Health and Safety Manual - University of Exeter

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The OHSAS 18001 Specification follows the Plan-Do-Check-Review cycle, with a concurrent .... The Safety Manual provides the link to theses various other documents. ..... s/healthsafety/ManageOfHealthSafetyAtWorkGuideNotes. pdf.


Safety Manual August 2012

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A







17/05/12 Aug 12

Draft Issue

SWJones SW Jones


WK Courtney


CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0



Hazards and Risks


Roles and Responsibilities




University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A


The University of Exeter (UoE) has 2 main campuses in Exeter at Streatham and St Lukes, plus various other properties within the city of Exeter.


Campus Services(CS) is a large and diverse organisation of approximately 750 staff within the University of Exeter operating under the Universities Health and Safety Policies and procedures – see website link for details: 1.3

Campus Services scope of services is diverse and includes functions such as catering, administration, maintenance, portering, utilities specialists, estate management and construction.


The university is supported by a H&S Office providing advice to all aspects of university function, with additional specialist advice available within Campus Services on construction health and safety.


This document assesses all aspects of H&S management within Campus Services and aims to set out an effective and efficient system of management and reporting in line with OHSAS 18001:2007. This needs to be proportionate to the risk, while ensuring we have a competent and confident workforce.


A Campus Services H&S Policy document exists (incorporating the H&S Policy Statement) – CS/H&S/ 001.


A Campus Services OHSAS 18001 Management Plan (CS/H&S/ 002) exists illustrating how compliance is to be achieved. This also incorporates the programme for compliance and improvement.

University of Exeter Campus Services



Safety Manual Issue A

BSI GUIDANCE Design the OHSAS 18001 Management System The OHSAS 18001 Specification follows the Plan-Do-Check-Review cycle, with a concurrent emphasis on continual improvement. This model fits in neatly with the structure of other management system documents such as ISO 14001. This alignment of the management system documents helps in the facilitation of Integrated Management Systems. The following steps help form the basic structure of the management system and link into the structure of OHSAS 18001. Plan During the planning stage you should: 1. Ensure you have the commitment of top management. 2. Define, with the authorization of top management, the company's occupational health and safety policy. 3. Planning must be completed to establish a framework for identifying hazards, the assessment of risks and the implementation of necessary control measures. 4. Legal obligations must be identified and understood, objectives set and a management programme for achieving them implemented. This entire process should be documented. Implement your Health and Safety Management System At this point you should: 1. Establish roles and responsibilities. 2. Develop procedures for the consultation and communication of OHS information to employees and other interested parties. 3. Document your processes and develop a system of document and data control. 4. Apply a system of operational control. 5. Establish plans and procedures for emergencies. Check your management system and take any necessary corrective action You should aim to continually improve your management system by: 1. Introducing performance, measuring and monitoring practices. 2. Establishing and documenting responsibility and authority for accidents, incidents, non-conformities and corrective & preventative action. 3. Establishing a procedure for records and records management. 4. Auditing and assessing the performance of the management system. 5. Performing management reviews of the system at identified and defined intervals.

University of Exeter Campus Services



Safety Manual Issue A


Campus Services achieved accreditation to ISO 14001: 2008 in May 2012. Within Campus Services, Estate Development Service have had accreditation to ISO 9001:2008 since 2010. Campus Services as part of UoE Professional Services hold accreditation to Investors in People (IiP). Campus Services also hold accreditation to Customer First, a recognised accreditation for the customer services industry. Campus Services Residential Services comply with the Universities UK (UUK) Student Housing Code of Practice and are audited against this standard. As part of corporate governance the University employ Mazars as independent auditors who audit various aspects of Campus Services operations. Campus Services aims to set out an effective and efficient system of management and reporting in line with OHSAS 18001:2007. 4.0


The numbering system from the OHSAS 18001 standard has been used in this section for ease of reference.

4.3.1 Hazard and risk identification Requirement: Identification of hazards Determination of the risks associated with the identified hazards Indication of the level of the risks related to each hazard, and whether they are, or are not, tolerable Description of, or reference to, the measures to monitor and control the risks, particularly risks that are not tolerable Where appropriate, the OH&S objectives and actions to reduce identified risks and any follow-up activities to monitor progress in their reduction Identification of the competency and training requirements to implement the control measures Necessary control measures should be detailed as part of the operational control element of the system Records generated by each of the above mentioned procedures

Risk Profiles will be developed for each of the services within Campus Services from the outlines included within the Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Risk Profiles will be established and maintained at least annually for each of the CS divisions. A risk assessment will be established and maintained at least annually for each building where CS staff act as the Director of Building. Where there is sufficient commonality a generic assessment may be used. Within buildings it may be necessary to establish a particular risk assessment for a functional area e.g. a kitchen or workshop. Assessments of plant and equipment use and material/substance handling will generate Task risk assessments used to brief operation staff. Task assessments will be developed for specific tasks as required. See Appendix A and the following documents for more detail. Campus Services – Risk Profile Register


Campus Services – Building / Functional Area RA Register


Campus Services – Task RA Register


Campus Services – Fire RA Register


Campus Services – COSHH RA Register


Each of the above will be reviewed at least annually or when any change occurs. Staff will be briefed and a record kept – see 4.5.3 below. Competency and training is defined in 4.4.2 within this document. 4.3.2 Legal compliance Requirement: Procedures for identifying and accessing information Identification of which requirements apply and where [this can take the form of register(s)] Requirements (actual text, summary or analysis, where appropriate), available in locations which are to be decided by the organization Procedures for monitoring the implementation of controls consequent to new OH&S legislation.

Ongoing review of legislation changes planned and implemented will be considered, and information disseminated to staff by use of bulletins or briefings.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Risk Assessments may need to be updated accordingly – see 4.3.1 above. HSE will be used as the main source but University safety professionals share information via the Hasnet e-mail group so are able to assess and assist with legislation and other changes. 4.3.3 Objectives and Programme(s) Requirement - Documented, measurable, OH&S objectives for each function in the 4.3.4 OH&S Programme organization. Requirement - The organisation establish and maintain (an) OH&S Examples of types of OH&S objectivesshall include: programme(s) for achieving its objectives. It shall include documentation of : Reduction of risk levels and authority achievement of thesystem objectives at Thedesignation introductionofofresponsibility additional features into thefor OH&S management relevant functions and levels of the organisations; and means and by which they are to be achieved of their Thethe steps taken to time-frame improve existing features, or the consistency application The elimination or the reduction in frequency of particular undesired incident(s).

Refer to CS 18001 Management Plan CS/H&S/002 which demonstrates how compliance is achieved.

4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibilities, accountability and authority Requirement: Definitions of OH&S responsibilities and authorities for all relevant personnel Documentation of roles/responsibilities in manuals/procedures/training packages Process for communicating roles and responsibilities to all employees and other relevant parties Active management participation and support for OH&S, at all levels.

Refer to Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001 which includes list of all nominated parties and current duty holders. Appendix B also includes responsible Services / parties for various statutory compliance and hazard management categories.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness Requirement: Competency requirements for individual roles Analysis of training needs Training programmes/plans for individual employees Range of training courses/products available for use within the organization Training records and records of evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

A competence matrix will be established and a programme of training undertaken to meet the level required where there are shortfalls. The staff Personal Development Review (PDR) process will be used to set training requirements. This is an annual review with a 6 monthly update. New staff are provided by UoE with basic H&S courses. Campus Services staff have their own general induction. CS staff will then receive a building induction and specific training appropriate to task. Records will be maintained by UoE Training and Development – see also staff online resource. Records of building / work area and task induction will be held by line management, based on risk assessment findings. Line management should advise the CS H&S Adviser where any changes have occurred to allow risk assessments to be updated. Refresher training should be provided annually where deemed necessary ie non-regular activity, or more frequently in response to the introduction of a new hazard or non-conformance issue. Communication With regard to its OH&S hazards and OH&S management system, the organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for: a) internal communication among the various levels and functions of the organization; b) communication with contractors and other visitors to the workplace; c) receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communications from external interested parties.

Refer to Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001 for consultation.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A Participation and consultation The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for: a) the participation of workers by their : —— appropriate involvement in hazard identification, risk assessments and determination of controls; —— appropriate involvement in incident investigation; —— involvement in the development and review of OH&S policies and objectives; —— consultation where there are any changes that affect their OH&S; —— representation on OH&S matters. Workers shall be informed about their participation arrangements, including who is their representative(s) on OH&S matters. b) consultation with contractors where there are changes that affect their OH&S. The organization shall ensure that, when appropriate, relevant external interested parties are consulted about pertinent OH&S matters.

Refer to Campus Services H&S policy CS/H&S/001.

4.4.4 Documentation Requirement: OH&S management system documentation overview document or manual Document registers, master lists or indexes Procedures Work instructions. 4.4.5 Control of Documents Requirement: Document control procedure, including assigned responsibilities and authorities Document registers, master lists or indexes List of controlled documentation and its location Archive records (some of which can need to be held in accordance with legal or other time requirements).

Campus Services H&S Management system main documents are :Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001 CS 18001 Management plan CS/H&S/002 CS Safety Manual CS/H&S/003 (this document) The Safety Manual includes or references all procedures and work instructions. Individual services within Campus Services have safety procedures / manuals specific to their activities. The Safety Manual provides the link to theses various other documents.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Campus Services H&S Documents will be managed by the H&S adviser under the Estate Development Service ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. The main documents are listed below: Campus Services H&S Policy


Campus Services OHSAS 18001 Management Plan


Campus Services Health & Safety Manual


Campus Services – Risk Profile Register


Campus Services – Building/ Functional Area RA Register


Campus Services – Task RA Register


Campus Services – Fire RA Register


Campus Services – COSHH RA Register


University Documents Campus Services will comply with the following University documented management arrangements. The Management of Asbestos – Policy, Responsibilities and Procedures

Managed by EDS

Asbestos Management Plan

Managed by EDS

Legionella & Water Quality Management Plan

University of Exeter Safety case – Gas Engineering

Contractors’ General Code of Safe Practice

Confined Spaces Management Plan

Managed by EDS

Managed by EDS

Managed by EDS Managed by EDS

University of Exeter Campus Services



Safety Manual Issue A

Plant and equipment All plant and equipment that requires maintenance will be identified, that the maintenance done and that new or secondhand plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before we buy it. Service Managers will be responsible for identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance, and will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up and implemented. Staff will report any problems found with plant/equipment to Service Managers initially. Service Managers will check that new plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased. Procedures will be put in place to ensure compliance, and suitable records maintained. Refer to Appendix C for specific procedures.


Safe handling and use of substances The University has in place the following:COSHH Policy including Code of Practice and Guidance Notes & RA Forms Radiation and Radionuclide’s Code of Practice and Guidance Notes The Management of Asbestos; Policy, Responsibilities and Procedures Legionella & Water Quality Management Plan University of Exeter Safety Case Gas Engineering We will monitor compliance to these guides. There are a number of specialists within Campus Services and contributions to safety reports will be provided by them. Refer to Appendix B for Roles and Responsibilities relating to statutory compliance. H&S Coordinators will be responsible for identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment, and carry out the assessment with assistance by the H&S Adviser or H&S Office as appropriate. H&S Coordinators be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments and monitor their use and the introduction of any new substances/ products. Assessments will be reviewed every year or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

4.4.6 Operational Control Requirement: Procedures Work instructions. Examples of areas in which OH&S risks typically arise, and examples of their associated control measures, include: a) general control measures including —— regular maintenance and repair of facilities, machinery and equipment to prevent unsafe conditions from developing, —— housekeeping and maintenance of clear walkways, —— training and awareness programmes relating to the use of particular controls (e.g. permit-to-work systems), —— access controls; b) performance of hazardous tasks c) use of hazardous materials including —— knowledge in the use of and availability of emergency equipment (4.4.7); d) facilities and equipment e) purchase of goods, equipment and services f) contractors g) other external personnel or visitors in the workplace.

Appendix C sets out University procedures and those established for Campus Services. Individual Services will develop their own safety procedures for other aspects of their operations specific to that service eg Swimming Pool Safety.

4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response Requirement: Documented emergency plans and procedures Emergency equipment list Test records for emergency equipment Records of the following: Practice drills Reviews of practice drills Recommended actions arising from the reviews Progress against the achievement of recommended actions.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

MAJOR ACCIDENTS IMMEDIATE ACTION Determine continuing danger and extent of injury If necessary, evacuate area, Summon help & ensure that the following are contacted: the EMERGENCY SERVICES (999 or 112 from any phone) a FIRST AIDER (where available) the SECURITY STAFF (01392 263999 or Ext 3999) If safe to do so, ensure that the injured are accompanied until help arrives

AS SOON AS POSSIBLE University staff must ensure that the following are informed: the HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICE (Ext 5340) the HEAD OF SCHOOL / DIRECTOR OF BUILDING the SCHOOL or SERVICE SAFETY OFFICER a TRADE UNION HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE PERSONNEL & STAFF DEVELOPMENT (3120) Also ensure that the accident details are recorded on a UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT / NEAR MISS REPORT FORM & sent to the Health & Safety Office. MINOR ACCIDENTS IMMEDIATE ACTION Determine continuing danger and extent of injury Summon help & ensure that: a FIRST AIDER (where available) is contacted the injured are accompanied until help arrives AS SOON AS POSSIBLE University staff must ensure that: the accident details are recorded on a University Accident / Near Miss Report Form & sent to the Health & Safety Office.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

The University basic emergency procedures are included above. See Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001 for more details. For records of fire drills, call outs etc reference will be made to the UoE Fire Officer in the H&S Office.

4.5.1 Performance Measurement and Monitoring Requirement: Procedure(s) for monitoring and measuring Inspection schedules and checklists "critical" equipment lists Equipment inspection checklists Workplace conditions standards and inspection checklists Measuring equipment lists Measurement procedures Calibration scheme, and calibration records Maintenance activities and results Completed checklists, inspection reports (OH&S management system audit) Non-conformance reports Evidence of the results of implementing such procedure(s).

A workplace compliance checklist has been developed and each Campus Service building will be assessed annually or when there is any significant change of use or function. Property Services will maintain records of all plant and equipment inspections, maintenance and calibration – see Appendix B. Other services will maintain such records where they are directly responsible for specialist equipment. Accident, incident and near miss records will be maintained by the H&S Office and be available for review and analysis by Campus Services. Safety inspection records will be maintained by Service Managers. Wherever possible benchmarking of performance shall take place. All monitoring records shall be available for review and analysis at Management Reviews.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance Consistent with its commitment to compliance [see 4.2c)], the organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements (see 4.3.2). The organization shall keep records of the results of the periodic evaluations. NOTE The frequency of periodic evaluation may vary for differing legal requirements. The organization shall evaluate compliance with other requirements to which it subscribes (see 4.3.2). The organization may wish to combine this evaluation with the evaluation of legal compliance referred to in or to establish a separate procedure(s). The organization shall keep records of the results of the periodic evaluations. Evaluation of the organization’s compliance should be performed by competent persons, either from within the organization and/or using external resources. A variety of inputs can be used to assess compliance, including: —— audits, —— the results of regulatory inspections, —— analysis of legal and other requirements, —— reviews of documents and/or records of incidents and risk assessments, —— interviews, —— facility, equipment and area inspections, —— project or work reviews, —— analysis of test results from monitoring and testing, —— facility tours and/or direct observations. A compliance evaluation programme can be integrated with other assessment activities. These can include management system audits, environmental audits or quality assurance checks.

Campus Service H&S Adviser will monitor with the assistance of specialists within Campus Services that Legal compliance is maintained – see Appendix B for Roles and Responsibilities – Statutory Compliance. UoE H&S Office carry out audits of specific services and will monitor an independent overview of compliance. Campus Services achieved accreditation to ISO 14001: 2008 in May 2012. Within Campus Services, Estate Development Service have had accreditation to ISO 9001:2008 since 2010. Campus Services as part of UoE Professional Services hold accreditation to Investors in People (IiP). Campus Services also hold accreditation to Customer First, a recognised accreditation for the customer services industry.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Campus Services Residential Services comply with the Universities UK (UUK) Student Housing Code of Practice and are audited against this standard. As part of corporate governance the University employ Mazars as independent auditors who audit various aspects of Campus Services operations. Campus Services will aim to comply with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007 and this will be subject to independent audit. H&S Objectives and targets are incorporated in the CS 18001 Management plan CS/H&S/002.

4.5.3 Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action Incident investigation The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to record, investigate and analyse incidents in order to: a) determine underlying OH&S deficiencies and other factors that might be causing or contributing to the occurrence of incidents; b) identify the need for corrective action; c) identify opportunities for preventive action; d) identify opportunities for continual improvement; e) communicate the results of such investigations. The investigations shall be performed in a timely manner. Any identified need for corrective action or opportunities for preventive action shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant parts of The results of incident investigations shall be documented and maintained. Incident investigation is an important tool for preventing reoccurrence

The Campus Services H&S Action Plan will compile actions and opportunities for improvement derived from various sources such as inspections, audits, reviews and suggestions – this will be kept up to date and be reviewed at quarterly Management Reviews. Outcomes of investigations will be reported to management at monthly meetings or sooner if urgent action is required.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for dealing with actual and potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action. The procedure(s) shall define requirements for: a) identifying and correcting nonconformity(ies) and taking action(s) to mitigate their OH&S consequences; b) investigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in order to avoid their recurrence; c) evaluating the need for action(s) to prevent nonconformity(ies) and implementing appropriate actions designed to avoid their occurrence; d) recording and communicating the results of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken; and e) reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken. Where the corrective action and preventive action identifies new or changed hazards or the need for new or changed controls, the procedure shall require that the proposed actions shall be taken through a risk assessment prior to implementation. Any corrective action or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential nonconformity(ies) shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the OH&S risk(s) encountered. The organization shall ensure that any necessary changes arising from corrective action and preventive action are made to the OH&S management system documentation.

See Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001; Section 8 - Monitoring. The Campus Services H&S Action Plan will compile actions and opportunities for improvement – this will be kept up to date and be reviewed at Management Reviews. H&S Group meetings – a report will be submitted with a summary for review. OHSAS 18001 Text Examples of issues that can give rise to nonconformities include: a) for OH&S management system performance —— failure of top management to demonstrate commitment, —— failure to establish OH&S objectives, —— failure to define responsibilities required by an OH&S management system, such as responsibilities for achieving objectives, —— failure to periodically evaluate compliance with legal requirements, —— failure to meet training needs, —— documentation being out of date or being inappropriate,

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

—— failure to carry out communications; b) for OH&S performance —— failure to implement the planned programme to achieve improvement objectives, —— consistent failure to achieve performance improvement objectives, —— failure to meet legal or other requirements, —— failure to record incidents, —— failure to implement corrective action in a timely manner, —— consistent high rates of illness or injury that are not being addressed, —— deviations from OH&S procedures, —— introduction of new materials or processes without appropriate risk assessments being conducted. Inputs into corrective action and preventive action can be determined from the results of: —— periodic tests of emergency procedures, —— incident investigations, —— internal or external audits, —— the periodic evaluations of compliance, —— performance monitoring, —— maintenance activities, —— employee suggestion schemes and feedback from employee opinion/satisfaction surveys, —— exposure assessments.

4.5.4 Control of Records Requirement: Procedure (for the identification, maintenance and disposition of OH&S records) Adequately stored and readily retrievable OH&S records. The organization shall establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its OH&S management system and of this OHSAS Standard, and the results achieved. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records. Records shall be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable. Archive durations will be defined – and archiving will follow UoE procedures?

Records will be managed under the EDS quality management system.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

4.5.5 Internal Audit Requirement: OH&S management system audit plan/program OH&S management system audit procedures OH&S management system audit reports, including non-conformance reports Recommendations and corrective action requests Signed-off/closed-out non-conformance reports Evidence of the reporting of the results of OH&S management system audits to management

Audit templates will be set up and a programme established. Records of findings and follow up actions will be established. Trends will be monitored. The EDS templates for Audit Plan and Register will be used. The H&S Office also carry out Audits and these will be logged and managed as part of the Campus Services compliance process. OHSAS 18001 text The organization shall ensure that internal audits of the OH&S management system are conducted at planned intervals to: a) determine whether the OH&S management system: 1) conforms to planned arrangements for OH&S management including the requirements of this OHSAS Standard; and 2) has been properly implemented and is maintained; and 3) is effective in meeting the organization’s policy and objectives; b) provide information on the results of audits to management. Audit programme(s) shall be planned, established, implemented and maintained by the organization, based on the results of risk assessments of the organization’s activities, and the results of previous audits. Audit procedure(s) shall be established, implemented and maintained that address: the responsibilities, competencies, and a) requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results and retaining associated records; and b) the determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods. Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

4.6 Management Review Requirement: Minutes of the review Revisions to the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives Specific corrective actions for individual managers, with target dates for completion Specific improvement actions, with assigned responsibilities and target dates for completion Date for review of corrective action Areas of emphasis to be reflected in the planning of future internal OH&S management system audits.

Management Review is detailed in Campus Services H&S Policy CS/H&S/001, Section 8 – Monitoring.

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A


A risk profile for each division will be established. Hazards associated with the work activities will be identified and risks assess and reported to the head of division. Head of division shall be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented and will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks. Assessments will be reviewed at least annually or when a work activity changes, whichever is soonest. A summary of risk assessments including revision and date will be reported to the H&S adviser for monitoring purposes.


The overall risk profile is set out here:WORK ACTIVITY: Management of University of Exeter activities and facilities to ensure the safety of all staff, students, visitors, and contractors. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Higher Education establishment with main Streatham campus in Exeter, St Lukes campus in Exeter, various halls of residence on campus and across Exeter, plus teaching facilities at Thornlea in Exeter. Activities of the divisions within Campus Service are outlined below:Operations – including Property Services (building and facility maintenance and works), Residential Services (UoE and partners), Retail Services (catering, shops, functions, family centre and print services), Sales and Events (including Reed Hall), Security, Facilities Management (including cleaning, portering, transport and waste management), and Customer Services (including Helpdesk and stores). Sport and Student Activities – including Sports park management at Streatham and St Lukes and within Exeter (including swimming pools), and Music. Estate Development Service – responsible for capital and minor works projects, furniture procurement, space planning, energy management and sustainability. Legal and Insurance services – office staff including Business Continuity team. Business support – includes office staff involved in training and quality. Grounds – including a workforce, machinery and tree climbing/felling. ESTIMATED No OF EMPLOYEES AT RISK: Approx. 750


University of Exeter Campus Services



Safety Manual Issue A

Each service will summarise the status of their risk assessments as follows:CAMPUS SERVICES Hazard and Risk Assessment Register Division: Ref





Teaching Space Office Space Circulation spaces/areas Catering Cleaners stores Above are examples of model assessments

The aim will be to rationalise assessments to ensure commonality of approach. This will assist if staff movement occurs within Campus Services, and help ensure best practice and lessons learnt are incorporated and disseminated to all. The headings included are examples of model assessments that can be used by Services. A.4

A UoE template hazard and risk assessment template has been in use in each division for some time. The following UoE forms are available from :- Hazard and Risk Assessment Template Manual handling assessment form DSE assessment form Children, young persons (or vulnerable adults) – RA form Also available on the website is guidance on how to complete assessments. s/healthsafety/ManageOfHealthSafetyAtWorkGuideNotes.pdf normal working hours

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

APPENDIX B – ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Compliance Management including Statutory compliance Item Air conditioning plant Air handling plant

Aspect Testing Inspection Performance Fan cleaning Filter change

Responsibility Property Services Property Services Property Services Property Services Property Services

Dutyholder Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager



Estate Development Service H&S Office Estate Development Service Property Services

Asbestos Manager

Catering equipment

Maintenance Cleaning Testing Maintenance Cleaning

Property Services Property Services Property Services Property Services Property Services

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager

Confined Spaces


Estate Development Service

H&S adviser

Property Services

Compliance Manager

Bio-hazards Building Systems

All Management Management

BSL 3 lab equipment

Commercial freezers

ventilation Testing


and Testing

Head of Engineering

Compliance Manager

Compressed gases

Maintenance Testing

Property Services Property Services

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager




H&S Coordinators


Property Services H&S Office

Compliance Manager

Insurance and Business Continuity Property Services Property Services

Business Continuity Manager

Property Services

Compliance Manager

Property Services Property Services Estate Development

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Head of Building

Emergency lights Emergency procedures Fire Drills Emergency procedures other

Fire alarms Fire extinguishers Fire extinguishing systems Fire Doors Fire door frame fire stopping

- Management and Testing Testing Supply and testing Management Inspection Maintenance Management

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager

University of Exeter Campus Services


Fire Risk Assessment

Annual review

Fixed wiring

Safety Manual Issue A

H&S adviser


Estate Development Service Property Services

Fume cupboards


Property Services

Compliance Manager

Gas Network


Gas installations


Estate Development Service Property Services

Gas Safety Engineer via Head of Engineering Compliance Manager


Testing Maintenance Fuelling

Property Services Property Services Property Services

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager

Authorised Electrical Engineer via Head of Engineering

Grounds equipment

Compliance Manager

maintenance Maintenance

HV Network


Estate Development Service

Insurance inspections


Property Services Compliance manager on behalf of insurance office


H&S Office



Property Services

Compliance Manager

Lightening protection


Property Services

Compliance Manager

Testing Maintenance Alarms Mansafe systems - fixed Testing Mansafe systems – Management harnesses (incl Grounds equipment)

Property Services Property Services Property Services Property Services

Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager Compliance Manager

PAT testing


Property Services

Compliance Manager

Pest control Plant and Equipment (other)

Management Purchasing Maintenance

Property Services

Compliance Manager

Property Services

Compliance Manager

H&S Office Property Services

Assistant Managers


Pressure vessels Radiation Roof work


University of Exeter Campus Services


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Roof work


Estate Development Service

Construction Officer

Security - CCTV Security – Door access

Management Management

Estate Patrol Property Services

Head Manager

Temporary Works


Construction Officer

Water features Workplace assessments

Management Management incl annual review

Estate Development Service Property Services All



Assistant Managers Director of Building

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Procedures Existing procedures such as those of Property Services and UoE Guides etc need to be incorporated into a Campus Services management arrangements (Safety Manual), again sharing best practice where appropriate.

University Policy Statements, Guidance Notes and Codes of Practice Campus Services will comply with the University Policy Statements, Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes on individual health and safety issues. Some of these are listed below. Campus Services procedures are also listed. For a full guide refer to all procedures relevant to Campus Services see CS H&S Procedures A-Z below. University Procedure General Risk Assessment

H&S Office


H&S Office

Portable Electrical Appliance Inspection and Testing

H&S Office

Driving vehicles on University Business - Minibus Passenger Transport Vehicles - The staff use of private vehicles on University of Exeter Business

H&S Office

H&S Policy and Management

H&S Office

Fire Safety

H&S Office

COSHH Policy including Code of Practice and Guidance Notes & RA Forms

H&S Office

Working with Display Screen Equipment

H&S Office

Manual Handling

H&S Office

Radiation Safety - Radiation and Radionuclide’s Code of Practice and Guidance Notes

H&S Office


H&S Office

Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults on Campus

H&S Office

Safety in Fieldwork

H&S Office

University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

First Aid

H&S Office

Dogs in University Buildings

H&S Office

Staff Counselling

Occ. Health

Workplace assessment

Occ. Health

Staff assessment – pre-employment and during

Occ. Health

Health Surveillance

Occ. Health

Alcohol abuse: Policy and Guidelines


Bullying and Harassment


Disability Policy statement


Drug Abuse: Policy and Guidelines


Fit Notes: Guidance for managers




Induction Code of Practice


Learning and Development Policy


Mental Health: Guidance


Stress: staff guidelines


Substance abuse: Policy and Guidelines


Whistleblowing – see Public Interest disclosure policy


University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Campus Services Procedure



Managing the Workplace



General Hazards and Controls



Health and Safety Training



Contractor Performance Monitoring



Out of Hours Emergency Callout (plus Appendices A to E) CDM Clients Representatives Guidance





CDM Management Arrangements



Reporting of Incidents (RIDDOR)



Investigating Accidents & Incidents



HV Systems – refer to HTM 2021 available via the Principal Electrical Engineer, Lafrowda House LV Electrical Safety Rules





Hot work



Confined Space Working



Noise and Vibration in the Workplace



Personal Protective Equipment Use and Storage



Provision and Use of Work Equipment



Lifting Equipment and Lifting Operations



Safe Use of Machinery



Transport Safety



Lone Working



Working at Height



Working on the Grounds



Working in University Laboratories



Estate Statutory Compliance



Fire Risk Assessment



University of Exeter Campus Services


Safety Manual Issue A

Noise at Work - Guidance



Insurance Works Notification



Health & Safety Procedures (combined list) Alcohol abuse: Policy and Guidelines Asbestos Management Plan Asbestos - The Management of Asbestos – Policy, Responsibilities and Procedures Bullying and Harassment Business Continuity Plan CDM Clients Representatives Guidance CDM Management Arrangements Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults on Campus Confined Spaces Management Plan Confined Space Working COSHH Policy including Code of Practice and Guidance Notes & RA Forms Contractors’ General Code of Safe Practice Contractor Performance Monitoring Counselling service for staff Disability Policy Statement Display Screen Equipment – Working with… Dogs in University Buildings Driving vehicles on University Business - Minibus Passenger Transport Vehicles - The staff use of private vehicles on University of Exeter Business Drug abuse: Policy and Guidelines Estate Statutory Compliance Fieldwork – Safety in… Fire Safety Fire Risk Assessment First Aid Fit notes: Guidance for managers Gas - University of Exeter Safety Case – Gas Engineering General Hazards and Controls General Risk Assessment H&S Policy and Management Health and Safety Training Health Surveillance Homeworking Hot Work HV Systems – refer to HTM 2021 available via the Principal Electrical Engineer, EDS, Lafrowda House Induction code of practice

HR EDS doc CS website A-Z HR Confidential CSP006 CSP007 H&S Office EDS doc CSP013 H&S Office EDS doc CSP004 Occ.Health HR H&S Office H&S Office H&S Office

HR CSP024 H&S Office H&S Office CSP025 H&S Office HR EDS doc CSP002 H&S Office H&S Office CSP003 Occ. Health HR CSP012 CSP010 HR

Aug.12 Aug.12







Aug.12 Aug.12

University of Exeter Campus Services


Insurance Works Notification Investigating Accidents & Incidents Learning and Development Policy Legionella & Water Quality Management Plan Lifting Equipment and Lifting Operations Lone Working LV Electrical Safety Rules Machinery… Safe Use of Major Incident Plan Managing the Workplace Manual Handling Meningitis Mental Health: Guidance Noise and Vibration in the Workplace Noise at Work - Guidance Out of Hours Emergency Callout (plus Appendices A to E) Personal Protective Equipment Use and Storage Portable Electrical Appliance Inspection and Testing Provision and Use of Work Equipment Radiation Safety - Radiation and Radionuclide’s Code of Practice and Guidance Notes Reporting of Incidents (RIDDOR) Smoking Staff assessment – pre-employment and during Stress: Staff guidelines Substance abuse Transport Safety Whistleblowing – see Public interest disclosure policy and procedure Working at Height Working on the Grounds Working in University Laboratories Workplace assessment

Safety Manual Issue A

CSP027 CSP009 HR EDS doc CSP017 CSP020 CSP011 CSP018 Confidential CSP001 H&S Office H&S Office HR CSP014 CSP026 CSP005

Aug.12 Aug.12

CSP015 H&S Office CSP016 H&S Office


CSP008 H&S Office Occ. Health HR HR CSP019 HR


CSP021 CSP022 CSP023 Occ. Health

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Aug.12 Aug.12 Aug.12 Aug.12 Aug.12

Aug.12 Aug.12 Aug.12

