Page 1 Journal of Science and Technology in The Tropics (2016) 9:1

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"Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 ..... Jpn. 41, 1716-1723. 21. Mohd Tadza M.Y.; Ghani ...
Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110

Char act er i st i csofSt r uv i t ePr eci pi t at ef r om Pal m Oi l Mi l l Ef f l uent 1 1 MohdYuhy i MohdTadza1, Hazwani HawaMohammadSobani , NurAi nFar hanaGhani 1

Facul t yofCi v i l Engi neer i ng&Ear t hResour ces, Uni v er si t i Mal ay si aPahang Lebuhr ay aTunRazak, 26300Kuant an, Mal ay si a ( * cor r espondi ngaut horemai l addr ess: dr y uhy i @ump. edu. my )

Recei v ed

Abst r act Pal m oi lmi l lef f l uent( POME) , ar esi duall i qui dwast eobt ai nedaf t erext r act i onof oi lf r om t hef r ui t sofoi lpal m i sconsi der ed oneoft hemai n sour ceofcont ami nat i on of wat er cour sei nMal ay si a.POMEcont ai nedsi gni f i cantamountofnut r i ent s,or gani cmat t erand t ot alsuspendedsol i ds.Recov er yofnut r i ent sf r om POMEwoul dbebenef i ci alf oragr i cul t ur al pur poses.I nt hi sst udy ,t or ecov ernut r i entf r om POME,al abscal est udywasper f or medt o i nv est i gat et heef f i ci encyofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onmet hod.St r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onwasconduct ed onr aw POMEusi ngMgCl 6H2O+Na2HPO4. 12H2OatpH 8.Att heendoft het est ,t hewat er 2. cont ent ,mi ner alandchemi calcomposi t i onsoft hepr eci pi t at eobt ai nedwer ei nv est i gat ed.I n addi t i on,t hef er t i l i t yoft hepr eci pi t at ewasev al uat edbyasetofpott r i alt est susi ngSci ndapsus Aur eus.Testr esul t si ndi cat edt hat ,af t erpr eci pi t at i ont est ,92. 2%ammoni um ni t r ogenand100% phosphor us wer er ecov er ed.Xr ay di f f r act i on ( XRD)and Xr ay f l uor escent( XRF)anal y ses i ndi cat ed t hat ,af t erpur i f i cat i on,t he pr eci pi t at ei s si mi l art ot hatofst r uv i t e.The pur i f i ed pr eci pi t at eext r act edi nt hi sst udywasf oundt ohav eawat ercont entof2799%.Basedont he f er t i l i t yt est s,i twasf oundoutt hatt hegr owt hofSci ndapsusAur eususi ngst r uv i t epr eci pi t at e obt ai nedf r om t hi sst udywasgr eat ercompar edt ot hegr owt husi ngcommer ci al l yav ai l abl e f er t i l i zer .

Key wor ds

POME-pal m oi l -nut r i ent-st r uv i t e-magnesi um ammoni um phosphat e( MAP) .

I NTRODUCTI ON Pal m oi li ndust r yi sr egar dedasoneoft hemai nhi ghi mpacteconomi car easi nMal ay si a.Todat e, Mal ay si ai sknownast hesecondl ar gestpr oducerofpal m oi lmi l laf t erI ndonesi awi t ht hepr oduct i onof 39% ofwor l dpal m oi lpr oduct i onand44% ofwor l dexpor t s[ 1] .Coupl edwi t ht hi shi ghpr oduct i on, si gni f i cantquant i t i esofwast e ar e pr oduced i nt he pal m oi lmi l li ndust r y .Amongstot herwast es gener at ed, pal m oi lmi l lef f l uent( POME)wasi dent i f i edasoneoft hemai nsour cesofwat erpol l ut i on[ 2] . POME, whenf r esh, i sat hi ckbr owni shcol l oi dalmi xt ur eofwat er , oi landf i nesuspendedsol i ds[ 3] .Fr esh POMEi susual l ydi schar gedatt emper at ur ebet ween80° C -90° C andcont ai nv er yhi ghbi ochemi cal oxy gendemand( BOD)andchemi caloxy gendemand( COD) [ 4] [ 5] .POMEi sal soaci di cwi t hanav er agepH ofar ound4[ 6] . RawPOMEorpar t i al l yt r eat edPOMEi sst i l lbei ngdi schar gedi nt onear byr i v er sorl and, ast hi si s


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 t heeasi estandcheapestopt i onf ordi sposal[ 2] .Howev er ,duet ost r i ctr egul at or ydi schar gel i mi t sand i ncr easi ngenv i r onment alawar eness, POMEi snowt r eat edpr i ort obei ngdi schar gei nt ot heenv i r onment . Conv ent i onalt r eat mentsuchaspondi ngsy st em,opent ankdi gest erandext endedaer at i on,orcl osed anaer obi cdi gest erandl andappl i cat i onsy st emsar et hemostcommonandv i abl et r eat mentt echni ques adopt ed[ 1] [ 7] .I nr ecenty ear showev er ,agr eatdealofr esear chanddev el opmenthasbeendev ot edt o i ncor por at e adv ance wast ewat ert r eat mentt echnol ogi es f ort r eat mentofPOME.These t r eat ment t echni quesi ncl udet heuseofel ect r ocoagul at i onandbi ogasr ecov er yt echnol ogi es[ 7] .Al t hought hese t r eat ment sappeart o besat i sf y i ngt her egul at or ydi schar gest andar ds,i nt er est i ngl y ,noneoft hese t echnol ogi esmakeuseoft hepr eci ousnut r i ent scont ai nedwi t hi nPOME. Apar tf r om wat er ,oi land suspended sol i ds,POME al so cont ai ned appr eci abl e amountof nut r i ent si nt hef or m ofammoni umni t r ogen( NH4N) ,phosphor us( P) ,pot assi um ( K) ,cal ci um ( Ca)and magnesi um ( Mg)[ 8] .Theseel ement sar ev i t alel ement sf orpl antgr owt h.Di r ectuseofPOME as f er t i l i zer ’ s subst i t ut ei s notpossi bl e as POME i sv er yconcent r at ed and can be t oxi ct o pl ant s. Al t er nat i v el y ,POMEi smi xedwi t hempt yf r ui tbunches( EFBs)andot heraddi t i v esandconv er t edi nt o compost .I nsomecases, v er mi compost i ngt echni quei sal soappl i ed[ 8] .Ami ni mum per i odofsi xmont hs i susual l yr equi r edt oat t ai nr easonabl ygoodqual i t ycompost .Hence,t hi spr ocessi ssomewhatl engt hy andcumber some. St r uv i t ei sanat ur aloccur r i ngsof tandunst abl emi ner al ,r el at i v el yabundanti nsomesoi l sand moder nl akes[ 9] .I ti sf or medwhent hecombi nedconcent r at i onsofMg2+,NH4+ andPO4 3-exceedi t s sol ubi l i t yl i mi tatapH v al ueof7 t o 10. 5[ 10] .Recov er yofnut r i entf r om wast ewat erv i ast r uv i t e pr eci pi t at i onmet hodhav ebeensuccessf ul l ybeenachi ev edbot hexper i ment al l yandt heor et i cal l yby sev er alr esear cher si nt hepast[ 10] [ 11] [ 12] .St r uv i t ecr y st al shav edi spl ay edexcel l entf er t i l i zerqual i t i es underspeci f i ccondi t i onswhencompar edt ocommer ci al l yav ai l abl ef er t i l i zer s[ 13] .Qual i t i essuchasl ow sol ubi l i t y ,l ow heav ymet alcont entandr i chi nni t r ogenandphosphor usmakesst r uv i t esui t abl et obe usedasf er t i l i zerorasf er t i l i zeraddi t i v es[ 14] [ 15] .Tot heaut hor ’ sknowl edger ecov er yofst r uv i t ef r om POMEandi t schar act er i st i cshasnoty etbeenexpl or edel sewher ei nt hel i t er at ur e.Thi spaper , t her ef or e, ai mst opr ov i deausef ulassessmentoft hi st echni quewi t hi nt hi scont ext .Theobj ect i v esoft hi sst udyi s di v i dedi nt ot wopar t si )t oev al uat et heappl i cabi l i t yandchar act er i st i cofst r uv i t er ecov er edf r om POME andi i )t hef er t i l i t yoft hepr eci pi t at ei sexami nedandcompar edwi t hcommer ci al l yav ai l abl ef er t i l i zer . MATERI ALSANDMETHODS Raw POMEsampl eswer ecol l ect edf r om apal m oi lmi l li nJabor ,Ter engganu.A t ot alnumberof3 sampl eswer et aken,at6mont hl yi nt er v al s.Ther aw sampl eswer ecar ef ul l ychar act er i zedf ol l owi ng st andar dl abor at or ypr ocedur espr i ort ot heexper i ment .Al lexper i ment swer econduct edundercont r ol l ed l abor at or ycondi t i onsat25° C. Theex per i ment sofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onwer ecar r i edouti n500mlbeaker si nabat chmodewi t h t hef ol l owi ngexper i ment alpr ocedur esuggest edby[ 10] .St r uv i t epr eci pi t at i ont est swer econduct edi n 500mlbeaker .ThePOMEsampl ewast henpour edi nt ot hebeaker s.I ni t i al l y ,ammoni um sol ut i onwas addedt oeachPOMEsampl est of i xt hemol arr at i oofNH4+/PO43-t o4. 7[ 12] .ExcessNH4+ i sessent i alt o t her eact i onofst r uv i t ecr y st al l i zat i on[ 12] .Oncet her at i oi sf i xed,MgCl 6H2OandNa2HPO4. 12H2Ower e 2. t hen added atst oi chi omet r i cr at i o[ 10]atpH 8.Not et hatMgCl 6H2O i s added f i r stf ol l owi ng 2. Na2HPO4. 12H2O.Thepr i nci pal chemi cal r eact i onf ort hest r uv i t epr eci pi t at i oni sshowni nEq.( 1) . ( 1)

Themi xt ur eswer est i r r edusi ngamagnet i cst i r r erf or15mi nut es.ThepHv al uesoft hemi xt ur es


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 wer econst ant l ymoni t or edt hr oughout .A Met t l erTol edopH met erwasusedi nt hi sst udy .Af t ert he st i r r i ngpr ocess,t hemi xt ur ewasal l owedt oset t l ef oranot her15mi nut es.Sodi um hy dr oxi desol ut i onof 10M wasusedt oi ncr easet hepH v al uesoft hemi xt ur esandmai nt ai nedataconst antpH of8as suggest edby[ 16] .Amuchhi gherpH( i . e.≤8. 5) ,woul daf f ectt hef or mat i onofst r uv i t ecr y st al sbyt he f or mat i onofCa2+ i mpur i t i es.Att heendoft het est s,t hesuper nat antwascol l ect edandchar act er i sed. Al t hought hemai ni nt ent i onoft hi sst udyi st oev al uat et hechar act er i st i csoft hest r uv i t eobt ai ned, howev er , t hei mpr ov ementi nwat erqual i t ywasal soassessed.Addi t i onalpar amet er snamel y , COD, BOD, NH4+,PO43-andt ur bi di t ybef or eandaf t ert het est swer emeasur edt oev al uat et heef f ect i v enessoft he t echni quei ni mpr ov i ngwat erqual i t yoft r eat edPOME.Dupl i cat et est swer econduct edt hr eet i mest o checkt her epr oduci bi l i t yandr el i abi l i t yoft hedat a. Pur i f i cat i onofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at e Thest r uv i t epr eci pi t at ewaspur i f i edf ol l owi ngt hemet hodspr oposedbyCel enandTür ker[ 17]t or emov e t hepr esenceofanyi mpur i t i es.St r uv i t epr eci pi t at ewasi ni t i al l ydi ssol v edi n1M ofH2SO4 sol ut i onand i nser t edi n50mlcent r i f uget ubes.Themi xt ur eswer et hencent r i f ugat edat1000r pm f or30mi nut es. Af t ert hecent r i f ugat i onpr ocess,t hesol ut i onswer ef i l t er ed.Fi nal l y ,1M ofNaOH wasusedt oagai n i ncr easet hepH oft hesol ut i ont of or m pur i f i edcr y st al s.Thepur i f i edst r uv i t epr eci pi t at ewast hen col l ect edandchar act er i sed. Char act er i st i csofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at e Thephy si calpr oper t i esofpur i f i edst r uv i t eobt ai nedwer edet er mi ned.I nt hi sst udy , t hewat ercont entand speci f i cgr av i t ywer edet er mi nedf ol l owi ngt hemet hodsdescr i bedi n[ 18] .I naddi t i on,t hemi ner al ogi cal and chemi calpr oper t i es oft he st r uv i t e pr eci pi t at e wer e measur ed usi ng Ri gaku Mi ni f l ex I IXr ay di f f r act i onandBr uker88t i gerXr ayf l uor escence, r espect i v el y . Pott r i al t est s I nor dert oev al uat et hef er t i l i t yoft hest r uv i t epr eci pi t at eobt ai ned, ser i esofpott r i al t est swer econduct ed. Ar api dgr owi ngSci ndapsusAur eusdecor at i v epl antwasconsi der edf ort hi spur pose.Thet est swer e conduct edbycul t ur i ng3pl ant sofsi mi l ari ni t i alcondi t i ons( i . e.hav i ngsi mi l arageandhei ght )i n500ml beaker susi nghy dr oponi cappr oach[ 18] .Dei oni sedwat erwasf i l l edappr oxi mat el y150mli neachbeaker bef or ecar ef ul l ypl aci ngeachpl ant si nt hebeaker s.Thi si ssuf f i ci entt oi nundat et hepl ant s’ r oot s.Eachof t hepl ant swasgr own i nt hr eedi f f er entcondi t i ons,( i )dei oni sed wat er( i . e.cont r olspeci men) ,( i i ) dei oni sed wat ermi xed wi t h st r uv i t e pr eci pi t at e and ( i i i )dei oni sed wat ermi xed wi t h commer ci al l y av ai l abl eni t r ogenphosphor usf er t i l i zer .Not et hatbasedont hemanuf act ur er s’speci f i cat i ons,t heusage ofcommer ci alf er t i l i zer s, ar ecommonl ybasedont hequant i t y .Duet ot hi sf act , appr oxi mat el y5gofbot h st r uv i t eandcommer ci alf er t i l i zerwer eusedf ordi r ectcompar i son.Thi sst epwast akent oi mi t at e pr act i calusageoff er t i l i zeri nt er m ofquant i t yr at hert hant heconcent r at i onsofni t r ogenphosphor us cont ai nedwi t hi n.Thehei ghtandgr owt hofnewl eav eswer econt i nuousl ymoni t or edunt i laper i odof15 day s. RESULTSANDDI SCUSSI ON ThePOMEsampl ecol l ect edf r om Jaborwasf oundt obepeat ybr owni ncol our .Thechar act er i st i csof r awPOMEusedi nt hi sst udyar eshowni nTabl e1. Tabl e1.Char act er i st i csofr awPOME Par amet er s Val ues BOD5 34, 400-34, 500 COD 50, 000-89, 000 NH4N 140-180


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 PO43190-210 Tur bi di t y 418-430 Not e: al l v al uesar ei nmg/ l exceptf ort ur bi di t yi nNTU I twasnot edt hatt her awPOMEi nt hi sst udyhasl owBOD5/ CODr at i oduet ov er yhi ghconcent r at i onof COD.TheNH4Nconcent r at i onwasf oundt obesi mi l art ot hatofPO43-. Ther educt i oni nconcent r at i onsof nut r i ent sandwat erqual i t ypar amet er si spr esent edi nTabl e2.I twasnot edt hatr emov alofNH4Nwas v er yef f ect i v e( i . e.92. 20%af t eradj ust mentwi t hammoni um sol ut i on) .Si mi l ar l y , al lot herpar amet er swer e f oundt ohav er educedupt o76. 28%, 79. 13%, and91. 57%f ort ur bi di t y , BOD5andCOD, r espect i v el y . Tabl e2.Char act er i st i csofPOMEaf t erst r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onmet hod Par amet er s Val ues Av er age per cent age r emov al ( %) BOD5 7, 200 79. 13 COD 7, 500 91. 57 NH4N 26 92. 20 3PO4 100 Tur bi di t y 102 76. 28 Not e: al l v al uesar ei nmg/ l exceptf ort ur bi di t yi nNTU Testr esul t si ndi cat edt hat , notonl yst r uv i t ewasobt ai ned, i mpr ov ement si nt hewat erqual i t ypar amet er s wer eal soobser v ed.Compar i sonswi t hal l owabl el i mi t sf oref f l uentdi schar gehowev eri ndi cat edt hat f ur t hert r eat menti sr equi r edt of ur t heri mpr ov et hequal i t yofPOMEaf t erpr eci pi t at i onofst r uv i t e.Si mi l ar obser v at i on was made by Liand Zhao [ 10] ,st r uv i t e pr eci pi t at i on met hod can onl y be used as pr et r eat mentasot herwat erqual i t ypar amet er sar est i l l gr eat ert hanal l owabl edi schar gel i mi t s. Char act er i st i csofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at e Commonl y , pur est r uv i t easMgNH4PO4. 6H2Oi sawhi t ecr y st al l i nepowder .Ot herst r uv i t epr eci pi t at esuch asbr ownt oy el l owi shhasal sobeenobser v edf r om l andf i l ll eachat e[ 10] .Howev er ,i nt hi sst udy ,t he st r uv i t epr eci pi t at egener at edf r om t hePOMEsampl eswasdar kbr owni ncol our .Compar i sonbet ween st r uv i t eobt ai neddi r ect l yaf t erpr eci pi t at eandaf t erpur i f i cat i oni spr esent edi nFi g.1.

Fi gur e1.Compar i sonofst r uv i t e( a)bef or epur i f i cat i on, ( b)af t erpur i f i cat i on Thi scol our at i onofpr eci pi t at ei sant i ci pat edmayhav eor i gi nat edf r om copr eci pi t at i onwi t hpeat ybr own or gani csuspendedsol i dsi nt her aw POME.Thepr eci pi t at ei sal sof oundt obev er ywetandcont ai ned


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 si gni f i cantamountofwat er .Af t erpur i f i cat i onhowev er , t hecol ouroft hest r uv i t epr eci pi t at ewasf oundt o changef r om dar kbr ownt owhi t e.Qual i t at i v el y ,i ti sant i ci pat edt hatpur est r uv i t ecr y st al swer ef or med. Thi sf i ndi ngi ssuppor t edbybot hXRDandXRFanal y ses.Tabl e2summar i zest hechar act er i st i csof st r uv i t epr eci pi t at eaf t erpur i f i cat i onpr ocess.BasedonFi g.1, i twasnot edt hatt hepr eci pi t at econsi stof onl yst r uv i t emi ner al s. Tabl e2.Char act er i st i csofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at ef r om POME Par amet er s Speci f i cgr av i t y , Gs Wat ercont ent( %) Mi ner al composi t i on( %) St r uv i t e Chemi cal composi t i on( %) Magnesi um Phosphor us Hy dr ogen Ni t r ogen Oxy gen

Val ues 1. 72 2799 100 9. 83 12. 47 6. 57 5. 71 58. 85

Fi gur e2showst heXRDanal y si sofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at eobt ai nedi nt hi sst udy .Not r acesofi mpur i t i esor t oxi cel ement swer ef oundaf t ert hecompl et i onoft hepur i f i cat i onpr ocess.Thewat ercont entoft he pr eci pi t at ewasf oundt obev er yhi gh( i . e.2799%)i ndi cat i ngt hatt hemassofpr eci pi t at econt ai nedmor e wat ert hanact ualst r uv i t ecr y st al .St r uv i t epr eci pi t at es, commonl yi nhy dr at edf or m ar eusual l ydr i edat60 ° Ct o mi ni mi zewat erl oss[ 19] .Fr om pr act i calpoi ntofv i ew howev er ,r emov i ng excesswat eri s necessar yf orpackagi ng,t r anspor t i ngandst or ageofst r uv i t easf er t i l i zer s.Dr y i ngoft hepr eci pi t at e r educest het ot almasst o about2799% ofi t sor i gi nalmass.Thi si nt ur n woul dr educecostf or t r anspor t at i onandhandl i ngofst r uv i t e.

Fi gur e2.Xr ay di f f r act i onanal y si sofst r uv i t eobt ai nedf r om POMEatpH=8

Fer t i l i t yofst r uv i t epr eci pi t at e Fi gur es3and4showt hei mageofpott r i alt est sconduct edi nt hi sst udyusi ngSci ndapsusAur eusand l engt hofl eav eswi t hel apsedt i me.I twasf oundoutt hat5day si ssuf f i ci entf ort hepl ant st ospr outnew setofl eav es.Thehei ghtoft hepl ant sr emai nedsomewhatunchangedt hr oughoutt het est i ngper i od.I t


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 wasnot edt hat , att heendoft het est , onl y2newl eav eswasobser v ed.I nt er est i ngl y , t hepl antcul t ur edi n st r uv i t ewasf oundt ohav egr own8new l eav es,wher easonl y4new l eav eswer eobser v edf orpl ant cul t ur edusi ngcommer ci al i zedf er t i l i zer .Towar dst heendoft hest udy ,somey el l owi ngandcur l i ngof l eav eswer eobser v edf orpl antcul t ur edi ndei oni sedwat er ,i ndi cat i ngdef i ci encyi nnut r i ent( seeFi g. 3a) [ 20] .

Fi gur e3.Pott r i al t estf orSci ndapsusAur eus( a)cont r ol , ( b)commer ci al f er t i l i zerand( c)st r uv i t ef r om POME

Fi gur e4.Lengt hofl eafwi t hel apsedt i me I tshoul dbehi ghl i ght edt hatev ent hought hecomposi t i onsofst r uv i t ei sl acki ngsomeot heressent i al nut r i ent s( i . e.pot assi um)commonl yf oundi nf er t i l esoi landcommer ci al l yav ai l abl ef er t i l i zer s[ 20] ,t he useofst r uv i t easf er t i l i zerorf er t i l i zeraddi t i v eswasf oundt obesuf f i ci entf orcul t ur i ngSci ndapsus Aur eusi nt hi sst udyupt oaper i odof15day s.Si mi l arobser v at i onwasal somadeby[ 10] [ 21]usi ng di f f er entpl antspeci es.Al t hought het estwasconduct edi nashor tper i odoft i me,t hesuper i or i t yof st r uv i t epr eci pi t at ewassuccessf ul l yev al uat ed.


Jour nal ofSci enceandTechnol ogyi nTheTr opi cs( 2016)9: 110 CONCLUSI ON Ani nv est i gat i onhasbeenmadeonst r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onofPOME. Thef ol l owi ngconcl usi oncanbe made:  St r uv i t epr eci pi t at i onmet hodcanbeusedt oext r actst r uv i t ef r om r awPOMEusi ngMgCl 6H2O+ 2 Na2HPO4 12H2OatpH8.  Pur e st r uv i t e can be obt ai ned by si mpl e pur i f i cat i on pr ocess usi ng aci d sol ut i on and cent r i f ugat i ont echni quebyr emov i ngunwant edi mpur i t i es.  St r uv i t epr eci pi t at eobt ai ned usi ng st r uv i t epr eci pi t at i on wasf ound t o cont ai ned si gni f i cant amountofwat er .Excesswat ershoul dbedr ai nedordr i edt or educet het ot almassofst r uv i t e pr eci pi t at e.  Wat erqual i t yofr awPOMEcanbei mpr ov ed, howev erf ur t hert r eat mentar er equi r edt of ul f i lst r i ct r egul at or ydi schar gel i mi t s. Acknowl edgement-Theaut hor swoul dgr at ef ul l yl i ket oacknowl edget hef i nanci alsuppor tpr ov i dedby Mi ni st r yofHi gherEducat i onofMal ay si af orsponsor i ngt her esear chpr oj ectunderRAGSgr antRDU 131417. REFERENCES 1. Shahr i f un,N. S. A. ;Ab’ l ah,N. N. ;Hussai n,H. ;Ar i s,A. ;Omar ,Q.And Ahmad,N.( 2015) . Char act er i sat i on ofpal m oi lmi l lsecondar y ef f l uent( POMSE) .Mal ay si an Jour nalofCi v i l Engi neer i ng27( 1) , 144151. 2. Madaki ,Y. S. ;andSeng,L.( 2013) .Pal m oi lmi l lef f l uent( POME)f r om Mal ay si apal m oi lmi l l s: Wast eorr esour ce.I nt er nat i onalJour nalofSci ence,Env i r onmentandTechnol ogy2( 6) ,1138– 1155. 3. Agamut hu,P.( 1995) .Pal m oi lmi l lef f l uentt r eat mentandut i l i zat i on,I n:Sast r yCA,Hashi m MA, Agamut huP( Eds) , Wast et r eat mentpl ant , Nar osaPubl i shi ngHouse, NewDel hi , 338–360. 4. Khal i d,A. R. ;and Must af a,W. A. W.( 1992) .Ext er nalbenef i t s ofenv i r onment alr egul at i ons; Resour cer ecov er yandt heut i l i sat i onofef f l uent s.TheEnv i r onment al i st12( 4) , 277285. 5. Ma,A. N.( 1993) .Cur r entst at usofpal m oi lpr ocessi ngwast esmanagement .Pal m oi lr esear ch i nst i t ut eofMal ay si a( PORI M) , 111136. 6. MdDi n,M. F.( 1996) .St or age of pol y hy dr oxy al kanoat es ( PHA) i nf edbat chmi xed cul t ur e usi ng pal m oi lmi l lef f l uent( POME) .I n:4t hSemi naronWat erManagement( JSPSVCC) , 119127. 7. Wu, T. W. ; Mohammad, A. W. ; Jahi m, J. M. ; andAnuar , N.( 2010) .Pol l ut i oncont r olt echnol ogi esf or t he t r eat mentofpal m oi lmi l lef f l uent( POME)t hr ough endof pi pe pr ocesses.Jour nalof Env i r onment alManagement9, 14671490. 8. Rupani , P. F. ; Si ngh, R. M. ; I br ahi m, M. H. ; andEsa, N.( 2010) .Rev i ewofcur r entpal m oi l mi l l ef f l uent ( POME)t r eat mentmet hods:v er mi compost i ngasasust ai nabl epr act i ce.Wor l dAppl i edSci ences Jour nal11( 1) , 7081. 9. Pi , T. ; LozanoGar cí a, S. ; Cabal l er oMi r anda, M. ; Or t egaGuer r er o, B. ; andRoy , P.( 2010) .Di scov er y andchar act er i zat i onofast r uv i t el ay eri nt heChal copal eol ake,Mexi co.Rev i st aMexi canade Ci enci asGeol ógi cas27( 3) , 573580. 10.Li ,X. Z. ;andZho,Q. L.( 2003) .Recov er yofammoni umni t r ogenf r om l andf i l ll eachat easamul t i nut r i entf er t i l i zer .Ecol ogi calEngi neer i ng20, 171181. 11.Ohl i nger , K. N. ; Young, T. M. ; andSchr oeder , E. D.( 1998) .Pr edi ct i ngst r uv i t ef or mat i oni ndi gest i on. Wat .Res.32( 12) , 36073614. 12.Cr ut chi k,D. ;andGar r i do,J. M.( 2011) .St r uv i t ecr y st al l i zat i onv er susamor phousmagnesi um and


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