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anemmorrhoea. (during intense lactation, pregnancy does not occur due to absence of orum. Coitus Interuptus. (with drawl of peris from vegina before.

Fragmentation Spore eg. spirogyra formation Hydra Rhizopus Planaria Penicillin Binary Multiple Mucor fission fission eg. : Amoeba eg. Plasmodium Monocystis

(Refer to fig. 1.2, 1.3, NCERT page 5, 6)

Budding Yeast hydra Spongilla

Vegetative reproduction

Natural Method Artificial eg. : Sweet potato method (from roots) Potato tuber (from stem) Bryophyllum (from leaves)

Cutting Grafting eg. : sugarcane Mango Rose

Layering Jasmine

Tissue cutting Dahlia

Racemose Inflorescence (Unlimited Growth) Main axis elongated Raceme stalked flowers eg. : Delphinium

Penide branched Raceme Gulmohar

Spike Compound spike Catkin Spadix Sessile Branched axis Sessile, Uni sessile Flowers made of spikelets Sexual flowers flowers Achyranthas Amaranthus Pendulous axis Fleshy axis Mulberry coloured Bract banana

Racemose Inflorescence Main axis shortered Cerymb Stalks of flower unequal flowers at same levelIberis

Main axis flattened Umbel Stalks of flower equal Flowers at same level Coriander, Fennel

Capitulum / Head Florets arising from disc like receptacle Calotropis

Cymose Inflorescence (Limited Growth Uniparous (only one lateral branch Scorpoid Tecoma

Biparous (2 Lateral Branches) Dianthus

Multiparous (More than 2 lateral branches) Calotropics

Helicoid Drosera

Special Types (Unlimited Growth Cyathium Cup shaped involucre having one female and many male flowers Euphorbia

Verticillaster Dichasial cyme reduced to scorpoid cyme Ocimum, Salvia

Hypanthodium Cup shaped receptacle with opening Ficus

Ectexine Exine End exine

Pollen Wall Intine

Tactum Baculum Foot layer

Large – vegetative / Tube cell Pollen grain form 2 cells Small - Generative cell — 2 male gmates

Monosiphonous — with one pollen tube Pollen grain Polysiphonous — More than one poller tube eg. curcurbitaceal, Malvaceae

Fused carpels Syncarpous eg. Petunia Carpels free Ranunculus Aconitum

Parts of Ovules

Hilum The point at which funicle is attached with ovule



Embryo sac


Stalk of ovule

opening of ovule

female gametophyte

Coverings of Embryosac

Antipodal cells

Central cells

3 cells at chalazalcells containing end 2 polar nuclei

Egg apparatus

1 egg + 2 synegids

Microspore mother cell (MMC) Meiosis 4 megaspores 3 Degenerate

One functional megaspore 3 Successive mitotic division 8 haploid nuclei

3 nuclei arranged at micropylar end and form Egg Apparatus (2 synergias +1 egg cell)


Two nuclei fuse and form diploid central cell

Three nuclei group together at chalazal end to form antipodal cells

Protandry - Androecuim matures earlier than gynoecium eg. : Phlox, Asteraeae Protogyny - Gynoecium matures earlier than Androecuim Solanum

Polination by water - Hydrophily / Hydrogamy

Epihydrogamy pollination on water surface eg. Vallisneria

Hypohydrogamy pollination occurs in water eg. : Zostera, Ceratophyllum

Sperm mother cell (46) (2n)

Oogonia (2n) (46) Mitosis

Spermatogonia (46) (2n)

Primary oocytes (2n) (46)

Spermatogonium (46) (2n)

Merosis I

Growth Primary spermatocyte (46) (2n) Meiosis I Seconary Spermatocyte (23) (n) Meiosis II

Secondary oocyte (n)(23) 1st polar body

Spermatids (n) (23) Spermiogenesis Spermatozoa (23) (n)

Meiosis II

Ovum (n)(23) Second Polar body

Spermatogensis (refer to NCERT fig. 3.8 page 49)






1 10 1

26 2 7

8 Past Meastrual Phase


Merstrual phas e




Cycle begins

2 24 5




Proliferative phase



15 17

18 19


Corpus Leteum begins to degenerate

12 1 3

Secretary phase

Phase of Menstrual cycle


Method of birth control

Natural Method

Barrin method (condoms, diaphragms cervical caps and vaults

Periodic Abstinerce (During 10th to 17th Day female does not mate with male)

Physiologica Surgical method method (oral contraceptive (a) Tubectomy pills in females (b) Uasectomy in males

Lactational anemmorrhoea (during intense lactation, pregnancy does not occur due to absence of orum

Other contraceptive (Injections of inplants under skin

Coitus Interuptus (with drawl of peris from vegina before ejaculation)