High Dynamic Range Video Using Split Aperture Camera

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hancement and video surrealism. NPAR'04, 2004. [17] E. Reinhard, M. Stark, P. Shirley, and J. Ferwerda. Photo- graphic tone reproduction for digital images.
High Dynamic Range Video Using Split Aperture Camera Hongcheng Wang† , Ramesh Raskar‡ , Narendra Ahuja† † Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), IL, USA ‡ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), MA, USA

Abstract We present a new approach to display High Dynamic Range (HDR) video using gradient based high dynamic range compression. To obtain HDR video, we utilize the split aperture camera. We apply a spatio-temporal gradient based video integration algorithm for fast and accurate integration of the three input HDR videos into a low dynamic range video, which is suitable for display. The spatiotemporal video integration generates videos with temporal coherency and without artifacts. In order to improve the computational speed, we propose using a diagonal multigrid algorithm to solve the Poisson equation. We show experimental results on a variety of dynamic scenes.

1 Introduction A conventional digital camera typically provides a dynamic range of two orders of magnitude through the CCD’s analog-to-digital converter (The ratio in intensity between the brightest pixel and the darkest pixel is usually referred to the dynamic range of a digital image). However, many real-world scenes have a larger brightness variation. Thus, some areas of the images captured by digital cameras are undersaturated or oversaturated. Tonemapping (also called tone reproduction) is used to establish an efficient way to reconstruct faithfully the high dynamic range radiance on a low dynamic range image for display. Display of HDR video is the main problem we address in this paper. To capture a high dynamic range image, several images with different exposures are usually taken to cover the whole range of a real scene using conventional cameras. Those images are combined into a single high dynamic range image (radiance map). High dynamic range radiance maps are then recovered from these images [3]. Tonemapping methods are then applied to the radiance maps to reduce the dynamic range. The resultant low dynamic range (LDR) image can be viewed on conventional display devices. Capturing high dynamic range video involves dealing

with motion in the scene and hence it is not possible to capture the radiance map via a single camera with successive multi-exposures. In addition, for tone mapping HDR videos, we cannot trivially tonemap successive frames of the video. This naive approach will lack temporal coherence resulting in flicker. Thus capture and compression of HDR video has remained a challenging problem. As described later, some commercial and research hardware approaches have been proposed to this problem. In one of the few software solutions presented to this problem, Kang et. al. [7] describe an approach by varying the exposure of alternate frames. It requires a burdensome registration of features in successive frames to compensate for motion. Given the feature correspondence problem, rapid movements and significant occlusions cannot be dealt with easily. In addition, the two different exposures may not capture the full radiance map of a scene. More exposures will make the feature registration problem more difficult. In this paper, we propose a new approach for displaying HDR video using gradient based HDR compression approach. We use a camera rig composed of three built-in CCD sensors, which share the same view on a shared optical axis. Hence, we can capture truly dynamic scenes without frame registration. Our major contribution is a new 3D integration algorithm for HDR video compression. We use diagonally oriented grids to fast and accurately obtain the solutions of the resulting Poisson’s Equation in three-dimension space.

2 Related Work Though capturing high dynamic range video is not our main contribution, a specially designed camera is used in our HDR video display framework to overcome the disadvantages of the work by Kang et.al’s [7]. Therefore, we first present a brief review on HDR capturing followed by the related work in tonemapping.

2.1 Capture To capture HDR video, sequential exposure change [12, 13, 11] is not an option. Some researchers have proposed

using specially designed single sensor [2, 21, 9] or multiple image sensors [1, 19], as well as spatially varying [13] or spatio-temporally varying [14] pixel exposures sensors. Some CCD sensors are designed with each pixel having two elements with different sensitivity [21, 9]. In [2], authors describe a sorting computational sensor on which each pixel can measure the time to obtain full potential well capacity. All pixels of the input image are sorted according to their intensities. Many of these techniques trade spatial resolution for dynamic range while maintaining the video frame rate. Several methods have been proposed that do not entail the above tradeoff. [14] adapts the exposure of each pixel on the image detector using a controllable attenuator based on the radiance of the corresponding scene point. Multiple image sensors [1, 19] are often used to capture video-rate HDR video while keeping the spatial resolution of original sensors. For example, Aggarwal and Ahuja [1] use a mirror-based beam splitter to split the light refracted from the lens into three beams, which reach three different sensors. The camera has video-rate capacity and controlled exposure time for each of the sensors. We use a similar 3 channel camera in our prototype.

and tonemapping exponents in color assignment.

2.2 Display (Tonemapping)

The gradient domain method proposed by Fattal et.al. [5] can be considered 2D integration of modified 2D gradient field. As mentioned earlier, the integration involves a scale and shift ambiguity in luminance plus an image dependent exponent when assigning colors. Hence, a straightforward application to video will result in lack of temporal coherency in luminance and flicker in color. We instead treat the video as a 3D block of pixels and solve problem via 3D integration of a modified 3D gradient field.

Many tonemapping algorithms for compressing and displaying HDR images have been proposed [4, 5, 22, 17]. Durand et al. [4] propose using bilateral filtering to decompose an HDR image into a base layer and a detail layer, and then compress the contrast of the base layer. Reinhard et al. [17] achieve local luminance adaptation by using photographic technique of dodging-and-burning. Tumblin and Turk [22] propose the low curvature image simplifier LCIS by applying anisotropic diffusion to prevent halo artifacts. Fattal et al. [5] propose a method to attenuate high intensity gradients while magnifying low intensity gradients. The luminance is recovered from the compressed gradients by solving a Poisson equation. In spite of the great efforts on HDR IMAGE display, robust algorithms for tonemapping HDR VIDEO are not yet common. Kang et.al. [7] propose a solution to prevent flickering in the mapping due to temporal inconsistency. But only a global mapping is applied which is not adaptive to the coarse temporal intensity variations. In this paper, we propose a gradient domain technique to compress high dynamic range videos. Our work is inspired by that of Fattal et.al. [5]. The resulting images have no halos and other artifacts. However, we can not apply the dynamic range compression method directly in a frame-byframe manner. This is because the temporal consistency will be violated, and undesired flickering and color shift will result due to shift and scale ambiguity in image integration

3 Gradient Domain Video HDR Compression Gradient domain techniques have been widely used in computer vision and computer graphics. The idea is to minimize the gradient difference between the source and target images when the gradient field of the source image is modified to obtain the target one. This technique is inspired by the retinex theory originally proposed by Land and McCann in 1971 [10]. Since then a number of applications based on this technique have been proposed, such as image editing [15], shadow removal [6], multispectral image fusion [20], image and video fusion for context enhancement [16] and HDR image compression [5]. Most recently, we extended the gradient based technique to threedimensions by considering both spatial and temporal gradients, and applied to video editing [23]. This paper addresses a new application, HDR video compression, for split aperture camera.

3.1 Video as 3D Cube

3.2 3D Video Integration Our video HDR compression problem is stated as follows: Given n synchronized LDR videos, I1 , I2 , . . . , In , with different exposures, find an HDR video, I, which is suitable for typical displays. First, the radiance map from the input videos can be computed using a method such as in [3] for corresponding images in the videos (We will not discuss the details of recovering the radiance map here). Then our task is to generate a new video, I, whose gradient field is closest to the gradient of the HDR radiance map video, G. The general algorithm for HDR video display is described in Algorithm 1. One natural way to achieve this is to solve the equation ∇I = G


However, since the original gradient field is modified in some way (attenuated high gradient and magnified low gradient in our case), the gradient field G is not necessarily

3.3 Gradient Attenuation

Algorithm 1: General algorithm for HDR video display Data: LDR video I1 , I2 , . . . , In Result: HDR video I Recover the radiance map; Attenuate large gradients and magnify small ones (Sec. 3.3); Reconstruct new video I by solving a Poisson equation; integrable. Some part of the modified gradient may violate ∇×G=0


(i.e. the curl of gradient is 0). This is a special case of the formulation by Kimmel et.al. [8] in the sense that only the gradient field is considered here. Kimmel et.al. proposed minimizing a penalty function of gradient and intensity using a variational framework. A projected normalized steepest descent algorithm was proposed to solve this problem. Since we consider only gradient field, we use a formulation similar to that of Fattal et.al [5], and extend it to 3D space by considering both spatial and temporal gradients. Then, our task is to find a potential function , whose gradients are closest to in the least squared sense by searching the space of all 3D potential functions, that is, to minimize the following integral in 3D space (hence the reference to 3D video integration in the sequel): ZZ Z F (∇I, G)dxdydt (3) where, 2

F (∇I, G) =

k∇I − Gk ∂I ∂I ∂I = ( − Gx )2 + ( − G y )2 + ( − Gt )2 ∂x ∂y ∂t

According to the Variational Principle, a function F that minimizes the integral must satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equation: ∂F d ∂F d ∂F d ∂F − − − =0 ∂I dx ∂Ix dy ∂Iy dt ∂It

G0 = (α/ k∇I 0 k)β · ∇I 0 0

where, G and I are defined in the log-domain in spatial domain; α = 0.1 times the average gradient norm of ∇I 0 ; β is a constant with a value between 0 and 1. To reduce halo artifacts due to modified gradients, A Gaussian pyramid technique is used in a top-down manner. Readers are encouraged to refer to [5] for more details.

3.4 Discretization and Implementation In order to solve the 3D Poisson equation (Equation 3), we use the Neumann boundary conditions ∇I · n = 0, where n is the boundary normal vector. For 2D image integration, we can simply use a 4 neighbor grid to compute the Laplacian and divergence using discretization approximation as in [5]. For 3D video integration, due to larger data and computational complexity, we need to resort to a fast algorithm. For this purpose, we use a diagonal multigrid algorithm originally proposed by Roberts [18] to solve the 3D Poisson equation. Unlike conventional multigrid algorithms, this algorithm uses diagonally oriented grids to make the solution of 3D Poisson equation converge fast. In this case, the intensity gradients are approximated by forward difference:   I(x + 1, y, t) − I(x, y, t) ∇I =  I(x, y + 1, t) − I(x, y, t)  I(x, y, t + 1) − I(x, y, t)


∇2 I



where ∇ is the Laplacian operator, ∇2 I =



We represent Laplacian as:

We can then derive the 3D Poisson Equation: ∇2 I = ∇ • G

Our goal is to compress the high dynamic range by attenuating large gradients and magnifying low gradients. If we attenuate the 3D log-gradients in a straightforward way, some artifacts may result since the temporal gradients will get attenuated and the motion will be smoothed. This is obvious by imagining that a ball is moving in a scene. If we compress the temporal gradient of the sequence, the reconstruction of the scene will be blurred. Therefore, we choose to attenuate only spatial gradients. We use a similar gradient attenuation function as in [5], and the modified gradient is defined by

∂2I ∂2I ∂2I + 2+ 2 2 ∂x ∂y ∂t

[−6 · I(x, y, t) + I(x − 1, y, t) + I(x + 1, y, t) +I(x, y + 1, t) + I(x, y − 1, t) + I(x, y, t + 1) +I(x, y, t − 1) ]

The divergence of gradient is approximated as:

and ∇ • G is the divergence of the vector field G, defined as ∇•G=

∂Gx ∂Gy ∂Gt + + ∂x ∂y ∂t

∇•G = −

(Gx (x, y, t) − Gx (x − 1, y, t) + Gy (x, y, t) Gy (x, y − 1, t) + Gt (x, y, t) − Gt (x, y, t − 1))

Figure 1. The camera developed to capture HDR video

This results in a large system of linear equations. We use the fast and accurate 3D multigrid algorithm in [18] to iteratively find the optimal solution to minimize Equation 1. Due to the use of diagonally oriented grids, this algorithm does not need any interpolation when prolongating from a coarse grid onto a finer grid. Actually, a ’red-black’ Jacobi iteration of the residual between the intensity Laplacian and divergence of gradient field avoids interpolation. Most importantly, its speed of convergence is much better than usual multigrid scheme.

4 Experimental Results 4.1 HDR Video Capture We use a split aperture camera [1] developed to capture the HDR video. The camera uses a corner of a cube as a 3-faced pyramid and three CCD sensors. Three thin-film neutral density filters with transmittances of 1, 0.5 and 0.25 are put in front of the sensors respectively. We use Matrox multichannel board capable of synchronizing and capturing three channels simultaneously. The three sensors and the pyramid were carefully calibrated to ensure that all the sensors were normal to the optical axes. The setup of our HDR video capture devices is shown in Fig. 1.

4.2 Results We test our 3D video integration algorithm for video HDR compression on a variety of scenarios. To maintain Neumann boundary conditions, during preprocessing, we pad the video cube with 5 pixels in each direction. The first and last 5 frames, and first and last 5 row/column pixels of each frame input to the algorithm are all black. The

attenuation parameter β in Equation 5 is set to 0.15 in all experiments. Fig. 2 shows an example of three videos captured using our camera. Due to the shadow of the trees and strong sunlight, none of the individual sensors can capture the whole range of this dynamic scene. For example, the trees and the back of the walking person are too dark in (a) and (b), but too bright in (c). The light bar in (a) is almost totally dark, and the ground is overexposed in (b) and (c). However, the video obtained using our 3D video integration algorithm can capture almost everything clearly in the scene. The detailed motion of the tree leaves is also visible. Fig. 3 shows a challenging example with large movement in the scene, a walking person with car in motion on the road. The shadow of the tree on the car is clear in (a) but washed out in (b) and (c). The details of the tree are lost in (a) and (b). The background buildings are overexposed in (b) and (c). The cars, shadow, person and background are all captured in our reconstructed video using 3D video integration algorithm, while achieving temporal coherence in luminance. The motion blur of the moving car is maintained. We believe our results are superior to other HDR hardware or software solutions shown for scenes with large motion. In our practice, the computational speed of 3D Poisson Solver using diagonal multigrid can speed up the integration step, though it is still computationally intensive. The diagonal multigrid algorithm has improved the speed up to twice as fast as correspondingly simple multigrid algorithm. Currently, our Matlab implementation takes approximately 900 seconds for 256 × 256 resolution video with 35 frames. A C/C++ implementation will help to further improve the speed.

5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have presented a new approach to capture and display high dynamic range videos. Using a split aperture camera, we capture a high dynamic range realworld scene. Using a gradient-based 3D integration algorithm applied to video, we compress the high dynamic range of the video for display on low dynamic range devices. Achieving the integrability of gradient field is still an open problem. To apply this method to high resolution videos, we need to avoid the minor but perceptible spatial smoothing of intensities. We are investigating the theoretical aspects and applications of a set of techniques for image reconstruction from mixed gradient fields. In addition, some other methods may also provide temporal consistent video. In the future, we will explore other methods for comparison with our method. Finally, a modified approach to improve efficiency which is using two-frame constrains instead of the whole video is under development.





Figure 2. Experimental results on high dynamic range video. Rows (a)-(c): The three video sequences obtained by split aperture camera; The brightness of the three videos are in ratios 1:2:4; Row (d): The video obtained using our 3D video integration algorithm. The size of video is 256 × 256 × 35

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Figure 3. Experimental results on high dynamic range video. Rows (a)-(c): The three video sequences obtained by split aperture camera; The brightness of the three videos are in ratios 1:2:4; Row (d): The video obtained using our 3D video integration algorithm. The size of video is 256 × 256 × 35

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