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demolition waste accounts? Alessio Miatto, Heinz Schandl, and Hiroki Tanikawa. Supporting information. 1. Functions and equations. 1.1 Equations parameters.
How important are realistic building lifespan assumptions for material stock and demolition waste accounts? Alessio Miatto, Heinz Schandl, and Hiroki Tanikawa

Supporting information 1. Functions and equations 1.1 Equations parameters

The equations that we used for our analysis are all 1.1characterised by two parameters. They are: 𝝁 ∈ ℝ – Location Normal 𝝈𝟐 > 𝟎 – scale πœ‚ > 0 – Shape Gompertz 𝑏 > 0 – Location πœ† > 0 – Scale Weibull π‘˜ > 0 – Shape πœƒ > 0 – Scale Gamma π‘˜ > 0 – Shape πœ‡ ∈ ℝ – Location Log-normal 𝜎 > 0 – Scale of associated normal distribution

1.2 Reliability functions

In order to construct the reliability curves used in the maximum likelihood estimation, we used the following equations. π’™βˆ’π π‘Ήπ‘΅π’π’“π’Žπ’‚π’ (𝒙) = 𝟎. πŸ“ [𝟏 βˆ’ 𝐞𝐫𝐟⁑( )] Normal (1) 𝝈√𝟐 Gompertz π‘…πΊπ‘œπ‘šπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘§ (π‘₯) = exp⁑[βˆ’πœ‚(𝑒 𝑏π‘₯ βˆ’ 1)] (2) Weibull Gamma Log-normal

π‘₯ π‘˜

π‘…π‘Šπ‘’π‘–π‘π‘’π‘™π‘™ (π‘₯) = 𝑒 βˆ’(πœ†) ⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑⁑π‘₯ β‰₯ 0 1 π‘₯ π‘…πΊπ‘Žπ‘šπ‘šπ‘Ž (π‘₯) = Ξ“ (π‘˜, ) Ξ“(π‘˜) πœƒ ln⁑(π‘₯ βˆ’ πœ‡) π‘…πΏπ‘œπ‘”βˆ’π‘›π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘šπ‘Žπ‘™ (π‘₯) = 0.5 {1 βˆ’ erf⁑[ ]} 𝜎√2

(3) (4) (5)

1.3 Median and standard deviation The median of the equation is used for estimating the average lifetime of the buildings, while the standard deviation is used to appraise how spread or concentrated the demolitions are. Reminding that the notation π‘₯Μƒ typically represents the median of the random variable π‘₯, the characterising equations are: Normal Gompertz Weibull


Μƒπ‘΅π’π’“π’Žπ’‚π’ = 𝝁 𝒙 1 1 1 = ( ) ln [(βˆ’ ) ln ( ) + 1] 𝑏 πœ‚ 2 1

π‘₯Μƒπ‘Šπ‘’π‘–π‘π‘’π‘™π‘™ = πœ†(ln 2)π‘˜

(6) (7) (8)


There is not a simple closed form to calculate the median. An approximation. Banneheka and Ekanayake (2009) calculated an approximation formula to estimate the median of the Gamma distribution for values of π‘˜ β‰₯ 1. 3π‘˜ βˆ’ 0.8 3π‘˜ + 0.2 π‘₯ΜƒπΏπ‘œπ‘”βˆ’π‘›π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘šπ‘Žπ‘™ = 𝑒 πœ‡


π‘₯ΜƒπΊπ‘Žπ‘šπ‘šπ‘Ž β‰ˆ π‘˜πœƒ Log-normal


Reminding that the notation 𝜎 typically represents the standard deviation of the random variable π‘₯, the standard deviation is calculated as: Normal


πˆπ‘΅π’π’“π’Žπ’‚π’ = 𝝈 πœŽπΊπ‘œπ‘šπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘§ =

1 πœ‚ ( ) 𝑒2 𝑏


{βˆ’2πœ‚β‘3 𝐹3 (1,1,1; 2,2,2; βˆ’πœ‚) + 𝛾 2 + (

+ 2𝛾 ln(πœ‚) + [ln(πœ‚)]2 βˆ’ 𝑒 πœ‚ [Ei(βˆ’πœ‚)]2 }


1⁄ 2

where 𝛾 is the Euler constant: 𝛾 = βˆ’πœ“(1) = 0.577215 β‹― and ∞ 1 πœ‚π‘˜ π‘˜ (βˆ’1) ⁑3 𝐹3 (1,1,1; 2,2,2; βˆ’πœ‚) = βˆ‘ [ ] ( ) (π‘˜ + 1)3 π‘˜!

Ο€ ) 6


(13) (14)


and Ei denotes the exponential integral ∞

𝑒 βˆ’π‘‘ 𝐸𝑖(π‘₯) = βˆ’ ∫ 𝑑𝑑 βˆ’π‘₯ 𝑑 Weibull Gamma Log-normal

1.4 Skewness


(15) 1

2 1 2 = πœ† [Ξ“ (1 + ) βˆ’ (Ξ“ (1 + ))] π‘˜ π‘˜


πœŽπΊπ‘Žπ‘šπ‘šπ‘Ž = πœƒβˆšπ‘˜


πœŽπΏπ‘œπ‘”βˆ’π‘›π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘šπ‘Žπ‘™ = √(𝑒 𝜎2 βˆ’ 1)𝑒 2πœ‡+𝜎2


Many times in the main manuscript we talk about skewness. It is defined as the measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable about its mean. Some functions, such as the case of the normal distribution, are symmetrical, thus their skewness is equal to 0. In the case the right tail of the function is longer than the left one, i.e. when the majority of the mass is concentrated on the left side of the distribution, the function is said to be skewed to the right, right-tailed, right-skewed, or to have positive skewness. In the case the left tail of the function is longer than the right one, i.e. when the majority of the mass is concentrated on the right side of the distribution, the function is said to be skewed to the left, left-tailed, left-skewed, or to have negative skewness. A graphical example of this description can be found in Figure S1.

Normal distribution

Log-normal distribution



Gompertz distribution

c) Figure S1 – Three examples of distribution skewness. a) Normal distribution, with its null skewness, is symmetrical. b) Lognormal distribution is an example of a right skewed distribution. c) Gompertz distribution is an example of a left skewed distribution.

2. Average lifespan and relative parameters In this chapter we will show the detailed results relative to the lifespan analysis for the cases of Nagoya, Wakayama, and Salford, showing not only the gross results relative to the totality of buildings, but also their division according to their typology.

2.1 Nagoya, Japan 2.1.1 R2 values We here report the R2 values for five categories of buildings in Nagoya: commercial, commercial proximities (e.g. sport facilities, parking facilities, etc.), residential, industrial, and the totality of buildings. Table S1 – Nagoya commercial buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Commercial R2 1960 (n=15792) 1970 (n=15963) 1980 (n=13112) 1990 (n=11491) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 95.1% 90.6% 95.0% 93.0% 93.4% 2.1%

Weibull 98.1% 99.1% 98.6% 98.0% 98.5% 0.5%

Gamma 98.4% 99.2% 98.6% 98.2% 98.6% 0.4%

Gompertz 97.0% 98.8% 98.8% 97.3% 98.0% 0.9%

Log-normal 99.0% 98.7% 98.1% 98.8% 98.7% 0.4%

Table S2 – Nagoya commercial proximal buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Commercial proximity areas R2

1960 (n=0) 1970 (n=0) 1980 (n=3975)

Normal n/a n/a 93.9%

Weibull n/a n/a 97.7%

Gamma n/a n/a 97.6%

Gompertz n/a n/a 97.9%

Log-normal n/a n/a 97.1%

1990 (n=3580) Average R2 R2 std dev

92.1% 93.0% 1.2%

97.2% 97.4% 0.46%

97.5% 97.5% 0.1%

96.2% 97.0% 1.2%

98.3% 97.7% 0.8%

Table S3 – Nagoya residential buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Residential R2 1960 (n=6189) 1970 (n=6172) 1980 (n=4515) 1990 (n=4425) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 92.0% 84.1% 95.6% 90.6% 90.6% 4.8%

Weibull 97.9% 98.4% 97.1% 95.9% 97.3% 1.1%

Gamma 98.0% 98.6% 96.9% 96.3% 97.5% 1.0%

Gompertz 97.6% 96.2% 97.3% 94.6% 96.4% 1.4%

Log-normal 98.6% 98.1% 96.3% 97.3% 97.6% 1.0%

Table S4 – Nagoya industrial buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Industrial R2 1960 (n=6683) 1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 94.3% 90.2% 93.6% 91.3% 92.4% 1.9%

Weibull 97.5% 98.8% 98.2% 97.4% 98.0% 0.6%

Gamma 97.9% 98.8% 98.2% 97.6% 98.1% 0.5%

Gompertz 96.4% 98.4% 98.4% 96.8% 97.5% 1.0%

Log-normal 98.4% 98.3% 97.7% 98.3% 98.2% 0.3%

Table S5 – Nagoya buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

All buildings R2 1960 (n=6683) 1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 94. 5% 89.3% 94.8% 92.2% 92.7% 2.5%

Weibull 98.0% 99.0% 98.2% 97.5% 98.1% 0.6%

Gamma 98.3% 99.0% 98.1% 97.7% 98.3% 0.5%

Gompertz 97.1% 98.3% 98.4% 96.6% 97.6% 0.9%

Log-normal 98.8% 98.5% 97.6% 98.4% 98.4% 0.5%

2.1.2 Average lifespan and standard deviation This section displays the calculated lifespan and standard deviation for the five categories (commercial, commercial proximities, residential, industrial, and the totality of buildings). On some occasions it has not been possible to calculate the standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution being its variance a negative number. Table S6 – Nagoya commercial buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for four different cohorts and five different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number. Commercial lifespan & standard deviation

1960 (n=15792)

Normal 26.2 (17.6)

Weibull 24.3 (18.8)

Gamma 24 (19.8)

Gompertz 24.8 (17.6)

Log-normal 23.2 (26)

1970 (n=15963) 1980 (n=13112) 1990 (n=11491)

18.3 (17.4) 18.5 (13.7) 14.4 (9.6)

14.2 (26.8) 17.1 (18) 13.8 (12.6)

13.9 (25.8) 17 (19.1) 13.7 (13.4)

15.2 (n/a) 17.4 (15) 14 (10.9)

13.7 (56.7) 16.6 (32.7) 13.5 (22)

Table S7 – Nagoya commercial proximities buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for two different cohorts and five different distributions. Commercial proximity areas lifespan and std dev

1960 (n=0) 1970 (n=0) 1980 (n=3975) 1990 (n=3580)

Normal n/a n/a 20.9 (15.1) 16.2 (10.2)

Weibull n/a n/a 19.8 (21.7) 16 (13.9)

Gamma n/a n/a 19.7 (23.2) 15.9 (15.1)

Gompertz n/a n/a 20.1 (17.3) 16.2 (11.5)

Log-normal n/a n/a 19.4 (46.4) 15.7 (26.4)

Table S8 – Nagoya residential buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for four different cohorts and five different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number. Residential lifespan and standard dev

1960 (n=6189) 1970 (n=6172) 1980 (n=4515) 1990 (n=4425)

Normal 26.3 (21.5) 19.6 (20.3) 22.5 (14.2) 16 (10)

Weibull 23.2 (26.6) 14 (47.3) 22 (17.7) 15.7 (13.2)

Gamma 23.1 (27.2) 13.1 (39) 21.9 (19.9) 15.6 (14.3)

Gompertz 23.2 (24.9) 16.9 (n/a) 22.4 (14.1) 16 (11.2)

Log-normal 22.2 (45.4) 13.7 (177.6) 21.6 (33.5) 15.4 (23.9)

Table S9 – Nagoya industrial buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for four different cohorts and five different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number. Industrial lifespan and standard dev

1960 (n=6683) 1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249)

Normal 30.8 (19.9) 21.2 (19.5) 20.1 (15) 15.7 (10.4)

Weibull 29 (22.5) 17.3 (33.6) 18.8 (22.3) 15.3 (15)

Gamma 28.7 (24.2) 17 (31.9) 18.6 (23.4) 15.2 (16)

Gompertz 29.7 (20) 18.3 (n/a) 19 (18.2) 15.5 (n/a)

Log-normal 27.8 (35) 16.7 (87.1) 18.3 (47.9) 15 (29.8)

Table S10 – Nagoya all buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for four different cohorts and five different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number. All buildings lifespan and standard dev

1960 (n=6683) 1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249)

Normal 27.3 (19) 19.3 (18.5) 19.8 (14.3) 15.2 (9.9)

Weibull 25.2 (21.1) 14.8 (31.5) 18.6 (19.3) 14.7 (13.3)

Gamma 24.9 (22.3) 14.5 (29.5) 18.5 (20.7) 14.6 (14.3)

Gompertz 25.6 (19.3) 16.3 (n/a) 18.9 (15.7) 15 (11.4)

Log-normal 24 (31.2) 14.4 (76.7) 18.1 (37.5) 14.4 (24.3)

2.1.3 Distribution parameters In this part of the supporting information we report the parameters that we used to generate the reliability curves, and to estimate the average lifespan and standard deviation. Table S11 – Equation parameters for Nagoya commercial buildings.

Commercial parameters 1960 (n=15792)

Normal πœ‡=26.2 𝜎=17.6

Weibull k=1.513 πœ†=31

Gamma k=2.07 πœƒ=13.8

Gompertz b=0.02916 πœ‚=0.7

Log-normal πœ‡=3.14 𝜎=0.74

1970 (n=15963) 1980 (n=13112) 1990 (n=11491)

πœ‡=18.3 𝜎=17.4 πœ‡=18.5 𝜎=13.7 πœ‡=14.4 𝜎=9.6

k=0.868 πœ†=21.6 k=1.213 πœ†=23.1 k=1.337 πœ†=18.2

k=0.78 πœƒ=29.2 k=1.35 πœƒ=16.5 k=1.62 πœƒ=10.6

b=0.00056 πœ‚=81.4 b=0.02365 πœ‚=1.4 b=0.03998 πœ‚=0.9

πœ‡=2.62 𝜎=1.24 πœ‡=2.81 𝜎=0.96 πœ‡=2.6 𝜎=0.89

Gamma n/a n/a k=1.27 πœƒ=20.6 k=1.69 πœƒ=11.6

Gompertz n/a n/a b=0.02062 πœ‚=1.4 b=0.04483 πœ‚=0.6

Log-normal n/a n/a πœ‡=2.96 𝜎=1.04 πœ‡=2.75 𝜎=0.9

Gamma k=1.27 πœƒ=24.1 k=0.54 πœƒ=52.9 k=1.79 πœƒ=14.9 k=1.77 πœƒ=10.7

Gompertz b=0.00791 πœ‚=3.4 b=0.00006 πœ‚=637.3 b=0.04361 πœ‚=0.4 b=0.04726 πœ‚=0.6

Log-normal πœ‡=3.1 𝜎=0.98 πœ‡=2.61 𝜎=1.61 πœ‡=3.07 𝜎=0.87 πœ‡=2.73 𝜎=0.87

Gamma k=1.99 πœƒ=17.2 k=0.77 πœƒ=36.3 k=1.18 πœƒ=21.5 k=1.48 πœƒ=13.2

Gompertz b=0.028 πœ‚=0.5 b=0.00053 πœ‚=71.3 b=0.01522 πœ‚=2.1 b=0.03055 πœ‚=1.1

Log-normal πœ‡=3.32 𝜎=0.79 πœ‡=2.81 𝜎=1.32 πœ‡=2.91 𝜎=1.07 πœ‡=2.71 𝜎=0.97

Gamma k=1.84 πœƒ=16.4

Gompertz b=0.02404 πœ‚=0.8

Log-normal πœ‡=3.18 𝜎=0.80

Table S12 – Equation parameters for Nagoya proximal commercial buildings.

Commercial proximity areas parameters 1960 (n=0) 1970 (n=0) 1980 (n=3975) 1990 (n=3580)

Normal n/a n/a πœ‡=20.9 𝜎=15.1 πœ‡=16.2 𝜎=10.2

Weibull n/a n/a k=1.181 πœ†=27 k=1.388 πœ†=20.8

Table S13 – Equation parameters for Nagoya residential buildings.

Residential parameters 1960 (n=6189) 1970 (n=6172) 1980 (n=4515) 1990 (n=4425)

Normal πœ‡=26.3 𝜎=21.5 πœ‡=19.6 𝜎=20.3 πœ‡=22.5 𝜎=14.2 πœ‡=16.0 𝜎=10.0

Weibull k=1.146 πœ†=31.9 k=0.68 πœ†=24.1 k=1.472 πœ†=28.2 k=1.421 πœ†=20.3

Table S14 – Equation parameters for Nagoya industrial buildings.

Industrial parameters 1960 (n=6683) 1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249)

Normal πœ‡=30.8 𝜎=19.9 πœ‡=21.2 𝜎=19.5 πœ‡=20.1 𝜎=15.0 πœ‡=15.7 𝜎=10.4

Weibull k=1.511 πœ†=37.0 k=0.856 πœ†=26.5 k=1.122 πœ†=26.0 k=1.271 πœ†=20.5

Table S15 – Equation parameters for Nagoya buildings.

All buildings parameters 1960 (n=6683)

Normal πœ‡=27.3 𝜎=19.0

Weibull k=1.423 πœ†=32.6

1970 (n=6969) 1980 (n=4896) 1990 (n=4249)

πœ‡=19.3 𝜎=18.5 πœ‡=19.8 𝜎=14.3 πœ‡=15.2 𝜎=9.9

k=0.823 πœ†=23.2 k=1.224 πœ†=25.1 k=1.346 πœ†=19.4

k=0.72 πœƒ=34.7 k=1.36 πœƒ=17.8 k=1.63 πœƒ=11.2

b=0.00052 πœ‚=81.1 b=0.02449 πœ‚=1.2 b=0.0401 πœ‚=0.8

πœ‡=2.67 𝜎=1.33 πœ‡=2.90 𝜎=0.98 πœ‡=2.67 𝜎=0.90

2.2 Salford, Greater Manchester, UK 2.2.1 R2 values We here report the R2 values for five categories of buildings in Salford, Greater Manchester (UK): high density residential buildings, mid/low density residential buildings, industrial buildings, other buildings (e.g. commercial, religious), and the totality of buildings. In this case we also report the R2 values for the logistic curve since Tanikawa and Hashimoto, in their 2009 publication, calculated the lifespan of buildings through a logistic curve. Table S16 – Salford high density residential buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R 2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

High density residential R2 1849 (n=40) 1896 (n=710) 1908 (n=140) 1932 (n=258) 1953 (n=80) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 95.0% 98.4% 81.5% 89.5% 94.1% 91.7% 6.5%

Weibull 95.1% 98.4% 80.7% 89.3% 95.7% 91.9% 7.0%

Gamma 94.8% 98.4% 82.9% 89.0% 96.6% 92.3% 6.3%

Gompertz 94.9% 97.2% 78.4% 89.5% 93.3% 90.7% 7.4%

Log-normal 94.4% 98.4% 83.5% 88.7% 97.2% 92.4% 6.2%

Logistic 94.7% 98.4% 80.5% 89.1% 93.0% 91.1% 6.8%

Table S17 – Salford mid and low density residential buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Mid/low density residential R2 1849 (n=43) 1896 (n=103) 1908 (n=14) 1932 (n=722) 1953 (n=179) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 97.7% 97.9% 84.3% 86.1% 78.8% 89.0% 8.5%

Weibull 97.8% 98.0% 84.5% 85.7% 95.3% 92.3% 6.6%

Gamma 97.3% 97.0% 84.3% 85.1% 95.3% 91.8% 6.5%

Gompertz 98.6% 98.4% 86.6% 83.4% 94.9% 92.4% 7.0%

Log-normal 96.4% 96.5% 82.1% 82.4% 95.8% 90.6% 7.7%

Logistic 97.3% 98.1% 84.3% 86.2% 74.6% 88.1% 9.8%

Table S18 – Salford industrial buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Factories R2 1849 (n=12) 1896 (n=89) 1908 (n=56) 1932 (n=221)

Normal 95.3% 94.6% 94.7% 95.9%

Weibull 94.7% 94.6% 94.9% 96.1%

Gamma 96.0% 93.7% 94.3% 95.4%

Gompertz 93.0% 95.9% 95.8% 97.3%

Log-normal 96.3% 92.7% 93.4% 95.2%

Logistic 95.1% 93.8% 94.1% 96.3%

1953 (n=203) Average R2 R2 std dev

99.5% 96.0% 2.0%

99.4% 95.9% 2.0%

99.3% 95.7% 2.2%

98.7% 96.1% 2.1%

99.0% 95.3% 2.5%

99.6% 95.8% 2.4%

Table S19 – R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting for other buildings of Salford (e.g. public buildings, religious buildings, etc.). The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Others buildings R2 1849 (n=3) 1896 (n=45) 1908 (n=10) 1932 (n=27) 1953 (n=47) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal n/a 93.5% 75.4% 90.0% 99.2% 89.5% 10.1%

Weibull n/a 94.5% 89.1% 89.6% 98.8% 93.1% 4.6%

Gamma n/a 95.6% 89.4% 87.1% 97.7% 92.5% 5.0%

Gompertz n/a 92.0% 87.6% 93.1% 99.8% 93.1% 5.0%

Log-normal n/a 97.5% 88.2% 86.2% 96.8% 92.2% 5.8%

Logistic n/a 93.5% 73.7% 91.4% 99.4% 89.5% 11.1%

Table S20 – Salford all buildings (of this case study) R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R 2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

All buildings R2 1849 (n=98) 1896 (n=947) 1908 (n=220) 1932 (n=1228) 1953 (n=509) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 98.0% 95.8% 88.0% 95.8% 97.9% 95.1% 4.1%

Weibull 97.9% 95.7% 87.5% 95.1% 99.0% 95.1% 4.5%

Gamma 97.3% 95.8% 85.9% 94.7% 99.4% 94.6% 5.2%

Gompertz 98.3% 96.1% 89.3% 95.8% 97.8% 95.5% 3.6%

Log-normal 96.5% 95.8% 85.0% 94.2% 99.6% 94.2% 5.5%

Logistic 97.9% 95.9% 88.8% 95.5% 97.1% 95.0% 3.6%

2.2.2 Average lifespan and standard deviation This section displays the calculated lifespan and standard deviation for the five categories (high density residential buildings, low/mid density residential buildings, industrial buildings, other buildings, and the totality of buildings). On some occasions it has not been possible to calculate the standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution being its variance a negative number (i.e. being its standard deviation a complex number). Table S21 – Salford high density residential buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for five different cohorts and six different distributions.

High density residential lifespan and standard dev







1849 (n=40) 1896 (n=710) 1908 (n=140) 1932 (n=258) 1953 (n=80)

115.5 (46) 81 (5.3) 95 (24.9) 80.1 (36.5) 46.1 (21.5)

114.8 (45.2) 81.4 (5.3) 95.3 (24) 82 (41.5) 46 (23.2)

112.9 (51.2) 80.9 (5.3) 94.8 (27) 83.4 (52.4) 45.6 (26.8)

117.6 (43.2) 82 (8.8) 95.4 (23.3) 79.6 (30.8) 46.7 (19.9)

111.8 (58.9) 80.9 (5.4) 94.7 (29.2) 84.2 (75.4) 45.4 (35.6)

115.8 (50.3) 81 (5.8) 95 (27.5) 79.1 (38.2) 46.1 (23.6)

Table S22 – Salford low/mid density residential buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for five different cohorts and six different distributions.

Mid/low density residential lifespan and standard dev







1849 (n=43) 1896 (n=103)

70.6 (47.9) 85.9 (27.4)

1932 (n=722)

231.2 (86.7)

1953 (n=179)

91.2 (52.2)

65.1 (54.4) 85 (30.9) 189.3 (2930.4) 4180.2 (445259.9) 247.7 (10336.7)

70.4 (51.9) 86.1 (29.4)

116.9 (71.9)

66.3 (47.8) 85.2 (28.9) 155.4 (237.3) 806.8 (910.8) 173.2 (297.5)

69.2 (43.8) 87.1 (26.6)

1908 (n=14)

67.5 (45.4) 86 (26.1) 154.5 (229.5) 520.8 (399.5) 181.2 (347.2)

129.6 (91.8) 692.8 (341) 145.3 (606.3)

114 (73.9) 187.7 (62.5) 87 (51.6)

Table S23 – Salford industrial buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for five different cohorts and six different distributions.

Factories lifespan and standard dev







1849 (n=12) 1896 (n=89) 1908 (n=56) 1932 (n=221) 1953 (n=203)

105.2 (26.4) 62.8 (32.4) 60.1 (35.7) 51.2 (14.9) 33.5 (12.2)

105.8 (27.4) 61 (31.7) 57.8 (37.1) 51.4 (14.1) 33.4 (12)

104 (26.2) 59.1 (35.4) 56.7 (41.9) 51 (13.4) 32.9 (12.7)

107.9 (29.6) 63.9 (29.9) 59.9 (32.5) 51.8 (15.9) 34.1 (12.2)

103.4 (26.5) 57.8 (41.4) 55.3 (56.1) 50.8 (13.5) 32.6 (13.6)

104.8 (28.3) 63.1 (35.3) 60.4 (39.2) 51.2 (16.4) 33.4 (13)

Table S24 – Salford other buildings (e.g. public buildings, religious buildings) average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for five different cohorts and six different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number.

Other buildings lifespan and standard dev







1849 (n=3) 1896 (n=45) 1908 (n=10) 1932 (n=27) 1953 (n=47)

n/a 32.2 (13.9) 59.4 (58.3) 65.6 (25.8) 42.2 (16.5)

n/a 32.7 (28.2) 48.1 (182.3) 65.1 (22.9) 42 (16)

n/a 32.6 (27.1) 44.7 (138.8) 65.2 (27.6) 41.5 (18.8)

n/a 31.4 (32) 53.8 (n/a) 65.4 (21.3) 42.9 (15)

n/a 31 (34.2) 46.4 (1354) 64.9 (30.5) 41.2 (22)

n/a 32.4 (16) 59.5 (65.7) 65.5 (27.4) 42.3 (17.9)

Table S25 – Salford all buildings (of this case study) average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for five different cohorts and six different distributions.

All buildings lifespan and standard dev







1849 (n=98) 1896 (n=947) 1908 (n=220) 1932 (n=1228) 1953 (n=509)

92.4 (49.8) 80.7 (7.4) 88.4 (37.6) 93.9 (40.6) 44.8 (22.2)

90.3 (48.2) 80.5 (10.4) 88.2 (36.6) 99.3 (50.2) 44.6 (24.1)

88.4 (52.6) 80.6 (7.3) 88.8 (45.7) 103.3 (68) 44.3 (27.9)

93.3 (46.2) 80.2 (13.7) 88.2 (31.8) 91.5 (32.5) 45.4 (20.4)

86.5 (61.6) 80.6 (7.3) 88.7 (55.3) 108 (117.7) 44.1 (38.2)

92.6 (54.3) 80.6 (8.8) 88 (39.6) 91.1 (40.4) 44.9 (24.2)

2.2.3 Distribution parameters In this part of the supporting information we report the parameters that we used to generate the reliability curves, and to estimate the average lifespan and standard deviation.

Table S26 – Equation parameters for Salford high density residential buildings.

High density residential parameters

1849 (n=40) 1896 (n=710) 1908 (n=140) 1932 (n=258) 1953 (n=80)







πœ‡=115.5 𝜎=46 πœ‡=81 𝜎=5.3 πœ‡=95 𝜎=24.9 πœ‡=80.1 𝜎=36.5 πœ‡=46.1 𝜎=21.5

k=2.793 πœ†=130.9 k=18.998 πœ†=83 k=4.451 πœ†=103.4 k=2.184 πœ†=97 k=2.19 πœ†=54.3

k=5.51 πœƒ=21.8 k=232.13 πœƒ=0.3 k=12.96 πœƒ=7.5 k=3.15 πœƒ=29.6 k=3.53 πœƒ=14.3

b=0.02409 πœ‚=0.043 b=0.14647 πœ‚=0.000004 b=0.05226 πœ‚=0.005 b=0.03258 πœ‚=0.056 b=0.04706 πœ‚=0.087

πœ‡=4.72 𝜎=0.45 πœ‡=4.39 𝜎=0.07 πœ‡=4.55 𝜎=0.29 πœ‡=4.43 𝜎=0.65 πœ‡=3.82 𝜎=0.6

πœ‡=115.8 s=27.7 πœ‡=81 s=3.2 πœ‡=95 s=15.1 πœ‡=79.1 s=21 πœ‡=46.1 s=13

Table S27 – Equation parameters for Salford low/mid density residential buildings.

Mid/low density residential parameters

1849 (n=43) 1896 (n=103) 1908 (n=14) 1932 (n=722) 1953 (n=179)







πœ‡=70.6 𝜎=47.9 πœ‡=85.9 𝜎=27.4 πœ‡=116.9 𝜎=71.9 πœ‡=231.2 𝜎=86.7 πœ‡=91.2 𝜎=52.2

k=1.696 πœ†=83.8 k=3.663 πœ†=95.1 k=0.984 πœ†=224.2 k=1.524 πœ†=662.4 k=0.863 πœ†=277

k=2.53 πœƒ=30.1 k=9.33 πœƒ=9.5 k=0.95 πœƒ=243.6 k=1.34 πœƒ=785.4 k=0.84 πœƒ=323.8

b=0.01388 πœ‚=0.43 b=0.04296 πœ‚=0.017 b=0.00561 πœ‚=0.648 b=0.00241 πœ‚=0.161 b=0.00017 πœ‚=28.281

πœ‡=4.18 𝜎=0.62 πœ‡=4.44 𝜎=0.33 πœ‡=5.24 𝜎=1.66 πœ‡=8.34 𝜎=2.16 πœ‡=5.51 𝜎=1.93

πœ‡=70.4 s=28.6 πœ‡=86.1 s=16.2 πœ‡=114 s=40.8 πœ‡=187.7 s=34.4 πœ‡=87 s=28.4

Table S28 – Equation parameters for Salford industrial buildings.

Factories parameters

1849 (n=12) 1896 (n=89) 1908 (n=56) 1932 (n=221) 1953 (n=203)







πœ‡=105.2 𝜎=26.4 πœ‡=62.8 𝜎=32.4 πœ‡=60.1 𝜎=35.7 πœ‡=51.2 𝜎=14.9 πœ‡=33.5 𝜎=12.2

k=4.327 πœ†=115.1 k=2.127 πœ†=72.5 k=1.763 πœ†=71.2 k=4.083 πœ†=56.3 k=3.072 πœ†=37.7

k=16.38 πœƒ=6.5 k=3.41 πœƒ=19.2 k=2.44 πœƒ=26.8 k=15.18 πœƒ=3.4 k=7.39 πœƒ=4.7

b=0.04003 πœ‚=0.009 b=0.02888 πœ‚=0.13 b=0.02274 πœ‚=0.238 b=0.07153 πœ‚=0.017 b=0.08622 πœ‚=0.039

πœ‡=4.64 𝜎=0.25 πœ‡=4.06 𝜎=0.56 πœ‡=4.01 𝜎=0.7 πœ‡=3.93 𝜎=0.25 πœ‡=3.48 𝜎=0.37

πœ‡=104.8 s=15.6 πœ‡=63.1 s=19.5 πœ‡=60.4 s=21.6 πœ‡=51.2 s=9 πœ‡=33.4 s=7.2

Table S29 – Equation parameters for other Salford buildings (e.g. public buildings, religious buildings).

Other buildings parameters

1849 (n=3) 1896 (n=45) 1908 (n=10)







n/a πœ‡=32.2 𝜎=13.9 πœ‡=59.4 𝜎=58.3

n/a k=1.391 πœ†=42.5 k=0.652 πœ†=84.4

n/a k=2.04 πœƒ=18.9 k=0.53 πœƒ=190.5

n/a b=0.00732 πœ‚=2.681 b=0.0001 πœ‚=126.807

n/a πœ‡=3.43 𝜎=0.73 πœ‡=3.84 𝜎=1.84

n/a πœ‡=32.4 s=8.8 πœ‡=59.5 s=36.2

1932 (n=27) 1953 (n=47)

πœ‡=65.6 𝜎=25.8 πœ‡=42.2 𝜎=16.5

k=3.129 πœ†=73.2 k=2.878 πœ†=47.7

k=6.21 πœƒ=11.1 k=5.51 πœƒ=8

b=0.05229 πœ‚=0.023 b=0.07122 πœ‚=0.034

πœ‡=4.17 𝜎=0.41 πœ‡=3.72 𝜎=0.46

πœ‡=65.5 s=15.1 πœ‡=42.3 s=9.9

Table S30 – Equation parameters for all the buildings included in the Salford case study.

All buildings parameters

1849 (n=98) 1896 (n=947) 1908 (n=220) 1932 (n=1228) 1953 (n=509)







πœ‡=92.4 𝜎=49.8 πœ‡=80.7 𝜎=7.4 πœ‡=88.4 𝜎=37.6 πœ‡=93.9 𝜎=40.6 πœ‡=44.8 𝜎=22.2

k=2.077 πœ†=107.7 k=9.164 πœ†=83.8 k=2.65 πœ†=101.3 k=2.185 πœ†=117.4 k=2.058 πœ†=53.3

k=3.45 πœƒ=28.3 k=123.67 πœƒ=0.7 k=4.41 πœƒ=21.7 k=2.92 πœƒ=39.8 k=3.14 πœƒ=15.7

b=0.01767 πœ‚=0.165 b=0.0929 πœ‚=0.0004 b=0.03314 πœ‚=0.039 b=0.03273 πœ‚=0.037 b=0.04394 πœ‚=0.109

πœ‡=4.46 𝜎=0.56 πœ‡=4.39 𝜎=0.09 πœ‡=4.49 𝜎=0.51 πœ‡=4.68 𝜎=0.73 πœ‡=3.79 𝜎=0.64

πœ‡=92.6 s=30 πœ‡=80.6 s=4.9 πœ‡=88 s=21.8 πœ‡=91.1 s=22.3 πœ‡=44.9 s=13.4

2.3 Wakayama, Japan 2.3.1 R2 values We here report the R2 values for four categories of buildings in Wakayama: residential, commercial, industrial, and the totality of buildings. Table S31 – Wakayama residential buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Residential R2 1947 (n=5878) 1958 (n=4615) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 84.9% 86.2% 85.5% 0.9%

Weibull 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.1%

Gamma 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.1%

Gompertz 97.5% 98.6% 98.1% 0.9%

Log-normal 99.9% 99.7% 99.8% 0.1%

Logistic 84.4% 84.2% 84.3% 0.1%

Table S32 – Wakayama commercial buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Commercial R2 1947 (n=2667) 1958 (n=7726) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 87.8% 86.1% 86.9% 1.2%

Weibull 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 0.1%

Gamma 99.7% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%

Gompertz 85.8% 99.1% 92.5% 9.4%

Log-normal 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.0%

Logistic 87.9% 85.4% 86.7% 1.8%

Table S33 – Wakayama industrial buildings R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R2 is the mean of all the cohort R2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

Industrial R2 1947 (n=3563) 1958 (n=4178) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 95.4% 87.4% 91.4% 5.7%

Weibull 99.7% 99.8% 99.8% 0.1%

Gamma 99.7% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%

Gompertz 99.8% 99.4% 99.6% 0.3%

Log-normal 99.3% 99.9% 99.6% 0.5%

Logistic 95.2% 86.2% 90.7% 6.3%

Table S34 – Wakayama all buildings (of this case study) R2 values expressed as percentage for curve fitting. The left column represents the year of the cohorts and the sample size, the average R 2 is the mean of all the cohort R 2 for a specific distribution. The colours represent the grade of fitting, where red indicates the worst, and blue the best.

All buildings R2 1947 (n=12428) 1958 (n=16842) Average R2 R2 std dev

Normal 88.5% 85.9% 87.2% 1.9%

Weibull 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.1%

Gamma 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.0%

Gompertz 98.9% 99.1% 99.0% 0.2%

Log-normal 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.0%

Logistic 88.3% 84.6% 86.5% 2.7%

2.3.2 Average lifespan and standard deviation This section displays the calculated lifespan and standard deviation for the four categories (residential buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, and the totality of buildings). On some occasions it has not been possible to calculate the standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution being its variance a negative number (i.e. being its standard deviation a complex number). Table S35 – Wakayama residential buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for two different cohorts and six different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number.

Residential lifespan and standard dev 1947 (n=5878) 1958 (n=4615)







29.4 (29.4) 35.3 (29)

22.3 (67.3) 33.3 (77.8)

22.6 (56) 33.4 (68)

25.1 (n/a) 33 (n/a)

21.5 (256) 32.8 (332.6)

29.2 (32.5) 35.3 (32.3)

Table S36 – Wakayama commercial buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for two different cohorts and six different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number.

Commercial lifespan and standard dev 1947 (n=2667) 1958 (n=7726)







18 (17.9)

12.1 (34.4)

12.1 (30.7)

11.4 (4.5)

12.2 (69.3)

17.7 (19.7)

25.4 (22.8)

20.5 (46.1)

20.5 (42)

22 (n/a)

20.2 (108.6)

25.1 (25.1)

Table S37 – Wakayama industrial buildings average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for two different cohorts and six different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number.

Industrial lifespan and standard dev 1947 (n=3563) 1958 (n=4178)







29.6 (23.4) 28.6 (24.5)

25.8 (31.5) 24.6 (47.4)

25.7 (32.6) 24.7 (44.4)

26.2 (28.1) 25.4 (n/a)

24.5 (61.7) 24 (115.1)

29.4 (25.4) 28.4 (27.1)

Table S38 – Wakayama all buildings (of this case study) average lifespan and, between parenthesis, standard deviation for two different cohorts and six different distributions. The standard deviation for the Gompertz distribution is reported as (n/a) when this is a complex number.

All buildings lifespan and standard dev 1947 (n=12428) 1958 (n=16842)







26.7 (25.7) 28.7 (25.2)

20.5 (46.6) 24.3 (54.9)

20.6 (42.4) 24.4 (49.4)

22.5 (n/a) 25.5 (n/a)

19.6 (122.6) 23.9 (154.2)

26.4 (28.2) 28.6 (28)

2.3.3 Distribution parameters In this part of the supporting information we report the parameters that we used to generate the reliability curves, and to estimate the average lifespan and standard deviation. Table S39 – Equation parameters for Wakayama residential buildings.

Residential parameters 1947 (n=5878) 1958 (n=4615)







πœ‡=29.4 𝜎=29.4 πœ‡=35.3 𝜎=29

k=0.71 πœ†=37.4 k=0.788 πœ†=53

k=0.6 πœƒ=72.6 k=0.71 πœƒ=80.9

b=0.00017 πœ‚=160.2 b=0.00035 πœ‚=60.3

πœ‡=3.07 𝜎=1.59 πœ‡=3.49 𝜎=1.54

πœ‡=29.2 s=17.9 πœ‡=35.3 s=17.8

Table S40 – Equation parameters for Wakayama commercial buildings.

Commercial parameters 1947 (n=2667) 1958 (n=7726)







πœ‡=18.0 𝜎=17.9 πœ‡=25.4 𝜎=22.8

k=0.726 πœ†=20.0 k=0.801 πœ†=32.4

k=0.58 πœƒ=40.1 k=0.70 πœƒ=50.1

b=0.21830 πœ‚=0.06 b=0.00032 πœ‚=99.00

πœ‡=2.50 𝜎=1.35 πœ‡=3.01 𝜎=1.33

πœ‡=17.7 s=10.8 πœ‡=25.1 s=13.8

Table S41 – Equation parameters for Wakayama industrial buildings.

Industrial parameters 1947 (n=3563) 1958 (n=4178)







πœ‡=29.6 𝜎=23.4 πœ‡=28.6 𝜎=24.5

k=1.10 πœ†=36.0 k=0.86 πœ†=37.6

k=1.16 πœƒ=30.3 k=0.79 πœƒ=49.8

b=0.00691 πœ‚=3.5 b=0.00041 πœ‚=66.2

πœ‡=3.20 𝜎=1.06 πœ‡=3.18 𝜎=1.29

πœ‡=29.4 s=14.0 πœ‡=28.4 s=15.0

Table S42 – Equation parameters for all Wakayama buildings (of this case study).

All buildings parameters 1947 (n=12428) 1958 (n=16842)







πœ‡=26.7 𝜎=25.7 πœ‡=28.7 𝜎=25.2

k=0.8 πœ†=32.4 k=0.8 πœ†=38.5

k=0.7 πœƒ=50.6 k=0.7 πœƒ=58.7

b=0.00019 πœ‚=159.5 b=0.00029 πœ‚=93.0

πœ‡=2.98 𝜎=1.38 πœ‡=3.17 𝜎=1.39

πœ‡=26.4 s=15.5 πœ‡=28.6 s=15.4

References Banneheka, B.M.S.G., Ekanayake, G.E.M.U.P.D., 2009. A new point estimator for the median of gamma distribution. Vidyodaya J. Sci. 14, 95–103.