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Marieke Liem - i.c.w. Janne Kivivuori, MarV Leh[ & Sven Granath. INTIMATE PARTNER HOMICIDE in EUROPE. Findings from the. European Homicide Monitor ...
INTIMATE PARTNER HOMICIDE in EUROPE Findings from the European Homicide Monitor

Marieke Liem - i.c.w. Janne Kivivuori, Mar5 Leh7 & Sven Granath

Today Concept Dataset

Femicide vs IPH Prac7cal Limita7ons European Homicide Monitor

Findings What’s next

Trends and Cases Vic7ms Perpetrators Comparability through EHM

Today Concept Dataset

Femicide vs IPH Prac7cal Limita7ons European Homicide Monitor

Findings What’s next

Trends and Cases Vic7ms Perpetrators Comparability through EHM

Femicide vs InAmate Partner Homicide Femicide “Killing of women because of their gender” i.  Differen7al use of mo7ve ii.  Poli7cally charged iii.  False posi7ves and false nega7ves

InAmate Partner Homicide

Most prevalent type of homicide involving female vic7ms

ExisAng Datasets

Cause-of-Death Sta7s7cs Court Data

Police Sta7s7cs

Newspaper Data

Overcoming PracAcal LimitaAons European Homicide Monitor

i.  Similar legal codes Murder, manslaughter, infan7cide, assault leading to death ii.  Joint homicide database Finland, The Netherlands, Sweden

iii.  85 variables

Homicide vic7m, perpetrator and event variables

Overcoming PracAcal LimitaAons iv.  Allowing for case-based (Ame and space), perpetrator-based and vicAm-based analyses 2003-2006 2009-2014

Today Concept Dataset

Femicide vs IPH Prac7cal Limita7ons European Homicide Monitor

Findings What’s next

Cases Vic7ms Perpetrators Comparability through EHM

Considerable variaAon in rates 21 29





Cases: Mostly one-on-one

Number of victims

Cases: Mostly one-on-one

Number of perpetrators

Cases: DomesAc crime scene

Cases: Urban vs Rural

Cases: M.O. mostly knives

VicAms: Vast majority is female

Gender victim

VicAms: Age peaks in late 30s and 40s

Perpetrators: Vast majority is male

Gender perpetrator

Perpetrators: Age peaks in late 40s

Majority male-female conflicts

Who kills whom?

Suicide (a\empts) in about one third

Revenge, separaAon and trivialiAes

Country-specific role of alcohol

What’s next? Concept Dataset

Femicide vs IPH Prac7cal Limita7ons European Homicide Monitor

Findings What’s next

Cases Vic7ms Perpetrators Comparability through EHM

Marieke Liem Violence Research Ini7a7ve Leiden University [email protected]