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Social media analytics tools are the methods or the techniques used by different social ..... Initially it was a popular SEO tool but it comes within built social media.





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INDEX S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Page No.

Introduction Social Media Analytics Tools Applications of SNS data analytics in various fields Advantages and Disadvantages Competitive Intelligence Predictive Analytics Conclusion References


2 12 24 31 35 44 56 58

Introduction Social media has emerged out to be one of the most innovative and trusted platform for interaction as compared to typical formats of media i.e print and broadcasting media. Such innovative interaction which takes place on social media is done through the medium of a variety of Social Networking Sites (SNS). These SNSs are purely based with the sole purpose of interaction. SNS have eliminated the barriers of communication as well as interaction and in fact has established a podium that allows free flow of talks and networks across the borders. These sites have shortened the distances between the people. They have reduced the miles and have converted the physical distance into electronic distance. Social interaction is executed through posts, pictures, blogs, videos, texts, calls etc which is done by differently used websites and specifically designed applications. Social networking sites have revolutionized the typical formats of communication and interaction. It has adopted a different approach towards interaction i.e. interaction takes place in variety of formats such as not just voice but also in different mediums such as textual as well as visual formats. The SNS have confirmed themselves to be the backbone of communication, time and again. They have their reach to every nook and corner of the world. They have influenced all the sectors whether it is business, socializing, trade, retailing, politics , entertainment etc . Social media has taken up the responsibility to be the new information repository where the information, statistics, facts, figures, numbers, records etc are not only exchanged or retrieved but also discussed and diagnosed in the form of discussions and debates which takes through the medium of various Social Networking Sites. Interaction is considered to be the prime most features of SNSs followed by retailing and entertaining sector. In terms of interaction SNSs have achieved a milestone such as by reducing the distance of miles to centimeters. One can interact with an individual residing overseas within a fraction of seconds. SNSs have made almost everything a click away just as the practical distance of thousands of miles has left to be just a distance of few FHQWLPHWHUVLHIURPXVHU¶VPRELOH¶VVFUHHQ There are number of features of SNSs who drag the users towards them. First of all considering interaction as the most popular one and secondly interaction on SNS is almost free of cost. All one need is a internet connection or a data packet for getting started with SNS. Adding another feather to cap, all the existing telecom companies due to immense competition today, are offering number offers and packs to avail internet facility. These offered data packets and internet schemes are affordable as well as reasonable to every man. In todD\¶V VFHQDULR HDUQLQJ GDLO\ EUHDG DQG EXWWHU LV WRXJK RQH DV FRPSDUHG WR earning a internet pack. This is probably the only reason which has revolutionized the Ϯ

usage of SNSs and has taken their popularity to a different level. As a result easily available internet has proved to be a landmark in enhancing the popularity of social networking sites from a top class businessman to a class four employ of a office, from a corporate woman to a normal homemaker, from a grade 5 student to a post graduation student, from a three wheeler driver to a shopkeeper. SNSs have their reach expanded to millions and billions of people all around the world. They have bounded people together. They have become the modern day relationship managers and are hub for enhancing popularity. Being social on SNS means there are no OLPLWDWLRQVRUERXQGDULHVWRRQH¶VUHDFK$QRWKHULQWHUHVWLQJIDFWZKLFKKDVIRXQGWREHWKH major reason behind attracting the people is the easy to use feature. One does not need to hold expertise in the field of computer languages or follow any kind of hard and fast rules. The self explanatory format of SNS boosts up the interest of users. Almost all of them are very simple and easy to operate. One does not require to have a command over any kind of high level technical or engineering skills to deal with SNSs. A little and basic knowledge eventually serves the purpose. Ease of operating is one of the most prominent reasons for indulging millions of people into this web. They tend to have a magnetic effect on folks as these SNS are very much part and parcel of their lives. As per the current scenario, being active or operating any of the SNS RFFXSLHVWKHWRSPRVWSODFHRQWKH³WRGR´OLVWRIRQH¶V schedule. )RFXVLQJRQ³HDVHWRRSHUDWH´IHDWXUHHDVHWRRSHUDWe not only means easy to use but also its ease of availability i.e. one does not need to have a desktop to operate them. Mobile phones acts as a catalyst in mounting the fame , in fact operating of SNS on mobiles takes the lead on comparing with operating SNS on desktop. Being active on SNS is the favorite SDVVWLPH IRU WRGD\¶V VRFLHW\ ,W LV VREHFDXVH DOPRVWDOO WKH VHJPHQWVRI WKHVRFLHW\ DUH very active on these sites. Being active on social networking sites is more important than being socially active because being active on SNS is need of the hour. Present aura of SNS have such a dynamic persona that they have tamed everyone as per their requirement. One may or may not respond for the call of the person sitting next to or a general call but one definitely responds to the calls from SNS (notifications). They have even taken over the search engines and has taken the responsibility of being new search engines as user do not immediately googles or searches any of the leading search engine for latest updates but rather scrolls down through any of his/her social networking account. Thus everyone today have become very sophisticated with high degree of mannerism and etiquettes in terms of being very responsible in uploading the contents (updates) on SNS in no time and similarly also reverting back to each and every call(notifications) from any of the SNS. SNS have most importantly replaced many of the social venues i.e. whether it is the celebration of a new born or bidding a final good bye to the eldest member of the family, celebrating promotions to celebrating new tie-ups, everything is done these sites. ϯ

Just as updating posts and statistics on SNS have replaced regular hangouts and textual interaction has replaced the verbal interaction. One can easily interact or hangout with followers or linked ones on these SNS rather than planning for an interaction on hangout on weekends. There are number of SNS such as Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Hike, Viber and many more. But in terms of popularity amongst users , Facebook takes the lead with more than 500 million active users all over the world.

Figure 1: The above chart from Comscore shows engagement in terms of time spent on the platform vs reach among the millennial demographic. It's interesting to see how effectively Facebook dominates, but also interesting to see how well Snapchat is doing in terms monthly usage per visitor. Facebook Facebook , originally developed by Mark Zukerburg as a normal office interaction application has brought a revolution in the usage of SNS. Facebook is very much popular amongst all age groups right from a school going kid to senior citizen. Facebook today has occupied a very renowned designation in every individual's life. It has almost become ϰ

mandatory to have an account on Facebook as it is considered to be only way through which one can be active socially all the time. All one need is a smart phone and data pack (internet) to get into Facebook. Operation Facebook on desktop have become very outdated as no one today has amount of time and energy to stare at desktop screens for hours. Facebook now have become very handy. Active users of Facebook always tend to sneak a peek of their Facebook account even during the busiest hours of day. While walking down a street, using a public transport or even during the hectic schedule, one common activity found in all the previously three mentioned segments is Facebook usage. Looking around one can easily locate the eye balls gazing at the mobile phRQH¶V VFUHHQV ZLWK D ILQJHU FRQWLQXRXVO\ VZHHSLQJ WKH VFUHHQ upwards i.e. a person is scrolling through his/her Facebook DFFRXQW¶VQHZVIHHG It is very simple and matter of few minutes to enter into the mesmerizing sensation of Facebook. The key necessity to have a Facebook account an Email account (Gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.) or even cellular number will do. With a couple of authentication steps, one can get his/her Facebook account. Facebook is the easiest and trouble free amongst all the leading SNS. It is very straight forward in term of its usage or operating as it is self H[SODQDWRU\-XVWDIWHUDFWLYDWLQJRQH¶VDFFRXQWRQFacebook, the user gets a feedback or a tutorial from Facebook team about all the major functionalities and features of Facebook. It teaches all the terms and conditions of privacy and security to the user. Facebook gives a complete authority to the account owner about its privacy setting i.e. it completely the DFFRXQWKROGHU¶VGHFLVLRQWRPDNHWKHDFFRXQWSXEOLFRr private. Making Facebook account public or private is prime most steps a user performs. Stating an account to be public means it is an open account where any Facebook user can have a glance of the account whereas it is not the same with a private account. In a private Facebook account one has to be in the friend list of the owner of the account to go through the account. 9LVLWLQJ D KRPHSDJH RI RQH¶V DFFRXQW DQG WKH ILUVW IRXU VHJPHQWV D SHUVRQ ZLWQHVV LV timeline, find friends, notifications and messages. Timeline is mainly the homepage where a user gets WRVHHWKHQHZVIHHGIURPRQH¶VIULHQGVDQGWKHGLIIHUHQWSDJHVRUFRPPXQLWLHV WKH RQH IROORZV $Q\WKLQJ ODWHVW XSGDWHG E\ DQ\RQH DPRQJVW XVHU¶V Facebook friend appears on users timeline by default.



Figure 2: Source- Social Media Management Checklist Following from this, we have predominantly APAC favored platforms, with QQ (9%), WeChat (8%) and Qzone (7%) all with over 600 million active users, highlighting the array of offerings the APAC. We then see a cluster of predominantly western social media networks in Tumblr (6%), Instagram(4%) and Twitter (4%). Among US users (the most advanced major market and thus a good bellwether for future global trends) Facebook is also retaining a huge lead on the competition. It actually increased its penetration to 89% of US internet users, whilst Facebook-owned Instagram came 2nd with 32% penetration. Finding friends on Facebook is another remarkable feature of Facebook. This feature of Facebook allows a user to get connected to different people on Facebook. Facebook is very supportive in terms of boosting up the friendships and relationships. It suggests friends or people we may know i.e. it promotes interaction by suggesting friends to us. As Facebook keeps the track of XVHU¶V location and basic information, so focusing on those particular details, it automatically suggests friends, like people from same locality or ZRUNSODFH DSSHDUV LQ WKH ³SHRSOH \RX PD\ NQRZ´ VHJPHQW ,W DOVR VXJJHVWV WKH IULHQGV with some mutual friends. So finding people or getting attached to people on Facebook is not at all a tough job. One does not require making many efforts to take initiative for finding people on Facebook as the caring nature of Facebook itself does all. Facebook is a new warehouse of information. A user can easily dig up or dig out for any kind of information required. Information can be in the format of texts, pictures, videos or audios i.e. information can be uploaded in many forms. Just after uploading anything on Facebook, the updating is visible to friends and followers of the user ( in the case of private account). Reactions to a post are made through variety of forms such as liking a SRVWFRPPHQWLQJRQLWRUVKDULQJWKHSRVW$Q\UHDFWLRQPDGHE\DQ\RIXVHU¶VIULHQGVWR DQ\ RI XVHU¶V SRVWV JHWV QRWLILHG WR WKH XVHU E\ D VSHFLDO QRWLILFDWLRQ 7KLV QRWLILFDWLRQ aware the XVHU DERXW UHDFWLRQ FDPH WR DQ\ RI XVHU¶V SRVW 7KHUH DUH QXPEHU RI IHDWXUHV available in the Facebook which enables connectivity to be even more firm but the tagging functionality of Facebook enhances the connectivity to the most. Tagging literally means attaching or getting attached to something and tagging someone in Facebook post means not only the person gets to see the post but also all the other followers or friends of tagged person get to see the post too i.e. tagging a single person in a post , shares a post amongst many more people. Today there are plentiful of posts available on Facebook and it is tough call for a person to FKHFNHDFKDQGHYHU\SRVWRUVWRU\WKDWDSSHDUVRQDSHUVRQ¶VFacebook timeline, infact it is near to impossible to scroll down the newsfeed of 24 hours because Facebook timeline ϳ

gets flooded with several posts during such circumstances where the timeline is full of events 24 hours , undoubtedly a person may skip to check many posts but if a person is tagged in any of the post he/she gets a special notification about being tagged in a particular post on a notification window and the notification ultimately makes the person to check the post. Thus the chances of missing or skipping of any tagged post are rare. A user gets notified whenever he/she gets tagged into any of the post. Notification window basically has a major role to play. Each and every happening which is concerned to user RUXVHU¶VDFFRXQWLVQRWLILHGWRXVHUVYLDQRWLILFDWLRQZKHWKHUVRPHUHTXHVWVWREHIULHQGV on Facebook or someone reacted to any of the posts. Next in the scene comes messaging part of Facebook. Messages are segments where the interaction mainly takes place in the form of textual conversations. A user can send or receive text messages from any of his/her friends or even non friends can request for a textual conversation by making a message request. Message requests and friend requests are two completely different kinds of requests. Sending a friend request enables a person to get access to go through the account authoritatively whereas getting a message accepted means a person has the access only to textual conversation, other than a text messages no other access is granted through a message request. Access to textual conversation is not just limited to text itself but one can also make attachments through textual conversation in the form of audio, video or images.


Figure 3: Source- Survey conducted March 7-$SULO³6RFLDO0HGLD8SGDWH´ Pew Research Centre. Other than a typical Facebook account, a Facebook page currently is most widely used platform to mount the connectivity and interaction. It is quite similar to ordinary Facebook account, the only advantage Facebook page has over a typical Facebook account is that there is no limit to the number of followers a page can have whereas as an ordinary Facebook account has a definite limit to the friends one can add in his/her friend list. Such restriction of limited number of friends in a friend list is indicated in case of Facebook page. Facebook endorses invitations in the form of making calls or requests to the events just like a Facebook page , event can be created on Facebook. A page holder can create an ϵ

event and can make an appeal through Facebook page to all its followers and friends to mark their presence on that event. The hospitable stance of Facebook is not only limited to sending of invitations via notifications to followers but it also keeps the track of response given by the followers or friends to any particular events. It is done through appealing them to give their consent about their presence to the event. Consent is further categorized into several categories namely- coming, likely to come and interested to come. It clearly indicates that an event holder can have a complete track of number of expected guests. Facebook is created using one of the most refined and secure programming language PHP. )URP D SURJUDPPHU¶V YLHZ  3+3 GHVSLWH EHLQJ UHILQHG DQG VHFXUH LV DOVR YHU\ HDV\ WR learn comparatively to other programming languages.

Instagram Keeping up the pace, there is another version of Facebook , infact an extension of Facebook has taken up the form of another leading SNS i.e. Instagram. It is also an H[WHQVLRQEHFDXVHLWJHWVOLQNHGWRRQH¶VFacebook account although Instagram is different from Facebook in many ways. Emphasizing on differences between Facebook and Instagram, Instagram has come out to be more secure as comparatively to Facebook, though they have many similarities in terms of sharing posts , commenting or liking. An Instagram account is either private or public and keeping the account public or private is completely authorized by the account holder. In a public account one check for posts or go through the account without any kind of restriction or permission from account holder whereas in a private one needs to request for following the account. The friend request sent on Facebook turns into a follow request on Instagram. Instagram posts can be in the form of picture, audio or video. Reactions to the post recorded are in the form likes and comments. One can even share the post by directly sending that post to some other follower as a message. Any kind of post can easily be saved from the post itself by simply tapping over the save option. Other than posts, user can interact with other instagram user WKURXJK³'LUHFW0HVVDJH´IHDWXUHRI,QVWDJUDP7KURXJKGLUHFWPHVVDJHVRQHFDQLQWHUDFW via texts although audio or video can be attached to the text as well. In terms security, any kind of unwanted follower or the one with whom the account holder is not comfortable with can be blocked and reported. Any of the account followed by any RIWKHPXWXDOIROORZHULVVXJJHVWHGWRWKHXVHULQ³3HRSOH\RXPD\NQRZ´VHFWLRQ7HDP instagram boosts up interaction by suggesting accounts which can be followed. Every kind of activity , reaction or follow request is notified to the user through special notification. 5HDFWLRQPDGHWRDQ\RIWKHSRVWZKHWKHULW¶VDOLNHRUFRPPHQWLGQRWLILHGWRWKHDFFRXQW ϭϬ

holder. Due to all such mentioned interactive features, Instagram is pacing up with the popularity of the Facebook but has not yet taken over in terms of active users.

Twitter Twitter is the most widely used platform today in terms interaction. Twitter is of completely different format as compared to the previously mentioned SNS. Although the reactions to the tweets are made in quite a similar manner as they are made in case of posts of Facebook and instagram. One can like, dislike or even retweet a tweet. Twitter is such a platform where one enhances RQH¶V SRSXODULW\ UDSLGO\ ,W LV LQ IDFW WKH PRVW FRPPRQ medium used by number celebrities and brands to mount their fan following and make a direct reach to their fans. Any user who has a twitter account can follow another twitter account by simply tapping on follow option. Tweets on twitter can include texts, audio and video but textual tweets have a definite word limit. Every textual tweet has to be made within that limit itself. There is no limit to the number followers a twitter account can have. It adopts a simple IRUPDWRIQRWLILFDWLRQVWRQRWLI\WRDOOWKHIROORZHUVDERXWWKHWZHHWPDGHE\DQ\WKHXVHU¶V followed account. There is certain limit to the words in a tweet unlike other SNS platforms where there is no word limit to the posts. A twitter account can has as many number of followers it can i.e. there is no limitation to the number followers a twitter account can has. It is such a platform which highly used by number of celebrities and brands to enhance their popularity. Tweets are made and the followers react to them by liking them, commenting about them and even re-tweeting (sharing) them. It is most admired amongst all SNS in terms mounting up the fame of an individual. It has turned to be most trusted format by people to make their reach wide and reachable to individual to individual.


Chapter-2 Social Media Analytical Tools Social media analytics tools are the methods or the techniques used by different social media analysts to dig into various SNS platforms and get their insights. Analysis is done by getting total count of reactions and type of reactions to the post. Analysis of SNS is done as it is of great benefit to the account holder or page holder, where the clear picture about their posts comes out. There are various social media analytics tools available today, free source as well as the paid ones. Some of the tools which are paid one offer the free trial version of one month usage so that the analysts may get familiar or comfortable using such tool before paying for it. Tools have categorized into three main categories namely paid tools, open source (free of cost) tools and paid tools with a trial version. Some of the tools particularly meant for getting the insight of Facebook pages or comparing the statistics of different available pages. The output of analysis can be customized as per the analysts. It can presented in various types of graphics or charts but customization of output formats cannot be done through all the available tools, only few of them offers such services.

Paid Tools

Paid Tools(with version)



Open Source Tools

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Keyhole AgoraPulse Brandwatch Buffer BuzzSumo Crowdbooster Edgar Google Analytics Klout Littlebird Netbase OKtopost Quintly RivalIQ Sale for Marketting Simply Measured Social Bakers SumAll Followerwonk SocialBro Tailwind TweetReach Social Report Moz Pro

x x x x x x x x x

Buffer Google Analytics SumAll Followerwonk Crowdbooster RivalIQ Social Bakers Social Report Moz pro

x x x x x x x x x x

Hootsuite Social Mentions Iconosquare Viralwoot Collecto Cyfe Beevolve Riffle MyTopTweet Howsocialable

Keyhole x Keyhole is a tool specially designed for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Keyhole LVSDUWLFXODUO\DGRSWHGWRFRPSXWHRUGHWHUPLQHVSHFLILFIHDWXUHVDEUDQGRUWUHQG¶V impact on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. x Granting access through institutive and shareable dashboard, it helps to keep the record and tracks, hashtag, keyword and campaigning or operational, promotional metrics in real time. x All of the mentioned also covers up to the range, reach, impressions, periods of high activity and more. Particularly for tracking hashtag, keyhole provides a prosperous ϭϯ 

number of statistics which proves to be helpful to sort out popularity and achievement of branded hashtag. x Another remarkable facility of key is that it also helps the user to influence its data to escort user influencer outreach and endeavors. By simply clicking the dashboards influencers tab, the number of parallel running accounts specially the ones having highest range and interaction numbers are disclosed. x To enhance the association and interaction, one can look for some account and reshape their popular information. Agora Pulse x Agora Pulse is one of the renowned paid social analytics tools which is widely used by the number of social media analysts due to its mounting popularity. It is a multi language tool, which is used to track the enhanced engagement analytics across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. x This platform provides users with statistics of the other users who share your content quite often and also notifies whenever , the users page or profiles gets mentioned in any of oWKHUXVHU¶VSDJHSRVWV x It not only notifies but also ranks various users ZKRIROORZVRQH¶VSDJHDQGVKDUH their content. They are being ranked as per their posts. There are several other features such as message response rate, which has proven to be helpful in terms of guiding users outreach efforts. x Adding on more, one can also transform the analysts graph on to a power point file which infact smoothen ups to understand the current state of trend being followed on the leading social networking sites. x Agora Pulse is one of the most widely used tool and cost about $29-$199 USD per month. Brand watch x Brand watch is a paid social media analytics tool. Amongst the entire social media analytics tool, brandwatch has proven to be the best match from a researFKHU¶VSRLQWRIYLHZ2WKHUWKDQDOOOHDGLQJWRROEUDQGZDWFKRIIHUVVRXUFH of distinct facilities listed below. x It provides sufficient data about the enterprise the user owns and also provides the user with information about the market a user wish to enter. x It provides a user with a demographic detail of other users, to whom the user wishes to target such as it gives information about gender , occupation, locality etc. ϭϰ 

x ,WJLYHVWKHUHDOWLPHFKHFNDERXWWKHFXUUHQWSUHYDLOLQJVLWXDWLRQRIRQH¶VEUDQG reputation. It gives the wide view about the brand reputation by giving the GLIIHUHQW YLHZHU¶V UHDFWLRQ VXFK DV FDWHJRUL]LQJ WKHLU SRVWV LQWR SRVLWLYH DQG negative. x One of the most supreme features which distinct brandwatch from all the other leading tools is it filters spam and duplicates mentions. It is most the most trusted tool because of its accurate data. Buffer x Buffer is the paid tool, with the trail version of 30 days i.e. the user are offered to get comfortable using this platform for free of cost before actually paying for it. :LWKEXIIHU¶VIUHHtrial version, one can get to know all the main interaction stats from every update one posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. x The top most feature of buffer is the centre of attraction for the analysts is its feature which gives you the top most post of the day i.e. it rates the posts by the number of reactions it gets such as the post which gets viewed maximum of the time is rated as the post of the day. x One can easily get into buffer by using its trail version of 30 days for free of cost and later on one can get it buy paying the $2,550 USD per year. BuzzSumo x BuzzSumo is paid tool which costs up to $99-$999 USD per month. BuzzSumo is helpful to track the top social content in XVHU¶V slot. One can easily search the content by feeding it into search bar such as feeding any URL , phrases or keyword to check what kind of content and who sharing relevant content in any of the leading social platform. x It is a platform which boosts up the popularity of your material as it identifies the most influential share to reach out to. Crowdbooster x Crowdbooster is another social analytical tool which is paid but with free of cost trail version of 30 days. It is analytical tool mainly used for analyses Twitter profiles and Facebook pages. It compiles the data into customizable dashboard and includes insights such as who are most valuable followers, what kind of posts are maximum liked and shared, the ideal time to share posts and also focus lexical diversity to get extra attention. ϭϱ 

Edgar x Edgar is a paid tool which is available for price $49-$99 USD per month. Edgar is different from all the other available social media analytics tools in way that it offers the special kind of service i.e. automatic social scheduling. x This is done through storing collected content in library based on categories such as tips and blog posts. After scheduling these categories, Edgar automatically creates the never ending queue that automatically cycles through the created library week after week. x Similarly like all the other available tools, Edgar also keeps the track of all the users engagement metrics, helping optimize users schedule based posts like the type of posts that attract and generate maximum engagement of other users and in addition helps in hitting the content almost appropriate time. Google Analytics x Google analytics costs for $150000 USD per month and is one of the most expensive tools, but at the same time it is available for 30 days trial version which is free of cost. x 0RVW DSSURSULDWHO\ ³*RRJOH $QDO\WLFV´ LV ZLGHO\ XVHG IRU DQDO\]LQJ ZHEVLWH traffic. Infact it is a present day top most choice of analyzing website traffic. x It facilitates the user with the facility that they can get to know how many visitors their site gets from each of the major social networks. By adding tasks and goals to Google Analytics one can get to see the direct impact of social platforms on the goals and paths as well. x Analyzing the visitors and their behavior on different social networking sites is the most amazing features of Google Analytics which infact tends to attract the maximum analyzers. It is widely used for Twitter, Facebook , LinkedIn, Google+, pocket, Dig, Quota etc. Klout x .ORXWLVDQRWKHUSDLGWRROZKLFKLVXVHGWRDQDO\]HRQH¶VLPSDFWRQHDFKRI major social platform. x Klout marks a user out of 100 and it rates one on basis of RQH¶V ability to involve and drive action. It also provide user with a viewpoint about the platform on which the user comes out to be most influential so that one successfully interact with the audience. ϭϲ 

Little Bird x Little bird is used as the most elaborative influencer analytic tool. It is available as a paid tool but little bird is available in various plans as per XVHU¶V requirement and usage. x It is quite different from other available tools in way that it focuses on eliminating the requirements for impactful research and instead of that it focuses on outreach. x Most importantly it keeps the track of the most useful audience for the user i.e. thHRQHVZKRLQWHUDFWZLWKWKHXVHU¶VEUDQGDQGXVHU¶VVSDFHWKHPRVW,W targets such an audience so that it may help the user to enhance its popularity. x In addition it also discovers the most interactive content and topic for user to share and there is special influencer list which tends to very helpful to focus on qualified individuals throughout its social campaigns. Netbase x Netbase is a paid social analytical tool which is specially designed for targeting enterprise-scale brands and agencies. x Netbase claims to be processing posts 9 times faster and 50-70% more accurately as compared to all the other available social media analytical podiums. x It is most widely used by managers for quick decisions making on huge accounts managed by them. It can be deal with multiple languages as it can read various socially available content in more than 42 languages and even work as determinant for XVHU¶V sentiments concerning various trends. OKtopost x OKtopost has proved to be the biggest relief to the digital marketers who have been struggling since a decade to measure the financial influence of social media. x This tool helps the user to keep an eye on conversation, indentifying channels DQGPHVVDJHVWKDWVZLQJWKHILQDQFLDODFWRUXVHU¶VZHEVLWH x It helps the user to clearly mark down the turnover of their websites and comes out with a clear evidence that how much have come due to this particular post. x It is a paid tool, which available for $65 USD per month and further the advanced plans vary from customer to customer. ϭϳ 

Quintly x Quintly is the paid tool available for $129 USD per month with many different plans available as per usage and requirements. x Quintly is widely used for comparing and analyzing different Facebook pages. It gives a comparison through variety of available graphs. One can start to it by comparing with a minimum number of 3 Facebook pages. x ,WGRHVWKHFRPSDULVRQRQWKHEDVLVRIOLNHVFRPPHQWVDQGVKDUHVDXVHU¶V post gets as compared to other pages posts. In addition provides the user with sufficient amount of statistics that helps one to boost up the performance. x ,W FRPSDUHV WKH XVHU¶V SHUIRUPDQFH RQ WKH OHDGLQJ VRFLDO SODWIRUPV ,Q IDFW this is most trusted tool for competitive goal setting.

RivalIQ x Rival IQ is the most different tool available in the present scenario as instead RI IRFXVLQJ RQ XVHU¶V SHUIRUPDQFH RQ GLIIHUHQW VRFLDO PHGLD SODWIRUPV LW NHHSVWKHWUDFNVRIXVHU¶VFRPSHWLWRU¶VSHUIRUPDQFH x ,WNHHSVDQH\HRQXVHU¶VFRPSHWLWRU¶VSHUIRUPDQFHDQGFDQWUDFNQXPEHURI different companies(up to 75). It not only compares social media metrics but also SEO. x This tool gives the reviews of different audiences on timely basis i.e. it keeps the tracks of followers that how they enhance or worsen on a weekly, monthly , quarterly or annual basis $OWKRXJK WKH XVHU¶V JURZWK VWLOO LV WKH prime most concern here. x It also gives the access to historical data which is very beneficial for comparing growth rates to major events and business cycle to figure out DERXWULYDO¶VIDQVVWDWXVLHZKHQDUHWKHir fans expanding. x It is a paid tool available for $199-$439 USD per month but it is also available for 14 days trail version. Salesforce Marketting Cloud x Salesforce Marketting cloud is a paid tool available for $400 USD per month and also in various combinational packs. x It is a multi-purpose analysis tool. It is used for email, mobile and content marketing and above all a very sound social media analytics tool. ϭϴ 

x With a common phenomenon of dashboard, it provides a user with a clear cut evidences of content which holds highest interaction, where the most impactful conversations are taking place and also categories the overview of DXGLHQFH¶V YLHZSRLQWVWRZDUGVXVHU¶VEUDQG Simply Measured x It is a paid tool for starting at $500 USD per month and also available in different plans. x Simply Measured is mostly preferred for inclusive social media reposting platform. It works in association with Google Analytics. x The most common features of simply measured are the comparison of different accounts, the YLVLWRU¶s EHKDYLRU DQG UHDFWLRQV WRZDUGV D XVHU¶V website and analyzing competitors. Social Bakers x Social Bakers is a paid tool available for $120-$480 USD per month and also available for 14 days trail version which is free of cost. x It is a complete package tool of social media analytics by collecting fruitful information across all the major social media platforms. x It is useful for competitive analysis and facilitates user to create groups to record the FRPSHWLWRUV¶ moves. x The brands which have globally scattered their locations, this tool can segment data by individual brand and country. This helps the user to focus on the area where the attention is required and also gives sufficient review about the well going areas. SumAll x It is a paid tool for $99 USD per month and available for free trial version of 30 days. x 6XP$OOLVXVHGIRUORQJWHUPVRFLDOPHGLDVWUDWHJ\2QHFDQVLPSO\WDJRQH¶V all existing social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn , Instagram etc into a single platform and it gives the status of all the tagged accounts into single interactive chart. x It provides with features such as goal tracking and performance graphs. SumAll provides the user with daily or weekly email reports regarding the GD\WRGD\KDSSHQLQJRIXVHU¶VYDULRXVVocial media platforms. ϭϵ 

Follower Wonk x Followerwonk is a specially designed tool for analyzing Twitter content. It gives a complete insights of audiences and activities. x Followerwonk gives a detailed description of followers i.e. the time when they are onlLQHKRZGRWKH\UHDFWWRGLIIHUHQWWZHHWVRIXVHU¶VZKDWNLQGRI tweets are maximum re-tweeted and liked by followers. It also provides with the demographic details of the users. x It has ability to track the accounts that have the most powerful influence on their followers. x Operating Followerwonk is even simpler just by clicking analytics tab, one is supposed to enter a Twitter username and can view complete information about followers and followings. x It is a paid tool with a free trial version of 30 days. It is available for $79 USD per month. SocialBro x Social bro is considered as an all in one Twitter business platforms. It is the most effective Twitter management tools and offers a free plan for twitter users with less than 5000 contacts. It is a paid tool available with a free trial version of 30 days. The paid plans offer more advanced and refined analysis methods. x Socail Bro provides users with detailed insight reports about the best suitable timings to tweet as well as the other demographic details of followers. x It completely focuses on enhancing the interactivity and engagement of followers into tweets. One can also use Social Bro to better understand your ads, as it tracks ROI for paid and earned media. Tailwind x Tailwind is a paid tool specially meant for analyzing Interest. It is available for $9.99 USD per month with different plans varies from user to user depending on usage and requirements. x It is mainly used for tracking the interaction metrics as well as how various posts perform on the basis of lexical diversity. x User can analyze website traffic collaborating with Google Analytics and it SURYLGHVWKHXVHUZLWKFRQWHQWYDOXDEOHDVSHUXVHU¶VLQWHUHVWWRVKDUH TweetReach ϮϬ

x TweetReach is a twitter based paid tool available for $99-$399 USD per month. x It is kind of search-engine used for twitter analysis as by simply entering a keyword, hashtag or username to get a complete glance of the analytics behind that content. It proves to be even more effective as it diagnose the reach of a tweet or keyword to the horizon. x The searches are responded through a snapshot of analytics with charts and graphs for reach, exposure , activity and contributors. It has tend to be the most useful tool fRUFKHFNLQJLQRQPHQWLRQVRIXVHU¶VWZLWWHUXVHUQDPHDQG tracking branded hash tags and industry keywords. Social Report x Social Report is a paid tool with a free trial version of 30 days. It is available for plans starting at $9 USD per month. x It can collaborate or tag to at most 19 supported social networks and can SURYLGHVRYHUYLHZVRIXVHU¶VKDSSHQLQJRQWKRVHSODWIRUPV MozPro x It is a paid tool available for $99 USD per month and comes for free trial version of 30 days. x Initially it was a popular SEO tool but it comes within built social media analytics too. It is very helpful in tracking network size, interaction, engagement and break downs per network. ,W¶V most supportive for twitter, Facebook and google+.

Hootsuite x Hootsuite is quite similar to buffer and it is completely open source tool i.e. available free of cost. x It does the tasks of collaborating the data and scheduling posts as well as it also does the task of analyzing of social media platforms very effectively. x It keeps the track of standard interaction and categorizes DQG PDUN XVHU¶V performance. Ϯϭ 

Social Mention x Social Mention plays the role of a search engine very effectively. It is also termed as social search engine with a complementary analytics suite. x Social Mention is very effective in figuring out the mentions i.e. just by typing a keyword, one can have detailed description of all the results of that mention. It can diagnose through more than 100 platforms to create a result page of single word mention. x It is completely open source tool. Iconosquare (Instagram) x Iconosquare is completely open source tool specifically meant for Integra. x Iconosquare is a well equipped and complete package for analysis of Instagram data. It includes some of the most advanced features such as performance optimization suggestions on dashboard to most suitable timings for posting updates and what kind of filters can be used. x It provides reviews via emails about weekly or monthly updates about what has happened oveUXVHU¶V,QVWDJUDPDFFRXQW Viralwoot x Viralwoot is a completely open source tool particularly meant for Interest. x ,W PDLQO\ HPSKDVL]HV RQ SURPRWLQJ XVHU¶V EUDQG E\ VFKHGXOLQJ SLQV promoting pins and gain new followers. Collecto x Collecto is another tool designed for Instagram content analysis. x ,WSUHVHQWVWKHRYHUYLHZRIWKHPDLQLQWHUDFWLRQVWDWVIRUXVHU¶VDFFRXQWVXFK as a quick view of most liked, most commented and most popular photos of all the time. x It is a open source and free of cost tool.



x Cyfe is one of its kind and special type of tool available for social media analysis. It is allows user to customize its dashboard where statistics from dozens of marketing tools gets compared. x &DIH¶V social media segment allows users to synchronize up all the main networks and abstract up reports or individual data for the account user manage and all the accounts user wants to follow. Beevolve x Beevolve is a open source tool which allows the user to compose and send social media messages with direct tracking on the dollars-and-cents ROI. x Beevolve is an efficient task manager, all one needs to do is just specify the cost of creation of a content and the cost one expects to retrieve from per visitor. All the further proceedings are handled by is evolve right from sending messages, analyzing the response and emailing user the reports. Riffle x Riffle , an open source an completely free of cost tool specially meant for Twitter analysis, focus on activities and flow of data in and out from a Twitter account. x It focuses on presenting statistics like re-tweets per tweet and favorite per tweet as well as information on the top hash tags , mentions and URLs that DSSHDULQRQH¶V7ZLWWHUWLPHOLQH MyTopTweet x MyTopTweet is open source Twitter tool which shows up the top 10 tweets for any Twitter user one wish to know. x The top 10 tweets are ranked on the basis of likes, comments and the retweets a tweet gets. x It is a open source tool and is available free of cost.


Chapter-3 Applications of SNS data analytics in various fields Social Networking Sites in the past decade have flourished so well that in the current state of digital world, they are unavoidable. They have influenced today almost every sector whether it is entertainment or political science , SNS have not left any of the segment untouched. They successfully play the role of catalyst in terms of enhancing popularity or communication amongst folks. Almost for every segment SNS have proved to be the boon to them in some or the other.





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Politics SNS have revolutionized all most all the segments of the present day society, in fact would have hardly left any of the leading segment untouched but the politics have been completely transformed into a new version. The dynamic entry of SNSs into politics has brought up a new face of politics and political campaigning into existence. The politics have turned from its traditional face to a new digital get up. Most importantly SNS have VXPPDUL]HGWKHPRGHUQSROLWLFVLQWRHYHU\LQGLYLGXDO¶VSDOP0RVWHYLGHQWeffects of SNS on politics are listed below: Ϯϱ 

x Digital campaigning have a direct impact of influencing voters through various social networking sites such as Facebook, instagram, twitter and many more. They have actually proven that the votes swing due to digital campaigning. x SNS have shifted the paradigm of door to door campaigning to digital campaigning. Due to the reach of SNS till the horizon, digital campaigning has become the most effective format of campaigning as compared to the traditional formats of campaigning. x Political campaigning through Facebook and other leading SNSs tend to create a QHZVHQVHRIDFWLYLVPDPRQJWKHYRWHUVZKLFKXOWLPDWHO\OHDGVLQ³ERRVWLQJXS´WKH participation of voter in politics and political campaigning. x In terms of boosting up the confidence and participation of the voter, these even tend to transform a non-politics fan to a die -hard active fan of politics due to their YHU\LQWHUHVWLQJDQGH\HFDWFKLQJIHDWXUHVVXFKDV³OLYH´IHDWXUHZKLFKHQFRXUDJHV the political participation of a voter. x Political mobilization helps developing a wave amongst the voters about particular political party. Due to the political mobilization established by SNS, campaigning through the medium of various SNS has become the new apple of the eyes of various politicians and political parties. x 7KHQHZ³OLYH´IHDWXUHRIYDULRXV616VHQKDQFHVWKHSROLWLFDOLQWHUHVWRIWKHYRWHUV tremendously. This is the feature which enables a voter to be a live witness of various political events and road shows without even being physically present there.

Entertainment SNS have become the eye candy when it comes to the entertainment segment. These are the full time entertainment packages for folks in the current scenario, whether it is about the latest review about the box office or any update regarding sports sector. These have become the new favorite medium of pass time for all the segments of the society and age groups. Right from a school going kid to a senior citizen, SNS have become the first choice when it comes to the entertainment segment. x SNS provides the latest review about the new releases or current update about box office, any new currently on air show and public rating of any movie star, celebrity or politician. x Breaking the monopoly of blindly spending on movie tickets and concert tickets, these sites have wisent the public by providing the reviews about almost everything. So before spending, public today prefer to go for checking a review on these sites, so that they could spend as per their interest.


x They have bridged the gap between a common man and a celebrity. Every common man has fan following for one or the other celebrity and these SNS have tend to be very successful in providing a sneak peek of celebrity life style. x Getting to know a celebrity personally is not less than a dream come true for a common man which previously was almost near to impossible. x Form a celebrities point of view, SNS have proved to be boon for them to mount their public rating and enhance their fan following. They bring them much more closely to their fans and followers, which lay a direct impact on other their market value in show business. x There are various video games which are played socially on these SNS. These games gets attaFKHGWRXVHU¶VVRFLDOQHWZRUNLQJDFFRXQWVXFKDV Facebook account and user can get to play which its socially connected friends on these sites, online. It is a great source of entertainment for folks today.

Business Intelligence SNS have affected the way business is being carried out these days tremendously as almost each and every thing now a days is just a click away. In order to attract more and PRUH FXVWRPHUV GLJLWDOO\ WKHUH DUH QXPEHU DGYDQWDJHV 616 RIIHU IRU IORXULVKLQJ RQH¶V business. There are many different types of marketing strategies designed and executed specially keeping mind the digital marketing done through various SNS. x Marketing through SNS is very useful for entrepreneurs. As there is not much capital required for marketing through the medium of SNS, it has become the most favorite choice for entrepreneurs. x SNS have their reach to million and billion of people which turn out to be a very fruitful from marketing strategy and enhancing the sales of any brand or product. x Paid advertisements are very impactful as they pop up every now and then on the VFUHHQRIXVHU¶VGHYLFHZKLFKOHWVWKHXVHUWRFOLFNRQLWRQFHLQD ZKLOH3RNLQJ user through SNS via paid ads is the new trend of marketing. x It particularly targets a special group of audiences who likely to have interest in XVHU¶VEUDQGRUSURGXFW x 7KHVH HQDEOHV WKH XVHU ZLWK FXUUHQW VWDWXV RI VDOHV DQG PDUNHW YDOXH RI XVHU¶V product which is very much beneficial for increasing the sale and presents a clear view of the area going very well as well as also displays the areas which is scope of improvement and especially WKHRQHVQHHGWKHXVHU¶VDWWHQWLRQ x Lexical diversity in promotions and advertisements has degree potential to attract the new customer to brand.


x There are various competitive advantages as the user can keep an eye on its fellow competitors through the medium of SNS.

Communication Communication and interaction is such a segment which has been tremendously revolutionized by SNS. In fact giving a new face to communication has actually given a WUDQVIRUPLQJUHELUWKWRPDQ\RWKHUVHJPHQW,QOD\PDQ¶VODQJXDJHLWFDQDOVREHVDLGWKDW revolutionizing communication has come out as a mother for transforming other segments. x SNS have shortened the distance between people. It has reduced the physical distance of miles into the digital distance of inches. SNS, today has become the new platform for enhancing the level of interaction and communication amongst the people. x It is a free of cost service i.e. a user does not require to go through any hard and fast rules to get started with any of the leading SNSs. Therefore it acts as a catalyst in boosting up the interaction and communication. x Due to its ever increasing popularity among people, SNS is the first choice for communication in the present day. In fact it is the most trusted platform for FHOHEUDWLQJ RU SRVWLQJ WKH XSGDWHV RI RQH¶V OLIH HYHQWV EHFDXVH RI LWV UHDFK WR millions and billions of people. x It is the new venue for budding relationships and interaction with people. It is the quickest form of communication today and has successfully replaced verbal communication with textual communication. x It is the fastest way of communication as reactions and responses for any of the updates comes within fraction of seconds.

Corporate Sector Corporate world has its own speed and trends which are completely different from rest of the world. The competition spirit of corporate sector is all together is of different level. People working in this segment are least bothered about the timings or working hours, if at all a user lacked by one click for a fraction of seconds, the game changes completely. SNS has proved to be very beneficial in many ways to corporate sector such as


x ,W DOORZV D XVHU WR NHHS D FORVH ZDWFK RQ LWV FRPSHWLWRU¶V PRYHV DQG VWUategies. Through SNS one can deeply analyze the marketing strategies adopted by its fellow competitors. x It allows the user to plan new marketing strategies by enabling the user to know the FXUUHQWVWDWXVRIXVHU¶VEUDQGRUSURGXFWE\NHHSLQJWKHXVHUXSGDted with all the reviews and interest of the audiences. x It is helpful for the corporate world to pace up with the competition and live up to the expectations of the different categories of audiences as it is helpful in keeping the corporate firms updated with the current trends.

Education Just as SNS have left no stone UN turned, it has laid impact on education sector too in various formats such as getting classes and individual attention to a student through medium of workshops and seminars conducted via SNS. x It is very helpful for the students in getting aware about different types of courses and degrees in different streams as all the educational institutes now a GD\¶V prefer to advertise about their institute through the medium of SNS. x A student can join various types of groups, communities or follow a page as per his/her interest. Communities , groups and pages are formed about different types of competitive examinations, recruitment process in private and government sectors. Students can be part of debates and discussions here. x Both government and private sectors choose one common podium for advertisements for jobs and recruitment process i.e. the medium of SNS, which is of great benefit to students.

Travel and Tourism All the leading SNS are the great promoters of travel and tourism. They tend to play the role of travel agents and tourism guides. x They provide glimpses of different types of tourist places and landscapes at attract tourists all over the world. They keep the people updated about weather conditions and local happenings of that particular area where the tourists show their interest in visiting. x SNS are the great role players of travel guide. They keep people updated about every hotel and inn. All the packages and seasonal offers are been published and advertised through social media pop up ads. Ϯϵ 

Research and Development x SNS has been the most preferred choice for researchers to fetch the primary data from various SNS about different topics. Data fetched from these SNS is the most reliable and refined form of data. x Stressing upon on social media analytics, SNS are the only platform which provides the researchers with most up to date information.

Medical Science/Health/Fitness A common man today looks SNS for every minor and major issue LQRQH¶VOLIH.HHSLQJ in mind the current prevailing situations, health/hygiene and fitness issues are of great concern. x User can follow different fitness routines and yoga tutorials through SNS. Variety of workout sessions are being played on all most all the SNS, so the user can follow any of them as per his/her daily schedule without actually going to gym. x Users can get to know a lot about diet plans via SNS. A variety of diet plans based on various needs of users are being posted on SNSs. These diets are planned by renowned dieticians for all the age groups. x One can also get the diet plan customized as per his/her daily routine. It is also of a great help to those who are lacking in some particular vitamin in his/her daily intake. x Various pros and cons about different eating habits can be known from SNS.

Sports x The budding players and athletes keep themselves updated via SNS about the current trends and followings about sports segments. x Different sports associations have a active and functional SNS which does the job of awarding people about different achievement of sports persons.


Chapter 4 Advantages and disadvantages Advantages 1. Advantages for marketing and business intelligence : x Increased customer satisfaction: SNS have proved to be very beneficial in terms of interacting with the customers as one can directly interact with the customers and can also get a valid feedback from the customers by concentrating on every individual customer. x Better customer engagement: The brand and product owners here can create a better relationships with their customers. They can get back to them in many different ways as such targeting customers particularly based as per their interest in XVHU¶VEUDQGRUSURGXFW x Improved brand reputation: By getting regular feedback from their customers one can improve the brand in which ever context it is required whether it s qualitative or quantitative. Users can focus on the lacking areas and by customizing the brand as SHUFXVWRPHU¶VUHTXLUements takes the brand the reputation to the different level. x Detection of opportunities and threats: SNS are helpful in detecting various WKUHDWVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRRQH¶VSURGXFWVXFKDVLWKHOSVWKHXVHUWRNHHSDFORVH ZDWFKRQLWVULYDO¶VPRYHV.HHSing a track of all the co-FRPSHWLWRU¶VDFWLYLWLHVRQH can concentrate more on different threats and explore the opportunities even more. x Discovery of new ideas: Various new fields for improving business and turnover can be explored through the means of SNS. Such as some way outs or ideas those have not been explored yet can be explored. x Change in management: Operating through a business through SNS is a very HIIHFWLYH PHDQV RI PDQDJLQJ RQH¶V ILUP Specially targeting some special kind of customers and keeping in notice the present interest of customers in online shopping, most of the stores are run online through medium of SNS. x Better customer insight: To get a better customer insight is one of most fruitful advantage of all the leading SNS today. As all the activities of a customer can be known from the medium of SNS. The product viewed maximum of the time and the product which gets the least amount of ratings, everything is quite visible through the mode of such sites. x Gain of competitive intelligence: It LVYHU\KHOSIXOLQLPSURYLQJRQH¶VEXVLQHVVDV it not only aware the user about the responses of his/her own moves but also at the same one can get to know about each and every activity of its competitors by checking its fellow competitors accounts. ϯϭ

x Long tail marketing: Marketing here is established into a never ending tail as XVHU¶VSRVWVDQGXSGDWHVDUHEHLQJVKDUHGPDQ\PRUHWLPHVIXUWKHUE\LWVIROORZHUV which results in attracting customers even more. One single update is capable of getting developed into a long tail of posts. 2. Political science

Transforming governments: x Campaigning through SNS leads a great influence on the voters. The lexical diversity in the SNS posts is the new means of the adoption of very interesting and out of the ordinary keywords, which tends to make the post very appealing and attractive. x Such fascinating words are attention grabbing as they drag the eyeballs which is of great significance in manipulating the voters. x 7KH ³JRLQJ OLYH´ IHDWXUH RI YDULRXV 616 LV DQ DQRWKHU benchmark in terms of HQKDQFLQJRULQIOXHQFLQJYRWHUV³*RLQJOLYH´ IHDWXUHRI616LVDIHDWXUHWKURXJK ZKLFKRQHFDQWHOHFDVWRQH¶V³OLYHIHHG´WRWKHLUIROORZHUVRUYLHZHUV x 7KH ³OLYH´ IHDWXUH LV XVHG YHU\ IUHTXHQWO\ E\ SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV RU SROLWLFLDQV to telecast the live feed of their political rallies or road shows in order to gain name and fame amongst voters. Such moves of political parties through SNS tend transform governments very effectively. Empowering citizens: It empowers citizens in many new adopted formats such as encouraging them to participate in various political moves and events.

Improving transparency: x There are number of features available in SNSs which ensures connectivity and interaction of people , tagging literally means attaching or getting attached to VRPHWKLQJDQGWDJJLQJVRPHERG\LQ616¶VSRVWPHDQVQRWRQO\WKHSHUVRQJHWVWR see the post but also the other followers or friends of the tagged person get to see the post i.e. tagging a single person in a post , shares a post amongst many more people. x Following the trend of campaigning through SNSs , the political parties makes the use of tagging feature in the most appropriate way by tagging maximum people in their post in order to get the post shared amongst maximum people which ultimately leads in influencing the voters in their favor. It improves the transparency of their government also it aware people about the activities of their government.


Participation and equality gets improved: x Political mobilization is one of the most prime factors which came into existence with the dynamic entrance of SNS in politics. They have completely revolutionized political campaigning and have shifted the paradigm of door to door campaigning to digital campaigning. x It is the result of political mobilization that has been very successful in attracting the voters by digital campaigning through the medium of SNS as it contains the feel of activism among the voters. x It is the medium through which a voter can actually be present at various political road shows and events without being physically present there. Such advancement in mobilization of politics creates a sense of activism and encourages voters for their political participation. x Political mobilization has such a strong effect that it successfully transforms a non political participant into a highly active political participant. 3. Education/ E-learning tutorials x Discovery and tracking of the most popular or frequently discussed education related topics on social media. All the flaming topics and issues are being discussed on various SNS. x Sentiment analysis to identify positive, negative and neutral perceptions of tracked topics. One can get to the reaction and response of folks about any particular topic through the medium of SNS. x Understand the issues related to the person/item which provides a more in depth knowledge of incident at hand. As it is very helpful to into the roots of any of the issues. x Structure the reports based on the relevant key performance indicators. It provides reports in various graphical form for analysis about different currently being discussed topic. x Improves knowledge flow across the organizations by creating a chain of knowledge through SNS posts and further those SNS posts are being shared by different people in different context. x Benchmarking and comparisons with other universities through the medium of SNS. It brings out analysis in clear format based on the reactions and responses recorded on the platform of SNS. 4. Children and Adolescents x Opportunities for community engagement through raising money for charity and volunteering for local events. x Enhancement of individual and collective creativity through development and sharing of artistic and musical endeavors. ϯϯ

x Growth of ideas from the creation of blogs , podcasts, videos and gaming sites. x ([SDQVLRQRIRQH¶VRQOLQHFRQQHFWLRQVWKURXJKVKDUHGLQWHUHVWVWRLQFOXGHRWKHUV from more diverse backgrounds. x )RVWHULQJRIRQH¶s individual identity and unique social skills.

Disadvantages x Time killing trap : It is the biggest time killing trap today as one gets trapped into it and gets addicted to use these SNS which at times proves to be very hard and expensive as one compromises with its daily routine activities too. x Health issues :Overuse of SNS leads to stress and other health issues in children and adolescents. x Privacy concern: A person having an account on any of the leading SNS means one has already given an open access to rest of the world to peer through his/her personal life. Despite SNS enabled by high authentication SDUDPHWHUVVWLOOWKHUHDUHVRPHORRSKROHVWKURXJKZKLFKRQH¶VSHUVRQDOVWXII can be gone through. Therefore privacy is a matter of great concern to users. 0XFKRISHRSOH¶VSHUVRQDOVWXIIEHLQJPLVXVHGRQWKHVHVLWHVVXFKDVFRS\LQJ the images from SNS and making a fake SNS account. x Validation of data: People today are free to upload any kind of matter over these sites and at times such fake information was found to be misleading to people. These are no such certification or authenticity for the data over these sites. x Reliability of data : There is no reliability check on the data over these SNS. Data can be primary as well as secondary but cannot be certified about its reliability as the source of data is not always known and can be collected anonymously too. x Complex processing: SNS are the flooded with extensively large amount of data and such a large amount of is quite difficult to handle in terms of reliability and consistency. This is one of the major drawbacks of leading SNS today. Data traffic is very to handle. x Dynamic nature of data: Data on SNS change very rapidly. There is no hard and fast rule for maintaining the standard of the data and in fact data here changes within fraction of seconds. x Under development phase of research field: )URP D UHVHDUFKHU¶V SRLQW RI view there is no particular format or way out prescribed for data abstraction ϯϰ

and data fetching from this SNS for data analysis. Due to this they lack in many ways and are unable to obtain the refined and reliable form of data. Researchers are bound to rely on other tools for fetching data and not all the tools available are very efficient.

Chapter - 5 Competitive Intelligence One of the important goals of marketing is to develop deep, long lasting associations with DOO WKH VWDNHKROGHUV WKDW FRXOG KDYH DQ LPSDFW RQ WKH VXFFHVV RI WKH ILUP¶V PDUNHWLQJ activities (Kotler and Keller 2012). As the ever increasing popularity of various social networking sites plays the vital role in attaining the goals of customer relationships and also establishes a long tail link ups, therefore the leading marketers and entrepreneurs have found to be adopting the medium of SNS for exploring and fulfilling various other motives. Due to availability of data in bulks on various SNS, achieving competitive intelligence via well planned and organized channels in terms of proper metrics, applications and analytics is need of the hour. The prime motive of CI is thoroughly, suitably and fairly capture vastly scattered information concerning various products, policies, clients, dealers, entrepreneurs and various other characteristics concerning competition and further analyzing the raw data collected to present in such a refined format so that it depicts the clear view of FRPSHWLWRU¶VSRWHQWLDOIODZVVWDWXVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHZKLFKLVTXLWHHYLGHQWO\GHYHORSVD deep insight for the decision makers. Bill Hoffman explored the different aspects of effective CI such as examining the competition, deep insights and thorough understanding of goals, objectives, tactics, strategies: looking forward its accomplishments, understanding the expected effect of those accomplishments and executing counter tactics.


Figure 4: Source- Gallup Dekay (2012) stated that corporations mainly post five types of posts or discussion threads to their timeline: direct marketing of products or services, promotion of sponsored events, surveys, informational announcements and amusing posting , generally in the format of queries which are quite often in relation with latest or upcoming events. The prime focus behind this blog is to locate the metrics and analytics which are applicable to develop a CI from SNS. Competitive Intelligence is generally tracked through the medium of web analytics. It is quite similar to way different firms utilize social media analytics to mark their ROI in social media. Despite a numerous advantages and utilizations, competitive intelligence ϯϲ 

attained through social media analytics fails to achieve importance amongst corporate world. Blogs generally depicts to the corporate sections , the way social media analytics can be utilized to formulate CI. Most widely social media analytics are utilized to track the revenue of input made in social media. Sutton (2011) stated that many marketers do not take full advantage of the available social media metrics. There are number of marketing strategies adopted presently which are being functioned via different social networking sites. Amongst all the leading social networking sites, Facebook takes the lead in terms of users and also in terms of marketing done via Facebook. Emphasizing particularly on Facebook, Facebook is most widely used due to its variety of features. There are many features in Facebook such as like, share , comment, making friends, going live, poking, and posting updates and many more. Marketing strategies can be shared or exchanged in the form of posting texts, images, sounds, videos or by live feed. All a person needs is a Facebook account to get into Facebook RUWREHFRPHDVRFLDOPHGLD 616 XVHU,W¶VDIUHHRIFRVWVHUYLFHZKHUH\RXFDQ get attached to as many people as you want as friends. Facebook lets you discover new people. An another most popular feature of Facebook which attracts its users is a Facebook page. A Facebook page is quite similar to a Facebook individual account. The only difference or the major advantage of a Facebook page over a Facebook account is the unlimited followers to a page. There is a certain limit to friends in friendliest in Facebook account but one can have unlimited number of followers to a page. Facebook pages are mainly meant to get attached to large number of people. Every brand , business, politician, singer, actor etc have a Facebook page today. These Facebook pages bring them one step closer to their followers as well as enhance their popularity because Facebook helps them to be active always. In addition to several other features, Facebook provides a special feature i.e. it provides the insight to the count of associated users such as keeping the track the total number of users those who had eventually liked any of the post on the page or those who have seen it or clicked anywhere on the page.



Figure 5: Facebook Marketing Solutions. Source ³6RFLDO0HGLD$QDO\WLFV´$UHSRrt by Dr. Tuhin ϯϵ 

The data from Facebook can extracted in an Excel format or CSV format which is given with in specified data range. There are various analytics tools functioned through google analytics such as Sprout Social, Campalyst, Argyle Social, AddShoppers Social Analytics for Retail,, Agencyplatform, Snip-n-Tag Firefox Add-on, Unilyzer, Social Commerce Insights (TM) and Actionly Social Media Monitoring. Another important segment in social media analytics is track the web traffic. updates the users with the most up to date details about the web traffic presently prevailing in any of the websites. It presents the data in the graphical format.

Figure 6: Traffic Summary in Source: ³6RFLDO0HGLD$QDO\WLFV´$UHSRUW by Dr. Tuhin ϰϬ 

A specially flow chart which illustrated the path ways to be followed for developing Competitive Intelligence via social media was designed by Hurd (2010) which depicted three main steps to be taken while formulating the Competitive Intelligence. x Problem definition x Competitive Intelligence policy, the one which depicts the information needed for the collection of business problem. x Social media Insights. The above stated flow chart was refined a year later by Hurd (2011) which elaborated more the type of statistics and facts which are available about the competitor on the social media such as customers, workers, vendors, major projects taken, currently followed trend, customers reactions and responses, catchy keywords which responsible for the revenue, traffic generating keywords, current sales status and PR teams which are putting efforts to excel the competitors public rating on various SNS. The day to day activities of a competitor are send to the user via email alerts by A user can get to know the present discussions about its brand via different formats offered by Melin. Melin (2012) stated a format which showed the way reactions are recorded about a particular brand by customizing the format by adding timing section to it. It LOOXVWUDWHVWKHJUDSKZKLFKVWDWHVWKHWLPHO\UHYLHZVDERXWWKHFRPSHWLWRU¶VPDUNHWYDOue or status such as framing the things in a graph which depicts the increase or decrease in FRPSHWLWRU¶VPDUNHWYDOXH


Figure 7: Volume or sentiment spike . Source : Image from Spiral16 Social Research Platform as acknowledged by Melin (2012). A deep analysis about the spikes in the graph can even provide a deeper insight to FRPSHWLWRU¶VVWDWXV7KHUHDUHPRUHUHILQHPHQWVDQGDGYDQFHPHQWVDGGHGE\Melin which provided the user with some more details about the competitors moves and activities such as the websites which are widely used by the competitor .The websites through which most the marketing strategies are executed and most importantly the type of audiences which are being targeted by the competitor to enhance its public rating. The websites which explored by competitor are depicted through a pie chart which further presents the information along with the percentage.

Figure 8: Site type the competitor is leveraging . Source : Image from Spiral16 Social Research Platform as acknowledged by Melin (2012).


Further Melin (2012) explored the reach of the competitor and the posts about the competitor which are being searched by a customer. Keeping the track of such activities DQGSRVWVUHYHDOVYDULRXVIDFWRUVDERXWFRPSHWLWRUVVXFKDVFRPSHWLWRU¶V faithful followers and customers and it explores the reason behind their loyalty towards the competitor. It provides the demographic details of competitors loyal customers which can be further WDUJHWHGE\WKHXVHUVSHFLDOO\WKHRQH¶VZKLFKDUHXQKDSS\ZLWKWKHFRPSHWLWRU¶VEUDQGDUH being targeted.

Figure 9: Posts about the competitors . Source: Image from Spiral16 Social Research Platform as acknowledged by Melin (2012). Grahm (2011) stated the different ways through which WKHFRPSHWLWRU¶VSXEOLFrating can EH FDOFXODWHG 9DULRXV GLPHQVLRQV LQ WKH JURZWK UDWH RI WKH FRPSHWLWRU¶V IROORZHUV ZHUH examined such as monthly mounted number of the fans at different social networking sites, the monthly tweet percent growth, the monthly follower percent growth, monthly view percent growth in YouTube, the fans in Face Book etc.


Chapter-6 The future of social media- Predictive Analytics Predictive Analytics: Prediction literally means to forecast something which has not been happened yet or which is likely to happen in the nearest future. Predictive analytics is a special phenomenon which has been very successful in making its presence felt in business and marketing sector. It is process through which the behavioral data from past is analyzed and utilized for predicting the future behavior of any customer or product. It completely functions on the basis of existing records i.e. whatever has been recorded in the past will depict the future behavior. Just as an example the credit card records of a client will clearly be presenting its further behavior such as whether a person is loyal and regular in terms of paying back. Traditionally predictive models consisted of number of factors which covered various dimensions and variables such as the number of times a client failed to pay back or the number of time a client has paid late. On the basis of such facts the future behavior of the client was predicted. But the presently the scene has totally changed as the presently used predictive models includes vast number of factors and covers a large number dimensions as compared to the traditionally used predictive models. The presently used models focus on the sales of a particular product such as the strategies are planned to increase the sale i.e. what percentage of sales of a product rises if the price is lowered down or what percentage of sales will increase after the addition of certain new feature in the product. They focus on the particular type of audience which is likely to be interested in the XVHU¶V product or those who have viewed the product in the past. Different types of plans are laid down in order to target such customers. It can also said that predictive analysis clearly presents a picture of the marketing strategies those who are going to come out with the most superior return on investment (ROI).

Business and Predictive Analytics (A Co-relation) ϰϰ

Predictive Analytics and Business share a strong bond between them. They are very firmly related to each other i.e. one in dependent on the other. Although business uses the predictive analytics in number of ways but most widely all the uses are broadly categorized into two main categories namely: 1. CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) 2. CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) x CRM mainly focuses on establishing a long term association between user and the customer. x It is very helpful in developing a healthy friendship bond between both the parties by focusing on the interests of the customer. Such as offering liberties on a particular product which has been viewed or rated by the customer in the past. x )RFXVLQJ RQ SDUWLFXODUO\ RQ FXVWRPHU¶V LQWHUHVW DQG JLYLQJ LQGLYLGXDO DWWHQWLRQ leads to mount the sales of the product and also builds up a trust factor between both the parties. CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) x CLV is a specialized format which is used in predictive analytics to analyze a FXVWRPHU¶VIXWXUHEHKDYLRURQWKHEDVLVRILWVSDVWEHKDYLRUWRZDUGVXVHUVILUP x .HHSLQJWKHWUDFNRIFXVWRPHU¶VSDVWEHKDYLRUFXVWRPHUVDUHFDWHJRUL]HGLQWRPDQ\ different categories. Each categories has number of customers in it and each customer is given a special privilege and attention the basis of its category. x These categories enable the user about the loyalty and honesty factor of its customers such as the most regular customers are considered to be the most loyal customers because they are the reason for maximum revenue for the user. x Such loyal customers are categorized into one single category so that they could be given special credit points or offers as per their loyalty. x Another set of customers who are not considered to loyal and regular are clubbed into a different category so that they can focused to turn them into regular customers and paying attention to their needs and interests. ϰϱ 

Descriptive Models and Predictive Analytics The most approach followed for predictive analytics is descriptive models in fact they are the first choice for any analysts for making predictive analysis. Besides being the prime most choice, they lack in some of the aspects as per the predictive analytics such as: x They are very much beneficial for knowing the best marketing strategies and also letting the user know about the best resulting strategy but they fail at depicting the quantity of the outcome from the best strategy. x Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) presented through the figure below states that the FXVWRPHUV EX\LQJ EHKDYLRU LV GLUHFWO\ SURSRUWLRQDO WKH FXVWRPHU¶V DWWLWXGH DQG conviction about the product also the certain norms concerned with the buying of that product are of prime importance to the customer. TRA presents a picture of the working of the social media.

x ϰϲ 

Figure 10 : x It is very beneficial in building up a positive attitude towards a particular product with the consultation of the most trusted sources such as friends or the ones those have previously bought the product but these models are not widely used due to certain communication gap between business personals and academicians.

Predictive Analysis and Social Media Social media is considered as the most trusted platform for making a prediction through predictive analytics. It is a well flourished tool which has enormous amount of raw information which can be used in well defined format for a fruitful result. It is all about creating a buzz on various SNS which will transform each click into a customer.

Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis is a powerful technique which plays a vital role in predictive analysis. All these things flows in well planned stream and are interconnected firmly such as :


Predictive Analytics

Social media

Sentiment Analytics



x The prime most concern for an organization is to establish a long term and good customer association and that association can only be developed if the needs and ϰϳ 

interests of customers would be thoroughly analyzed. These needs and interests can be analyzed by getting a deep insight of various social networking sites where the users product is being discussed and viewed, analysis of such discussions and reviews can be made by tracking the sentiments of those discussions i.e. either they are saying good about users product or bad and even can both ways i.e. neutral.

x Analyzing the discussions and keeping the track of discussions are said to the sentiment analytics which analyze the emotions of a customer in the verbal form. This is done because one can express his/her emotions or sentiments about any particular product in verbal form only as there is no other way of expressing the sentiments on social media.

Need for Sentiment Analysis To attract more and more customers, the top most thing on the to do list of the user is the customer satisfaction. A user would thoroughly study all the needs of the customer and try to work on them such as: x Keeping the track of all reviews made by customers about XVHU¶V products. x Making a considerable moves as per the sentiments recorded. x Paying individual attention to the customers based on the recorded sentiments and also offering them some mouth watering offers about further deals. x Trying to be in good books of the customer by being a good listener to their queries and working on all their needs. But all the above mentioned points can be planned and executed if and only if a user is running a only store and that too with countable number of customers. It can be done because most of the details about the customer are known to the user such as : x x x x

The total number customers. The demographic details of those customers. The preferred languages by customers. The interests and disinterests of the customers.

,WLVYHU\GLIILFXOWIRUDXVHUWRJHWDGHHSLQVLJKWRIHYHU\ FXVWRPHU¶VVHQWLPHQWVZKHUH there are a large number of customers. In such circumstances, sentiment analysis comes into the existence and has a leading role to play. ϰϴ 

In order to understand customers point of view expressed in non-verbal format, analyzing those textually expressed emotions and further categorizing those sentiments as per the format of sentiment analysis is the need of the hour. Another reason for sentiment analysis is the large amount of data available as it is almost near to impossible to go through each DQG HYHU\ SHUVRQ¶V WH[WXDO FRPPHQWV VR DOO WKHVH RFHDQ IXOO RI WH[WXDOO\ H[SUHVVHG emotions are categorized into three main categories namely: x Good x Bad x Neutral

Figure 11: Source: Simplify360 eBook: Predictive Analytics the Future of Social Media 2 Our part of the world is extremely versatile when it comes to the spoken languages as there are hundreds of the languages spoken and that switches with the minor distance of kilometers. It is very hard job to develop a NLP engine which could summarize the GLDOHFWVIURPDOOWKHVSRNHQODQJXDJHV7KHUHIRUHLW¶VDYHU\WRXJKWDVNWRDQDO\]HWH[WXDO sentiments expressed in such a vast number of languages. ϰϵ 

If at all such a NLP would be developed then also it will require a great courage for a user to cut down a slice from their revenue and pay off a handsome amount for utilizing the services of such a multi-lingual NLP engine. In order to move in a right direction one must be well aware about the prime objectives behind their need of sentiment analysis such as the ones listed below: x Such as if a person is working sales managing departments where he/she receives more than 1,00,000 mails per day, then it would be very much beneficial to categorize those received mails into three main categories such as good, bad and neutral. x This type of classification will be of great help to user as it enables the user to set a priority for reading those mails and functioning accordingly. x In order to fulfill the goal customer satisfaction, the mails with the bad sentiments should be dealt primarily. x After the classification process is completely done, it also alerts the user with another important factor i.e. the reason behind such sentiments. Like the ones who categorized under the bad sentiments mails are helpful for the user to reason behind the bad sentiments of the customer. x Further the user can focus and work on those reasons as targeting the customers with sentiments and working on transforming their bad sentiments into the good sentiments.

Stream Graph- A Tool for Sentiment Analytics Stream graph is a open source tool which is widely used for sentiment analytics. It presents the most frequently searched keywords with a time graph.


Figure 12: Source - x The stream graph presents the time graph of the words which are very closely associated with the largely searched keywords. These are clubbed and presented through the red mark in the graph. x One can also check another series of words by simply clicking to the another segment of the graph. x In the tally list one can click on any word to formulate a different graph with tweets containing that word. One can also click on the user or comment icons and any URL to see the appropriate content in another window.

Practical Analytics Although a lot has been said about the predictive analytics and their importance but still the major portion of the predictive remains untouched as far as implementation of the predictive analysis is concerned on the ground level. ϱϭ 

There is a myth about predictive analytics that predictive analytics will change the business over night and will also mount the revenue tremendously. But on the practical grounds, predictive analysis has a different reality. x Predictive analysis will not help you to how to run business but in actual one has to work on their business skills to get good predictive analysis then only the predictive analytics would come out as to be fruitful for the user. x A user is supposed to make alteration in the business plans, the association criteria with customers and prospects in order to execute predictive analytics at practical grounds. x In order to make the predictive analytics functional, making firms nowadays focus on decision making parameters such as recognize, modeling and administrating critical business decisions and applying predictive analytics on those parameters. x 'HFLVLRQPDNLQJGRHVQRWIXQFWLRQVRQ³ZKDWFDQEHGRQH"´³KRZFDQEHGRQH´ ³ZKHUHFDQEHGRQH´DQGVRRQEXWLQDFWXDOLWIRFXVHVRQZKLFKGHFLVLRQVDUHJRLQJ to make a difference in the turnover of their business. The prime focus is here on analyzing the decisions those have been made and the ones which are to be made. x It locates the type of decisions which are made uniformly for all the customers and further analyzing those decisions to give a personal attention to every customer. x It locates the decisions where user segment customers by channel where analytics would segment them by their behavior.


Figure 13: Source: Simplify360 eBook: Predictive Analytics the Future of Social Media 2 Instead of analyzing big decision tactics or on management decisions , decision making focus on decisions about individual customers or prospects. x 7KHVHW\SHRIGHFLVLRQVDUHVDLGWREH³PLQLGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ´ZKHUHDUHTXLWHRIWHQ said to be out of sight in the business, although there are a lot many decisions made in a business but the decision makers are unaware of it. x It is basically decision making in the inter linked way such as a decision maker makes a single decisions but in actual it is not just single decision , it is a chain of decisions.


x For instance, if a user decides to send a marketing email to a subset of its customers one might think that he has made just a couple of decisions such as what to put in the email and who receives it. And user might think that it could use analytics to come up with a much better email or target list. While you have made these two decisions, you have also made a decision for each customer to either receive or not receive the email. Therefore, if you have 10,000 customers you just made 10,000 decisions ± one for each customer. x It is quite similar to the way that a XVHU¶V website has a thousand visitors each day and user have decided on a promotion to display then you have made a thousand additional decisions just today ± to display this promotion to each individual visitor. x Predictive analytics enables a user to know that ZKDW¶VOLNHO\WREHWUXHIRUDJLYHQ customer, they are actionable only in the context of a micro decision about that customer.


Figure 14: Source: Simplify360 eBook: Predictive Analytics the Future of Social Media 2 ϱϱ 

Conclusion 6RFLDO1HWZRUNLQJ6LWHVKDYHDYLWDOUROHWRSOD\LQHYHU\KXPDQ¶VOLIHLQWKHSUHVHQWGD\ scenario. Due to its ever increasing popularity and major contributions in all most all the domains today, it is quite evidently catching the pace to flourish more and more in future. SNS have revolutionized the communication and interaction sector. Communication done YLDOHDGLQJ616KDYHWDNHQXSWREHDVWKHSULPHPRVWWDVNRISHRSOH¶VOLYHVWKese days. The key features or the ones responsible for dragging the eyeballs to the most are: x x x x x

Easy to operate Various modes of communication such as verbal, visual and textual. Cheap and reasonable. Wide range and reach till millions of people. Social interaction hub

There various SNS such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, whatapp etc. But amongst all Facebook takes the lead with more than 900 million active users all over the world. There variety of tools available today to extract data from various SNS sites. These tools are paid tools as well as open source tools and there are paid tools with free trial version of around 15-30 days which tend to be the most beneficial ones to the users as they allow user to check their feasibility with these tools. The popularity of SNS is mounting day by day and one can get an glance of its fame in almost all the sectors whether its communication , politics , entertainment, business intelligence or education. They have left no segment untouched. But as per the recent studies the three main sectors those have witnessed the revolutionizing changes are : x Communication and interaction x Business Intelligence x Political Mobilization ϱϲ

There are number of advantages and disadvantages of various SNSs. They have their own remarkable contribution to every segment and have proved to be beneficial to them in one way or the other. As far as advantages are concerned, they somewhere or to some extent , have enhanced most of the segments. The prime most advantage which has been observed is that they have digitalized everything and have also taken up the typical formats. But just as every coin has two sides, SNSs have their other side too i.e. the disadvantages. The biggest loop hole is the authenticity of data. People these days freely post anything they feel like posting on these sites. In fact many of the posts were found to be irrelevant too. Competitive Intelligence is the another feather in the cap of SNSs. They basically help to build the blue prints of the business.


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