Niagara Falls NY Gazette 1931 Sep-Oct Grayscale - Fulton NY Post ...

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KlentUts in England in 1918, when a. Soal of small fish was caught In a traterspout and carried up Into the air jcd s strong wind swept the fish inland to drop them ...
yffipb*d a y

Sep t e m p e r





fqpts Standards ,b f o r Girl Scouts

AUTOMOTIVE A u t o m o b i l e s for S a l e WILLYS S I X — B e sure you see us before buy a used car; we do not advertise cials as we sell thern as soon as » e them. Plerce-Bms'e Motor Corp., 901 avenue. Phone 6587.



EMPLOYMENT 11 you spet;e; Erie



R o o m * With Board 81 C E D A R A V K . 711—Near City Kail", ""comfortably furnished room with board; home privi!eges;_also_taj3'.e board. CLEVELAND AVE.. 1818—Comfortably furnishcd room In private home with home privileges; boaid if desired; ap^endld locajUon^ CLEVELAND AVE.. 1820—Nicely furnished roam in private honii;: ail conveniences, home cooking; reasonaii'e rent. NIAOARA ST.. 813—Apt. 1, comfortably }urtilshed room; all homo privileges; board if desired; splendid location. 8IXTH ST., 836—Large, pleasant, furnished rooms In private home: all conveniences; home cooking: reasonable. Tel. 32S1-W.



T w e n t y - f i v e REAL ESTATE FOR RENT


H o u s e s For K e n t A p a r t m e n t s and Klatj 74 77 WALNUT AVE , 620—Cozy. 4-room, furnish- W. RIVERSHORE DRIVE— 5-room bungalow; ed flat hot and cold water, heated; garCLEVELAND A V E , 1124— all conveniences. Inquire 8111 West RiverMURRAY—Died In Lockport. September IS. age; adults only _ shore Drive. Phone 4893. 1M1, WUIlam Edward. M u r ' a y , son of WALNUT AVE.. 713— Tive-room heated flat: "CENTRAL LOCATION— 6-room house, beauDaniel Murrav of Armory Place. Funeral electric stove, hot water, garage. Inquire tifully furr.lshed; all conveniences, elec.rlo from t h e home Of his grandparents, 21 See the new Windermere 2-f»m!ly second floor. washer, vacuum, e t c : reasonable. H } ; . J . Ontario street, Port p a l h o u s i e . Ont.. Friapartment, exclusive but not e x p t n day afternoon a t 2 o'clock. I n t e r m e n t In W"ALNUT AVE.. 513—Near P. O.. 3-rOom I DBfVEAVX 8ECTION—7;room hciuae^ahd - ?eiv?; oil b u r r . e s , shower baths; 8 t . Catharine*. Ont For right m a n ; c a n v a s s i n g work; heated upper fist; bath, all conveniences; car g a i a s e , nearly new, very beautiful decorated. For Information call $30. Inquire 3rd fioor. pror.e 4166-R j home. Call 6488. considerable experience; commission TO MAN AND WIFE 3839-R. WALNUT AVENUE, 1017—Ktva-room apartj LA SALLE SECTION—4 - room furnished and drawing account; large publlo 1928 Chevrolet Coupe gioo In MemorUm ment; gas heater; beautifully cecorated. | cottage with bath, located on car line; utility. 1930 Durant Coach $375 cheap rent Sll 22d 8 t . or Tel.. 1792-R. 1630—Upper 5-room flat VYE3TON AVE f f c k N Y — I n l o t i n g memory of our darling 1930 Chevrolet Coach $445 CLEVELAND AVE., 1007— Mod-em 5-roOm bath, all modern conveniences baby, PhyW» Anne, who d l t d one y*ar ago £ar& s e. LA SALIF: SECTION—Attractive iever.-roora 1930 Chevrolet Club Sedan $455 heated a p a r t m e n t ; electric refrigerator, reasonable. Phone 844-W. house: terms very attractive. Phone 3722. 1929 Reo S e d a n $545 stove, tile bath, shower. Sfo a'uin was e n her little h e a r t , »ln had WHIRLPOOL ST.—Sheraton Aptt . second 1929 Chrysler Coupe $725 n o t entered there, and innocence »lept Wanted—To Rent 81 EIGHTH ST.—At Pine, desirable modern apt. floor, strictly modern, fully electrically 7 Light Delivery Trucks, each s 75 sweetly e n t h a t p a ) j w h i t e brow w fatr; In the Eleanor, furnished or u n l u r a l s h e d ; equipped, open fireplace, heat txcr'.ier.l GOOD LOCATION—House, cottage or lower R o o m s Without Board ~68 m e w » i t o o pure l o r thl* cold earth, too all modern conveniences, Call 4664-W. Inquire 1653 Whirlpool street. _ flat. 5 or 6 rooms with bath, furnace and ' K E L L O O a MOTOR 8ALES beautiful to atay, and »o Ood'a Holy A n ADHLAND AVE . 824 —Near Main, well fur. f^OHTIETH ST., 141—La 8alle lection, new W. PIERCE A V E — v , block from Main. 4gs_r»g». $3C month. Ca:'. 4480-J. 903 Main St. Phone 1C01 gel bore our darling one away. nlsned sleeping rootr.s; use of piano, radio 4-rooci apt. with bath. Murphy bed. and room lower and 7-room upper flat, a'.ae m, WANTED—Small house or bur.galow, 5 o r " ! Parent*, O r a n d p a r e n t i , Sitter, and phone; private sitting room; board If Niagara St. 6-room oil heated apt.; a;; BRANCH, BUFFALO A V E & 78TH 8T. garage: completely furnished, available rooms, for couple or heated apt.; refer\ Aunt, Oocle and Cousin. dealred; gar a ge Ca 1 ;_2 4 6. c o n v e n i e n c e s : 5-room apt. on Pins A v e . P h o n e 4274 Open Evenings Oct 1st. Inquire o n premises. ences. Addr^s' Box No. 265, care Garef.e. Business Opportunities 38 near Market; possession at once; rent ASHLAND AVE . 1740— 2 nicely furnished AlGHTY-Fl KST STREET— f i v e - r com fi a t, • f u n e r a l Director* 5 REFRESHMENT 8 T A N D — And miniature golf reasonable. Phone 2108. rooms, sleeping or light housekeeping; t'.] s : 5 00 monthly. Call 4283-R. BELL" 0 . K.— Conscientious and efficient course; this Is a money m a k e r ; to be sold cor.venler.C's 4-room ELM WOOD AVE . 452—Newly decorated five- WILLOW AVE.. 831—Near Main. at a bargain for quick sale. Call 2939 seryie*, Chapel. 610 Pine avenue. Phone apartment: frtgld&lre. electric range, tile BUFFALO AVF~ 8104—Large, bright rooms room flat; all -conveniences. Call 9C4-M BAROAIN8—LO O K-BARGAINS between 5 and 8:30 p. m. 3337. . B r o k e r * Ln R e a l E s t a t e bath with shower: all modern Improvebeautifully furnished, hot running water; or_ 7J3 Fifteenth street. OOBLEB'O FUNERALHOME—Marl O, ROOMINO HOUSE—The Catheart Catheart House, ments. Krueger Motor Sales. Tel. 453Q. LANOLEV.JAME3 O.— Real Tstat* b r o i - r , suitable for cr.e or two persons; hot water Oakland Coach FIRST S T . 334—The Beaton Apta . three362 First St., well established and doing ...»lo3 OObler. Funeral Director. 639 Main atreet. heat. Phone 4416. f;ec!a!!r:.-.g In homes for i s l e , r e n u l j . Essex Sedan room electrically equipped apartment. In- WILLOW AVE„ 1524-26—S'-room upper end good business; will rent or sell; act Quick...$155 Telephone 383. Invalid t a r . S.'.p^.-ber; Bldg. pho.-.e 2112 or 65ES. lower flats; rent S30 and »33. Inquire 602 CHILTON AVE f"02—Pleasant room: modquire Apt. 1. ly. Call after 7 p. m. Hupmoblle Sedan . . . $ 3 4 5 CORNELL A O A O O l i r r — Funeral chapel. Chilton Ave Phone 4841-J, ern, private home: suitable for two peoPackard 7-pass. S e d s n . ...$345 FIRST ST., 332—Near Falls St . 2 and 3 Niagara'! oldeet and mott modern funeral pie; also g>r^ge. Phone 4641-J. I N O.—REAL A V E , 1837—Six-room upper flat: P O R T S R - B A K T L E T T , Oldsmoblle Coupe ...S375 Money to Loan, Mortgages 40 room nicely furnished a p a r t m e n t ; steam WILLOW director*. 1517 Main atreet. P h o n e n o , newly decorated; reasonable rent. Call FOURTH F T . 532 —Four nicely furnished heat and hot water. ESTATE, INSURANCE. ELDrRFIELDBARKER FUNERAL HOMK — Eighteenth 3293-W. T h e s e cars are In much finer condirooms, near Y. W. cafeteria; h e a t , bath, FIRST MORTOAOE MONEY — A limited FOURTH S T , 416—Well furnished 4-room street and Weaton avenue. 8ervice witn tion throughout t h a n the average used garage. i amount of first mortgage money available heated apartment w i t h bath, running hot WILLOW AVE.. 1011—Upper and lower flat, HARTSHORN BLDO. PHONE 2148. quality. Phone 6324. car at above prices. Special terms on five rooms, bath, gal, newly decorated. Immediately. Niagara Holding Company, FOURTH ST., 636—Nicely furnished sleepwater; reasonable t e n t . all used cars. OftlDLEY— Funera'. Home, moat m o d e m in near Main 6t. Phone 1701. ing rooms; homo privileges. Phone 391 -M. 424 Third street. P h o n e 4755. FIFTH ST"! 25S—Well furnished heated .WILLARD EELDEN—Real eiTatl broker*. ~- c i t y use of our borne a t no extra charge. FIFTH ST.. 452—Large, well furnished, prlhomes for sale and rent. Elderfleldapartment, 4 rooms and private bath, hot 763 Main atreet. Phone 1148. B u s i n e s s Places For R e n t '5 r a t e hom*; conveniences, hot running waHartshorn Bldg. Phone 2957-J. water: additional single rooms also avaUMoney to Loan 40a O.UINN & RF.ARDON—Phone 318 or 5776 ter. CaU_ 3 9 5 i ^ BUFFALO AVE , "716—Store, desirable locaab'.e Phone 5974. : day or night. Beat equipped funeral chapel 1219 MAIN BT. PHONE 1934 tion for meat market, cleaning .eatablishH o u s e For S a l e 84 FERRY AVE . 623-—Pleasant, well furnished ETrTH ST., 416—Sept. 15, 7-room, large, in c i t . . 280 Fourth i t r e e t . OPEN EVENINOS ment. beauty parlor or barber shop,_S60. NIAGARA A V E . - N e a r Hyde Park Blvd., ft bright, modern flat; electric range; rent .sleeping room, private h o m e ; $15 month. F I R S T ST.. 331—Near Falls street desirable wonderful buy at $4 300. six-room h o u s e ; very reasonable. Call 1323-W. Personal 7 LEWISTON RD.—Near Main, furnished room heated store. Inquire A. Ooldrlng, 333 all conveniences: very small down p a y OtAWVOYANT—Mra. Wlttkopp (nee B a i l e y ) , with adjoining bath, modern private home FIFTH ST. 437—Near Niagara street, fivs- . F i n : street. ment; balance a s ' r e n t . C. O. Hays, Real* • room upper heated flat; equipped for elecadvice daily; circle Wed.. 8 p. m.. rrlday, suitable for 1 or 2; low rent; reWer.ccs. '.or. Fhcine 870. evenings 2245. HIOHLAND AVE., 2811—For rent reasonable trlclty or gas. 3 p. n>. 838 Cleveland Ave. Tel. 7080-J. Phone 2 i 5 1 - W . (To Man and Wife) store, flat, bake shop and garage. _ Call OAK ST.. 1129—Frontage on t i l t shore MAIN ST.. 3l"7—Hillcrest at Falls, steam FIFTH ST.. 232—Near Jefferson avenue, CLAIRVOYANT—Or card reading; hours. 1 THE FAMOUS Wash. 8297. Buffalo. N. Y. Cayuga Creek. La Salle, attractive brick apartment. Including J bsdrooms, heated. t o 10 - m. except Wednesday. Call 7128. h e a t e d ' r o o m s for stedy roomers. $2 50. , vi,» w Barnes Is correspondveneer home, bui'.t 1926: modern In every MACKENNA MOTOR SALES MAIN 8T., 1414—Beauty parlor location Ca'.: 6263. 649 Sixth i t r e e t (rear) near Pine. S3. S4 weekly; 2-roo:r; housekeeping apt. way; price is right; owner leaving city; , J ' i S S 5 S f o i r l seouta who ROBERT 1307 Main St. Phone 3418 available, heated. $25.00 a m o n t h ; also SI".—Near Walnut, 7-room modern J. MACDONALD— 1JT9 Whirlpool inspection by appointment. Daniel S. NIAOARA AVE., 1005—Near Main, o n e - r o o m FIFTH several otehr heated offices. Phone 4~55. **,/£M seventeenth annual eonventrick flat: hardwood floors. Call 405-W St.; circle Wednesday at 8 p. m.; reading* Dolan. Phone 4783. M apt., with sink and hot and cold running or inquire 548 Fifth street. dally by appointment. P h o n e 2640-J. fc* " " L f f s Y October H-17. Auto T r u c k s , Trailers, Tractors 12 77 SEVENTY-SEVENTH ST.. 145— MOd'ertt' l l x Wn tt w a t eAVE.. r : phone. Houses For Rent PINE 302—2 furnished sleeping rooms, FI FT EENTH ST.. 2218—Four-room modern «S w w Sis Barnes hav-been TRANCE MEDIUM—Mra. T h o m a s , 917 South BARGAIN—5-yard hydraulic dump truck, room house with floored attic; complete.On Household Furniture well h»ated, private home, phone, suitable apartment; all conveniences; available at A ST., 44—-Four-room cottage, $22 a mon»u. Ave., 3 doors from Main. Apt. 19; circle ly furnished 2 years ago with up-to-date wood hoist, 9.75x18; Ooodye&r pneumatic S f f S S S ^ organization and as for men or women or couple; also small NO ENDORSERS Inquire 8. C. Wlsbaum, 466 Third street. Thursday evening, 8:30; readings dally. once. Phone 6666. _ _ _ _ _ _ tt furniture; lot 30x108; price. Including furtires, like n e w ; open evenings until 10 p. furnished heated apartment for housejf2t2» tf-tbe badges and awards Phone 3906. niture, $5,300: inspection by appointment. m. Brost Chevrolet, Inc., 1291 Main St. FIFTEENTH ST., 513—5-room lower flat; 1 Low cost. 6 m a l l monthly payment plan. keeping. 10 "SME U S l y responsible for deDaniel S. Dolan, Phone 4783. Lost, Found, Strayed Buffalo, N. Y. BYRD AVE., 1425—8-room house with twoelectric range, all conveniences; garage; As Ion? as twenty m o n t h s to repay. SECOND ST.. 451—Near Falls. 2 connecting car garage; rent very reasonable. Phone TOWNSEND PLACE— Reduced $1,500 ' from reasonable rent. Phone 1671-M. 22"f,hJ ineSf V which the stand- RING—Of keys lost between Hyde Park Husband and wife only need sign. comfortably furnished rooms; conveniA u t o s f o r H i r e — T a x i 14 4449. Diamond No. 3 and Empire Builders SupFERRY AVE . 626—Light, six-room upper original price as owner Is leaving the city; t W u f f l Scouts are maintained, e n c e s : permanent. Phone 431-R. ply dock Sunday. R e t u r n to 48 A street. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL this cozy six-room home in excellent c o n flat; fireplace; g a r a g e ; rent reasonable. CEDAR AVE., 510 ( R E A R ) — i - r o o m cottage, NEED A TOW?—Call 533. Fleck's Automotive " f t ? Srn«i Ja the wife of Julius H. SEVENTH ST.. 513—3 comfortably furnished dition will appeal to .you If you want to no bath, $20 a month. Inquire 510 Cedar Inquire 411 Ferry avenue. . Service; day or night, and very reasonable J S S U x r f the board of the No Inquiries of your friend*, relatives rooms in private home; will rent singly or FERRY AVE , 1104—Small furnished apartbe handy to schools, churches, stores and avenue. Phone 301-J. r a t e s : quick service. or employer. convert one room Into a living room and downtown; one-car garage; price $6,000; I 5 Chamber of Commerce, who heads CLEVELAND AVE . 1608-1610—Double brick rr.pnt; heat and light. Phone 1133-W. rent as a 2 or 3 room living apt., with easy terms. Phone 153, Mr. Allen. Repairing—Service Stations 16 house, all newly decorated. Inquire 1609 It ow Scout Men's Finance Com1 1 INFORMATION CHEERFULLY OIVEN Automobiles (or Sale private entrance; central location, near GRAND AVE.. 2244—New, five-room flat; Niagara Ave., or call 557-W. RELINE—Your Ford A brakes with Ebonite; schools, and Y.W.C.A.: plenty of heat and oak floors: garage; 840. Phone 6252-M. Bltt«. special rate this week. Ralph W. Lew, CLEVELAND AVE., 1869—8!x-room single hot water; use of phone; reasonable rent. OHRYSTJJR SPORT ROADSTER, 1929 812 Llnwood avenue. HIOHLAND AVE.. 3503—6-room lower and house, downstairs newly decorated; reasonSEVENTH ST.. 450—Well furnished rooms: ",v, able. Phone 3293-W. SIMON1ZING—Washing, polishing, any make upper flats: garages; reasonable; modern. k Finished in a pretty t w o - t o n e blue w i t h hot waterh e a t ; suitable for t e a c h e r s ; of car, $5.00. Stan White, 1019 Ontario Phone 1844-R. COLLKOE AVE., 1002—Six-room house with yellow wheels; rumble seat, six wire breakfast if desired. Phone U 7 2 - R . JEFFERSON AVE.—Cor. Fourth. 3 rooms, Ave. Phone 1187-W. sun porch, til* bath, electric stove. Phone wheels and trunk rack; see U you can furnished and 5-room furnished apartSEVENTY-THIRD ST., 217—Newly furnished Brick colonial home situated at t a d of 2780. tell It from n e w ; cost SI,900 new; our WILLIAM McINNIS—Oeneral auto repairing; m e n t : all conveniences. Phone 1305-J. bedroom, s u l t a b l - for one or two men, prlTerrace Drive among a nice arrangework guaranteed: rates reasonable. 315 price $645. Lens Auto Sales, 1109 Main A shower of fish was vouched for by CRICKS COURT—Near Sixth St., 8 room vate home; board If desired. * LLNWOOD AVE., 1633—Modern, upper, fivement of old shade trees; fireplace; 3 Cedar Ave., near Whirlpool St. street. house. 830; also a 3 room flat. $15. Call KlentUts in England in 1918, when a room flat with garage, electric stove; car garage, etc.; dead end street w i t h UNITED OFFICE BLDG.. STB FL., RM, 504 THIRD ST.. 2G4—Near Falls St., steam h e a t 2710-Or 3344. adults. Phone 1015-J. adjacent park makes It Ideal and safe Soal of small fish was caught In a ed rooms with hot and cold running w a 323 FIRST STREET Wanted—Automotive CUD ABA 7K AVE., 2228— Three-room house for children; owner being shortly t r a n s ter; private b a t h , tub or shower: use of LINWOOD AVE., 1336—rCorner Thirteenth traterspout and carried up Into the air PHONE: NIAOARA FALLS 7080 COACH—Wanted, good, used, any model; between Twenty-secondand T w e o t y ferred from city: Investigation will e s phone and glttln room; private garage. street, five-room flat with bath, modern jcd s strong wind swept the fish inland cash; n o dealer. Address 503 Second St. tourth streets. Phone 4755. tablish this as an unusual proposition. conveniences. Phone 2117-J. THIRD ST.. 731—Furnished rooms, suitable to drop them on the earth. COUPE—1930, for cash or exchange for 1^»Equipped with General tires which have for teachers; hot water heat, use of phone, MAIN ST., 829—Modern 3 and 4 room heat- CUDABACK AVE.. 1758—Near Portage Rd., ton stake body truck. Call 6436-M. 8-room house, $35.00 per month. A. Hars h o w n little wear; the paint, motor, u p 41 Wanted—To Borrow all modern conveniences. Phone 11Q2-R. ed apartments. Inquire 749 Seventh 6t., batowskl, 1770 E. Falls St. Phone 2863. holstery and everything about It IS A - l ; or call 3140-J Natives of H Paso, Tex., feared a •''HIRD ST.. 251—Nicely furnished front $2,000—On first mortgage. 40 7c loan. 6% this is our Special for this week; reroom: running v a t e r ; all conveniences. Interest. C. 0. Hays, Realtor, Phone murder mystery when they saw a MAIN ST.. 734—Four-room apartment, mod- ELEVENTH ST., 517—Half of double brick duced to $465. R. W. Van De Bogart, house; all conveniences. Inquire 515 870, R O S E T O T T A G E — 225-22" Second~Sl.. rooms or 2245 evenings. crn ln every respect; rent reasonable. hand sticking out of the murky waters 1001 Main St. Phone 1199. Eleventh St., or call 1253-M. Bartering,. Beauty Parlors 17-a Telephone 38. with hot and cold running water or pri' of the' Franklin canal. Two squads ' vate bath: moderate rates. SAVE MONEY — Richard Catalan's Barber MAIN ST.. 121—Opp. Cataract House, fur- E L M W 6 0 D AVE.. 445—(Reari, 8-room house with bath: reasonable rent. Inquire 434 of police rushed to the scene. One man nished flat- 2 sleeping rooms, living room Shop, ladies' and gent's haircut, 25c: good THE ENNERDALE—213 Second St.. furnishElmwood avenue. and kitchen; also 2 housekeeping rooms. leaped Into the water and made the service. Cor. North Ave. and 15th St. Instruction Classes 43 ed rooms with running water, private bath, some connecting rooms; all convenl- MICHIGAN AVE., 1844—Desirable five-room FIRST 8T., 353—Near Falls street, desirable rescue. He pulled an old rubber glave YEAR—Government jobs; men Business Service Offered 18 $l,26O-$3,40O .furnished cottage. Inquire 353 First St. ences. use of phone. Tel. 1869. T h i s car h a s been painted a rleh c r e s m flat; rent $30.00 monthly. Inquire 2717 women, 18-50; steady work; we coach you isfelv to the bank. It was floating color; good top, rumble seat, and tires Westcn av*enue. • FIFTH BT.. 417—Desirable house, ten rooms LA SALLE SECTION—Owner must sacrifice "ALLEN ALWAY8"—Niagara's best sign lor Niagara Falls,' N. Y., e x a m i n a t i o n s ; THE PHELPS—235 Second Street, rooms, with palm outstretched, resembling a 5-roorri modern bungalow and garage; in good shape: needless to say the mos h o p : signs ot every kind Harry A. Allen, and bath. Phone 419-M,. list positions and full particulars free, p r h a t e bath or running water; housekeep- MICHIGAN AVE , 1832—Upper and lower 6attractive terms. Call 4171-R. tor is o k a y : we're closing o u t roadsters the hand of a man. 926 Cleveland avenue. Phone 6835. w r i t e immediately, to day sure, address lng privileges: S4.C0 up Phone 187. room flats: all conveniences, electric range. FIFTH ST^. 4 5 3 — N i n e T o o m house: all conat a reduction; price $225. R. W. Van Box No. 257, c a r j Gazette. veniences. Inquire 451 Fifth street. Inquire 1634 Mlchlgsn Ave. Tel. 3294-W. THE STANTON—Next to The Niagara, rooms Lots For Sale De Bogart. 1001 Main St. Phone 1199. 85 Building and Contracting 19 with hot running water, private entrance, MICHIGAN AVE., 1137—6-room lower flat; FIFTEENTH ST., 614— 9-roorrt house, $40; Tangier island in Chesapeake bay McKOON AVE.—40-ft. lot with paving a n Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 BUTLDINO—And general repair Is my busihome privileges; S4 u p ; pnone. elso six-room house, $38.00; 3-rOom house. rent $25; piped for gaS range. Inquire Is an idyllls spot. Automobiles and FORD—"29 tudor, $245; Essex Challenger paid for $875; terms If desired. W. T. ness. Raymond Samstra. General Con- VIOLIN—Max Teller, teacher of violin and $ 1 5 ; . conveniences. Inquire on premises. 802 Chilton Ave. Phone 4841-J. Morris, Realtor. Phone 2012. town sedan, like new, $325; Pontlac '29 •ractor. 1140 Pierce avenue. Phone 1684. even horses are not permitted on the 69 NIAGARA AVE., 1118—Four-room furnished JEFFERSON AVE., 627—Near Sixth street, ensemble playing. Residence Studio. 653 Rooms For Housekeeping coach, good rubber and finish, $325; Essex NORWOOD AVE.—Four building' lots, «6x Orchard Parkway. Phone 988. island and people sleep with their BUFFALO A V E — L a Salle section, 3 or 4 house, eight rooms, conveniences; gas. I n apartment; heated, gas for cooking, con'28 sedan, S125; Chrysler coupe, good rub100 ft.; priced right. Terms, C. C. N e w . Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating 20 TENOR BANJO—Violin and mandolin leslarge bright roams, furnished or unfurquire 462 Tenth street. tlnuous hot water. doors unlocked. Yet burglars fhvadfang. Realtor. Call 6381 or 3891. ber, bargain $85. Roy, 106 Niagara 8 t . sons. Hugo C. E. Muller, 910 South Ave. n i s h e d : hot water; rates very moderHARTMAN—Complete carpet and rug serLEWISTON RD.—6-room brick house' hardNIAGARA AVE., 943—Near Main; Estelia #d the Island and carried off a safe Terms. Phone 6563. Tenor banjo for sale, $10.00. atc. Phone 6319-J. vice; dusting, shampooing, resizing, sewwood floors, gas, wired for range. Inquire Apts., desirable 5-roctn apt., heated, $47.' Suburban For Sato "87 containing $2,003 from the store of FORD—Tudor, 1929; in very good condition lng. fitting, binding, weaving. Phone *4. J. B. Rombough, 940 .vanderbllt avenue. EIGHTH ST., 340—Two large rooms, furInquire Snyder-Olllett. Tel. 75. throughout; will sell at the special price LEWISTON. N. Y.—Just three well located William T. Crockett. The safe, holdnished for housekeeping, lower floor, verAVE., 1312—Six-room house; of $225 this week-end only. P. S c o s s a - KRUEGER'S—Rugs and furniture, cleaning, N I A G A R A ST., 614—3-room furnished flat LINWOOD restricted residential i k e s , 100x435, on tha anda, $4.50 a week. Inquire upstairs. In; funds of the only church on the shampooing, dusting and resiling; also electric range, wired for Frlgidalre, s t a with kitchenette, private bath, heated, hot fava *t 3$ , ' " ! ^ w n the well. furniture cleaned; work done at lowest BEDS—Three-piece living room suite, $34da, h'.-.ted: also fiarage. ga*. all conveniences, newly decorated. """Phrasehs hereafter. Two year* prices. FIvervlew Mattress U Upholsterelectric range, washing machine, coal and • w T t S ^ W - A V E T " 3433—Pleasant, Inquire 423 Seventeenth street. furnished, ing Co., D. Williams, Lewiston Ra. P h o a i tr! . ?*M d -f • " e *»rr.»d 1 Furniture Store, 1317 E Fall* a t . 6 6 7 8 - J . CIULToSr AVK~ 822 - S i x - r o o m modern fTrt; T W K N f Y ~ 8 E C O N D " f T ~ 411—4-room l o ^ e r ' !a Help Wanted—Mate 88 Box 534 «;i*n< w» ? flat; furnace, bath. g a s . 125 r"r month. Box 258 ArrangeF U R N I T U R E — B o u g h t sold" and exchanged; ****** '- MAtJAOKR WANTSD electric range, front and back porch; rent Oj>cn 4 Inquire A. HarbMOWskl. 1770 KftSt Falll ,., • 'ri^one. but muti M Box 259 highest prices paid for good used furnireasonable. ^ j menu can j; S t . Phone 7863 BOX 252 : ture. 2317 pine avenue.__J_hon___0_r-JL We ar« Bl*nnln$ on b u l l d l r j lsr$« s a l ' s Evenings CHILTON A V E . 7 1 0 U p p e r 6 room flat*. j be made for 1 « ';' \ : . * . ' ; ' " - - y d the cash rate .f BIX »«1 force immediately m this territory, we T W E N T Y - S E C O N T S ST.. 625—5-rcom lipper O O O D S - B o u g h t . sold and e x c h a n g e d , - 341 1 $»• rang*. «»f*«e If desired. Available Box 262 w a n t a Division*', Manager to t*k« fiat; g:« range, hot air heat; ressonable Thlrtec ith streetQuality Specialty Co 3 Box 264 at once,_ Phcfi* 1161 ot 216. ch»r*»: permanent connection: increasrent^; Phcnj ii27-R. • 8 Box 265 __l_il_?-l_~ -'. ing fncrtme. Write Director of S a l e s for c i u i . T o T T A W 7 ^ 5 f » « » ic-Ver'furnishTlvlfNTY-'ftCCONnHs?., 633~-4-rcom lower 2 B6x 268 NEW YOilK JUNK C O , - H i g h e s t p r i m for kJtrthw. . ; n M «d. t M U M• " m v n u m s a particulars. _ . • , d a ; : til* b s t h . wired for electric rant*. *d apartment; g«« t a n c e . private bath I Box 268 newspapers, rata, second-hand furniture '* 5f i" THE PROCESS CORPORATION Ingulf* 625 -'22nd at... P h o n e . l l . 7 _ i . ft and entrsne*; g * r * u . r h w e 4841-J. ..»'.,."•• X * . ' • * ; r pfp^».\ Box 411 metal, scraps. e » : s p h o n e 33f6. t7-_* L_r>*pt. r-C-104. Troy »t 21st, Chicago 3 TWENTY-FIFTH «f. sri-S-roXm lower Box 413 '-, M A A — R * s p o n * I M e T " w » h ear, for l u c m i c * SELL—Or e x c h a n g e , military decor»ti