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ies of birds on a May morning, or where rare ... hundreds of these birds weaving , m e &romd. Ms. ^ ^ ihe .... Each year the iron a great, brown gash cut across the.

Friday, April 17, 1931


cent major domo lh* Wood Duck. King Coach Slipping Thwe birds w e n to fearlau It was during and after the THE ENCHANTED WOODS that they allowed me to approach World War that thrones began to within ten feet before becoming By Bernard Powers of 485 Madison Avenue .-hake as in an earthquake and alarmed. In fact I had about dekings to topple over. And it is will have at her own home cided they muat be a pair of es»>ti!l going on. America was con, . caped tame birds with clipped on sidered safe, but the tremblors art To me they are the enchanted beginning to lift the night fogs. w i n g 8 ( w n e n t b e y .uddenly took APRIL 22 — 28 — 24 how shaking things here, and one woods. But no pixies, gnomes or" Migratory swallows love this quiet fl.ght a n d j M W t h e m n o mon j king, at least, shows signs of comfairies dwell in their dense thickets, ] spot if you happen to come some h a d hmd ^ ^ tLm9> however, to 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ing down from his lofty perch. t^ nor do fearsome animals or danger morning in the midst of one of the o b s e r v e g l o s s y g r e e n o f That is the football coach. At the ous reptiles lurk in their cool '•Waves'* of migration, you will see m a l e , g h e a d a n d n w J > t n e flne w M t e University of Pennsylvania he has depths. The spell which they exer- hundreds of these birds weaving , m e &romd Ms ^ ^ ihe rich> p u r . their never-ending geometncalpat- p J e chestnut of lower neck and already been degraded to the level cise is spiritual not material. terns over its shining surface. ^ ^ of a faculty member with a regut ftnd g l o 8 8 e d witfe j Their enchantment lies chiefly in Barn and Tree swallows are sure bg rwe M of the rump and taUl lar faculty salary, and that action em8hr the fact that, although situated in to predominate with a sprinkling . fre8n a n d p e r fect was! has met such favorable comment the heart of suburban Westchester, of Chimney Swifts and an occas- c o v e r t 8 S o and that colleges all over the country g 0 n e a t l y applied they afford a last outpost and re- lonal rusty-red flash from the rump h i s c o l o r i n g t h a t it 3eeraed aim08t M though are thinking about rebelling the fuge for wild life. I know of no of an Eave Swallow. More likely p p e d o u t oi o n e o f those same way. It really looks as if prices ranging from $29 to $59 place within miles where it is possi- than not you will surprise a bevy of h e i h a di 8 t ecolored FARES PLEASE plates which apthese 25,000 an.l 50,000 football ble to see so many different spec- Black Ducks feeding near the shore. s p e n d d ^( pear in two flne v o u , m e s o n t h e I 10 PROSPECT AVENUE LARCHMONT scholars who have been looking ies of birds on a May morning, or These wary birds seem to sense B o a r d s o f N e w Y o r k published by down on $5,000 and 210,000 college where rare, wild flowers grow in Don't speak to the motorman, pardon, the driver, of this late abundance. the fact that they are in sanctuary t h e N e w Y ork State Museum.* rapid transit of 1909. Here is the City Island-Bartow car presidents, and despising $3,000 greater v a n e ^ . . - . for instead of taking wing they "These two excellent and au- plying between that famous seashore resort and the mainland professors of Latin or economics, will soon have to drive the same This is due to Uie fact tiiat both l d s ^ d thoritative volumes are available sort of small automobiles and have nature and man have contributed to j water. ^JZ in those days. to any resident of New York the isolation of these woods. On the same kind of installment colThe pair of Red Shouldered State at a nominal price. Apply their west a golf course forms a Hawks, which used to nest in one of to the New York State Mulectors come around as the regular memories too. Each year the iron a great, brown gash cut across the teachers. It will be an awful drop bumper. To the north the broad the mighty oaks overlooking a cove seum, Albany, New York. We make a specialty of Custom Tailored ring of progress closes a little bosom of the earth through the fields a large, estate 1m in the northwest corner of the lake, The lake which adjoins my woods Sport Suits for every purpose—including an exmunizeofmy woodscountry from the contamtighter arouna t he enchanted woods. The chewinks complained | but are not good days for the ination of a roaring motor high- have deserted my woods. Three forms part of the water system of woods. It is the age-old story of and the catbirds scolded to no avail i king business. clusive selection of business suits—easily conyears ago they kept house in an w e 1 1 way, while to the east a lonely ancestral 0 verted for golf (or outing dress) by ordering growing civilization but it is a tale as clanking, grunting steam-shovels oak but for the last two \ . l™ ™' Westchester townlake, where neither fishing nor not without sadness. uprooted the tall blueberry bushes A statistican says there is one extra knickers of same material—or a smart situated on Long Island hunting is P ermitted, forms an effec- years I have missed seeing these ship It appears inevitable that all in the heart of their beloved swamp, j broom for every woman in the Sound. That is the reason the novelty flannel. tive barrier. Not many persons en- great birds sailing in majestic dr- , tales of wild life must end in sadBefore long the clangor of the i United States, but that does not Made to individual order from $75.00 and up. ter these woods by chance. Within clues over head T -nisra-t these l a k e ' o r reservoir, has SO long esness. And my brief account of the m o t 0 r horn and the squeal of brakes ! m e a n t h a t * * " i s a w o m a n f o r a few minutes after penetrating ciues over neaa. l suspect mese enchanted woods must end too on _ _ ^ . i every broom, ^> th -int-o^s „f th«» real :1] t u L their shades the solitary rambler same sinister chord. I would W , U e c h o t h r o u * t h ^ e enchanted Waiter—Don't you like your their familyanLares i i d I h^™wic„ e other is ™ thei " home 2 5 ? ! • . V « Tnmnleteiy d e - Rhave e n t etransferred d forest overlooking inlet J" g S""XT ™ « . the that it could be otherwise but thi3 woods where once was heard only college pudding? d mraconteur, W5r l s and t n e gentlee M » * ? • * " . . - « g y g g L J g ; l o and f the Soundto near Rye*less Country Philosopher, Penates an even f re, % ^ ® °" . tached from the work-a-day world, the challenging whistle of the Great man, deadly enemy to all vandals is a chronicle not of romance. 23 years of Service Diner—No, I'm afraid there's an Pinton as though in the depths of a New | Utt». . of of forest and Crowley, stream andsupervisor, hospitable The great State of New York has Crested Flycatcher or the elfin egg in it that ought to have been Pelham. N. Y. Hampshire forest. A thousand Underneath the oaks where, the j f r i e n d to all those who love nature, decreed that a motor parkway shall music of the Veery. expelled. leafy drop - curtains completely hawks used to nest, you will find • 0 n c e y o u h a v e g ^ ^ ^ COnfl- be driven through the heart of the Phone 1433 Pelham shut off the bustle and clamor of the ground mantled with gorgeous d e n c e o f C r o w i e y h e will talk most enchanted woods, from south to The "ex" in "ex-doughboys" now America is getting two-ar conFrench Dry Cleaning for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Apparel civilization. wood violets in early May and down | interestingly of the lonely and, north. Already trees have been cut applies to the dough as well as the scious except for those pedestrians who are unconscious. I have taken a rambler's lease on where the swamp begins, if yon | beautiful territory wherein he lives i out, underbrush cleared away and boys, h~ these woods, but welcome as co- look carefully, you will discover ttie and w h i c h h e protects. He will rarer but the not less beautiful j ^ pair of Wood Ducks teU y o u o f tenants all those who find beauty y ?fU°7 I™1***J1**"* their w h i c h once nested near the shore and pleasure in out-of-door life. f^T ' . o f t h e l a k e > 0 f deer seen recently Every season I gather the treasures little golden faces to the skies. which the woods contain. But 1 I can never decide whether my in the enchanted woods, of the leave what I take away for mine woods are loveliest when their floor racoons which live in the hardare the treasures of the eye and is carpeted with pink azalea or wood forest on the ledges across mind. I have never met the real when they are alight with masses from his house, of strange, shy, owners of the enchanted woods. I of flowering dogwood. The bloom- feathed visitors from the seashore believe they must be kindly people ing of the azalea each year never and far Canadian waters who have for no hateful "Keep Out" signs fails to arouse within me a feeling visited his lake, and last, but not bar one from the cool, forest paths. akin to astonishment. Somehow it least, the story of Pat and Mary. I feel that I have been entrusted seems that these dainty blossoms Pat and Mary were male and feto enjoy and not destroy and I should be associated with glass male Canada geese. For a number feel that I can best express my conservatories and sheltered gar- of years they came regularly in thanks by living up to the letter dens rather than the open reaches March to the resevoir and stayed and spirit of that trust. A . f * £ * 2 2 £ . 2 18 2*2? to 8 e e ' through the nesting season. Leaving The abundance of wild life in this that the bridal pink of the Maleaji a t e in May or early in June, prebelongs m the same family with s u m a b l y for cooler latitudes, they particular area is due, not only to the m o u n t s laurel and trailing | w o u i d reappear for a visit of sev^ the fact that it is little frequented, , i( , lIwlL .,.., _sec- "butus, but it is hard to connect : e r a i w e e k s in the Fall until they but also to the fact that this e widely varying varying tertion includes a widely ter- ™ , aristocratic azalea with the n n a i i y departed for the South to spend the winter. In the beginning rain. The northern approach to the lowly checkerberry. Dogwood season is fairy-land ! they were exceedingly shy and woods is through upland meadows and an old apple orchard. The time in the enchanted woods. On would come nowhere near the meadows slope gently downward to every hand billows of white bios- | Crowley house. Eventually they . • ; „ , - k m n V trWrV " - . w o «rtto * aoms meet the "tieht as far as ev«» bf>r«Tn