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BY DOUBLE NEUTRINO SPIN-FLIP IN SUPERNOVAE. Herman J. ... the GW pulse generated by the coherent spin-flips provides a unique emission offset ∆Temi.

The Astrophysical Journal, 689:371Y376, 2008 December 10 # 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

NEUTRINO MASS SPECTRUM FROM GRAVITATIONAL WAVES GENERATED BY DOUBLE NEUTRINO SPIN-FLIP IN SUPERNOVAE Herman J. Mosquera Cuesta1 and Gaetano Lambiase 2 Received 2008 May 28; accepted 2008 August 4

ABSTRACT The supernova (SN ) neutronization phase produces mainly electron (e ) neutrinos, the oscillations of which must take place within a few mean free paths of their resonance surface located nearby their neutrinosphere. The latest research on the SN dynamics suggests that a significant part of these e can convert into right-handed neutrinos by virtue of the interaction of the electrons and the protons flowing with the SN outgoing plasma, whenever the Dirac neutrino magnetic moment is of strength  < 1011 B , with B being the Bohr magneton. In the SN envelope, some of these neutrinos can flip back to the left-handed flavors due to the interaction of the neutrino magnetic moment with the magnetic field in the SN expanding plasma (see the work by Kuznetsov & Mikheev; Kuznetsov, Mikheev, & Okrugin; Akhmedov & Khlopov; Itoh & Tsuneto; and Itoh et al.), a region where the field strength is currently accepted to be B k1013 G. This type of  oscillation was shown to generate powerful gravitational wave (GW ) bursts (see the work by Mosquera Cuesta; Mosquera Cuesta & Fiuza; and Loveridge). If such a double spin-flip mechanism does run into action inside the SN core, then the release of both the oscillation-produced  and  particles and emi ¼ 0 for measuring the GW pulse generated by the coherent  spin-flips provides a unique emission offset TGW$ the  travel time to Earth. As massive  particles get noticeably delayed on their journey to Earth with respect to the Einstein GW they generated during the reconversion transient, then the accurate measurement of this time-of-flight delay by SNEWS + LIGO, VIRGO, BBO, DECIGO, etc., might readily assess the absolute  mass spectrum. Subject headingg s: elementary particles — gravitational waves — methods: data analysis — neutrinos — stars: magnetic fields — supernovae: general Online material: color figure

electrons and the protons in the SN outflowing plasma. Specifically, the neutrino chirality flip is caused by the scattering via the intermediate photon (plasmon) off the plasma electromagnetic current presented by electrons, L e !R e ; protons, L pþ !R pþ ; etc. (2) A second signal exists by virtue of the reconversion process of these sterile  particles back into actives some time later, at lower density, via the interaction of the neutrino magnetic moment with the magnetic field in the SN envelope (SNE). The GW characteristic amplitude, which depends directly on the luminosity and the mass square difference of the  species partaking in the coherent transition (Pantaleone 1992), and the GW frequency of each of the bursts are computed. Finally, the time-of-flight delay  $ GW that can be measured upon the arrival of both signals to Earth observatories is then estimated, and the prospective of obtaining the  mass spectrum from such measurements is discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION The determination of the absolute values of neutrino masses is certainly one of the most difficult problems from the experimental point of view (Bilenky et al. 2003). One of the main difficulties of the issue of determining the  masses from solar or atmospheric  experiments concerns the ability of  detectors to be sensitive to the species mass square difference instead of being sensitive to the  mass itself. In this paper we introduce a model-independent novel nonpareil method to achieve this goal. We argue that a highly accurate and largely improved assessment of the  mass scale can be directly achieved by measurements of the delay in time of flight between the  particles themselves and the gravitational wave (GW) burst generated by the asymmetric flux of neutrinos undergoing coherent (Pantaleone 1992) helicity (spin-flip) transitions during either the neutronization phase or the relaxation (diffusion) phase in the core of a Type II supernova (SN) explosion. Because special relativistic effects do preclude massive particles from traveling at the speed of light, while massless particles are not (the graviton in this case), the measurement of this  time lag leads to a direct accounting of its mass. We posit from the start that two bursts of GWs can be generated during the protoYneutron star (PNS) neutronization phase through spin-flip oscillations: (1) one signal from the early conversion of active  particles into righthanded partners, at density   few ; 1012 g cm3, via the interaction of the Dirac neutrino magnetic moment [of strength  < (0:7Y1:5) ; 1012 B , with B being the Bohr magneton] with the

2. DOUBLE RESONANT CONVERSION OF NEUTRINOS IN SUPERNOVAE 2.1. Interaction of L Dirac Magnetic Moment with SN Virtual Plasmon The neutrino chirality conversion process L $ R in a SN has been investigated in many papers (see, for instance, Voloshin 1988; Peltoniemi 1992; Akhmedov et al. 1993; Dighe & Smirnov 2000). Next, we follow the reanalysis of the double  spin-flip in SNe recently revisited by Kuznetsov & Mikheev (2007) and Kuznetsov et al. (2008), who obtained a more stringent limit on the neutrino magnetic moment,  , after demanding compatibility with the SN 1987A  luminosity. The process becomes feasible in virtue of the interaction of the Dirac  magnetic moment with a virtual plasmon, which can be produced, L !R þ  ? , and absorbed, L þ  ? !R , inside a SN. Our main goal here is to estimate the R luminosity after the first resonant conversion inside the SN.


Instituto de Cosmologia, Relatividade e Astrof ´ısica ( ICRA-BR), Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fı´sicas (CBPF), Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and ICRANet Coordinating Centre, Piazzalle della Repubblica 10, 065100, Pescara, Italy. 2 Dipartimento di Fisica ‘‘E. R. Caianiello,’’ Universita´ di Salerno, 84081 Baronissi (Sa), Italy; and INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Italy.




This quantity is one of the important parameters for estimating the GW amplitude of the signal generated at the transition (see x 3 below). The calculation of the spin-flip rate of creation of the R in the SN core is given by (Kuznetsov & Mikheev 2007) Z 1 dER dnR 0 0 ¼V E dE L R  dt dE 0 0 Z 1 V ¼ E 03 ðE 0 ÞdE 0 ; ð1Þ 2 2 0 where dnR /dE 0 defines the number of right-handed  particles emitted in the 1 MeV energy band of the  energy spectrum, and per unit time, (E 0 ) defines the spectral density of the right-handed  luminosity, and V is the plasma volume. Thus, by using the SN core conditions that are currently admitted (see, for instance, Janka et al. 2007), plasma volume V ’ 4 ; 1018 cm3, temperature range T ¼ 30Y60 MeV, electron chemical potential range ˜ e ¼ 280Y307 MeV, neutrino chemical potential ˜  ¼ 160 MeV,3 one obtains  2  (0:4Y2) ; 1077 erg s1 ; ð2Þ LR ’ B which for a  ¼ 3 ; 1012 B compatible with SN 1987A neutrino observations and preserving causality with respect to the lefthanded diffusion  luminosity LR < LL P1053 erg s1, renders LR ¼ 4 ; 1053 erg s1. This constraint is on the order of the luminosities estimated in our earlier papers (Mosquera Cuesta 2000, 2002; Mosquera Cuesta & Fiuza 2004) to compute the GW amplitude from  flavor conversions, which were different from the one estimated by ( Loveridge 2004). More remarkable, this analysis means that only 1%Y2% of the total number of L particles may resonantly convert into R particles. 2.2. Conversion of R !L in the SN Magnetic Field Kuznetsov et al. (2008) have shown that by taking into account the additional energy CL, which the left-handed electron-type neutrino e acquires in the medium, the equation of the helicity evolution can be written in the form ( Voloshin & Vysotsky 1986; Voloshin et al. 1986a, 1986b; Okun 1986, 1988)       0  B? R @ R ˆ ¼ E0 þ ; i @t L  B? CL L   3GF  4 1 Ye þ Ye  ; ð3Þ *CL ¼ pffiffiffi m 3 3 2 N where the ratio /mN ¼ nB is the nucleon density, Ye ¼ ne /nB ¼ np /nB , Ye ¼ ne /nB , and ne; p; e are the densities of the electrons, protons, and neutrinos, respectively, B? is the transverse component of the magnetic field with respect to the  propagation direction, and the term Eˆ 0 is proportional to the unit matrix, however, it is not crucial for the analysis below. As pointed out by Kuznetsov et al. (2008), the additional energy CL of left-handed  particles deserves a special analysis. It is remarkable that the possibility exists for this value to be zero just in the region of the SNE we are interested in. And, in turn, this is the condition of the resonant transition R ! L . When the  density in the SNE is low enough, one can neglect the value Ye in the term CL , which gives the condition for the resonance in the 3

These conditions could exist in the time interval before the first second after the core bounce.

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form Ye ¼ 1/3. ( Typical values of Ye in SNE are Ye  0:4Y0:5, which are rather similar to those of the collapsing matter). However, the shock wave causes the nuclei dissociation and makes the SNE material more transparent to  particles. This leads to the proliferation of matter deleptonization in this region and, consequently, to the so-called short  outburst. According to the latest research on SNe, a typical gap appears along the radial distribution of the parameter Ye where it can achieve values as low as Ye  0:1 (see Mezzacappa et al. 2001 and also Fig. 2 in Kuznetsov et al. 2008, and references therein). Thus, a transition region unavoidably exists where Ye takes the value of 1/3. It is remarkable that only one such point appears where the Ye radial gradient is positive, i.e., dYe /dr > 0. Nonetheless, the condition Ye ¼ 1/3 is the necessary but yet not the sufficient one for the resonant conversion R ! L to occur. It is also required to satisfy the so-called adiabatic condition. This means that the diagonal element CL in equation (3), at least, should not exceed the nondiagonal element  B? , when the shift is made from the resonance point at the distance of the order of the oscillation length. This leads to the condition (Voloshin 1988)     dCL 1=2 3GF  dYe 1=2 ’ pffiffiffi : ð4Þ  B? k dr 2 mN dr And values of these typical parameters inside the considered region are dYe /dr  108 cm1 and   1010 g cm3 . Therefore, the magnetic field strength that realizes the resonance condition reads as  12  10 B B? k 2:6 ; 1014 G  1=2  1=2   dYe 8 10 cm ; : ð5Þ 1010 g cm3 dr Thus, one can conclude that the analysis performed above shows that the Dar scenario of the double conversion of the neutrino helicity (Dar 1987), L ! R ! L , can be realized whenever the neutrino magnetic moment is in the interval 1013 B <  < 1012 B and when the strength of the magnetic field reaches k1014 G ( Kusenko 2004) in a region R between the neutrinosphere R and the shock wave stagnation radius Rs , where R < R < Rs .4 Thus, the L luminosity during this stagnation time, Ts ’ 0:2Y0:4 s, is LL ’ 3 ; 1053 erg s1, as the conservation law allows one to expect  < 1012 B . Once one has all these parameters in hand, one can then proceed to compute the corresponding GW signal from each of the  resonant spin-flip transitions. 3.  OSCILLATIONYDRIVEN GW DURING SN NEUTRONIZATION The characteristic GW amplitude of the signal produced by the  outflow can be estimated by using the general relativistic quadrupole formula (Burrows & Hayes 1996) Z 4G t (t) ¼ ðt 0 ÞL ðt 0 Þdt 0 ei  ej hTT ij c 4 D 1 4G !h ’ 4  L TfL !fR ; ð6Þ c D 4 These kinds of magnetic field strengths have been extensively said to be reached after the SN core collapse forms just-born pulsars (magnetars), in the central engines of gamma-ray burst outflows, and during the quantum-magnetic collapse of newborn neutron stars, etc.

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tion R ( Barkovich et R al. 2002). As a result, one gets jpj/jpj ¼ 1 ( F = u dS )/( r (n is a unit vector nors 0 0 Fs = n dS ) ’ 2%/9¯ 6 ˆ Bj). ˆ 6 An anisotropy of mal to the resonance surface and u ¼ B/j 1% would suffice to account for the observed pulsar kicks ( Kusenko & Segre´ 1996; Loveridge 2004; Mosquera Cuesta 2000, 2002); hence,  ’ 0:045  O(0:01)YO(0:1), which is consistent with numerical results ( Burrows & Hayes 1996; Mu¨ller & Janka 1997). Finally, the conversion probability is PeL ! R ¼ 1/2  1/2 cos 2 ˜i cos 2 ˜f (Okun 1986, 1988), where ˜ is defined as ˜ ¼ 2 B? =(B = pˆ þ V  2c2 ): tan 2 (r)  e


˜ i ) and ˜f ¼ (r ˜ f ) are the values of the mixThe quantities ˜i ¼ (r ing angle at the initial point ri and the final point rf of the neutrino path.7 Meanwhile, the average timescale of this first  spin-flip conversion is (Dar 1987; Voloshin 1988)   2   mp B me2 TfL !fR ¼ ; ð9Þ 2   fsc (1 þ hZi)Ye

Fig. 1.— Illustration of the combined effect of the  spin coupling to the star magnetic field and rotation. This figure was taken from Mosquera Cuesta & Fiuza (2004).

where D is the source distance, L (t) is the total  luminosity, ei  ej is the GW polarization tensor, the superscript TT stands for the transverse-traceless part, and finally, (t) is the instantaneous quadrupole anisotropy. Above, we estimated the R luminosity; next, we estimate the degree of asymmetry of the PNS through the anisotropic parameter  and the timescale TfL !fR for the resonant transition to take place, as discussed above. To estimate the star asymmetry, let us recall that the resonance condition for the transition eL !  R is given by (at the resonance r¯ ) Ve ( r¯ ) þ B( r¯ ) = pˆ  2c2 ¼ 0:


Thus, the PNS magnetic field vector B in equation (7) distorts the surface of resonance due to the relative orientation of p with respect to B (see vector B in Fig. 1). The deformed surface of resonance can be parameterized as r( ) ¼ r¯ þ % cos , where % ( 1 at the resonance r¯ .



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TABLE 1 Time Delay between GW and (jpj ¼ 10 MeV )  Bursts from a SN Neutronization, as a Function of  Mass and Distance arr TGW$ (s)


Distance ( kpc)




GC ......................... LMC...................... M31 ....................... Source....................

10 55 2:2 ; 10 3 1:1 ; 10 4

5:15 ; 109 2:83 ; 108 1:13 ; 106 5:66 ; 106

5:15 ; 103 2:83 ; 102 1.13 5.66

0.32 1.7 68.8 344.0

Note.— The  masses in eV are 103, 1.0, and 2.5, for flavors 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively.

on the probability of conversion ( Peltoniemi 1992; Mosquera Cuesta 2000, 2002; Mosquera Cuesta & Fiuza 2004; Loveridge eL !;R ¼ (PeL !;R )Ltot . 2004), i.e., Lmax = The characteristic GW strain [per (Hz)1 2 ] from the outgoing flux of spin-flipping (first transition)  particles is   P ! 0 fL f R hf L !f 0 R  h ’ 1:1 ; 1023 Hz1=2 0:01 Ltot 2:2 Mpc T   ; ; 54 D 101 s 0:1 3 ; 10 erg s1


for a SN exploding at a fiducial distance of 2.2 Mpc, e.g., at the Andromeda galaxy (see Table 18). The GW strain in this mechanism (see Fig. 2) is several orders of magnitude larger than in the SN  diffusive escape (Burrows & Hayes 1996; Mu¨ller & Janka 1997; Arnaud et al. 2002; Loveridge 2004) because of the huge  luminosity the  oscillations provide by virtue of being a highly coherent process (Pantaleone 1992; Mosquera Cuesta 2000, 2002; Mosquera Cuesta & Fiuza 2004). This makes it detectable from very far distances. These GW signals are right in the bandwidth of the highest sensitivity (10Y300 Hz) of most ground-based interferometers. Spin flavor oscillations eL ! R , which according to the latest research on SN dynamics do take place during the neutronization phase of core-collapse SNe (Mayle et al. 1987; Walker & Schramm 1987; Voloshin 1988; Dighe & Smirnov 2000; Kuznetsov & Mikheev 2007), allow powerful GW bursts to be released from one side (according to eq. [6]) and a stream of R particles to be generated from the other side, over a timescale given by equation (9). The latter would in principle escape from the PNS were it not for the appearance of several resonances that catch up with them (Voloshin 1988; Peltoniemi 1992; Akhmedov et al. 1993). If there were no such resonance, the fL ! f 0 R oscillation process would leak away all the binding energy of the star, leaving no energy at all for the left-handed L particles that are said to drive the actual SN explosion and for us to have observed them during SN 1987A. A new resonance may occur at r¯ k100 km from the center, which converts 90%Y99% of the spin-flipYproduced R particles back into L ones (Voloshin 1988; Akhmedov 1988; Akhmedov & Khlopov 1988a, 1988b; Itoh & Tsuneto 1972; Itoh et al. 1996; Peltoniemi 1992; Akhmedov et al. 1993; Athar et al. 1995). As discussed in these papers, in fact, in the outer layer of the SN core 8 The mass eigenstates listed are masses supposed to be estimated throughout the  detection in a future SN event, not the mass constraints already established from solar and atmospheric neutrinos, the expected time delay of which is computable straightaway. If a nonstandard mass eigenstate is detected, then one can use the seesaw mechanism to infer the remaining part of the spectrum.

Fig. 2.— Characteristics (h(fL !f 0 R ) , fGW ) of the GW burst generated via the  spin-flip oscillation mechanism vs. detector noise spectral density. For sources at either the GC or LMC, the pulses will be detectable by LIGO-I and VIRGO. To distances 10 Mpc (farther out than the Andromeda galaxy), such radiation would be detectable by Advanced LIGO and VIRGO. Resonant GWantennas, tuned at the frequency interval indicated, could also detect such events. Highlighted is the GW signal of a SN neutronization phase at Andromeda, which would have a frequency fGW  100 Hz. [See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color version of this figure.]

the amplitude of the coherent weak interaction of L with the PNS matter (Ve ) can cross smoothly enough to ensure adiabatic resonant conversion of f R into f L .9 Following Mezzacappa et al. (2001), the region where Ve ¼ 0 as Ye ¼ 1/3 corresponds to a postbounce timescale 100 ms and radius 150 km at which the  luminosity is L  3 ; 1052 erg s1, and the matter density is   1010 g cm3. There, the adiabaticity condition demands B? k 1010 G for the  quoted above (such a field is characteristic of young pulsars). This reverse transition (rt) should resonantly produce an important set of ordinary (muon and tau) L particles, which could be found far from their own neutrinosphere and, hence, can stream away from the PNS. Whence a second GW burst with the characteristics h ’ 1 ; 1023 Hz1/2 for D ¼ 2:2 Mpc and Trt ’ 1:4 s is released in this region. Notice that this h is similar to the one for the first transition despite the  luminosity being lower. This feature makes it similar to the GW memory property of the -driven signal, i.e., time-dependent strain amplitude with average value nearly constant ( Burrows & Hayes 1996). To obtain this result, equations (9) and (10) were used. Wherefore, the GW frequency fGW  1/Trt  0:7 Hz falls in the lowfrequency band and could be detected by the planned BBO and DECIGO GW interferometric observatories. Notice also that the time lag for the event at LIGO, VIRGO, etc., and the one at BBO and DECIGO is then about 100 ms. It is this transition which defines the offset to measure the time-of-flight delay, since both ; and GW free-stream away from the PNS at this point. 4. TIME-OF-FLIGHT DELAY  $ GW The measurement of the  $ GW time delay from  oscillations in SNe promises to be an innovative procedure to obtain the  mass spectrum. Provided that Einstein’s GWs do propagate 9 The cross level condition once again involves the terms B = pˆ . Nevertheless, at that point the deformation of the resonance surface may be neglected, whence no relevant GW burst is expected ( yet  is quite low).

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at the speed of light, the GW burst produced by spin-flip oscillations during the neutronization phase will arrive to GW observatories earlier than its source (the massive  particles from the second conversion) will get to  telescopes. As pointed out above, the mechanism to generate GWs at the instant at which the second transition f 0 R ! fL takes place can emi ¼ 0, which by itself define a unique emission offset, TGW$ makes possible a cleaner and highly accurate determination of the  mass spectrum by ‘‘following’’ the GW and neutrino propagation to Earth observatories. The time lag in arrival is ( Beacom et al. 2001)    D m 10 MeV 2 arr ’ 0:12 s : ð11Þ TGW$ 2:2 Mpc 0:2 eV jpj 5. DISCUSSION In most SN models (Burrows & Hayes 1996; Mezzacappa et al. 2001; Beacom et al. 2001; van Putten 2002), the neutronization burst is a well-characterized process of intrinsic duration T ’ 10 ms, with its maximum occurring within 3:5  0:5 ms after core collapse (Mayle et al. 1987; Walker & Schramm 1987; van Putten 2002; Burrows & Hayes 1996). This timescale relates to the detectors’ approximate sensitivity to  masses beyond the mass limit     2:2 Mpc T 1=2 jpj 2 : ð12Þ m > 6:7 ; 10 eV D 10 ms 10 MeV This threshold is in agreement with the current bounds on  masses (Fukuda et al. 1998). Nearby SNe will somehow be seen. Apart from GWs and neutrinos, -rays, X-rays, visible, infrared, or radio signals will be detected. Therefore, their position on the sky and distance (D) may be determined quite accurately, including—if far from the Milky Way—their host galaxy (Ando et al. 2005). Besides, the Universal Time of arrival of the GW burst to three or more gravitational radiation interferometric observatories or resonant detectors will be precisely established (Schutz 1986; Arnaud et al. 2002). The uncertainty in the GW timing depends on the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ) as T (GWjD¼10 kpc )  1:45 /(S/N )  0:15 ms, with   1 ms being the rms width of the main GW peak (Arnaud et al. 2002). Meanwhile, the type of  and its energy and Universal Time of arrival to  telescopes of the SNEWS network will be highly accurately measured (Antonioli et al. 2004; Beacom & = Vogel 1999). The  timing uncertainty is Tmax ¼ Cash (N )1 2 ,


with Cash  (2:3  0:3) ms and N being the event statistics ( proportional to D). This leads to the SN distance-dependent uncertainty in the  mass, m2 / Tmax /D  0:5Y0:6 eV 2 (Arnaud et al. 2002), which implies m  7 ; 101 eV, which is consistent with our previous estimate from equation (12). Hence, those  particles and their spin-flip conversion signals must be detected. Therefore, the left-hand side of equation (11), i.e., the time-offlight delay TGW$, will be measured with a very high accuracy. With these quantities, a very precise and stringent assessment of the absolute  mass eigenstate spectrum will be readily set out by means not explored earlier in astroparticle physics: an innovative technique involving not only particle but also GW astronomy. For instance, at a 10 kpc distance, e.g., to the Galactic center (GC in Fig. 2), the resulting time delay should approximate TGW ! ¼ 5:2 ; 103 s, for a flavor of mass m  1 eV and jpj  10 MeV. A SN event from the GC or Large Magellanic Cloud ( LMC) would provide enough statistics in SNO, SK, etc., 5000Y8000 events, so as to allow for the definition of the  mass eigenstates ( Beacom et al. 2001). Farther out,  events are less promising in this perspective, but we stress that one  event collected by the planned megaton  detector, from a large-distance source, may prove sufficient (see further arguments in Ando et al. 2005). 6. SUMMARY In this paper, it has been emphasized that knowing the  absolute mass scale with enough accuracy would turn out to be a fundamental test of the physics beyond the standard model of fundamental interactions. By virtue of the very important two-step mechanism of  spin-flavor conversions in SNe, very recently revisited by Kuznetsov et al. (2008), we suggest that by combining the detection of the GW signals generated by those oscillations and the  signals collected by SNEWS from the same SN event, one might conclusively assess the  mass spectrum. In particular, sorting out the neutronization phase signal from both the  light curve and the second peak in the GW waveform (with its memorylike feature; Burrows & Hayes 1996) might allow one to achieve this goal in a nonpareil fashion.

H. J. M. C. thanks FAPERJ, Brazil for financial support and ICRANet Coordinating Centre, Pescara, Italy for hospitality during the early stages of this work. G. L. acknowledges support to this work provided by MIUR through PRIN Astroparticle Physics 2007 and by research funds of the Universita´ di Salerno. He also acknowledges ASI for financial support.

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