imensJ.o~al part!tl~~)~.g::~i~I~,~o

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eprod u ced by Sabin et G atew ay u n d er licen ce gran ted by th e P u blish er (d ated. 2012) .... sequence as described by Jolliffe et al. (1982) to plant; removal ...
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Two:-Dimensionrui~PartitiOning . ()f Gr.ouncmut"(Amc!Ji~~.lJYPf!gaea .L~).

Response to Plan~· Density and ThinninglIntensity after Flowering:. .. ':rf:.:r ... .... , ' .. ~

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Tarimo, A.J,P., :',,~ ", .'.

",1.1 ,." .... ~._ 1;, ...... , .,,' "'J' ".''''. ,'. Department' 9f Crop.Sdence and-p,roducti9n, Sok.QiP.!! Uniy.~~.§i~Y:oQfAgr:ic~lture; :l?-.9d}o~),3Q05,::~9f9goro,..:;( .. Tanzania ...:.:.. ":/-" I _ ~;'" ~ .,' 2~>._. . \·· "". ~~ "'~~ ,»~!.~ ;. . ~I -;~·-~c~ r: t -::::.: . '." :,~-t~' :r~ 0-


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Abstract ';'

... '> :'J ~.,; ~'" .~_ The two-dimensional partitioning (TPEJtechniq~e ofyieldcomponent an~lysis:(y"C;4) was -evaluated using a grou1}dnut, (1.rachiihlp"~1;f!.ef!L)/ro.pat jour pl~n! pop,ulqt!on ~ensities orfive't~in~ing' i~te~sities (%) after fiQwering. The experirn.ents were carried out during the 1989/90 cropping season atthe University of Queeiisllmd's Reli,icmd Bay'Pq.rm, AUstralia. Two cultivars '(Improved Virginia Bunch and Red Spanish) were gi~' Experiment)'- th'e'pia~i densiTies were lo, 21, 28.or 42 m,2 w~ile ilJ Experim~nt 2, the five thinnilig.,?n!i!nsities were 0%, 33 %,50%, 66'% 0" 75%,'jrorn an (lJitial densityoj'42 planis'm-2~ Thinizing was-earned oui 32 daysiafter.plahttng. Total dry mass (TDM), -kernel y{eld and some plant morphological-ch~racteristics we~e measured. The res~lts show th,ar vaTititi011s in TDM and kernel yield m,2 were slgn{ficantli'ln./luenced by ihiJntri{l:~ic'" variances'Of yield 'components 'an/ilyzedin this study.' For exa."!p}e:-i,!. b.?th, eXf!.er{ln~ilt,S,~v~rjq~(9~ /;( iDM m~~esu~~edfr?'!l., vari,gtions. obs'ervea in -the planting. density, [V~!c1 irfiuenced gro,wth r,erfo!l1}~nce ofplan.~ mo.rp,hologiC~1 c?ml{0izents du'1ng tht ~;ason. The components,included, TDM/m!-mb?r.ofpegs+pod~, ratio ofpeg+pod numberlleaj'w:ea., and the number oj brmTch~s/plan(. Similarly,;dljjer?nces' in keme{yieid m,2 were,ass~ciated with tlie variatio,il i~I __ . . . . . ., .... • the above components in addition to number'of kernels/pod and kernel mass. Thus, TDP-YCA gawFa 1_ better analysis of groundnut response. to planting density and thinning intensity ajt'er fiqweri1J'g than when the analy~is 'afvariance (ANOVA) tec/1.nique was,t! alone: ' , ,. . ...., .. " ''-' ' ,'.' '..,•.\_l




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