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Department of Orthodontics, Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry, Centre of Dentistry and Oral Health, Ernst ... Introduction: Orthodontic tooth movement is fraught.

TOMASZ GEDRANGE, Tomasz Gredes, Alexander Spassow, Ronald Mai, Sergio Alegrini, Marzena Dominiak1, Christiane Kunert-Keil, Friedhelm Heinemann2

ORTHODONTIC TOOTH MOVEMENT INTO JAW REGIONS TREATED WITH SYNTHETIC BONE SUBSTITUTE Ortodontyczne przemieszczanie zębów w obszar zębodołu leczonego wcześniej materiałem kościozastępczym Department of Orthodontics, Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry, Centre of Dentistry and Oral Health, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald Rotgerberstr. 8, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany Head: Prof. Dr. Tomasz Gedrange 1

Department of Dental Surgery, Silesian Piast Medical University Krakowska 26, 50-425 Wrocław, Poland Head: Prof. Dr. Marzena Dominiak 2 Clinic of Dental Implantology Im Hainsfeld 29, 51-597 Morsbach, Germany Head: Dr. Friedhelm Heinemann

Streszczenie Wstęp: Ortodontyczne przesuwanie zębów może nieść ze sobą pewne ryzyka i komplikacje. Najczęstszym i największym powikłaniem są resorpcje korzeni, które powstają na skutek nieodpowiedniego stosowania sił lub w wyniku przemieszczania zębów w kości zbitej lub zmienionej. Celem pracy było histologiczne przedstawienie zmian w obrębie korzeni zębów po ich przesunięciu w kości zaopatrzonej syntetycznym materiałem kościozastępczym. Sprawdzono także przydatność zastosowanej metody przemieszczania zębów na zwierzęcym modelu eksperymentalnym. Materiał i metody: U 3 zwierząt (Sus scrofa domesticus) wyekstrahowano po jednym zębie przedtrzonowym w żuchwie. Miejsce poekstrakcyjne zostało zaopatrzone syntetycznym materiałem kościozastępczym i zastosowano aparat ortodontyczny. Do przemieszczenia zębów zaaplikowano siłę 1–2 N. Czas przemieszczenia zębów wynosił 90 dni. Następnie pobrano próbki metodą osteotomii segmentowej i przebadano je histologicznie. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły zęby, których nie przemieszczano eksperymentalnie. Wyniki: Analiza histologiczna wykazała we wszystkich preparatach znaczące zmiany o charakterze lakularnym w obrębie warstwy zewnętrznej korzenia. W okolicy

wierzchołkowej stwierdzono liczne zmiany w obrębie warstwy zewnętrznej korzenia, podczas gdy w jego środkowej części obserwowano nieznaczne zmiany. Wnioski: Wobec deformacji aparatu ortodontycznego, zastosowana siła nie mogła być dokładnie zdefiniowana. Zatem związek pomiędzy zmianami resorpcyjnymi zewnętrznej warstwy korzenia powstałymi w wyniku przemieszczania zębów za pomocą aparatu ortodontycznego a zaopatrzeniem syntetycznym materiałem kościozastępczym nie jest jednoznaczny. Jednakże można przypuszczać, iż istnieje podwyższone ryzyko resorpcji korzeni zębów przy ich ortodontycznym przesuwaniu w obszarze kości z syntetycznym materiałem kościozastępczym. H a s ł a: przemieszczanie zębów – regeneracja kości – materiał kościozastępczy.

Summary Introduction: Orthodontic tooth movement is fraught with risks and complications. Root resorption is the most frequent and important outcome which may arise due to inappropriate force magnitude or tooth movement into dense or altered bone.


This study was aimed to demonstrate histologic changes in tooth roots following movement into a jaw region treated with synthetic bone substitute. Another objective was to evaluate the method of experimental tooth movement using an animal model. Material and methods: One mandibular premolar was extracted in each of three pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus). The extraction alveolus was filled with synthetic bone substitute material and a orthodontic appliance was attached for 90 days. The force for tooth movement was in the range of 1–2 N. Subsequently, specimens were collected using segmental osteotomy and were prepared histologically. Unmoved teeth served as controls. Results: Histological analysis showed clear lacuna-like lesions in the root surface area of all specimens. The lesions were largest in the apical area, while the mid-root region was less affected. Conclusions: Due to  deformations of the orthodontic tooth moving appliance, the force could not be exactly defined. Therefore, marked resorption lesions of the root surfaces cannot be unequivocally attributed to the synthetic bone substitute. However, the type of lesions on root surfaces permits the assumption that orthodontic tooth movement into areas filled with synthetic bone substitute may be associated with an increased risk of root resorption. K e y w o r d s: tooth movement – bone regeneration – bone substitute.

Introduction Bone tissue generally demonstrates a  considerable capacity for spontaneous regeneration. Nevertheless, defects do occur in the alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. The loss of bone tissue in the alveolar ridge area poses a major problem to subsequent dental treatment. Bone substitute materials have been used to prevent such bone loss [1]. Bone substitute materials should be suitable for temporary bone replacement and should reproduce bone properties as closely as possible. Nowadays, bone substitute materials are either produced from biological tissues such as bone and corals or are fully synthetic. Bone substitutes are chemically based on calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP). They feature a composition similar to bone mineral and have osteoconductive effects [2]. Due to the structure and surface properties of the bone substitute, osteoblasts are able to migrate into the defect along a kind of “guide rail”. Starting from the edge of the defect, the substitute material undergoes resorption and bony substitution. This process largely depends upon the type of bone substitute and its properties [1, 3]. Current bone substitute materials are usually produced by sintering and feature very good biocompatibility [4]. However, synthetic HA ceramics are characterized by low


biodegradability. Compact HA is degraded by osteoclasts in the body at a slow rate and, therefore, is often detectable at the implantation site after years. Due to their low biodegradability, synthetic HA ceramics are regarded as bone replacement rather than bone formation material [5]. Ceramics based on β-TCP are better in this respect since they are degraded considerably faster. However, rapid resorption of β-TCP is not always an advantage. For instance, Hollinger et al. [6] observed that fast-resorbable TCP compounds are degraded too rapidly for the body to maintain new bone formation, resulting in the ingrowth of fibrous tissue. In this respect, the slow degradation of HA ceramics may be seen as an advantage. An alternative to conventional HA and β-TCP ceramics is offered by new bone substitute materials that have not been sintered. Owing to the manufacturing technique, they feature novel material properties as compared to conventional HA ceramics and possess a nanoporous structure. The resorption process and biocompatibility of bone substitute material may be altered by orthodontic tooth movement. This study analyzed the effects of bone substitute material on the root surface during orthodontic treatment with corresponding tooth migration. The extraction site was provided with a bone substitute and neighboring teeth were moved into this region.

Materials and methods Preparation of the specimens Changes occurring at root surfaces and the remodeling of bone and bone substitute following orthodontic tooth movement were analyzed histologically using an animal model. The study protocol was approved by relevant government authorities (approval № LVL M-V/TSD/7221.31.1-037/05). Analogy to human conditions was maintained throughout. The study group consisted of three pigs (“Deutsches Land­schwein”, Sus scrofa domesticus). The structure as well as biomechanical and physiological properties of porcine bone are very similar to those of human bone. In order to ensure interindividual comparability, all animals were adult and of the same age. Prior to the experiment, animals were adapted for at least one week. Animal experiment A mandibular right premolar was extracted and the alveolus was filled with bone substitute (NanoBone®, Artos GmbH, Germany). To minimize animal stress, extraction and insertion of bone substitute were performed under shortterm anesthesia. A mucoperiosteal flap was used for wound closure. Subsequently, neighboring teeth were moved into this area using an orthodontic appliance. The force for tooth movement was set between 1 and 2 N. The entire procedure took 20–25 minutes. Specimens for histology were collected under anesthesia after 90 days.


TOMASZ GEDRANGE, Tomasz Gredes, Alexander Spassow et al.

Histologic analysis Immediately after collection, specimens of 6 teeth were reduced to a minimum and fixed according to Romeis [7] for 7 days in 4% formalin at a temperature of 18°C. The respective fixation times depended upon specimen dimensions. Bone specimens fixed in formalin were used for producing Technovit 9700 blocks (Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Germany). Histologic specimens were fabricated using “saw-cut” sections. Digital images through the root diameters enabled metric assessment of surface alterations. The respective resorption depths and lengths were calculated by means of marking points along the boundaries of the resorption lacunae. Histologic specimens were used for localization of the resorption sites and for metric assessment of resorption dimensions. The maximal surface dimensions and the depth were used as a measure of lacuna size. Besides absolute frequency of resorption sites in the respective root sections, the extent of resorption was investigated depending on localization in different root parts. The resorption process occurring in the medio-distal area was analyzed. In order to localize resorption accurately, root surfaces of the teeth were divided into five areas and the root was divided into three parts (right and left). The first part was the root tip, the second was the mid-root, and the third was the coronal root part.

Results The experiment seemed not to effect the masticatory function of the animals. They were able to chew normally and normal weight gain was observed.

Fig. 1. Histologic specimen. Distribution of the resorption sites on the tooth Ryc. 1. Preparat histologiczny obrazujący umiejscowienie obszarów resorpcji w obrębie korzenia

Orthodontic tooth movement The orthodontic appliance induced biological tooth movement of about 1 mm per month. The teeth of one jaw side were moved towards each other. Constant forces were induced using superelastic tension springs. Forces of about 1–2 N per tooth were measured in each gap. However, deformations of the appliance and uncontrolled force application frequently occurred during the trial.

Histologic findings Localization, length, and depth of the resorption sites All 6 teeth displayed resorption lesions of the root surface. Particularly conspicuous was the varying susceptibility to resorption of the different root parts. The apical region showed the largest changes on the root surface. These changes were observed in all teeth (100%). The mean size of lesions in the apical part was 1.442 μm. Due to marked resorption, exact measurements were not possible on most teeth and only approximations were obtained. The mid-root section also showed alterations. Sectionwise analysis of root resorption frequencies revealed that

Fig. 2. Resorption lacuna in cementum and dentin of a premolar root Ryc. 2. Lakuna resorpcyjna w obrębie cementu i zębiny korzenia zęba przedtrzonowego


this root area ranked second with 66%. While depth was small (140 µm) in this area, the mean size of the lesions was 877 μm. The coronal part of the root displayed the least resorptions. Slight alterations were observed in only 16% of all teeth under investigation.

Discussion Following tooth loss, bone regeneration begins using various mechanisms, among them osteoinduction and osteoconduction. Osteoinduction is the formation of new bone by differentiation of osteogenous cells from less differentiated progenitor cells. In contrast, osteoconduction refers to the bone-forming migration of osteoblasts into the defect along a kind of “guide rail”. In the area investigated, bone regeneration was associated with tooth migration and transformation of bone substitute. Tooth movement into remodeled bone is fraught with risks. The entire remodeling capacity of the bone is activated by tooth movement [1]. In order to achieve optimum tooth movement, force dosage needs to be chosen according to bone properties. The force exerted by the teeth may induce local or widespread qualitative and quantitative bone alterations. During this process, the teeth may respond with alterations. We observed such alterations, in particular resorption of the apical part of the teeth upon movement induced towards substitute bone. To investigate resorption, root alterations were examined in the present study with respect to their localization and extent. Such division of the root has been demonstrated in the literature [8, 9, 10]. Apical root resorptions are among the most frequent tooth damages occurring during orthodontic therapy. Resorptions are difficult to predict and can hardly be avoided completely. Since the apical area was not in contact with bone substitute, tooth damages are supposed to have developed for other reasons. Tooth resorptions have already been described in healthy patients [8, 9, 10]. Resorption processes induced by orthodontic treatment using fixed appliances were noticed in numerous publications. They were almost invariably caused by incorrect choice of force magnitude and individual predisposition. As the appliance underwent deformation during the trial, larger forces may have been acting. Notwithstanding its solid structure and rigidity, bone is a very active tissue subject to lifelong remodeling [1]. This coupled process involves continuous degradation of old bone and replacement by newly formed bone which enables the bone tissue to adapt to changing mechanical loads. Bone loading during tooth movement is also affected by the bone substitute material. Continuous monitoring of tooth movement in a patient is the precondition for detection of alterations. Radiologic control is necessary throughout treatment [11] not for the sake of diagnosing bone substitute remodeling but to disclose changes occurring in the teeth.


Once tooth development is complete, the apical area appears to be particularly susceptible. Thus, patient age at the time of tooth movement may play a crucial role [12]. The principle of orthodontic tooth movement implies that the therapeutic forces exerted on the tooth crowns are transmitted to the bone via the periodontium. The tooth is pushed toward the alveolar margin along the force direction while contralateral traction is exerted on the bone by the periodontium. This results in bone resorption on the pressure side and bone apposition on the traction side [13]. On the pressure side, however, the tooth encounters and interacts with the bone substitute. Bone substitute materials have to meet various requirements. Both rapid remodeling to genuine bone and biomechanical stability are the most important requirements [14]. Formation of new bone induced by bone substitutes has, therefore, been the focus of numerous studies [15, 16]. The effects of tooth migration need further investigation. It has to be clarified why root resorptions occur, even though the relationship between apical root resorption and bone substitute is controversial. If root resorptions occur to a large extent, the outcome of an otherwise successful orthodontic therapy is questionable.

Conclusions Our findings show that the pig model (Sus scrofa domesticus) is well suited to simulate orthodontic tooth movement. Post-extraction treatment of the alveolus with a synthetic bone substitute caused no disturbances in wound healing. Due to deformations of the orthodontic tooth-moving appliance interfering with exact definition of forces, root surface resorptions cannot be unequivocally interpreted. Resorption changes were different in the apical, medial, and coronal root sections. Considering the marked defects on the root surface, an increased risk of root resorption is assumed for orthodontic tooth movement into areas treated with bone substitute material.

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