Official Guide Errata - Wiley

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The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 13th Edition Thank you for purchasing The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 13th Edition. Corrections to the text are noted below. To determine your printing number, turn to the copyright page located on the back of the first page. At the bottom will be a sequence of numbers. The last number in the sequence is the printing number. For example: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

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Once you have indicated your print number, please note all earlier corrections will already be corrected in your text. (i.e. If you have a 9th printing copy, the 7th printing corrections will already be fixed in your text.)

1st Printing 

Page 20, #5: A closed cylindrical tank contains 36π cubic feet of water and is filled to half its capacity. When the tank is placed upright on its circular base on level ground, the height of the water in the tank is 4 feet. When the tank is placed on its side on level ground, what is the height, in feet, of the surface of the water above the ground?

Page 47, #5 Answer Explanation: A closed cylindrical tank contains 36π cubic feet of water and is filled to half its capacity. When the tank is placed upright on its circular base on level ground, the height of the water in the tank is 4 feet. When the tank is placed on its side on level ground, what is the height, in feet, of the surface of the water above the ground?

Page 279, #47: Robots X, Y, and Z each assemble components at their respective constant rates. If rx is the ratio of Robot X’s constant rate to Robot Z’s constant rate and ry is the ratio of Robot Y’s constant rate to Robot Z’s constant rate, is Robot Z’s constant rate the greatest of the three?

Page 308, #47 Answer Explanation: Robots X, Y, and Z each assemble components at their respective constant rates. If rx is the ratio of Robot X’s constant rate to Robot Z’s constant rate and ry is the ratio of Robot Y’s constant rate to Robot Z’s constant rate, is Robot Z’s constant rate the greatest of the three?

Page 767, #127 Parallelism: C Here persuading is linked to liberating, but even if it were said that Joan did turn the tide of English victories by persuading Charles to claim the throne, a person cannot be said to persuade a clause (that the throne be claimed), a person persuades another person or other entity; be claimed by is wordy.