Past simple Vs. Present Perfect - ESL Galaxy

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3. Have you ever gone camping on a mountain? 4. Have you ever brushed your teeth with salt? It's fun with grammar. Present perfect vs. Simple Past. TELL ME ...
TELL ME GAME Present perfect vs. Simple Past  

It’s fun with grammar.

33. Have you ever tried bungee jumping?

34. When was the last time you got really scared?

32. When did you

31. What sport have you never played?

30. How long have you studied English?

26. Have you ever eaten scorpions?

27. When was the last time you bought a present for a friend?


22. How long

21. When was the last time you ate something really strange?

last receive a parcel?

25. Go forward 3 spaces

24. Start again

23. Have you ever taken care of a small child?

36. 35. Start again

have you known your best friend?

17. Where did you last see someone stealing?

18. Have you ever been on TV?

ever had a birthday party on the beach?

16. Have you ever ridden a horse? If yes, when did you last ride a horse?

15. Have you ever lived on the 30th floor of a building?

14. When did you last eat pizza?

10. Have you ever

Go forward 3 spaces

done something really stupid? What was it?

8. When did you

7. Have you ever

last have a birthday party?

been trapped in the rain?




19. Have you

11. Have you

ever been to the Philippines?

6. Go back 3 spaces

2. When was the

3. Have you ever

last time you took a shower?

gone camping on a mountain?


29. Go back 5 spaces

What is something you have never done that you want to do?

20. How many times have you fallen off a bike?

13. Start again

12. What is  something you’ve  never seen that  you would like to  see? 

5. Who did you last go on a holiday with?

4. Have you ever brushed your teeth with salt?

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