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ro, general manager of Minerva Medica. From the start, the Journal was the official organ of two socie- ties: the European Federation of Physical Medicine.

1965-2014: Fifty years of science in PRM in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (formerly Europa Medicophysica) 1, 2 ,





Fifty years old but no signs of aging! Not only the dream of humans but also of journals and organizations. Experience and wisdom come with age. Often so do slowness, rigidity, and resistance to change ‑ but not for the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EJPRM). The Journal was founded in 1965 1 by Dario Fiandesio (first editor-in-chief), Giorgio Nino Valobra and René Waghemaker, together with Tomaso Oliaro, general manager of Minerva Medica. From the start, the Journal was the official organ of two societies: the European Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (EFPMR) and the Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SIMFER). It was the realization of the dream of having a European scientific journal that would represent a very young (at that time) specialty still based more on physical agents than on rehabilitation practices. The first editorial stated, “We wish to thank the experts in physical medicine and rehabilitation throughout Europe for the enthusiastic acclaim they accorded our undertaking and their agreement to sit on the International Executive Committee” 2 (Figure 1). Papers could be published in one of three languages: English, French or Italian. The first two because neither predominated over the other in the 1960s; the last because of the Journal’s base country: Italy. The name Europa Medicophysica was a Latinized compromise (Figure 2). The first editorial went on to state, “[…] we can announce the founding of Europa Med-


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Corresponding author: S. Negrini, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]

Vol. 50 - No. 1


of Clinical and Experimental Sciences University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy 2IRCCS Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan, Italy 3Senior Editors, EJPRM 4Rehabilitation Unit Ospedale Sanpancrazio Santostefano Rehabilitation Group, Arco, Trento, Italy; 5President of the Italian Society Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SIMFER)

icophysica, the European Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.” 2 It was only 44 years later that the Journal’s name was definitively changed to the present English version, the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (in keeping with the new name of the specialty) 3. The first Editorial Board was truly European, composed of 28 members from 17 countries, and geographically balanced (colleagues from southern and northern, eastern and western Europe, along with Israel and Turkey). There was also an Italian Editorial Committee made up of 13 members (Table I). All contributed significantly to the history of our specialty in Europe as well as in their own country. Such international cooperation is amazing when we remember that our “founding fathers” were living and working in the middle of the Cold War era, and (re)unifying Europe was a distant dream. Already present was the ideal of a specialty without “barriers” coupled with a Mediterranean vision. The first issue of Europa Medicophysica (Figure 3) contained 6 papers, 2 in English, 2 in French, and 2 in Italian, and the first volume contained 8 papers in English, 6 in French, and 16 in Italian (Figures 4-6). The





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1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Figure 1.—The first editorial by D. Fiandesio, G. N. Valobra, and R. Waghemaker.


February 2014


Table I.—First Editorial Board and Committee of Europa Medicophysica (1965).


European Editorial Board Belgium P. Houssa, L. Konings, A. Tricot Bulgaria J. Gacheva Czechoslovakia J. Ipser, V. Rauser, V. Reiholec England F. Bach Finnland G. Lindqvist France A. Grossiord, R. Maigne, M. Peillon Germany E. Schliepake Holland B. Bangma, F. Venema Israel E. Adler, A. Ghiora Luxembourg R. Noesen Poland J. Jankowiak Portugal V. Riobom Spain F. Barnosell, JM. Pola Sweden H. Brodin, S. Sisefsky Switzerland W. Zinn Turkey OC. Cubukcu, I. Cetinyalcin Yugoslavia N. Perkovac

Figure 2.—Europa Medicophysica, Volume 1, Issue 1, January-March 1965.

contents of the first issue featured 3 papers on physical medicine, 1 on PRM treatment, 1 on disability, and 1 on exercises (Figure 3), reflecting the major areas of interest in PRM in the 1960s. In addition, the first issue (Figure 3) published reports from the national societies of Italy, Luxembourg and Sweden, as well as from the European Federation, along with news from the first “Colloque Européeenne de Réadaptation”, the first “Congress of the International Federation of Manual Medicine”, the first “Mediterranean Symposium on Cerebral Palsies”, and the third SIMFER Meeting. This was really the dawn of our specialty! The contents of the first volume are listed in Table II. Later issues (Figures 4-6) reported news from the national societies of Croatia (ex-Yugoslavia), France, Israel, Spain, and the UK, the International Federation of Physical Medicine (now the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine), and the World Congress of the International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled.


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1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Vol. 50 - No. 1

Italian Editorial Committee Italy L. Bergamini, S. Boccardi, VP. Consigli, F. Franco, G. Gerundini, G. Juliani, GL. Lorenzi, P. Lorenzini, AL. Maccagno, C. Morosini, R. Ricciardi Pollini, R. Save, A. Venerando

Since 1965, both our specialty and the Journal have come a long way. Our specialty has evolved and broadened in scope, with a shift of its name and focus from physical medicine and rehabilitation to physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM).4-6 Today, PRM covers a wide range of topics,7, 8 has a new classification defined by the World Health Organization,9, 10 and is at the forefront of healthcare for an aging population with disabilities and chronic conditions.4 More and more often, specialists from other branches of medicine are moving into PRM. Parallel with these developments, research in PRM is growing 11 as are the scientific journals that publish new findings.12-15 Under the title of Europa Medicophysica, the Journal was led by four distinguished and internationally renowned Italian physiatrists: Dario Fiandesio (19651986); Silvano Boccardi (1987-1991); Franco Franchignoni (1992-1995); and Paolo Di Benedetto (19952004). These were exciting but also difficult times. As




1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Figure 3.—The Summary of Volume 1, Issue 1, January-March 1965.

Figure 4.—The Summary of Volume 1, Issue 2, April-June 1965.

PRM in Italy and Europe evolved, so did the Journal. Its evolution was largely driven by the new requirements for scientific journals. Europa Medicophysica had been indexed since its foundation in Europe. During the 1990s, however, the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) with its Index Medicus, which became PubMed/Medline, gained predominance as an indexing system for information retrieval. Not being indexed by the NLM gradually become a problem for many journals. Furthermore, the NLM stepped up its standard requirements, which gave journals published in English and indexed there a certain advantage over others that were not, like Europa Medicophysica and many other European (particularly Mediterranean) journals. The foundation of ISI, with its Impact Factor,15 made a bad situation even worse. It was during this difficult period that the Journal faced the challenge of improving the quality of papers and taking the decision to publish in English.16 Moreover, with the growth of its international base, Europa Med-

icophysica expanded to become the Mediterranean Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine following the foundation of the Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (MFPRM), with the Journal as its official organ. A decisive turn came in 2005 when the first of many subsequent goals was reached: PubMed/ Medline indexed Europa Medicophysica (with the new, but somewhat misleading abbreviation Eura Medicophys).17 This marked the first step toward the achievements and initiatives that would help make the Journal one of today’s most important in PRM:12-14 —  “free full text” option in the Internet: our way to open access (a first for a general rehabilitation journal);18 —  systematic presentation of the rehabilitation topics developed by the Cochrane Collaboration;19-21 —  change of name from Europa Medicophysica to European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation


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February 2014



Figure 5.—The Summary of Volume 1, Issue 3, July-September 1965.

Figure 6.—The Summary of Volume 1, Issue 4, October-December 1965.

Medicine (with the current PubMed abbreviation Eur J Phys Rehabil Med);3 —  collaboration with the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation;22, 23 —  European Network of National Journals;24-26 —  Internal audit system;27 —  Achievement of the Impact Factor, with an outstanding first rate of 2.246;28 —  publication “in association with” ISPRM;28 —  application of the “Guidelines for Reporting Health Research”;29 —  collaboration with PM&R;30, 31 —  connection with the UEMS-PRM Section as their official journal.32-40 Throughout this period, the Journal has maintained its focus on a clinical approach in PRM,3, 42 while directing attention to evidence and research,43, 44 its clinical application 19 and reporting in Journal papers.27 These achievements were reached thanks to close collaboration with our partners, the scientific soci-

eties and their Presidents and Boards: Alessandro Giustini, Raffaele Gimigliano, David Fletzer and Vincenzo Saraceni (SIMFER); Henk Stam, Alessandro Giustini, and Xanthi Michail (ESPRM); Nicholas Christhodoulou and Jorge Lains (MFPRM); Gerold Stucki and Marta Imamura (ISPRM); Nicholas Christhodoulou (UEMS-PRM Section); and the Hellenic Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EEFIAP). We look forward to working just as closely and productively with the incoming (Alain Delarque – ESPRM, Jianan Li – ISPRM) and future presidents of our scientific societies. In the last 10 years, the Journal’s core team, working alongside the Editorial Board, has included the present (and past) Associate (Haim Ring†, Gerold Stucki, Mauro Zampolini) and Assistant Editors (Donatella Bonaiuti, Maria Gabriella Ceravolo, Marco Di Monaco, Reuben Escorpizo, Marco Franceschini, Levent Ozcakar, Stefano Paolucci, Nicola Smania, Silvia Sterzi, July Treger, Gunes Yavuzer, Martin Weigl),


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1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Vol. 50 - No. 1



1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Table II.—Thematic contents of the first year of Europa Medicophysica. 6 6 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

Rehabilitation Medicine. White book on physical and rehabilitation medicine in Europe. Eura Medicophys 2006;42:292-332.   5. Negrini S, Ceravolo MG. The White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe: a contribution to the growth of our specialty with no boundaries. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2008;87:601-6.   6. Tesio L, Franchignoni F. Don’t touch the physical in “physical and rehabilitation medicine”. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:662-3   7. Negrini S, Reinhardt JD, Stucki G, Giustini A. From Bruges to Venice 1: towards a common structure for international Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Congresses. J Rehabil Med 2009;41:297-8.   8. Gutenbrunner C, Ward AB, Li LS, Li J, Guzman M, Fialka-Moser V et al. Spectrum of topics for World Congresses and other activities of the International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM): a first proposal. J Rehabil Med 2013;45:1-5.   9. Stucki G, Grimby G. Applying the ICF in medicine. J Rehabil Med 2004;(44 Suppl):5-6. 10. Kohler F, Selb M, Escorpizo R, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G, Riberto M; International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Sub-Committee Implementation of the ICF; Participants of the São Paulo ISPRM – World Health Organization Workshop. Towards the joint use of ICD and ICF: a call for contribution. J Rehabil Med 2012;44:805-10. 11. Negrini S. Steady growth seen for research in physical and rehabilitation medicine: where our specialty is now and where we are going. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2012;48:543-8. 12. Franchignoni F, Muñoz Lasa S, Ozçakar L, Ottonello M. Bibliometric indicators: a snapshot of the scientific productivity of leading European PRM researchers. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2011;47:455-62. 13. Franchignoni F, Muñoz Lasa S. Bibliometric indicators and core journals in physical and rehabilitation medicine. J Rehabil Med 2011;43:471-6. 14. Franchignoni F, Stucki G, Muñoz Lasa S, Fialka-Moser V, Vanderstraeten G, Quittan M, Kullmann L. Publishing in physical and rehabilitation medicine: a European point of view. J Rehabil Med 2008;40:492-4; author reply 494. 15. Lankhorst GJ, Franchignoni F. The ‘impact factor’--an explanation and its application to rehabilitation journals. Clin Rehabil 2001;15:115-8. 16. Di Benedetto P. A new journal for a new physiatrist. Eura Medicophys 1997;33:1. 17. Negrini S, Christodoulou N, Giustini A, Ring H, Stam H. Europa Medicophysica is indexed by Medline: opening new perspectives for European, Mediterranean and Italian physical and rehabilitation medicine. Eura Medicophys 2005;41:203-5. 18. Negrini S. Europa Medicophysica and its “free full text” in Internet: toward the first open access of a general rehabilitation journal. Eura Medicophys 2007;43:135-7. 19. Negrini S, Minozzi S, Taricco M, Ziliani V, Zaina F. A systematic review of physical and rehabilitation medicine topics as developed by the Cochrane Collaboration. Eura Medicophys 2007;43:381-90. 20. Negrini S, Imperio G, Villafañe JH, Negrini F, Zaina F. Systematic reviews of physical and rehabilitation medicine Cochrane contents. Part 1. Disabilities due to spinal disorders and pain syndromes in adults. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Aug;49(4):597-609. 21. Negrini S. Systematic reviews of physical and rehabilitation medicine Cochrane contents. Introduction. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Aug;49(4):595-6. 22. Negrini S, Frontera WR. The Euro-American rehabilitation focus: a cultural bridge across the ocean. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2008;87:590-1. 23. Negrini S, Frontera W. The Euro-American Rehabilitation Fo-


Physical Medicine in PRM PRM treatments Kinesiology and basic knowledge Pathologies of PRM interest Diagnostics in PRM Disability and function Exercise treatment in PRM PRM management Thermal treatments in PRM Occupational treatment in PRM Massage

the Honorary Consulting Editor (Franco Franchignoni), and the Coordinator of the Board of Directors (Alessandro Giustini). Invaluable help has come from past and present Scientific Secretaries (Stefano Carda, Giorgio Ferriero, Francesca Gimigliano, Marco Paoloni, Alessandro Picelli, Fabio Zaina) and from the editorial staff of Minerva Medica (Paola Abrate, Paola Sabini, Laura Fissore) led by Alberto and Elena Oliaro. With this outstanding international team, we are ready to turn challenges into reasons to further strengthen the Journal. This anniversary year will be celebrated with special scientific initiatives for Journal readers and authors and the European scientific community at large. So plan ahead for September 28 - October 1 2014 during the SIMFER Meeting in Turin, where the Journal was founded and continues to reach an ever wider readership. For, in reality, the Journal is being read wherever PRM science is done: in Italy, the Mediterranean, Europe, and around the world. References


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  1. Negrini S, Boccardi S, Franchignoni F, Di Benedetto P, Oliaro A. Short history of Europa Medicophysica: 41 years of contributions to the scientific roots of the Specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Eura Medicophys 2005;41:219-22.   2. Fiandesio D, Valobra GN, Waghemaker R. Europa Medicophysica 1965;(1):3.   3. Negrini S. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: a new clinical rehabilitation journal, an update of our 44 year old Latin name (Europa Medicophysica). Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2008;44:1-2.   4. Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS); European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Académie Européenne de Médecine de Réadaptation; European Society for Physical and



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Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(5):727-42. 36. Valero R, Varela E, Küçükdeveci AA, Oral A, Ilieva E, Berteanu M et al. UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Spinal pain management. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(5):715-25. 37. Ilieva EM, Oral A, Küçükdeveci AA, Varela E, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. Osteoarthritis. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(4):579-93. 38. Oral A, Küçükdeveci AA, Varela E, Ilieva EM, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. Osteoporosis. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(4):565-77. 39. Küçükdeveci AA, Oral A, Ilıeva EM, Varela E, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. Inflammatory arthritis. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49(4):551-64. 40. Oral A, Ilieva EM, Küçükdeveci AA, Varela E, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. Generalised and regional soft tissue pain syndromes. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(4):535-49. PubMed PMID: 24084413. 41. N egrini S. Europa Medicophysica, the European and Mediterranean evidence-based clinical Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Eura Medicophys 2007;43:299301. 42. Varela E, Oral A, Ilieva E, Küçükdeveci AA, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Musculoskeletal perioperative problems. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49(5):753-9. 43. Negrini S. Evidence (and research) are the only possible basis of medicine. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2011;47:189-91. 44. Negrini S. Another form of publication bias: the unpublished “everyday” clinical researches. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2011;47:531-2.


cus: a cultural bridge across the ocean. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2008;44:109-10. 24. Negrini S, Stucki G, Giustini A. Developing the European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Journal’s Network. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2009;45:1-5. 25. Negrini S, Ilieva E, Moslavac S, Zampolini M, Giustini A. The European physical and rehabilitation medicine journal network: historical notes on national journals. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2010;46:291-6. 26. Negrini S, Fusco C, Ilieva E, Moslavac S, Zampolini M, Giustini A. National journals of physical rehabilitation medicine in Europe: a survey. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2010;46:283-90. 27. Negrini S. Behind the curtain of the European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine: internal audit, impact factor, and more. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2010;46:117-23. 28. Negrini S. An outstanding first Impact Factor of 2.246 for the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Official Journal of SIMFER, ESPRM, and MFPMR, and now also published “in association with” ISPRM. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2011;47:355-8. 29. Negrini S. Application of the “Guidelines for reporting health research” (and some other tips and tricks) to publish in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: an addition to the new Instruction to Authors. Eur JPhys Rehabil Med 2013;49:149-51. 30. Negrini S, Giustini A, Saraceni V, Zampolini M. Organization of physical and rehabilitation medicine in Italy: new ways toward developing our specialty. PM&R 2013;5:462-8. 31. Wu SS, Welch DG, Hoppe KM, Weinstein SM. Pathways to certifications in physical medicine and rehabilitation in the United States: past, present, and future. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Jun;49(3):385-93. 32. Christodoulou N, Zampolini M, Berteanu M, Negrini S. Eight papers from UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:533-4. 33. Negrini S. Looking at the future, with the power of the present: our targets, our tools, our needs. Eura Medicophys 2004;40:161-3. 34. Varela E, Valero R, Küçükdeveci AA, Oral A, Ilieva E, Berteanu M et al. UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Shoulder pain management. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49(5):743-51. 35. Oral A, Ilieva EM, Küçükdeveci AA, Varela E, Valero R, Berteanu M et al. UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. Local soft tissue musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. The role of physical and rehabilitation medicine physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section


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1965-2014: Fifty years of the EJPRM

Vol. 50 - No. 1