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A R cfjrio tio , nal N e w s p a t^ r S e rv ln jr

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S U >N D A Y . M A Y 2f.. IHST T W IN F A L U ':, i n , \ H O I.. SU

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lildren Aree !Saved II RwyCarir Wreck 'Two Chi] P o litic aIIl F eu d ir mg By Bab> 3 ysitter as; 1Flames ■ p i s 1 1I Persons \ a r - ir s C iv il W '.F. Home, S p ark;s 'hrough T.I inois RoadI RipTh ■ On lUin I I n S tr t e e ts off H a iti *

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r c ce s ,. :2‘J m o n lh s a n d 10 ni(inth< siivoil llie lives o f h e r tw n c h n rc 'Tl , \ n lR -y r .ir .o ld b a b y s i t t eirr s:i\ H i > v t f < ; n h f . III-. M»y 25 ( ; n — — T w o couple;* ftnd ( h e ir .«(*\cii nlllioiiR h h e r h a i r w n s a in ce d ■d'ohi. S n tiir d iiv Tnorninjr b y f na s t n iiiiin ni\d rom .iiniiiK c a lm nklio n ip rh t w h o n t h e i r a u to s cnl!idc i ) . I a.m . Ill* had U k en Oarbara Jean nil eight mllei outalde P ort AU ; gt Ihl chlUftn «cr* Doi DOl I mice - uie l u t point tn HalU . I to lh* bathroom , leaving lU r Itifoed. I younger child playing qn lhe floor :a( niuld br reached by (elephon* r ; i ^ ■ S ^ U o a «M m tdi trom per* XT’ I near the door io-(h»*- kitchen. Uld he wna cloalng down 'b e ' pcUce Mid. I Al M lu SheUey loUl ll laler: u»e the altuntlon U golnf from \ r I tn n*mM mtutur . ■ (S e e !Mio(o on I’a trc ■ nK T h r e e ) ■ S ‘'o “ ' I "I wai in tliR bAlliroom with Barid 10 wone.” i . inpplac •>< pfrioM ln> I"’ I R Valli I bara onlr ft few rnlnutea (the liree I( c p re ^ c n la tiv c s o f llic MaKic V alley c h a p tc r of th e S n a k e Tlie The a: allendnnt ta ld there vas no ' | wai reporied a t Il:l& ft.m.' and1 R Rivi Irplione communication between I iv er F lc c tric a l a .sso riatitm m e t S aa tu n la y n ioriiinjr in lh e leirpiion I when t cam s o til I law lltm et idaJio I’o 'v c r a u d ito r iu m to (fiscuss ■ :u s s p la its f o r (h e f ir s t an- .« jialJon and lh* elly ftnd th st s ahoollng out of th e kitchen door ■ nkei had halted *11 tr»n«port n e S h o w .lu n o IIUIG in Ihc •■There J are many rlolett and If* I over Nancy'* hencl. I don't know n n aVl Mairic \ ’a lley K le ctric H om ^ ■ ( s n » o o . M»y 21 u v - T h i i 1 T w ill Fall.H hijfli sch o o l K yiniiasiuni. iiim. T h e S n a k e R iv er Kleegtiung f why, but J grxbbed the. phone and 1 wi lUng very dangerouf.’ h i u ld . ' emti Uiit killed 11 p«r- f t told th* operator to gel help. I I rin n n il a.Hsni'iation h a a sp o n so red a "‘'b t e lte r livinit e x p o silio n " "I muM gel bftck lo my home.” ; ' taolllil B«Mon, 111.. V { ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ’’ ■ . .s '.f tJ l[ then grabbed » baby blanket,' in RoiKe cwsM » Rcord number o( I i f o r th e p a s t Ih rc n 'y e ar.'? a r s . A p p ro x im a te ly 2.1,000 rulicn Chief Col, Pierre Armaod ■ galliered up B jirb«ra and Nancy[ p e rso n s nttc iitfc il th e n o ise sh o w I templed ft coup by aelslng ftrmy lor Ihu trp* of •* held « t t p.m. today In Uie ,ide.n,e de liie capital. I B e c k W ill N o t = modemltaUon, do.ii-younclt '»'l‘ tier -M -: H b \ S 1 » 't 1 Q 6 ^ ^ ^ K t o i t o n Mid. while Uie oUicr hnol gymnaaium wllh a aermon T hem loola and projecta and mobile home* Mhnol : •nie nftllon't Dir force, coftitgutnl i; 'J m ■ ^ ^ K m e d ol( into » u t r b r pole. Uie Rev. Norman Stockwell. ...^ fm are all phmca of the home thow ^yf tli* Id firetlghters Joined tumultous ' Ifidiuced boUt c irs v e rt ... will be played hy demonit program, Sliotwcll lald. 'A *porti Tlie proceulonal i •monitrftUons bftcklng Annand. [ ^ ^ B a u In tJie u m e dlrecUon but ' % : v ^ B e C a n d i d a t e ^thow wiil alto be Included. wt ^ y jX A jS u iY X w le hi high tchool orchestrft with »ho to the ho took over c o n tn l of army ' IA« . H & ' . .J n R | H H ^ 9 m ^ ^ K g i o n did nol dlKount Utt Ichard SmlUi, dlffcMng "War jifgriQuii 77i« expoiltlon wfll co.fl approxi* Blchan radquarten. i '.'. ^ ^ K a u r U t t t l h e a u l o t m l i h l h t ive vr arch of Uie PrieiU’ Irom AUialU „ t«,000 to itage and promote, March E l e c t i o n mately Bul Oen. CahUve. surrounded by ....... ^ ^ H id b ttd ^ n . I McndelMolin, . J i Approximaleiy t(l,D00 worUi of new by Mci iindredi of aoldlen a t nearby D ei| . \ / f ifm\ a n looked like th e r h;ad td ', tnvocaUon will be givrn by Lfty draperle.t. hardware and wiring fatnvoc ' WASHINOTON, May JJ in - rV M B ^ B -, h tt *aeercUry. A n n Wattln*, «rat tloni^ for ipeclal proJecU, Shotwell Smack ^ H t liU d e t c n b e .- oopi In ^ nack whe will be accompanjed In t«>opa li th e fiva provlncM outald* he will n « stftnd fo r reelecllon to “ 0'“ ^ ^ B t t h O t i t t l l . ft Itate polleem.an ui -i f.. .. le capital and th e peopl* to Hta reported, the " i le "Lord» Prayer" by ffliaron the c«pi ft■ new term «J h ead of the TeimH S K y i i n '' » • L • .-■ ; ■ 'Vi*' y I • • « -i ■; *tlera Ul* InTceUtftUoa epeoi* n r against IbOM who oontrol • • intnlk. ' InI w«r Approximately K.OOO worUi of Zlatnlk union. M lu Wfttklna u ld Beck ^pi !cn ■ I mird c ir m tr hftf* been art .Au I i Benediction will be aaked by 1>llk» Port A m prince. : had aUo authorised her w u y that prlzei Pf‘« | will be given »way. and local Bene< ^ ^ ^ p M b a t b* w u n ’l (ur» e u e tly :Uy f 7 " '. • ' h**’!* ray. He Ke ftc ftceused 8ecfttor toula Dejole. [ he 1* calling ft meeUne of Uie un- m erchanu parUelpaUng In the pro- Oray. It ftppeutd Ull cftr* I ■•Pomp and Chlvaliy." receulonal, a leidln I lon'j InlenjaUo/snl Mccuilve board gram will give twfty coupona for -PoTn leidinc presldmUftl cwidldsta tn ' k I i >ch ■ ^ ^ ■ i t l T e betn forced Into e»ch be plftye4 b y .lh e orcheatra Hultl'a III be i monUu ot'^ioUtletl altl's alx Is I for ftboul m id-June, fiht eald the malar ’’'"J'" appliance prizes to be given win nd ■ ^ ^ ■ i f f t )il{h r«l« ot ipeed «nd eicli diy of Uie allow, SholweU u ld . under ider iUie dlrtcUoftJflf SmlUi. (c««i [ KU not iur« ol th * c x u t date. (C«»ll»»»4 M f o » S> «> , \ p Ul* b lih c ar. I - Back unUl now had inalitet] that Amoni tiioM- mftklng the f i n a l--------I h» wbuld run lo r reelecUon i t Uie analyaU of plana for the ihow at '' Jl coaferenc# wera Arlon f l l . I unlon'a conveniion, d u e 'to convene 8ie 2 ''’ momlng " SanUan, hgme ihow manftger: Ilor- l i l [ la Ul* Sepum ber In Mlamt. ^ r l e y S la te d I heme dhflw^uonUct Jill re rtrsal of Intent evldenlly ace-flotoiei, *5*~ rfp re« n u ih e: A, L. SUnley, chief h Tr 'f iF S n r n te r iV e '- u r e r ^ r f t M -r-ttrt-8 e - n r i * to rd ir-w B leh -» irllllr-* * e p l- rece» ~ Lftbonoft. ^ h eiu r. U r b H a n K union to ou*t him of pP''u n rc ity rD u in jT w m » n re n ip j ~ ~ T v thinga. ' deatroylni (h r Inlerler a&d (u rn lah ln n MU* Shtlley'i tiilr wai tinged the Teamater* ft thrce-rs«m faeoM eomplelely deiti ^ E ^ a n ib e r^ s > ter “tecrelar>', and Shotwell. | \ Jeao Hall. 10 moslhi. and from the unlon'a helm. rbara Jean Hall. left. 2X rio o th i. and Nanty N UM Ihe threw a blanket o>er Barbara The Hli d2.year-old Beck h ta been I rts 'i mother n u a ahnrt dlilan eeI from lb> haute when Ih* lire kwepl carHid'Chem I* »at*l7. The chlldrtn'i rlnc for Iha ehlldren wha ara rero ierti frem whMpIng tough. (SUtf the rorertng Ihe rmain ta rg e t of aenate racketa 1 ) . Ih e henjf. M lu fihelley ir»i earin* ^ H ) r i v e P r o t e c ’It S (See Pholo on P a je 1 Inreit Inreillgatora who ftccuaed'him of B D (u r l e y Y o u t h Tht p b e ts-en trae ln tl 8,^M ‘ ; I The Rev. Stanley E. Andrews, Mieridian, w as appointed - taking moiY th a n *320.000 of Team^ ^ B t T K l d r n L j of the Tft'ln PilU U l— -----------------------------------------------------iperintendent of th e w estern dlfltrict distr o f th e Idatio con> . ite ri fund* for hU penonal use. al11 of Commerce v id repre* ^ though Beck hft« repaid the union If o v e d A f t e r :h by Bishop A. Raymond i | of cUier clWc iroupi ftnd f l ToncD M ' “r S o f th e Methodist church ~ L l o y d W a l k e r S aome 1370.000. ^ ^ B l U o u hire been Inrlted to a ^ nee o f tho M ethodist church ' , - G ra ra n t of th e 74th annual conference Ho Invoked th e filUJ amendment luDehNn-mMtlne June 3 to ^ . th e Twin Fnlls M ethodist church 1 rid a y aftern o o n . Th# trch F j more Uitit SDO lime*, hoverer. In pilot ior lilt lorlheomlnc H e a d W o u n d 6v. Mr. Andrews, whose term is ffio r b Ix y e a rs, Bucceeds g T o T a l k H e r e " £ refuilnf to lell Acnnte InreiUgatori Pice with Tomorrow" prounder oiU i abo u t h n complicated BURLEY, BU May 2 3 -n a y llolm u, thle e Ri Rev. Cecil G. Hannan, Boise, wtho re tire d a t th e con< :e, w p l^ e d br U)e chftmber. f financial deallngA wllh h li union'* U-ye. U-yetr-old atin of Mr. and Mr*. fcrenc< lc. Ininham . ft past pres10 Rc' Rev. R ic h ard H . N . Yost, r rence becauso of ill health. Tho Harol M e m o r i a l D a y money. SS Harold Holmei. Burley, haa b e e n ---------been named chalrmftn of flociato p a s to r o f th e Twin < ^ ?f A B u r le y d r iv e r is beinfr h e ld ill t h e C a sa ia c o u n ty ja il Beck'a declilon n o l to ran for a taken uken by airplane to Salt Lake Clly _----------------------------------- r asflocial vhlch h u been deilsnatills M ethodiat church, was Attorney Lloyd J. Wilker. Tain’ new new** Jiv(.>'ear trrm came a t hU Scr g, c( i n lie u o f b o n d o! JJ.5 0 0 o n n c h n r j r l o f d r u n k e n d r iv iniff. ac!unf Adrlsary commlKee Sor ti ireaOiirDl lor a gunshol wound (fOow Team aier leaden, led by the In in hl« hiu head. a p ppointed o in t p a s to r o f th e fiur> rlo y d r iv e r w a s fin e d S iB oQI) n FtlU, will dfllrer Uit Memorltl diyI fellow VC j U oI n d i t i o n f o r u rle ^ ^ f r i & b e r oflldiii. lt h i r d of{cnRc, a n d n n o lh e r Blu addreu t l 11 tJn .'D iu rid iy duringf union'* union general'accrctary. John P, Th! Th* boy Wll ihot Friday alter* / M ethodist church sue* , *: i VOfnn of action b r the t u I h i t a n d ru n a c c id c n t F r i d a y fie tw o chnrjTc.'^ n s a r e s u lt o f a i ■' the Amerlean Legion po»t Nn. 7.• Encllj Engllih. were arranging lo force an noon. Juit above lhe left lemple. A / i ralli chimber to revllallrc eding th e R ev. A. M. k, b o v w a.i in ju r e d . I r a H fiiisc n , Twin FalLi, u rv lcti. a t tho Twin1 execuUve ** a.«t D ec lo in w h ic h a 4-ypftr-olriI bo: execu bonrd meeting. while nninw Uie ouanlzftllon while hunting Jackrabbllx ' wllh Vr li c t i m o f G u a lomns. w ho h a a served t h e ' | jld i n j a il o n th e d n in k e n d r iv ;V-- nFtlU cemetery. it Il :remained a >„ MtrUn Wllllimi, and Richard The Twin Fall* bind, under Uiee EnglUh EnglL i n s ’ c h n r s c . H e w a s a rrfti^ nic'd c d o n t h e charRC F r i d a y n nndd ^ ^ • ^ a s f a J i t l o i u »JH be *ow bhil ID, n Mr. TTiMnsj w w appointed to dlrecUon ot Charlei lUlcllffe, will1 would would be willing to lei Beck con- Hodgton. 14. The boyi were hunUng ^ ^ » W t e m t n l lo the Twin F*IU W h e n b o u n d o v e r to d i s t r i.c c t dji X IU w ia i v e d p r e lim in a ry h c n rin tr. W: F i g h t I s P o o r » :rldlan to eucce«d the Rer. Mr. 9 pliy and W, W. F rtn u . Legion1 llnue aa prealdenl during the r t. near F nnk Schodde'a ranch two th r o u g h expanded — (d -------------------------------------------------COI " c o u r t b a il w a s s e t n t $ 1 ,5 00 00 PJ' I I four month* betore the mlie^ „ i i „ we^t of Burley and police u ld chtpUln, will lead the pny er. AI mainlng maini CondlUon of Merle Adklni, 38, idrews. Condi a n ti b o n d w as n o t p o s te d . . roll u ll of relerana who hare died1 Teamster* T urn oonrentlon and election Die Kolmca , In the (l< llie. who wai wounded In a gun In Ihi tftslem district of th s boy wai carrying the Bolw. « “ Eiucnlo Lcniorla. 18. Wfts fined (ju during lhe p u t year wlll.be reid.. of ft a new I lU U of officers. ' the time of the accident. nference. the Rev. Dftvld O. jR ^ ^ ^ p a w r t e ttlll em phiilted in "a S o u t h w e s t H i t ttie aft t Wendell following a burg- eonferem gun al battle »30 Friday by Juillce of th e Peace 'Ulter waa reappointed to the f Pele Kelly, winner of Uie Legion1 Beck’i Bee announcem ent. Uirough hU Phyjlclani called Uie wound a l»fy y Uiere ^ ^ ^ V ^ p u b llc italemenl by the Uie Thunday nlghl. li report- Coulter Joe Weldon. Burtey, on a c h t « e of ®j orawrfcaf eonteit. wlli deiirer Un-• office. office Uiac he would nol iland lor puncUire wound. They u ld the bul- ed -poor" rterlcan F^lU-Aberdeen church; . f boan] ef dlrecion. Need to "Pooi a t Mtglc Valley Memorial Amertcar ;f B y I t s ; W o r s t |leavlnB Uie tcene of an accidenl a n d jqi c o ln 'iO elty ib u rg ad d ru i.T h elC tlh1 reelecUon reelec wan hU f ln l public Indl- P , went “ t Rev. Marvyn C . ah»y w u re> , the cooperitlon of all T«'ln ip iu l. throush one picce of Uuue hoipiul 125 on a charte of driving wiU ioul nil >ut miliury police company, cflmmanded1 cation citlor U lll he fell any necMiliy let ‘' V pointed u> Uie Aahton church: I ^ ^ H U t f t dtluiu was also lUesied. under the fleih bul did nol enwr After After he waa wounded In Uie ab* . a llcen.'e. by Capt. M, J. B a ji, Jr., will fire aI for him h to g e t o u t aa head of the e Rev. K enneth Oftmer. Blackf ^ ^ ■ ^ l U o r r cnmmltice luncheon the ikull. However, the akull w u domen men he wa* Uken to 81. Bene. Longorlft w u arreited by S tate ate lal u lu te to Uie dead. T api will be union "; T w is te r ^ e k ' J . t fractured. dlcl'a :l'i hhoiplU l In Jerome and Uien 3l: the Rev. H erbert X. Ricbanla ' ________________ If.’ terr bit blown by Dr. O. A. Fuller. Pftlrolman Mirv’ln Snyder a fte d Uie Rev. MeredlUi O ro rc i p u Jved IU) Twin FftlU. Frldiy night the boy'i condlUon moved B r Hi* A uoeU iM lVm i Arnold RichirdJOH. f *on o f if'*»r■.• F\)llowlnf j r and ftstoclftl« p u to r of th t > lerrlce* In l/ie Twin wai reporieil a t "good." Later, hoi- Mean' Meanwhile, hli comptnlon. John goUe Fl p, T w lsle n h ll lri‘~jrfSatm a andI and Mr*. Reuben Richardson. Dcclo, eputy Bunn rtporled he fired Into a Ileld. D JJ M lnlf/, 2CU WI/iUi avenue if pinned under the hood. Jn* ft.,nilnEs .'.ir -rft olher homei »cre flimajed. Helen ’r erft] ‘ . TB-ln titleM; the R er. Wsfter JH ci i,„ b irritk * ot V eterini of World wir. Wftlte Houa* la ld todty PrciWent car and no rth FalU. pleaded guilty .ta r n r w . ,ppro.tBc« Adkto u l d he died InaUnUy. caliber »t«y out of ftlght. Ho' Elaenhowcr will not anlc congreu veaUgaUn veaUgi hur. Twin Falls, and the Rer. .. ' ! In T»’ln Falls police c o uJrtl *I tn d tuxllltry. Kimberly Legion to glv* him a u n d -b y aulhorlty to winwr* m . Ui Uie oppoalte direction. CTark. WM the aUW i e7Ui Irif- from. Win tKif , i »dviied Uiey could Id fjuu r e d " " ’ " f *“ ISaturday "" E. 0Ollbert, Wendell-Ragennao. ,V ^post tn d tuxllltry. Twin F*IU DAV “ «t» of failure lo yield the rlghl of way. m ft a dUUnce of aboul hUf a ‘ r e gf uu l a t * c o ru u n e r Iniullm enl fie fiU fi' lliy for Uie year, compftred frocn Poil and tuxllltry tn d vrW poit ''* T h e T ex u h ls h a iy paUel iljhtcd and WM fined 110 and »3 cosU. S hhV r«w ^ftppolntees for the eftitem e ^tn r block, wounded Uie fuglUve, to In Uie u m e period of ItM . clly bloc c r e d i t . ________________________ 72 : d auxlliiry. credit. a tornado near Gorman, Tex., about ».aj net included Uie Rer. Mr. Yoit, waa cited by Twin Falli police a l “ * ‘" '"I'n u m for ’f J] pp .m .. MST. bul Ihere *ere no re- ihe , , the Bev. Rev. MftTtlndftle Woods, who the 'intenecU on of T enth avenue ,. p o rtt of InJurlei or damaje. Other non and S huhone ilreet, handle a .n eir two-point eharte D tf«.nim f„i ttlll could° twLilera > e re lighted near Ranserj north ibiuhed for Eftgle.Runa. and I gj Shirley L. Conrad, route 3. T » ’tn X» M ."io«t Amcricaiu u l a n d U ban. Te*................................. Fall >h u been p u lo r a t Ooodlng for ,FftlU. waft, fined ilO. and s a .e o iU *' Tomftdoe* have been rtportedlpft. ■years, and the Rer. Pftul LaIFrlaay in Twin FalU Juatlce eourt ' « -----rcJriliT ii< '^ -T « -.-» .-r^ i..ir» — 1----•.-pftilor-fttM uriftugh-H anien,-----” — ** ' - * * * • * - J~ ~ WHITEHALL. Mont., May JS T fC r-------:eedt Uie Rev. M r. Woods. _^ A flulck.ihlnklnif WljHeJull wan SANTA r c . N . i t., Miy JJ 4 f - Dr, "Thi »nd Jnl^rm ntent' ■Thi criUeUm lam id# Ih lt much ‘-Hartn he Rer. John D. Slm i wliTSi u r e d hU aon Jrom dcilh todiy Thoma* T h ._ , L. B hlpm tn, in aulhorlty vlUl,InfonnaUon Uie dl»m*l haa been hidden logic ufe vital, 1 new pftilor of the Kimberly ■ada and having had a finger m " J 'V .«:hen,he_iiullfd-htei_from_»>«h!nil In-Uie-field of medicine In Ila re- under Uia veU of aecurlt}'. • Nerada i rclL Jlt_ w M .rtB d a ltte d ..to .th * ,.. ' J ® W S B U I |i hthe e wheel of their aulled luio juit , Tel* Pie of all i« u , bom tn w m a i ‘ThU I can iia u categorically U lhe pie c ference ftt IU exeeuUv* aeeiian , ; _ aecond. belore a pauenter train laUon to alom le energy, todiy urged ‘T hi W be » teellnc Ih4t t Enlweuik ilnce IMl. and htr* Thurac i Thurtday. The R er. Rex lindethat people have confidence In Uie nol M. k t have leen mosl ol ih e a n d,aaiE Ilx cchildren, I Uilnk I tm In t ^ xl, now ot Bftker. O re, wxs documenu on Uie lubject Ing ilx ’* TEL AVIV. May U ' Japanea* In1 l# r Johnaon to Erwin W. W endt and Katherine I : i. . . I * ' over»eaa aaaUUnee. Jolinaor ‘' " i n ' w hkh he heads. ccUtlon today were advised th a t p a - by. P. M. Parrott. 6«t«i &. opent* a Uvem and cafe ^ntre. htre. . a m daughter, Mr*.' Belly Bro are congreu will n e t -lurrenderlh eomptny. Mn, John Fajia*, Tender" Lorenren. Aahland, Ore.. clayne K. BUI Uieae were wiped eut In the conlacUng a fever one m on onlh me K. Uie llenU H w art U ONS TO HEAR TOUNO , ' f a nd aon. Kimberly; Mr^ W Edw JNO trying to gel permlulon to ;kup on A. full banking commlltee, e v e n after 7 , r< Uie right to a n annual checkup or Cooper, EmrneU, and Marjorie * ce ir ^ McWllllama. Tie A, a denUI work ahould *e« th I. ; H arrla and daughter. M n.• Cliff Biary of Annie, no* a ward of the aUle. BOISE, May 2S W»-«ecrBiary Dennett. Bolae. and K enneih E. Uiough Sparkman argued that the P«P»m . or'denllst. .. . . t i l fUie physician p rW lIaon, am , Young wUI ; t ' • K umfelt and M r*.~Tloaia'W li It ap *petk The man who cared (or Am Wllham and Edna Je an B n y ,. Twin lower Initial paymenU would help Jf U.e Re*lralM r w'aflelp Tha advice came from D r. W alI[ Buhl; M n . Elwyn Brill aodt uton i a twoprevloualy gave h e r away when J l i K r “ ‘ J' “ »• 0P«nln« ef a H Op««klng in aomewhat Uie le aame aami Falli. fp M M M M W y w y ig im- Us many low and middle Incom* famU L. Craddock, chief medical oof­ *oulh*m Idaho Llona club* I ' • Mr*. E uftna Splnnelt, uaieiton, llaiell lib* ccon- found *he wouldn't atop crying ii nowiand , L Jm Itopubllcan Leader Knowlant Illea to buy new homes. f:ficer for Uie S alt U k e V etoram I ‘ a a d Roy Joalln. Flier. le u ha allowed h e r to aleep wl ,' TenUon In Bun Valley. ' ^ eep wiin callfomi* predicted In a aepirali wparale 4-H Club MeeU ■ , regional office, S m athen u ld . however, that he AdmlnUtntlon A ^ I h im .., I. Lit f ii o . lnl*fvlew th a t c o n g rtu willI pul ai jjujy ii*na, Nimble Flngen up. H* told hU audience there have Ingera expected many DcmocraU to (upAnnie, whoae full name .Un U I S t Benedict’s, Jcroim tlraln e r- o n a propoaedI Inter. interelub mei Thuraday afternoon ^moon porl th* lower paymenU on the Uia been b report* tuggesUng a relation­ f O rp h a n ^n n le,'U an appealing ci,S 're naUonnl development fund ao the *0 Ihe J t the home of M n. C arl Newman ; V U Itlnj h o u n ar* from .a U iwman floor. iship of v iu i hepaUUs followlnR bear. She wa* re*cued h alf drowr orowneti ijju jito ra can keep a b re u t of oul of o ul- 10 prutlce aewing on the aewing I a nd 7 to « pm . procedures. H epatatU la a lewlng -W ell have *om* dUcuuIon* on en denUl d from ,* creek near here. Uyi un d rr ll. < ADMITTin machine. Refreahmenu were aerved jl.'* he u ld . "If we aee we're making ing Uver InfecUon, 11 I tlie adm lnU lration h u pn>pose< U ra. Robert Oldi and U r*. n . Henry Ke iroposed by Unda Reed. T he next meeting n Craddock tlio advised dentlsU leetlng soma progreaa, w ell Iry to put In tan that co n g rtu m ake 500 million doi will be held a l 3 p jn . Prlday a t the H AZELTOK-Funeral aervlce* 4 RuU. t» th Jerome; Mn.. Donald Don lon doiUie amendment." to leam aboul auch things a s blood U 1« la n available to be loaned to>underunder home ol Mn, Newman. rg# Dowu n d n r n i Earl Pool will b* condt 5 o n t p b y , H tgennan: Oeorg# B< la c u * they have to r* . The preaent rew an additional 7M minioai million: Bitip, viilU parcnl* ^ ahoahone, and M n . John Hi iO Hub* p.m , Wedneaday In ihe Wl Tcr elvll of a home and 23 per cenl over e: dU uter. mortuary chapel, Twin Fall*. O tre u u ry In each of th*>•t nex t •ffllUi, Blohfleld. elec- Uial. Sparkman propoaed to make Duane L. McDonald. Navy■ elfcake --------------------------WASHINGTON May 33 (B_Th. Wt-7 two yeara. I » DIBUIBBCD . eluding aervlce* will bo In Bur R Iriclan'i mate ihlrd claaa,, U rlaltvlalt- ll 2 per eent on Uie f ln t 112,000, »0, READ TIMES-NEWS WANT A PS. la IT h t *• Provlilon 1 * M tfle Adltlnfc B ol«: MI nn., M ^ l- Memorial park. Twin Fall*. V/, K. “ per cent above that. = ~ ing hll parenu. Mr. and M n, W, aecreU on atomic-powered n *uggeaU memorlaU tn to ihm ; 1 a earpo Edrla and daughter. I n KnowUnd ta ld he favon a.“ pro * , ' McDonild, rout^ 3. T*-ln FalUt dur- The Sparkman pUn would cul the I " marlnea with O real BrIUIn. in, K I « Robert Olda, Bhella Hannan, Kaam - American H eart fund whleh may n. It « » Tijion almlUr to th a t lnaert«d 1» •onatd, down payment on a 313.000 home I ** diacloaed loday. 1 unde; under • Uiree-week leave. McDonald, . I. i crlna Nakayama and JennU Na: 1*“ « lh» mortuary, i..i-„ Middle E nal reaoluUon ,an. Is from lUOO to »240. « , “ „r who Juii returned from Japan. The atomic energy commlui u *hleh appropriate committee* Ibfc yam a. all Jerome, and M n. Hai 0 itatloned a l Coronado, Calif. Upon .'ni* omnibus bill contain* sew I aald three UB. expert* will vl ideU, t w i n > A I i8 - P u n e r a l aenl I I a n M c t w u d dauihter, WendeU. r V Jf congreaa would be noUlled IS day n , to to funds for many programs de*Igntd J the Britlil, Idu- n e x t waek ^ lU tlon he will fly * to “ ddll- ,n »dvane« of any declalon to make maki , . „ fpr M n . O rtfia Taylor will be h tr lf f* BIBTHfl . II ^ boUtor a housing m arket U » t ! Whll* nt»cle»r propelled lubmarli I iH y r 6ona ver* bom Fridayr to Mr. : t t 4 :J 0 > m . Monday at, th** Wl iwn*nne» Individual naUons, unda u n a .r _____ '■ TO etcoM tpnrK /iM M t h u ugged below Uie on* million I BT O Qlm »*“» »ulhorltle*. ' . jL** a nd Mra. Donald O rlfltby.• 2Hat mortuary chapel wllh th e Rer. ^ /u r 9 w *t » t ★STOREDV ^CLEA NED ■ I nh,i, | , . The AEO aald both •'elttair t-favor* Eipteted Heme_______ ___u7, ^ il« _ m a n ..M d Mr. ta d-M ti. Henry J l , H u lt« irp a * t« r-o f-th * -F ln t-C nryJUiU -Jo h n ao n -in d lcated -h e.w u-favor. id udlM « d 'u n c la ia iflW -\!a U -on-^^^ ~ B l tllE M O D E C E D -------------- ■ Uan church. oftleliUng. Conclud A 2/cI benny Rawlings, aen of ,,}V* ‘ ble to tu th a provlilon. But he hi Mt 1M«- v«)opm*nt and u*e of reacton 1 J _____ , . , rltca will b* held a l Sunaet ly move LaVem Rawllnga, » be >!? i:! down asaln it any mov. M''- *'' 3 T o fIth e P u CE ublic

w 1 Stuort H. Taylor, Inc.


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I n V A RIETIES PETU N IA ! TWIN PALLS—IMnerml aerv imb »il] 1^1*0 Oeranluma, Zinnias, Aiten. Aiten W rt SW la L. Berercomb ito and Lob«ll»- Marigold, Tomato am be held a l 3 pm . Tueaday in In B*». R Phone 381, neld* funeral home. LloydI HolmHo r. conO rlo W ililo m i, C ity Floral Qul*t wUl be the reader. C cludmg rltea will b« beld a t Sui Sunaet U l lib B t S a. Back oX rarlilai II memorial park._______________

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In su re In Sure I n su ro n c e C A R L BER G

^PH '^O 0N ^ E 52


Vtt. Wlii.

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tl It r pn>/p*.'Jf>n»J Aludy. B ut*' Wrdn tVrdnr.'rt.iv niclU at the {'(inniione ~ f t n r at ll.iskrll liiMiliile, *h rre 80 per crnt c< Uke an addrd tw o-year_’ Inch vlu»1 iiMiiiiaxiuiii. Siiprriii* 1 callonal courie tiirparing them ll-’i Irtidrnl f It.-itpli ViIImh unu sprAkrr nf » niiillitiou* »oung Itidi.nn fruin vocaiumj llip eNpr.uii: Hr ,irr.vw,l tlir im . r «ork in one ot'lS Held* ranging |H>riaiii'r ot a Mieti kIiixI rilurnlion |H>riai .'111 Menograpliy to hnme econom-oi drill A in r lli'n .^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B Irs.>. Irn Irtim coatumr designing 10,.. • Will Shonk., a hicb acluail M-nl»r, 1 Willa irk IjiMiig or *elilihs. ' ' pl.urtl llif prix'fxiinnjil rrfrs.l Moot of the students tlhey com*” ; Monal I 35 statea and Ala-skni are mot)*** 1 led bv a atrong yearning to g n r ; l l i r nrv . K t. aarrl^oll llie[ “S lnn mu I brnrdtriinii >ip. Hv^e, NVhv Wliy (don't Uie girU want to gn . UiM yenr every ona of our IU b*fk ifk io 10 their reaervatlonsT All glva nobert Varirii. claia advlter. Iioiii KoUrt ItoU rtuh'i dtleiale lo IlnV* "l-'-'t iifiminl ^fl■.IPllM »».i hirrrt t» Hiee^Mtne mhh -M ^U _tK U II-*n|(uln(L _________ vnkell. the red man'* Ilarvaid Hoi*p. Oise. 30-year-old ; aludent welder i . Croft. Abblf Lee Dniuirr. Clinilp.i re IfUH. I.* proud of auch Inmoua who%r I lio%r lather, a Crow Irlbesmtn. Depew, Earlene Elam, l-iriy Eld.mlAlei a* athlrlp Jim Thon>e operatej rfrtgr. J r a n Oehrig. KnrI Glbboiw, leralei an l.BOO-acrt rtn ch near ,M«v lU'r. M il, ( ifrc th e Jme C)»Tflice L. TlJjkrr. Uxier C citm le aooch.xriyde O w h . (».(i.ri nitJIl., nj'} xlcr On»M, MwiJ, coriw fllrr «hn «a s the fir.'t "I "I uanl uai lo go home and In UmA Ouerricnbfltla. Juanita Ungn. Un.vd N. CS.Aiiiiln.imll. )i . pintor nf the air cnrp lerlr.in In d ia n .to achieve th r take ovi my father'* place." Mid llanM'ii. Byran Hall. Sliaiini tiollry, i-’iiM li.iiitiM iiiiiirli. will aprnk oa Aiiierlr.i ke over ik nt of lirieadltr general. He wa.s Willard, Karl Jolinatun. Carol KniKlii. Urn "Wlini ""'Iim .Mean Tlirrr HtoilM" at the rniik illard. vho also U a prlie-wlnnlns; I l/'k:ton Mrmorlnl day killed ed In World war It. to'»boy. i>»boy. "Hut my tune here U n'l ' I U ughlin. Leslie Lrwin. Kreitric Aiiiriii'.m Amm rv lio . 10 nm Tliuiiulay al the Dul Mabbuti. eiiiiroii McNee. Raymond .v .vivin lul 1llnakell 1* tven prouder of being « itrd . Tliere U plenty of 'Inc la ^‘»bbi (heI fact MlKhPll. Mickey Nellaon. David Uulil I1lly friiii'lrr\ elding.lo do on a r*nch." . fact It haa beenme a symbol of welding, MiKhi lui'* Hr.vM-Uinll mid Stanley rducalW icallonni opportunity for Indian.^ Onrlda. Clu -------------------------r i Ontld. Fr^-drlc Oyrr. JfuieU e I'HCr. C Hi'iTliitrr will tie color cuiirilj and «iio0 wat w ant to compete on equal terms ^ Paul Phelp,^. Sarah Pourra, Ilobert ltt'>7U Ivmi Nipi>rr nml Hi'niiiiii Compton. *iUl Ult nofMler. V irdl lloRers. Edttard 1'i'n 1 h Ultl while man In h li own cuiS e rv ic e s H e ld j 5Sandy. ” " ! Judy Hilva. Linda &>Uhikii, colorb colorbrnrrra. Dnlp Cliriwiribrn mil mre. lervlce* were held a l ) n ip floral iiltriuiK tor "Wo 1 Wo hartlly ever have a student Ckaveilde Or*vei nichard 8U)well. Wiiyne Slutimaii. be th.ipliilli. thi In Sunset Mem' Lrsiim will be maile by Dave who goe bock *0 his re»er\Btlon to * pm o goes Om.. Saturday • Conrad Tliorne. Danny iTrrmla. Ihe L lal p»r* for D*vld Buffington. J r , ERSlrstoii »lili the Veter«l« of KnPUvp," aj Dannv U rrutla. Uouglu Vandrrpool Enttlr’ aald Dr. AyiTi. ’They may P»> " “" ‘1^ p«burg. Twin KalU Elks lodge No. ' elRti 'Wiitu and the Amrrlcan War return I and° K aren Webb. ‘ elRn urn lio"I'bei party party wa* held (or Uie atudenu a t uBoyd ' D.-PPryor, Charles P. Larsen, H .O . . be bUKlera. • p,gi* t< ll* to Ihem. Ttiere u noUiIng p 'D r) llie Khool recreailnn room. Room iiiterbach. Owetl B u c h u ita M tl I re fo r Uitm lo do. and Ihey get wuterba repre*entatlve« of the IT A . Mr*. Lytniiii CnUKhty will be tnm- ihere lomts BucUln. ties*. Tliey want lo gel back to rhomM Andrew Ouerrlcabeltla and Mrs, m nntltr ot the firing aqund *hlch rratlea*. nil! 0 * ln . Charlts Wtbb. th rlr Jol ■ir Job*." nichard Hnga, uerr In charge of 1Include* 1?, jplci WM the class of 1955. A>^I^AD^1 EAD TlKtB3-NEWg WANT ADS. sJTtrgenjpnu. Aiwuiliic werr Mr*. Charlea Burliatik, Dale AUood. Joy --Tryplcal E. E. McNee. Mr*, nobert Vaden ”Welch [ 1 '“ m d nobert Whitaker. M arshall Slmcoe. Uglon comand M n. Michael UrruUa. m andrr. la In charge of Ihe aervlce. 8IK SIIO.'^liONK.


I t ■ k |



: i —KiKlitli j




Buiil’s Memorial Services Slated

/«« 3ld nls I B H 2 r , s . “ " »He nd' . I iS ff ani w S?“ “ .r '* " " H B h Z T ,r Khool In Monl»n». He wm H B I ■/ 21 1 U '' “ ®*>P / 10 ..te n d the he . ' i cmnpore* « PHllllp* cretK -------------- ’ ■ ' .‘^ rtl rt le K I Mil 11 ind June }• I. Valley chapter of the Enakt River Kleetrlcsl Kleetr aMoclillon gathered at the Keprt»eBl»ll»'ea ef Ih t Ma«lc Val ly tn momlng to review plans (or tb et flrat flra< Twin r*l1i home show. Th* Idafao Power auditorium Salurday ‘ t t l U« MIW I, gsnu tor KffWhmfnta lo b« pro- ahow. ^ which will otritlall; be dealpiaU rnaU d Made Valley Eteetrle Heme show will be held at the Twin Falla ttjrt W mother* cl Scouu. hhigh Khool nm natlum June 13-18. lion (tU 8. C Checking plans ar* Duao* fiarrtson I n d ln i. Itlll, a etftu ry . A. L. eated. Irm , aiMKltlloa prtUdenl, and (Dutch) Slanlty. dItK tor ef borne ahow aho publlcll;. Merritt Kheli^K. (wated. igravlogl ta e t reprtM nlallvf. iBtaff-Tholo-engravU ilo r tft lioJfflra. bnmr ahoir ro n tae ----------------------------------------------------

Jilt ft«n

Raft River School ^ Holds Graduation"Work \ m Village in sses on Canyon Progress UALTA. M*y Hirer high

eoBMtnctaent e x m ls a were bid ffednMd»y nlihi In the high ■fhnni pmnMiui"' I -nu pnMMlonil and reew lonial tl wjrt plijrt by the TroJ»n b»nd. In* n* «MUM » « «l«n by JUI Ncddo. Addmw were glim by V.ledlctorlinlrtiw BflJjndaiuw ilw linH onn-

P aa llc f a c e


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S h o sh o n e


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e Park Despitee IBad Weather ^ >" Yellowstone!

i •RTEsr YELLOWSTONE. May J5— a check In Yellowatone naUorul A ppaa rk ahows almost Iruredlble prosrcj on the aoon-to-be-opened 8resa ml mJIJJon-dollar Canyon VJJUje. AlUiouRh low temperatures an d "*BcM?''je»n Wake. Kochelle coi ■le coruldemble anow until thl* week liomvon, Delmt Wight *nd JanU combined eoi to hamper outside work, Uert «ing. Clau hutory wm itlv«n nei en nearly. IM workmen hav* been busy by Wiyst Bi>:er; clu* will by Oar* in« 'r* Inside U)e atn ctu re amci March 35 Vsi Wtlie and d m prophecy by on gn finishing d tu iu . WJilUni. Tht JUrmormelUa , '>** Ground waa broken on the project u nt OrrtlleSein gare a reading.• ]]m m i last June 35. Almost t miy M wot ta »i» a i •)«* WHc Ipfomlie will be worked out. J of.Ult 3 3 a bll. ____ Btr, CIUM. ***' K « 1 CB»'»' lous N a tio n a l P a r k ^ JI ^ ■ i Bul It now teems fairly obvious lion dollsr u>ul home o; M , in-' nk." u ' _______________________ ^ ^ H U h a t the final toial will be Mere lhan SS million people, in ______ 0 lh* h o u s * . -' ne,;L.u.:.on i, HINOTOK. May 14—"Dom you think." I kt ' / - " i * L '* ;L w u JrirT i!i w A sm wa I ' ; «X ''M w Lkl4 rrJJ*i ’/ mis eluding 1 hope motl of the resii>-n b hrid WfCr.r«:„ • - * l® |,ro u n d two bllllon dollan. This « paued. omnibus K ’ i .R. of d--n be •; M »«,. ««.1M u»fc. e ^ . U n . U.K. . Whlt« Plains. N, Y. 't h a l Prf«lc I jl ! ..» W U>. >.»» POOCH Iff LOVEABLE •. i pm . *•. T i;!.*.. ; j B |w o u l d be mor-» thsn a billion dol- of < I t T h a t Sol and tlghueers from housing aid bill K p « t r 1hlundrrrd »h«ti h* ocrUtlfd THoma* .Jel:rom :o •’ •? TJOX u tr h i " Ei^nJxcrwtf ’ ' m'aicfimnM wer more th a n a hundred foreign tanfli e EUenhower i one ol oiu- ouuundlnf Aoo^rieansT nsT iAnd D etr Potso; lor Best year. But w j m t f n f Sf xm lmi l i i r i abort whX ndi. ellsttjlr lo i | tA iLS IN *BV*sc* ^ i« n o n uas or *, ' UT C41«l«B-r*TAiLI o 1 I; p , ------------------------------------- __ ^ . i;ert , . . 5 >us- U n t _ i , Deniocritf innuiUy worship U WMU The answer among private housI ,8. aiMi Canada. P a l iheir dogs ts much or m ort as anyone,of anyon Uit h o u s i n g ' I' KIlMi I4*ka Ukrr*«*lr. Mnk ‘U ^ Mr». Richi-H M. ir form er rta-plal« d lo n rrit' else. 1 llk« poochi bill now *unds y * I K i m l In* Industry eiperts U lhat llI Is k X dduel a nur»er>' *• '' S' ------------------Uon ords hold, Hoorer " ' » proie*i agslnsl Oi* admlnitlrailon c 1140 bllUon Purebred la Jutt In Ih* expert's'ai expert t I U «children •> » J Ar ---------------dsm’s U k * Kesd . |i f l Q j | | Aruwer: la th* lin t plaec. aee. I do ,ngle. If aomeoo* 'has a p o o ^ t ; I . Ht IM -------^-—— ■ B'i>> •.'.-.r.i; rest iwill have rlghl not think that paitUan poUlka '**• T ht way Ihey see It, high InWrest “ J' personallUM wtr* In the Prealdr Ung iaround 3,750.000 ^ r e a ie rn it ,j.g p u ,rtr,d or n o t tration rate, pul a curb on th . housing ihsn lh* Elsenhower admlnlstratlor uhlngion, '■ J ,, mind whtn he named W aahint :allk* htd orlglnslly recommended for nei iDduiirr. :or new ' ’ Lincoln. Lee and m n k ll n as The U 3. housing Industry U now aa h e a d of th . ' ralU l housing aldi. •* (Twin ralUl ’-lour top Ameticini." n i l - • ho**** of tepresenuilves hs< * ! h S n 7 io \ n ;‘ n ‘ t V ’^ '‘^'‘' ' ’^ ^ I' W A S T E Vfl. “ Dl; .n ^Ind d le a ” • ^Itci D iS A S T h U other*, oddly. oddlj Interpret Ikt's itatement aa an enormous numben of visitors. TOprls- peopl* oul of work. i « phone •sared" en Ih* n rst nin* approprl*. tlve tthan J’' " ”* Phon al, t> Intlcally he Is sioit conservative D e fe n s e W ilso n a n d uon ui»i, i Ilng < lh* newHt. norlda's Ever*’, . ;j A lthouR h 8 « r e l i r y Of of E lar. Ubrraliung goremment housing c* stre< street' hss spprored so lar. r h u rmir Msurlc* j .en r . glsde« should have a quarter million',. na-hiH-»iertlet, shd isiinthnnt) • " n c n m ti f.m j n s e hf a v e w arn ed ,,. . t h e jc c r e t a r y of defen. then Jie Derla De '^ p w• U u no i.c holler, hiunsn doeumxnt lh a n Ihe [ b A m e ric a in a v u ln e ra b le fp o s itio n . the Orange mrfiing In the haU,'. In Olympia, th t monumenUI ! U> shepherd pupi lor give-away. The main tpendlng provisions: ly. Titey it Jndependrncf, which he ao helped U > IrVme trt k n o w n t o e x is t in th e s e mil Mr*. Tom Hlrsl. home economics j IB I f * t h e in e ffic ie n c y knov ^ .a ? .J ar* i weeks old and weaned, ed. Tw Two f o r cooperative houslng-JJO mil. ifrlcsn reMluUon, which h t altvaU d1 to 30.000,000 viJllors. chairman, thanked Uie Grtnge robbltck, i t m il ita r y d e p a r tm e n UI— — tthh ie i r d u p lic a tio n o f Ui^ton r«ihrr nand* for '""a le : two ltd lion dollara more, alh fr than a *ar, slltl Inspire* demanda •nie national park Irtei-* k,,. . ilarge , r „ Women for the cake baked for the m l of brown and one while andd browt brown. Houilng for elderly people. soDietlmrs in lh* de trlm tn at our e s u l t a n t w a s te of v a s t /ir« jo mI.. although »iu I ■P e f f o r t , r iv a lry a n d th e rrea urtng ground-hs« taken ht* . id dllnd Worth molher It a blooded toy shep famlllet, minority group* snd oy shepdli Horton N u ri» f home for Molhera I Interesu. sa In Ui* MIddI* Cast and C lu n o u n L s o f m o n e y —t l hha at t ts re sp o n a lb l# Xor oiher countrlri, loo, nntib;i c ' herd tnd father a cocker tpanlel i placed peopl*-a new 250 mllllflt >anlel so million I . ada. South Afrlc*, loo, »ni, , d ee ppr o t e . l , , ‘ Wday. " I" : \ l m o s t o f th e n a tio n - wIid Mri. Tom Alworlh reported the Ihest pup« will not b* large. All dollsrt. ge. Also . famed Kruger nalloiitl w;i, r 'J T h e H o o v er c o m m Isslon lsa lo r h a s p o in te d o u l in dolshelier progrsm leaflet had c o ix )R (’i: AMI LOVAnLr—Plnslly, w every vli* •*'“'* brown toy shepherd rd aboc aboul .Collegt hau.tlng-300 mllilon dol )R»’|:L n world's largeil wildlife ssncl’a i s been printed. The Orange aulhorlred many * months old. male. This onr one hi has Uri. up tO million. mu«t rrallte stier seeing th e m Mom 1 t h e n e ed le M e x tra v a g a n c e i n o u r m il ita r y itor to MonUc«llo » aboul a,400 iquare mile* mtiix. on doled lor his 'tlse d wlUi chUdren and Id Siub Slub- uilltsry houslng-300 mUUon dol wnding copies to all O rtn g en lo lid gadgeU whMh Jrllertcn originated n I K a e t- u p .R e c o g n lx e d f la:caa1l ee]x p e r ts a u c h a s S e n - houirhoid r giraffes, elephants, hlppops'4=aa the county. It was reported li:2 eae pupt U ri. down 100 mlUlon. I. colorful by wtnu & new homt, Theae puj and convenient*, h t wat a lovable, cola buffalo, tebrt, anil tnielopei I I R to r B y r d h a v e I n s is:etedd tth a t a ll th is w a s te orlgsge had been collected In th t Boy Scout Id des despUe can bt had four miles essi of Wash if WashNtw federal national morlgsgi rant penonalliy. By comparison, and variety. And Jspsn where Uim, I a n d u n c o n tro lle d a p en n d ln inig c o u ld b e a lm o s t lu „ o r«• beautiful bf« er. Mount Ini'®'' school on Adduon arent: avenue asMclallon borrowing aiilhorllytorlty— drive. sll* on th t Potomac river, Mc 1 many parks, but poorly tdaiisi-e. program Included a solo by C. itatuesoui tounh of s mile norll 500 million dollars. 150 millionn above 'a mansion wher* a cold and ttatuei ;t> a j le rlo u a a t h r e a t . t o> o u tr D m lo n a ) ^ c u r l t y v c r n o niisi'a le norlh. aboYi ■ ed. E. Orleve slid an article by the If no one Is hom*. help yourself, raelf. bi but idmlnlitrallon request*, relt. h rro dwtli. f ; ; a s a n y w eakneaa In t h ee dd(e fe n s e p r o g ra m i t Parks are a wonderful Idct-b million s‘*'« chaplain. ’'Life Change,' read imed itave I'a re thr mother. It seems everyone everyor Urban renewal lund s-2M mlllloi Ml, who Ik* would probably har* named Mil s e lf . In the U. S. loday one iftn , s, witii lurg eeval- also * sn u lh* m oihtr jlog, attempt to relreal from the Oeltys&urg doUars a year for four yeart, wiU tiy Urs. Frankie Alworlh, if»rf flacler-earved valleys with a msgj n '8 'c o m m lU e ea s lfn H e a rln g a b y t h e a p p> ro p rlatlo r >’*K‘ lacking. Houiekceplng a n iijs, Pomona Orange wts announced ' brought Je tlrn o n 'i phllo*ophy down lo earth ea tThorp* Ul* federal government p a y'y in Inig Iln- ehore c of prodlsioai propa-ja ‘ S h a v a b r o u g h t o u t s u :h c h gglla r i n g e x a m p le s o f h f miii* it work In br*sd>snd>buiter lerm t.I. He w u for June I a t Uuriaugh. 'nifleent stand of eonllera-the Jlniberly) Uiree-fourths of co»U. le It st^rt. The home bunded aboul 1 moonllghi. I S th r o w n u p th e ir h a nis d s inin dU sgust. cepi for' lU IU battles, I Jf you live In Ihe U .S ilutff Is Ike's ttrong polnl. days tgo and lha tamlly e sn 'l kee In Yosemlle. the tpeclacuUr s uUr summer’s vlili, at a ihank.jeij a __ llo nnaa o f A m e ric a n s a r e him now because ihey’r* living In I S I t'a n o w o n d e r m llllo if C waterfalls, especially In early turnum- ilo your hoii. would you mindt^ e sslt p e a c e tim e b u d g e t . M0 N ro Ta0 > r.R ra . c r i t i c u m n iF F ic I’LT I S p r o te a tin g th e f a r c r eantte o .M i’LT TO motel. You csn c*l thi pooch i Ing your congreMman; and T -Field «»-H fybum avenue. «T A M »-It U dlMlcuIt to understand r esld s i d e n t E lse n h o w e r is I I I n h ia to ry . a n d . t h a t P’re elUi Por other vlsltori Ihe thrill Is 16 •’How aboul raiding the {raj 3 io WENDELL, May 35-M rs, KelUl I Moiitgomfry’i crlUelim of Oenerali Lee. He -------' ' S h a v ln ir d if f ic u lty s e llin g I i n g th e m o n th e Id e a J i y ^ n ttly i r doei d leck imeel wild animals In thelr naUve } ,000,000 approprlauon-leu la lUve tta l O n C Klein and son Ed lell Uils week LJibrador ench and 'Oi''-'' *1* PiJP* hslf Labrtd< not know that British, French Uie habitat—a t G nnd Canyon the S115 s per vlsltor-to at leui |g. mil : ; i t h a t t h e y m u s t ta k e onn aa nne w ta x lo a d to th e o tr m a n. mllllary 1 eounuy «nd htlf "I'omeihlng else," You es strattglsU conc t e . thisI eoui SHOSHONE. May 35-V acaU oi for Sheridan, Wyo.. lo spend the e 0000,0007” T hai would do lt,’rtis. w . Mimmer wiUi Mr, Klein who U em- Itufted-eared Kalbtb SQUlrrel (at;th 0. reguUrlyy to istudy the suaiegy and tactkv off O Oeneral ael them a t IW Quincy ttrret. en . : t t u n e o t 171.600,000.000. et. Twl iw in 5, 11, 1, b* held at the loca oiher tld* of the ctnyon the ears crease c being lest thsn Uit eotna ^ Falls, • • L re andI aionfwalt aioi Jackfon. Assembly of Ood churciTfRSfn m Ma Mti :a r. tufted too but the color of the ffeea whleh now go rltht bitli u* of o f the . . • as nindern warfar* letitned lh* valu* Mtl, Mack llsyes and children. ' __ n lo June 7. ^' tio n a l R e v ie w . S e n a to r uuth'rrn'c orr II 3 WrtUnB In the K«Uim» ‘^SQUlrrel U different); at Carbb*d t a l all-consuming kllly, liiiTtv sb*d th to fRClort OUR BULLETIN BOARD I commandera’ lessons. Thert ar* two fac e ~TheiRedondo Beach. Calif,, and Mr, .and { Till* of Ul* school will b« "Thl millions of bsU Hying outt a t uty’ u a "scneral fund.* wl ■ ''1 3 B y r d h a s p a in te d a v ivr id ppiic tu r e o f th is c o u n - fU rrw l luin bIna ttle -ih e men and Ui* e arih on Which llMutwlfe. Twin Fall*-W hy nol nc King's Adveniureland.’' Mri, Wllford Hopkln and family, the ' Vhy ./l.’ sunset; a t Watefton-OUcler Interrjjthlc^ win ^ tj^ lw g h l^ Iter(Ceprrltht. Itt;. U lm make .the request dlrtcUy i« lh V * t r y 'a 1215.000.000.000 ffee d eeir a l d e b t. T l i a t - I n - »nd ov*r | the U n . Helen Coleman, Twin> Ftlli, Falli Dubois, are here u> spend lh . week Pese* ptrk, mouoUln ' people involvedT Afler til, If they the will be director of lh* schcM1 again 't h ie e q u lV lk le n to f th e . . ’ agtir end at the J, t . Barrus and.Madclla* naUonal { Ir S d e b te d n e s a , h e aaya, “ Ilas 'th so a ts;'ih fr blson at Wood Buffalo ^ gel ns suggestions, ihey htve tu thtl year, Hopkln homes. _ : re lo tise If) S a s s e s s e d v alu e o f a l l1.. th e la n d , b u ild in g s , t t t T n ; , park,' tha 'chipmunks a i Voiemlte, p P’. T ? R JudgmenU In' prlnU Aaslsilnr wilh Uie school will be b« Chsrloiu and Bert W est^o'.Jr., But U< t(*,ler wk« n i U w knl u»S torieiK V J. i L V ill', i m in e s , m a c h in e ry , f a c to rle i iiv e s lo c k —e v e r y ■•I'"'the ra re ' blrd.i at Everglades. u U-A-V.M. sug»uUaa.»ould.Joke.mo:*Jlkg-Ctlt w,-Ui». A rt-in _ B o lse _ T l* IU n t_ M n ^ ihhf.t e r jbtst.-1-ihlnk, li lhe.wlldiiie_at-Xtl; lik ta ll-. Mr*.-PT*nk-Unft-Oarol«-Low,-u.» Yti-. ?, ri-o o i IN TKXAS-AND TENNEKSKK [ ( . T t h i h g o f ta n g ib le v a lu e» I n tth e U n ite d f ila te s i " LOOPS SEE iclsm snd wouldn’t sei loo well, * ' ‘l. na Nltchals. Mm. C, D, Low. Mn Mn. W riton and Mrs. M. A. Hamilton | IW" lowstone: From begging bUtk bear* ear* w wiidiift, « i»> m rf a jprin Texas w u sw tnped by flood f I« T h e n h e o f fe ra a w a r n llrn g n o te w h ic h a ls o . T h li spring. od water* . * * ’ wa Ernest Koto and Mrs. F. L. Oarrlwn trrlaon. for a week, ,a l the rondsldes to bison, elk. deer. ” iwn much POPl'LAR TOPIC . m aion rivers which nevrr'hava known ' 3 h a s a d ir e c t b e a r in g o n th t la c o u n try 's a u r - rushing along >e chllOuesti SaUirday at Uit LeRoy i Roy anielope and betver. Mnsl of Uiem " There will be IreaU for Ihe le nisnagnment. herer hav* I tlt I h t dlM lt discipline D eir Pot ahow; I 2 Y iv a l: lav. AU < b« aeen each evening,. . dren who attend the first dav. Al: Olbbs' home were Mr, and Xlrs. Mrs. ctn ii from public policy bued on l^ f iclpie that Beems t h t t the weather U a rathe ehlldren from « lo U y ean ot of age w Wlllltm Olbh* and Uire* aonsI ot Pnr a few visitors, Uii lur* tn a ” IS " P u b lic d e b t la n o t lik I ke p r l v « l , d t b l . I I p t i appens, good o r avll, la a . i r t a l river vi ver valley populir topic Uie** day*, hi' I'd Ilk are Intlled ta attend. _______ IPorUge. u u h . |park will be to behold mperlatlves J u lh* thi public'* buslMss. ■ S T a t e d e b t is n o t p a id oOfff, f . I t c a n b e e n d e d b y *y«t«m I* a litU* InformaUon. Everyone her* an d m aybe no t m any Oov. Pric* Pric* Daolal asktd Presldea) Clsenhowai ^ g b a n k r u p tc y p ro c e e d in g[s, s , an ihowar to apouu lella m* Uiat Twin Falls U I ot th* SUI* d ltu t tf areas antt-1 Ilc d t b l U n o t p a id J " * ' ; secUons J ” "; ' » p e o p le a r e h u r t. I f p u bS lic " “'ijhibe “ ■'II' like "‘I 'th* ' ' ' “unuiusP wesihe them for the lnadX|Ate federal relief lief w] Which m M - t h e m u l t Is d ls r u S !{ 9 o f f - p a i d o ff w ith Uxe.sram by in lUlucatioji aMOclsllon recenlly. h II V ^ p ro b lem , to .vijie l.'^'uen e w . f la s h ie r u n l- Amrrlcan It tti tte r) unt could help themselvet bv p rtcAim ott “ f > f o rm s n n d a b a n d o n te n s of m illio n s o f u n u s e d Vj ^ V n "or Jutt a few of thr.w polnl* In their t heir dsilr ''' I '; ^ o ld o n e s ? C a n ’t one oovveer.ie rs a s t r a n s ( » r u i l o n n«au»e Ihey aie perllnenl lo tu as citli t ^ s e rv ic e a cc o m m o d ate aallll th t: e a rm e d fo rc es to N r .>a, n-i republlihes these at follow*: 1 UT U o ^ T ia ty o u a e e in th ls g ir rg ! • 5 e lim in a te c o stly rtu pllc llcaatl t lo n o f t r a n s p o r ta i- K c rep p aaklcli on your longut . . . alwaya aay hear. rolce. Moa ** Sonolone'a new.hear* u ihn Ihlnk. Cultlrat* a lo*', persua.ktngfnr.nrT e re r c a r r y i n g I d e n tic a l r , '.ike . II ’' pmmi*e* "alien cm*i>.:ln«ly. fo ra re .ir'e a p e a rtist." —not wilh Oh e v r o le t's high-perform h C snd kPep them fa em faiih. W O R N E N T IR fclL Y IS I • J c a r g o e s In o p p o site dIlrr eerrllllo n s ? fully, noo n.« ni«tter «h«l ll co*ls you, [ a c a r th a l loves to Step s 5 to out and get ance V8 on the n th e pullinfT-end, Y ou've got ; . p* . T h e P e n ta g o n1 hhnass e v e n Ig n o re d r e c 3—Nrvr: 1 'Vrr Irt an opporlunUy paxt to sav a kind kln< or .7111: EAP. - no cord. n» 1' . . ..a w a y from it a llw e ll — well, il just happens ..up. lo 2-J5*. j * . hbo rsep o w e r here for_^the . . ] 0 igms-aurd .to .o r about.sonieunt..PraU * |good - ciiiik*‘bulton."\V t!ghs'oiily s [ S o m m e n d a tlo n s m arte bbyy.G .C c n e r a l.E is i jn h o w c r .encouratm raU* •H«iillr« of who did l l if cniicu m U men i' 2 h im s e lf w h ile c h ie f of. taf f o f th e a rm y . I n if. ssta botn wilh ttiat.urge. bigKcs.thelpmjj. p ing of d r iv ing p leasurejpund jO - - ” - *1' -,.-Ji* lf-* n ounce. ----------------. .________ th a t Q ic v y w ass bom ,,7 r-i— - - a n n p p e a r a n c e 'b e r o T ^e nt ht -t S' c u n l ^ n u li I S ? y ir f ~ '« 7 ^ ^ * P ,^ d e iit'f I f th e re e v e rs'as w:isa acar that loved lo in the k)w-pric( } chrrrful. Keep th* comers ot your mi •price field! u r mouth W om en’s hairdos hide -/ ^ f a ir s c o m m itte e on NNov. ov. 16. 1945, O e n e r a l turr^ed tip. up. 1Hide vottr psln, worrlei* and rilu c p r • - CUl lo o « a n d Cover tl miles, it’a this ivcr thc Chevy’s new new P o d tra c tio n rea r u i e tor'iM eem pJetely.' On men, th li J 5iiae> a p lr .« n l‘ihi\li.- U u |h a l iood st. I flcd ^^' ’ S ^ E ls e n h o w e r 'e v c n 'te s t if i e d f o r a n e n d to t h e m m b unajr a m a s i n g h e a r in g a id i il one. Y e t it's so ci>y ci>y to i h.indle tiial it un lo lell thrm. (optional at at cex x trT c o c t) a d d s stiil more \ ■ w a s te f u l, div id e d a uith th o rrllly In th e a rm e d e.wr.e an open mind on aU debaUble t P-'l:cy. Far fn..m-it, tnicliononany :-j 4 c o n g re s s m a y c u t Ihe dd e fe 1 a n y n w d su rface. ^ l t ir u , b o d e c t . I i r a . v , jy P Y o u find, fo r eiam ple, there isn't a hill ' 9 I f SO, m a n y o f th e see an,d an c o u n tle is o th e r a-D «-c*if i-caieful 0.' oUiefi feelings. \^’lt and hu Jmple. Stop’ by y yyco u r C h e v ro let dealer’i other felloR's eipens* ar* rtre ly worih -------jj - a tf c a m lln ln y - p r o p o s a lla3^_th th a t_ j,- e r e _ n e v £ L r t^ .a t the oihfi H IIm a ro u n d t h a t can make mak< it breathe hard before another t o d d riv in g day goes bv. m3 ni»> hiii I w h ercteu t-trp ec te d .-------th e r go 3 g a r d e d a s ’re c k le s s' m a y b e fo rc e d o n th e y no aiifiition lo III nalured remark* rk* ai about H P e n ta g o n .’* mply lire >o that no one will bellere ii t\.Iv franrhiwl Cherrolet dralen d u p lij ibu Umooi trwle deniti n ttk ‘ ; T h e W c a te ilo e d ito>rr jo joli n s w ith o th e rs ' In Di»ordf'i'rt\i led lierve.« and poor dlgesUoo a r t a conn t b«c b.ck biting. • t h e a d m o n itio n t h a t n no oww Is n o tim e f o r t h e ■0 nm be loo anxious aboul gelling vour >mir iM PH O N E 414B - B ta x p a y e r s to r e le n t inn tthi h e l r p r o t e s t s 't o t h e ‘ o lour wwk. b* paUenl. keep your dup U ^ Df- ,


i»oel»t< prtvete, IdiJie SU lf eollfc*. He idcn W 8“P'-

-1.^1 wff* htld l l 10 ». m-mdiwrium. Cifl iniro’." Church **ld. | ’T»i>ir"!.« a belter wtspon t h a n I niniiry Jn ainnui* tood will abroad.“ • Let the Deniocrilif ptrty ad*o■ [ f#te tn ira ed emphSAU upon proCfsrtw of l^.^.^ielaUoB of Chief* nf W lo AlMks, ••» prognni nf iction" to rallFt. The avard, a (old pitied •d rti rtfBi.tr, It presented annually lo Al ,1 n.vM«t KhnoN »nd Irsl.lallnn lo the moil heroic liw rnforeemenl nlllrt n»lrtf In the naUon. INEA lelepholol «•': - "fonier^e tn d ptnieci - nm unl re3S *oi Aources. * I READ T IM E S-;^W B WANT ADS .- J ’ I

T lire e -W a y

T o p P ro g ra m s

G u n

...............‘ 1'! A . re A sk ed

1 5 1 G ra d u a te s

— « T UM » - A Iday > * '


6 lrl* ' C otton P*rint rin t D res*es

! 1;

1 1 P A IR U

ill W M t n 't C otton Tw ill V o rk P a n ts

D r e it Slack* Sla(


S v n ttn » r § rty, isn i s nffo r ix s d

rin k U m i t t a n t * M a e h in i w o th o b U , v«r{n 1l: 2 PA IR TODDLER G IR L S '

^her P a te n t L e o th er Slip p er*

^ ■

S iz e i S '/ i eo : 5 O N L Y GIRLS'

N ylon F le ec eI S Shh o rt C o a ts

$ 1 -50

u ilted S k irt. W o m e n 's QuHtc

$ «.50


1 2 !t«• H ll



S rT T T T T T W V

ON LY *6

•Odd l i i t i

i S




Diplomas Given “ Gooding Seniors?


L e a th e r Bedroom \ cm Slipper*


M en's W ork S hflirts irt



S Coffee U rn Given ~ “ Group by G range |

M e n 's Sport- S hirt h irts

$ 1 1






. WENDELL, May JJ-Slxly-llve: mrmbert and I t vl.Mtori attended' iiiti (tir Tliursday meeitng ot Mtsle' lltm Valley Qem club In lhe tlvl«_cjub' room*. Him GueiU Introduced bv Emeit L»» «•'»•'•»• IJlllin . —. i Kil« »n>. IliiiMf r ‘J * ’ Coupe. Jerome, prealdenl, Vere Fern "Jm .rei, JAndrewi, Mr. and Mm. H. F. Wau■ flB S B S B B i :k iifin Koner, Robert Klrach and nick D trton. T»ln Falli; nichard Jen• f ir j ? ____ ________ rd ,wr "nlnsa, W, H. Clitpm an and Leonard - . i l K.l»i ll»-.k«r. p*.»‘*l \ Jerome; Mr. anrt Mr». . J.tlft ArU** Hj.l1. l.tl* LwlKff llll! lila, Andenon, A tI , 4 O t. UttI, U,rl,n Ill.In. gSUnley Curlew. Kimberly: Herbert, IJIIiin Jnin, Z*d* U»f'i J****". M- vEnoch. Cildwell; Daniel Burlchecli, W .M .! ,••Id . . « IMountain Home; Mm. and Mn. IlU.t, «»•"' !>••» Kl*"". t'.V’ ''' Knopp, JJohn L. Kllaon, Einthampton. jtirr AlUn. Kf*f». Al*ln* kr.tfl, ,Maat.. and Mra. B erilia Parker, 7rV, Wendell, I V^ii O^*'*’ *!"'* M«kli->Mk. ’r> display iio n u in, irwmt X m Wkllinf. tkirtii * ["I; 14 O N L Y .Hr th ImIh ivtiiukw. ixui U r wiiMx. s.iir t d r local itorea tv o weeks prior lo (M WMitow, UilM Kir w«rtma. ttuanow U .-D lK U isionLIollD w eijrv; in; _________ .W om en-s Sw J wei e a te r-C o ila rjii-— Tr«»l-|rrH;.T"*MTU» admlulon prices and crab btg>. i TlHlta YuL * :tu-Held tript annoui^ced by 'F ran‘j! kj Oa TuudkT U l tlflith Kml« itu 126 O N L Y kb dc h r t-- Shearer. ■ , t I u ‘ IuJ AkMI MmU M ‘ cS S k » i Uu Uiu* t«;H Q uou (or Uie district, wbich InIn­ «d( « i H44 rnl»tt •»« **>h> a*t*M4* ih m »«• I J I M4. A M M«l4 lt:M ,N » me. clude* Twin Falls. CaaaU, Jerome. l : l i Mtrrr c« *«* IUp4)4Kf C4MlH> For thla picture only Uoet or th e poUtoes, u veil u i : » M>rt« a c;4} totallnc M13,000 « u mtde i 5 “ D A IS Y D E L L .m nim i rd ^ ter ^ each child ilten d in t^ clai^ ' rate of W,4I p tr loo. TTuttt amount amo GREASELESS If SS6 M A IN N O R T H -• came from the 1M« a uiar a ct r 'j ^ A Oood, Clean Place To Eat C O O K IN G ^ ‘’J' i*’*• s r a d - ; Idaho KTOwera now hareI received recel u tte a . Mr*. ShorlhouM h uu ccon>; ' I paymenla of t u a s p tr lAjj ton 1^ i _ ducted the klndergsrun (or Ute ppM tj 1;] Open Sunday Ircm l:: M ' | < I' toUUng t3,304,ooo. H ie company comp< jbie.uiM a«-ciBiaM< SAHGEiniUn F litg T T tb S t o a d

i , i . v i i ; « ' ^ r ' ‘ ^'^’r v

Plus Fcoturette: "V H IT E T A IL BU C K " c : "W _______ O pen 7 :30 — •Lost Lost (C om p lete S how 1 0 :1 5


SUN.-MON. ONLY H e y m o m !_ H ey dad!dad!—you and ihe kids are R onna love th is— its n< a puppy dojr too! (A its not



frrca t bip one)



E U m en tan r F L U Y eV . . CLAR1N~ET ly

M onday th ru Friday

For>6 w eeks ! C la sse s D aily IT IN G J U NE 3 — for S T A Rligh T I School, 9 a.m . Doily



te rr in s trx jc to r , P l w i e l8 7 3 - i— .........

A t Senior H igh ligh School, 2 .p.m. Daily

-------------------O e r t t a u g h t e r r i r

T Ue,IT IO N S 1 2 C h a r le s R olcliM


P L U S E S .

cliM e, in stru c lo r; P h o n e 1632

' A t J u n io r H igh

. ^ M B w m >is-B K »Kga»-«wta

— i* w m w .M M a M w .u n n f« M l

W IN T H E ____ _^afcJtfotor.-_Vu

* F I N E FIS FISHIN’ C A R — E nter novr , G rand-V t u id-V ---- ^- ----------------




C l K E S tA S c O P K '


W l l l l A M W v i E l i 'S PtOOUCION I

D essert

n f .o n d 4u rti« r H ts h . Pupil* IN E T . . . C O R N E T . . ■■TROMBONE___

>rtve*lr>-^O pen 7 o .m , u ntil t oI m .

L __ ___________


|r —

ay's" Drive In "Vee-Kay





" Fo m ie rty K e ith 's Drive*

D a n ish

ROGERSON NOTE I ' COFFEE SH O k P is v a ta a. v i > i r -

GLASSES J ot "V ce K o y V ' in Zombie Glosses ZOMBII J KEEP T H E GLASS!

j j



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*s •*» At Wm IIm L

E n d s

T o n ig h t!

D o o rs O p e n 1:1S P.M.



TIM E S-K E W S. T\VI> 'W IN FALLS. IDAHO J e r o m e L i v e s t o) cc lk C o m p an y

d S o ld

C o m m is s io n

to 1


T . F .


IM e u

en they »re brmstr.s jlp i o a hu:;erfri.

h t w id. % Ill, " If* re- O ncf Ihrrp



Trade-in i Your Old Albums Now! on RCA Classical Albums

B R O U G3 H H

» r rf • srr»i m.ir.v i i i J t w " ' “ "nlc • hoEs ' miJM in Jtro m f countv bu; ler (hr aupply li^« t>fri> doindlir.c m « . recent y w r *nd now ;» onh n in isll fraclinn nJ the nunibrr Uut cIc oner « riil Ihrouch the u l r i rlnc. P* h u b«o in IM llv;«tock on to he added. 51 je»«- »'* •». W hile n jo n iiu .iiH hl» »‘*n eprri«i« from Pr»l«r Vlt*. ’or ated Ihe tAtr» r:nc. Thom A t'dfJchn - trr, Mrs. llftyn \vili«n, hsiitllfd ll'.i* in office. Mrs. WUjon ii exiwctfd lo remnin in c h a::e of Ih r oilier alifr on Uir ‘'^ '' . « n f U vfii«k eommluion Ui trahJfcr. She said *hr ho[)r» ih t on piT.vnt »i»ff of offiee « o tk r;i *iU .nd onlr eommluion P „ »t»v with her. . “ “* 10 opfrtie in Jtromen r, « 'n io m a * SAld h r plan* to retire , n and to fish. H i' »on «ill ortraie his Jo m iiw th»i mofe ituin IV Vf farm nfnr Ji'iome and llie Inmilv h,^ii of UvMiock havf ‘O 12; «Mill rru in lU fredlou nrar thr A n y A lb u m t h a t * V ' M . nm . He ' salra rine anti *ill ccintinur to feed ,0 cattle. Mi-i. Wll.uin aald. s o l d f o r $ 2 .0 0 i Callen 1> a former o u n rr r t tiir o r m o re is g o o d lyilikeMocl; romnilsjion ynid In Twin ■j j Kalla, srllmc out la I9S1. Haum ;; f o r $ 1 .0 0 • tlf operaUng a cattle ranch a t Tlirer ----------------------------r n l R f i l c i

3 « s ; S ‘» -»•■■>-"

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1T H R O U G H



C O U R T E S ;Y y


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t°ylnEA p'l1M K 3-N EW S WANT ADS.


K L IX -TV T w ln F 4 lliC lio ii.il


M n g | in i f i t e i t t ~

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r>i''rf Tln.» J:iu-lti,h.,T Titrol l^ n S lT - r o 7 i^ A t* ir 11JO^KUX IlM^'lna * MONDAT ,

■iisaiays;l i i l r H S ’' Ill^ ^ g f







m M )LUMBIA *■S , The “gmtest" b 'jyWalL u^ 6 et0 2 “®Jazz re,c '^SWfOf’e'ach one * you buy 'sf the “ ■ regu/a lukr pric^ of $ ^ 9 8

WEDKESDAT 1 :»J-KI.IXjl«-Dri»,. :J*-ICUX Ko-k.r.*

l*;MlT-»"oI.**lh5 AUll lllW-KLIX lltldll...

tip. vltli th« frtiln t J u i el .11, ni_. per* □ ^ Trombsni (or Tmiirt. C«rtM«

USE 2 1 "


KW ^arrr UMra

.- ..I...! ,. wrf changer.



iia—u t * at Niabi

e ^ rn ld a h ^ V Southern

O N t N tY


R.< 11 :

rsiD A T

; if

» • 'T«Jw I:i^-yMlur*Tteur 7‘lUMna* i:I^W aalbtrrktar« tiD«-*[wU 1ilS-*»artt Caniar |i|»-0-II


1 |S S

‘ .iiitK sr:c: l!ilt!!5?s.sr ll:IW a.tJ.al Tkaatn

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iATtniDAT l!;M-KUX Iltidllnta ll:I»-PI*.»b*ll •;18-Wi»k, iiinV >:M-Ml(»iir UoDi. l::»-KUX Ko>>i>ndi I ::»-U nt Ittniir i:Eia-Jukl« Clnwa t:O^Annli Oiklfr



«lt^rhTl^ari'ara“ ^ >ii»-U*n M ind CtdM 1 TkMin J;” ltIi»-Hon>ln( naadllnat

•30B O O




l;5 tto » c u M t N . " ; ’’" ilg^n^bi* ii« *lOO—ItaadllKN »ii»-D*r«ml>.r IlrU* io:m-.«*

Har* k Mognovo* High Fidtllly in I m « l magnificent tnonn.r. New b«ou and convenlarKe from gliding g1o» to _ Superb AM-FM radio twner . . . h JL J_ 3^ ij»—rxiM*ei *KI«*bt 12’ b o n ipookeri plus a wide-onj lit—Dfiibuf D»r M ah'frequencybom fornnettiow id t :l»—AaU7>nat«n Kaaat prodircliort . . . 25*wot» dual ehonr lOft—t^Minar Tana* S S m Iis—UtUa Raaaak _ omptiflerj. . . preciiion record ehong 3 ® e ____ «.}^Wa«tb»t_________ wlih Diamond Stylus pick-up.The tupe llo^HI.O M jJoMile*, P/ovtfKiof S oren^a, In telected cherry ,.


Y. Pool*


: il

TUESDAY l!:l&-Our Ulu Rreolii lOft-MId^ir Mart llUWtMr*> *Ui»m «rro« iJO-«aa«h fnr Tomorrow i«t—Bob Cr«.l>T

Easy .T e rm s .

C h a r g e


intk e-ongU w id reehormel chonger . Ituperb , :herry.


; j| I jj



H H fl

ii •>== 'N - j . t M || ’ J ^^9


May U-Jane 1

'i':otlMl2Ia“ ’N ..i tllk-SwrM Ulnrn lilO—(toarrli (or ToiMrn* ir«» S'MZliiVika .

ly in Its beouty 0»»10P,

■W | |m ■ H I ■ M M il (M H

O lia iT S lC

i»-jt>'p*ia«k>* oo—WMKrs Tin* »;»»—J » and J ..n TI-* 0»-J.(k 11—Ooui M«kr4* lilo Z n ^ Retirt >»—Rffr c«-Dk>fldi. iic*—ni« i;J»—Lci >a—Lent Raaiar 7 :» — »—niB Tia Tia i:0»—nin • :J»—r.«i tlt^ N a i M—Cn CnuirMla *:M— J^ P jM W .^ » l Star* lo ls t-w J iJllM r" A j:r * .n i E .. 10:10—Mr. «»-Wmiii>r lSit»-W r

May I —" ■UNDAT


Boilt C h a n n e l 7


s u p e rto so u n d , s y ste m I n f i n e A Ti rT nQ l t u r t


r s ld .e c o n - u -e m e n o © a 1 X 1 « > 3 -BsJ p e o l c e r © a c te n d e r a . n gee p U o n o g r a - p l i .

WEDNESDAY WE! 00—UttlKM ThMUr 00—DrtiMtr D u ti—8*cp«t filArm { jJ tS l

| l^ U itlf^

Id o h s Fa lli C h o n . 3

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T:JO-Jmv‘ ll.nSr aiE>»-r^Wh4i‘«^Mr Lina

'">.2) III

50 [na-Mr. DlK.ld Aii K.wi ^ i* H it—

lk . liso—fir. 3»-nf. CkrIiUin Oft—i.K. «t ni>r .:»A—I.K 1:]»-Klt JO-K^n,d»m^ jM h . !«. i;oo~]r;y inliftHwa le ill—W, 10i40—Tbi lo ^ T h ii'w « u r Ut* m FRIDAY '

t:|A-Mr. BrMd>ir tr a N o E xtra


K*«« ■:l»-nMl lh* Clotli lieo-nill Corain Rk.lua l{«ru i l i t n l i . iiiVrm'

r.»d> • ;0g"tfr’W a.«ii




iK S T .;

■ T ^ - • i«U I(> kU r« -----------lio-tokraia I M M lOa—T%* U>n» ____ --------- iKii Ciuiiurmt--------------H r ;t»-Ca«adr Fartr at MohkiM. il>—Data Wllk Ika Aanl< ?M??i*r?rfirw,.n.. 1 M rOa-Ottrt iaHI*a iia-TU> «*rU «t Oi»* III Waatkar aATUBDAY lO^raaala Ar* Tuatt


!,':its:a.s" l:oe—Wastara KaUna* lie»-aalutdt7 HatlM*i lllO-CarUM Can Irt) t;»-P U rfc«u.


1 ! s a ^ ^ TWU*

M c T ^ i ^ i SHI^FIrTEtEVlSll v s iO

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B i t t e r F ig h ts

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WASHINOTON, M»y » wt»« *Wn)le fD fjjj eom m lii«, "°V




e t h o d i s t C o nn f e r e n c e I s

E n d e d


p T . F. *

. A p j ) o i n t m e ' n| ] tt B :

W i^ i t l i W

Bcirrlil followJAf friduatlon for Bcirri (or an colUi*. Nt»hrllle, Tenn.. tor » orientaUon befor* (nlerlni (he ihe fnrfm 'a i. Boe lm million* field a t La Pai, B( Urla. lon. % Th* Rer. Mr. Bhiy. Aililon. *i u named an elder tnd R ouI Miller, Mllle Twin PtlU. *nd Wllllim H. lAJfllow, lAiCloi dticoni. Nyiaa. Ore., were n im rd fltieon rou w The O tter of the Oolden Croi* wiu arold A. w nfarrad upon the Rer. Harold j tir. M Mr. Newrotn. t i j l e . tnd the Her. H annin. who a n retlrlni. Ig. tThh i awarda w en mtd* t l an tll.confei .conferinea banquet Pdldty nlsht. BoU«, Df- Herbert E. Rlchtrdi.I. BoU **^0 praalded a t thi recoinlllon Uon ie< lecneed U the U>* program. Introduced R ar. Floyd While. Vtle. Ore. wt re. who * brief a d d n u on the purpoi* purpoi n Croi Crou. O"'**' of 1“'* Oolden le organTha R ar.M r.W hlteuldlheorgar liaUoo ll open only to Melftodli relftodlit mlnU tcn with M y i i n or )r moi m on la rrlt* In tha Idaho conferenee. 'nee. D Dr. chariM K. Oonaldion. nilred. BeU * h a re been ilre n 10 d ty i In which to file briet.t In Ihr action brought fought IDAHO FALLS. May « by Jo e Myer* ig i/n it L/nwJn county county teuUre Id n a s e r M. O. Stratford o.' to coUect careuktr'a Itt* for'■ t*kJV ' >*»• Jdiho P o u to Producen tu o Ing car* of the Idaho Cringe WholeiVhole- tjiuon u ld today a propoaed nalalft building here. Uonil potalo grade libeling teett U T h e Idatio O nnge. throughI Mur­ Mur- tn honeat aitam pl by lha induiuy ultry phy a n d Schwartt, h u Inienrened rrened k, help llielf. on a queitlon ot the amount jn t of of euaU ord returned from Wa*hfee* lo ply. Howarrl Adklr» U reprep* Ington. D. C.. where ha tealKled bere ie n tin i Uie county and May and ly (ore eongr^ulonal conmlttee*I or May. Twin PalU, ara allornryi 71 for lh* propoaed aet. M yan. 'I t U an attem pt a l a lelf-help -------------------------program and dori n o t aik for payWINS AWABD jwer. menta of tn y kind to th* grower. FILER. May 3»->Shlrtty McOregcOreg- The only coaU Inrolrad a n ador. daughU r of Mr. and M n. Letter mlnUirttlrr.'* ha eirplilned. ed the Tha act would require the federal MeOregor. hta been preiented deral Ktw anU muilc award for her :r p tr- or aUte grade on poUto conUlnen. uclptU on In mu.^lc while InI Filer i>tate of production, nim e and adtlx In high aehool. She h u been actl»f in dreu of (he picker and would a lu ll. The rtqulra InipecUon. rtrlo ua bind* In lha Khool, kward U b u a d on alUndance, co--------------------------* ce, COoperation. Inlereit tn d UlenL .L BOMB ATTEMPT FAILS ----------------------------. CARACAS, Venezuela, May U W Redwood library In Newport, (, R.' I, — A bomb exploded tn Ju in D. in ia nn Peron't tutomotaUe today about *nd Klng'a chapel In Boiion lUne building* deilgnid by PeUr Harrl- lit* mlnutei before the ArgenUne iw j. Amerlca'a flrai profeailonal ailonal ex*dict*tor w u to enter ll. an aid* y. declared, architect, in tha igth century.

tr fr from Norcrot*. who li a tritu frr )polnt«d the T n u conference, w u appoin' M urtauih-Httnen. Mul iap. The n e r. 0«)rf» B rlfii w arch at poinud p u to r of ihe church t>m the ahelley. H* U a tran tftr from t lucceedi Oreton confmnc# and »uce^ Ued ithe Woodrow H arm , who luppUed r h< con. fn w«‘lam aiitrlcc of Ui« « ntluded R«>Um ta Fear* ftrence. rtippolnlm enu IncJW ^ “^1 , O onf w ier. 0 _^ IJndfmood1 to Aloml9 tn f r jy Com mW r . Libby. »tio repllfd to ” f**ri church a t Bakir. Ore.; lh* Ber. n prtw ed by ih» ml«ion»ry»cl»: -f, ^ K illh MUU and th* Rer. Uon Bo: ' wwinV. far. Albert SehweltMr. [la U on ~ lo lha Coliuier. and WhlU h i tiMT thi- prospfetlre wlln»4»ei. K ilth u churche* tn BoIm: th* R rvfiBii Ifa u on ereoed u M ylng Harold N. Nye. CildveU; Den ru k from nucliu- U*t fklloul U O a D im . aupply mlnijter t l Core. Ot «xtrtmfly u n til cooipMfd with ' • lh* R*». Royal J. Myen, m in'■. Or*': Ot i?rn.i«i" «r rliki. which a rt « p t r t voC A eii n l lh* Ra». Ray Thflmp«>o, FfulUar w n 2> ' day llf*.‘ l C 1 3 i tn* JUr. WJUU HjflJo*. Worth * fPo" ; But other prmpecUv* ,wltni, der. O n .: tha Rer. Lwlle B. Ball are phy»lclit« knd |(netlcl*t« ^ “5“"} Joaeph-Plora, Or*.; th* Bar. K « htT6 rmphMlttd th* d tn ie o J mdUUlct J. oem h ard t. th* F lril M*thod itAM rtdlkUon both lo peraoni now i S thurch o t U O n n d f. or*,; lh* R iit •n d to Ihelr descendtnU. » n d 1 lUlph D. Ohllnr. Hendrii chur o «ua»Uon»d wJiethn’ M «i«mhe yIj M*- u o ra n d * . Or*.: th* n e t. *17 N.u M knoK-n tbout fillout to I.Jiutlf Ha w u N tm pa; th i r « t. Jo»«ph «pn H. concludon of UIU* or Yo dw )|i ^ Couller, Hew M ttdoai: the Re r. le n T" **I»^ L. Ludlow. Nyai*. Ore,; :^; Ithe B fa lU in orrlll* A. CoaU, OanurJo. tiui D e a t h Q a i m h st a" H u - 0, , ; . I h i i u t . C htrlai W. E u i _________________ ‘ PaytUa: th* Rer. DtnnU U Mi I Una. Pralrl* Clly; Ira Orlffl )rlffllh. VI8IT MADE mlnUter for Rlehlti L . E . P o o I , a6 dltactor 8 8H0SH0N*. Mty l» -M■tr. r. and an ' th* R*r. Floyd 1 . Whi M n. a. K. siooklni. Lwmdro, a. Ctlll Ctllf.. ^ " O'* Val*. O ra, and th* lU r. J 6 Bite..a ^ P fi tn ^ M"- P- D. B in A r e a O f f i”c• i»*» * Hlckana. Wallowa. O n , on M trial hu " m an and fimlty IhU w«*k. He hi th* oonftrence. ’d fsree* been auuooed wllh tha armed forei llAZHiTOK. U ty U - L *nd eiaaley Day. a IIM graduaU *« »canUy ‘ "'J »U1 leai C trl P o o l lUlUld* hlihw iT dUi C ildm ll. -a»Si f « T O ,n .^ K g j^ cemmtttloner tn d t m m brear i of ^ o u i im p ly -th t-« h t» eh -at-te u nitL *tt.-:H , I g q n je r iwrloe In AtrlM. ■ — • m fM it— J«r«(n« countr d r ttt bo trd . i will take th* plac* of th* Rar. O Or< ne« ^ W d ty n llh t t t U»|Ib Vtlley nted td Weawr. who h u bean appeJntad F O ft . m orttl he«plUl. Ttrln FtU i. H» t>»» M*thodUl church In K*tohlki «. ■ Su 8 " “ k*Mr. Pool, bom In areenvlllc. “ >*• W e iw w u I See. I I, I ttt. ctm * to Twin r a il , „ « , d w xnan In th* M*thod tS o ^ t ■■ A Y a n d R O L L E R\ Oelober. IMO, e:««rtd b n u h In 1 ^ ^ admitted to lha ml «ltoa In 1916 tn d mored h e n acUofll ^ Uiry on full lU ndinr. Tha aeU 1918. H* firm ed In tha" ‘‘Hill P ’f " w u U k tn a t the TJrd Idiho annt « l l l i t l H r f n l » i i o l l gIi iIInm« ii I ia,p,rtanl day calli, „for dUineU K l w u fonnerly a dlr« * confennca a t OnlaHo. Ore. annual In th a Jarom* CoopertUra Jc?rian ^ Churchea a t Jordin Vallay.f. O rn,; ( Ui i n and w ti a ch trU r m tm ber of »* au aup. W 8wMt and Union. Ort.. will ba B etn O n w e n taacdtUon. H a v: pfJKJ by m ta liU n a t a U ter da member af tha BtpUft ehuroh. + « ~ «L I ». ,L Dlek Nr* h u been named lu p j B E N N E T T”’S S BurrlTlnf ara hU widov, *• u r a° ./ 1 mlnUUr for Appli Valley. Or*. McDonald Peoi. v h m h e m at . Robert C. Gulhberlet will lu p t Welier-KunUnitoo and Ihf R4 'J O N E D E R K O T d iu f h ta n . M n . lol* N»Uob •***«* fW hirrUl w u appointed A n • d e r lc ii Ait w «|| a nim it i> *0 *. XatJiJjB YtMBt. both I8 t>ek. K n . Leoa OummartBo. Buriey, ies. c o n r * in i c ity co it. Quick dryie ea (ill • **** ’*xtra* 'ipeclal mea. ^ t a t the eonfirtnca adueaUea Mra. Donna lUworth. C tc b r . Q rtd V u h tb liX D w ltht' •*** ^0“ iK tora w en appointed. M n. Dwlg thr«« aona. X trl Pool. lU aeltan enough to lend th* beiU *, W llchir, J*r«m», w u appoint T . P o o l Altmada. CaUf, a a d W» lld n n ll , conf*renea dlraclor of childni Fool. ATcadU. Calif. ^ P * rt* l f f t r *>» >»»’'• Orrllle CoaU O AUo iUTTlrtnt ara two brolh tarlo. O ra, w u m ppolnted confe '' O (DAKKii CQ ioai l u c t m y K m io e n i. ) C trl Pool. Twin T tili. a n d D fl A tJ P ool Dayton. W tih , tn d I tw o n f 'I'M dlraator ot youth work, andGon♦— la yagr p> w rpham add'i gMk pr««* H>a point. Iin ; two brolhm . Lloyd Bum* Itobert Bumi, both Iowa: fW* tera. M n. Ethel Lynn. U r*. Lui Y e u r p m tr l^ K e n i^«♦» H ddfugi. i onegar. ilraaiA, ilt*. «»d Jtffhea and M n. O pil Bulcher. rfatag*. AM le **>* »4 of (KaeaAir*. ^ >• knew. Texaa. and fir* tn ndchlldren . ‘ tads* af your »liemed>i. Mt. 7) 7)«|r mu(tip|/A« Mtecrtr* factof : al >*dIdA«. .Ad aiMklA iW * 0 M l e il a oame. you may » in ihit I ll.y if r r e r l A j k u if o f d tt iili.



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H A L F - GG>A L L O N


^‘" ■ " > • $ 7 0 0


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f f m s m i iM' -- f 4 , S 9 V tilu e ! ]\ ' P O R K C H O P S . .


a r) —-


NOT ON YOU o u ft



Service Is Set for Former Residei









: an

' '■I


BIDS TO » t n i ;i |iv to BHOSHOKE. Ma> :s - s « ,V are being recrlxd bv 5^ ^ highway dLiuici No. j .v ^ hall for an ollli;: >T Shoot'i comer rasl Ior : t i i - • 81 ■nd from Whlie> .lore JANICE 6TANSELL *' liO mllei. In Lincr-in « - ■ , ;; . . . ita t b U r mt .Mr. » o i Mrt. 1^- ,0 locallona for the pinj(c: Tk«




■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■






Award r

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roft THrs


M n. Lou:j j . s .f h ; ,, 6 her uip to :.‘ie r t:r ri' - - 7 Ing ».H camp a; T ain FilJ ;» , m l l the O rtr - , V Mr». Svehljk y r.'-.f I P U naatre rr.jec I ern council njir.iii.u 3 c [ ihown on iltiry nit's. ^aftre made Ior jucii::; , . .17 I , dairy th o rJu rif J 1:1 .. .. .G ary BrubiKer in;!-.* • Jrj ReJreshmen'j »f;« •' H ^Kathleen Kellel-.f.** ** ■ T hf next rr . ■ Jl Ju m 14 ai Uie C;;ar.;f

------------- 4 f r S e r A ! i c e - S t u d y j ^ h u baen awarded a n U»9 iBiUln- J" Bob Reeie Motor company. Twin [In |,iBg KbaUnhIp to Ibe College af ‘ .............. .. ' PtlU, h l l recelted a ipeclal train- jIdth*. Caldwell, fer high lehoel n: L mg award from the Chrytltr cor’f ' ,achUrananli. Mlaa SUnaett la**’ * RE*P TlMES-h 'n v S WA^T K t V • Toratlon In recognition of 11 y e an ,B iab a r af lb* FTA. FHA aad idf coniinuoui participation In the FNA. | FlU lU d a b . band. ertbetUa K* ma.«er lechnlcitna aerrlc* confir‘T* ,aad aeUra In dram atlra and ence. < airU league. She p la n t to asaj«r | Th* awird U a pltqu* with ape>e- 1In edueatloB. (S U ff tagraT lnn ! UPa*. BeUrU. Mr*. F. Malcolm H a a . ;)al.brom e liuert*. Reeie u ld the » a/M aeea U be learlDg farr UPa: he —I roce »wercUry of mUilonary penana*! mend. ItOlx. Idtho tanfereoce ’“ »• program- la deilgnefl lo keep m»- Add I m u* tiulm ea lo th a t butler itey. Ft; Ftjetle. chairman of the confertDca’a and the n«r. Charin W. Lutey. PHONE : t u '^ ’1 Jianlca up-(0-dite on th e U lctl dough for SntereiUng fUvor.' ercnt* beld In Twin FtlU cleted Friday. ter/lce tfcnniquti.________________ oookli beard ef mlwlont. Th* eenfercnt* « (SU ff phoio-enpatlnfl__________


i i '

F or 4-H Meetin,


i r r » ra«< Oa . ing. of “plunging the couatry Into civi'i war,He apptrenily waa relying upoii the outer province* and the bulk of Ihe army of iJOO rtfulara and «reterve* to aupporl him, rnt Since December, when Prealdent Paul Maglolrt »a« deposed by a >ng general iirtke for trying to prolong 1)1' h li term , (hU rfpubJlc ot four aiHIhe lion peopl* h u been rtn l by (he M. • feud* of to preildentlal candidate*, . T « o provUlonal prcildenU were overthroau by atrlkea becaui* (h*y »y Ihe «ere accused of (rylng (0 rig the elecUon. luppoaed to b* held June

bocnb Uitf t n a hot-

w u * i c o ntnvm y. t A I L V - --------------------- ^—


26,1557 "

T e a c h e5 rr ss

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PAGE NDJB [*. ^;.

lighway 93Talk, | - Earns Ei Award Dama image Suit FUed I I G o ld e n G ate B ridd nithard complainb (ilrd In Tw in n i l s PPone.i-..v . . . . . c t i o n beg.n ln;[;“aniom. Phoenix. A iil H i ihoofd | u 9£ >n a comp P.’r i!'.e Ocildrn 0 » tf brldse It has cpponei lm a llh hu remarki KMB *I« eourt ('rlday. probiie C0 brrn lug rifcadri i i llir puma donna 1933 Roy W. Jump w u progitni cliiir- | | S l f l or .Sun F:*iicbfo Uiidmirki, the T hlire Ibuiliif:.* :ud more llisn Ihfir, lan ot'f th r day. i Tilt It complaint « u tiled by t i Hare . ‘ ■iistuf of ;ibefi>"of llif W fll toast,, sh a re eof l:MB:t* Tog. high «uidi " "q Z. B nrum tf'aU ul P. J . Prshm. n r .J I «m E. nd oc ocean *ici;ij i-.rp : through Olhrr gurit* were J*y C. Pfiiny, n | I| 9H - ' ' Slit »flconie-tiumf jimbol (or an *nd ' Briint allr( It allrgfi lhe accident took pl*c« oL'r; Tom Jont* in d Jamr* f.'-n iatfd ] million Airfricin * frv -'ihtie e Gai G ale. Thf lu^I c urifnt rf.ctied schnM i H k. In a hfrd dlttrlct whleh w-a* erefv en kno-j. Workmen rnibedding ^ > workm w ori en whn formed ih i iflrcil^** lull ‘’''I rtinntr mcfilng Friday i t ih f f'.' |*'>d f 10 hr:i club." ind earthquake, nol lo mention the ' h a lf wav u '■'♦t’'*'* {■ lunwii e n tratedy iltuck. A monWe alloinl hotfl, unwsntfd rrpuution t t t jump-off T h en - } laK orm p;>ce orr loie lo u t and driggfd Hit bnnrt lli e Ih* hliloi-v rf ihe P-*ire for lulcldei. At Ini'. ISt per- plaK itplit'.e frem lhe ■•drf*m" in ih r —•— lo r j h' « \f ifiped ih« ::o ffei (rom uittff t v in e t .lU i IL T en men weir • ‘■Pi*’' ' ■ RUIU.. ^ -'IU-. Miy 25—C w ll J . Harkins IUif bride* bl lo dfiUi._____________ killrd. lU'rd,___________________________ rt.fiii riiy, Hf lold of the tto a ili ________ ELI.I5 MIU.CR TnrtnlPd ■ : .on of Mr. mnd .M ri.T.coni- 'nrrrnrm if andTtanjldTISlBtnilin r . ^ K k .-. I T llf Itory b f|» n In ltl8 when T h e tlowers sosr the fqulvalenl of t III conUlbution to lndu*lO‘ u * r." Mlllei nrollfd u mtm ber* of Ui* Miller, U t Taylor Kretl, hi» rf/enrolled Clly E n jm ter M. M. OSiiiu|hne**y t i alo.-i slo.'iea above Bin Francuco bi>. hn dollim < -------- --------------------------------- u llh tao ta o duices • m onth on lh* fiiraiL was lold. Birau.\s tineUve neUve dnrk red color, known lo lhe gf,fn 8fifniy.*U pfMtin.s have been .SOLli and third Saturdays. The SOLIIIKR l.s I.S' m :ia iN ‘"•••t ond d r as -'iniernalionni oiange." prevrnit T llf fen >b o il inifroiA oppoi.fd ll. waade n t f l H H I H M H H 'n>f ling committee w u u k e d to revrnifd (mm jumping (rom Ihe DUHL. JHL. May 25-Pvi. .Albert L. building c So Excep E xcepi for warUme blackouu. lhe briilir enu to hang lhe rlilgf One prr.-on. 2J.yeir-old Erlckjien, uien, *011 ot Mr. and Mri. ninkee arrangem am ES IR. HUMPHRIES - f< > dill lhe budiifl-mindnl u)m called CHARLES ^ ^ ^ ^ I w A T N C LIKENSS ^ rldse se haa been closed only once, Cornrali nin In Uii hall. ornrilia Van leilind. Jumped and Snorre re IErlcksrn. roiiie ■*.■ Ilulil, curtain ehooL h i l t rtfflved Nailonal Srlctio* fs ' foliage. The limit li (ivt varleiie.s oul of «any type. *uch *1 bfarded or nf b«ardle** wlUt one a(al( to a conYQI YOUR HOME a n d th e p er. . Ulner. gon: sonal th in g s It holds can T he arlUtlc arrangement* aee- hc h e wiped ’ Thi o u t in no time? lion in t lion Includes JS claue*. Thry are ^VIndHto^m, explosion . . . ••lUlnbow room.” inlerpreUUon nt can strike w ith dcvnstatinft (heme, uiln^ three or mori har. . . can wreck colon o( Irla; “aotden an- suddenness xud vmonlalng "" nlveriary." deiign uilng yellow Jrli h n hom e as ch o ro u th ly as """ lo Inlerpnl Jerome'* JOUi yg»T.'" '• fire! fife! "Blue mood," deilgn u*lng blue "BIi Iris *wiui town typ* (ollage; "Pink T 1h haa t’s th e big reason why 1^1^ bountiful.” dealgn u*lng orchid- you need broad, up -to bount pink IIrl* for a buffet; "Coffee time." dnte in su ran ce protection Plnk lgin luiuble (or a low u b lf . (0 dd uu lg for y o u r p ro p erty . . . the look io ct well (rom top and all ildei: f 'l' ••Little “ iln " 'd o fre litb le , e ip c rt pro­ "Llttl honey." dealgn not over 10 k we c an ftive your Inches In any dimension, using tection te c t Inche. xmall hon o m t in v estm ent! *m*H (lowered Iris; "Lavender and h old lace." using old-(a.shloned beard-




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b « I U v » . . . b u t H 't t r u e l Rifi I t 's h a r d tl o b< n e w . . .. n a l i p n o l l y « d v « r t l » t d H E L B R O : f o r • n « * h i i l f t h t l r « r i g l nn bb tl A w a t e h aMt fc E v « r y w t H d i h « » 1 7 j « w » lIs s p r i c * . Evi i . « tlf ttlm * if i« in ip rln g . hooB* n » w . . . in v * n o w i . . . Y o u 'l l b « i t r r y i f y o u M U f 1M * h U t « r y m a k I n f « a lo p a n y v J ^ b y l lt'» f o r « li m U o d t i m o ^ \ v > ^






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A jftf* membership In th* Aaolan Itli »oel*ty will be awardfd U t non-memtfer wlnnlnu Uilrd tf MU iTioit llr»l-prlie polntj In Itil culturil dlrtilon. “n ie »oclety* psfplf roMUe ribbon will go to IrU nwclmen In Ih f ahtw •nd bfil UTuiiement In Ui« w tU Ue dlittlon. T^hlej' win b# awarded Ui« ntft»uttJ «lnner o( Uie rnUrf »h9», KMl blue rlbbon«; gufen of Ihl ibo»': arUiUe iw eepiU ku and hit widlini. •AB Irtj In the etjltiiril clauea of Ihl hortlcultur*! tecUon m u il be I W by the fihlbltor and m uil U eorrttlly nimed and labeled. Oauintrt (or ipeclmen c lU M will k* furelititd by the ahow comniltW CfflUlntn In eollecUon cIuMfa aw be fumlihed by the exhlbllor udihmild be marked on the boltom m thf o«ier'* name and addre**. air-,ti In m» m iiural dl»lilon may >• ptwifd If necenttry and dried f»»w«houl(J be removed, in ro u p A of Uie hortlnJtotl i«Uon, ipeclm en aUlk* o( M-Uifdfd Iris. Include p u r * “ '>“ * ••Altar light." bouquit o( Irl* *ul(‘hiK; thiif.blue lin t: whIU-yellow ’•AH 'In riran e * U Onr BuslniM'* weni: ihiie-blup pllcaUa, (ancle*: able able (or church deeoraden; "Song »mi«.p-jTiie piicfci,,. ( fc n e le * ; of Soj Songi." dejilgn Illustrating » aong THOMAS C. P tA V lY *ttlifT(d. brown pllcatM; (ancle*; ild JlUf." r' labeled; "In*plratlon" lllusC*UblUhed U N tra lln i Uie nam t o( Irl* u.vd, la­ ‘fliif ind blue blcoJor*: whlt« and Ualln beled; "Prontier dayi." using Irl* jtUoT bicolori; orchid, lavender beled; t n 8he«heo« SIrM t E u l w ith s u e b n u h or drKtwood: rNcw “ •‘i; f«f. d*tk lavender aeU*. with - P h s m 281— Ifll*; dark blue-vlolel look." de*lgn In lhe modem manner “ P*: -blick violet;- vlolit, blue uaing modem Irl* (InUoduced tlnce | — rt«i blione*: pink o r lav- •• ^ W f n d i; roif or purple blenda: a i k M i ^ u*. Ul tr.d Ilihl'blue *«l(i; medium ii Wtt; crtam »el(i: lemon or A ^Sto-jcllow « ii» ; yellow, me- {a «-M Of lull i(it*n*liy; yellow pll- ’ £ “ Ju^rea, brt)»-n: yellow plleau* S rr-wt. Blnk; xHiow or orange W- r» . iT ' blcoloni (varleiaU ):


lj ' ”■ J 1 it '

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Peavey-Taber “ “ ■ Pei


Heelings in Buhl i Wee


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i t f t f H o N i Y ^ l vIweek y B llil ..J -h m mw i/iiim sm 1I


Sf.S-DAV. M.'Y


pagb t e n C Co io n v e n t i o n

w F r a n c e ’s N e w

T a l k L II ss

H e ld

T w i inn


E n f o r c e m e n t D lir i r i e c to r A p p e a ls5 Buhl B Man

F I a lls

F o r P r e m ie r


ee M e m o ria l Dayi ■yi


D e a th - F r e e

D ig s

•w The tuxllliry iu t« - p o ltc e mem-'^'^ ^ .i l d i h o A *aocl.i;-;r"-’ r", BOISE. May M (il — Jd th o 'i law ' ng.iphyjictina loi3i\ ly bcj bert etrry no w ttp o iu t n d m y no;'*’' enforetmenl a ir« » r appealed tcxlty j,j5.mteung h e ir o' c.-. Koehler e»plalned itiii:” ' Ifor the cooperiuon of m o to w u in mtkearrtal*. mi ' I n to P ro from cr.e ;; aiilit uniform ed offlcen [n'flatw™ la U drlv* 10 give Ihe l U t t t dtaU1i- they Uii The Idaho srt.j^ aflle piin>I dullea. PAIUB, t i t r » ifu-iU Me Pleven Pin , ,|annual cojivfi;;:. r; ti IdJj -They ire p tr u e u ltrly helpfull'r •, plunfwj inlo Ihe Krnifh poUll C elecled a - . -tfo t l dtnjerous lnMriectlon.i.* Koehler, , all uniformed ollictra of the Idttfo ’l »hlrtpool »nd oul »( word O lhrr rrr. ~'-i t ?,' 'I Uj*i • toluUon J « th t MUon’i ccitb . lU l t police will be on duty. In tdd-- u id l , "By ,»UUonlng U itm ielvei •^"ident. ."iWoodUnd. IdM;') I , . , •I- luch ln « erui* »ill b» t wosh Job tnd i dlUoa men t« i|iitd U> roving portlui ipou tn d direcUng U tffie. 'theln, - V }3 ‘■'idem; Max C.ill. . •*, ck tuxllliry pollcemin relievea a r e ; - ,!! jrucd no t I Uk« ft lom lime. T hli lurprued of-entry ptuoli. ‘ ho nortntlly check tu '■ «i». OD truck weighu. till be ordered to ulir uli officer, who can th e n aper.d h ji tr ol t ttme on the hlg h » iv a watching fof; fori Direiiora « f :r A :.; 1 Th* UUI ei'prrm ier. lr«dtr irtlfic duty during the dty . tin . Uw vlotaiora." [. , ‘ tnlddJe-n»(] iplinur iroup, K t up AiiuUng regulir officer* will be trifflc tri UftlO. Donj\.iii V a...... \.^ > , trm porw y hfidquirifri m tn innrx ent ir* Idiho't irtffic d r a ih record O'l on ind .r D ttvtie Mo-.;;-';the tuiiliir>’ poller, t n or* of Uie fortim mmuiry w begin hfgir t tn thi the Memonil holidty ii&Elf u (ood. ganiMUon nitdt up of Amerietn ttod. _________ ' v . I MTlra of Ulki *IUi I n d rr i nf Olhrr ou There werr two ffU liites on the di) Lrgion memberi. T t I • polillMl p»rUf» »nil « ilh procnini rncnincni on tn ISM tnd one e tc h in ISU md •'We hope ihrouch the cooptraUon i'l offlelili. Kii eldri u id Uic»r U e»r Ulk> n- !*• 18M. In other y e iri in t h t period of the public ind *'ll** **'r* > »lll continue over the »etk-j 111 chtcktd no Memorial day deiihj iroU on the h tjh tty ih tl we will th iltU SHOSHONE. M.v :5_o - v ti' throuKh Tufjdiy. were Ilated. >1 htve t cleir diy on MemorUl d tyr." .- wc lanl. Colfeyvillr K>:.< ,.,;v v.' > BpokeiniuiforPlcvrn’i o o n p ti lie ---------------- ---------If Koehler u id . "1 pletd for ihe public tnd Mf». E -rl Vi:..ar.t the SoclilUt tnd DrmocrtUc Un to be good dyiveri—and w ttch the Sgt. m d Mtl. J.', T i - t ? . . , II’ of ChA RftUltncr lUDSni.. em rmpi pht. f ion left Wednr«!>' ' 9: > - - ,2 olHer felloK." : Jl •Itrd (h ll Plerrn doei nol iniena intend to _ Only one' tnllic detUi marred RUPERT. M ty 3&—Darwin Lvnn where he 11 '[ I form t fthln^t himvlf ; , „ i ani‘.J Ik. l',' Andenon. infant ion of .Mr. and Mri.'^I lit ^ e y itjtu f d Itlll hV i» »im » timpiy y tir. Bul rtcordJ of the traffic Olen O. Anderson. R upe rt, died Salill-1f----------------------------------------|| I ftCUnt u ic rn l Inr Prrtldrnl fli rnt flrne I ttfe iy divuion ol ihe a u ie hlghwty urdty at the Ruperi O r n t r i l hoj- ( c tl opin. I . 'M '’ ! II Coly in eoundini oul pom itil op deptruneni ilio» lh a i in the p til pltal -|, fotlovlng a aliori illntja. 'Ul a» ntl.' Son 00 *ho»ji(l mh»i ctn pul r decide t i mtny u 10 pcrtona htve T ht child wa* bom Feb. 14 at RuI etblnel loe«Uier,\ toil their livei m th t tn n u tl Memo- pen. „ Sunlvlng are hU p a re nu. five. Caald B« M tnrurer H ah m o sd : rltl diy holidty period. , brothen, DtW ayne A n d enon, BrrmT h it aorii record wta le l In erton'. Waah., tn d Eugene Ander>rrer, be . 0 ! i Thl* poeiUon eould. ho»rrer, ISM. T ht divulon lu u d a fivt-dty ton. Cirlos A ndenon. Dell Ander-' •; I only M mtnfu»«r to te l ihe it. ie he lU b ’ O rg a k '] period etch yetr, tunning from May ^ j I __for * “d r t f f of Plevtn to> lucceed , iu « , u n tn d Kenneth A ndtraon, all Ru38 Uirough June I. In IBM one perPremier 0»y Hollet t i Chief chief of k 2,' pert; four ilslerj, L a n i u Andenon. Itht. «on dted on .Mty 2S. four on M ty 3S. Went, tand Mn. Adotph Macbaeck. rliht. ; I ■ foremmffll. tar ii-M fB t. fr t M tn l el Ih f IdiJ^e> iila l t lUi O tilr. M t. n oiu. tit* pt*»ldenl, ,• ^C rnda Andrraoa N orm a Andrfdr;___ _ SIrt. Jottph nuBB. Cotar trt of Ihe botrd m r t Salurday lo lay plini 'lin i two on Miy 31 md three on June 1. _ • . Mollet m tjn fd Tue»d»y nii na for Buhl, ita te Iretiurer. Memben U icll't eieeoUfe boird. revlrwt plana fnr *' aon tn d Jin e i A ndtraon, all Rupert, Howe I)emao»lrallen teunclU iBgi Oddly. Memonil d ty lue lf w“u tn d grtndftther. O llle Andenon. when ptrlltm enl rrjeclfd hhl» ltl Roteraon. (SU ff phelo-tngfatiBgl R tlph In Ih t b iB v tl room of Ihf lU lUlel it I t t ronvcnllon la Idths jih o r tlU Htpl. U -K . wilh Mn. Rtlph propottU lo pty for P nn ce't c« detlh-free. * * * * . o, BuperV . five peraoni lu l their lives In Punenl aervlce* a re pending ti * * * V ’ , pftlcn t i t i n i i Ihs rtlK lt ini'Alg*erT.: Algn I the ilm llir period in 1SS3 and four O nt tource itld Pleven inlrndt ’“I Uie McCulloch funeral home. Burrecommend. In t report lo Coly r , in ISM. Two were killed In 1»49 and B Ln r S t a t e G r o u p C (o n v e n e s a t T . F . * BURLEY. Mty 25-E lghl held _____________ Wedneadty. •."round Uble conf S two more in 19J3. L aii year. In td - .J r . of citile. three of Ihtm Brihm u. r n c e ' ot ihe ehlelt of the “nttion • diiton to Uie ainglt holidty ftU llly tldiy ; LONDON. May 2 4 .'.ft-A fwllo“ there »u> one d e tih on M ty 38 injurrd t l S pm . Frldty p triie i to htm m tr out • comn' l e m o n s t r a t i o n M LC e e Cl' l T o M a p u id when h ll b'y two l#M Pord pick- .meA.Mge from the Mnytlouer IIdu^l'lbttle procrtm. I I b y tirr-day period'* toll itrailon c h tlrm tn : Mn. P. L H inttn, 1, lUali lUaho u p i 13 niilei t t i i of Burleyy on lodty th e liltir sailing ahlp dupllntUontl" I d th o Slate llrnne DemonilTkll In Prtnce the idJrctWe “ntUon caling th e voyage of the plljirtm „(j W o sh ed W o o d R iv er It be bwn- n illi, loulIi'Ail dl'irlcl rhDrmar ilrm an; hj»h»*y 30S. llgrlm ^ jj, Uir decide—In JS5I and nmuniiU rounetl met StturdMy In liit U usfan »"• hi.i re tu rn to prai TO TAYI A U -G e m S ta te tu tl o n asenl; Mro. J. M. nPier ilble in in *'''rrcd roll caK by dl^cii.ulng: club; cluO; e re r. Uraga htrbor todiy. Crewmen ttl w ith U. 8. ISI mlKhl be poulble len tald TK'In m i l , hlilorUn. Mri. R. I- they pltnnrd lo Ihrow proteii ChltTproject.' n t a meeting W day t l the lei W ith of(iccfl Rt 'I’f Valley Ju n e 3—W :eii let- ifiSS. Stale Highway Board ChlarH endenon. Idaho Palli; (tmlly 1 le ri in Ihe •'coiiUmtntled tet." H,v hnme of Chnrlcnr Orove.v illyJUe a." m an Rotcor Rich anld yeslerdiy. U n it f o r N a v y - , 1, 1,. Bobeiie Lrlclilltrr, president, conOne of 40 fliliermen tbotrd >rd ml inld Rich tald he ihoughl there mltht ,,7 ‘: ,t dueled m e irjilo n . Thr neM meelthe boaU were hetded for Ihe Qrli 'ie B rll- b« a n rrd for tuch t rotd. tiler 'U llh C hrlilm ii W ind I n l tirra r r t -I -10 luncheon with cnmmWioneri of five ‘"I' "* I s S c h e d u le ! nil,, Pimela M orsnn. * S /» « our protein . . . bul we ti tr e upper B ntkr river vnllry counilei. • > M U S I C C tN T lH T e I .- 4 6 3 0 -N not on a iiileiae miulon." Tlin two highwftvs t r r Joined lo !, , A tpeelal eomptnr of Idtho m PhoBi 3Mi i i i .Mlla b l A M .' :h"*ou° TIMES-NEW S WANT AM. Idilio Klyoihl Oiilihl. one of Ihe tie car cap- Id th o Fnlb bul Uien brtnch oui, ; be cnlUted July I tn Id d lo so BOISE, Mty 3S ilT'-The Idi I lodty lalni, tald, however, "our p ltn ii tn t ir e u . S. SI tn Butte, MonU. tnd U. S. t a t the Woolgrowert atiocltUon ttl d lod ‘ through U alnlnt a i a unit t were U> flih In the M trihill b ltiid nd tor tone 101 to W eit Yelloiviitonr, Mont. ( t t l t r n Idaho llveitockmenI «< , < 8 tn Diego, Calif, naval training iralrU luly.” 1 icemed and come bick h rrr m Itie July.” Knitting becoming Increailngly concern I cenier. reporti the nav7’4 recnilu ?rd IIn- The M nrihtlli tre looir MO mlli over liuecl. rodent and weed i aUUon here. « rner*y w ril of the ChrUlmti liland arr >e naw named ff*U tlont on the atomlo tn er J Tho Idaho company wilt be where B riitin tlreidy hi* irited ]. t h l *0lem le i



Visits Listed ^

Infant Dies

” ■ jffiffiNNOWToKa 1 7 ie



Vessel Now 1,800 M iles From U. S.



D er


'■'7'Japanese Ships Sail in Protest !st Junction Okay Is :' S To British Tes Test Sought by Board




Carver, M.D. Dr. M axW .. C

;ts jI an n o u n ces R eports Projects

A venue 676 Shpup Av

z i'

j g j j Alarm Expressed nun „„ Over Infestatio

W est

fm iiib

Twin Foils

C. of C. Meetss

M a g ic C ity S ! , R o o f^ n g C o .

riSi" Youth Chosen for " S Institute Delegat



}or a long. 7 %pan of


l -

n fftin. S a m m efj

i ?m': Woman Injured

Culligan annoi inounces v a y to h av o

H ll n i i i i






b R O W E R^ W IN D fo r



S a v o r . . . O N C E o v e r a n d if n A L L uke I t! F i e ld tr ie d a n d te .'te d f o r iV e st Tfllk a b o u t a W o rk S avoi O V E R ! B u ilt to T a k e I o v e r 6 y e ar# in th e W e s t

•' '


\A H B

or own l( y o u rse U . . . new C ulligan w a t e r lo f te n e r providct a n u n lim ite d tu p p ly of q( K to f t w 'a te r r e g a r d l e it of iom ily l i i e o r w a te r u sa g e. T h e W o rld '* L a r g e it U ie r o f D O W E X

liH ^ re

te t froi fro m th e f * 3 f o w c o i t w a y s

i itn iiK^H l\l| IllB



1 Yoor profili go up a t o n .^ OMC pulli cmtt down . . . by loving monpowtf,/iof»etl ' powvf. fine ond onim »ilh the OMC Windrower. Jwt p d u tK L ^ e itu u s one man end one mothlne «c L __ I , produce fluffy, qutck curing windrow* of hay o f groin.___________^________________________ Save 6 0% by eliminoting ;bad.«w etK See Ih* OMC today . . . 8 ' fo 16' cuti, --------- —

• K l ijl

t ;


. ‘ r --------




H K '^ £


f l M | IV , 9 d .

A N- D

I— SM*4.r4 tm l ,. b „ |.


Sicklo Bars


Low Bor S ickle - Sll



PH O N E 1 3 7 3 -W ^

m to Rtler*. Howtrd RotoTtloni ' B n n ltord M apit Letf Btle r Twlnn

"P-F" flytri are the only eciv ve> thoei wilh 0 built-in megk wedge lhat helpi prevent tirifl, • r o n u i g rouNDATioK

i L

SO FT W A TE R a * f a a t u r a d in ffeeoot t/ /i i n g 'm o g a z i n e i C a ll Y o ur L ocal, :al, P e r m a n e n t E sto b liih ed D) eolei e a le t T o d a y !

] ; fjl


iH iiH • ■/ fi I B f / f M ./ r '. - '/ f i

" I


ilroined foot ond leg ihukIii.


-< 3 _ S j,e « - n V - -Chlld«n'*-to-12't-77T7r2;98—

' 2 .7 5 e— ^ 1


- Single R ock T y p e G u a rd 3 T ypos o f Ki

ig le " Down t h o S h t i f You'll “Jinglft-Jangle" yon» t h a t You M e a t! and Surprise Everyona

AUTOMATIC SOFT WATER SE8V1CI Only Cvir.|on rtnt •». 1k*lr - s r W Kot* vh. Kill «o»r ons >KTii« bo^k no .Qylp..., b«r, »o work V> rfo. Aftt, Ih* aJopI* o>iS'oI Iniiallci. Hm . oH rhoi’i r*4w*d ti • «lail Iron yort C vlll|e .

1 3 ' * T*«'I . M ...................Antonatit l«nl«*


C U T S P E A S ,^ID Gl


k' L JL

ur rn»nl

Tongte or

AUTOMATIC HOME-OWNED MOOU Tfc. C.T19. . A..6,aH«. II. d i.li'.c ti.. .l,U g a«d e U c ^ i « M ............... glv».yo««i. p .;i,oro*~.,llMfV>«it«ol»>wl'M«ri>.o4< A«o:iobl* >.ih 0., Dtattf. Alk obour vorjr lan-i, $290 f >um »!.
. * i U ll right It takrs a law U. fh n n it riat'.i what » f nred. 11 for rrioking llrrnirs fur working ev [rnsrs. Drlirvr nir. luiltiliii! work badly siakr a driver k i con’l'lo',l.^ hours and o' aniriy hi the lulure. ab«it ll Ilf >l< thoutht lie mit,l gel < > 'trs of m’t rrallic liow valunble days *lthoul t licrnMJ by torr 30 < iise U until >ou've li.it il raaler lhan than Ik cimld loje iht pay I a violators tlm r li mi. hr from „misiin u .m , prompt relurii of h;< rlghl Today ay iM. iMay IB) 60 dav» Uirr. he k, drive, *U11 does no have hU hcriur bark. ors not ' itr xM i na . HOWARD KtOER ' Heree U Is the Ih abu.v 1 ap.>kr or. He iMurtauslii --------flllrd in all fomis u Mxni us h r ------------------------could. He aent a^ the new inMiranoc lUVr.RT R f ItCMAINS HK'.lt um. ui undrr the •aaiilcneil rL'k J*OCATELU premium, TLLO. May 35 .r ._ l li bark u prmnpUy aa hr rePortneuf rlvei plan.river remained al IIikkI crivrd: nolle notice of it. He hat riniir tUige Friday. ^y.

iuild at H ospital IS taate te Scored for Long Chief Notes 'Guik Veterans’ Grouj) C )ng Delay ror,',,’;;; i Returning Man et “Forgotten” Says Thanks for ^ In World War I Vet Ian’s Licensein',r;S, Story on “Pinky”

Coverage ‘Draws Praise of lle e f s

V e

L o ca l C le rg y m e n K

of th* lan u il U »cailtftnee. n m M rtto»dioufW exUl* Uwfouih. (f* /«oofrtUT* mulner la ifie -iih « “• h ^ td . ‘^ ■ T h c f^ r '« °°r^prt«lon Ui*t “ S ^ . ^ b e r o r je m . W g r ? „ 7 i .U h to wnuntnd Uie

or. Ttnifs-Sr««: a iio r. Tlm ei-Nf»»: . th n;■> a man oHer hU life for hU i think Ihlnk It Ihr m«*t e ffettlvr «eaix)ii At l u t we will eilt Ihr cily cf counlry intrr.TTlnif>-Ne»a: «ant lo Uunk vou for the won- our Uw fn fnlorctment offlcen havr ivhen 11 * u all over there »-■ iI »ant rwln PalU our home for three J05When ::ul au »ui.-y on our -I’lnkv- project ig .iru irt; nstt Irtffir violallon Is the reTie imarchlnt home ai*ln. A,Je:.u. p•Ul u . di day. June 11 M tn d l i Thr'icame SI. Brnfdict'i I k ^ jk I ji I. W hrrr yoking ■sUul nation gave u i a b ead ; i at si. 1 ng of is driver^ liceiur. *cond aruiual Conrenoon of the KrcsHul itcond rrr *aa*o lilUe to ».iv jtMUt lljo u l Out «oi v'et ltet rra . . n i World «ar : will be held'weleomi Jt I1 «ondrr ll th f public knows leome Uien. men c h e w d . twys :iiere»aj r. < quite a fealurr ariirlr. n( ann abux abuse commonly pradlced m [njifd. the ladlw all turned mit iCt i: on in Iho UioK dates. ahouied I have he.ifd much (•oimnnit on ll regard to It «e felt iiy when we Mme. Y et we are Uie lam r boyi tha-.: andd •( rd It. Yr* Jn de Sam called for back in isn .lh o mme. e. 'There wert reeepUoo com .jim11l1 i!ir mrmbers d ::ir ho«plwl n Marc March 17. niy hu.'Oand had iw a . paradfi and apeechei. W fi;u!l.linr ;!lil liirludrntS l'lrr .M.try MarUna, h b licriue fhe boys that left ihelr liomri.l m itt^a. T he b llcfiue rrvokfd for 3 0 'days on n o th e n and fathen. and family '« r rre e hhrroa for a day. bul for a idniinLii. lniinL.trau.r of the !i.'-:>it.il, wUh „ rrcklru d moihei ckifu driving charge iforcrow only. We *ere quickly fonoito-i to exure.rxrrr.v. iJiclrapprr. iJiioii a!jo. I mg a1 «hlif «hll h u r l.'T h e Murtaugh ind went marthin* otl to wtr. Dg, dayy oni' MADf: 'OU ft folki remember thoae timet?, in the [fio irin j TwenUes, lubmerci J M ADmT.-s;rNnKlUl [poUcr ;r ludi ]ud|e informed him n was you 'l*ubli< )1» P“ po sK n wllh t;ntle.Sam point- m Uie irra t depreulon « Hir .l*ublifiiy f*,,iini.in. Si liniedict'sl mandator)' idtlor)' to revoke the Ilcen.'ie in* hi flnier dlrrcUy t t ui. and ih uifllci nc hU ilri and swallowed up In ihr Hospiu t mid.^ Hospital Ijer a _w kl rteklraa rh irg e. A t he was he wordi. •'Uncle Eam Needi Y o u r aecond :ond world war In th e forllr.» ---------low. w t need Uncle 8im. UnnoUi :inoUeed except by thoae who red. *The surrlvon of World v.arj e .w tft younf and itro n i and cared. W e. receded Into th* p a it and Iniieid r* ire w tre U u ih t lo lore our country 1 recedi w* 4 a mi n love* hU molher and of a lir livini memory becam* In tciu-

ihy. because we u ld ,to ourtelvts.j Thirt: rhlrty-nlne year* afte r bein:^ ' " i S S ‘n L V i i p S u L . 1 ) -oG™ .! Jitered out of •ervlce w« have reater lovr h ith no m in than muitert ■mfd the Veterani of World War * * * * Wf tiave btnded together, tn be ddlea loseiher for the th e n « h ilr' Mil be here, i t looks a i thouah U the only way we had to br i h It w Iiit ro nlr/d Bsalii. T he World wsr reierana a rt paiilng away t t th r le of «,ooo per month or M,OM ■lll'i aapproval wts not u easy a * i~ r* ri Nfwr blir* r yyetr. w« commlWw on Uhei evote ^ t would Indlctie. W« believB th a t th e jrra i of«tnU*lleni » n d -Whi -W hen the MUl consreai adjourn- niatorii Oorliy of World war I Yttenuu d, HR atUl pljeon-holed in Uie d their ftmlllei favor »)m* kind enate committee on f ln tn c e -a p - o^nM . Uon oj Uted SUles h u pUyed Santa ’ There also appeared rep reien tt- c latuu ti ii %>i * « r tin e it ItfUUUr* th tlrTJier 10 a mtjor p a rt of the worWa 2 d X v 2 S M ? o r W Q r I d W .r tlon U lon from a I t r t t (roup of women nonuin puliilon. Blllloni have been ap-ho ipoke In ftvor ol thla monf ! ? £ tfBllrt « » “ » *ppe*r«s in who i| oprltlfd tnd spent for w tlftre of rsoM In f ir awtjr countrlea. The L f ,S e HU WiUmonT • « « '« " troslty of a forelin ild prosrim . u >eU ami several oitier (roup.^ who do M woke ol “>*• tdffilnl*"- well yt ot. World war I are not U>o •ve eno ■^1 i ^ n ibout the »Pd fcbi. U o KelJey have; •t SU lo SI. lh* fliu t for th*----------------- ----------------- *--------------- purchii urchited the home of Mr. and Mr*. | ts# Na It NarUs Main rbon* U!6 UTT gweet to icaitheait S h o t h o c e .l^ ^ ^ ^







p y i

I :


« p s



_______Choose _fromT l thth e se jam o u s m ak ers of i ' s sr sm artest play clothes A m erica's






. 9 gk mM fK tE ^ • ^

\S L h

-J ^

us USE









SmarUy sty rUy atyled by Foaier HochyA / berg In all Uie colors of th t —/. bow. ..................... .................................... /

Heart Disease


I '■

. •


'W C S a t ^





ta p e n to ■ faihlon tune . . . V Y ntO Upei tliapcs you you in J a tlny-waUted look, tn !ful < empire bodice Uiat lur* * araceful I tl croised straps for lu n - ^ render* Itl nlriff. Ijulex, u le x . *

V V 1 {




V m m ,

I ■ /rv _

TAPERED D py PA N TS Clever tUittolnc U olnc ityllng by California Til* Hoi Hobblea.



. ^ ^

Ihoshone’s Visits, ^ Events-Reported - H



S’lOSIIOSE. Mty 3 3 - ljU Chril•Jffi. Cond., Id a, vwied Mr. and Hall T lmndty. Un Cirrtr Groue U vUlUnc Mr. >Mrt. FrancU O rane «t McCall. Carroll and children ft rnumrd htre BfKr a tUU wlUi r in Montani. _ C SinarbrfMer. Illlnois- Li vUF I) -« h!i d»u:hiiT and family. Mri. ■ ** ''fm in rih . !!?' Vancouver, w. ir;rt Mrs. Oene Paul tnd ;|h .'r. rortiniid. Ore., tre vUlt• Mr. tnd Mr«. Jamea Hanwn. BW.(U J c n r Myers. Ntmpa. U Lea Danner.


he Paris


r W e P r in f Forms That Fit Your Business


Gshion Fash


, Plan Ian



v S

By By ro tte r H ochbfre To mix in d match,

^ • M?

■Is; Your Yc




udget . Budg



Every b u sin e ss Is " d if fcere renn t" , b u t w e'll


desig n a n d p r in t fo rm s to fit fi YOUR b u s-

I n e u o p tro tio n s lik e a glove jlove. Coll us fo r 1 S « or P h o n , u , l „ ....................• - p rtK tico l tu g g o s tio n s - a rirxtd i. - c s t im o le t- o h m i M D E llV E m E S ol— _ _ ------------c ost.-B olh f r « ! -----------------------

L^ ■



CoH on Tw ill . sho rts: : By Poster Moehberir

• Gasolines • Oils & G reases • Fuel Oils I^ ! i

‘ ■


I’s Teachers fwin Falls School’s ise of Parents; Ai’e Given Praise

Stomach Sto

• > > i .

---------------------- -/---------------

} •

^SiSS^h«>0 »»rtnpj««

Homes Bought


Maude Knott | ices Are Held

S c rV lC e i OSE. May » - P uneral SliOSHOSE, irre held tor Mrv M aude ^^rvlc^» uere In Thursday In BU Knutt *l 10 am. u ■alhnllc churth here w llh I’etrrM Cilhnlle John P. C a it^ Uie Itcv. l'*Uier F*Ui Wlrbrant. Pallbe.-vrtri i rtn w were Veni Lee Jo h n rln Cole. nxi. .Marvin Col Orojg* E. Sy a n l. jr.. O rm er llopprr, lie and R upert Mmuiine. Shoalione. Shotli and Mike Ran* dall. l!(len. ll. cmirlurtlnc line nr iel Hrrr held a t si,i«l,oi,r ermelrry ermei undtr dlrecUon ii.. nurcifii i irdett funeral home. ‘ Kt-C DRAtT C CALL LISTED May 35 m — Idaho ha« rO leE . . May Ml 10 tjrrn iNkril lo provide 50 men M uctinii undrr the lelectlvo irmy llKlurtlnii .frvkr prosmir ro.Tnin during July, iia ta ’.rlrcUvp arrvlce arrvlci h ttdqua rten an> r i d a y . ____________ _ iiiiiiiirrd F Friday

^esents a pre. T f f e - P A LRIS I

Useof U.S. FundJ ffor Chian" « Man 111 Boise Vets Is Hit by^ ]V

™ u n c j. a , „ Q u A L in nO D ucn

1 firrythiiij hr c rtlu n i ol ^hia ' ; ; I' r . ; " i ' ; r , s r : ! M r s . M a i p Itnir nf liir rrvul.rniriil n •

P h b n e-S3 8 - -



A « . p r , t . n l o t i r . W ilin c < u




o o e tf i J e i l i o r t K a »i < d 4 (e d k a l r i p e ^ C gtiU u’i* ituBoing ituini Smaoiii . t u k t r with new ....... ............... ihnew.wWe , nootL, liim, |tb ird in e - ................... . .BI m H B ' __________ ttdt-ew ayr itnp*. it n p Boldtr______________ mA W Lihoilairiniitiied______ __________H utezksit ' ; with til a to toBe^n-tone n tp*d poUovwrBjH^ttlinfc------------- ^----------1

----- ;----------------------------------------- ■•Smoothi mootbie Short” ind u :i. . **Dt«kSt tc k Stripe” puDoter, L B M e te h

W E '


9 1 5 .9 5




L ^

ti the

f t R II S

o f f th e m r te r e d p a rkking, in g ,!lo». U ie our c o n » in i« n t r e o r Vinlfronce n ire

: '


| |

I I I ! : It ' I ,I •| I I ! ; jj . .2 • ,3 5 rj» ■ !V .•|r '

h n . nobert BOifiE. M ir u l/v-OoT. I C. Bm;tle told • rroup of rraduatrn lm ienlon to rJfh t "Uie decade 1_________________________________ Mrs. Alex McDonald u co-hoitei >hqtol__________________________________ ts la baekfreaad. (AP pbotei Chanpa Elyaeea. Are da TrUiBpha Trial e ri PtrtlU ier company aa tt Oeorge* 0< lown. N«(M Bariiy K an t He noted poUlo proceailnr : planned by Idaho Potato Proc Incorportied a t Burley. Ui» ;i plot cMnpanv a l Heybum II American n u k t T h r e e addlUonal p h « u ' pU nls a r e on thn draw inr I il r lf h t now for conitnieilon I ■I ( Caribou and Bear U>ke k e counly c ^ u c fT ^ A i k 3 R M ® m ||e 6 1 j ? i |' v e a ." the lorem or lald. llr dl dip Inj ' o U oot es* slan t roller-oouier-llke air !■ The rvrem cr took noU f .J U S S B jK W |K Q n irmlnal lee Uie *»1m U reiponaible for for the, 'I r panilon planned by Termini affected t»j a ! W a a g a 5 » S » [ ny IninNam- acrewball weather that h uI a«i j ll and Cold Storife oompany Uon thli !( ' pa and pU ni In Latah tounty count] 'f o r a large p art of Uie ntUon iclen' the iprlng. a top weather b um'au u k if utUUaUon a l lonr U it of the alum> I UU in j Ina clay and alllea depoalU in Uial tilt aald loday. T h at ll, aaya Jenxne NilnlM •m iu. ani ■ II area." __ abnormally deep trough in Uie; I “planeUry wave Inin" of' alf 'I r th a t' Ih aabove FA K 9^gnU B g« I^ Q m eanden horUonUlly hi|h LUS Ult carU) U th e culprIL ._ nU m e Wat* ,Q f lv n U blamed for havingt brouBhl bro ’« W Y devAiUUng floodi lo Texa.i txa.1 and a,record, •' Oklahoma; eonUlbuted to a.ret idocs reI t t i o f r a breaking number of tomidoci 1 1 1 9 1 9 ported from 34 lU tei ao far: '0'^' P ro S !lF rB e ® 5 i« 1 e Ui Unlled ,, - u firen rlruially Oie enUre ! HAUXY. M iy a ft- tu aipn ip h BUff. o( ,1, , MUiUilpi lUiippl a I J Toad-and brldM auparrlior f®*' a „ w etter-U ian-avenie iprlng. ij Sawtooth national foreat. re{ m But Namlaa «l*o pointedI oul that! II Prlday OoUarhlde lum m lt It roai ro aa win u,g roller-co«aler-U»e trough, ough. by] I • b« open for t t i t t l by Juuiy ly l1. The Inducing heavy ralni, h u• bro brought lo y y B g m P iS g ^ < road OTcr Trail Creek lum ummml ll »111 , i U m i itm porary relief to rmany be open on th t flrat day of flahlnf. fli of Uie c enlnl and aoul aouUiem ■ * . Ju n t 4. Jevlled by pUlna th a t have been bedevlle r p r n -ji i lie Mid Uia Trail creek road now i U drought for the pail four yea weaUier open about o n e ^ l f way t4 lh t N am lu la chief of the, wei ’ay to ong-nnge eat *cnlce bureau'a extended or long-r ■ummlt and lhat (oreit * •q u lp n tn t wlU b«eln th* wo I* work of fo re eu t aecUon. Adda Canllevi NeU ' openlnf Uit re il c t Uit road Mon_____ H e.added eauUouily.la an.lnleran.li day. ,f Burr u id repair a ialnn U 'under view; if dro drought F w ^ y -l 1 way on Utt aouUt fork o(f Iho Uio Bolie “We think the pattern of ,t leaj le u t in p i i B S r a ) '! 1 ! ly damaged will nol return ilrongly, at i r l n r ro«d which w u badly dat leaion. ' lid tw o ad- this agricultural growing leaui by flooda la il year. H t aald anyUiIng ir* lo ** really can't aay anyt dlUooal mllaa of road w ert lottt l u t can b« \ E X C U U S W E D e o w w k on UiU road from hh*avw ta ry ralna about aubae^uenl yean, It cai requeaUy. T lie road “ 'polnU m aL. The drought litt C r th t break of a Icng-pertodd dro klH U cloaed below B a s^ try »heavy I > li *• 1 “ ’ I A ntw brld ft leading to A i ^ rains iperlenced I y" | ” & auch as have been eiperle t U ka and one o n r the upper s . , ao la r Uila year In a number ber el ot Ult ■ \ '• C '^ \ I, I i n r cm the Pola cr*ek. ro roac ad now d fom ht-iu ic k en areaa.n « n under coniUveUon. {■ ' ^ \ |i L u t P ill tT o.brldcra a t ' ----------Pl»h“ U ltir tw 9- oa • Carey “t e IS 7 \ — I eretk tn Uta Bif Sm oker cc I and one on the north Xork c B if Wood rlr e r wer* completed H* alio lU te d U u t about oni mile n A IL tV . May JJ — -nie u t ono ■nie lUv. ^ \ o f road work will be doc* aa luquenjue. ' o A Robert K ren u . a.P.. Albuqiie; a s poealb]* lo lha niw TraUey aller Vltw h . m ., h u arrived here lo to at act u > ti “J .1 I tum m er borne are a n o rth of o Al- prteal for St. Charlt* Cat CaUiolle ' I— ! ' t u t u Uka. lonUi ab\ p a ru h during ih t Ihree-monUi — Knee of the IU r. Jeromt OCoi O'Conner. \ a n fa Pather K ren u . a veteran W e a r e p le a s e d to) a n in o u n c e o u r C ll L 3 World W ar I. served for Uiret iret)yean a p p o in itm tm ce n t a s e x c lu siv e d e a le r ffoo r th e sensa* memben M o k i n e i “ tplrllual Inatruclor lof men unlllei In Dt the youth of noble famine I n l y tio n a l new n e w C a s e - T e rr a T r a c lin e o f in d u s tria l It Ul United OSCtO. U ay U —T vo Deelo high Oermany. He camt lo Uit llx e st of ///// ranlod col- Slates u priest lor th* dixei school b o n h a n been sranloc / K 11(1 w h e e l a n d c r a w le r .tra c to r s a n d1 e q ui ip m e n t in SeatUe. W u h .. and no*» li ll a t^ / / / / \ U t» tehtdirahlpi. Jj J J / \ of M nonaid (Mt«Thout, ton of Mtr and flUated wlUi the LegionI of the, th i s te rr itt ito ry . A f te r w a tc h in g th thesi e s e new ma* ni in the: ^ J f / > Mra. aeymour Catcrhout, Oeclo, Oeclc h u Bervanu of m t Holy spirit c h in e s p e rfo r rm a t th e fa c to ry p roo v in g -g ro u n d s, [ been awarded a tsoo achola irt: b. before / HI* J*“ »‘ mlsalonary wort: ) from Bean, Roebuck attd com \ for an ^ U nlvenlty coming here w u aclln* c a n hhoi o n e s tly s a y th e y a r e th ee ”hottest" “ /n rig s lie plana to attend Uie XJnlv ! army chapUIn a t th* Whlii S 111 Sand* of Idaho soUegt ot arrlcullure w e ’v e evei e v e r see n o n w h e e ls o r tra (c k s — w ith o n . o f 'w i l - PTO'fln* «rountl». Maurice Darrtnslon. aon.of Crawler-moufiled llam Darrli^ton. Oeclo. haa -------------------------h u been m o r e a d v i id an c ed fe a tu re s ~ tf ia n y o u ’ll ’ fin d on awarded Uio flrat achoIaratUi ^ Tractor-»hoveU fertd by the Caula county Ity P iu t n i a n y com mp« p etltiv e m a c h in e s i n t h esir i r pp:ric e range. T eachen council. He plana t tend Utah SlaU Agrlcultur* c< -T e rra T ra c s S e e t l i e ^ s p e c t a c u l a r n e w C ais see-1 Logan. execuUre ___ HAILEY. May » - T h » exeti r. n o w inI ou o u r d is p la y ro o m . L e t u s a r ra n g e a A board Ot the Sun Valley Bui Builneu I o r Pniteulonal Women't orgai organltagi? f r e e d em m or o n s tra tio n o n o n e o f y o u r jc jo b s, so you , tlon met a t Ihe homa of Mn, W h lfl-ly p t k H . n n o Lovenla Campbell 'Hiunday ly eve evening ml c a n seei fo ry y o u rs e lf w h y everybody b o d y ’s saying, B ack h o H lo o d trs J ' ■a-*»*uo made plans fer the June and BPIUKQDALS. May « — - -nia July club nieeUnga. BothII will wll be l e r* ____________ __ , ___1. " L u c k y' iiss fn e m a n w ho o w n s onei** ,, Sprlnplalt »chool_elo»M Prldi W d ay for picnlci.wlUx Uib June.meeUn leeUng.at ____________________ aummer racalion. Teacher* Cher* «-ere ihe home of M n. Pred Allen and ‘ Boaa T. Laraon. principal: ipal: A n iu ih« July meeting at Uii hom homt efj .^ May Johnaon. Clara Talbei Talbet and Mrs. O m ni Hawke*. Kathem Jonea. M n . Dan Knight, Kelchum, ii um. Hated ^ ^ 3 0 ^ X O -o O Thunday Mrs. Johnaon W e h a vve e ia co m p lete p a r ts sto ck k a nr d s ta ff o f ison enter- the will accompany Ihe ilxcmrm men beril / I talned her third frade elais clau :a t her lo the itat* convention at I t U' UcCalll j s fa c to r y -tra - tr a in e d m e c h a n ic s re a d y/ ttoo h e lp keep ■' home in, Albion. M n. Jonea Jonea took June 7-». Angledozers , her aecond rradera lo the 1 “ L' ? “"'>■ M n. 0 , . r l r . lU trl,. U tu liei.iurer, r e s e n t e q u ip m e n t ro llin g , w v ith m iniy o u r pres( bakery and the park. Pirai I p ^ d up fourth fra d e n viewed fllm u ™i ii t S K l ? ” ■" \ m u m tim imee o u t fo r serv ic in g ! C aill ll uuis today. .achool. Mrs. Campbell wrvM rtfl refresh. B in ^ m enu to the 11 memben alien attending, '! • I’i '

m iJor n»tlon»l comp»ny u expected e*i ana In (o announce Umllir plans li the

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F k s Sky Air Dips ’1^ “S Ai-e Cause o ■ tlier| £ | | OddWealli

Forest Roads To Be Read For Tourii

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For th e p re se n t tm y,e o re th e


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Acting Priest Is Picked at Hail [.ailey


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S to te0 of o

Id a h o



2 Declo Student rsnips Get Scholarsh



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S E R V riC IC IE P A R tT sS


Businesswomen icnics Planning Picn;

School Year foi Springdale Ei


Almo Events

Mr*. A L M O .M ajJ i-M r.a n.dd M r Zon I Lloyd. Mn. Elbert D urfet ahe w k V u ? ;! ArUiur Taylor did ritual 'i«-ort ! t' Locan LDS um ple UiLi «eek. t Jon J n n ^ .u r i ' I Mr. and Mf*. Reuben M. !ii M .n rt . .f o r DlUlnii. Mont.. to vMl Mir and Ml Mr. M n. Derel Peleraon. I i VI6IT0R.S ARRIVe Ir j n d M ,. ' WKNDELL. Miy 34-.\lr..»n< Kugli HuichlnMn and two daui of BoUe arrlred Prlday too .pond ipcr u .t 1 . . . . . - Kcel-end.w lUi Mr*. M arsaret rs a r tt Bev________ eridge. moUier of M n. Hutch Kuichiw on. I ; I ‘

FOR SALE 1957 w ^ ^ ^ 5 n a l a o , i n s TOCK toc F'll' syro panel. McCauley «y prop. pr rn -i. Omnlgator. NarcoI L LTP >0* freflueno- range andI broadbr« rtcelrer. x-wlnd gtar, ii :lal paint, dual controU. i. tinted tin «rind.ihleld. ALvj In ilock, 1 ck, 1M7 d. Narco KEN R O U N O r SKYWA' WAYS Borley - Pbent t> R 't-7 n: •7«: ________ ______________

I rs t e \I L Loc oader*doztr

Quick Freeze

” ^t r e e T g

I com blnaH ont

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Note fo) present pr nTrac owners: Case and TerraTra

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O f A ll P o u ltry We -------- ------------------- W h t e U ’rypTi Mill





A Cleon in JJco b — A Cleon Ploce O U R PRICES CES ST A R T A T 10c HEAD


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V A C UI U M | | H e a d q u a rte rs {!

Graveild* lervicei for Peter D ih V irr wer* conducted >'rid«T i t t r r V .•illOaHONE. JUv 35-A t a ipe- nw oonn Va l Suniel Memoiul p*rk by rill m rrtirs r'l ihf Khrol board jj,, n , Armand Mtitllfr. p»jtor lie Rev. T a k e B e a t in g I ; th u week. p;»r,» -.n e m .df 10 Hold f Immanuel imni Lutheran church. a r W I ’W H BTOWE , «r,f, wr.fn 1 k ij born t u n lo b* inconi- aHothn anothfr Irw elfriif'n. llie BroCh BroChff* and M trrt et .Mr. D ah■ (Wrliwn f*r NEA S e rrlttl p tir Hm fsn 1 prove my sge, In'elrctloii p.rif. flfctlon « 111 b^^^*1 cc " P * 'r and l)uilding putp1 P. w . riemin*. 63. who r e u itd1 rV .■ >» flfi'irtment of rommtrce,] repair Friday moining al flfclion X>»nard funenl rhapel. Pocstello, ■■ W-..;unclfln J5. D. C.. m d rtOUMtl'’' « “ ''‘; will be hflrt from I to 8 pni. tjo»n*r u o > riri* C u . June 13 at th f high tchool building, T Dlihop q ,^, Edwin K. Bulloch. Solo|a | Retirement la a track leu »a»ie— 1 » fin h ot th f cfruiu recortl*:'^'*'’^ «»s ■ ' lf electiim i» »imilar 10 » tx'nd ll uiw »aR, 8, aoiinion, acconipsnled lilt a beautiful dream—ui^Ieii ihere■ o. t)f th Tiiidf '.a *how th f ) f i r of your, H T lif 1 ■y M nn. Goraiiion, Opening, praytr b.r!h. Thrif a a im ill Encloif flection flectlor «iid onl.» iA»p»vrn c m by J a aeflnlte plan for each day, forr b.rth t£ ^ (JKUne in »boot fc-u>.a j b.v Harlfv W»rd and benedicC vole i'n I'n 11 A I'Kt'.thlrtJ* m ijoiity U wui «t;>jrpn) rn\t'.n:>f with vour ad-.'voi^ •*
  • i w WE.VDEU., Miy 5S-Mor» th sn n rs ’v r a idiilv DrjiVM. u iir -.rsnA i n..„ uI No more 8 a.m. 10 8 p.m.. Monday>' h»lf h>ir ol thf membmhip of Wendell i hrough Saturday. No more t a.m. to.piv: 41, Amtrirsn lygion. m rnrd J OjrtUflM Miy conUieu. nm Ifor t!if »ofk niehi 11 th* new ■ 1 pm . nn SuiirUy, "‘ii U r .n e ; m «>y. ||::'>|; jf l -1 !eli the need of a Ume Khedule^ hhall « ll'Thil»(l»y. .r d Ihr 7 '. ctni ...i»f i/L ...rA ngl^.«t_l IrIM t/1 let- UO »» p„ ^ d S ta i u . Shoni h ia 1 ^ 0 ' . ■ R 9 .9 S iib iirary ichedule for myaelf." iirlfA urip, of incQiporation wrrr adopted, in.1 iibiii S S w quiif •^•n>!r u> com- jloiifi* rifm ing aiyi. "I decided W | o fo^fib ili. i Idopled and Qiredori elected. Ib'liw H walk e»ery morning a l JO. I h ad , _ . fcirk.r; >*—r ,Z » ,t ;t* o ‘ JJ *» **' fJ .fen Olher old men going out f o i,' r ^ ^O^ rin i ZpJUnjer ajIJ h n ii i h t rj. O ihtti nsnifd » fi» rta n c ii M ialk.1. r.oD' Arnold Run\on. Willard ®SZir» eiuW 'H* lulnU m J.l I.JM I m g la ssit'B ra rtd n a w H io rin o •T h ll did nol work. In my caae. 1I OoDle. ' tri,' JUrrv Prlth, W n Trounion 2 ^ " h a t tUlUrt*. E*P«W « - •;;; laan-i atk old man, and I d l d n jiW 'i ^ ''" Hevt 11 a. hearing lid that become* eve It (lanil Normin Mirands. ^ f li lo o d W h ire purehued Ike walking, evtn though ll m ig h t’ * part ot Ihf tyc |ti» ( t you are now ' S w ^ n «rim e»lM »hleh f. fii Plin* »fr* martf to iponinr a )e healthful. J waa kidding m yielf; w»»tini, e»tini, h 'l a mificle of coneesled L w nni«S for prrrloui « • .w .t. circu« hetf July JJ-JI. isiinj Ityoucin’tcom t in. w ritt ____ ind I knew II. i l n * nivtnunfnt p*}'» » wb< flee booklet. > •’I h«fj worked hard all my life, For Fo Ihf »ntk projfci. a partillon El ' H Is tipwur*. Uld der < of lhe evening, Tw in Falls T w in n Fo F o lli, Buhl, J t r o m t ^ tuUwlUf* “ I"* exporljr* Hf .1 Hay nol be n ectiw ry for averyone,' Dfiiion q, Adima. Xillea Burgeu and no immedUU' m .r>ui II la for me, 1 hava learned to , „ .h M l Ihry obUlned t?.c. ’ J, Olrn Andtrson srrvrd refrtish>ui up mlleaionea and pildepoata ■ ... _ _ put ' llong lh e ro»d. My bialo guldepMl OMAHA along htsnng^^ 11 * l'h »*!« In the OBAIIA. U „ ] | iT)-|t:.ir)U-f..m. 13 a ,,1 (llll th f atore, I help out h alf i p mirtfl. tiiui dtpr*Mlni ttra* -Uh !.« ...k - , ,U . W ..Mdr I. lo 'h ith tr: rx< b»r.n u, *t day every Saturday In th t ator* 1 taed u o rn , f get paid by the hour. H h i/fr ; l( illk,,; tiMd r ' kllk < I doea nol amouni to m uch money. )Ui It doe* give m s a place where !• i»lm> •!•» -VDK, I; hlV havt to be a i a certain time. I»rra>. .„a llll, Ibti viiktr: -‘M' ••My IIOI 1I.I0A k lik ir’ mi..! U.I. K. I i ' wife and I pla n -a t U u t two ..4 I 1H1.JKI lh.. lVlMfO«; . . . . ’wliM loclal a ffaln a l h o o * arery *»#k. rhla Nn. I. ] •nd 1 400 1)h, .rrf iln.. ll.fH.iMo. Th U may be a i almple a* a chraa J W p iprlns^linW t.t» Jo x y ollt /rt>g gsame m e wllh an old friend or a S atu rlay night dinner party. We a b o PO P JUNIOR jl»n Ml Ir u l two project* a l homeI »»-( iw pl«n luring erery week—repairs, repaperKEW YORIC. Miy M « '- T h e n t , fu islu ira reflnlahlnf, planning xt mirtrt rfcwlM ill»htly thU ir making to ), for th* rrandehll,k Ifl ft* of lU n e * IBM iren. a u rtln g new house plant*, or lU. living Ume and effort lo community II n t th« m ir te fi f ln t *»fkljr ••'•'''* ,ia b..T»w. .ml .IU, .t..d r . . » l.ljk.f. «iffalra. tf.li I ■.ttl In 11 x 'fc t. MWI • "I d o n 't go for a walk at JO any ■ , "«■ Hi* A«fltUltd Pm * »»erise ef 1^ bui om er. but I ree to It lh a l each day ■ No. ■ 1 .M i :oo.]is IM. iMbit.rt lonie ttoeii (itppfd « cenu to IlMiO. «"• Um Ula mtia4 No. I U > jin . ^aa ia aprclaJ Job or event In It. ■ la kJt It »UII within the tone of n.;i.i |i.;klt.OO: ml!..! N«:.t .nd I IM-:;! II., y h,7a,,re learned to commit myaelf to ' ■ I itfiBi o< B»» hlehi for th» ye»r cUH fUH •> is.40.il.]!: ]io.:ie Ib.. It.tu; I; hav >lher people and 10 aet time*, beI ii«. i;.ikii.«9i olher a b lU brilnlheliattirow eeU but ii.tt: Ko.! >nii I ;*UM th a i la lh* only way I am * cnti beto« the U cu t h lih . e«- u iu \ la p p y " ______ iUihM on Uondiy. cmi tfln and »rlini fid lIMri * Ihf Mandiy le.uion w»* •cenm* • fd k.lf>r> ' klihslnrholc* Q—" I dn nol hare a birth cerUfln t lo n .n lr >■ klikir: Q— rjfd by Ihf phenomfnon of & :ate. an d the recorda In th i count>' !i Ud»r Upf »hlch fell brhlnd t. »«i I ptca e/ boylni orders e*Hjr In •' L EG A L A D V E R H S E M E N T S I itr. i t an two ocevilons In Uit rtkmi «Ni: thi* « u resim itd by ::.eo.t NOTIUK o r KKARISi; I vfON rrTiTioN roR authobitt 1 siBiikel iK hnleiiiu t s k ij^mpTO MORTRACE LVE EHTATE IN I aofetoiUc buylns In the three bifk ifiVv(ksk* ■!•' rlw. On Mondiy prices kulk bulk kl(k k loorf I . j tkelr* tl.W.|l.l>; 1M.1 IN N Tl Tlir. piiniiATC coiinx o r t w i n jJ fAlXS COUNTY. HTATK Or IDAmi. Utltllr mrt t.Kniiclil s . K E D E T T E S JraS ttihfid 10 s new ’37 hish killir.^im.tO^tO; ‘“i"'* n Tlir. MATTKn o r Tiir. k s t a t r a n d llta BrotKl to be thf crMl of the " ’ *j, r.tiAnniAH.tmr o r th o h a s d. v; alxttd id'ioce. st le u t for the ii.io.i WALKER. AN INCOHrrrrj^T PERB E A C O N FA LLS SH C ll,>0.|4.t(l: lood tnd (koltV'xi’m ’srCfc W AI HON. :t.OO, SON ubfUf. NOTicK ia iir.Rr.nr « ivkn . tt>»t d. HkM V Ml.bU lOfl: UiKl let: rsmptrHl N01 Jli loUoilnjr Wiree leaalons were wrrk 1(0 •(•uikur l.abi Tt-I.M H U D S O N 'S , T W I N F> O’t/n . rt cf mlM rfsetlon »» ralues were >liuiki>r .i.uiiil .OM «»< o(lMr clui.i i>.. 1* ]t.OO; f- ' nt» of lhe moU heavily iridrd tull ,„n „I« ' HAODIMAN. M .y » -^M Ifr, (Uuihwr of M n . vifftnl* rglnla MUIer, w u elected V i m d OrrUle Miller. BIIm.I, »m the! No, «9, rhenoitd que«i of bclhel I :ne«lay eref Jo b i D w iihur*. W«Jn*»di; ;i , Dine the M uonle trmplf. I • K»y Jtnw n. d«u«nt«-o r off hlit . and ^ elected len■ 'I I Mr*. Uojil J i w n . *M »1(«U :ey. daughter ' lor p rtn cm ; Jo*n 0»*ley. d* Owiley. jun,i| t of Mr. »na Mrt. ^fprle 0»»lf; I I lof pnncta , ■ drr Ch* lupfrvUlon of guardian (ui ila Nc Noraood I council mfmbfri. VlnrlnU rrangemenu I Ij ttntr&l chairman of arran it f llg H ' and «lll be wii>te Ibea* (we pique, ' DauRhtrr of the te rm will b« t an> me Bti BtitradlUenally with bib front buitenloi d n lg n ^ by C«l«at«. U Ifl. ft. Uia L IradlUoDal aallor droM done illoBln* iiDiinced. DUred with white pearl butloni tr ln a drea. drea right, rad ragatU flag t eeoUred 34. eato a lUTy blaa u llo r celUr; celU Otflcrri will b« iru u lleled d Jun* Ju Ing, (AP phoUi_______________________ imlttee ap- with naty belt and piping, Tlie fflteihm enl commltte< ^ Kathleen ------------------------------------------------------* * * polnird ll Dixie Bray, Ka Dray, ttallr Menilee. Bette Tl |C . . MU and Nancy Mavencamp. , ^ Kolloklni the m eeting the honor. ^ ed qtieen waa hoateaa a t a f '- 'l T ie refreihment t*blo cent* ‘ 1 u a i of purple irU a n d «hlt« Ip th p l WENDELL, May JA -A plcnl C - 4. / ' t J U i e i u , , fn iif, momen-a organltaUt O ei Jl . m angle ihaped coolcle*. dec< Imerlptlon OOODINO. May 54 -- 0Olenda u,* PreibyWrlan-Bapilat, chun I. with white Icing and lh e! Inter chureh to By DOROTHY ROEr -. rape punch Nlelwn w u elected honored ( ..... ........ ' « d queen be held from ll:JO a.m. to 13 p.m, |.‘ of JD. Ice cream a nd grape j aa planned A***!*!"! Prtw Wetaena Ldllo I Ldllor . , when the Ooodlng bethel N( el No. IS, June 7 al the church was pla \ wai ienrtd. Job-* Daufhter*. met Wcdneid Ineiday a t a t the mreUng ot the Eslh ith er < ng in for circle y iu e Undlubben are going f lhe Maaoole temple, Thuraday a fu m o o n a l the hon ot tjie nautical look Ihu summer. he home •n r In the tb*enee of theJ hoi honored M n. t . J. Bennett, aome ot Hi# ncweil im all-fry ityl . . • . QU«n. MiH Mellon, lenlorr prli prlnceai. .naweredd wll^ wllh the feature moUIt borrowed from L H o I H conducted the meeting. ■Ully liked.' yachUng aet. ' * Lol, Muffley w u elected i had IBaiifk The lallor dreis ll a perennial fa ^ o r o rln . Vlilton wer* Mra. Chad d o lin g to* prlnoeat; Maiy MarUn, Junior Irilf n ^V > OAKUnr. May 3S—Cloilni “ arl Cook of"* of little glrU the *orld ov. >'*>' W ard,. Mra. Pearl < , ward Relief ceu; Oayla Carrico, guide,! and Judy ) clal for the LD8 second ward season Is emergesn In»i n« ' Mrs. Arthur B ^ e l t tn,nd d Wanda’ W •day ta t lhe Canrleo, marahal. : aoclety w u held W edntvlay and original vetsloni, Crtxp as a laUlled a t KUtlmmen*. New offlcen will be InaUlli ; nellef loclely room. ore dr« dress UvMinni A ^ P!"*fore Matonlc M n. Alllaon PUh led deroUo: I" the9 Ma The opening pr»y«r w u led' l< by .^ « n .? ^ ’l. »■'>“* ^'■0"^ ‘>U ’ temple. Alalre Dlckaon. hhonored a report cf where the national Mr*. Roy WUaon. iSw Wue .. i ‘O'*'"* ‘O a sailor collar In navy bli _ _ queen, will be IniUllIng officer. fleer. This tlon conlrlbuUon la utedI .waa ch dou dow n Tiny red regaua Ilaits march Mrt. Oarry W »rr. Mr*. Llo !tor* aum- by Mrt. Cook. A report onL Indo 1 T iiV n f j ^ th e .lu t meeting betore :al white ot anolher nautical whi . . flmllh and M r t W lllMid wO2r^ 5 m bile IU In- w u glren by M n. K. T.■hHolil wljoumment. The publle belt ai u n g . An ors*n aelecUon wa* and pipingfrock with sailing blueI belt The aong period waa led byi Mr*. Mi rE PKlue I by M n. W. B. WhlCelcy. Mrt. B e ren glrU are planningI lo aattend J. Bennett. n ,.i .t ,n , ' neth Warr gave » tribute to Sleevei are brief or nonexUte ceuncll Jun* rt. U u 2# The e n h er circle will be reiponi» and reii tn u ,f,e new ulln r itylea, .iMru ikli • Ifidcns. Ellen Mlichell preaen Coeur d'Alene, Ible for flowen for lh* churel chureh for are ertip and tull. allowing room for f I• readlnc. u ra. Lloyd E. Smllh ♦ ¥ * the monlh of Auguti. pelUcoata beneath, the way lltl •ay little !I T alU w trt riven by Blahop J< nme Cran-^ COFrSETltON HELD Rauntwen knd M rt. Jennie i girls like Uiem. M n. .Bollek and Mr*.. HoUlnger Hob anglnf w u WENDELL, May 3ft-AI lui ney, preiident. O roup alnglni al me meeting * * * lurprlte «ui ,n * n d iha aynodleal i . ltd by Mit. Lyman Adami, Sam*, ward ooffeelhon for Mr*. Max Mlllei K n tm ^ June 34.37 a t Caldwell, ' ' chorUUr, accompanied ■by ~by Mr*, glw n Tueiday afUmoon. Ten w ereterv*er* collected for the ^ ' *niom u C ltrk. M rt. WUU U BltU S cr b en o f the Rebekah club were •d rcfrtihnienu. L w u progrtm chairm an, basket islet. - ‘ ' ‘"S ‘ i ‘ Rtfreahmenta war* •erved lervei by f - ' 1 WENDELL. May 2J-M ore sre tthi h tn ^ - * if ■ Mrt. Mark Southw orth. Mtt. Rollo te a ■s*«N attended the MoUier'a day V It, ^ Johnwn, Mr*. Rom NltUoo u x i (;;Q rg o f J il given by Wendell Bethel No. No, 1J3, fM „ Mrt. Ray o. B«dk«. Job's Daughter*. Bunday *tlemo< itlemoon u '_______ # * • ~ ly A N GELO PA T R I--------- ----------------- I JoAnne PlnRerson, honored Quee ?d Queen, welcomed the moUirrs and tr id m Intro«per w u ment ua*« th* newapaper_ tipe. **nl newapaper H A n x r, M a y 3S—A ni.h. pink .n.< publlahed In lhe Jo b 't lf cli JoAnn MeClnud as Jol Unlled BUtea But In the editorial theet. In hh li i blue abowtr wm he ld for t h ? X Daughter ef lhe yeir, *hen U wuu a rare Here the main queitlons of of lhi 1 BUaley Johnaon, J r , T h u n d a j •I O>0f‘‘ Marlow, programri ehni chnirr tha are dlacuated In the b e it pro S i r s L n w •*'“ W ihly-prlied tla lto r lo nlng a t th* home o f M rt. Bt remonie*. , ^ ^ i „ ‘ man. was mlslress ot ceremonli aa be beeom* lh* day. a n example forV Imll I JohnMO, ir. Ho*tM*«a were m 2 hornet of lhe people. It haa nled by ,?Ji " Diane Pelenen, accompanied I ijorr Influby the youngsters. They5 Ulk m 'Jo ‘ I Lynn Rajney, Mra. Eugene 1 " enc* on the thinking* an L - < •/> Jufll'h Melier, tang "Very Oood lood Ac Add action acUi of th* mailera dlKUited there. ; tell. Mrt. LeVon BowcuU»{ and and b BarM'“ nnsetton, aceompni aied land a hint ot conitrucUon. vocabi ' bara Johnion^ *»' *nd Mine;- MU«. Mels Ish a: all the enidlUon tn d th a t U finee jor for oui tm x"''■O' .li .1. nt.v»H P»P«r» are free to publlah em.’ O a n ti and pinochle w ert pi , « Wi w iS w i *'»*•' editorial opinion on It, It, rei readers' And highly Important, they t . : Mrt. Vftd Bwaner. M rt. tu M tr opinions value their newspaper for wh H rM • nalnay and M n . Lyle Bm uvn S ^ n opinion* on th* edllorlalI opl: ■nlnga. U, an InformatlTe, llUeral, po* and on lhe reported happenlngi 'h .irm .n I tecelirtd plnochla prtiea. Marilyn Pelerstn w u chalrmi become Inlluene* Id their educaUon. Thi* great privilege h uL* be . of arrangemenu for the lea. Oth ‘I fi *0 commonplac* lo ua In th* h* U Unlled T he coat of getUng oul lu committees were JuUa Gnie* ni SUU* u to b* Uken forr gn granted paper diy tf U r day ta tremen is Ml M liJ U lu Melaer, refreiliments; I 'l i n .lo ;^ , i t h lh* air w* br» brtalhe. So It lh* strain on th eHii«. men nd Joyi Joyce "B rln r In th* paper an d the milk," n women who meet lU deadllnet * ,? Marlow, Eva Jo Maxwell and t stric k I aaya mother u th e lay* th * brea b rea k fu t Ih t news. Yet It It th e che S‘ ”>’ Jean TMcke Uble. tn d both come In to o b* uted commodity on lh* m ark etI, ilodaj w y . me u n d a DePew and Sharon Bungut Buncum. by the family from oldeat to yo young> re a t« * l value for th e l e u t m _ aat without a thought of the , , , De wc wonder W hert eli* can one gel the aul /> S j of It a l l Yet hgw wonderful irful It U U llte word on tho -UKsv itKaelei ltn U llc icroM the dlicovery, o n the newe»t-or the th a t whaUver happened acroa< fL // •• * J lien iready In musle; drama, the dance? V / o world yeturday U p r i n t s her* HEYDURN, May 3S - Mn. Wl Jl* nm om can one find newi off the world, « 7 ' f to b* read flrat thing In th* r* cloi cloie lo "»m Lawrence wat honored with t * Ing, of government ot affair* baliy ihowrr Wedne.vlay evening 'enlng a1 t > • I Ther*- U aomethlng In the ipaper one't Way o t KU?— ^lome ot Mrs. Calvin Helner. T lhe iner.T • ^ for every member ot thlee fa family. Our newspapera are a great good event waa iponsored by the MI s / ]m Dad acatu the headlines, the iiporta Influence, m fine aource.!. a itrong lughoui the Cileaner clau of the Heyburn fir / W pagea and the financial nevi newt. Ke tUtnuIui to thought throughou 9 It along dally round of every man'a occaj 'J occasions. WMd. • In n P*P«'' " " d Ukea It I m i ppaa n of Mrs. Everelt Savase w u In chart / lU J to be read more carefully ly or on hU They a rt * moil prtcloui xl our tree, of gunei and the clau served rt / W trip to work. Mother readi rads w hat Amerlean life. They guard houghland t r r i h n ^ . ^ ____________ I / \ InUreaU her m o il—headllnei dllnu, all dom of religion, ipeech, thoughi K / i i ,\ lh al U on lh* women’* page page, the icUon, We In turn m u it guard their 1 ^ 1 |l ' newa about th* garden, the Jte eenter- freedom lo aerre ut. • • • tla \ I U lnmenl world, and w hat .other \w lielda of acUrlly ahe mayt be moat • '• " " • ''7 '• ‘V "* *l V Interrated In, The children I ren balUe .t , ',U,V. "• \ tor lhe funnlsa to lee w haatt U' U lK p - •lanin>tl>( T.:. -gui l>l.- T> h «ipr. Mxil 10 r.1 A penlng to Rivets today. J \ The leather In th* English ' B lh de departYoik'TtTNT.'’ ^ •|



    B P //'


    'Jt.T’- G ooding C h apte pter Picnic P la n s S Sel et

    S elects Q u e e; n ,a t I’S r i S P arley o f Beti

    fj i,

    Sum m er Brings A tW e n d e lIM I Mteet Sailor Dress fo r '„K'n':: 'L ittle Miss Set

    ■Your Children

    - l il d '" '" ^ ...— Show er Is Heli

    Sr".a t


    M arian M a rtit P a tte r n

    ;^‘.u”s s

    SUMA/IVIER BAND1^^ • • ,

    , ^ ^

    WE.SDELL. Miy 2S - AI public publ: fried chicken dinner w u planned ■nned 1 at UiU week'* meeUng of Idaho Iho R< Rebeksh club No. K. The dinner will be held from S .11 Mr1 I pm . June g a t the lOOP hall. v H. L Ooble and M n. Roy Mlntu Mmtun will be co'chatrmen for thee me men nu eommltlee. auUted by M n. Beu: “ ‘5 Benion, Mrs. R. W. Mcllarsue an n n s ,.; Mr*. Neit Christensen; M n., Robei Slmerly, Mrs. Owen Dolan. Mr „ w Orlando Jacobson, and Mr*. Wi.. Holllbaugh. Ublet; Mn. Olest Crawford and Mn. William Woo C h i.^ exua kitchen help, and Mrs. CharU w w ie i Oates caahler, A U n e ihree-lmk wreath will be t uied at the cemelery for Mrmorli dsy. lo honor *11 deceased Rebekat' a Han and JOOP memben. M n, J. B. nk M well. liln .'IU y L ancuter and Mrn' «..ii Jacobaon. memorial eommluee, wl be In charge. Anyone with flowei fliw’ n to be used, may eonuel t memb
    >* held I t 3 pm. T^iesday *t the rcLu Pfite »innpr» ai infls, Z P lan to Be Wed ehurch. This will be the l u t social

    fo r Beginner! ers STARTS J U N ES 33


    WENDELL, May 35-.M ». Howard Howar Niccum-WM reelected pretident dent «ot Pollyanna club Thurtday afler

    ■ Coupon Offer! forluiciou* V onluable lu a

    . . .

    A N D ^ 5




    r O S t ’.

    s ==

    Limite m ited Time Only!

    ioftne»» from heel . to loe.


    ! Country Cousin



    New Pattern §




    i M





    T h ll coupon Mupon 1* worth . M.00onUi« K, Ul* purchase of any ly La< Lady Plor- K thelm Shoe In our n | | 1 ^ ^ ^ entire (*to t o ce k w het> .Jx.^ pretented Ited aatt Uie Idaho Dept. I «pt. Stor* at tim e ofif purchase. purcl Ofplre* {Saturday, • f ^ expire* — Juns-LU--------------------____

    V M


    a n d USEI

    'I 1 / I 1

    mltie* wer* Mrs. Lottie P iJ and Mrs. Chsrle* PendleKosa Roberi Bums, netreihmenuwereserrtdi, Morris Oenrd. Mn. CrnMib Mn. Dden OuUirle and lh V, Oibrlel. '

    ~ A s s is ts ^ t~ M ^ t~ Ki'


    “ A Lnrfre Selcc se lection o f B o th NEW CAPE new >SED In stru m e n ts ^ h l o n news in printed palt • the c«pe as the a u r otif aummer aun I T hli pretty aundrr.u haa ita o*n “ “* a s k ABC ^BOUT OUR ^ e.ipe. Hut you cnn b uttonn oh In I: t«o dlllrreni u a > t - (smooth).1 diagonal dla RENTAL PUR( JRCHASE PLA N line, turn-back rrx'ers). Jlises' sltri Printed pattern M60: Mlweji:. H. 16. 18. SO, S ite 18 6 ddres reu reabrle: eajM- --------- ------------------------------T' U l M a in " E iiP takM IS )-arcU. ^ ^ P hont 2041 :____ * Pilnlfd directions-on each tern p s r t Easier, faster, accun I Send JS ccn ti in colni it for for th ll i l l l l piliern—aao five c«i»t* fer for eaeh. I p»ttfm to; first*ela»a m a illng. ilin g ..Send W % / I I i. . . to Marlia M nrtin. c v a c f Tl Ne«i. pattern DepL. 332 W wt St., New York n . u . y . Print n ----------------- R e c o rd > S'hhoo p -— w i - » l y l e - --------- ^ ----------Dumbcr.

    Mrs Arthur Mailin. tron. conducted >lior; chip.;? 10 me party. M n: Doro-.hj d ehspier member, a jj rfpor.^i from the hosplial. Word ti ' received from Mr>. Viv.a juaker. Ore, that shr «m


    Prayers wert given by M n. Oeorgi D, johnton and M n, Harvey Free ^ HAILEY. May 35-M n. Hunter Slone. NeUon waa co-hostess with M n. Th» cloalng les.wn for then lum Wesley CarUon a t Uie ham* of Mrs. mer monlh* will be given hex “ carlw n In Twin FalU for the Tuetday. monthly meeUng of Uie Pin* Tree « « * club Saturday afiemoon. PINK AND BLUE FETE HELD . Olher SawiooUi forest aervlce perHAILEY. May 3 5-M n. Thoma rh o m u ,onnel wive* who atUnded from Morrli and M n. Buster Bridgei hon tuiiey and Kelchum w en M n . eihonored Mn. Jack Oolt, Triumph, at 1 )h, at a Marie Kai? and Mrs, Elmer Boyli. p|„^ Ihower Thunda' lUnday y v y evcnlhg a l Uie home of M n. Mor^ »• MorBIRTHDAY FARTT HELD Pinochle priiea were reeelvec •Kflved SHOSHONE, May » - A blrUiday by Mrs. John Rooney. Mn..'Mlltoi • Milton p ,riy w u held Friday afum oon for “ ’d Merle CroIU. u■ Betty Oabriel, daughUr of Mr. and Mrs. W, V. Oabriel. She w u 8 y er aann *. * * r AD3 AD8. old. Ten ehlldren attended th* party, READ TIMES-NEWS WANT rty,

    M O T H -P R O O F E I Feted o t Shower w er .STA IN -RESISTA N T


    Robert Ferfljiu-r »ra m-, . Whliehead. m d ii n-i**. B. W. Po»ell .nd

    O ffice rs E lected Vib Service's Circles S , Meet a t Wendj

    * * * Lesson Is Given


    • NORMANDY 0 v o o tJE’_________

    Out-ol-io»n Tflj'Im the dinner n e jt ii-i j mouier of Mr, " 'i V ' ler, falhet ot M;;>. 0t . ■ ■ Oene Avfr^ •«» M n. Eben Av.;.. ^ “ nd Mn. Rtfc ^ M n. Dontid N ru.r.H and Mrs. John ■ and Mr. and Mrs '.v..-*2=,a H ttmlly. all Duhl, ir.j m, ^ 1 ^ a n Hammonci im

    ' 'A T BTOLTEN'RERO : ta U fl'« n |T n lo ji * * * •


    _ n _ \ ________ ♦ BU E SatE R

    S iS '


    BH03H0NZ, M .y IS—New oHleei^ for the Jolly S tIU hen club «re Mrs. Vern Johnion, president: Mrs. Harley Handy, vlee president, *nd M n. Clarence Oehrig, tecreUryWENDELL, May JS-TVjs treaturer. T he elub will hoId-IU last meet­ of Uie Methodist Womia'ifc ing of the year June 14, A cafe ot Chrlsusn Service met Tfc afWriioon. dinner U planned. The Ada Duhlgg circli e d t home of .Mr*. Earl Lo*tj. ju ENTERTAINS CLUB RICHHCLD. May 2ft-M rs. Joseph oscnh thur Byce presented the Im D tpcff and Mr*,,Jerry Rovls. «were tre "Mlulon Ficldi USA." The tn* hoaleiset lo the North End club were led by Mr*. E. P. Miire Thursday a l lhe Depew home. Mn. Mn, Celia Cowin circle mt: e SU nley Weymant reported on vlslu vljlu home ot Mn. Ray Tener, Ua to th u t-ln t and demonstrated mak- Parsons' prtftented. the lo* In^ plllow*.-Mr*. Donald Ward re­ "Youth In a te.«poiulbI* rci d received Uie club p rlu . M n. Lester :.ester ChrttUan concern," Mn. Ck Stubbs, M n. Robert Hoodenpyl** and tnd the deroUsns. M n. Pred b b Mrs, John Schenk were sueits. ‘•No Man Ii an Island."

    wii™R eport Is Given wvte O f S ta te C o n fab


    - \i\


    Mr. and Mn. Harold Sloltenberg. iberg. form er resldenu of T s ln Falls.an­ I.-announce the engagement of their th^lr daughter, Pat, to Ned Webley. ton of Mr. and M n. E. E. Webl^-.. Bolh are memben of the 1»JT »JT graduating class of high school at « l at Qulney, Wash., and will receive tceive the ir diplom u June 7. Miss StolUnberg li preiident ef n l of Future Homemaken of Amerlet lerlet chapter. Last yesr she w u choien iw eetheart of the Quincy ehapier of Future n irm e n of America. She U employed by Uie PoUaUh Lumber company. Webley h u been acUve In tthletica and U employed at ^ Harold's Thrlttway itore. No d a u h u been aet for. ,.Uie ■ , J id

    Kience leuon for the leuon. Jf * ♦

    .U '•*» M «' C. D, Rj-dalch. lee ^derlTn WENDELL. May 3ft-Mary Ann ^e^^er Andener 5rtd ' Kearley, 19M Olrls' lU ter sponsored blue ahower hon8r^ honored ‘^e JayC -E ttes gave t reporlI of of e et. pi-n, actlrllle* a t the Wedneiday meetM n. Bernard Craig, BII1.1. Plan eiub iest day of Uie group a t Uie cldc club * « * ’"** for the annual guest da Orchard Valleyf tehoc tehool clean-up day a ty rtfrr.ihroom* beginning aI tt 22 •Ul am and P'™' organluUoni .wUhIng. to to menu were M n. Frank Orih ^ aulil.w ill be welcome. M n. Andersen, m er Plans were made for the dinner 3olf next Thursday for the Ooodlng Oolf lake Club asioelaUon. The club will make >an' bids for lunchM, dlnnen and ban8 PRINODALE, May M -— Mn. Mn queU. Anyone Intertiled may conLeonard Beekitrtnd preienled jed lh. the u c t M n. William Bunn, lliertlure lesson a t the Relief lief 10 10Mrg. nichard Eaton and Mr*. clety meeUng on “Julius Caesar Caesar' d ,]* Gilbert aerved refrwhmenU. fttjtn the terlei, "Shakespeare n re li in ^ «

    Let our experienced per* peraonnel a u lit you In th t lelectlon of a music Initrument Initi for youf ehlld.

    \ ^ 1 I

    , First wird LDS Relief aoclety will hold a social icienee meeting a t 3 vu S '" ' Tuesday. Mn. Lodema D«tvU will be lhe initrijctcr. Nunery car* '••I” «>* , 3dte BHOSHONE-Qpal Rebekah lodge *1“ “ B^pfli. Tuetday a t “th thee lO O r hall. Mn. Irene Clubb. JJee rome. dlttrlct deputy, will Uk* un^ ^

    M n. l t d M;:>.■ ;..•* - St, thetr a U l ir c ;;: ,. * pothjfic e;r,: ,.. c:!. home of .\J; i-.r. wardi, ■ Mr. tn d Mf» N! V. , May IB. ijj;. moved 10 Du!;; ;.T '-,'5^ I ed In lU sfnn.r. “•"t)


    Shamrtxk club will meet a t a p.m. ,he home of M n. Roger oger

    .u”S Executive Group ,* e ■ . Of WSCS M eets ■‘ "a

    touyiS W endel I W omen ■in p r* R eelect Leadei 4VJCI

    Last S o cial fo r S easo n Is H(

    M other's T ea Is Is ^i-hpl Given by Bethe



    jj , NAME ..... ....... ................................ YouH Uke Ihf w.rm clow of polt.'^ed-woM. it'.r linmry toiifh louch of a,Orandm a Mp.rj paimini;, iniini:,

    i .


    CASH and CARRY. R Y -D R IV E -IN PA RKING 2 32 Second ond S tre e t E ast

    P R I C E HARDWARE CO. ------------------------------------------g " - » G O L D . S T RR[ lIK r ((


    STAMPS- .



    SHOE SIZE------ ------------B



    W . s lv i S * H SW«P*^

    _____________ Twin faPi --------------

    TIM E S-N E W S, TWIN:N' F, f a l l s . IDAHO

    M orried in S a lt Loke ke C itv T em p le iss Layton a n d ^ , a n k s A r e Wed ■ IB U H H K u Utah T em ple m I***'•

    wtddlnf TO** B



    n '*!?!?• fmffl • •I'Ort

    H iW

    - S ^ 'T n S M . S S S I CMoUUr Uee § ■ ®“'i r ^ o e » t U . H e rlin fe r- ■ ■ H«f d itu » " ^

    I f l


    h - u t u t U nutroa of « g j f S

    “ rt 1Uo)d Coi. M n. Drew and 5outhrrn rrad memory poema V* -Jr JW 5^' .Mn. Coi and Mrs. R u u ell lU l> u n c . accompanird by Mra. 1 ^ * etl.i t.I Kr Krtlocc (Donald McLaughlin pl.'Vfd I .mp*nird by.Mrt. H rrman Bedke. . . I K KrJtri rftrilimrnU were irrvrd in the L'd Clevifi'Kcr, .S rj>. U a a r d Glorlield. Mr*. i;:rr, .M ; ■'■Unl\h anjia EsiM, Mr*. Billy Jrnaen and rs. John Hackney. The fAlbion Orange, auutied by . Ithirr nrt Rrbrkah lodce. hrlc^ a rard 5 ' P«rty irty yl^idav rtrn ln g a t Albion. '■ .' ■ PfiVr«b rOfrrd.1 will help drtray rxprnUM • ^end Millnn I’rleraon. Drvlo atufc- .■ drill, •HI. lo 10 Uir Unlled Nalioiw this initnrr fln ih r annual pilsrlmage. iL ; . 5 - ''"ll'w II *i« i'. reported the runimaKe aale ima M wri »rrk-end netted tlM JS , and ir Amrrlcwi Legion filih d u u ic t I V m * -; 1 A'n' I n n e r .M-rvrd Sunday evrnlng i _______ m

    Jaha »• « • * '' P*T' H


    * 'i f

    jene M ooney Is Sfp e a k e r a t M eet ■: •,

    rii; ' . I

    Bri Bride-Elect

    B B llll n rv S t

    K '‘ ^ -.'

    > 4 ^ ''

    ■ •I ^. ' /1 i/

    ! ■ jr , ^ 1

    T hee youn* coupte plan to makr ’ '>hom» a t Sallna. Cilif, * * * h V leu Sf l n M n l B f l u l v ^

    H P /iB

    f[t«fiWTIffMft«l' IK H 9 B B H 4 B > A a^

    W om i S elected Dman F■or o r C lass L eader

    M g fv '‘a flb U M rO R IS ANNK ANDER80N ^tfitaff engrailni) * • *

    M rs. « •a. JJeisle DavU w u reelrelrd prealdent de n t of the l/»yal Blblr cl.i.'» ’ of th e Fir

    NAOSII nirRitON n a; iStaff engrevlnji *


    Oenr Mooiify M M m trU and c V criifu i«fu for th r Y-Wlvei mefllng T urxliy ue*d«y evrnlng a l Ihr YWCA iiMiiiR. I'lani wetr msde for n rrioked Plani (ood u l lo l>r hrid Miiv 30 al od aale UlF le J. C C. Prnnry compnnv itorr. i A Aun lurprneipink anrt blnr ^hnwer «s Klvrri for Mr«. Kny lyir.vin. A..8pci:l.il..mctUni: -»Ut he called rlrcl clelfgnlr.' for ihe Ailllmar >nfrrrncr In Julv. confrrrn HaMr.w for thn evrnlns »«* Mr*. 'Ion Ft-jendrn. * * *


    * aif f

    ■, . 1 ^ New Jew Q ueen fo r O rd er S elected

    V om an In itia te d Day a y C a m p P lan s “KK A t M eeting H eld M ade fo r Je ro m e In G lenns Ferry

    ;Kt' 2 i. f

    P resents Lesson



    .'1 l •; J o h in n S E a ra s Will i-l n W2 edd /M iss Brown In1 J ul n e S ervices 'J 1 I; ; I i ’I ' V ■ , .I i | l i ' .

    I] f! y u F > \ ij

    I .‘ I ■! . ; .

    ii iI I;


    m an H onored Womai / H a ile y P arty

    ll '

    h a i lLKY. k v , Mny i :S — M «. Lnlll'* MTnli wns honored a l a surRavmM'mlt priA« blrihrir l)lrlhdnv party following the , lodge merlin* > Smllh received th* white I ftM «t the recepUon protrmw nlng achool In I8t5. ier\ed Ihree f)f.nh»nl la n l. , m epentd wlU> • P n y e r | B | r* In the all- force, and for f i v e ---------- -1.. MR. AND MRS. KEtTlI m i FRANKS drta M. r* waa OLENNS FERRY, May 25-DIXle I'f**;* * “ employed by Montgomery Ort Balth, 4teomp*nled by (Sberrnd pbot«-^U (( tti| rd eompany in I>enver. H* U __________________ L •«. SUalB S WM elecled honored queen a ^ t « n * -Melody o f --------V employed by the apparalm bjr' Job's Jnh', DRURhlrrs bethrl No, » now emp ind *I Lere -njee." Blnhop . . , rehouse of Oeneral Eleclrie comonday. warehouae l*“:' A n n ci» rk W n i >y. •.} Ml.ii LliJr. lenlor princriui, preildi t piieo Mlo. "M«Uiuen».“ ¥ * ¥ 1 In the abirncr nf Reeky Green d 6 » rn I»Te »drle« lo the A + Prrrln, I •rrln, honored qiirrn. D » -« e md bfldniwm. « r . »nd Mr*, Judy Walklna k « .. i elrcled aenlor r i c ^ « Sereft u n * -Yenwrday." A IlEROMC, May 2»—Olrl Scout ' Ince.w; Carol !Miry, Junior prin- ^>lEYBURN. vybu r CJwip will be held Juno 4 Prlncf.w; tj eooilnwi of Alien Adami, •»■ May S5 — Mrs. Elmeri I !w: Mnrle Trail, guidr, anrt Dianne OLENNS KERRY, May 3 5 - :n l. Uirough fftrr, OuT.Whlteley and Al- OLK •ough 7, a t ihf> Fair /round*. mer prewnted Uio leaion "Be I rtler. marahal, latlon WAA held for Mra. Howard rmkj HBf “Younj Lo»e.' a e- tlatlon Therefore Perfect" at lh* H ey ^ . rhr ,rglrli will be In e»mp from 10 thi-'bi The public U Invlled fo the IniUl•odHandy and lunch, j' ^ ^ w e o n d - t i S h ****” *^ - S q | i •Ule-Bht!by—the-l(ilt#r~iw 6 an* d -Jo Mr. and U n. Elden Thompaon, >ia falli, ver* In chart* of VENDEXU May J4 -P laM were' fr. an and Mr*. Loren Thompson. Mr. 111 Ublt, , Mr. de /for “® ' a aalad bar lo be held lil *tfe iradualfd from Oakley * nn da «Mr*, a a r k and Mr. and Mra. 7 * le 11 a t the City park a l thp' - i iwlnw wer* tha enlenalnm ent iJ''® *' M.-KI01 *htre he waa acllve Owlnw eaday meellng of Ihr^ SU r Soclall —J !■,!«« and Uie bride an active « ommlttee. m m li b h«ld I * * * elub h«l a t the hom* of Mr*. O. C.I Mr ol n .


    ISHONE. Msy 3S - The enSHOSHON rnt of Sally LouUe Drown. gaEemenl Wnpato, o, Wu Wa*h., to John Saras, wn Mrs. C hnrin Siras. Shonf Mr. and V slioiie. h uu'bt e e n announced by her A, Mr. and Mra, R, o . Brown. Pirenis, o. The Thry plan a June wedding. - Wapato. are employed «i Iracher* BolhI are Jiiijlor h)*h Khool s t Siu* 1(1 Uie Jiiijlo nyilde.. Wash. Wasl; W aihlngion ColBlie U a Central C< graduste anrt h# ^'Ke orr rducatlon rduc lall Si s u t e coltege griduste. ts a Utah ¥ w «

    T h r IIirit meellng In September D o r i S III feature rele rio n anil h u arenvint ol the trip lo iho UN . lUnl ef W ill



    " T p w rw « and irhll* H I T S -tT Ji^W dnreom 't molher '" S :, iict dfttt. H er e m t g t E ^ i , i ptok r t « . .n d »Wl« line. .l»o wexe L '^ - u v ,

    r mie r Girl of Form A\ rrei e a T ells Her P Ila n s to M arry

    I05HONE. Msv :» - 7-)ir rnm ent of Pslricis Cox, rt.iuichier gagement 0^ T. and Urs. R, J; Buimr. CnliJl, form -fomU, fo< er area rriidenu. h.i> announced. She pliiu lo m siry .. been snnoi n as ion of Mr. and Thom iu Thompton. T C. M. ‘niompaon. SsUnas, Calif, as Cox /jI B MUS c o j belongs to the Califomin (atAhIp frdersUon tn d m u t e J H SehoiatAhl] Business I less Leadera of America. 8hr ll lead leader and seal bearer at hrr ^ I p f ^ r } ^ I* yell >1 aanc nd ll employed pan lliiir achool I by Paclfle aclfle Telephone and Telegraph >*ny. company. ThonipM onipaon ll a 8USH lenlnr. He ' . ' ' 3 p'>“ \ “to Join 1“ the army r(»ervr» ihi.i





    'i; ! :

    LEY. Msy 2 5-Job's Daugh, HAILEY. ected Kay Rogers aa honored ' , elected 1 Uielr meeting T hund iy | m ?than iny oiher decoralln* l/C ‘he lymboU lued. ‘ — ~ I M Ccy rtporitd on the m a . ictor 'lh a t w# know of. Conilder .^oftnt tiihffed Jor b«zaar ^


    3 w on your tab le! R ainbow v \




    M O U U I-



    t f S s s 'K "




    Sife*7w J7.00.M .




    Siie* S L 6 to 16.

    Your home, the plac* wher* lh* the roam roaa akelched above. The off. oup Set P la n s Jloii Z ,ilcnlflcint hour* of your Ufe center ter a' atr»nBem#nl of ihree m elal; ell 1on the fireplace wall li, re Ipent, ti what you make IL paneli To Fete M in ister IstJf.M StJfMdaj'dreima and canial wlih* itrlklni, klni, add* drama. Nole a lu '

    i2 r eoieruined J ” enin* « u h dinner a t a i home,

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    v iihrasajrorisndy

    *my” (sir Udy


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    $l§li Iti ill II IIII


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    window! a p p li^ sd Ihereon

    ^ ' 't

    lit ^ tn U were lerved by Mr*. "oodnjjf. Mrt, Ver* Butken. w . Lwnard Clark. Mr*. Aidand U n . John Chap•


    fair-co, 'r-conditioned platd



    ^ R U N N LI N

    I ■





    .. ...........




    In v. ■ I G ’S,"r,

    N E X T■ T O ID A H O r o W E R

    _____________ V.___________ __




    I ;

    fflM E S-N E W 'S, S, TW T IK FALLS,-IDAHO



    j SA LT


    I H o p k e ’s H o m eru n B re a k s; ui p T ig h t ill B a ttle 1 B aseb all

    R a tce ee F i n i s h

    J l


    S p ill


    A U n ■ I H H ■ ■ ■ H % ^ 4




    i Ij : i H' U I I


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    M f A a « m it« 7 7 I, f7 ' ' B rB E B B T KtBSCHtX T H n*T *-*«U n' I . . „ .T h « fln t h»ir ot Ull fln t hJ su ot lh « Pioneer JrMU» u uiMn o n loon » [le VaHey wllJ .b* orer »n(J cur M»»le V» Co»boyi bren «Mtln< (he • world »nr»-«IU itr on th* dUmond ■ ( ' . ,r ( M or Kl tha turn* .

    • - cowboy r u u v e pr«U]r h o p t f u i . thouih. that thingi better u tlte •on r o Ma a l o n g . ^ ^ B H 'I r o r on> thlni. U>a

    contest. Bees hurler Johnnie PoholPoh( aky collected hia th irdJ win w ■g the of the aennon by going tl dlitsnc* snd sllowlng lh* Cowbc thre* hits, one walk and Jannl


    Magic Vstlry pitcher Jack Robei RoberU ed fl five ~ pitched match as he allowed clouu. fanned four and walked .ed ti two. lees In Th* Mcond spot In league sU ndmuias s: snd u ,,y ,jn d up Uielr series wlUt lUt tthe cowboys Sunday on a doublehesd ■hesder. MonMsgle Valley returns home> Mo O rest dsy to open a aerlea againstI Ort PallJ. .n eesi irly Salt U k e Jumped otf lo an coreless 1-0 lead, bul they went scoreli for the next alx framea bctc itopK* put th* victory on. Ice. was hU Uilrd circuit h it of ot Uie t

    |H ~ V .f i M ' M ■ ■

    • v 'i..,- . ^


    ^ 1

    P :^ .*>

    r ■ '

    IN Si E R IE S (


    Russets Bow 1 To Billings li By 10t4 Score Ij t; . ^ ' 5

    Fn S A L T LAKE CITY. May Ma 25 (/P) — F im t basem an' Fred



    b] y


    4 Z

    w; J l o p k e ’n th r « - r u n h o m m er e r In ; the bottom of th e eig h thh waa Lake m o r e th n n th e S n ll L ak e Been necdcci S atu rd ay night in league r iu m p in g th e M a g ic V alley alley Cowboys 4-0 In i Pioneer Icagi



    S p o i l e: d

    SVN'DAV. M,\Y

    Baseball Pr Prograinir Planned by >y Legion S ev e n team s, re p resenting ing ffi.x town.-;, wij]


    ' ‘’'jHomer Gives ;iE‘A ’s 7-3 Vi'in

    ’uieuiAgainst Boise I

    I Dodgers Pin ■ 8-1 Defeat On Missoula

    llarrbbBrg** WUIlsm Pena high school rard rae* lo U n e u te r. P a , Jkn Bend ef lla: L cadlnr In a eloa* 440-yard n 11. Th* Roberts fsced only 37 Bslt s Ip* bui bul act«a* Ihe flalsb Un* (elrtledl. Th elfleUI* niled David lllnselraao, It ILake (aiu Ju it. ahott «r th* Up* third place. (NEA phntoi slugcers In getUng his second Ii seed C Clyd* Brown, left, aeeaod. Bend was accofJed a< «i md loia right, (b e winner aod ptaeed of ihe-aeaspn and Poholsky had 30 -------m>n «t Ihn nt.l^ tn riirHiTid wl ISI.T ».**« «:ITT «. MStilir VALLai ' ’ okaO Miilf v>rr k •X«lt l. H4- e other golfer wided In. reuievei euieved underdog f o r his newly «ignc Cflvy* 1 to make - • --------- JJJ JJJI o i.- i th* ball—and caught Ui* Uout rtady h u ihown to good idranlJ P a t - -------------------------------------------uout w eight champion Floyd] PatOffcnalvely. the boyi need to ‘i(‘-it««ut. r*tNi>i'r." vMii>. iiirpk*. ____________ _____________ 1 1 . ■ ' - ' tcrson, Tommy recaileil, "1 Uuir«i4. KU-ly>u««i Tt)dA7 Is "cut-down day- In !• — tor nine hole* and II.2S on wet jn weekmanager Llppe'B reldbart figure th« ure the Braves edged the Chicago Cubs In ' V Pioneer league. T he Cowboyi, I Ute «d ls-S i,, r .-;.:.::: I* ■ :J»i |! i'| i days sn d «3 on Sundays and eW MODESTO. C llf.. M.T 3J W Uld he holl- exlxa three rounds in July will *IU bt be » 7-8 seesaw game a t WrlgleyVField. id.k. r*n. ......... - i i i .»«> 'Z the release o t Jim Murphy19-player and t ’ dsys for 18 holes, to hU ndvanlnKe. rM4talw S I .121t , , The Philadelphia Phillies, concen- Derek Ibbotaon ot EngUnd ouUeg: £ aheWlns oT Lou Jackson on Ute ( ---------------------------il T i _ two ged Australia's Merv Lincoln la Uie Since Uie June engagement.l.Ja Jackck - tratlng 9 of Uielr 1$ h lta In ; ' ablKl Ust, a r t down to Ut* Lgo IS-pla Cub*’ '1 u 1 ;}” I son outpointed big Bob Baker and innings for seven runs, defeated strech Saturday night to win the tcr and t J Vmlt. meeUng xA uir vAi.u(r * i .sitii i! B a s e b a l l S c o r ekQ s mile ru n of the Callfomla relays by Julio Mederos. Patterson hhasn't a s n t pituburgh «•« a t Philadelphia. I ^ O th e r teams In the Chicago Ct y Thurl'•"^B inA f* ‘iw 't LTt*'* ' AMERICAK LKACUB fought alnce hU Ncacmber Ull* vlcUt vlcIn New York Curt Barclay. alxUi about four yards. j « r a m orsanlsaUon also areoys, meetand muioti i. UiVs c»iu i ,1 J ton-. _________________ In a long, thin lino of New' Vnr^ York Ibbouon's Ume was 4:08.4 com' • ' U ttlr cutdown date*. Burdy p rThii , havt (irMt rii)> s. miumU i i» J i’J. -- i; tl [h pared to Uie 4:01 posted by UnU w lng, M u i. F»m«li« s I u by, m&nager of the Cowboys, i a ia n t pitchen came Uirough, ;^ wlUt atokh. (I).»4rilif.r»l4i8k. fat cola Pridsy night a l Lo* Angeles, • nd >l« u u c* N ^u i« im t, ^ nn ^ n».inn »» »» » » - « s ; )! been huddUng wlUt a en e s^*about Uwl n il Brooklyn 8-7 and then reUred fd Ihe • I Dodgers In order. Cki«i» - --------* ' i '. « »1} 1K director ot p U n r personnelle‘loValley r i ” romJritM. »ii^Ki5f*(u‘ cbtiLiM [ Homeruns by SU n Muslnl, Wally 2 Cuba* minor league teams, ma be U y C ^ ‘^ * j ^ - 3 : - - { j* I 1; n4l>r n i >n»i em-.inn BssebaU at Michigan S U te dates dales plonshlp. In t series sUrtlng Mem­ Robert Haddock, American T Legion NAUONAL LIAGUK , eg : Je ro m e orial day. May 30. •m wUI NATIONAI. I.KACfkt athleUc chairman, u ld a lesm w I, r's «>•* are MllntuVn ....... :• II . t uII I amkirR MI oot CJO-: u S i ilr 'uI il inwresxdII t WorthlBltoB. ill mn»p B o w lin g ■I S Cniuxr* (II. M>no»»k» i Kll»«. R. C. Smlik lil iKd K4m1 to RM«bl|ii •. Kmt Vork e 111; lUMIi. rtrrtll ITI 4nJ Loi«i4. 01^14. MOSCOW. May U l.r>-Dlck Shrp. n lghl a l the bowling alleymwlU .... rMi»4.i[*u t. riiubutfk I OM Ii: IIfr-7 score or 1390. LewU rolledank gamei L J li IJ 5 Ii^'ho mon the Northern Mob- au Lm u i . cimihmh < :: m . ie s. m . a x . 3i» and i t x n«‘” rhllllp* u i. Cricit IO JpII, Joll, ,, , , division driving conteii Prlday. a JohnhMt t' iih c ir b a c k in g . A n d th e y lru e-sceiie.-* support frnm .■‘unie H 'ji' odfi ffic ia ls a t th e p ch o o ls. T h e

    s g 'S iS

    ll c a t

    fi & w |i ■ f l .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^

    i't“ rrie c o r d s w e r e b rn k en >T^ — Si-V Skyliiif- i-nnferrm'f .M ISSO U L A . ..Mwil.. .May L’'> m ilriv v wu.-< .sp a rk e d by a m e e t.'r:»ily w o n its t h i r d connrij;hiiin Ycuinj; univor^iily nd tw o n lh e r.t lie d .''ntviniiiv »•'' favored fiivoi I iiii ; h e re F r id a y o f th e b o a rdI I'liton C otiR nrs ro lle d u p tr a c k n n d fioM ornw n wvilh ilh 77 pniiil>. As th r iiiitu'iiton '5 ''. .. 1 scc ccutive u tii " f rej:eiit.s o f t h e U ni% 'c rsity h p ir tK o ri’. p r im a r y u tlc iititin frunil m tth e cnitvi! nf ntnmt 'J.OUO wns w n s coi'itcred o n th e b a l^ 1 . . thc‘ir . 'f C n lifo rn ia . o f w h ic h U C L A for sci'iind jilacc bfU vfcn------------l!i-:r and Cnl a l Berkeley, are Uie mam camputes. ita im S t i i t o iinivcr,’ ity , D : l i : , VCLA alumni made a ferventt h . n n d U liih S liilo . I jllill |>:ich ror Immediate withdrawal. The .>ni;inn's wvoikI pUrr in llir y ". . mem ber o f th e Id iibo,, i.-^r ir^ riiu didn't sny yes. Bul more PV M av 25 — K oi: Pyiier. Pyii rrliiy ax-Mirrd Ihr (ltlu.;ir.< ofl l- C < |^ tl, port of e n try , Imd ' i:i:i>orlant, they didn't say no. T he runnrrup »i)ol with 36', iK'iuii.l B l ^ ''g ia t { o n c d ifn?‘ Strcvc'll Sire ■iiliinmi are taking Uiat m a green I followed wlUi 39 and U i a h l ^ rv — J n Ulah loU JG.4 lo ijikf first, place in thcii',''*/! o f 32G.4 I tiEhi tor conUnued acUoa toward c hnd - i 'l . Uriivrr w,i.« tillli{ I i x i i l lent of th e Magic V alley Pcncolcft! B y ' cftting mil._______________ : : polilt.i. Nrw Mexlro. Ii.iil A I i l L 'lile Ihrre Khoots navr oofiir Wash,. M ay"75-lr=' ~I'u’Ul.UMAfJ, t,L lhe brunt of PCC penalties for %1oWyoming 7. Virsl-p’ii -st • place Bllllngi and last'j Vashmtttin State toek advjiitssc l.itm s ol r\tlet agclrut lutaidiaiH cords O reat Falls grabbed Uie spol' C-4 .S’urUirrn division bairbnll «hi Sltveiter ( Utjih fiiiilc In the ihoi- light 1Inone vote a t a recent .conference ■ bolh poated victories I ' diKus; Aryln Flnllnwn ol nijhtt a t they tl ■'riit,u. imt and t mretlni;. {■ m rr I lu Iht44n.yard dash; Gary on the itre le itrengih ot fine pitching perTlir Cmici.r> »roirlr b} Dfli-e jcjjM, Oirre unlli.i, H'nilinni < -A > the annual Roie bowl football flfi form on !Emlo Evani’ flve-tilt 8-5 ' I; ennrs. a h it bnttrr and a wild a'l'l BYU BVU in Uie mile relay. 9 ^ B Z L ’5 3 5 l 2 S iK . -.3 '•W oo m Bcime, Quoled Saturday by Uie i 9 iiesl ot Idaho FalU While Great , 'ltd '. Conreri' AU• PAIIIS, p, iiilrri'iice records wrti> lied In .Moy 24 i,?» — Amcriciins Min Mirrur-N'roi m saying: "Tliere 1* . j s mil .‘ilellninn diii th* best in thp iMo-mlle luo-n run by Gary arlfflih ™ tiI tipped tlppc Mlasoula 3*1 on a twoPutiy and Hcrlj Pliim nd- no '«!>y UCLA, u s e and Callfornln Ir " J'i.p e U d in «!»“ A^ Budie Dud ffort by | daho'i losing chum'. Krllliig fmir of JIYU 1 i Idiho' lYU and In the lOO-yard dnih hit efforl t Oarl SUaba. In anoUi* Tinced to the fourUi round ol th e cnn cnn live wllh the north." The of-W ume. .* Boise edged Poealello 4*3. 1 \ 'Z .\L n t* « f « ‘*’1e1 French i;" ' ilnglrt 1 1 1 four aiiiKnrancrs, by Krn ( Ken ChrLuensrn of Utah. " Inlcrnntlonal tennta Mur- flclal ficu nsJifri for anonymity, n ie V g® ptflol eourw and Fter le VaJJey , ,■ It »n* Ihe first win of Uie ^ra.1on Bllvrsie) Ivrsier, the burly Ulah Slate VaJl a t S*» Lako O ly wa* nim eni Siilurdny, Patty with th r sociniion soci; hns a iie-up wllh the match eoune. Thee wm !d oul, I igllnjt »lx Itvves fnr W Sc* Hruce nnphoiniin .P a rrri hll the flnltli Unr a l thhrr same san Inilant In a tpetU eular acilnit lomorc. selhlsnew shDtpulmark '“ help of a llneim nn's questionable r c c includes M lh lf » -. hclP Billing* left-hander e tough ton 3oldt. a seiUor pllrhlng hla last a l 544 feet. tret 4 'i Inches, ’nil* bettered ^ T h10 They a rt CrtKUido. Boldt. N.Y.. raeewar. ri Tl ufuhot of the regent*' meel-. threc-wa; ilrad heat at lhe ilulfato. N.V.. i S '. K h O i M d e d .hoot nf.;. call. wll. Thp ona *rocky inning, th e fourth. ] :ame. i t wns only Uie .'ernnd ln« thr prrvli previous record of M feet 1'4 J 4. Hohert Sliulllewnrlh up: Adlna Queen, Jueen, I. driven by Jimmy Arthur. Rame. : Patty wound up a 6-8. 8-10. 7-5. Ins msWM lh al they promised poiltlve *• ■ ilMle K ^on *hooUn«.:• p, 1 h t »aerved up a homerun ball 1 j or Ste Sieve Hinckley. jJjo has four Inches rs he had aet Frldsy In quail* ll------------------------------------------------tor e e-3. «-3 alnner ovtr AusiralJ*’* D on action aell al ihelr nexl session Junef and Clrtrr Cnuntel. i iNKA photo! Bob Bcartato with tv o men I | tnd tiring rJni, fyinsr for Uir finals. “ I » 0 .* -------------------------------------^ — ' «-}ni, e Candy bul Uip AuwIp , and m oil of 21 21 IfI jchool olflclnU do not take rd. Me Benedict atao worked ? ^ U « . pr«i« «»d ka« l*’ C.n, ^ WSC used only one pll.-lier, but lie• did Uie tome In Ui» dl»cu*. on wlUidrawat before then. ^ lhe crowd, thoushi the veteran U, a» slnnd *l la for a homanin lo le ad o tt Uis 1 .wSlW'*n accident forced the uie ot Uirce HLi record recor heave o f 172 feet. 4 'i EvanaforS. pplayer iclunlly had losl In th e t e. It ; i v mUomI nwUh e our« eon-- S. Tile rhnneellors of both UCLA I , rs U lopped h ll Friday record swne. itcheri. Inrhrs Uilrd WJ. flnd CKlllomlA attended Ihe meetG reat Falli. the loalng Tim ;! ! ! j « tf » o u ot »low fire. Jimn'a 440-yard nm in 4T.8 t>crjacki g a single taUy In the Vhllliig *lio l-< oul wllh a cracked Pnillii.vi tnnlng w)lhoui a h it and then 1) l ^ ^ e o m p t U l o r * through.’ B-3 8-J n l mntch point, Pnlty h ti a nnd nnd cm pull oul, 6 0 will certainly 1 1 / iict% (opprrt a mark of < u set Jnnlm houlder. uas spiked Vhlle sliding seconit% (< held well In check by Slaabi. I ' backh&nd a crou the nei which Join Join Uiemjy ID31 'by Lcvl Me>tr* of UUh iib id jy . !>*«'| nto second, jle hart 12 suichri In 1®5I rival. Dlcic SchulU. dishing up | . near the end line. Mo.^l of f, ■ Hll rival, T.I thi n»Uon»l m»Uh eour»e. topI landed Und aken in his knee. SUle. Ilts. «Mtv the ball game tied In lhe crowd ihouEhl ll oul nnd mi did w t , Jnck Nngle look , In the (WO. E.vtc'a 1;SJ,4 record »]* l>'ta. L “ Jul o r « PC«lble 3M '•* «•. i*’®' (;?’) — .l„ h n L n n d y ’ft w orld „ UUlliyoutflMder uui»: iievmUi vhen Ed palm qulit , Candy, but the llnrsmnn cnlled the ( J ] ■ bof"' rtlrrrd one of 1:54.1 set by “ »» Mven iver behind Uie plate while a call S hr Ol* P*n.rt R the pace 1,, j», posilblllllu In Uio hnnder. had lltUe trouble benUng: rival Arnie Sowdl, * iili a lim e of [['* P* for three nnd a half laps. . 1 *coi liil Herb Wimberly led New Mex- oUierr lltlo lltli holder 1* Sherald James •'-a yr scoring It to lh* top e lm A Kore. Hand p r-fllled contest. John Doldse of U U h In straight; t;18a. f lS j lYU. :He le l his mark In 1054, etror-flllec ' l‘f :o to Uie team Utle ID Uie'Skyline of OYU. nd I U< lor *ccond place Mid | ; J »ew 5-1. 6-3 In Uie finals. .j.^ th o 'ce n tu ry , Chrlatensen of — onferenee golf ehimploMh(p.i S al- In. tho :AEutmn. Ttt'ln Falls, uaA third. The Unlvpnlly of T rxaa aprlnl :k e y b ic k u°diy” irdiy «as a susty wind sent score* Utah1 tied th a t league record wlUi JOCKEY relay icnnu brolie the pxlsllng world “nVBA ‘ »A GETS JOB ■n 0! HJOAOO. May as fUv- Jockry alloonlng. " run of P 'i w w ndJ. Olher ho)de» CHJOAt BiOTHudlni. Tv,-ln Fnll.1, topped record.1 and npproachPd Ihelr ppiid- ST. LOtffS, May M W -Form er balloonl m y A' Adam*, who underwent an U B alth a 644, Clltt Sharp, Ing rpcorda In the 440 an d BSO-ynrd mnjor mnJor IcagueplicherandcoachAUke Por Uie U two-day. S8-hol» meet a t are Alex Burt of CSU. In 1052, and Johnny B rant of Montana In 1958. emertency rgency appendectomy Wednei, 'ort Collin* municipal course, Uie Don Brar rla hUi. hid *n 6 S7J nnd H . " domlnauon of all comers here Prl-. prominent In track and field meets, I. Vi'uttll. Cissla county, waa « c -; enure ' proeram In th e French te n - dom Tlio mtmcle-mlle held th e «polTli A wa inoUier 87J . Dale Baird, nl,i "i’ championship wna rained o u t day nlghl by defeating former. light—unUl CourUiey c u t loose. And Davla Cup aUir Tony Trnbert. 0-4. light stuaroty. was ihlrd with OBJ. • and ,Budse Pally threw cold w ater Davl while whlli Uindy's record of 3:58 wiui KctR hid the ton Brand a ttsrr.. on f " the ' Idea he might br pursunded e-4 to win Uie ilngles Uilo in the^J nol ihw tenfri, iiw was Uie four* PrtcMic C o « t PTorfA.ilonn} Tennis , ad >11ere In clam B. a 255,4. Pnl ’•■'1 fo^ • mark with .363. ; " • JO™ l)««man Al Owens percentage P««‘ Sail U ke City's Fcm Carson Is J«k»n, »t,n i „ i , lhe leasue In U.e“ Uie league's leading pitcher wllh fire victories and no defeat*. Bob fl funrnU y is fire duablrt liu wllh an Injtiicd Shaf ler I* leading' ihe league in ' homerun* sllowed with nine. i homi .1?*



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    — Sponaared by VFW Peat •t 21S( 2IH. Ticket* on isU a t Soewbairs Sport Stiep, Wrmy'i i f t c* Cafe. Beddan-t Clxar Sl«r« ,______ , aadjrw ln FatU :la Cigi Cigar Blor*................................ I


    1-1»— 1-14



    ^ull Size I 'A L.LL I KINDS - Ful

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    T5 m in u ( e t o r 1 fo il— 4o d ee ecision tv c ry m a tc h .



    H ENR Y

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    Double weather fU'p* over tipper Waterr repellent rep< wtnd*r«*UJanl Oxford Oxfor PopUn cover.

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    t » • I ______________ ^1 rir.t.eiii ■trxniNr,

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    „ 1 .0 0 cnljf . 55 ,tnr «l W W iihibir, S p tc t^ purchMCI lookinc«}'i3(l » u p*U«mi. r o t t e n * . Stripe*,I. p* E tu i 3-e.

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    f e ' L :u k * « ;^ .3 3 r: on !S lack S a l t C otton Sockf foirrBB cellent contraau

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    Leakproof. r .ii.r r , . won't chip n. rrA;< v- ’f " rolonni » ilh rifj;; - j'- ..':.'' Isli. Heavy b»:l ftjr.s;*.' ' '*



    M o n d el a y N ki g h t ! T I L 99 p . m . A SALI P R E - H O )LIDAY L MOO W o>rth r t V a lu a b le Do M l MON. - 1

    D o o r P r iz e s




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    >33 f |3 * ' i


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    81 1 Q


    T S ........................ ............. 1 I SHORTS



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    " S E V E N - T O - N 4I II N E "

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    Nu'»'t>'r * ........ 8 fororH 8 8l^t c ltljhe»t quallly ' flwhbiilbi , 8 8 c ' priced far below »h»i jnyd rxpect to p»y, For lUishbiilbt black »nd whltl Jilm.

    3 Ibl. fer

    C O O K I IE E SS


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    B arb flcu o S«r S arv ari 4 Pc. IndividMl «ISer»in Sar ItfS. 45# viilur S p fc lal........... '


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    E L O U J P g P S j o=or! K ids W ith P< Pore n ts !

    ni»df Iff crrain' p.n. 3 .9 9 «-< i Krcmr ribrr GU.« TiiVi .

    . 0

    I Toilef Tank TI





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    O PEN M O NDAY — iO o . m . 'TIL 9:00 p . m r . :

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    REG. 1.00 v a l u e '

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    Ic i C rtom Freeter Hond OpetBlcd ter

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    J .9 5 ..... 29.9

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    A ll Sizes a n d Prices


    ' ■v y

    2 .0 0

    i ------------ -------TtjB-m odrm-woy ly (0 lo < *trvt-*t I barbccufi. Cluomf iromf plntrcl : KklllrU. riuUe»'ood woodhni^dlfj. ^ leather thonts. Por For D*dl a

    E j J T ' ■ W



    N o th in g to b u y !! T c s e n t— J u s t r e g is te r Yl ou don’t h a v e tb be present in Ihe S p o rtin g G ood I ept. D R A W IN G a t 9 pp.m. od D .m . M O N D A Y !

    « EGGS 10c: BROOWSr. . SALMON


    !* •'■



    TokM rneI ptu< ptiK rns.

    ' I >t

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    t v 'w '• vS^ k L .~sL *:5r!!24.''-..;«-. I n d » x 9 d , AMl t II* CC(a * « P sn o n a l FU*

    o i ie i S u n g laiie Soft TInttd Koitic F« .,n „ 0.tic F


    B lo c k w ithI bbrc ro ss • B lo ck w i t h coo ppppitr ^ 5 c le v e r dlis isigi ig n t

    T h e se B o rg a


    ifi gS 3


    S P E C IA L S

    n,. M K o n d a y only! ir g a i n s are so h o t- w e c ain n o( ffe r th e m 7 to 9 p.m

    * I

    N E W ! D tc oo ro ra tlv e



    T f t 'c

    08 9 c


    R tg . l .< 9 ? c Sprinkle or *onk *ny Icnsth 6 9 [hten c A wonderful buy i t this lof , or shape p a ttern up lo 3S (eet Jp_or____^Cleve^ nrlntJ In itu rd y anil* ___ pitc'i E lM U c_Il o> clotfi. buy leveral p a ir now any room. Won'l drnl. chin or a t »ny point you wish. more. and Ufe. ^Teer-Ewy'lo'waiKroVSi-o'r-



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    R ta . 9 8 c ...

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    .0 0

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    " S q u e e x a " P lo itic


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    — ' ‘ ................................ .........' !



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    L o c e T rim m tdI— — Print P

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    P O RR 'T A

    h e

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    TSM AN

    C R A F T S .

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    $ 1 2 5 o r m o rft-c o n bba. ca a nly y o o ir oil d e p a r tm e n ts .

    W IE P L A Yr W


    3 L 0 U S EE SETS S ' ’

    s t Prize: 1st I


    N IG H T A T 9? P. DRAWING M O N DAY D/ P..M...


    1; '• '

    F O R


    S u n s h in e BBea r g


    CO U PO N

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    This Scction — --------------


    T>vin F a lls L o u s r d lip . . . P h ' f fin i n (f h t/r c h . . . . B o b b y 's H e lm e t . . . Cliftnv,' qliu a r ic r , r l s E x h ib il . . . A 5 Y o u r M iiiiM: frr .- j5 c c 5 U . -------------------

    TUIN FvClLS.’ IDAHoTsUUN^ A. N Di..W A i i Y wr aa y\


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    fi R rg io n o l N c'» $ p o p er* 5trving .A Niine trtiq o tc d C o u n tie s ing^N


    .MAY -2G. 10:>7

    It, T lic se P u ') i ) i c s A r c R e a l B i r d DOo »pie«ri o»rr lliciu m .lirn ipiulleil iriull r»ch tim* she aould t>k .11 i: a liller of ( 1(IU Wriniir-;keep Ihem Iheir w.iriii. Ml.^1^ didn t sp-i.'iir.it luck 10 (he pupj. ik. bick irr piiiu I'Mned by II. A. Miiiiirtlyjt^.ir 10 lo t>e tx coiicrrnnl. but Muiiinl) ! T!ir lonj irratm ent d ld n l werk. ir loiieh rd sonielhinc v^n-n’t r\.u-ily.but llir llip DupN di nppirrnUy. are going liiuld l>e ir»l tJiid dogs. T.ir W f|.|luu red si 'siiiitiid sm ni't u well-reg*nlnl s» i> rulil.. So hr tliir» Ihe '.■rUcr-' .
      1 i]V' find thr hrii innkrA s ««iiii ■etiri ' ...Id me hen clucks m Itir p

      r '

      ]D o g

      IS i

      BUHU HL. May Ji—Tlir anniliil tc -p iilrdd a Inn In of co.il for the winter. of Clinrles R. n m r s l Ute IPS >p$ fa uniniiI of of pupils r FAvs he WM paid vJO » »l thirr nnsln Du Kliool four lll1lr.^ r»»ll mmilli. \V Hb. Whilr a t Muldoon ho W’a i pt Onkley tkley on June 3 uill conir prrtiy rrvru ini: »fj i n nionth■uiiis c|i>m to to bring b Ihr aoih nnnlvrrvio' Tlie cun He currlrulum In ihoao. days wa* of public i iblie school education in Mngic prrity tim ty simple, nreves-t«ught read* Vallry. 'rliinc and ’rllhmnUe, mornls. y. inc. 'rlilnt Every v. rry yenr fur ttir liikt few jentfl, lioiirMy. 1 Cnnstltiitlnn and th# rMy. Ihr Reeves. n< a Ruhl ntlornry, 1k>m,\ DrcUrnilm es. now Urniinn of Indrpendrncf. » rrnnlon inlon with his i>U|ills nnd Uirlr Tlip firs r.chooI In Magic Valfry IIP flrsl ciU trenand grntidchlldren. Kxni wrs liullt ren Iwilt 1nt Albion In 1878 o r 1517. uiough thc reunion Is bring lirld nt V'rnnk sh th Rib Ilk Ribli'tl was the lenchrr and Baalii Daalii school site, some of hix hr h.id pu li.id pupils ranglni! (rom 7 o r 6 pu„iu c s aa tt other schools In the vnllry yr.irs . rs of ner to ndulU. Discipline J l ' " "‘xpecfeil , to attrcid. x4 / ^ W l i are good vjtfkers and clean people, ■ ■ both physleiily and morally. He H filU T M % f ............... : poinu out frequent washings hsng- C Q m ^ ■ /T A polnis Ing on lines a t the labor camp arr BjM M • ■* S A • ■ "’S good eevidence the Mexicans ar* not H S ^ ' ''■ A B E»«l dirty. M ta '■ dirty. "A.I far as morals arr concemed. |E B S , / t "A" yDUlL.llnel the m lgranu are more B f lB l ^. / m ■ sijicl tand severe lh an m tny whites," •■ sijici he adds. [ | mH M .^ jU B K ^ A I'f Bandy says a good deal nf the M f S ■ D>nc Migrant M inistry's work will deal n H R children an d says TUthbun with < n Bible, he ssya. Usehlng * * '* * * » * * The fc M igrant MlnUlry program * • * * ------------- lies back to i»30 nationally, bul r ” ' ^ dates b* Id It* Idaho s u r t In IM I when a hsd i unonstratlon program was esUbdemonsLr uny, ciiAnLKn mercf . r euee river drifted WAX) M 91 rou ■ scan lha ilsl of SDO-odd ’Tennesiee : i r you ' tirrwlie dKortU th t trtre t ol none mor* m o n wsolonly horrlbla Umn was led by ' '-i '^VuR sl general nimed WlUUm T *I S g M P ! B P i* * F " . council junelt of Churches, division of comrade' gem mrades who died In defenso of Shiloh\ tn Tennea«e. If you visit menial >me missions. A WOO sran i from ;h shermdn. ; today on Uis upper Ten- cumseh 8h( W IB roS «-,-vIc. rjjijII (ja^ Jerlng eountfy roads much Uie Pittsburgh I day. a legal holldaj In most of meanderlnt There, near a peich orchard 100,000 Americans of divid- low-. There, W - i - ........ .......tocat ) tocal Migrant Mlnlstr? proRrams e- states. J n . i h e old south, ex. same uu I0( iM (o louna them early In -Aprll wher*i.hlouom hlo**: s floated I n .k w a n s _ we sel up later In other southern cjpung jUng Virginia, the spirit of re- ed c»u»« **™ «*• Q '.________ _______ spring{ brtci breeze. hU men pitched thelr jr nno-com V idtno~ w m unlde«,-A -»l«l*-coco. memberi rm brrint-ih» de«d-U-«l>*»rv*d-cn ot_188J_'L_ -and— iW j mltteo Itteo w wa* organlted Iasi yenr in n d - w»tted-t»-m oTO -#o«th— . li­ le r days. W« hhiC tr ivr fought most o n o U f Iin tJ-» st CorlnUi while Uie fe d e n i H Jlse and fip^i ; ||U 5 M |j |||H B |||A y |^ Boise an( w m named the Southern can battles In obscure places, against Cor Next Thursdsy. therefore, Innu- Amerlean k sho-MUhant-MlnWUy-commltUe. jytprabit rdaho-Mi lance- lO K U Silht •TBble schoolsina tiants and-of* b f-c h an ee ance*. bul Uwaya because a TheI fedenOs feder did not“ prw*K« 'a l ' ;presentaUves a l the organlm Uon«,[] be closed and a holiday cumsunces. w f l ReprcMn ea will or patrol th e ooun{jl meeUng included people from „ , rirlt j i prevftll. pf meeU 11 had a moderately good ren. fenslvoe poslUoiu posit Bul Oie dsy* when general :fore Uiem adequately. I t waa Ir local M ir leading hU men to a definite In ' before I u l Migrant Mlnlsirtcs commltlees, niembera rmber* of the Orand Army of the son (orr lead U youni war In a youne counnited Church Women of Idaho, ntpublle public solemnly gathered In tven place. This This Is true of Shiloh, which sUll a, young id the mea were green In the U Bois« M Jly »* log church beside a rood try and )ls« MlAis!«rjA) (A.iocl»l'on and (tiee remotest rerr cocnuy rf**ry*rfli wm only of war. Sherman a s m e d (I craft v I gone forever. The rigged sslut- leadingg to a1 definite place. iploymeni security agency. . Uiat Uiere were only 30J00 • Ij plaa was Corinlh, Miss.. 20 Orant thal The voile of rifles and the bitter- ’T he place 'The Rev, R< O erald Case. BoUe. was ing: volleys I t derates 30-mile».away-ln-Cor-----to th e souUi. an Important Oonfederatc. c et notes of Tap* are h t i n U t a m llf»_lo U uned chairman of the committee, sweet no jjp '< u lH g named el iicMon on Uie main easi-west inlh. rquenUy each ensuing spring. rail JuncMoi n . Dorothy Campbell was elecled rrequenU Mrs. Dor h e ra in v u w roos. Tber* rtery of the Confederacy. A But S Shen S ich year. deq>lie Uie eflorU of raU *rttry ■ D R g S ^ ^ ^ H M I E K n S Q R Tice chai M chairman and J. A. BalderamEach } 40.000 Con/ederate* a t Oeg^ fi J named Chysscs S. OranC wchi 40,003 x ra n i ontanltaUons. less ihought general na a became secreU o'-trensurer. veterans mftbecan f t was was Im porunt to lake Cor- Inth and JAlbert Jo h n ttcn waa a ^ A v T T O S B s K ^ c ftB ^ An exe execuilva commltlee Is eom- Is given to I Uiose who died In Amer- knew IIC man an. A t noon c a April i :» wars. posed |*ed of tho three chief officers tea's war I t ts U If Ul# potcnual InUi. Two . Cm fertrale Rcncnkls tough m : Albert Sidney Johnston and he swung ung Into In the taddle azul a ta rtI urucU ventu of-Wir has grown so named Albe r a r a B M W B M M B M i M n W and ehali id chairm an of the county M lgranl destrucU' ioifw that-they rd hlsI men walking n o rth to detU or — a l and Dci Ministry Inlslry commltues. These include total an< terrible lhat it U beiier P. G. Tr.. Dcnureganl loM th« f ’CderalJ. ederal d (Corinth. e Rev. D arld Blackaller. Cnnyon nolI to ih i/ ln t of fC Vet «a r afaays must M ifjjg j^ s B S iS S lH iB S B liB hrigi lllustraUona ol team even of w ar stirred pon- —TlioJ bright ,. county; tl Rev. Robert Kelm. T u n hn*s been unty: thi: beep Unlble. and K li good. T he evenU nliTM l ««rktt« loTe b u e b ali aad «1|] bool m lm presenta th e 7 books . neUmta, le refleei on lu hot- d e ro u Jy i^ In in the W est Utat Kprlng. hlstonf 111 pU; pUy all day wHbeol a rg so eat. Palis, an< th e Rev. Rhcinhold Opp. someUme aUiu ills, and ki'H il.V !''".'*'! ' ‘" W r tin t p .r t of t i Ult t t M ixrm l MlnlMry prognm ______ ;_______ _______ ^ Mtnwisfc, In to Uif tif nc nexus o( Ehiloh above the (c«iiau :«U*m4 ta r s f t 11. Uttmm U t Mr er i' U a r ^ sem H aT rC htidrte * — C8 U t InMofc* CQttBty. • - ror.- •' rsra T T iiiriflT u w f had progreaaed only I t mllci. On ed offlcen tng into a flock of iheep." a*I 00* ooe of terrlfrlng. When Uiey wtrt I tt ntfht of April & experienced off: united In a common cau*e It pron Braxton tU offlcen U ttr wid. luch u Beauregard aada Bra ousand* an ladomluble trail, th# laek Kerr, (or lh» fln t uree. thousar Oragg held their headi aitt the I C le a n -U p Paint.ij, xed the I of American* numbly nallxed t of dtaclpltne and beggedI Johntton John AUTO TO BE SOLD on aik allowed flcndUhly* unconirollable n aktun tu n of to turn back. Bul Johniion D r e m o d e l ' boya w b< ho bore SHOStfONE. May 2»-DIds they wer* going on. hU boya ' tn combat flhtrman hlmaelf. who Jlds ttre ! InvecU ni* our n n a a a m. to the grave a bitter memory nory of being recelred up to i pjn. June tighter*. a t th* city hall (or tale of. ia” » 19 ! The N orthern mob wl uu iitru t n s «ar. recalled: "ft coupe, “Our *-oundfd mingled w Ith ith rebri orer lhe wooded hllli of Shiloh. Sh >■ _ _ _______ nd fooling eU. charred tnd blackened by the I hooUni tn d hollering and fo< iTPuna- wttnB -U if T - walted to now where, tbout begging lor tom eont to « toRieplace—they didn't know w) Dday, April Ihelr mltety . • . th# bonei o f UW A l a red lu o roelr bayonet tlpi w lth-a tnmall a ll tin line through th e momlng mUt sew hen, . the «eie m v «*P- he'd P'^ked up iomewh« i n audltnce. H* h ad Jerry Jc • _ „ colonel took one look a t the nV v.^m lie him u p with a M -fo o t: lO I l tn d bawled: "Retreall Save ] ir thouUng. 'Men. theyj« atubbo « nr a?i J ^ W t muit UK Ih t b a y o n e tr■Swli 's S look Jo hniton n o n than te ln tl” B e bounded to lhe lug hU hor»» toward tho norths mlnuUa to tU him up and 1 oul of th e Civil war, m ta beean h*** ‘I" - *’* "Come. I 1 dle got looae. In fuU view x o r Aa the Federal rtglmenti t iheet lead y o u r He rod# Into th■it e th . audltnc*. ta fire *econdi. to mill confuMdly. Sherman ^ i Sadi v S c I of «lre and’ hU men foUowed h Another trick h e performe< Joped forward, aure d a t the S ' »S ' ForOnli/ "M* They took the peach orchard pour w ater from o n t patl ti y J U U i / l tng Southerners and mapped. Sidney other. T h t paU h t pourt. Ood. we're atlackedl- The Soul " ‘n*™ S m mpty iand the itnm r»> id ' trman'a or- S' Johnston dead, ,« n ie d to get empty ^ ^ tilrm lahera fired and Sherman' other n e re r got full. fa u lltr a t •* * Indomlta and one*htlf io nine montha, nontha. de - d „ij, {*11. th e tti»l faUUt) BSw rianlB thw ' Individual courage, ot excruclat yeM urdle aa}-a he h u been b In- pending on the weather r tn d how ghueh. {erttUd Jn maglo ilnce IC* he * u a badly the puplU «fre needed oi th e aria of th e P*''** ‘ "“I of bum eded on )je»rby. Pvt. A. C, Vorla Ut«aUy ■ ■ iW U T O0l,4 A ra ago he took child. About three year* SffhMn n 17th tlllnoU. who had fought ii one w H eji In *hlch blood ute laUoni trom Snadanct Cr h ! ‘ h l , I; vew nn. “ owed Uke «ater. «hool a l Oakley w ai battle and thenfore w u a vel BeauRSUN VAIXEY. Blnce thrn IcaderlcM O'* “>« of e itib llihfd Jn IMJ wJlh' John MJI- law Ihe plig h t of the Irade been working with W. fM. iv rt calmly *"de« No. 13. lOOP. conferred confer Id nol Uke *uggered biek to Corinth, *««md dtcre* o n Stanley J Re*ves wid Win Condll ling unoke. There never w u an accur n n l ^ u « frlKhttuI din. the eolllng ar Jr , Ketchum. a n d Ronald f-i of tranjpoftlng former lg ot the count of c a m ltlc t a t Shiloh. I t 1 Mr p the inceasant .creaming H tllry, T h u n d ay erenlng. i:l ‘n Ui'Bcm'tn ‘o BoiUn for thi however, » A huddled, been reliably e»Umat«l, howe< hud Rantom. who U aawclated rS h i v ! union *>>110 Htrrlwn Powen h « , wounded. T hey fled and actually r ~ ^ ‘' ^— r w - r rtver bluff* ihat one-fourth of the men aclw whimpering, under the river t North American Holiday l « h.nfe of iraniportlng the lo fm In vain, erutsKed tn the btitl# w e n wouni Where offlcen euned them hU number 83 and who U here from ( l i t Se. Uank ™ ”S I T . I . r .i » . r k . MM IU r* B etterI ,rom from S ubilckly. etU- or killed. At th# Ume the batUe i S rU, ih thowed a , ,, homa Jn Phoenl*. Art*, Jtromi fh. II 2(1 &Ula North IDectrlcally :n>uched In peared lo be a draw, for tItt waa waj a mated th a t 8.000 men crouclw acenery along **“ • ________________ mollon p lc tu n of the teener i_hOKCver. long time before the pyderaU mo ---------------- tenQ r-by-lhe-rlvtr..Uilcr_lio« tht-hJghway-from-Nogale*,tie. on and took Corinth, AciuaUy VANT ADS. mtny turned to the battle^ la u T t^ ' READ T1ME5-NEWB WANT to Banff. Canada.________ H

      ' .ii

      St.-NDAY.;» T i ,

      n in 1868 Led •y (General Logan Remark by P a jin e n to tS 618 rf Memorial Daj S. Observance of To U.S. )ay

      . H

      e jn

      f ^ O -7llC


      V A L L E.'

      >SROKE U tthodU t churcb tr e expeeUd !d to t* c ^ e Projtctc o f th t 0HOSRO] t m U r la o u n b tf tn d1 cATTled c«TTl out to better cffK t t» a rttu Ut ot of Ithe offloul church r out I* U en eUl o rru U n tlo n of th* n 'i Club, t KTOip detlined lo cutt ot ilhe new p n ijtctt. T w cntr-tvo m tn h t n beoocot chartcr m em b en of prealdenl, elub. ItM eh«rt«r n lfhItt profram pro| w u dUKted by C. B. Tbem a*, t*. pi o o n . Ity iMder ot the churth. T h* tltgnature>ln>« n tti ----------------I to th* froupi-------------------------------------»wtU. Oeorg* tOMZ. dltUlct D«iu]a stad y . B . Z. rned

      U S E D " C O N N " CONSOLI

      S p in e t


      S ty le

      4 0 I"" C o n s o l e

      nished, new keys, new pedo n ew bench. bei Sold with newrpioi o rantee.

      Ji I




      L SS THANVi leE 2

      iOSONIC FLOOR MidbE oi L

      SI - ■

      '3 . 0 0 —

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      NEW ! New

      I 7MI

      R E G G

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      P I A N O C L I N C H E S


      G l A U l D E YOUR I

      C h o ie a e f W aln u f O r M e h o flo n y F in lih .................





      G u a ra n fti!

      > D IS C O U N T

      NOW OW!

      i a f i n n in

      G R /




      R e g u l USED 5 '.8 " PRIC (A N D P I A N N O



      l ik e

      O mR O A N S





      NvEIEVW -T H O M A S


      15 ^



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      B R e ■■ ^ACROSONIC




      PA G E PA(

      ID A H O

      T W E N T Y -O N &


      -----------------------------------------[ .

      ilcd Next Friday, Sat Ponies ConsignedJ to t Sale Scliedulc( Saturday

      '" '" 'S h e U a n d ^


      ■ S *
      » 'hrni1 Marl anrt Ucivbuss h s ir a Inl h;e yount Count] ifr and fall. Tli* la st litter H f line lo c a u h up. ihe rounly luniiiifr anc th uIt ipnng h u bern f»i>rciAlly u rllio f r.iliiie i nil b aaiioUirr "ictU n g ' of eggt] l , Ihr lull Itrd for »e lean fShtiln.id Ponv flnl). , . !le know i m ott SheUand pony pricc Such Is not the c n« In tliejcan ihin ao ‘ n'l 8 h f l-- of fiSll*er U nce. one ef llie Ittdlns pricea. Mr. and Mr«. Prr*coil travel many reedcr* In lh» counlry and many ralile In Ihe United RiaiM. rslili builneu or even In olhtr p a rb j Mr. linS {WiJo U l o llttti lor *Alf « t lUllioni lUll now liiro. In1>S5 he sold tlx marei. Pieicolt became Ini^reiud . In'of ih horje btulneM. If a cow ean't )ihm j»nrt mifei rich year fl{ Ihe Uif niff t»lrrotinii» M d iy M di Pi red by hli atalllon. Speedy, for SheOtndt 23 yetrx te n when hfiwln win IIn the ahow rlni. reproduce ef*,Ponv 6»turt*». Shei >.800. Tliey were lold In aalneavllle. Ttll penlcj hi>« been conilm ed1 pure purehwfd two reRblered mtire* forif«u< feeUvely or be converted lo a goodl|’’° '^ ir* d rm a n d for ponlri In lhl« ex., Shetland pony tale, ■jtenk, lU vnlut b nil. T h r inme wllh laren *rrn h»i been cirnrly dtmoiiilriled ' FFA a n d n the W alU 11! ^ p^r'. , n tnok {(le e h im r',.'?" ". ’I'f m«r( tn d fo«1 B C * ’“ 'lion »hleh look the »H-»roun_d M


      r-7 ’*’.

      ?' B P SM — 9 TX AA M HA A

      'ull broUier ^

      ' ’ ^-VMr-ftld, WM *. •-----WMh. Pok>-» J lr n .' Ol'CAMZtS .1I H’l .5 ;,“ ^ ! - Mty 24_-nie K ing. livtnock 4-if tlub ha* " 'h Jtm fj Rolce. J..;' \iW)f ri/k r, «cf-p re » l' ''‘‘“a '''• ^«et*r5‘. »ni tV | ! D _ R

      E T H


      Communicatii **



      I t i o n Radio

      tempera o t;R soih i'EAn key o r e


      E ^ , g |^ g

      f-Kht: L I H J

      C F


      VER COX 6 iJO M AIN AV E. N O R TH


      BU S

      V . O n .H ijh w c r 9 J Soulk A c r o u t h i N a to d a Lina






      E S i


      I I ' j*AGE TWENTY-TWO

      Exercise HeldI i Si For Shoshonee I Qass of 1957 17 ■

      esides Skiing ling to Offer Besi alley Has Sometliii Sun Valli



      [T jt .

      • • • "

      LA £SaroBDd ip o rti availnn Valley. tc« akaUnc aBd'«wtm mla< u*-! >bl> a t Ui» Twert which to better belltt fcnown for IU akilnr. (Sun Valley Iley |phoU—lU tt tngravlnil____________

      ReplacementToF^ jr^T ribute“Paid to Local Hospital’s J ’s Gooding Woman Equipment Airec

      ir p /1 U tU Blonera Twin PalU county, conimlasloner •e from n ift Friday with a eom m ltt« fror lospllftl Mnslo Valley Memorlat liospllii oj rr r r. board in dlKUU the need of the plaelni; ot»olete t^ulpm enl a tl th


      -----------tV r e a tA W a -W lI lL lV N N E B im -DURN, May 24-M r*. Don. la n Hindy entertained a t a dlnnei l a i l Friday erenlnj. OuM ti were Mr OOODINO. May M - F u n e r a and M n. Leo J. Handy and.Pritf i ; ™ o, Hllmi ^*'>1 Johniton of tho Unlvrralty icrylce* w«r* held for Mf*. Hllmi Johnaon a t the Thompaoa luacra jaeral _____________________ ei»»P*' T^uridny. Sonja were a u n s by Nt*. Don Dtn Carrteo and Mr*. Roberi nice. a« companled by M n . Uoyd Gnlrely Pallbearer* were A. D. Lulhet ulher, FOTfit BrUtow. Clarence Welli tlobert Mink, M arion Reynold* ani J f T Fricke, all Gooding, Offlclatinc was the Rev. Oleorpl eorr Goddard, p u to r of the Baptl; church. ConeJudlne rite* wfr# helc a t the Elmwood cemetery,

      chairU W. }Iawkln.v comml»lanI chair new is nci mnn. u ld Uir hoapltnl need* •epre*. rartlolosy equlpmfnl lo rr place pre* ifw der n t rquipniciil outdated by new de VflopnifiilA In the field. nchW Unwkliiit iinid Ihe croup rritchh monry Jio concluilons aa to lir>« monr could be pblftlned to rcplnee thi cr Ute rqulpmenl bul the m a ttrr l.t‘ belns belni TOPSOIL— GRAVEL •tudlrd by rommUalonfr*. « n i I.I. k in d s d ig g in g llawkln* «l.itei* lism T uiaka. M«0 K holarahlp lo Llnfleld college. McMlnavUle. O re .;: Bollinger, one year'a lu l- ' H | B n ^ B g Q 9 g H I M P K B B pVmi Marjory I Uon to Heneger'a Butloeas eollege, i ■ek ridlnr U provided aleu c raeort tnOla 2 in* Salt U k a City; Sharon MarUn and the lamoMf n o n tb i. llarM baek ri( and in Ib* Dounlala*. (Kun Valley p b o l« -« atf rDr** ]Eden, Ull American Legion c iUuunn-- { — I ------- Ihlp award*, the neader-a Dlge*t * * * * church terrlce* on Sunday*. And iand VFW valedictorian awards. The dude Legton award* were pre*ent«d by lhe mild and minor iports Include 1 Bate/coounander. a s d th e VFW iTFW^^ archery, lawn bowltsg, croquilk and Roy I nnle ihufflcboard, iaward* were prMtnicd by D cnnie' wlUi :EvertlL i ..•M r . •* •n'* iS w ln r wllh Buperinlendenl of Schools ^ I p h i M I S Hap Miller'* orclie*Ua on thoI Ur> U rrate of Uic lodge, Atroa* UioJ vU- W. ' Villen presented the ffraduatMi is and Sanford Connell, chairm an of; «moon i o n t oS U>e pool* and an a/t«m ooi la«e «quare, lhe tlam and iUI utrie offer lei* formal hiRh-finka. Ilhe board of tr m tm gave o u t Uie' of (Olf or ikeet ahooUn?. fl pro' pro- More rugsrd type* of KUest4,, who diploma*. i The Baldy mounUln ik t Ilfl innlc whiri. Receiving dlplctnas were Donnlr vide* an cKorllru ad ren iu re. There Then m*y wlah le u ot the *oclal whirl, telly round K. mlUc.M find the Union Pacifle playground I Barney, Verla R. Barney. Belly are acenlc drive* and . llmlUc.v ^« tl. Val* I Bollar. Marjory C. Bollinger, thrill for camera fan*, T h r Opera Open equally to their liking. Sun V «m. U Plorenca I. Bond, Roy 0-. Braun, : Hou*« ha* movlu by n lc hlll and am ley. with 4,600 acre* of IU own. rlcaniUve WUliam O. Eden. Olorl* O uerrlcatitutled near th r v u t. prtmlUve ' * * * *' fUh- belUa. Raymond Haga. Bruce “Hall, area of Idaho, whleh invite* fl*hI llh ' n ig h t Larry Hin.ien, Nell Howard, Leigh Ing, riding, hiking and overnight : irica. ■ Kelley. Oary KUsler. Inex Lequcrlca. camping. Malle*. Shartin MarUn. D ar-, arFUhlng guide* an d rtn U l cara are LouU : >mlng win MllU. Ralph Mitchell. Charie* avnllible. and each early momlng ng u> find* fUhlng parue* acalterlng to Mitchell. Charlie Oneida. C h a rlu major Park*. Paul Peak. Vernon Peugh, stream* orlRlnatlns on five major iVood, Leona flayer. WlJIa Shonk. Nancy I ” w aKr*hed*-8llvrr creek. Big Wood. he ld . 'Tanaka. William T anaka, Ronald '' ’ UUla Wood. Dig L o il and the head. Terry and Pau-lcla Young. walen of the Salmon, -------------------------At the gun club are a ikeel field. field, ■ . nine CHAMBER TO' MEET a nne n d pUlol range and elrcirluUly-operated trap*, where rhere SJtOSHOffE, May T he Chamipeclil UapihooU are held almoil | ,lmo*l ber ot Commeree will m te t a l nooti.1 nooti.1 I-, . evrry Sunday. Tuejigay i t the M anhattan cafr, Profeflilonat packer* offrr trip* ‘ luntry ; Into the ipeclncular bnck-country of Ihe Sawtooth mounuini. indcd S l ite n u.i« th e newly-expanded irgeil Olymplc.slto rin k —world'*-largeit )f lee, outdoor, year-round MpanjB of Ice. nlng*, Onee-reekJr. on «m nm tr*rcnlnf», lounA m colorfully lighted agalnsF a moun:ome* a f “ U in background, the rink become* Uged K the KlUng for a n Ice c u n lvil ttnged :aung by Uie Sun Valley Figure Skallng W r ■ club. ThU year. Han* John*on.I. one X , '■ of the conilnm t'a top flgvrt *katakat* ------- . ' ' ' ' ' tng teacher*, heads an enlarged. *Uff lU ff of'lniljuctor*. mngeu ty horic* a n d a *Uff of wTnngloot......... le n provide ride* into Uie foot- hllU or farther tnto the *now-cap. -cap. ' k i t r ---------------------- ■-------------------- -------------- : p»d m o u n tiln irre n n U -c o urti'aakatr ing rink. *wlmmlng pool* andI cor. dUM Within easy walkingf dU* ,. a Unec. Blcycle.1. tricycle* and ikate* ikate* ^ 3 can be rented, a n d IntUiiclor* are W provided for alt aporU, Tiny chllm dren have a free, aupervUtd pliy* ground, and baby-altten are avail* ivall. ^ B S . able. An addUlonnl aitriellan UiU year yeir C / for famine* w ith young people of achool and collrge age U the aecond Sun Valley aum m er leMlon to be conducted July 8 to Aug. IS by the C ollar ot Idaho, rJB A (U »l h u his choice of dining Inlng r ' ( on the L«dBe trrrace. in thr Ram, . ^ i m o r M the CondnrnU f bu(fec wicn stch I B I l u moderately.priced aelf.oervlcr


      for th e sm olo o tlth e s t-c u t,



      I W

      PAGE5 T\^'ENTY-THREH T\\

      FALLS, ID A H O _____________ ^ TIM Ti: ES-N EW S, T W IN FALI

      is F^wl^AI>out This h


      I ^


      ‘ B i s S n n n ■ p M i B ’* • I

      ip ^ B


      I I I/^ '


      'I • • T '



      p J ;? . ajlPxry. V ^

      iT ^ I

      P o lic e m a nI’s ’s BIritisli riti

      •llith G r a d e Eijrlii r «o rr R ic h fie ld ihv. Has E x e rc is e s

      H obby

      -.Z. -1'

      W l '/ '

      i- ’ i *•

      ^jjy^ggggggflHI tied IIn a rolleeUoa e fy la q a a (Hob) B»»er. Twin r»IU. pclnU« (o to ee n t ef t h t wUhbanM h t 'h u mounted th t 1lail 19 y e an . Baker haa te n for atm orj ol '.p e tU r iJjBlim fc MBuelf aivd bla wife. D urln; the *. iS tSlaff-phole-cDgraTliif) goUnna bll babby for raany moro year*. J a e f Ul*M pli^Uf* »“ * pl“ * ««oU““ ** * * * * • * * * ^

      • * * »

      73 agic Valley H obbiesIS No. h

      dl Ihe l«r pa*llnr the paper on the Ke addi lh guests w tre more than A(l«r pi surprised. j. Daker thellacked It three mildly' *ur; bo»rd. D»' chicken's wialibone, InclI. again Ume*. asftl removlne the flm t and Tlie chi lly, rnow a d o n u ona of the Jd coau second eo« when dry and re-ap- dentally, •t In In til* collcctlon. 12 Ihe plaque* plying ihe ahellack. chocBlng wood or *Ulna for ,e final In choc* T he fln» *itp wa* to m ount the laque*. B aker rep o ru he haa bom on IUh t plaqua wiih very th in hU pUqub ____ no detlnll*Unite aystem, T he plaques a rt wire. of walnul. m aple, oak. Phlllpice lh a t time. *ome i i plaqiStii mnde wi DtKrt (Bob! B»kfr ihellteki »ti,, tccoinpanled tc « Muophone Quartet, madt I Htl;\r. A M«op rty Baiy. Diane Thomaa, ' up I'f Judy Ba iij'iinii and Marilyn Tesar | I Jniirt tilllll’linn iffompinlrd by Vvonne played, MIsa Baly, Karen Ulnvlnck. played Shlrlry Atwood played in | Kll^l und Shlrlr trio. Tlie last number n «iMVl«1nd trii iK^ln. by MUa K ail with [ u n t n llu IC ir v^ln Vnderson aa acconipanUt. Y'oiuip Anderi' H Wllll.tin Wnll « u In charge of lha iioiijitrd by James McMul< 'nMman and L>ls Wlnan*. j Illl. Tfri V'nMnia





      . •' ■; | ■M ■



      .. •

      rr. .Sal .Salt Lake Clly. w u a n i'ii T1f«rr. otnrian, M>KUig RxitnrlSt i'nr>- club vill nnl hold k iirU 1Thur»day because of inerllnc tirU Mcniorlivl rtay.___________ day.


      i i'i'

      i . . f .. •' i-' • , JV '\tg , , ' i. J f ’ 1 i-* Vt 'M ;\ S H ■ ! ,; ^

      w R nU ^' '

      Repol iports Given for I ; . Grai Jrange Meetings I ;,

      ' ■ ■ M M '. : ■ M B B ■.• . .



      V ' ',H " C 'l

      Helmet, quires Bobby’s Hi )cal Woman Acqu icb Souvenirs i ntl .America One of Few Such



      J '

      j' ’ j 'l • j


      V■' -I 1 >1 |' I, 1 « , i

      MeU.ger while Uifl latter waa a ta- '1 | I Honed In England Kngli during the war. 1 rnm r to this counlry n 11 yeara ago. nevrr met Uie brother-ln■ Him hns never .er Or Orton, who obligingly ' !; Inw. Le.il«r for •'a bll of ■ answered her requul r (he honielnnd," She snyt (s she love* thla country jj Id not care to relum to and would 1, ' England lo live llvi bul would like to return for: avis' a vlslU Ker husband aay* . [■ will coms tru s 1. ‘ licr wish probably probi ie sur summer of 19M when , during Uie ihey hopeB lo be fr able lo return for ,1 a n vncallon, n, 'i f T he Meligers elzgers hava two children. I, Ron Ronald. U more enUiu;■ ;!• T heir son. Bliiallo about bout th t bobbyt helm et ! , y olhar member of the \ Ie could hardly w tll unUl , i ier would pennll him to ' lake ll to} aehool achoi lo ahow his classJUrrlflon school, !

      Kflfl Ladiators

      ILYDrS -

      iii Ji , Ht \ ' ' jh

      Speakers Meet

      M a g i ckMaUi


      I ,

      F O R M A G I CC

      SO t o ' 3 0 0 W HYPAY*250

      1 j


      NO lULU Mnv ;s—Reporla I , ’, given by m n k Jours nnd Mra. I ; i n Rulirrry al llit meetlnjr of I ’. ' ' ' the King Hill OranKf W tdnetday. tew hhosra afler rteelvln* obby’a" helmel for h ir son, Ronald, a few 1. Je*s M e lin r adjusts t n to g llih "bebby'a' T em ll P otltr and Mr*. MarUn Mn. eoniUbwbt ll a merabcr of thI* e Warwlckahlr* Wt SniUlb pollecman^a btsdgear from herr brolhcr-lo-law broU dward wert ippomitd to vU lt th t FngUib (SUI phote-*ngT*vln*) Birmingham. S h t say>: th« belmeUt a rt ai rare tOBvenlr la thi* country. (SUff sick. ulary at lUr * * * * * * * *r < Mrs. -s. Ru Ruberry wn* appointed (o it * * * * act lh Iht Slatf School for Ute contact Deaf' and Blind nt Goodins to see T ^ - r » l if the Ora: a charllab A • rs. Pf* Pfsnk Jonts and John Parke Mra. • I Ifl wereI namtd nami t« »ork •Ith Elmor*countv ity t|i tg tn l in picking j tome time Uie rrqueat foi Ing World tt t r I I an Amer- rtad In1 the Tlmet-News ' t t Moacow lOaCOW. [•,_ »nM|fr out a man receiving tuch a he Uted Uia BrtUsh Information soldier slnUoned tn England ago about km ra., c C.. E, Spence, chaplain, waa hlch sent along Uit hni. uvcnlr from BigUnd and e»- aervlce which i iwed'^ ,a n EnKlUh t>obby* hei- ntre souvenir KCW ANB OBED hnrge of llie proernm. TaWntr _ .,i i-0 Ukr homo ns n souvenir. If plainingg Ihe in chnrge lira. Meliger, Uie m ailer KCW difficulty ha had in WlUi Mrs. : the p a n wtre ware Mr*. Spencr, Mra. P ra n k more almple. Since ahe e rrI was m uchll mo ,Idler „ever mnde U bnck to Uie trying 10 lo obU obL iln-ona,............... SS ervice b R ep a irt jonea. oUier-ln-law on Uie Wara. Mi* Mrs, Terrell Po«ier. Mra. Cecil »wltli n „ Ul* ^ prlie he could form In January tnutry, 18M. Uie Tlme*-News hnd a broUier All a t Blrmlng*” T ^ ype^ S lsds s o tt., Mrs of H, H, 8Uely,|wlekiihlre coMUbulary com Mrs. Melvin HcHlch, Mr*, ' , txcluilii cluilre elub becauBc U>e oun- earned the the picture p Dick Role wrote him she pH U ( N E 695 Rolee. Mr*. Weslev Pnnk. Upbyed an EngHth bobby* ham, th e) merely me : Englliih policemen'* haU in who dUpl.iye P * ' *O ' p r m tk k Jor Jonr.» and Lynn Sherm an, jh u eounuy Uiai took him IJ yeart w'would likee such sue a souvenir. c(. her ounlry are lew, liclniel Uial id. eely, a San Diego neu-*pai>er. iioU ierland. Refrethme eahmenu were served by Mr. . Jea* MeUger, 659 Jefferson get. Steely, m onth. IaUr~alie -----nmj Mrs. .Jone.i snd Mr. an d Mra. jirtet,, could «l*o become a member man and ind colonel-In the naUonal) l ^ .U lu iu i ona c co Brook owner of tho helmet. •'But *, . « t Brooks. o( ujhi exclu ll exclusive elub a fle r recelv- guard' r**ervt, r**erv wanted Uit helmet w m Uie owner lA O IA TO R SH O P getting it," the RADI> suvenlr of pleaaanl leave* In h e had difficult; dlffle helmet th a l [ircvlously be- n.i a Muvenli --------------------------Ing a htlm t B adUatert tert A / iV ow B o tls e n ~ «tld. "He had to go all the way U> 1 to one of Sir Robert Peel'* Londoti1 during durli ■World war II, vlth my rcquu t before reNal a 6UaUna on'a IScoUand 'Vtrd police t i e top with i SQ P Nat ofllclttU, London's ISi'lfee’omcla ermlaalon to send 11 to me," ni-W ay S»-Oo SI larlers and olhar sgencle# lo f lv ln g permit: ITay T nek Lb m . Metiger, a ftinaer re*ldent headquarters feUger, who married Jess AILEY May :s - At ^ e meetHAILEY ffivlngliam. ^ g U n d , *ald the T,hlch .Slrely applied turned down Mn . MeUge utcra club T liursday ______ ___ Ing of of Tosilm Toi a t thlee KoUl Kob Hlawalha. the principal ch w speech wiu glren by flherlff 1 , E. uOutzs. . Dr.f. Arthur ArtJi IUchsr'1'' ndra Cli.il lirld and S^tnniy Myrr» •» prn prr*fiiird llie cltis.i key to lUchard ard C OUI, wventli grndp presldeni.. Mail Maiinr Urhr prcKnird coraagriI from Itie d m to Mrs. O ra n l Plavtl tl and Mu. W. T. Mivel. voca* UonalII InJlruclors. Mr. Brlscs w at ;nted a cifi from ihr clast by Cliailii-ld. pl. Cliff Uutg p rrv n lrd dlplom u ^to tin thr IS gradunlr.'. _ _




      V A L L E !YY

      Y e u C a n P u r c h o t* H tg h e it Q u alify In c o n ip ic u o u i Z e n ith H e a rin g ^ A id i Fro m $ 6 5 .0 0 W T o $ 1 6 5 .0 0



      P E O P L E

      J 0 ■ S M T O U I jm A I R Y


      N o w !! H


      m \ • C I

      W -V n \ ^

      tiny fall>»wer«d * I r a n t i 'i l o r Zeolth Diple s a t, e R l y

      T tn -D a y F R E E T ria l-O m n ee-Y - l ear

      W a rra n ty

      J'ivC 'Y car S crvicc I la n l icc P

      NO M ONEY D O W N ! A YYEAR to PA Y !

      ^ z n v -------------

      • J 0 5 T SAY c h a r g e

      ------------------------------------ 1 J'e c irrt , te m pi,,, line of BATTERtE IXRIES and ACCESSORlor aarr Taean* U bel “ all h ftrin t aJ4»! TranaUtcf


      Q w

      TWIN r A U J

      nd S t o r ^ “your Diamond

      C 3

      G et o n T o p STA R T NOW to G< o f t h e W orld! Beg Begin w ith

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      V\HGS I


      S 5 A F E S A V I :j T 1 H A T PAY O FF!


      ''o r n t n t i r t l yt ao t th ' a aar . . . cord*! " o dflnglina cord: lh triumphi ntm arkable Another Zenith tn e l-T new wearlni e«aie l-' h i-D ip lo m a t" slips on or off In a Jiffy . . . Weighs lea* th a n ■ an ounce. Yet 11 brings br full power . . . brilliant clarity• . . . famoua Zenith qualIty I

      M» m a in NOfcTB




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      W hen you see th is Em blem Y



      Loan A$9oeiation No oth er 5 t r r i n ^ and Loan ^in M agic Valley o ffe r sI ihl ihlg tafeguard,

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      a n d o R e tu rn on O Y o u r S o v in g t o f .............. ................i

      BUH-D j L

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      F IR S T F E D E R A L S av in g s a n d L oon1 A ssociation


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      S t.E iy p U )U»a vi kins r . Light tBoU b o Ij tu r t W .'U nslU ;IUh h 4 v er'i «.En*r.ver’.

      15 Epoch ra l Ifl.Trta* ry' J7.B«»ldei eounlryIB.PlIa < 5.H u m in rt( re tt : JO.D Upitrfied 47.TriMJg Creti Jl.G e n u io J « .P c f tlo nm enl betUM govemmenl SS .H iU K Ort ll.V o u n Ig g 25. Pigpen lOcUliie a6.W iihdr«wt SI. Workinc pjy, il W .Collfge Jl.C om pw J ilI drgrw : ibbr. point iM 1 ' 10. FootbtU SJ.ConciM S ■ J. te tm 5fl.SUin I lie , ! tl.D weIUng £ 7 .» m tle •bbbr. r. T , pJtcw M ln t:tb

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      ” iT “ mea«ur» " -------------------------St. L ir g g pill-------------------------------------31. By .. .12. Ridirulei ■ T ?o 3.t.Well.kno»'B _ _ _ _ 34, A longwith: -_ f i 20

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      T.A utomobiU g.Philippln#








      DOWN I. Wrath

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