Impulse September 2012 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg

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Sep 16, 2012... Herr, und nicht auch ein Gott, der ferne ist?“ Jeremia 23 v 23. Impulse .... Jubilee Confirmation 2012 16th September 2012. Dear sisters and ...
Impulse Gemeindebrief/ Congregational Newsletter Der Lutherischen Kirche / of the Lutheran Church

Hayfields (Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No. 053-095-NPO)

Jahrgang/ Year 41

09– 2012 Watchword

“Am I only a God nearby, and not a God far away?” Jeremiah 23 v 23

Monatsspruch „Bin ich nur ein Gott, der nahe ist, spricht der Herr, und nicht auch ein Gott, der ferne ist?“ Jeremia 23 v 23


To Bin ich nur ein Gott, der nahe ist, spricht der Herr, und nicht auch ein Gott der ferne ist? Jer23:23 Gott redet durch den Propheten Jeremia ein ernstes Wort zu dem Volk Israel, das auf die falschen Propheten hört, die ihnen sagen, Gott wird seinem Volk beistehen im Kampf gegen die Feinde, auch wenn es Gottes Gebote missachtet. Auch wir haben solch ein ernstes Wort nötig, denn wir stehen oft in der Gefahr zu meinen, dass der ‘liebe Gott’ unsere Wünsche und Hoffnungen erfüllen wird ohne zu fragen was sein Wille ist. Wir vergessen dass er auch ein heiliger Gott ist, der Gehorsam von uns fordert und dessen Gebote ernst zu nehmen sind. Wenn uns Unglück und Leid treffen oder schwere Verheerungen und Naturkatastrophen über die Völker hereinbrechen, erfahren wir Gott oft als den fernen und verborgenen Gott. Wir mit unserem menschlichen Verstand können Gottes Wege nicht verstehen, aber können uns fragen ob es nicht ein Ruf zur Umkehr ist. Eins aber steht fest: Gott möchte jedem von uns nahe sein; und wenn wir uns an sein Wort halten werden wir es immer wieder erfahren, dass er mit uns geht, auch durch schwere Zeiten hindurch – bis wir einmal in der Ewigkeit ganz in seiner Nähe sind. M Seele

Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Jer23:23 Through the prophet Jeremiah God speaks a stern word of warning to the Israelites who were listening to false prophets who were saying: God will support his people in fighting against their enemies, even though they would disregard God’s commandments. We too need a word of warning as we often believe the ‘Loving God’ will grant our wishes and expectations, without considering whether it is His will. We forget that He is a Holy God who expects us to be obedient and to honour His commandments. When misfortune or sorrow hits us or devastation and natural disasters happen, we often experience God as far away and hidden. Our human intellect does not allow us to understand God’s ways, but should remind us that such catastrophies could be a wake-up call to turn to Him. One thing is certain: God wants to be near each one of us, and if we obey His word we will always experience that He walks with us, even in hard times – until one day we will be with Him eternally. Transl. Ed


Profile of the month

On the 2nd of August our Mrs. Doris Sikhakane received an award in a packed City Hall for "Best Community Development Project "- which is her "Zabalaza Gogo's Project". It was the 4th Inheritor's Annual Community Achievement Awards ceremony INDONDO. Many groups (e.g.PACSA) and persons receive these awards in acknowledgement of the valuable service they give to the community. Our heartfelt congratulations go out to our Doris Sikhakane! She was sometimes sponsored by our congregation. Well done! Monika Wittenberg

In the name of the Congregation we would like to express our sincere condolences to Pastor Scriba and family on the death of his mother of 101 years. May you be comforted in the knowledge that your congregation cares.


Rudolf Alexander Schröder

1878 - 1962 Er war ein begabter Maler, Dichter, Lyriker und Übersetzer aus alten und neuen Sprachen. Während des zweiten Weltkrieges predigte er als Lektor in seinem Wohnort Bergen in Oberbayern. Drei seiner geistlichen Lieder stehen in unserem Gesangbuch: “Wir glauben Gott im höchsten Thron” (184); “Es mag sein, dass alles fällt (378); “Abend ward, bald kommt die Nacht, schlafen geht die Welt” (487). Rudolf Alexander Schröder was a German translator and gifted poet. Much of his work is Christian lyrical verse. He was a member of the Confessing Church which resisted Nazi Germany in the Third Reich. “Hinter und über allem steht der eine Gott, der jedes seiner Geschöpfe in väterlichen Händen hält.”

Was dir auch immer begegnet mitten im Abgrund der Welt – es ist die Hand, die dich segnet, es ist der Arm, der dich hält! Es ist kein Grausen so mächtig, es ist kein Fürchten so bang, kein Trachten so niederträchtig, lebt einer, der es bezwang. Ob sich dein Liebstes verflüchtigt, dein Festestes splittert und stiebt, gedulde dem, der dich züchtigt, der heimsucht, weil er dich liebt. Mitten im Höllentoben, da keiner keinem frommt – es ist der Vater droben, es ist sein Reich, das kommt! R A Schröder


Pastor’s Page Jubilee Confirmation 2012 16th September 2012

Dear sisters and brothers, dear congregation members and readers, On the 16th September we will celebrate the Jubilee Confirmation in our congregation. Off course, all of us are called to remember our own confirmation on that day, but we want to commemorate especially those who were confirmed 50, 60, 70 or maybe even 80 years ago, in the years 1962, 1952, 1942 and 1932. This invitation is not only extended to those who are named here as being confirmed in Bishops-towe, Pietermaritzburg or Hermannsburg, but also to those who were confirmed in other congregations. Please help us locate those mentioned below, if they should still be alive. We kindly ask you to inform our office of your own Jubilee Confirmation, if you were confirmed in another congregation (Tel: 033-3955169 or [email protected]).


Pastor’s page cont. Bishopstowe: 22.5.1932: Siegfried Thöle, Gertrud Hohls and Marie Zimmermann (No confirmations in 1942, 1952, 1962). Pietermaritzburg / Cato Ridge: 16.4.1922: Johanna Hoch; 27.12.1942; Egbert Randelhoff and Erika Laue (No confirmations in 1932, 1952, 1962). Hermannsburg 1.7.1962 (from our congregation): Margrit Roussos (nee Prigge), Edgar Wort-mann, Georg Scriba; also Ursula Walter 1962. The theme of the Jubilee Sunday is: “God’s care for us and his call to care for each other”. The watchword calls us: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7); “Alle eure Sorge werft auf ihn; denn er sorgt für euch.” And the sermon text encourages us: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2); “Einer trage des andern Last, so werdet ihr das Gesetz Christi erfüllen.“ God accepted us unconditionally in our baptism and calls us by our name, not as a fearful, angry God, but as a God who is graceful and full of compassion, care and love. His supporting and strengthening ministry is of special importance where we experience trials and temptations. We do experience hardships, are harassed and being persecuted, our lives are constantly in different kinds of danger, and cannot be protected from all kinds of illness, accidents and eventually death. And yet, through intercession we are bound together in our faith before the one God, whose Spirit strengthens our faith against all adversities and dangers. That is what we want to experience and teach our children, to resist temptations in faith and not with impulsive thoughtless reactions. We are called to rely on God in humble recognition of the gifts, talents and strengths he has given us, but also with our own weaknesses and sinful tendencies. Besides the recognition of our own achievements we therefore always place our humble reliance on God’s grace and acceptance. May he give us the strength also to care for others and to bear their burdens, as Christ is prepared to do for each of us. Let us find time to phone or visit those who are lonely, assist those who need our support and make someone smile again with encouragement and humour. Our watchword calls us to find the right place to dump our anxieties and fears: Let us cast all our cares and anxieties on him, because he cares for us. In this Spirit I greet you with kind regards, Georg Scriba


Council Window cont Just as one thinks that a few quite weeks are lying ahead one realises that this is impossible! The month of August was a busy month! The Special General meeting must have had a record attendance – 141! It was so rewarding to see that you support such meetings so well. There were many members who would also have been there if they had not had other commitments for the long weekend. Church Council has ratified the election of Pastors Victor and Petra Röhrs to commence their duties on 01.01.2014 and have agreed to the request that Pastor Scriba serves the congregation until the replacement comes. Our Half-Yearly general meeting was also well attended – 82 members. It was decided that the organisation to be supported financially in 2013 will be our Assisted Living at the Lutheran Gardens. We will continue to collects clothes, blankets, groceries etc for the needy. Please continue to fill the boxes! WE appeal to each one of you to offer your assistance to one or several of our committees or groups. Interesting challenges lie ahead for our Partnership group, Mission committee, the Youth and the Kid’s Club. We thank all who supported the maintenance day. It was a wonderful morning with many hands taking charge of various tasks. We are grateful to Ralston Witthöft for making his crane available and to Edgar Ortmann for painting the large cross – a task not many would have dared to do at that height! I must also thank everyone who made such generous donations for our pigs and for the raffles! Such a response is always a great inspiration and gives courage to continue with ones work. We are looking forward to the upgrading of our kitchen which will start on Monday 3 September 2012. We apologise for any inconvenience during this time. Wishing you all a beautiful spring - do enjoy the outdoors with so many colourful blossoms.


OPEN DOORS Every three months the United Church Womens’ Association meets in one of the Churches of the City. This month the meeting took place in the Scottsville Baptist Church. The topic was : “Women and the Persecuted Church” presented by Mamah Sebofi” We were handed their August newsletter with harrowing stories about Christian women suffering persecution and needing prayer-support to still remain firm in their faith. We were shown the regions of persecution on a world map. We heard of young girls disappearing and noone knows what happened to them. In some areas they come for the small children, even 5 years old. If the parents refuse to hand them over the father is shot dead. In Colombia these small children are taught to work with drugs. We heard about Juliana, 50 yrs old, who lost her husband, killed by Muslim extremists, her house was burnt down. She relocated to a nearby town where she washed clothes to earn some money. While crossing the street she was run down by a speeding car and was left bleeding and unconscious. The leg was so badly fractured that it had to be amputated. Juliana relocated again to a Christian area and enrolled her children in a school. Unfortunately the girls’ school was closed. From the Government School, which they then had to attend, they disappeared without a trace. Her son Peter encourages her to continue to trust in the Lord. Prayer Requests given to us: *pray that Juliana’s daughters and 15 others who disappeared will be found unharmed. *Pray that Juliana will receive the financial aid needed to go for regular medical treatments. *May the Holy Spirit comfort and sustain Juliana and Peter. *Mamah Sebofi asks us all to pray for all Christians in such areas to remain steadfast in their faith. She told us of an Open Doors worker who was smuggling Bibles into an area where Bibles are banned. This was her prayer just before she arrived at the border post where she had to stop, and she knew that the car would be searched: “Dear Lord Jesus, you who made blind eyes see – I pray to you now to make seeing eyes blind!”

Süddekanats Frauentreffen


Der 4. August war der Tag, an dem wir uns in diesem Jahr trafen. Neu Hanover Damen waren die Gastgeberinnen und haben sich wunderbar bewiesen. Neun unserer Gemeindeglieder machten mit – wir fuhren mit dem Gemeindekombi um 9 Uhr vom Luthergarten ab. Beim Ankommen sahen wir schon Bekannte die auch eintrafen – ein großes Hallo herrschte. Eine schöne Anzahl Damen warteten auf die Dinge die da kommen sollten – die Halle war voll. Pastor Dieter Klee hielt eine Andacht über die Losung des Tages, Jer29:13,14: “Wenn ihr mich von ganzem Herzen suchen werdet, so will ich mich von euch finden lassen”, spricht der Herr. Wir sangen dazu passende Lieder, dann stellte Val, die leitende Dame, sich vor, begrüßte uns und erklärte uns unsere kleine Aufgabe: Auf unseren Tischen waren hübsche Blumengestecke, alle verschieden. Wir mussten uns darüber Gedanken machen und aufschreiben was wir von den Blumen sagen, dichten oder singen konnten. Viel Talent steckt in unseren Damen, das war klar – Humor auch! Der Hauptredner, Vic Brockmann, erzählte aus seinem Leben, wie er nach einem sagenhaften Traum wusste dass er dem Herrn dienen muss. Nach einem Kursus in Eshowe war er genügend ausgebildet um als Evangelist in der Zulu Kirche zu wirken. Er wurde nach Neu Hanover geschickt um gleich mehrere Filialen zu betreuen. Durch seine ehrliche Haltung und Bereitschaft, den Mitmenschen zu helfen wo er konnte, haben seine Schäfchen ihm Vertrauen geschenkt. Er hielt täglich Konfirmandenunterricht in verschiedenen Gegenden um Neu Hanover herum. Nun ist er im Ruhestand und zieht demnächst nach Empangeni zu seinem jüngsten Sohn. Lange war er in der Nähe von Rorkesdrift Farmer – Zulu war seine beste Sprache, in der er dann leicht seinen Kursus in Eshowe schaffte. Der schöne Tag endete mit einem herrlichen Mittagessen, Tee, Kaffee und gemeinsamem Singen. Unser nächstes Treffen soll in der Hayfields Gemeinde in Pietermaritzburg, vorläufig am 3. August 2013, stattfinden. Wir freuen uns auf Vorschläge, wie wir den Tag gestalten können. M Hellberg

Southern Circuit Women’s Meeting


On 4 August nine of us travelled in our Congregation Kombi (thanks to our kind driver, Lisbeth Voigt) to New Hanover where we were warmly welcomed with tea and cake around beautifully decorated tables. Pastor Dieter Klee held a devotion on the watchword for the day, Jer29:13,14: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you”, declares the Lord. Val, the leader, then introduced herself and explained our next activity: All the tables had different, lovely flower arrangements, and the ladies at each table were asked to come up with thoughts or songs or even poems about ‘their’ flowers, and to share them with the others. The result showed clearly - there was no lack of talent, nor of humour! The main speaker was Vic Brockmann, formerly a farmer from the Rorkesdrift area, who in a dream had heard God calling him into His service. Vic obeyed went to Eshowe to be trained as an evangelist (he is completely fluent in Zulu) and spent the rest of his working life among the Zulu communities around New Hanover,teaching, preaching and helping in many practical ways, wherever he was needed. The day ended with a splendid lunch and singing. Next year, probably on 3 August 2013, the hosts of the Circuit meeting will be our Hayfields Congregation Pietermaritzburg – we are looking forward to hearing interesting ideas on how to plan for that day. Many thanks to the ladies of New Hanover! Summer Camp for young and old For Co-workers and interested congregants of ELCSA-NT with their families We are trying out something new, as part of the ongoing co-workers' training of ELCSA-NT, aimed at any interested congregant. This camp aims to bring together people from our church to learn more about their faith and share with one another, and also have some fun and relaxation together with their families. Pastor Dieter Lilje will lead a series of Bible studies on Jesus as portrayed by the gospel of Mark: “Transcending Boundaries”. There will be group bible study and sharing, as well as a host of discussions on various issues of faith with Dr. Detlev Tönsing (science and faith, sexual ethics etc as well as questions by participants). The children will be catered for with a children's programme run by Pastor Gertrud Tönsing and Pastor Rolf and Jessica Schmidt. Dates: 9 – 15 December Venue: Hermannsburg School Invitations and Registration forms will be sent out soon. For more information contact Pastor Gertrud Tönsing: [email protected]

The “Prayer Walk” of the Hayfields Congregations


This year African Enterprise celebrates its 50th Anniversary. As part of the outreach the Hayfields Congregations took part in a “Prayer Walk” on Saturday afternoon, the 28th July 2012. Stops were made at the churches of the five constituent congregations.( the Hayfields Churches Network) This allowed for a short introduction by the resident pastors, followed by spontaneous prayers. And so, at punctually 2 o’clock on a sunny winter afternoon some 70 participants gathered at the Church of the Cross (Lutheran) in Bester Road. After a brief address by the Rev. Peter Russell-Boulton of the Baptist Church, Rev. Gertrud Tönsing set us all off with a prayer and a blessing. (Rev. Scriba being on leave). First a short walk along Military Way, then a right turn to the gates of St. Matthews Anglican Church on Hesketh Drive. Invitation pamphlets to coming AE events were posted along the way. Curious residents along the way seemed to be puzzled whether this was another protest march or the Salvation Army that had come to Hayfields. Be that as it may, but the resident dogs had a whale of a time. There was much exuberant barking, but always with the tails wagging in appreciation. After a short break under a spreading acacia, and a bible reading, the walkers followed Hesketh Drive, turned right into Burns Road and then onward to Foxon Road and the Baptist Church. Numbers had now grown and even a few toddlers with their mums made their appearance. Then, after brief prayers, a quick swig on the water bottle it was off to the Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) in Dryden Road. By this time jerseys had been discarded and the older limbs were aching a bit. But this did not stop participation in the prayers. The NGK is the main venue for the AE 50th anniversary celebrations for this region, from 13th to 18th August, every night 19.00.Special prayers went up for this important mission. The final lap was down into the “dip” and up the other side to Cleland Road and the Wesleyan Methodist Church, where all could thankfully be seated on the steps . Final prayers concluded the Hayfields Churches Network “Prayer Walk”. Everybody could still see the Sharks down the Stormers! All in all, the walk was a successful new venture. It allowed time for serious introspection at the various stops, prayers for new pastors to be appointed in three of the five congregations, an opportunity to revive friendships from yesteryear and also to engage in light-hearted banter with new faces in the “constituency”. Siegfried Drewes


GREEN PAGE Erika Wenhold of the Kroondal Environmental Forum has started a project that aims to make the local community aware of the damage caused to our indigenous flora by alien invasive plant species, and the urgent need to eradicate them. By means of articles in the Church newsletter and posters in public places she hopes to teach people to recognise and know these invasive plants and to take action against them wherever they can. We would like to borrow this idea and do something similar in our ‘Impulse’ – since our KZN indigenous flora, especially in and around urban areas, suffers badly from plant invasions by exotics such as Cat’s Claw creeper, Bugweed, Balloon Vine, Syringa, Triffid Weed, Mexican Poppy, Castor Oil, Peanut Butter Cassia etc etc.....

Lantana camara This is one of the worst invader weeds, almost worldwide. Farmers know it well and have good reason to hate it. It is usually an untidy scrambler, stems are covered with short, stiff hairs and recurved prickles. Leaves have a distinct pungent smell, like tomato greens. The plant is toxic to livestock, but the ripe black berries are edible and eaten by birds who spread the seeds. Shoots take root where they touch the soil. Lantana is difficult to control: Chop down, paint stumps with herbicide and follow up by dealing with regrowth.



Years ago, in Impulse March 2006, we promised a continuation of articles on our early missionaries. We have been reminded that it is now time to follow up! Anekdoten über Familie Christoph Penzhorn, eingeschickt von Hannelore Marais geb Harms, Tochter von Alice Penzhorn (Aus dem Kroondaler Gemeindebrief) Unser Opapa Christoph Penzhorn mochte keine Leber essen. Als er einmal im Krankenhaus lag und Leber zum Essen bekam, sagte er zur Schwester: “Ek eet nie lewer nie, dis teen my geloof.” Die Schwester fragte ihn daraufhin ganz verdutzt: “Is die eet van lewer teen die Lutherse geloof?” “Nee”, antwortete er, “dis teen My geloof.” Omama Hanne Penzhorn musste im Burenkrieg ihr Haus in der Walker Straße verlassen und mit Sohn Robert zu ihren Eltern auf die Missionsstation ziehen weil ihr Mann im Krieg war. Der englische Kommandant am Kerkplein erbot sich, auf das Eigentum aufzupassen. Monate später fuhr Urgroßmutter Marie Penzhorn mit dem Ochsenwagen nach Pretoria. Sie wollte einmal nachsehen, wie es bei dem Haus ihrer Kinder zuging. Dabei entdeckte sie dass alle Kissen verschwunden waren. Sehr empört meldete sie sich bei dem Kommandanten und fragte nach wo die Kissen denn seien. Der Kommandant rief sofort einen Soldaten herbei und fragte: “Sergeant, do you have any idea what happened to Mrs Penzhorn’s pillows?” “Yes, Sir! You are sleeping on them!” antwortete dieser.

Advertising in the Impulse: Full Page: R100 Half Page R 50 Quarter Page R 30 .Adverts with payment must reach the committee no later than the Monday of the third week of each month.


Hospital visiting


September S






S 1

M. van Niekerk








E. Le Roux








G. & M. Deppe








W. Schulze








E. & O. Engelbrecht

We would like to extend a big thank you to all members of our Congregation who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. The donation towards our father's funeral helped tremendously, and we are very blessed to receive such abundant spiritual, emotional and financial support." Alistair and Shannon, and Stephi Brough We, the Scriba family, would like to thank for cards, flowers, condolences and telephone calls at the death of our mother, Emma Scriba. Inge and Georg Scriba. Wir, als Familie Scriba, möchten für fürbittendes Gedenken, für Karten, Blumen und Telephonanrufe zum Tode unserer Mutter, Emma Scriba, herzlich

Wir danken herzlich für alle Segenswünsche und Besuche zu unseren Geburtstagen. Ein besonderer Dank gilt der Gemeinde für die schönen Jubiläumsbecher, und Georg‘s Andachten. Wir schätzen es sehr. W & A



Quick reference Personal Needs: Pastor: Pastor Georg Scriba 033 3961953 Cell: 082 4407574 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line:

AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322

033 3944444

Congregational Needs: Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074 Scottsville 3209 Fax: 0865386356 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Congregational Council & Portfolios: Chairman: Ms. Wal Bornheimer 033-3472471 or 0829201722 e-mail: [email protected] * Pastoral Deputy Chairman:

(Ward 5)

Dr. Edgar Ortmann 033 3303741/0828947208 (Wards 7 & 8) *Property


Mr. Craig Merryweather 0834436953 *Financial Matters

(Ward 9)


Mrs. Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 *Support Services

(Ward 2)


Mr. Arhtur St.John Ward * Relationships Mr. Dr Frank Böcking *Life Groups

033 3962980


(Ward 4 & 6)

(Wards 3 & 8)

* Portfolio Details: Support Services: Music (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the Cross), Impulse, Transport, Multi Media Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran Theological Institute, Mission Committee Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register & Stock Taking, Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work-Young Adults & LYF, Seniors, House Groups, Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church, Key-and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network Property ; Cemetery, Walls of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles) General, Equipment, Fire Equipment, Security


Quick reference Ward Leaders: Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8

Edgar & Karin Ortmann, Tel: 033 3303741 c/o Annette Pfeiffer, Tel 033-3442963 c/o Frank Böcking 0827995777 c/o Arthur St John Ward, Tel 033 3862980 Waltraut Bornheimer Tel: 033-3472471 c/o Arthur St John Ward 033 3862980 c/o Edgar Ortnmann 033 3303741 Robert & Ronell Wichmann Tel: 031 7811714 and Carl & Christine Seele Tel: 033 2510602 Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, Tel: 033 3966883 Ward A Church Office: Tel: 033 3965169

Youth Ministry Youth Worker: Children’s Church: Kids’ Club: Lutheran Youth Fellowship: Young Adults:

Mrs. Heather Drews astor Gertrud Tönsing Michael Reibeling Michael Reibeling Helga Schultz

033 3261816 033 3460498 0824407450 0824407450 0784602985

Music Ministry Choir: Mrs. Marianne Kassier 033 3471048 Brass Band: Mr. Thomas Ammann 033 3963322 Worship Team: Pastor Gertrud Tönsing 033 3460498

Mrs. Annette Pfeiffer Todani Moyo

Synod Representatives: 033 3441963 0825515705

Impulse Newsletter: Dr. Curd Sievers: 033 3968220 E-mail contributions: [email protected] or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209 Closing Date for next issue 16th September 2012

Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under Southern Congregations Bank Account: Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch (Branch Code: 22-14-25) Name: Lutheran Congregation Bishopstowe-Pietermaritzburg Account Number: 5677 111 28 48