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Peter. The Captain 4 IdtuI. Say Captain are there two 1s in the word bachelor asked our ... Mr Peter Straub died at his home hi .... Mr J X Dunn last week sold hi .
i 1





Items of Local leterest lj Katharine Eggleston Dec 11 3t Lenny Miller of this ollice always has a lot of old newspapers on hand Circuit Court begins next Monday for sale cheap The dockets are about as usual Dave Ross says bygannies he will When you come in Monday slip an give a ten dollar note to know the fel extra dollar into your jeans to give week low who stole his minnows last THE IlECOKD ¬

Monday is county court and a Rev A R Moore and family have big crowd is expected Please call moved into the Arnold property on and settle if you owe this ollice any- ¬ Danville street thing We need Tno C and Joe E Robinson sold A large meteor fell near town Sat- ¬ two two car loads of 135011 cattle to urday night which lighted up the B F Sanders for Nov delivery at sky and caused many a sinner to be ¬ 85GO per cwt




gin studying up his little spiel for St



1902xrTlla 15 LOT OrEEi

To Correspondents Col Billy Burton sold 26 mules to Please send in your favors a little an Atlanta party at 8110 Clinton Mo took with him four of earlier next week as we will send the partridge crop is pretty fairbut the colored servants who worked at paper out Wednesday night in ord so not large as was expected > the Garrard They were the faithful that all hands may put in Thursday giving thanks that they still have r For the steenth time the Gilberts old porter Bob McSpadenGeorgeTev J is the bell boy and two cooks Laura soul and body together Creek post office has been broken into They Mullins and Laura Embry A few dollars in cash was the amount Better Service w re about the best servants in town of booty seemed last week We have arranged to have regular the kind that are hard to find letters from Bryantsville and Paint The turkey crop is panning out well 0 Ilaiidsosiiu uonumeiit Lick and engaged correspondents who and Mr Nerthcott is buying a greatThe Garrard County Marble Works will endeavor to send us all the ness s many See him before selling and he has just completed and put up a hand- from these hustling little cities We will treat you right some monument in the Lancaster give special attention to our county Those fortunate enough to own hogs Cemetery on the Perkins lot It is correspondence as we believe that is are growing quite restless over the ¬ granite paper beauti Barre what a is for We have rural made of dark fully carved and has an unusually the best and most faithful corps of continued warm weather Mr Pork handsome carved cap This firm is writers in the state and TIlE RECORD er however enjoys the joke doing good work and you should give is often complimented on this point Sweet Pea them an opportunity to bid on your by newspaper men Miss Levinia Pope sent us a boquet 0 work See ad elsewhere in THE REC of beautiful sweet peas which have 0 o A Splendid Entertainer onto been blooming profusely at her home monologue play given by Mr The JTIr Game Sells Interest Good





T B Long



left Friday forI





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DlondaS crows impersonatoa

any 0to 8o



Chumbley and family are Danville Advocate Mr GS Gainesinto the new Presbyterian The Captain 4 parsonage The house is a beauty yesterday sold a half interest in hi very The post office is open every night Say Captain are there two 1s in and a model of convenience livery and transfer business on r for the distribution of the 826 train the word bachelor asked our ollice street to John T Reid Mr Reid is Coiiinililiioii Services devil of the veteran typo Capt White wellknown business man of Norman Homer the piano man of Danville mail Mr West is kept at the office until nearly ten oclock by the change more will than be at are held services my Communion son but there No dy Spencer county and will move the orchestra was enabled to play Mr two bachelors in 1 the Presbyterian church next Sunday with his family to Danville about De ¬ Homer coming over to lead His kind- ¬ and Uucle Sam should increase his pay morning at the usual hour Prepara ¬ cember 1st The firm will be known ness is appreciated by those in charge Sundays Paper Tuesday Take tory services will be held tonight Reid as Gaines of the entertainmentand by the mem- ¬ The Sundays Courier Journals Rev C M bers of the orchestra also The pop- ¬ reached here Tuesday and we got our I xchunH Irotracted Electing and F P Frisbie went to Danville Tlituki ulvln vote resulted in MDHughes Wednesdays paper yesterday morning A protracted meeting will be held in Monday night where they received Time Ladies of the Baptist Aid Soci ¬ ularity begining ety will have an exchange in the post1as the best lawyer R II Batson best Whats the matter BrerFord Presbyterian clench Cant 8th Time pastor Rev C l1 ollice on the day before Thanksgiving merchant and J B Kinnaird best doc- ¬ you yank up a few postal clerks and remind them that Uncle Sam wants ter They will return for the Royal Chiunbley will be assisted by Rev W All kinds of salads breads cakes and tor his patrons waited upon W A leers Arch next week in fact anything you need for your Absolutely Necessary Thanksgiving dinner will be on hand No its no trouble to take the morn ¬ TliaiiliMilvlnic Services Arrangements were made by the Now that we have a train arriving ladies are The prices cheap at and ing train if you will telephone Alex The Thanksgiving services will be- striving to raise money to assist in before midnight we beg to call atten ¬ kid football team to play the second Miller and have hind call for you His held in the Baptist church Thursday repairs on their churchand tion of the City Council to the need team of Central University Saturday new closed carriage keeps out the coldmmorning at 100 Rev C M Chumb paying for a noble act by patronizing of an arc light at the depot just in but the Danville boys brought over a do will you and rain Rates low Icy will preach the sermon front of the mill There is always a number of big overgrown farm hands mud hole there and people coming o lone of whom could have turned over COON to Louisville Rev J E Wolford closed a very suc- ¬ A splendid assortment of rubbers at the train can not see the walk This and spanked all the home urchins aril A BEAZLEY Danville Advocate Mr Arch Me cessful meeting at Gilead and is now Josephs Get a pair before you con ¬ is the latter took their doll rags and left needed gentlemen so please Kinney formerly of the Danville rev engaged in another at Broadhead tract a cold that it is put there at once It seeI the field enue ollice has been transferred to the which will continue through this week be a bad idea while on this not FUNERAL DIRECTORS Contest at Stanford Louisville Internal Revenue District There will be no preaching at the Iastc This In Tour Hat ter to serve notice on property own ¬ ¬ acon Sunday Baptist church Monday this change to effect He take the As predicted in last issue the night ers that they must keep the sidewalks will retain his former position of store- count Arterial and Cavity Embalming passenger trains were taken off the and streets free from obstructions keeper and ganger Lancaster has four entries whose Livto run will and Kowland branch bewe The happened night other Sule to For Ifill Piutl The service we have is as coming to town just in front of a names are given elsewhere and its a Col YoP Walton offers the Ilar ingSton Ieter Irani Dead No 10 leaves drummer who was lugging two large safe prediction that they will rank at Mr Peter Straub died at his home hi rodsburg Democrat plant for sale and follows Passenger train See Dr W S except Sunday sample cases At Northcotts poultry the top in the morning every Rowland Stanford Sunday and was buried in will make interesting figures for the Beazley of this ity who will gladly reaching 521 at passes Lancaster We have the most house he ran into the platform which The plant is one of the and Buffalo Cemetery Monday lie was right man arrange seats wellknown to many Lancaster people best in the state and it is located in aICincinnati at 1030 a in This train extends over the pavement at that complete line ofmakes close connection at Winchester point and fell about twenty feet who regret his death Mr Straub goodpaying territory Will be Closed for Lexington and also for Louisville grips going one way and Johnny played in Gen Landrams regimental past eight years we have FURNITURE and CARPETS For the 01 10 a Lancaster View reaching the Falls City at about Drummer the other He gathered band during the civil war Mr Fox the photographer has re ¬ in Passenger train No 11 leaves Cin ¬ himself up and mounting the plat been compelled to come to the office on every holiday by some fellow want ¬ To be found in the cently made some large views of Lan ¬ cinnati Fourth St station at 255 form proceeded to cuss the IlaiiKiii at Stanford ng towni work was thought he he that town Prices low¬ Stanford is fixing to have what most caster the ones taken from hill on and runs to Rowland passing Lancas- county state and United States He bound to have This is not going to Buckeye Louis and being Danville streets leave can p You 825 in ter at of her sister cities need badly that is commenced at the Mayor and cussed work next Thursday however as eve ¬ a first class hanging The Court of exceptionally good If you want aIhue at 2 p rn come via Lexington down to the humblest street cleaner ry one connected with the office will OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOm0 Appeals has attirnled the death sen picture of your old home see him and make close connection with this separately and then collectively Of be out of town So dont come beat0 DAVIDSON train at Winchester In other words course that windjamming tence given the negro JasJIocker The dust is small ing in the front door and saying we in either Cin ¬ amount to anything but if some fel hours you Attorney four can have At Law and the governor will set a date for 0 Vcwt are never here One days rest in O Coin C5 the execution llockcr murdered his Tones C Turner having sold their cinnati or Louisville or stay in Lex ¬ low plants a suit down on the town it eight years is not asking much Life policies insurance bought 0 Q all day and return to Lancaster will then be seen how important it is wife grocery store to Mr Curtis Mr Jones ington 6 for cash or loaned on for sums S2G at keep to street and sidewalks the 0G of 8500 and upward will leave shortly for the west in hope Sudden Death at Danville y The day mixed train will arrive here clear improving Mr Jones his health B Rowland suddenly II at Danh Farris died at 1025 a m and leave for as not been well for some time and ville Sunday night While he at 1010 a m making connections We will believes trip benefit him the been ill for some time nothing seri ¬ with trains for Louisville and the t ++ 1 + 411 + ous was feared and his death was trust he will soon return sound and south A splendid feature of the new 000004000000OOOG CW 0000000000000000 O o k O O all quite a shock lIe leaves a wife and service is the mixed train from Row- ¬ 0 ¬ 1 several children who have deep sym ¬ Lan to come land will not wait but Honor For ftarrard Jlcii pathy in their great bereavement The National Fox Hunters Associa ¬ caster as soon as the train from Louis Bee was a clever man who made a tion had a delightful meeting at Bowl ¬ ville arrives putting the mail here at friend or all with whom he hud deal- big Green which was largely attended 205 in the afternoon instead of nearly ings ed Mr Ed Walker of this county four oclock as formerly There will y who is one of the most widelyknown be no wait at Stanford the Lancaster A Fair 1ropoKltioit hunters in the country was elected train pulling out immediately after When taxes are paid the merchant president and Woods Walker also of the Louisville train gets out of the < o o is in the front rank When the sub ¬ county was made a director wayWhen this o 0 scription paper is passed he is on Well1m own in Cincinnati remember the o from all over the 1o it the most and the biggest When United Stateshunters trains dont leave the Grand Central were present 0 o tickets for church or charity are sold depot but depart from the FOURTH O Sir Becker Sells merest z he is the heaviest purchaser When ST STATION which is one square public enterprise is to be carried thro Mr C C Becker the hustling Bry above and about two squares further 0 he gets to carry the burden Now antsville merchant has sold a half in ¬ out than the Grand Central The L Everybody is talking about em when you have to buy things dont terest in his large store to Will Glass and N out of Louisville leaves the you think you ought to spend your to take effect Jan 1 and the two will speaking words of praise only for depot at First and Water streets at money with the home merchant continue to run a firstclass store in 200 p m daily except Sunday You + 0Q their splendid fitting looking and every respect They are both fine bus- come on this train to Lexington o Same In Lancaster Too iness men and will continue to keep change to the C wearing qualities The tailors are Q O for Winchester There is a time in almost every abreast of the times We have just Lancaster train take 0Q the and there young mans life says a wise observer printed a lot of circulars in which Mr Their wondering how we do it place Nos when he imagines that he is really a Becker offers some rare bargains for Theres no wait at either 0Q 10 and 11 carry mail and express In customers are satisfied that we dwarm number When he grows older the next thirty days going to Cincinnati you change cars at o and by experience accumulates asmall do it The business man the pro ¬ Parts but as the Cincinnati train is 0 The Crab Orchard llanlt store of horse sense he views the same 0 Crab Orchard has fallen into the standing alongside theLancaster train oto fessional man the salesman the class of boys with disgust He medi ¬ tates on his past and wonders if he line of progress and established aStat¬ + society man the workingman all was such a confounded fool A smart Bank The institution is capitalized change at Paris in returning from Cin + p no have trains mixed The cinnati alec is about the most despicable mor- at 15000 with the following officers daily becoming friends of our tal that ever drew a breath but the J Harvc Collier president W E mail clerk but a pouch is sent out on store and wearing the good clothes law forbids killing them and the peo ¬ Perkins vice president and William r ple are compelled to just grin and Morris Cashier Time board of direc- ¬ brought back in the afternoon giving we us the same mail service We presume e SINGLE DOUBLE o composed some is of tors of presence community most in the the bear their o substantial men in Lincoln county the Louisville afternoon papers will J I V BREASTED They have begun the erection of a be sent around by Winchester which o After a protracted illness little Jo building 28x40 feet on the east side o 0 Z sephene Paxton died at the home of Main street the building is to be a publication There will be no mail 0 you opened on Sunday want and if 0 her grandparents Mr and Mrs Alec substantial brick with glass front and o o Robinson near Gilberts Creek Tues ¬ will be ready for occupancy and th r 0p day morning She was in her seventh institution will begin business Jan ¬ opened Time change on the whole is If you wane a certain colorplain year and her happy disposition and uary 1st 1903 not so bad and we believe the people Of the best materials that it is company will right many all The like it sweet face had made friends to obtain at prices not e possible mail andcan Mr our all doing benefit is for retires it or you want a light who are deeply grieved in her death in the city to suit all wear qualed Mr J X Dunn last week sold hi s the continual pulling lit the officials Hope of her recovery was had until a you vy weight Weve Got It If by Lancaster people has not been in large of stock merchandise Bry Suits at ers 5 few days ago when a change for the 750 850 10 vain cotton marino all wool in worse came and she suffered much antsville to Messrs R II and W A 18 Overcoats 4 and 1250 15 fleece lined or ribbed garments pain until the little spirit took its Pettus The stock invoiced about 41 Trains Time and 18 10 15 750 5 1250 Weve Got It If you want under flight to the arms of a loving Saviour 500 and price paid was about eighty in effect 5 I 5 ¬ per Leave5 5 cent of this amount They al I wear at 25C to 2 the garment The deepest sympathy goes out to the five so bought store house the fo and r lot parents griefstricken both of whom o Lancaster Nov 16 Weve Got It have been on beds of critical sickness 30252r R D Ballard bought the f For Richmond Winchester Laxing home flaje at 1250 and Mrs II C I NoIO ton Frankfort Louisville Cynthia for some weeks 0 Sadler purchased the other residence 521 Ax nn Paris Carlisle Maysville Cov O ington Cincinnati etc at 8350 Mr Dunn will leave about Vatternou In Danville For Stanford Junction City Leba0 Arrangements have been completed first of the month for Roswell X021- J non Louisville Crab Orchard Mt 0 Vernoii Livingston London Cor for a lecture by lion Henry Watter Mexico where he will engage in th Ir IOmOAat l bin Middlesboro etc business His business at Bry son in Danville on Dec 6th The fruit i For Richmond and intermediate sta many admirers of the great Watterson antsville was all that one could wish 2 20fo19 r at I tious ¬ ill compelled health arrange but him to to delighted of are learn make this For Stanford and way stations ment and will take advantage of the the change Mr Dunn is a fine busi ¬ 1Non I opportunity to hear him It is seldom ness man and a splendid citizen Trains run dailyexcept Sunday Above is 11 stop at all sta O8 the people out in the country have a Tin RECORD joins his many friends in LEAVING tions when lagged chance to hear Mr Watterson and as wishing success in his new field The such a large crowd will attend it Messrs Pettus who take the stand A treat is in store for those who O would be well to write Mr Henry Ed are splendid citizens and business men o moods at Danville and secure seats of much ability They will run an up o as standing room will be at a premium3t todate business and maintain the 0 t O 000 reputation of the house high ttttttttt I I i I i tJ t t












R Haseltten I




King Quality ShoesPrice

350 Ladies QueenQuality


300 LadiesPrincess

Perfection ShoesPrice

















At 100

125 150


Can ot Be

IIThe Talk t




Line Mens

and Boys HighTop



200v 300and

alsoe ism poste




rf Ifo We Sell


Suits Over coats for cold rain or shine