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Grand Manan Island (New Brunswick, Canada), where large females (>100 mm carapace ... Flagg Cove, au large de l'île du Grand Manan (Nouveau-Brunswick, ...

The catchability of large American lobsters (Homarus americanus) from diving and trapping studies off Grand Manan Island, Canadian Maritimes M.J. Tremblay, S.J. Smith, D.A. Robichaud, and P. Lawton

Abstract: Catchability (q) in traps was estimated for American lobsters (Homarus americanus) in Flagg Cove, off Grand Manan Island (New Brunswick, Canada), where large females (>100 mm carapace length (CL)) aggregate in late summer and early fall. In 2001 and 2002, diver surveys were used to estimate lobster density, and traps were then deployed to obtain catch rates. Bayesian generalized linear models were fit to the densities of different size groups (81–100, 101–130, 131–160, and >160 mm CL) of ovigerous females, non-ovigerous females, and males. Catchability was strongly affected by year. Differences in q due to sex and size for ovigerous females, non-ovigerous females, and males were apparent but were not consistent between years. Size was not an important factor for the catchability of lobsters between 81 and 160 mm CL. In comparison with lobsters of a similar size in other areas, Flagg Cove lobsters in the size range of 81–100 mm CL were less catchable. We hypothesize that this resulted from the high densities and larger sizes of lobsters in Flagg Cove, which likely lead to increased agonistic interactions and reduced entry of lobsters into traps. Résumé : Nous avons estimé la capturabilité (q) des homards américains (Homarus americanus) dans les casiers à Flagg Cove, au large de l’île du Grand Manan (Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada), où les femelles de grande taille (>100 mm de longueur de carapace, CL) se rassemblent à la fin de l’été et au début de l’automne. En 2001 et 2002, des inventaires par des plongeurs ont permis d’estimer la densité des homards; des casiers ont ensuite été placés pour obtenir les taux de capture. Nous avons ajusté des modèles linéaires généralisés bayésiens aux densités des différents groupes de taille (81–100, 101–130, 131–160 et >160 mm de CL) de femelles ovigères et non ovigères et de mâles. La capturabilité est fortement affectée par l’année. Des différences de q reliées au sexe et à la taille sont évidentes ches les femelles ovigères, les femelles non ovigères, et les mâles, mais elles sont variables d’une année à l’autre. La taille n’est pas un facteur important de capturabilité des homards dans l’intervalle de 81 et 160 mm de CL. Les homards de Flagg Cove dans l’intervalle de tailles de 81–160 mm ont une capturabilité plus faible que les animaux de taille semblable dans d’autres régions. Nous croyons que cette situation résulte des fortes densités et des tailles plus importantes des homards à Flagg Cove, ce qui entraîne vraisemblablement une augmentation des interactions agonistes et réduit l’entrée des homards dans les casiers. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Tremblay et al.


Introduction The catch rate of animals in traps is a function of animal abundance and catchability. The catchability coefficient relates catch rate directly to abundance (or density) as (1)

q t = C t /( ft Dt)

where q is catchability, C is catch, f is effort (number of trap hauls), D is animal density, and t is time. Using this relationship, q can be thought of as the effective fishing area, with

units of area per trap (Miller 1975). A related concept is relative catchability (selectivity), which relates the catchability of one component of the population relative to another and does not require absolute estimates of abundance or density. Lobster catchability is a function of size, sex, moult status, behavioral interactions, trap design, and a host of other factors, including temperature and habitat (Miller 1990; Addison and Bannister 1998; Frusher and Hoenig 2001). Understanding the relationship between lobster size and catchability is important given the use of size frequencies

Received 22 July 2005. Accepted 12 April 2006. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://cjfas.nrc.ca on 5 August 2006. J18803 M.J. Tremblay1 and S.J. Smith. Science Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2, Canada. D.A. Robichaud and P. Lawton. Science Branch, Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB E5B 2L9, Canada. 1

Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63: 1925–1933 (2006)


© 2006 NRC Canada


from commercial traps to estimate indices of mortality and recruitment and the use of trap catch rate as an indicator of abundance. Population trends may be misinterpreted if assessments do not account for changes in catchability, such as those due to a reduction in the component of large lobsters in the population (Frusher et al. 2003). While there are a number of studies that relate the catchability of Homarus americanus to size (Smith 1944; Miller 1995; Tremblay and Smith 2001), these studies have not included the full size range of the American lobster. The American lobster can reach sizes of more than 200 mm carapace length (CL), but harvesting by the trap fisheries in different management areas begins at sizes of 70–84 mm CL in the Canadian Maritimes and off the northeastern United States. With high exploitation rates, large American lobsters (defined here as those greater than 100 mm CL) typically comprise a small fraction of the landed catch, which represents a challenge in studying their catchability. For example, in one of the most productive American lobster fishing areas (southwest Nova Scotia; Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 34), lobsters greater than 100 mm CL comprise ~11% of the landed catch, with only 5% of the females above 100 mm CL (1999–2000; Pezzack et al. 2001). In the Bay of Fundy (LFAs 35–38), the percentage of American lobsters greater than 100 mm CL in the landed catch is 21% (1999–2000; Lawton et al. 2001a), which is among the highest in the Canadian Maritimes. There is mixed evidence on whether lobster catchability increases or decreases at sizes above 100 mm CL. Miller (1990) suggested that the relationship between the catchability in traps and the size of decapod crustaceans could be described by a logistic curve, with the possible variant of decreased catchability at very large sizes due to mechanical difficulties of large animals actually entering the trap. The southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) does not appear to follow this pattern, since catchability increases from 75 to 175 mm CL (Frusher and Hoenig 2001). Previous studies of H. americanus indicate catchability increases with size over the range of 50–100 mm CL and then stabilizes or declines (Smith 1944; Miller 1995; Tremblay and Smith 2001). Using data from the offshore American lobster fishery, where sizes tend to be much larger than those in the inshore fishery, Pezzack and Duggan (1995) inferred relative catchability in traps from tag return rates. The plot of return rates versus size was dome-shaped, with tag return rate increasing from 61 to 120 mm CL and then decreasing from 121 to 180 mm CL. These authors noted that their findings were related to gear type, since more large American lobsters were captured in towed trawls than in commercial traps, and also noted that in other trap types (conical top entry), the catch had a higher proportion of American lobsters greater than 130 mm CL. The results of Pezzack and Duggan (1995) support the hypothesis of a decline in Homarus catchability above sizes of ~120 mm CL in some common trap types. An alternative explanation for the lower tag returns of large American lobsters observed by Pezzack and Duggan (1995) is that large lobsters are less available to some gear types because of dispersal to lower concentrations. If direct estimates of densities are possible for a closed lobster population, q can be estimated. In Flagg Cove, off Grand Manan Island in the outer Bay of Fundy (New Bruns-

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wick, Canada), an American lobster aggregation with unique population structure (size and sex distribution) is found predictably in late summer (Campbell 1990; Lawton et al. 2001b). This aggregation is comprised mainly of large females, and individuals can reside in Flagg Cove for several months, with females hatching and extruding eggs (D. Robichaud and P. Lawton, unpublished data). Here we evaluate trends in catchability over a broad size range and for different sexes or reproductive groups within Flagg Cove: ovigerous females, non-ovigerous females, and males. We extend the methodology developed in Tremblay and Smith (2001) by (i) using random effects to account for overdispersion in a Bayesian version of the model for the dive data, (ii) linking the dive model directly to a Bayesian version of the model for the trap data, and (iii) estimating Bayesian confidence intervals for the catchability estimates. We demonstrate that American lobster catchability in Flagg Cove is lower than that in other locations, perhaps because of the high densities and large sizes in Flagg Cove.

Materials and methods Flagg Cove, off Grand Manan Island in the outer Bay of Fundy (Fig. 1), was surveyed in September 2001 and 2002. The study area was defined by the dive transects and was approximately 460 m by 325 m. Tide-corrected depths ranged from 1.8 to 13.1 m; at the time of the diving, depths ranged from 4.6 to 18 m. The bottom type was sand–clay with a few old weir poles with kelp attached and a small amount of loose kelp. Cord weed (Chorda sp.) was common in the shallower portion of the study area. Six transects were conducted across the study area in each year. Each transect was 300 m in length and was sampled by two divers capturing and measuring the carapace length (CL) of all American lobsters within 1 m of either side of the transect line, for a total area searched of 600 m2·transect–1. Trapping occurred within 2 days after completing the dive transects. The traps were of commercial design with two compartments and dimensions of 122 cm in length, 60–71 cm in width, and 41–46 cm in height, with two entrance rings of 20 cm in diameter. By regulation, the commercial traps had slots 15 cm long by 4.4 cm high to allow escapement of lobsters below the minimum legal size of 82.5 mm CL. Traps were baited with herring that was fresh or frozen (not recorded) and set for approximately 24 h. Traps were set ~50 m apart in lines across the study site. A total of 23 traps were set each year within the study area. Data analysis Tremblay and Smith (2001) used generalized linear models (log-linear models) to estimate density (number per transect) for the dive data as a function of the sex and size of the lobsters and the site at which the survey was conducted. This method has the advantage of evaluating the effect of factors such as size, sex, and site on catchability. The following full factorial model was fit to the data, and terms were included or excluded from the model based on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC; Venables and Ripley 2002): © 2006 NRC Canada

Tremblay et al.


Fig. 1. Map showing dive transects (same in 2001 and 2002), trap positions, and locations of study sites in Flagg Cove, eastern Canada. Chart depths are at lowest normal tide.


no. per transect (or Dt) = exp(Sex + Size + Year + Sex:Size + Sex:Year + Size:Year + Sex:Size:Year)

For the trap data, we are dealing with the following rearrangement of eq. 1: (3)

C t / ft = q t Dt

Writing this in a log-linear form similar to eq. 2 gives (4)

no. per trap haul = exp(Sex + Size + Year + Sex:Size + Sex:Year + Size:Year + Sex:Size:Year) × D$

where D$ is an offset term that corresponds to the predicted number of lobsters per transect from the model in eq. 2. The offset term allows trap catch numbers to be compared for the different terms in the model conditional on their differences from expected catches based on the diving data. For exam-

ple, if the dive transect data indicated that the 101–130 mm CL size group was twice as numerous as the 81–100 mm CL group, and the trap data showed the same difference, then the inference would be that the two size groups had the same catchability. The offset term is included inside the exponent $ as log(D). Using the predicted number of lobsters per transect from the dive model for the offset term implies that these predictions are known constants even though they have been predicted from a model with associated error. As such, they underestimate the true variability associated with our estimates of the population available to the trapping experiment. We have introduced a number of modifications to the approach described above to incorporate the error associated $ with D. As in Tremblay and Smith (2001), we began by using a Poisson distribution for fitting the model in eq. 2 to the dive data. In this case, we used a Bayesian approach to generalized linear models (e.g., Dey et al. 2000) with the posterior distribution sampled using Markov chain Monte Carlo © 2006 NRC Canada


Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 63, 2006 Table 1. Total counts of different-sized Homarus americanus males (M), females without eggs (F), and ovigerous females (OF) in dive transects and trap hauls in each year at the Flagg Cove site. Dive transects (n = 6·year–1)

Trap hauls (n = 23·year–1)

Carapace length (mm)









2001 160 Total

4 3 14 7 1 29

3 20 67 14 1 105

0 10 348 76 6 440

7 33 429 97 8 574

0 4 4 5 1 14

0 6 24 3 1 34

0 2 74 16 2 94

0 12 102 24 4 142

2002 160 Total

2 3 7 1 4 17

6 25 85 5 0 121

0 12 276 60 8 356

8 40 368 66 12 494

1 2 0 2 0 5

0 5 2 0 0 7

0 2 64 17 8 91

1 9 66 19 8 103

(MCMC) sampling. The results indicated that the data were more variable (or overdispersed) than expected for the Poisson distribution in which the mean is equal to variance. We then used a random effects model to account for the overdispersion by assuming that the Poisson mean (λ) randomly varies over the survey area instead of being a fixed parameter. If we assume that the distribution of the mean follows a gamma distribution with shape parameter θ equal to the scale parameter, then the resultant distribution for the number per transect data is negative binomial with parameters λ and θ (e.g., Venables and Ripley 2002). This assumption can be easily verified for the dive data using a graphical approach by plotting the variances from each Sex, Size, and Year combination against the respective means to test for the following relationship for a negative binomial random variable (see Results): (5)

variance = λ + λ2 / θ

Terms were included or excluded from the model using the deviance information criterion (DIC; Spiegelhalter et al. 2002), an analogue to AIC. Trap data were also modelled using a Bayesian form of the Poisson generalized linear model. In this case, the offset term D$ was sampled from the posterior distribution of predicted number of lobsters per transect from the best model for the dive data for each MCMC iteration of the trap data model. The Poisson model was retained here, as there was no evidence for extra-Poisson variation. WinBugs (available at http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/) was used to fit the Bayesian models. The cut function in WinBugs was used to prevent the MCMC iterations for the trap model from updating the estimates from the dive model. The combination of the two models for the trap data resulted in a mixture model, and as a result, the usual measure of complexity for DIC could not be calculated. In this paper, we use the alternate model complexity estimate of half the posterior variance of the deviance (Gelman et al. 2004). Following Tremblay and Smith (2001), q is estimated by $ with units dividing the predicted number per trap haul by D,

of mean number per trap haul divided by mean number per transect. This translates to transects per trap haul, which is converted to units of square metres per trap haul — the same as that used for q in eq. 1 (Tremblay and Smith 2001).

Results A total of 574 American lobsters were measured in six dive transects in Flagg Cove in 2001, and 494 were measured in 2002 (Table 1). This translates to mean densities of 0.14–0.16 lobster·m–2. Lobsters were not uniformly distributed among or along transects, with portions of some transects having densities of 1 lobster·m–2. Lobsters were typically in bowl-shaped depressions they had excavated or sometimes in the open. In both years, over 94% of the lobsters were females. Most of these females were ovigerous (81% in 2001, 75% in 2002). Lobsters averaged 118 mm CL (2001) and 119 mm CL (2002), with most lobsters between 100 and 130 mm CL (Table 1). The largest lobsters measured in 2001 (189 mm CL) and 2002 (209 mm CL) were ovigerous females. The total number of American lobster captured in traps was 142 in 2001 and 103 in 2002 (Table 1). Mean CL of lobsters captured in traps was 120 mm CL (2001) and 123 mm CL (2002). The number per trap haul of the different size and sex groups generally reflected the number per transect, with the 101–130 mm CL size group comprising the largest portion of lobsters on the transects as well as those in the traps (Table 1). The initial fit of the Bayesian Poisson log-linear model to the dive transect data indicated that all of the main effects (Sex, Size, and Year) as well as two-way interactions Sex:Size and Sex:Year were included in the model using DIC. The dispersion parameter, estimated as the weighted sum of the squared Pearson residuals divided by the residual degrees of freedom, should be close to 1.0 for a Poisson distribution, but was much higher at 3.98. The Bayesian negative binomial log-linear model for the dive data resulted in including main effects for Sex and Size © 2006 NRC Canada

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Fig. 2. Comparison of observed and fitted mean-to-variance relationships for the Poisson and negative models to the dive survey data.

only and the two-way interactions term Sex:Size. The posterior mean for θ in eq. 5 was 2.6 (standard error = 0.6). Note that we would expect θ to be quite large (i.e., approach infinity) if a Poisson distribution was more appropriate for these data. A comparison of observed and fitted variances indicated that the negative binomial model was a reasonable fit to these data (Fig. 2). This model was used to predict D$ in eq. 4 for the corresponding levels of Sex, Size, and Sex:Size for the trap data. Bayesian Poisson log-linear models were fit to the trap data, with the final model chosen by the modified DIC measure as having all three main effects and the two-way interaction terms Size:Year and Sex:Year. The estimate of θ for this model was greater than 10 000, indicating that a Poisson distribution was appropriate for these data. The predicted catchabilities from the Poisson model are shown (Table 2), ranging from a low of 7 m2·trap haul–1 (non-ovigerous females 101–130 mm CL in 2002) to a high of 111 m2·trap haul–1 for the largest ovigerous females in 2002. Confidence intervals estimated using the posterior distributions were narrow for those groups in high abundance within the study area (both groups of females between 100 and 160 mm CL) and broad for other groups (Fig. 3). The confidence intervals for the catchability estimates show a strong effect due to year, with the effects of sex and size differing in each year (hence the Size:Year and Sex:Year interaction terms in the model). The Year effect was due to elevated catchabilities for two size classes of ovigerous females in 2002 relative to 2001 and due to depressed catchabilities for non-ovigerous females and males in 2002 relative to 2001. In 2001, males had higher and more variable catchabilities than the females, but in 2002 ovigerous females generally had the highest catchabilities. Catchability across sizes within the female and male groups showed no trend in 2001, while in 2002 catchability was lowest for the

Table 2. Offset model predictions of catchability q (m2·trap haul–1) for Homarus americanus in Flagg Cove. Carapace length (mm)



Ovigerous females

2001 81–100 101–130 131–160 >160

79.0 83.6 90.3 66.5

44.5 47.1 51.7 39.0

34.8 36.2 39.2 30.0

2002 81–100 101–130 131–160 >160

31.4 13.4 18.2 47.0

16.3 7.0 9.7 26.1

73.4 30.1 41.3 111.4

two middle size classes (81–100 and 131–160 mm CL) and highest for the largest size group.

Discussion Analytical approach The extension of the methods outlined in Tremblay and Smith (2001) provides several advances. First, the test of different models for the distribution of American lobsters from the dive survey confirms the high aggregation of lobsters in Flagg Cove, expressed here as gamma-distributed random effects. Second, the linking of the dive and trap models incorporates the variability associated with estimates of the expected number of lobsters for the trap survey. Third, the Bayesian confidence intervals for catchability estimates developed here allow the examination of the source of the significant effects due to Sex, Size, and Year. © 2006 NRC Canada

1930 Fig. 3. Catchability (q) estimates for different sexes and sizes of American lobsters (Homarus americanus) in Flagg Cove in 2001 and 2002 for (a) ovigerous females, (b) non-ovigerous females, and (c) males. Shown are the posterior means from the Bayesian negative binomial model for the trap data. The upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for Bayesian estimates are based on the posterior distribution.

The finding that the negative binomial model fit the dive data indicated that American lobsters were more aggregated in the Flagg Cove area than in other areas similarly surveyed (Tremblay and Smith 2001) and supports longterm observations of small-scale (tens of metres) differences in the relative spacing of lobsters, particularly ovigerous females (D. Robichaud and P. Lawton, unpublished data). The reason for the greater aggregation of lobsters in Flagg Cove is unclear but lobsters were not aggregated around shelters.

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Effects of size, sex and year The overall mean size of lobsters in traps (120–123 mm CL) was similar to that measured during dive transects (118–119 mm CL). Campbell (1990) reported a similar finding, with the median CL of ovigerous females caught in traps (131 mm) identical to that of lobsters captured while diving. The models developed here show that while the trap catch does deviate from the population structure on the bottom as measured by diving, the effect of size was not strong and the effects of both size and sex were not consistent between years. This study indicates that American lobster catchability in Flagg Cove is not affected by size over the range of 81– 160 mm CL. This size range encompasses all but a very small percentage of American lobsters captured in commercial fisheries. There is an indication of elevated catchability above 160 mm CL in 2002, but the large confidence intervals prevent any conclusions in this regard. The traps and baits used here are a common type used in the commercial fishery, but whether these results apply to other areas, other trap types, and other baits requires further study. Anecdotal information from fishermen indicates that some trap designs and baits are more selective for large lobsters. Evaluation of lobster catchability in the range of trap and bait combinations currently in use in the commercial fishery would be a large and difficult project with the methods used here. Other approaches for measuring relative catchability (e.g., mark– recapture) could be applied, but the calculation of q would require independent estimates of density or abundance. Ovigerous females were more catchable than non-ovigerous females in 2002, supporting observations by some fishermen that large ovigerous females are aggressive and can kill smaller lobsters in the traps. Although only a low number of males was observed in both diving and trapping, the finding that male catchability was generally higher than nonovigerous female catchabilty is consistent with previous studies (Miller 1995; Tremblay and Smith 2001). It is not known whether the male–female difference in catchability in Flagg Cove was related to sex difference in molt timing, as appears to be the case elsewhere. With regard to the effect of year on catchability, non-ovigerous females and males were less catchable in 2002 than in 2001 (particularly the 101– 130 mm size group), but ovigerous female catchability of two size groups was higher in 2002. The basis for this difference is not clear but may be related to differential foraging activity by the ovigerous females. There were no obvious differences in environmental conditions between the two years that might affect foraging. Temperature and wind were similar in the two years. Tidal height was also similar, since traps were hauled 3 days before spring tides in 2001 and 3– 4 days after spring tides in 2002. Investigation of how foraging activity of American lobsters of different sexes and reproductive groups is affected by the spring–neap tidal cycle could help explain the annual differences in catchability observed in the current study. Low catchability of American lobsters in Flagg Cove It is of particular interest that the estimates of catchability in the current study were low compared with estimates in other areas. The estimates for Flagg Cove females and males in the 81–100 mm CL size group were below all previous © 2006 NRC Canada

0.14–0.16 0.05–0.08 0.14

0.08–0.09 0.04

118 72–75 72

76–78 66

0.07 72

81–100 81–100 81–100

80–89 76–86


Flagg Cove; 2001, 2002* Lobster Bay (3 sites); 1998† Lobster Bay; 1997‡

Port L’Hebert; 1987, 1988§ Bay of Chaleur; 1996¶

Sydney Harbour; 1987§

Female 7–52 120–405 101 104 89–281 453 355 138 Male 31–79 360–696 242 386 185–380 860 747 500 CL (mm) Area; year(s)

Note: All estimates are for late summer (August–September). Ring size is the diameter of the trap entrance ring. For Lobster Bay 1997 and Bay of Chaleur 1996, q was estimated for two trap entrance ring sizes. CL, carapace length. *Present study. † Tremblay 2000 (data were regrouped and analyzed using the model-based approach described here). ‡ Tremblay and Smith 2001. § Miller 1995. ¶ Tremblay et al. 1998.

6.0, 8.1 2.8 2.6 5.5

Trap volume (m3), ring size (cm) Mean no.·m–2 Mean CL (mm)

0.30–0.40, 20 0.17, 13 0.17, 13 0.30, 15 0.15, 13 0.17, 13 0.17, 17 0.15, 13

Trapping characteristics Population characteristics q estimate Site

Table 3. Estimates of catchability (q) for Homarus americanus and associated trapping data and population characteristics (from diving).

Mean no.·trap haul–1 3.7,5.9 11.0–16.0 13.0 13.3 12.0, 15.3 9.4 8.1 11.1

5.3, 8.0 5.1–6.5 5.1


Mean kg·trap haul–1

Tremblay et al.

Fig. 4. Catchability estimates for American lobsters (Homarus americanus) within the size range of 76–100 mm carapace length (CL) versus (a) the density and (b) the mean carapace length of lobsters in the study area. Triangles show male data points; circles show female data points. Solid symbols are data points from the current study. Only lobsters >50 mm were included in calculations of means. Source data are provided in Table 3. The fitted lines are power functions.

estimates for American lobsters 70–100 mm CL (Table 3). It is unlikely that the lower catchabilities in the current study were related to differences in trap design, since the large trap volumes and entrance ring sizes used in the current study should have increased the overall catchability of lobsters relative to the other studies cited. The large hoop size of traps used in the current study might have contributed to more escapement of lobsters 81–100 mm CL, but this in itself is an unlikely explanation for the overall lower values of q estimated for Flagg Cove lobsters, since even large lobsters (females 131–160 mm CL) had low catchabilities relative to previous estimates for smaller lobsters. We hypothesize that the lower catchabilities observed in the current study resulted from the high densities and possibly the large sizes of lobsters at Flagg Cove (Table 3). Both of these factors would tend to increase agonistic interactions around traps. Such interactions are known to have an important effect on lobster catchability (Karnofsky and Price 1989; Jury et al. 2001). Plots of q versus density (Fig. 4a) and mean size (Fig. 4b) indicate that the catchability of lobsters in the size range of 76–100 mm CL decreases rapidly as a function of these two factors. Unfortunately, in our data set, density is positively correlated with mean size. Since there is higher percentage of variation explained in the plot © 2006 NRC Canada


of catchability versus density, and this relationship holds up even without the Flagg Cove data set, we hypothesize that high density is most important as a factor in depressing catchabilities. This hypothesis is supported by experiments on the European lobster, Homarus gammarus (Addison and Bannister 1998). In these experiments, traps seeded with lobsters of different sizes had the same inhibitory effect on additional lobsters entering the traps. Several studies have indicated that local size structure in the population affects the relative catchability of American lobsters (Smith 1944; Miller 1995; Frusher and Hoenig 2001), but only Paloheimo (1963) drew a link between lower catchability coefficients and higher lobster density. An alternative explanation for low catchability of American lobsters in Flagg Cove is that these lobsters are present for reasons other than feeding. Flagg Cove is one of few locations for which there is documentation of such a high proportion of large ovigerous females. Several other coves along the eastern side of Grand Manan Island are known to have similarly skewed sex ratios (from diving surveys similar to those reported in this study), and some deeper-water locations in the upper Bay of Fundy, surveyed by trawl, have also yielded female-skewed sex ratios (P. Lawton and D. Robichaud, unpublished data). These areas presumably provide reproductive advantages. Campbell (1990) suggested that the protected nature of Flagg Cove, coupled with the relatively warm temperatures, provide a good area for egg extrusion and hatching. Others have shown that movement of mature females to warmer, shallower waters in summer accelerates ovary maturation (Ugarte 1994). The apparent reproductive advantages offered by Flagg Cove do not preclude foraging activities. Broken shells of quahogs (Arctica islandica) and razor clams (Ensis sp.) in Flagg Cove provide signs of lobster feeding (P. Lawton, unpublished data). The very fact that lobsters in Flagg Cove enter traps indicates active foraging. In fact the weight per trap haul in Flagg Cove was at the upper end of observations using similar methods in the same season (Table 3). With the larger mean size and weight of American lobsters in Flagg Cove, fewer lobsters are needed to achieve the same trap catch weight. The traps used in the current study are commonly used in the commercial fishery of the area, and we expect that the catchability trends observed in Flagg Cove would be representative of other local areas with a similar population structure fished at the same time of year. The results of this study suggest that changes in both density and size structure could affect the reliability of longterm time-series of catch rates. Frusher et al. (2003) suggested this effect for J. edwardsii. They showed large southern rock lobsters inhibited smaller lobsters from entering traps and suggested that as large lobsters were removed from the population, smaller lobsters would become more catchable. This would tend to obscure any downward trends in recruitment. If the results of the current study can be generalized, then declines in density or size structure of H. americanus stocks may contribute to increased catchability of American lobsters in the size range that currently dominate the commercial catch (81–100 mm CL). Further studies are needed to investigate how sensitive the catchability of Homarus is to variation in size structure and popu-

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lation density and how changes in these variables might affect our perception of stock status.

Acknowledgements M. Strong, R. Singh, M. Buzeta, and A. MacIntyre participated capably in the dive surveys. Grand Manan fisherman K. Morse conducted the trap surveys in 2001 and 2002, and fishermen R. Mullen and B. Brown provided dive boats. R. Miller and R. Claytor provided helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. In addition, R. Fryer and M.T. Smith provided many insightful comments that helped to improve the manuscript. In particular, we appreciated R. Fryer’s suggestion to join the dive and trap models into a single Bayesian model.

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