Notification for Commencement of Examination ... - Nagpur University

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Aug 13, 2013 ... M. A. Part-I (Marathi). 88. M. A. Part-I (Hindi) ... M. A. 1st Semester (Marathi). 145. M. A. 1st ..... B.E. (CBS). 459. First Year B. Arch./ B.Arch. (I.D.).

**** NOTIFICATION No.COE/Exams/W/13/1786

Dated : 13th August 2013

It is notified for general information to all the concerned that the probable dates of commencement of different examinations to be held in Winter 2013 will be as under. The examination schedule of any examination listed below can be postponed or cancelled in part or in whole depending upon the circumstances. Examinations (Theory) commencing from 27th August 2013 24. B.Com. (Comp. Appl.) Final (New & Old) 1.

First B. Pharm.


Second B. Pharm.


Third B. Pharm.


Final B. Pharm.


M. Pharm.- I (Old)

Examinations (Theory) commencing from 10th Oct. 2013 6.

B. A. part-I


B. A. Part-II


B. A. Final


B. A. (Add. Subject)


B. Sc. Part-I


B. Sc. Part-II


B. Sc. Final


B.C.A. Part-I


B.C.A. Part-II


B.C. A. Final


B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Part-I (New & Old))


B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Part-II (New & old)


B. Sc. (Home Science) Final


B. Com. Part-I


B.Com. Part-II


B. Com. Final


B.Com. (Comp. Appl.) Part-I


B.Com. (Comp. Appl.) Part-II

25. B.A. (R.S.) Part-I 26. B.A. (R.S.) Part-II 27. B.A. (R.S.) Final 28. C.S.W. Part-I 29. C.S.W. Part-II 30. B.S.W. Part-I 31. B.S.W. Part-II 32. B.S.W. Final 33. B.F.A. Part-I 34. B.F.A. Part-II 35. B.F.A. Part-III 36. B.F.A. Final 37. B.B.A.-I 38. B.B.A.-II 39. B.B.A. Final 40. BLISc 41. P.G. Dip. in Comp. Comm. Application 42. P.G. Diploma in Applied Statistics 43. Post B.Sc. Dip. in Comp. Application 44. B. Ed. 45. B. P. Ed. 46. First B. P. E. 47. Second B. P. E. 1

48. Final B. P. E.

87. M. A. Part-I (Marathi)

49. Bach. of Appl. Elect & Soft. Tech. Part I

88. M. A. Part-I (Hindi)


Bach. of Appl. Elect & Soft. Tech. Part II

89. M. A. Part-I (Urdu)

51. Bach. of App. Elect. & Soft. Tech. Part III

90. M. A. Part-I (Economics)

52. Bach. of App. Elect. & Soft. Tech. – IV Final

91. M. A. Part-I (History)

53. Bach. of Cosm. Tech. Part-I

92. M. A. Part-I (Pol.Sci.)


Bach. of Cosm. Tech. Part-II

93. M. A. Part-I (Pub. Admn.)


Bach. of Cosm. Tech. Part-III

94. M. A. Part-I (Geography)


Bach. of Cosm. Tech. Final



Bachelor of Interior Design Part-I

96. M. A. Part-I (Statistics)


Bachelor of Interior Design Part-II

97. M. A. Part-I (Mathematics)


Bachelor of Fashion Design Part-I

98. M.A. Part- I (Women’s Studies)


Bachelor of Fashion Design Part-II

99. M. A. Part-II (English)


Bachelor of Khadi Production and Design Part- I

100. M. A. Part-II (Marathi)


Bachelor of Khadi Production and Design Part- II

101. M. A. Part-II (Hindi)


Bachelor of Khadi Production and Design Part- III

102. M. A. Part-II (Urdu)


Bachelor of Jwellry Design Part-I

103. M. A. Part-II (Economics)


Bachelor of Jwellry Design Part-II

104. M. A. Part-II (History)


Bachelor of Jwellry Design Part-III

105. M. A. Part-II (Pol.Sci.)


Bachelor of Textile Science Part-II

106. M. A. Part-II (Pub.Admn.)


Bachelor of Textile Sciences Part-I

107. M. A. Part-II (Geography)


Bachelor of Interior Design Part-III

108. M. A. Part-II (Sociology)


Bachelor of Interior Design Part-IV

109. M. A. Part-II (Statistics)


Bachelor of Interior Design Final

110. M. A. Part-II (Mathematics)


Bachelor of Fashion Design Part-III

111. M.A. Part-II (Women’s Studies)


Bach. of Textile Sci. Part III

112. M. S. W. Part-I


Bach. of H.M.C.T. Part-I

113. M. S. W. Part-II


Bach. of H.M.C.T. Part-II

114. M. Sc. Part-I (Physics)

M. A. Part-I (Sociology)

76. Bach. of H.M.C.T. Part-III

115. M. Sc. Part-I (Chemistry)

77. Bach. of H.M.C.T. Final

116. M. Sc. Part-I (Bio-Chemistry)

78. Master of Advertising Management Part-I

117. M. Sc. Part-I (Micro-Biology)

79. Bach. of Acting

118. M. Sc. Part-I (Botany)

80. Bach. of Production (Film & TV)

119. M. Sc. Part-I (Zoology)

81. Bach. of Business Communication

120. M. Sc. Part-I (Geology)

82. Bach. of Animation & Multimedia Part-I

121. M. Sc. Part-I (Envi. Sci.)

83. Bach. of Animation & Multimedia Part-II

122. M. Sc. Part-I (Statistics)

84. Dip. in Business Management

123. M. Sc. Part-I (Mathematics)

85. Dip. in Hardware & Networking Tech.

124. M. Sc. Part-I ( Electronics)

Examinations (Theory) commencing from 12th Nov. 2013

125. M.Sc. Part-I (Comp.Sci.)

86. M. A. Part-I (English)

126. M.Sc. Part-I (Sericulture) 2


M. Sc. Part-II (Mathematics) (New)

167. M. A. 1st Semester (Philosophy)

128. M. Sc. Part-II (Statistics)

168. M. A. 1st Semester (Psychology)

129. M. Sc. Tech. I (App. Geology)

169. M. A. 1st Semester (Travel & Tourism)

130. M.Sc. 1st Sem. (Molecular Biology & Gen. Engg)

170. M. A. 2nd Semester (English)

131. M.Sc. 2nd Sem. (Molecular Biology & Gen. Engg)

171. M. A. 2nd Semester (Marathi)

132. M.Sc. 3rd Sem. (Molecular Biology & Gen. Engg)

172. M. A. 2nd Semester (Hindi)

133. M.Sc. 4th Sem. (Molecular Biology & Gen. Engg)

173. M. A. 2nd Semester (Urdu)

134. M.C.M. Part-I

174. M. A. 2nd Semester (Economics)

135. M. C. M. Part-II

175. M. A. 2nd Semester (History)

136. M. Com. Part-I

176. M. A. 2nd Semester (Pol.Sci.)

137. M. Com. Part-II

177. M. A. 2nd Semester (Pub. Admn.)

138. M. Com. Part-I (Professional)

178. M. A. 2nd Semester (Geography)

139. M. Com Part-II (Professional)


140. MLISc (Integrated course) Part- I

180. M. A. 2nd Semester (Statistics)

141. MLISc (Integrated course) Part- II

181. M. A. 2nd Semester (Mathematics)


B.Sc. 1st s Sem.

M. A. 2nd Semester (Sociology)

182. M.A. 2nd Semester (Women’s Studies)

143. M. A. 1st Semester (English)

183. M. A. 2nd Semester (Arabic)

144. M. A. 1st Semester (Marathi)

184. M. A. 2nd Semester (Persian)

145. M. A. 1st Semester (Hindi)

185. M. A. 2nd Semester (Sanskrit)

146. M. A. 1st Semester (Urdu)

186. M. A. 2nd Semester (Pali)

147. M. A. 1st Semester (Economics)

187. M. A. 2nd Semester (Linguistics)

148. M. A. 1st Semester (History)

188. M. A. 2nd Semester (Ambedkar Thoughts)

149. M. A. 1st Semester (Pol.Sci.)

189. M. A. 2nd Semester (Gandhian Thoughts)

150. M. A. 1st Semester (Pub. Admn.)

190. M. A. 2nd Semester (Indian Music)

151. M. A. 1st Semester (Geography)

191. M. A. 2nd Semester (Home Economics)

152. M. A. 1st Semester (Sociology)

192. M. A. 2nd Semester (A.I.H.C. & Arch)

153. M. A. 1st Semester (Statistics)

193. M. A. 2nd Semester (Budhist Studies)

154. M. A. 1st Semester (Mathematics)

194. M. A. 2nd Semester (Philosophy)

155. M.A. 1st Semester (Women’s Studies)

195. M. A. 2nd Semester (Psychology)

156. M. A. 1st Semester (Arabic)

196. M. A. 2nd Semester (Travel & Tourism)

157. M. A. 1st Semester (Persian)

197. M. A. 3rd Semester (English)

158. M. A. 1st Semester (Sanskrit)

198. M. A. 3rd Semester (Marathi)

159. M. A. 1st Semester (Pali)

199. M. A. 3rd Semester (Hindi)

160. M. A. 1st Semester (Linguistics)

200. M. A. 3rd Semester (Urdu)

161. M. A. 1st Semester (Ambedkar Thoughts)

201. M. A. 3rd Semester (Economics)

162. M. A. 1st Semester (Gandhian Thoughts)

202. M. A. 3rd Semester (History)

163. M. A. 1st Semester (Indian Music)


164. M. A. 1st Semester (Home Economics)

204. M. A. 3rd Semester (Pub. Admn.)

165. M. A. 1st Semester (A.I.H.C. & Arch)

205. M. A. 3rd Semester (Geography)

166. M. A. 1st Semester (Budhist Studies)


M. A. 3rd Semester (Pol.Sci.)

M. A. 3rd Semester (Sociology) 3

207. M. A. 3rd Semester (Statistics)

247. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Geology)

208. M. A. 3rd Semester (Mathematics)

248. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Envi. Sci.)

209. M. A. 3rd Semester (Women’s Studies)

249. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Statistics)

210. M. A. 3rd Semester (Arabic)

250. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Mathematics)

211. M. A. 3rd Semester (Persian)

251. M. Sc. 2nd Semester ( Electronics)

212. M. A. 3rd Semester (Sanskrit)

252. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Comp.Sci.)

213. M. A. 3rd Semester (Pali)

253. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Sericulture)

214. M. A. 3rd Semester (Linguistics)

254. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Home Science)

215. M. A. 3rd Semester (Ambedkar Thoughts)

255. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Physics)

216. M. A. 3rd Semester (Gandhian Thoughts)

256. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Chemistry)

217. M. A. 3rd Semester (Indian Music)

257. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Bio-Chemistry)

218. M. A. 3rd Semester (Home Economics)

258. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Micro-Biology)

219. M. A. 3rd Semester (A.I.H.C. & Arch)

259. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Botany)

220. M. A. 3rd Semester (Budhist Studies)

260. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Zoology)

221. M. A. 3rd Semester (Philosophy)

261. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Geology)

222. M. A. 3rd Semester (Psychology)

262. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Envi. Sci.)

223. M. A. 3rd Semester (Travel & Tourism)

263. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Statistics)

224. M. Lib. Sc. 1st Semester

264. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Mathematics)

225. M. Lib. Sc. 2nd Sem.

265. M. Sc. 3rd Semester ( Electronics)

226. M. Lib. Sc. 3rd Sem.

266. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Comp.Sci.)

227. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Physics)

267. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Sericulture)

228. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Chemistry)

268. M. Sc. 3rd Semester (Home Science)

229. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Bio-Chemistry)

269. M.Sc. 1st Sem. (Applied Geology)

230. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Micro-Biology)

270. M.Sc. 2nd Sem. (Applied Geology)

231. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Botany)

271. M.Sc. 3rd Sem. (Applied Geology)

232. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Zoology)

272. M.Com. 1st Semester

233. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Geology)

273. M. Com. 2nd Sem.

234. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Envi. Sci.)

274. M.Com. 3rd Sem.

235. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Statistics)

275. M.C.M. 1st Semester

236. M. Sc. 1st Semester (Mathematics)

276. M.C.M. 2nd Sem.

237. M. Sc. 1st Semester ( Electronics)

277. M.C.M. 3rd Sem.

238. M.Sc. 1st Semester (Comp.Sci.)

278. M.S.W. 1st Semester

239. M.Sc. 1st Semester (Sericulture)

279. M.S.W. 2nd Semester

240. M.Sc. 1st Semester (Home Science)

280. M.S.W. 3rd Semester

241. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Physics)

281. B.Tech. 1st Sem. (Chem. Engg.) (CBS)

242. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Chemistry)

282. B. Tech 1st Sem. (Chem. Tech.) (CBS)

243. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Bio-Chemistry)

283. B. Tech. 1st Sem. (Bio. Tech.) (CBS)

244. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Micro-Biology)

284. P.G. Dip. in Comp. Comm. App. 1st Sem. (CBS)

245. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Botany)

285. P.G. Dip. in Comp. Comm. App. 2nd Sem. (CBS)

246. M. Sc. 2nd Semester (Zoology)

286. B. Pharm. 1st Sem. (CBS) 4

287. M. Pharm. 1st Sem. (CBS)

326. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Electrical Engg./E & P)

288. M. Pharm. 2nd Sem. (CBS)

327. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Elect & Tele/Elect.Comm.)


289. M. Pharm. 3 Sem. (CBS)

328. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Power Electronics Engg.)

290. First Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

329. Fourth Sem. B. E. (E. D. T.)

291. First Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

330. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Instrumentation)

292. First Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

331. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)

293. First Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

332. Fourth Sem. B. E.( Comp. Sci. Engg.) (New)

294. First Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

333. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Tech.)

295. Second Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

334. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Engg.)

296. Second Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

335. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Mech. Engg.)

297. Second Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

336. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Production Engg.)

298. Second Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

337. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Engg.)

299. Second Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

338. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Power Engg.) (New)

300. Third Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

339. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Mining Engg.)

301. Third Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

340. Fourth Sem. B.E. (Aeronautical Engg.)

302. Third Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.) (CBS & Old)

341. Fourth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

303. Third Sem. B. E. (Electri. Engg./E & P) (CBS & Old)

342. Fourth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

304. Third Sem. B. E. (Elect. & Tele./Elect. & Comm.)

343. Fourth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

(CBS & Old)

344. Fourth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

305. Third Sem. B. E. (Power Elect. Engg.) (CBS & Old)

345. Fourth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

306. Third Sem. B. E. (E. D. T.) (CBS & Old)

346. Fifth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

307. Third Sem. B. E. (Instrument. Engg.) (CBS & Old)

347. Fifth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

308. Third Sem. B. E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)(CBS & Old)

348. Fifth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

309. Third Sem. B. E. (Comp. Sci. Engg.) (CBS & Old)

349. Fifth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

310. Third Sem. B. E. (Comp. Tech.) (CBS & Old)

350. Fifth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

311. Third Sem. B. E. (Computer Engg.) (CBS & Old)

351. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Power Electronics Engg.)

312. Third Sem. B. E. (Mech. Engg.) (CBS & Old)

352. Fifth Sem. B. E. (E. D. T.)

313. Third Sem. B. E. (Production Engg.) (CBS & Old)

353. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Instrumentation)

314. Third Sem. B. E. (Industrial Engg.) (CBS & Old)

354. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)

315. Third Sem. B. E. (Mining Engg.) (CBS & Old)

355. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Sci. Engg.) (New)

316. Third Sem. B. E. (Power Engg.) (New) (CBS & Old)

356. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Tech.)

317. Third Sem. B. E. (Aeronautical Engg.) (CBS & Old)

357. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Engg.)

318. Third Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg. (CBS & Old)

358. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Mech. Engg.)

319. Third Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg. (CBS & Old)

359. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Production Engg.)

320. Third Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg. (CBS & Old)

360. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Engg.)

321. Third Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg. (CBS & Old)

361. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Power Engg.) (New)

322. Third Sem. B. E.(P. T.) Comp. Tech. (CBS & Old)

362. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Mining Engg.)

323. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

363. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

324. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

364. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

325. Fourth Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.)

365. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.) 5

366. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Electrical Engg./E & P)

406. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Comp. Sci. Engg.)

367. Fifth Sem. B. E. (Elect. & Tele./Elect- &.Comm.)

407. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Comp. Tech.)

368. Fifth Sem. B.E. (Aeronautical Engg.)

408. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Comp. Engg.)

369. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

409. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Mech. Engg.)

370. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

410. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Production Engg.)

371. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.)

411. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Industrial Engg.)

372. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Electrical Engg./E & P)

412. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Power Engg.) (New)

373. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Elect & Tele./ Elect. & Comm.)

413. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Mining Engg.)

374. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Power Electronics Engg.)

414. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Aeronautical Engg.)

375. Sixth Sem. B. E. (E. D. T.)

415. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

376. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Instrumentation)

416. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

377. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)

417. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.)

378. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Sci. Engg.) (New)

418. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Electrical Engg./E & P)

379. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Tech.)

419. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Elect & Tele/Elect.. & Comm.)

380. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Engg.)

420. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Power Electronics Engg.)

381. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Mech. Engg.)

421. Eighth Sem. B. E. (E. D. T.)

382. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Production Engg.)

422. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Instrumentation)

383. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Engg.)

423. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)

384. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Power Engg.) (New)

424. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Tech.)

385. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Mining Engg.)

425. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Engg.)

386. Sixth Sem. B. E. (Aeronautical Engg.)

426. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Mech. Engg.)

387. Sixth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

427. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Production Engg.)

388. Sixth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

428. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Industrial Engg.)

389. Sixth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

429. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Mining Engg.)

390. Sixth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

430. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Comp. Sci.) (New)

391. Sixth Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

431. Eighth Sem. B. E. (Power Engg.) (New)

392. Seventh Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Civil Engg.

432. Eight Sem. B.E. (Aeronautical Engg.)

393. Seventh Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electrical Engg.

433. Eighth Sem. B. E. (P.T.) Civil Engg.

394. Seventh Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Mech. Engg.

434. Eighth Sem. B. E. (P.T.) Electrical Engg.

395. Seventh Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Electronics Engg.

435. Eighth Sem. B. E. (P.T.) Mech. Engg.

396. Seventh Sem. B.E.(P.T.) Comp. Tech.

436. Eighth Sem. B. E. (P.T.) Electronics Engg.

397. Seventh Sem. B. E. (Information Tech.)

437. Eighth Sem. B. E. (P.T.) Comp. Tech.

398. Seventh Sem. B. E. (Civil Engg.)

438. First Sem. B. Arch. (CBS)

399. Seventh Sem. B. E. (Electronics Engg.)

439. Second Sem. B. Arch. (CBS)

400. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Electrical Engg./ E & P)

440. Third Sem. B. Arch. (CBS)

401. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Elect. & Te./Elect. & Comm)

441. Third Sem. B. Arch./ B. Arch. (I.D.)

402. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Power Electronics Engg.)

442. Fourth Sem. B. Arch./ B.Arch. (I.D.)

403. Seventh Sem. B.E. (E.D.T.)

443. Fifth Sem. B. Arch./B. Arch. (I.D.)

404. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Instrumentation)

444. Sixth Sem. B. Arch. ./ B.Arch. (I.D.)

405. Seventh Sem. B.E. (Industrial Elect. Engg.)

445. Seventh Sem. B. Arch. (I. D.) 6

446. Eighth Sem. B. Arch. (I. D.)

486. M. C. A. Part-III (2nd Sem.)

447. Ninth Sem. B. Arch. (I. D.)

487. M. Sc. First Year (Info. Tech.) 1st Sem.

448. Tenth Sem. B. Arch (I. D.)

488. M. Sc. First Year (Info. Tech.) 2nd Sem.

449. Seventh Sem. B. Arch.

489. M. Sc. Second Year (Info. Tech.) 1st Sem.

450. Eighth Sem. B. Arch

490. M. Sc. Second Year (Info. Tech.) 2nd Sem.

451. Ninth Sem. B. Arch.

491. M.Sc. 3rd Sem. (B.T.)

452. Tenth Sem. B. Arch.

492. M. Sc. (Bio. Tech.) 1st Sem.

453. First B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

493. M. Sc. (Bio. Tech.) 2nd Sem.

454. First B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

494. M. Sc. (Bio. Tech.) 3rd Sem.

455. First B. Tech. (Bio Tech.)

495. M. Sc. (Bio. Tech.) 4th Sem.

456. First B. E.

496. M.Sc. 3rd Sem. (I.T.)

457. First Sem. B.E. (CBS)

497. M.B.A. 1st Sem. (Old)

458. Second Sem. B.E. (CBS)

498. M.B.A. 1st Sem. (CBS)

459. First Year B. Arch./ B.Arch. (I.D.)

499. M.B.A. 2nd Sem. (Old)

460. Second Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.) (CBS)

500. M.B.A. 2nd Sem. (CBS)

461. Second Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.) (CBS)

501. M.B.A. Third Sem. (Old)

462. Second Sem. B. Tech. (Bio. Tech.) (CBS)

502. M.B.A. Third Sem. (CBS)

463. Third Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.) (CBS & Old))

503. M.B.A. Fourth Sem.

464. Third Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.) (CBS & Old)

504. M.A. Mass Communication 1st Sem. (Old & New)

465. Third Sem. B. Tech. (Bio. Tech.) (CBS & Old)

505. M.A. Mass Communication 2nd Sem. (Old & New)

466. Fourth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

506. M.A. Mass Communication 3rd Sem. (Old & New)

467. Fifth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

507. M.A. Mass Communication 4th Sem.

468. Sixth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

508. L.L.B. 1st Sem. (Three year) (CBS & Old))

469. Seventh Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

509. L.L.B. 2nd Sem. (Three year) (CBS & Old)

470. Eighth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Engg.)

510. L.L.B. 3rd Sem. (Three year) (CBS & Old)

471. Fourth Sem. B.Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

511. LL.B. 4th Sem. (Three Year) (CBS & Old)

472. Fifth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

512. L.L.B. 5th Sem. (Three Year) ( Old)

473. Sixth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

513. LL.B. 5th Sem. (CBS)

474. Seventh Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

514. L.L.B. 6th Sem. (Three Year) (New)

475. Eighth Sem. B. Tech. (Chem. Tech.)

515. B.A.L.L.B. 1st Sem. (Five year) (CBS & Old)

476. Fourth Sem. B.Tech. (Bio. Tech.)

516. B.A.L.L.B. 2nd Sem. (Five year) (CBS & Old)

477. Fifth Sem. B.Tech. (Bio.Tech.)

517. B.A.L.L.B. 3rd Sem. (Five year) (CBS & Old)

478. Sixth Sem. B. Tech. (Bio. Tech.)

518. B.A.L.L.B. 4th Sem. (Five year) (CBS & Old)

479. Seventh Sem. B.Tech. (Bio.Tech.)

519. B.A.L.L.B. 5th Sem. (Five year) (CBS & Old)

480. Eight Sem. B.Tech. (Bio.Tech.)

520. LL.B. 5th Sem. (Five year) (Old)

481. M. C. A. Part-I (1st Sem.)

521. L.L.B. 6th Sem. (Five Year) (Old)

482. M. C. A. Part-I (2nd Sem.)

522. B.A. LL.B. 6th Sem. (5 year) (New)

483. M. C. A. Part-II (1st Sem.)

523. B.A. LL.B. 7th Sem. ( 5 year) (New)

484. M. C. A. Part-II (2nd Sem.)

524. L.L.B. 7th Sem. (Five Year) (Old)

485. M. C. A. Part-III (1st Sem.)

525. B.A. L.LB. 8th Sem. (Five Year) (New) 7

526. LL.B. 8th Sem. (Five year) (Old)

566. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Consti. Law & Admn.Law) (CBS)

527. L.L.B. 9th Sem. (Five Year) (Old)

567. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Intellectual Property Laws) (CBS)

528. B.A.LL.B. 9th Sem. (Five year) (New)

568. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Business Law) (CBS)

529. L.L. B. 10th Sem. (five year)

569. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Environ. Law) (CBS)

530. L.L.M. 1st Sem. ( International Law)

570. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law) (CBS)

531. L.L.M. 1st Sem. (Constitutional Law & Admn. Law)

571. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. ( Criminal Law) (CBS)

532. L.L.M. 1st Sem. (Intellectual Property Laws)

572. L.L.M. 4th Sem.

533. L.LM. 1st Sem. (Business Law)

573. L.L. M. (External) 1st sem. (International Law)

534. L.L.M. 1st Sem. (Environ. Law)

574. L.L. M. (Ext) I st Sem. (Const. & Admn. Law)

535. L.L.M. 1st Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law)

575. L.L. M. (Ext) I st Sem. (Intelle. Property Laws)


536. L.L..M. 1 sem. (Criminal Law)

576. L.L. M. (External) I st Sem. (Business Law)


577. L.L. M. (External) I st Sem. (Environ. Law)


578. L.L. M. (External) I st Sem. (Labour Capital Law)

537. L.L.M. 2 Sem. (International Law) 538. L.L.M. 2 Sem. (Consti. Law & Admn.Law)

539. L.L.M. 2 Sem. (Intellectual Property Law)

579. L.L. M. (Ext.) I st Sem. (Criminal Law)

540. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Business Law)

580. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Int. Law)

541. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Environ. & Legal Order)

581. L.L. M. (Ext) 2nd Sem. (Const. & Admn. Law)

542. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law)

582. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Int. Property Laws)

543. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. ( Criminal Law)

583. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Business Law)

544. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. ( International Law)

584. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Environ. Law)

545. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Consti. Law & Admn.Law)

585. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Labour & Capital Law)

546. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Intellectual Property Laws)

586. L.L. M. (External) 2nd Sem. (Criminal Law)

547. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Business Law)

587. L.L. M. (External) 3rd Sem. (Int. Law)

548. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. (Environ. Law)

588. L.L. M. (Ext) 3rd Sem. (Const. & Admn. Law)

549. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law)

589. L.L. M. (Ext) 3


550. L.L.M. 3rd Sem. ( Criminal Law) 551. L.L.M. 1st Sem. ( International Law) (CBS) st

552. L.L.M. 1 Sem. (Constitutional Law & Admn. Law) (CBS)

553. L.L.M. 1st Sem. (Intellectual Property Laws) (CBS) 554. L.LM. 1st Sem. (Business Law) (CBS) 555. L.L.M. 1st Sem. (Environ. Law) (CBS) 556. L.L.M. 1st Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law) (CBS) 557. L.L..M. 1st sem. (Criminal Law) (CBS) 558. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (International Law) (CBS) 559. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Consti. Law & Admn.Law) (CBS)

560. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Intellectual Property Law) (CBS) 561. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Business Law) (CBS) 562. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. (Environ. & Legal Order) (CBS) 563. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. ( Labour Capital & Law) (CBS) 564. L.L.M. 2nd Sem. ( Criminal Law) (CBS) rd

565. L.L.M. 3 Sem. ( International Law) (CBS)


Sem. (Intell. Property Laws) 590. L.L. M. (External) 3rd Sem. (Business Law) 591. L.L. M. (External) 3rd Sem. (Environ Law) 592. L.L. M. (Ext) 3rd Sem. (Labour & Capital Law) 593. L.L. M. (External) 3rd Sem. (Criminal Law) 594. LL.M. (External) 4th Sem. 595. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs. First Sem. 596. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs. Second Sem. 597. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs Third Sem. 598. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs. forth Sem. 599. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs fifth Sem. 600. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs Sixth Sem. 601. B. A. L.L. B. (Honrs) 5 yrs Seven Sem. 602. B.A. L.L.B. (Honrs) 5 Yrs. Eight Sem. 603. B.A. L.L.B. (Honrs) 5 years Ninth Sem. 604. B.A. L.L.B. (Honrs) 5 years Tenth Sem. 605. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (I. P. S.) F. T. 606. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Chem. Tech.) F. T. 8

607. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Stru. Engg.) F. T.

647. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Chem. Tech.) F. T.

608. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Mech. Engg. Design) F. T.

648. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Chem. Engg.) F. T.

609. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Production Engg.) F. T.

649. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (V.L.S.I.) F. T.

610. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Chem. Engg.) F. T.

650. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Stru. Engg.) F. T.

611. M. Tech. 1 Sem. (Energy Mang. System) F. T.


651. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Indus. Engg.) F. T.

612. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (V.L.S.I.)

652. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (C.A.D./C.A.M.) F.T.

613. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (C.A.D./C.A.M.) F. T.

653. M. Tech 3 Sem. (Energy Mang.System) F. T..

614. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Electronics) F. T.

654. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Electronics Engg.) F. T.

615. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Geo. Tech.) P. T.

655. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Comp. Sci.) F. T.

616. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Comp. Sci.) F T.

656. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Comp. Sci.) F.T.

617. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Heat Power Engg.)

657. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Geo. Tech.) P. T.

618. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Env. Engg.) F. T.

658. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Env. Engg.) F. T.

619. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (Indus. Engg.) F. T.

659. M. Tech. 3rd Sem. Indus Drives & Control

620. M. Tech. 1st Sem. Indus Drives & Control

660. M. Tech 3rd Sem. Electronics Engg.(Comm.)

621. M. Tech 1st Sem. Electronics Engg.(Comm.)

661. M. Tech 4th Sem. (I.P.S.)

622. Master of Hospitality & Tourism Management part-I

662. M. Tech 4th Sem. (C.A.D./C.A.M.)

623. Master of Hospitality & Tourism Managements part-II

663. M. Tech 4th Sem. (Heat Power Engg.)

624. Master of Cosmetic Technology Part-I

664. M. Tech 4th Sem. (Industrial)

625. Master of Cosmetic Technology Part-II

665. M. Tech 4th Sem. (Comp. Engg. Sci.)



626. M. Tech 2 Sem. ( Mech. Engg. & Design)F.T.

666. M. Tech 4th Sem. (V.L.S.I.).)

627. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (I. P. S.) F. T.

667. M. Tech 4th Sem. (Stru. Engg.) F. T

628. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (Production) F. T.

668. M. Tech 4th Sem. (Geo. Tech.) P. T.


629. M. Tech 2 Sem. (V.L.S.I.)

669. M. Tech 4th Sem. ( Mech. Engg. Design) F.T.

630. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (Indus. Engg.)

670. M. Tech 4th Sem. Indu. Drives & Control

631. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (Chem. Tech.) F. T.

671. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Chem. Engg.)


632. M. Tech 2 Sem. (Chem. Engg.) F. T. nd

633. M. Tech 2 Sem. (Stru. Engg.) F. T. 634. M. Tech 2


Sem. (Energy Mang.System) F. T.


635. M. Tech 2 Sem. (Electronics) F. T. nd

672. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Chem. Tech.) 673. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Ele. Engg. Comm) F.T. 674. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Electronics Engg.) F.T. 675. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Env. Engg.) F.T.

636. M. Tech 2 Sem. (Geo. Tech. Engg.) P. T.

676. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Energy Mang. System) F.T.

637. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (Env. Engg.) F. T.

677. M. Tech. 4th Sem. (Production Engg.) F.T.


638. M. Tech 2 Sem. (C.A.D./C.A.M.) F. T. nd

678. M. Tech 5th Sem. ( Geo. Tech.) P. T.

639. M. Tech 2 Sem. (Heat Power Engg.) F. T

679. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (CAD/Ma.)

640. M. Tech 2nd Sem. (Comp. Sci.) F. T.

680. M. Tech. 2nd Sem. (CAD/Ma.)

641. M. Tech. 2 642. M. Tech 2



Sem. Indus Drives & Control

681. M. Tech. 3rd Sem. (CAD/Ma.)

Sem. Electronics Engg.(Comm.)

682. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (PEPS)

643. M. Tech. 3rd Sem. (IPS) F.T.

683. M. Tech. 2nd Sem. (PEPS)

644. M. Tech 3


Sem. ( Mech. Engg. Design) F. T.

684. M. Tech. 3rd Sem. (PEPS)

645. M. Tech 3


Sem. (Production) F. T.

685. M. Tech. 1st Sem. (ECS)

646. M. Tech 3rd Sem. (Heat Power Engg.) F.T.

686. M. Tech. 2nd Sem. (ECS) 9

687. M. Tech. 3rd Sem. (ECS)

705. M. Arch. 2nd Sem. (Arch. Edu.)

688. Master of HMCT 1st Sem. (CBS)

706. M. Arch. 3rd Sem. (Arch. Edu.)

689. Master of HMCT 2nd Sem. (CBS)

707. M. Arch. 4th Sem. (Arch. Edu.)

690. Master of HMCT 3rd Sem. (CBS)

708. Master of Fashion Design Part-I (New & Old))


709. Master of Fashion Design Part-II


710. Master of Textile Design Part-I (New & Old)

691. Master of Cosmetic 1 Sem. (CBS) 692. Master of Cosmetic 2 Sem. (CBS) rd

693. Master of Cosmetic 3 Sem. (CBS) st

711. Master of Textile Design Part-II

694. Master of Fashion Design 1 Sem. (CBS)

712. M. Des. 1st Sem. (Industrial Design)

695. Master of Fashion Design 2nd Sem. (CBS)

713. M. Des. 2nd Sem. (Industrial Design)

696. Master of Fashion Design 3rd Sem. (CBS)

714. M. Des. 3rd Sem. (Industrial Design)

697. Master of Textile Design 1st Sem. (CBS)

715. M. Des. 4th Sem. (Industrial Design)

698. Master of Textile Design 2nd Sem. (CBS)

716. B. Sc. Forensic Sci. (1st year) 1st Sem.

699. Master of Textile Design 3rd Sem. (CBS)

717. B. Sc. Forensic Sci. (1st year) 2nd Sem.

700. M.E. 1st Sem. WCC

718. B. Sc. Forensic Sci. (2nd year) 3rd Sem.

701. M.E. 2nd Sem. WCC

719. B.Sc. Forensic Sci. (2nd year) 4th Sem.

702. M.E. 3rd Sem. WCC

720. B.Sc. Forensic Sci. (3rd year) 5th Sem.

703. M.E. 4th Sem. WCC

721. Certificate Course in Lib..C.I.

704. M. Arch.1st Sem. (Arch. Edu.)

Note: 1. 2.

The Dates of Practical Examinations will be notified in due course of time. Examination forms received in the university after the last date prescribed in the university notification will not be accepted.



********* No. COE/Exams/W/13/ 1786-A

dated : 13th August 2013

Copy forwarded with compliments for information and necessary action to :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

All members of Board of Examinations, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur The Principal of all affiliated Colleges and the Heads of the Teaching Departments in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University The Divisional Secretary Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary The Registrar Amravati University, Amravati The Deputy Registrar (Acad.) The Deputy Registrar (Development) Finance & Acctts. Officer The Librarian University Library All Asstt. Registrars The Member –in-Charge, University Information and Guidance Bureau Rashtrasant Tukadoji The Statistician Maharaj Nagpur All Superintendent/ Section-in-charge University The Record Keeper The Enquiry Clerks The Degree/Diploma Clerks The Store Clerk The Clerk-in-charges, Cash Counter The Asstt. Registrar, University, Gadchiroli, Sub-Centre The Editors of Daily News paper in Vidarbha Region for favour of publishing the above. notification in the next issue of their esteemed paper as a “NEWS ITEM”. Notification in the next issue of their esteemed paper as a “NEWS ITEM”.

Controller of Examinations