species of Annonaceae, is described. It carpellis 7-10 mmlonga,3.5-5 mmcrassa,stipite2ellipsoidea, is distinctbecause of a combinationof several char- 7 mm longosuffulta. acters, mainlythe shrubby,sclerophylloushabit with small, coriaceous, and prominentlyveined leaves. Shrub to small tree, 1.5-4 m tall. Twigs ascending The new species occurs in open rocky areas in some or spreading, blackish, brownishor grayish, some"serras" of the Espinha9o range, Minas Gerais, Brawhat wrinkledto reticulate,the youngerones ochrazil. Besides the description and illustration,comceous-hirsutulous or tomentose or glabrous; interments on its probable taxonomic relationships,habnodes 5-20 mm long. Petiole incrassate, 1.5-4 mm itat, and distributionare presented. A key that long, ca. 1.5-2 mm diam., flat to somewhat canadistinguishesG. rupestris fromthe other sympatric liculate above, blackish, ochraceous-hirsutulousto species of Guatteria is also provided. glabrous, as the twigs. Leaf blade ellipticto oblongelliptic or obovate-elliptic, rarely oblong, 3.5-8 The genus Guatteria, with approximately 250 cm wide, coriaceous, (-12) cm long, (1.5-)2-3(-4) described species, is the largest of the Annonaceae. in vivo lightgreen withprimaryvein initiallygreenMany of the 170-odd species described by Fries ish red and, later, ochre-colored below, glabrous were published in 1939. Since his works, relatively above, sparsely hirsutulousto glabrous below, base few species have been described (Barringer, 1984; attenuate to decurrenton the petiole, apex rounded Bisse, 1975; Johnson & Murray, 1990; Maas et and often retuse or short-acuminate,margins reval., 1988; Mello-Silva & Pirani, 1988). While per- olute toward base; primary vein flat above, mostly formingfloristicsurveys of the Annonaceae of the and densely hirsutulousbelow, venation prominent EspinhaSo range, in the states of Minas Gerais and brochidodromousor rarely eucamptodromous, secBahia, Brazil, two new species were found: G. noveins straight (to slightly curved), 8-11 ondary tabilis Mello-Silva & Pirani (1988) and G. rupes(-16) per side, ascending at 70? fromperpendicular, tris, here presented. loop-formingat acute to rightangles, loops mostly distinct,enclosed by secondary arches, distance beGuatteria rupestris Mello-Silva & Pirani, sp. nov. tween loop and margin 2-3(-4) mm, tertiaryveins TYPE: Brazil. Minas Gerais: Itacambira, ca. reticulate, secondary and tertiaryvenation promide 2 km da cidade na estrada para Juramento, nent on both sides. Inflorescences axillary, within afloramentorochoso no campo rupestre, 17?S, (or just below) foliatezone, single-flowered.Peduncle 43050'W, 14 Dec. 1989, J. R. Pirani, P. T. 1(-2.5) mm long, 1.5-2 mm diam., tomentose or & T. R. S. Silva CFCR Sano, A. Freire-Fierro glabrous; bracts 3, soon deciduous, pellucid-dotted, 12752 (holotype,SPF-3 sheets; isotypes, K, the proximal one ca. 3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. MBM, MO, NY, RB, U). Figure 1. Pedicel ca. 3(-6) mm long, 1.5-2 mm diam., hirFrutex vel arbor parva, circa 1.5-4 m alt. Rami sutulous or glabrous, as the twigs. Flowers in vivo vel to- light green with ochraceous indument. Sepals triadscendentesaut patentes,ramuliochracei-hirtelli mentosivel glabri.Folia breviterpetiolata,lamina cori4 mm long, 3 mm wide, acute, tomentose vel obovato- angular, acea, venosa, ellipticavel oblongo-elliptica abaxial on the side, glabrous on the adaxial side. elliptica,3.5-8(-12) cm longa, (1.5-)2-3(-4) cm lata, ad apicem rotundatavel retusa vel breviteracuminata, Petals oblong to oblong-spatulate,rounded to obtuse ad marginemrevoluta,glabravel subtusad nervumme- at apex, 8-15 mm long, 5-10 mm wide, pubescent Inflorescen- on both sides but diumdense hirtella;venatiobrochidodroma. glabrous in the lower part on the tiae axillares,uniflorae. Sepala libera,deltata,circa 4 mm adaxial side. Stamens numerous, ca. 1.8 mm long, longa, 3 mm lata; petala aequalia, oblongavel oblongoof connective flat,not umbonate, orange, anspathulata,ad apicem rotundatavel obtusa, 8-15 mm apex thers 1.8 mm circa mm stamina 5-10 extrorse, outer thecae longer than the inner numerosa, lata; longa,

NOVON4: 146-150.


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Volume4, Number 2 1994

Mello-Silva & Pirani Guatteria rupestris



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shoots.-C. Branchletwithtwoinflorescences, Figure1. GuatteriarupestrisMello-Silva& Pirani.-A, B. Flowering each withthree bracts. -D. Inflorescencebeforeanthesis. -E. Flower at anthesis,one petal removed. -F. sectionofflower.-G, H. Stamens,adaxialand lateralviews.-I. Carpel. -J, K. Monocarps.A, drawn Longitudinal fromPirani et al. CFCR 12522; B-D, drawnfromJolyet al. CFSC 359; E-I, drawnfromFreire-Fierro & Esteves 1611; J,drawnfromMello-Silva & CordeiroCFCR 10108; K, drawnfromMello-Silva et al. CFCR 5419.

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ones, extending almost to the base of the stamen. Carpels lightgreen to grayishgreen, ca. 2 mm long, ovary minutelysetose mainly at angles, style glabrous, stigma papillose. Monocarps 10-17, oblongellipsoid, 7-10 mm long, 3.5-5 mm diam., shortly apiculate, sparsely puberulent to glabrous, stipe 27 mm long, sometimes apparently articulated when dried, green when immature, purplish red at maturity,black when dried, seed fillingup the entire cavity, seed-coat rugulose, chestnut-brown. Guatteria rupestris is distinctfromother species of Guatteria because of the followingcombination of characters: small, coriaceous, short-petiolate, mainlyellipticto oblong-ellipticleaves withrounded to retuse to short-acuminate apices and revolute margins,withveryprominentsecondary and tertiary veins on both sides; solitaryflowerswithequal petals; carpels withglabrous styles; monocarps 10-17 with a short stipe (2-7 mm long). Guatteria rupestris is endemic to the southern portionof the Espinhaco range (Fig. 2). It is a shrub or small tree up to 3 m that growsin open vegetation among sandstone rocks; it grows in gallery forests as well, and there the plants tend to be larger. It occurs at Grao-Mogol, Itacambira, Serra do Ambr6sio, and Serra do Cip6, all in the State of Minas Gerais. Guatteria is originallya forestgenus; the species that live in open and dry areas are rare (Morawetz, 1986). Two species from the Espinhaco range, G. odontopetala Martius and G. villosissima A. SaintHilaire occur exclusively in forests.Two other species, G. pohliana Schlechtendal ex Martius and G. sellowiana Schlechtendal, occur mostly in forests but have occasional "campo" populations. The populations of G. notabilis are found on "campo" as much as in forests. Guatteria rupestris tends to colonize open areas; the majorityof the populations that have been found so far grow on these types of places. The followingkey distinguishesG. rupestris fromthe other sympatricspecies of Guatteria mentioned above.

foresttree,veryrarelong-acuminate; G. pohliana ly "campo" shrub ........ 2b. Adaxialside of the leaf blades,at least in the youngones, hairyall over or onlyon the primaryvein. and denselyferru4a. Twigspersistently adaxial side of the gineo-velutinous; youngleafbladesglabrous,exceptfor thevelutinous vein;mostadult primary revolute ...... leaf blades strongly a G. villosissim ...................... to sparselyvil4b. Twigsshort-tomentose losulousto glabrous;adaxial side of the young leaf blades tomentoseor villosulous;adult leaf blades flat or revoluteat base. slightly 5a. Petalswithacute to obtuseapex; infoliatezone;leaf inflorescences bladesacute at base, adaxialside of the youngones tomentose.. G. sellowiana ................... 5b. Petals withtruncateand crenulate apex; inflorescences mostly belowfoliatezone; leafbladesobtuse to roundedat base, adaxial sideoftheyoungonesadpressedG. odontopetala villosulous........ Guatteria rupestris is more frequentat the Serra de Grao-Mogol where, as at the Serra do Cip6, forest populations are found. At Serra do Cipo, one campo collection (Joly et al. CFSC 359), though showing the characters typical of the species, exhibits narrowlyoblong leaves. This character distinguishesit fromall the other collections because the leaves in G. rupestris, though variable, tend to maintain a

basically elliptical configuration(Fig. 2). Guatteria rupestris and G. notabilis do not seem to be closely related to any taxa fromsoutheastern Brazil. At present,it is impossibleto ascribe the new species to any of the extant sections of the genus, although it exhibits some leaf similarities(e.g., leaf size, shape, venation,texture)withspecies of section Sclerophyllum R. E. Fries fromnorthernand northwestern portionsof South America.

Paratypes. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Grao-Mogol, arredores,em mata da bordada chapada, 24 July1978 (fl),G. Hatschbach 41573 (MBM); Grao-Mogol,campos rupestresatrasda cidade, 13 Apr. 1981 (fl),I. Cordeiro, J. R. Pirani, L. Rossi, A. Furlan & M. C. E. Amaral KEY TO GUATTERIA RUPESTRIS AND SYMPATRIC CFCR 788 (MG, SPF); Grao-Mogol,campo rupestreem da cidade,16?32'S,42?55'W, elev.3,500 SPECIES OF GUATTERIA direcaonordeste pes, 22 May 1982 (fl), W.Hensold, M. C. H. Mamede, la. Flowersterminal,monocarpssessile ........ 4. I. &- V. GiuliettiCFCR 3450 (CEPEC, R, SPF, U); Guatterianotabilis Grao-Mogol, beirado C6rregodas Mortes,28 Feb. 1983 .......................... lb. Flowersaxillary,monocarpsstipitate. (fl,fr),I. Cordeiro& E. Simonis CFCR 4116 (F, SPF, 2a. Adaxial side of the leaf blades glabrous, U not seen); Grao-Mogol,vale do Ribeiraodas Mortes, even in the youngones. acima da cidade, elev. 910 m, carrascal,4 Sep. 1986 3a. Leaf coriaceous, apex rounded to (fr), R. Mello-Silva & I. Cordeiro CFCR 10108 (G, sometimes SPF, UEC); Grao-Mogol,vale do Ribeiraodas Mortes, abruptlyshort-acuminate, elev. 900 m, 23 May 1987 (fl),R. Mello-Silva & J. R. emarginate;"campo" shrubor forest G. rupestris Pirani CFCR 10812 (BHCB, CTES, HUEFS, SPF); Graotreelet ................... 3b. Leaf chartaceous,apex acuminateto Mogol,Trilhada Tropa,no altoda serra,elev. ca. 1,000-

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Mello-Silva& Pirani Guatteriarupestris

Volume 4, Number2 1994

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contours:1000 m




areas of Figure2. EspinhacoRange in Minas Gerais,Brazil,depictingvariationof leaf shape along the different occurrenceof Guatteriarupestris.A, Hensold et al. CFCR 3450; B-D, Cordeiro& Simonis CFCR 4116; E, Cordeiroet al. CFCR 788; F-H, Pirani et al. CFCR 12752 (holotype);I, J, Mello-Silva et al. CFCR 5419; K, Freire-Fierro& Esteves 1611; L, M, Jolyet al. CFSC 359.

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1,200 m, no interiorde mata ciliar,11 Dec. 1989 (fi), J. R. Pirani, P. T. Sano, T. R. S. Silva & A. Freireestreito FierroCFCR 12522 (SP, SPF, UB); Grao-Mogol, do riachoRibeirao,elev. ca. 950 m, 16?33'S, 42?54'W, 6 Sep. 1990 (fl,fr),J. R. Pirani, G. L. Esteves,M.T. V. A. Campos & T. R. S. Silva CFCR 13422 (IPA, SPF); Rio Vermelho,Pedra Menina,fazendaVargemdo Anjo, morroEspigao do Meio, 13 Oct. 1984 (fr), R. IMello-Silva, MI.Meguro,E. M. Isejima & J. R. Pirani CFCR 5419 (K, RB, SPF, US); Santanado Riacho,Serra do Cip6,km 137-138 da rodoviaLagoa Santa-Conceicao do Mato Dentro,elev. 1,240 m, 8 June1970 (fl), 4. B. Joly,J. Semir& Y. UgadimCFSC 359 (SP, SPF, UEC); Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cip6, km 130 da rodovia Lagoa Santa-Conceicaodo Mato Dentro,ca. de 500 m da bifurcacaona estradapara Morrodo Pilar,em mata ciliara 200 m da estrada,11 Aug. 1990 (fl),A. FreireFierro & G. L. Esteves 1611 (BHCB, MBM, SP, SPF).


Acknowledgments. Thanks are due to Mario Sergio Ribeiro forthe English text and to Emiko Naruto for illustrationof the plant habit and for inking in the other drawings. The insight and comments of David M. Johnsongreatlyimproved the text. Work was partlyfinancedby CNPq, WWF, and FAPESP.

Barringer,K. 1984. A new species of Guatteria(Annonaceae) fromPanama. Ann. MissouriBot. Gard. 71: 1186-1187. Bisse, J. 1975. Nuevos arboles de la florade Cuba. Ciencias(Cuba), ser. 10, Bot. 2: 3-6. Fries,R. E. 1939. Revisionder ArteneinigerAnonaceen-GattungenV. Acta Horti Berg. 12(3): 289577, pl. 1-40. Johnson,D. M. & N. A. Murray. 1990. New species of Guatteria(Annonaceae)fromthe GuayanaHighland. Ann. MissouriBot. Gard. 77: 598-600. Maas, P. J.M., E. C. H. van Heusden,J.Koek-Noorman, A. K. van Setten & L. Y. Th. Westra. 1988. Studiesin Annonaceae. IX. New species fromthe notes.Proc. Kon. NedNeotropicsand miscellaneous erl. Akad. Wetensch.,Ser. C, 91: 243-282. Mello-Silva,R. de & J. R. Pirani. 1988. Guatteria notabilisMello-Silva& Pirani,nova especie de Annonaceae da Cadeia do EspinhaCo,Brasil.Bol. Bot. (Sao Paulo) 10: 43-50. Morawetz,W. 1986. Systematicsand Karyoevolution in Magnoliidae:Tetrameranthus as comparedwith otherAnnonaceaegeneraof the same chromosome number.P1. Syst. Evol. 154: 157-173, figs.1-7.

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