MRI findings of small subconical

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Received in revised form: 7 December .... On admission, all patients received a physical examina- .... Important risk factors for lacunar infarc- Waterstone et al.
Tomohide Adachi Shotai Kobayashi

Shuhei Yamaguchi

Kazunor1 0kada

Received:23 FebruaE/1999

MRI findings of small subconical “lacunarttlike''infarctiom resulting from large vessel disease

Abstract Small subcortical infarc―

Received in revェ scd forln:

tions resulting frorn large― vessel dis―

7 Decenaber 1999 Accepted: 15 Dccenaber 1999

ease arc oftcn observcd.It is impor― tant to distinguish these fronl pure lacuntt infarction resulting from sllall― vesscl discase bccause he in― vestigations and exanlinations diffe■

We investigated the differences on

brain magnctic resonance imaging (MRI)betWeen small subcottical ``lacunar―

like"infarcts resulting from

large― vessel

disease and pure lacun訂 intMctso Thirtccn suttCCtS Win small lacuna卜 like infrcts(siZe