Life in the Industrial Age The Industrial Revolution Spreads During ...

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Life in the Industrial Age. The Industrial Revolution Spreads. ▻ During the early Industrial Revolution, England led the way. ▻ Other countries quickly catch up.
Life in the Industrial Age The Industrial Revolution Spreads ► During the early Industrial Revolution, England led the way. ► Other countries quickly catch up. ► Germany and the United States become the leading industrial powers. ► Changes are very slow in Eastern Europe. The Effects of Industrialization ► Working conditions began to improve by around 1900. ► The factory system created lots of products that became more affordable to more people. ► The Western powers began to dominate the world. ► Many new jobs were created. The Bessemer Process ► Henry Bessemer creates a process that turns iron into steel. ► Steel is lighter, harder, and more durable than iron. ► It is used for tools, bridges, and railroads. ► It becomes the measure for industry in countries throughout the world. Electric Power Replaces Steam ► Electric motors are created in the 1800’s. ► These replace steam power in factories. ► Thomas Edison will create the light bulb during this time period. ► This allowed factories to stay open at night and lit cities all the time. New Methods of Production ► Manufacturers began to use interchangeable parts. This simplified assembly and repairs. ► The assembly line was also used to speed production and to make products cheaper. The Automotive Age Begins ► Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler create the first automobiles in Germany. ► American inventor Henry Ford created the first mass produced cars that were affordable for large numbers of people. The Beginning of Airplanes ► In 1903, American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright create the first flying machine. ► Airplane technology would improve very quickly. Improvement in Educations ► Samuel Morse created the telegraph in 1844, which carried messages instantly. By 1860, there was a cable that carried messages from Europe to the United States. ► By the 1890’s, Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone and Guglielmo Marconi created the radio. Changes in Business ► Giant Corporations are created. Owners sell stock in their company to investors. ► Some companies become monopolies. These are countries that control an entire industry.

Advances in Medicine ► Louis Pasteur discovers that microbes (very little organisms) cause disease. This is called germ theory. ► This led to vaccines against rabies and anthrax and the process of pasteurization, which killed microbes in milk. Hospital Care Improves ► Pasteur discovered that germs caused disease. ► Joseph Lister discovered that antiseptics prevent infection. This led surgeons to sterilize their instruments and wash their hands. City Life Changes ► Cities in Europe and America add sidewalks, sewers, and skyscrapers. ► Urban life remained harsh for the poor. ► Many workers start to form unions and fight for better working conditions. ► Child labor will be abolished and safety laws will be enacted. Women Fight for Rights ► Many women reformers support the temperance movement. This is a movement to limit or eliminate the sale of liquor. ► They believed liquor damaged families and society. ► Many reformers argue in favor of women’s suffrage, or the right to vote. ► This will not come for several years in most places. Public Education Improves ► More students begin attending school in the 1800’s. ► Schools were established that taught teachers how and what to teach. ► Some countries make education compulsory, which means mandatory. ► Colleges and universities expand as well. Changes in Science ► John Dalton develops atomic theory, which said that all things were made up of atoms. ► Some scientists discover the earth is billions of years old. This contradicts the bible and causes a stir. Charles Darwin and Natural Selection ► Charles Darwin argued that all forms of life evolved over millions of years. ► He believed that natural forces decided which animals would live and reproduce. ► This idea becomes known as “survival of the fittest.” New Style in Art ► Many writers, like Charles Dickens wrote books that showed everyday life. This movement was called realism. ► Many artists experimented with a new type of art called impressionism. Photography Develops ► In the 1840’s, Louis Daguerre creates an effective system of photography. ► The first photos were posed pictures of prominent people. ► However, photos soon focus on the everyday aspects of life, including war. ► Matthew Brady became a famous photographer of the American Civil War.

Revolutions in Europe and Latin America New Ideologies Clash The ideas of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution battled against old ideas in Europe. Conservatives wanted to keep the old order and the way things were. Liberals wanted change and governments based on constitutions and separation of powers. They wanted to be rid of absolute monarchs.

Nationalists Strive for Unity Throughout Europe, there were several empires that included diverse groups of people. These included the Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires. Nationalists wanted to be free of empires, believing that people with a common heritage should have their own country.

Change Spread Throughout Europe Serbia seeks independence from the Ottoman Empire. They declare autonomy, or self rule. Greece also declares independence from the Ottomans. France experienced two revolutions, one in 1830 and the other in 1848. Eventually, France would be led by a new Napoleon, Napoleon III.

Revolts in Latin America Spain and Portugal were still in control of much of Latin America. Enlightenment ideas and Nationalism spread to Latin America. Peninsulares, or people born in Europe, had more privileges than everyone else.

Slaves Revolt in Haiti The French controlled the island of Hispaniola. There were many profitable sugar plantations. The slaves of the island revolt. They are led by Toussaint L’Ouverture. The rebellion was very bloody but Haiti did become free.

Mexico and Central America Revolt A priest named Father Hidalgo began a movement to free Mexico of Spanish rule. Although he is captured and executed. Mexico will become independent in 1820. Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica will follow.

Simon Bolivar Begins to Free Other South Americans Countries Simon Bolivar frees Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia from Spanish rule. He tried to unite all of these lands into one country, but it does not work. However, they are free of Spanish rule.

Revolutions in Latin America Review Sheet Different ways of thinking that clashed in Europe during the 1800’s were called IDEOLOGIES. During this time, people who wanted things to stay the same were called CONSERVATIVES. People who wanted things to change drastically were called LIBERALS. A group of countries ruled by one person is an EMPIRE. Three Empires in Europe during this time were AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, RUSSIAN EMPIRE, and OTTOMAN EMPIRE Nationalists believed that people with a common HERITAGE should rule over a country. SPAIN and PORTUGAL still controlled much of South America. Slaves in HAITI revolted against the French. They were led by TOUSSANT L’OUVERTURE. The Mexican Revolution was started by FATHER HIDALGO. SIMON BOLIVAR kicked Spain out of most of South America. Life in the Industrial Age Review ENGLAND was the country that started the Industrial Revolution. Countries like GERMANY and THE UNITED STATES quickly caught up with them. Most new products during this time were created in FACTORIES. Steel is better than iron because it is STRONGER and LIGHTER. The BESSEMER PROCESS makes steel from iron. ELECTRICITY replaces steam power during the Industrial Revolution.

Parts that can be used on all versions of a product are called INTERCHANGEABLE parts. The ASSEMBLY line was a new method of production that sped up the process of making things. BENZ and DAIMLER made the first cars but FORD made them affordable. Samuel Morse created the TELEGRAPH. It allowed FOR QUICKER COMMUNICATION. The first airplane was flown in NORTH CAROLINA. The first telephone was created by BELL and the first radio was made by MARCONI. A COMPANY that controls an entire industry is a MONOPOLY PASTEUR discovered germ theory. This states that disease was caused by MICROBES Joseph Lister discovered the importance of ANTISEPTICS. Many cities added SEWERS, sidewalks, and SKYSCRAPERS. The movement to eliminate alcohol was called TEMPERANCE. The right to vote is called SUFFRAGE. Compulsory means MANDATORY. Charles Darwin argues that all life EVOLVED over billions of years. REALISM was a style of writing that focused on everyday life. IMPRESSIONISM was the style of art practiced by Manet and Monet. DAGUERRE created the first system of photography. MATTHEW BRADY was a famous war photographer.