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Jean Bricmont,t Joel L. Lebowitz,t$ and Charles E. Pfisterts. Departments of t ... We consider the d-dimensional (d = 2, 3) Ising model with nearest-neighbor.
ON THE SURFACE 'TENSION OF LATTICE SYSTEMS* Jean Bricmont,t Joel L. Lebowitz,t$ and Charles E. Pfisterts Departments of t Mathematics and $Physics Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903

There are various microscopic definitions of the surface tension /I-'? in the literature, but it is far from obvious (or known), in general, that they are all A proof5 that for the two-dimensional king model (on a square lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions), many different definitions give the same answer as that obtained explicitly by Onsager is therefore encouraging. Here, we use a "grand definition of surface tension that seems natural to us. It is particularly simple when the two pure phases are related to each other by a symmetry of the Hamiltonian, as is the case for the Ising models we shall consider. To make things easy, we deal first with the simplest cases and leave all generalizations to the end. We consider the d-dimensional (d = 2, 3) Ising model with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions on a simple cubic lattice. At each point, i E Zd, there is a spin variable ni = 1, and the Hamiltonian in a finite region A c Zd is:

with ( i j ) = nearest-neighbor pair. Here, J > 0, and S j is some fixed value of the spin outside A, that is, some boundary condition (b.c.) on A. Let A L . Mc Zd be a parallelepiped of height 2M and base (2L + l)'-', i = ( i l , ..., i d ) E A,,,, if -M I il I M - 1, - L I iz, . . . , id I L. We shall generally write A for A,., . We introduce three types of b.c. (a) the + b.c. (respectively, - b.c.): 6j = I(8j = - 1); b.c.: 8 j = + 1 if j, 2 0, (b) the Cj = - 1 if jl< 0; (c) the free b.c. where the second sum in Equation 1 is set equal to zero. The Gibbs measure in A is, for a given b.c. and inverse temperature /I,


PA.b.c. = exp(-8~A,b.e.)/ZA,b.f.



* Supported in part by a grant (PHY 78-15920) from the National Science Foundation. 0 Supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research. 2 14

Bricmont et al.: Lattice Surface Tension


We write ( ),,, + , ( ),,, *, ( ),+for the expectation value with respect to the b.c. (a), (b), and (c). As L, M + m, the Gibbs measures with these b.c. converge to infinite-volume Gibbs states denoted, respectively, p + , (p.-), p* ,p ; the states p + , p - , p are translation invariant in all direction^,^,' and p IS translation invariant in the i 2 , .. ., id directions.’ The surface tension P-’T is now defined4 as the suitable thermodynamic limit of the excess free energy per unit cross section of the system with “mixed ” b.c. over the system with “pure“ +b.c.; that is,

r ( K ; d ) = lim L-.m



+ 1y-1

lim T A ,



where 7,, = -log(z& /z&+) and K = BJ. This definition of 7 is based on the following reasoning: (a) For A /” Zd, the state of the system with + b.c., p + , always corresponds to a pure phase (translation-invariant extremal Gibbs state). For T 2 T , , the critical temperature for the onset of the spontaneous magnetization (which, as is well known, equals p+(ao)),this infinite-volume Gibbs state is the same as that obtained with any b.c. since the system can exist only in one phase (Gibbs state). For T < T, , however, p + is different from the state obtained with pure - b.c., p - . Moreover, for these systems, it is known that there are only two pure phases at low temperatures6 (all T < T, for d = 2, almost all for d L 39). (b) When M + 00, the state of the system in the infinite cylinder BL with base area (2L 1)2 resembles very closely, as i l + 03 (or - a),the state of a system in B,, with pure (or pure -) b.c.’O This can be interpreted to mean that the system with fb.c. in B L is spatially segregated into a + and - phase (vapor and liquid phase in the lattice-gas language). T then measures the excess free energy due to the interface thus created. Although this interface may fluctuate wildly as L + co, depending on d and T,’O-12it is present somewhere (with, presumably, a finite thickness at all T < T,; this will be discussed elsewhere). As mentioned earlier, Equation 4 can be shown5 to give, for d = 2, the value, found by Onsager,’



r ( K ; 2) =


+ log[tanh K ] ,

for T < T, for T L T , ‘

Although there is unfortunately no explicit formula for T in other systems, it will be shown that Equation 5 is a lower bound to T for d 2 3. This is based on the monotonicity property of 7 (Theorem 1): when the strength of ferromagnetic interactions is increased, T increases too. The consequent monotonicity of 7 in the temperature is certainly what we would expect of the physical surface tension. We would also expect the surface tension to vanish whenever there is only one phase present (T 2 T,). This is the content of Theorem 2. We remark here that it has been shown that for a large class of ferromagnetic spin systems: (a) the limit T in Equation 4 exists4 and, for a subset of these spin systems, (b) T > 0 for sufficiently low temperature^.'^ These results apply to spin systems in which the different low-temperature phases (there can be more than two) are related by some symmetry of the Hamiltonian (as in our case where Z,,. + = Z,,, -). It is an interesting problem to extend these results to systems without symmetry of the kind considered by Pirogov and Sinai.14

2 16

Annals New York Academy of Sciences RESULTS Inequalities

Theorem 1 . T ( K ;d ) is monotone increasing in K and d. Proof: Consider a general ferromagnetic k i n g spin system with (free b.c.) Hamiltonian J, 2 0. . X A = JAuA,


A cA

Then, by well-known arguments,'

The inequality survives in the limit L -+ m in Equation 4, and so we have monotonicity of T ( K ;d) in K. The monotonicity in d follows from the observation that the d-dimensional system can be obtained from the (d + 1)-dimensional one by "cutting" the bonds between (hyper-) planes. (In particular, T ( K ;3) > 0 for T < T, of the d = 2 system.) Remark. The monotonicity o f T is analogous to the well-known monotonicity of the spontaneous magnetization. We shall now prove that the surface tension vanishes above T,, the critical temperature for the spontaneous magnetization. To do this, we introduce a modified Hamiltonian, X:, b . E . , defined as in Equation l but with a coupling SJ instead of J for those ( i j ) with i t = 0 and jl = - l. T,,(K;d, s) is defined as in Equation 4 but with X'lrs,. + , X i , + (thus, T,,(K; d, 1) = T A ( K ;d)), and ( h . c . , ps+ , ps.-, p f , denote the corresponding expectation value and Gibbs states. p'+ and p'- are now translation invariant only in the i 2 , . . ., id directions. For s = 0, there is n o coupling between the top and bottom parts of A, and the system splits into two uncoupled systems with free b.c. on the spins with i l = 0 and i l = - 1. In the thermodynamic limit, we obtain two uncoupled "semi-infinite" lattices. We use the subscript s.1. for Gibbs states of this semi-infinite system. The b.c. refer, then, to the b.c. put on the (2d - 1 ) other sides of A. Theorem 2 . For any K and d , .I

(i) T ( K ; d ) = K

1 [~~+(a~a-,)-p~~(a~a-~)Jds, '0

where - 1 = ( - 1, 0,

.. . , 0).

(ii) r ( K ; d ) I 2K(p+(aO))'. (iii) T ( K ;d ) 5 2 K p + , ,.i.(uo). .I

(iv) T ( K ;d) 2 2 K


p;(ao)p'-(ao) ds.

' 0

Proof: (i) We first remark that

T A ( K ;d,

0) = 0.

Bricmont ef al.: Lattice Surface Tension


where the prime indicates i, = 0, j , = - 1. We claim that

and similarly for (ciaj),,, + . Indeed, we know, from monotonicity in A, the existence of the limit and its translation invariance (in the i, , ..., id directions) and that, for any E > 0, there exists A, such that for every A 3 A, + i, i, = 0, I(aioj)l,. + p”+(ooa - ) 1 < E , j = ( - 1, i2 , ..,, id). It is clear that


lim L . M - ~


(2L + 1 Y - l

(#{i € A , i , = OIAo + i st A}) = O

for any given A, . To conclude the proof of (i), we may simply use the Dominated Convergence Theorem. (ii) From Lebowitz’ inequalities on duplicate variables,I5 one concludes that P S + ( b O ~ - 1)

[ P : ( ~ o ) I 2 s P;(a,a-l)

- P’?(ao)P:(“-l).

O n the other hand, by Griffiths’ inequalities,’

k P;(go)

I P:(ao) I P + b O ) ,

and this, together with (i), shows (ii). (iii) We use another modification of the Hamiltonian Equation 1 by putting s = 1 but adding an external field h 2 0 on all sites with i, = 0 or i, = - 1. Then, d by Theorem 1, - rA(h)2 0, and dh TA(K;


d ) = T A ( K ; d , h = 0)I limTA(K; d, h ) = log 7, h-ao

+ +

refers to + b.c. on A‘ and where A’ = {i E A ( i l > 0) and the superscript - + to + b.c. on the line i, = 0 and - everywhere else. Introducing now a factor 1 that multiplies the coupling between the spins (equal to + 1) on i, = 0 and on i , = 1, one sees that our last expression equals, after taking the limits of Equation 4,

1 = (1,0, . . ., 0). The subscript 1 refers here to the coupling, that is, to the strength of the external field imposed on the spins with i, = 1. By use of the duplicate variables as in (ii), one sees that the derivative with respect to 1 of ~ + . ~ ( a-, ) p - , A ( u l )is negative; that is, the integral is bounded from above by its value at 1 = 0. But for 1= 0, the integrand is just 2 p + , s , , , ( u 0 and ) , this shows (iii). (iv) We now use (i) and the inequalities of L e b o w i t ~ ,which ~ show that


Ps+(ooo-l) - P%(aoa-,)2 l P ” + ( a o ) P ~ ( a - , ) P s + ( a - , ) P ~ ( a o ) l

By symmetry, p:(a- ,) = -ps+((ao), which concludes the proof. Remarks. ( I ) Although we have used Lebowitz’ inequalities to prove (ii) and (iii), we remark that F.K.G. inequalities and (i) give 7 ( K ; d) 5 2 K p + ( o , ) for lsing spins. In fact, we can prove that 7 ( K ; d) = 0 above T, for systems with ferromagnetic two-body interactions and even a priori measure with compact support on the real line. However, the stronger results (ii) and (iii) hold only for some measures, for example, the uniform measure o n [ - 1, 11 or exp( - Laf + ha;) doi that satisfy



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Lebowitz’ inequalities. The restriction t o nearest-neighbor interactions is not important. Analogous results hold for general ferromagnetic two-body interactions. (2) (iii) shows that T ( K ;d) vanishes if there is n o spontaneous magnetization in the semi-infinite system. However, the critical temperatures for the infinite and the semi-infinite systems are expected to coincide, as they do in two dimensions.16 O n the other hand, if we could show that, whenever p +,s.i.(uo) # 0, there exists an s # 0 such that ps+(no)# 0, it would follow from (iii) and (iv) that r ( K ; d) # 0 if, and only if, p + . s.i.(uo) # 0. Indeed, Lebowitz’ inequalities in the form used by Messager and Miracle-Sole” show that pst(u,,) is monotone decreasing with s and, of course, P: ( 0 0 ) 2 P: (no). Low Temperatures

Let z = exp( - K). Theorem 3 (proven by Bricmont ef a/.,” Part 111). There exists an r > 0 such that r ( K ; 3) - 2K = f(z) is analytic in z for I z I < r. Remark. For d = 2, it follows from Formula 5 that r ( K ; 2) - 2K is analytic in z for ( z I < exp(- K c ) , K , = &J, and has an analytic continuation for all K. However, even if we did not have Formula 5 , we could prove analyticity of T ( K ;2) for large K by use of the results of Gallavotti.” This proof is slightly more difficult than that of Theorem 3 and proceeds in two steps. We define

where Z i , + is defined with b.c. but where o n one side the separation between + and - is put at the height i . One shows that 5 is analytic in z and then that for K, real T = 5. Both results are contained implicitly in Gallavotti.” Let e(i) = -fKui u j . where the sum is over the 2d nearest-neighbor sites, be the energy of site i times 8 ) in a given configuration. Theorem 4 (proven by Bricmont et a/.,” Part 11). There exists a KO < 00 such that for K > KO.



Remarks. (1) Clearly, for fixed A, we always have:

where in the sum 1’the uj for j $ A are fixed = k 1 by the b.c. What has to be proven to get Equation 6 is the validity of the interchange in ao, with the summation. Whereas the first Equation 6 of the limits L a,M interchange, M + 00, is valid also in two dimensions, the second one, L 03, is certainly not; due to the fluctuations of the interface as L -+ co,the Gibbs state p + is a superposition of the pure-phase Gibbs states p + and p that is, -+


P*b”) =fb+(U”)

+ P-(U”)I.


Bricmont et al.: Lattice Surface Tension


In particular, p * ( u i u j )= p+(uiuj),so the right-hand side of Equation 6 would be equal to zero for d = 2. In fact, this happens also presumably in three dimensions for temperatures above the roughening temperature (see part 2 in the discussion below). (2) Adapting Proposition 4.2 of Bricmont et a1.” (Part 11) to the lsing model, one shows that T - 2K is composed of two terms, both exponentially small as K + 00. The first term is the difference in the free energy (per unit interface, in the limit L + a)between a system in B L with + b.c. and one in BL with k b.c. and the additional constraint that all the spins ui = + 1 for il = 0 and = - 1 for i, = - 1. This separates BL into two semi-infinite cylinders with all + or all -b.c. The second term results from the fluctuation of the interface separating the + and the - phases in B L , under k b.c. Duality

For a large class of ferromagnetic Ising models, it is possible to construct dual models.” Writing the Hamiltonian of the system with “free” b.c. in the form (see Equation 1)


where B is a lattice bond and ug = o i , the dual model is constructed on a dual lattice with dual bonds B*, such that

the coupling K * is given by

K* =


log tanh K.


In Equation 8 we have free b.c., but the dual of a model with free b.c. has to be taken with + b.c. and vice versa. O u r interest in this duality comes from the observation that by “flipping the spins” in the bottom half of A for a system with kb.c., we obtain, with P B = exp( - 2KuB),

The first product here is over all bonds crossing the plane (d = 3) or line (d = 2) i , = -+, whereas the second product is over the dual bonds. Thus, the surface tension of an king system at reciprocal temperature fl is directly related to the asymptotic behavior of certain spin correlations in the dual model at B*. This leads to useful relations, as we shall now see. We note first that for king ferromagnets with free boundary conditions, 1 - lim -p(uout) = m. k-m

In Equation 11, 0 and k are the lattice sites i with iz = = id = 0 and il = 0 or i, = k, rn is the mass gap, o r inverse correlation length. The existence of the limit in

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Equation 11 can be shown in the same way as the existence of T in Equation 4.4 It is known” that. f o r d = 2, our lsing model is self-dual; the dual square lattice (Z’)* has its vertices at the centers of the squares of Z2, and (ti)* is the bond crossing ( i j ) . For d = 3, the dual of o w model is the k i n g gauge model, which is coninstead of Z3,the set of centers of the structed as follows.2o We take ils lattice 9, faces of the unit cubes in Z’. For each i E Y , we have a spin ui = 1. Instead of the n.n. pairs, we take as bonds, B*, the four-point sets given by the centers of all the faces to which a given bond of the n.n. Z’ Ising model (i.e., an edge of an elementary cube) belongs. A distinctive feature of the gauge model is that 3y’ is invariant under symmetry transformations that involve only the flipping of finitely many spins; for example, changing the sign of o i l for all i E Y ,which belong to the faces of a given unit cube, does not change the energy. However, this symmetry has n o role here (see point 1 in the discussion). In the gauge model, one introduces the “Wilson l ~ o p ” ~ ~ . ~ ~ : u, = ui. where c is a square of size L. x L in Y for and the coefficient of the (area-law) decay of this loop is

0 at high temperatures for the dual models. I n particular, this area law holds also when there is no gauge symmetry. For example, we can take a low-temperature-hightemperature dual of the Ising model where we have “plaquettes,” as in the gauge model (4-points bonds) only in planes perpendicular to some axis and n.n. twobody bonds between the plaquettes in the different planes. This model has no gauge symmetry but still has a Wilson loop that decays proportionally to the area at high temperatures for the same reason as in the gauge model. This last example was suggested to us by Gruber. Of course, a = 0 at low temperatures for all these models because T = 0 a t high temperature^.'^.^^ (2) There is some numerical evidence” that, in the three-dimensional Ising model, the nontranslation-invariant Gibbs states that exist at low temperatures do not persist above a roughening temperature TR strictly less than T , . It has been questionedz6 whether the surface tension exhibits nonanalytic behavior at TR. O n the other hand, combining Theorem 5 and Theorem 3, one sees that a + log tanh(bJ) is the restriction to real temperatures of a function of /I, analytic around = 0. One may ask: What is the interpretation of the corresponding, possibly nonanalytic, behavior of 01 at T;: or, rather, how do the nontranslationinvariant Gibbs states reflect themselves in the gauge model at high temperatures? We remark first that in two dimensions, taking some fixed n.n. pair (ij), the difference goes to zero as A + 00 (see Equation 7)8*”.’8 for any temperature (this is equivalent in Lebowitzg to saying that the state ( )A. + is translation invariant in the thermodynamic limit). By duality, this means, as pointed out to us by D. Merlini,


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(we denote by ( i j ) also the pair dual to ( i j ) ) . At high temperatures, this is a nontrivial cluster property of the high-temperature state. At low temperatures, Equation 18 still holds but is less striking since then both the numerator and denominator of the first term in Equation 18 tend to a nonzero value. In three dimensions, duality applied to Equation 17 gives

where B is the bond that crosses ( i j ) , and C = {i Iil = -3, i adjacent to the exterior of A}. Therefore, we know that, as soon as ( ) A , is nontranslation invariant in the thermodynamic limit [and this holds at least up to T, (two dimension^)^'], Equation 19 does not go to zero at the dual temperature [i.e., for temperatures higher than 7, (two dimensions) since 7, (two dimensions) = Tr (two dimensions) (with J = l)]. So, if there is a TR< 7,(three dimensions), Equation 19 does not go to zero above the dual temperature 7;: and goes to zero below. This is another kind of transition in the gauge model.

SUMMARY We collect here some exact results concerning the surface tension 8 - l of ~ twoand three-dimensional Ising ferromagnets. Some of these results are new: the monotonicity of T in the coupling constants, the fact that T = 0 above the critical temperature, the analyticity in z = exp( - B J ) of T - 2BJ at low temperatures for the three-dimensional system with nearest-neighbor interaction J , and an expression for T in terms of correlation functions. Other results are already known, for example, the equality of T in the two-dimensional square lattice to the mass gap m (inverse correlation length) at the dual temperature /J*; this is proven here simply by means of inequalities. The proof of T(P) = m(b*) then extends immediately t o other lattices, for example, the triangular-honeycomb dual lattices.

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