Hawke™ ChairGun Pro Mobile - Hawke Optics

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Hawke™ ChairGun Pro Mobile is an airgun ballistics application for iOS devices - iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad - running iOS 4.0 or higher. The application has ...
Hawke™ ChairGun Pro Mobile V1.0.6 October 2011 Hawke™ ChairGun Pro Mobile is an airgun ballistics application for iOS devices - iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad - running iOS 4.0 or higher. The application has two major sections; the Main Page (the control centre where the main data is entered and other functions are accessed) and the Toolbox from where specialized functions can be accessed. The Main Page ... The main page is where the ballistics and environmental data is entered, pellet selected, etc. It also provides access to the User Files, Reticle, Graphs and Toolbox functions. There are actually four main views that can contain similar (or entirely different) sets of ballistics data ('Profiles') ... the resulting ballistics of which can be compared in tables or graphs - accessed by 'swiping' the view from left or right. If the 'compare' function is not required, then the current profile can be locked using the 'Profile Lock' button in the Toolbox.

Main Page inputs:

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Pellet, BC, Weight: the current pellet details - can be input manually or are entered automatically when a pellet has been selected from the database. Muzzle Velocity: 200 to 1200 Ft/s Scope Height: 0" to 12" Zero: the 'flat-fire' zero range 10 to 200 Yards (or less depending on the practical ballistics). Incline: the angle of inclination between the line of sight and the horizontal. Limits: +/- 85°. WindSpeed: 0 to 30 MPH. WindAngle: relative to the trajectory: 0° +/- 179° Ambient Temperature: -20 to 50°C Ambient Pressure: 20 "Hg to 35 "Hg Altitude: -200 Ft to 10000 Ft. Clicks per MoA: Scope clicks calibration 1.0 to 16.0 Target Range: 0 to 250 Yards (or slightly less depending on the practical ballistics).

Main Page controls: Main Page -> Clockwise rotation: displays a table of the current ballistics. The increment can be selected by tapping the segmented control in the bottom left-hand corner or the function group by selecting from the control at the right-hand corner (or swiping left/right).

Main Page -> Anti-clockwise rotation: displays a comparative table of the all ballistic functions - if the profile lock is set OFF. If the profile lock is set ON then the ballistics of the current Profile are shown instead (as above). Change the increment by tapping the left-hand segmented control and the function by tapping the right-hand control.

Main Page ->'Pellets' button: opens the pellet database. Jump to the relevant section using the buttons provided. The 'Back' button returns to the Main Page while the 'Sort' button presents a popup menu so that the pellets can be sorted by Weight, BC or WSF within the size category. Tap on a record to select it. Tapping the disclosure button on a record will present a detail view of the record (Delete - Edit - New) …

Tapping the 'Delete' button deletes the record from the database, the 'Edit' button allows the name, weight, calibre and BC to be changed and the 'New' button presents a new record - based on the existing record - that can be edited and added to the database.

Main Page ->'Reset' button: opens a menu such that the Inclination (0°), Windage (0 MPH and 0°) and Environmental variables (20 °C, 29.92"H and 0 Ft) can be easily and swiftly normalized.

Main Page ->'Clicks' button: opens a menu from which a popular click/mode combination can be selected. The Clicks per MoA value can also be entered manually in the Main Page if desired - or via the 'Clicks/MoA Calculator' Toolbox function (see below).

Main Page ->'User File' button: opens a dialogue where the current setup can be saved or an existing profile deleted or loaded for use.

Main Page ->'Reticle' button: opens the Reticle view. 'Main' button: return to the main view. 'Cal Mag' textbox: in the case of the Generic Mil-Dot reticle, the measured 'True Mil-Dot magnification' can be entered and/or adjusted. Use the 'Mil-Dot Calibration' Toolbox item to calculate this number. 'Mag' textbox: the actual magnification in use.

'Incline' button: starts the camera (if your iOS device has one)

'R.F.' (RangeFinder) button: change to the bracketing rangefinder view. Ranges displayed are relative to the 'Target Size' set in the 'Utility' Toolbox option.

If the Toolbox/Utility 'Show target on Reticle' option is checked then the view is enhanced with the scaled target presented and a vertical slider on the left-hand side. Moving the slider changes the relative image of the target relative to the reticle.

If the selected reticle has Mil-dot markings (10x, 20x or Generic) then the 'M-D R.F.' (Mil-Dot Range Finder) button appears. Tapping the button displays the dedicated Mil-dot bracketing system: The 'Mag' represents the current magnification, the segmented control along the bottom edge allows the selection of common target sizes (all in mm) found in Ft/HFT, the target image can be adjusted by moving the 'Dots Spanned' slider on the left-hand side and the numbers on the right-hand side show the corresponding dots spanned and target range (Yards and metres). Rotating the device clockwise displays a table of ranges (with regard to: Dots spanned and target size) in Metres whereas rotating anti-clockwise displays the same table with ranges in Yards. 'Intercept' button: the default view; displays the intercept ranges against the features of the chosen reticle. If the Toolbox/Utility 'Show target on Reticle' option is checked then the target range slider and target image is displayed; the latter displaced vertically and horizontally depending on the POI and wind-deflection at the chosen range.

Rotating the device displays a more accurate table of all POI and wind-drift parameters over the extent of the trajectory. Reticle features are shown in yellow, zero range in red, 'Target Range' in magenta; other ranges in white. Select the appropriate increment from the segmented control at the bottom of the view.

'Drift' button: displays the Intercept ranges (as above) together with the lateral drift associated with the crosswind calculated from the WindSpeed and WindAngle entered in the Main Page. If the Toolbox/Utility 'Show target on Reticle' option is checked then the target position is also displayed.

'POI' button: displays the Intercept ranges (as above) together with the Point of Impact relative to the line of sight at those Intercept ranges.If the Toolbox/Utility 'Show target on Reticle' option is checked then the target position is also displayed.

Main Page -> Graphs button: displays various graphs of the ballistics. 'Main' button: returns to the Main Page. 'Range +' button: reduces the displayed range. 'Range -' button: increases the displayed range up to a maximum of 250 Yards/Metres. 'Lines' button: displays/hides reticle intersect points. 'All Profiles' button: displays all four profiles on the same axes - only visible if the profile lock is set OFF and the graph is currently displaying 'This Profile'. 'This Profile' button: displays the current profile - only visible if the profile lock is set OFF and the graph is currently displaying 'All Profiles'. Swipe left/right: changes the displayed function as indicated at the bottom of the view. Swipe up/down: for the POI graph only, changes the vertical scale. Rotate clockwise: displays the current Profile in landscape mode.

Rotate anti-clockwise: if the profile lock is set OFF displays all Profiles in landscape mode. If the profile lock is set ON the the ballistics of the current profile are shown (as above).

Main Page -> Toolbox button: The Toolbox provides additional functionality for calibration, calculation and setup. Toolbox controls 'Main' button: returns to the Main Page. 'Profile:' button: toggles the application-wide profile lock ON and OFF. If you don't need the compare facilities offered then toggle the profile lock ON to prevent inadvertent or accidental swapping between Profiles. The profile lock has no effect on graph or reticle selection. 'Utility' button: Checkboxes (tap to toggle state): • Metric/Imperial units, • Vibrate for attention if, for instance, an input value is out of range, • Shake the device to dismiss the current view (go back one level), • Show all POIs in centimetre units (regardless of the Metric/Imperial choice) and to show or hide the target representation on the various reticle diagrams, • Show target on reticle (as above) and • Show Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit as required. View Transitions: choose from: ! None (view transitions are instant), ! Flip (views rotate around the vertical axis) or, ! Fade (view cross-fades and merges). Rangefinder Target Size: set the target-size for all Profiles. Reset: reset the pellet database to initial 'factory' Settings or set all Profiles to the same values. Calibrate Inclinometer: calibrates the y and z-axes of the internal accelerometer.

'Feedback' button: starts an eMail application for feedback (if your device supports email).

'Mil-Dot Calibration' button: Calibrate a Generic Mil-Dot reticle to establish the 'True' Mil-Dot magnification.

'Wind Deflection' button: Calculates and displays lateral wind-drift for the Muzzle Velocity, Ballistic Coefficient and Cross Wind described by the values in the text-boxes.

'Convert' button: A simple conversion utility to convert commonly-used units between the Imperial and Metric systems.

'Calculate BC' button: Calculates the Ballistic Coefficient (New BC) specified by values in the text-boxes. The sliders can be used to estimate the basic accuracy of the Velocity and Range measurements and display the resulting maximum and minimum BCs above and below the calculated New BC value. If the calculated "New BC' value is different from the original 'Old BC' value then the user can accept the new value and, on tapping the Accept button, have the BC value in the Main Page updated. 'Optimum Zero Range' button: By entering an appropriate Kill Zone Diameter into the Text-box, the corresponding Far Zero Range and other range parameters will be calculated. If the newly calculated Far Zero Range is different to the existing value then an Accept button appears. On choosing to accept, the Zero Range parameter of the Main Page will be updated accordingly.

'Kinetic Energy' button: Calculates Kinetic Energy, Velocity or Weight depending on the Energy/Velocity/Weight segment-bar settings. The target parameter (displayed in red) cannot be edited but its value will be recalculated depending on the values entered into the other two text-boxes. The relevant formula is also displayed - the constant varying with the user's choice of units.

'Wind Susceptibility Factor' (WSF) button: Calculates Wind Susceptibility Factor (WSF), Ballistic Coefficient or Weight depending on the WSF/BC/Weight segment-bar settings. The target parameter (displayed in red) cannot be edited but its value will be recalculated depending on the values entered into the other two textboxes. The relevant formula is also displayed - the constant varying with the user's choice of units. 'Inclined Shooting' button: Displays a table of trajectory values (Near Zero Range, Peak:POI and Far Zero Range) for angles 0° to 90° corresponding to the ballistic parameters entered into the text-boxes.

'Help' button: Displays this help page.

'Web' button: Go to the Hawke™ ChairGun Pro Mobile webpage.

'PCP Fill Calculator' button: Calculates the number of PCP reservoir fills that can be expected from a freshly-charged pressure vessel. A Van Der Waals correction function is applied to higher air pressures.

'Clicks/MoA Calculator' button: Calculates scope turret calibration. If the calculation yields different results to the original value then the user is prompted to accept the new value (replacing the existing value).

'Maximum Range' button: Calculates the maximum range (given Muzzle Velocity and Ballistic Coefficient), the inclination angle for said maximum range to be realised and the terminal velocity. The pellet weight has no effect on the maximum range but simply allows the terminal energy to be calculated.

'Scope Mount Shims' button: Given the various inputs, calculates the size of shim required (or - better - the slope to be machined into the mount) such that the scope can be optically zeroed at the chosen zero range.

'About' button: Basic information about Hawke ChairGun Mobile. Contains a list of features added/removed over various updates.

'BC Variation' button: Displays a table of BC values - based on the standardized BC value - at various temperatures, pressures and altitude.