M ~IOAMMOP+MSM Alona rectangula Sars, 1862

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ABSTRACT: Study of abundant material of Aloila rectangula Sars, I862 from different parts of Russia and surrounding countries reveals that all these populations.

Arthropoda Selecta 10 (2): 83-86

Distribution and polymorphism of Alona rectangula Sars, 1862 (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) in Russia and surrounding countries P a c n p o c T p a ~ e ~M~~IOAMMOP+MSM e Alona rectangula Sars, 1862 (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda: Chydoridae)

Artem Yu. Sinev A. K). CMH~B Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Biological Faculty. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, Moscow 1 19899 Russia. Ka@enpasoonorww 6e~no3BoHo.1Hbl~ 6wonorwqec~oro@ a ~ y n b ~Me ~~ Ca K O B C K rocynapcTseHHoro O~O yHwsepcwTeTa M M . M.B. J I o ~ o ~ o c o s a , Bopo6besbr ropbr, M ~ C K119899 B ~ Pocclln. e-mail: [email protected]

KEY WORDS: Cladocera, distribution, polymorphism of valve sculpturing, varieties. KflmqEBbIE CfloBA: BeTBUCTOyCble PaKu, PaCIIpOCTpaHeHue, ~ o J I U M O ~ @CKyJIbIlTypbl ~ ~ M CTBOPOK, pa3HOBUnHOCTu. ABSTRACT: Study of abundant material of Aloila rectangula Sars, I862 from different parts of Russia and surrounding countries reveals that all these populations completely agree with the revised detailed description of this species [Frey, 1988l.A. rectangula s.str. is distributed all over the temtory of Russia. Specimens ofA. rectangula with valve sculpturing combining longitudinal striae and tubercules are reported for the first time. Presence of such specimens suggests that the forms of A. rectangula with tuberculated valves and with valves covered by longitudinal striae cannot be treated as separate subspecies.

within therectangula-group, withA. rectangula S. str. a well-differentiated, not very polymorphic species. Present records of occurrences of A. rectangula in Russia are not detailed enough to determine if they refer toA. rectangula s.str. or to some closely reIated species. The aim of the present research was to compare the material ofA. rectangula from different parts of ~ u s s i a with the data of Frey's revision.

Material and Methods Animals were selected from samples under a binocular

PE3IOME: M s y s e ~ u e0 6 r u a p ~ o r oMaTepuana no stereoscopic microscope, placed on slides (in a drop of a Alona rectangula Sars, 1862 u3 pasnus~bixperuoeoB glycerol-formaldehyde mixture) and studied under the optical POCCHH BbIIIBunO, ZITO BCe PiCCnenOBaHHble ~OIlyJIIIUkiK microscopeentire. Several specimens from each sample were oTsesamT nonyreHHoMy BO s p e m nocnen~efip e ~ u s ~ udissected for analysis of appendages. 14 specimens with neTanbHoMy onucaeam Buns. A. rectangula s.str. o6u- unusual sculpturing of valves were lyophilised, mounted on TaeT Ha B C ~TeppUTOpkiH E P O C C KBnep~ble ~. 6brnu 06- an aluminium stub, coated with gold, and examined under a electron microscope (Hitachi S 405-A). All speciHapyXeHb1 3K3eMnnIIpb1, CKynbIlTypa CTBOPOK K O M ~ U scanning mens were measured using an eyepiece-micrometer. The H U ~ O B U6 I y ~ rop~u H IIpononb~yIO K c Z I ~ ~ Z I ~ H HTO O C T ~following . samples were studied: nOKa3bIBaeT ZITO @ O P M ~C ~ Y T O P Y ~ T ~ I CTBOPKaMU MH U Material from Russia: @ O P M ~CO CTBOPKBMU, IIOKPbITblMH IlPOnOnbHbIMU JIR6 parthenogenetic females from Murrnansk Area, lake 011 HUIIMU, He MOrYT PaCCMaTPUBaTbCR KaK OTnenbHble ITeHOreHeTM'leCl