Modul 5 : Politics of knowledge (Linda Madsen)

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Public participation and deliberative democracy. Mon. 8/12. Lecture: Forms of knowledge; the challenge of flexibility, credibility, and reflexivity. Göran Sundqvist .
Modul 5 : Politics of knowledge (Linda Madsen) Learning outcomes: -

Increased awareness of the inter-relationship between knowledge and policy. Recognizing the complex interplay of the social, scientific and technological in current public debate, research and development programs and social policy formation. Analyzing the political issues involved in a current social/scientific/technological controversy.

Week 48 Conceptualization, standardization and classification

Mon 24/11

Lecture: The politics of artefacts

Göran Sundqvist

The politics of classification

Tue 25/11

Lecture, Method: Textual analysis

Wed 26/11

Reading day

Thu 27/11


Star Kristin Asdal

Asdal et al forthcoming

Lecure: Feminist perspectives on politics of knowledge

Linda Madsen




Linda Madsen


Teknisk museum:

Harding Barry Oudshoorn & Pinch

Week 49 The role of science and policy in the governance of global risks


Göran Sundqvist


Lecture: Risk Society, Risk Theory, and Governmentality,



Linda Madsen


Latour Mythen Lidskog and Sundqvist

2/12 Wed

Beck (1992)

Reading day


Method seminar

Göran Sundqvist

Lidskog and Sundqvist

Seminar: Definition struggles and policy

Linda Madsen


4/12 Fri

David Miller,

5/12 Week 50 Public participation and deliberative democracy

Mon 8/12


Lecture: Forms of knowledge; the challenge of flexibility, credibility, and reflexivity

Göran Sundqvist

Lecture: Political technologies

Kristin Asdal


Ellis Waterton Asdal

9/12 Bruun Jensen


Reading day

10/12 Thu 11/12 Fri

Seminar: Users and democratization of technology

Linda Madsen

Reflections on the term

Linda Madsen


Essay 1: Week 40 (29.9-3.10) – module 1 & 2 Essay 2: Week 47 (17.11-21.11) – module 3 & 4 Essay 3: Week 51 (15.12-19.12) – course

Ingunn Moser Sally Wyatt

Litterature Asdal, Kristin, Ingunn Brita Moser and Brita Brenna eds. (2007) Technoscience the politics of interventions, Oslo Academic Press, Unipub AS Norway Asdal, Kristin (2008): “On Politics and the little Tools of Democracy: A Down to Earth Approach”, Distinction No. 16, pp11-26 (16p) Asdal, Kristin (forthcoming): ”Saken” i Asdal, Kristin, Kjell Lars Berge ,Karen Gammelgaard, Helge Jordheim, ,Tore Rem, Trygve Riiser-Gundersen og Johan L.Tønnesen (Forthcoming): Tekst og historie. Å lese tekster historisk, Universitetsforlaget Barry, Andrew (2001): ”Interactivitet: Konsumenter, borgere og kultur” in Asdal, Kristin, Brita Brenna og Ingunn Moser (2001):Teknovitenskaplige kulturer, Spartacus Forlag AS Beck, Ulrich (1992). “The Politics of knowledge in Risk Society” Chapter 2 in: Ulrich Beck, Risk Society. Towards a new Modernity. London: Sage Publications, Ellis, Rebecca, Claire Waterton (2005): “Caught between the cartographic and the ethnographic imagination: the whereabouts of amateurs, professionals, and nature in knowing biodiversity”, in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, volume 23, pp673 – 693 (20p), Haraway, Donna (1984): “Primatology is Politics by Other Means”, PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Vol. 1984, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers, (1984), pp. 489-524 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Philosophy Harding, Sandra: “After the Commom Era” in Signs, Vol. 25 No. 4 Feminisms at a Millenium (Summer 2000), 1041-1044 (5p) Hinchliffe, Steve (2001): “Indeterminacy in-decisions: science, policy and politics in the BSE crisis”, in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 26, pp. 182-204 (22p). Jensen, Casper Bruun (2005): Citizen projects and consensus building at the Danish Board of Technology: on experiments in demovraccy” in Acta Sociologica Vol 48:221-235. Latour, Bruno 1983: "Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Raise the World" in Knorr-Cetina, Karin D.a & Michael Mulkay (1983): Science observed : Perspectives on the social study of science, London, Sage Lidskog, Rolf and Göran Sundqvist (2002): “The Role of Science in Environmental Regimes: The Case of LRTAP”, European Journal of International Relations, SAGE Publications and ECPR, Vol. 8(1): 77–101 Moser, Ingunn and John Law (2007): “Good Passages, Bad Passages” in Technoscience the politics of interventions, Oslo Academic Press, Unipub AS Norway


Miller, David (1999): “Risk, science and policy: definitional struggles, information management, the media and BSE”, Social Science Medicine Vol. 49 pp1239-1255 (16p) 13&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000036598&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=674998&md5=5c c050a7efdf8edc8008a9cfd66ac2c7 Mythen, Gabe (2008): “Sociology and the Art of Risk”, Sociology Compass Vol. 2 No 1, pp 299-316, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (15p)[email protected] Oudshoorn, Nelly & Pinch, Trevor (2003). “Introduction”. in Oudshoorn, Nelly & Pinch, Trevor (Eds.). How Users Matter: The Co-construction of Users and Technology. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, pp. 1-28 (27p) Star, S. L. (1991): “Power, Technologies and the Phenomenology of Conventions: on being allergic to onions” in ) in Technoscience the politics of interventions, Oslo Academic Press, Unipub AS Norwayn Winner, L. 1980. Do Artifacts have Politics? Daedaleus, 108, pp. 121-136 (15p) Wyatt, Sally (2003). Non-Users also Matter: The Construction of Users and Non-users of the Internet. in Oudshoorn, Nelly & Pinch, Trevor (Eds.). How Users Matter: The Co-construction of Users and Technology. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, Wynne , Brian (1992): “Misunderstood Misunderstanding: Social Identities and Public Uptake of Science”, Public Understanding of Science: An International Journal of Research in the PublicDimentions of Science and Technology , Institute of Physics Publishing in association with the Science Museum Vol . 1, pp. 281-304 ISBN: ISSN: 0963-6625 (23p)