Improving glaucoma filtering surgery - Nature

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antimetabolites in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. He reports statistically significant lower lOP in the trabeculectomy group throughout the study ...
Improving glaucoma


filtering surgery Since 1857, which saw the birth of successful

medications, survival analysis demonstrated

glaucoma surgery with von Graefe's

93% attained this in the trabeculectomy group

iridectomy, many procedures have come and

as opposed to 45% in the NPDS group at 18

gone but only a few have stood the test of time.

months. However, trabeculectomy was

Cairns' 'guarded sclerostomy'

associated with more early post-operative

(trabeculectomy)l is one such operation. It

complications in the form of hyphaema and a

replaced full-thickness filtering procedures to

greater need for subsequent cataract surgery.

become the procedure of choice because, having

These findings are similar to those of Gandolfi

first proved to be equally successful in lowering

and Cimin08 and even to those of Carassa9 who

intraocular pressure (lOP), its superiority lay in

compared trabeculectomy with

the fact it was a safer operation with relatively

viscocanulostomy but with a shorter follow-up.

fewer risks of complications.

However, recently published results by El

This continuing quest for safer glaucoma

Sayyad et a/.lD comparing trabeculectomy and

surgery is what has recently motivated

NPDS without adjunctive implant, instead

surgeons to revist non-penetrating trabecular

suggest a comparable final lOP and mean lOP

surgery. It was first described almost 30 years

reduction. But, in contrast to Chiselita's study,

ago with the aim of avoiding the potential

these results were achieved with goniopuncture

complications associated with ocular entry?

in 10% of the NPDS group and 5-fluorouracil

Following more recent modifications it has been

injections. Interestingly, EI Sayyad et al.lO did

promoted as a serious alternative to

not detect a significant difference in the rate of

trabeculectomy, largely for its more attractive

complications. Studies such as Chiselita's should be

complication profile.3,4 However, with increasing recognition that lOPs in the low teens

commended not only for giving us a perspective

are required to prevent or minimise glaucoma

as to where NPDS fits in our surgical

progression,5,6 the degree of long-term lOP

armamentarium, but also for highlighting the

control achieved by a new technique should be

fact that our current gold standard is far from

the primary measure by which it is judged and

ideal. So, while we encourage the development

which ultimately determines its place in the

of effective, safer operations we should continue

management of glaucoma. Furthermore, any

to 'fine-tune' a time-proven technique to

procedure which now desires the 'gold

achieve both satisfactory lOP control and a

standard of treatment' title must challenge for it

lower rate of complications. With regard to the

in the ring of prospective, randomised

prevention of complications, most of our

controlled trials. Complication profile aside, it

attention has focused on dealing with those that

must prove to have at least the same degree of

occur in the early post-operative period. For

efficacy as the procedure it intends to replace

example, the introduction of post-operative

before it can be considered a serious contender.

scleral flap suture release has been a major

The results of some of these prospective,

advance in terms of the prevention of early

randomised studies are now becoming available

hypotony. However, bleb morphology and its

to suggest that the short-term gain of a lower

role in late complications, such as bleb leaks and

rate of complications seen with non-penetrating

infection, has been largely ignored despite its

P.T. Khaw

deep sclerectomy (NPDS) is at the expense of

known relationship to wound construction. Yet

Glaucoma Unit and Wound

long-term bene'Iit in the form of adequate lOP 7 control. The study by Chiselita in this issue

by encouraging posterior, unrestricted drainage

compares NPDS without adjunctive implant to

conjunctival flap,11,12 an increase in

trabeculectomy, with no post-operative use of

antimetabolite treatment area13 and a large flap

antimetabolites in patients with primary open

with suturing that promotes posterior rather

angle glaucoma. He reports statistically

than lateral flow, it may be possible to achieve

significant lower lOP in the trabeculectomy

the much desired diffuse, non-cystic bleb.14

group throughout the study along with a

of aqueous with the use of a fornix-based

No operation is immune to complications and Cairns' trabeculectomy, the gold standard

trabeculectomy (35.7%) as compared with

of glaucoma surgery, is no exception. Our

NPDS (25.1%) at 18 months. When success was

response to this can be threefold: we can

defined in terms of lOP