Perspective Service Innovation to Self-Service ...

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adopted Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) into their service ... This paper utilizes LISREL software analyze .... technology anxiety lower the customer satisfaction.
Perspective Service Innovation to Self-Service Technologies Attitude Impact Factors K.C. Chen, S.Y. Lin, C.Y. Chen, C. F. Wang Department of Business Administration, Asia University, Taiwan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract - Service innovation has a positive impact on the performance of new services. Considering service costs, service efficiency, decrease of the heterogeneity and perish ability of service, many enterprises adopted Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) into their service process. This paper explored service innovation to SSTs attitude impact factor that is based on service innovation model by Hertog & Bilderbeek (1999). This study combines relative service innovation theories, and creating a research model, and analyze the causal path of SSTs attitude. This paper utilizes LISREL software analyze the relations between latent variables and to examine the fitness of research model. This study purpose is to find impact factors of service innovation to SSTs that use multi media kiosk (MMK) for case study. The result display Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Technology Anxiety (TA) are affected by service innovation that is positive highly correlation.

customer needs, creating customer value, thus shaping the value of enterprises with profits, the service industry will be the next mainstream value. From the consumer angle, time and cost savings is use of self-service technology biggest benefit, reduce waiting time, more efficient, flexible and convenient to use, make consumers to customize the customization - more high-level [10], in addition, the convenient of location, and the use of IT services feelings of the Fun [7], and even some scholars have pointed out: when consumers used self-service transaction process, they can feelings spontaneous delight of spontaneous [1]. However, another group of consumers, the service technology transfer process has brought their anxiety and not the smooth operation of doubts [13], so that consumers will consider the cost size of use new technologies, whether it is worthwhile to transfer [8]. There are many studies of self-service technology service quality measured [2, 15], mostly focused on self-service technology attributes of the service quality performance and the impact of service providers, and the perspective is service a supplier to discuss impact factors of Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) performance. This study is base on the consumer¶s viewpoint, and analysis services innovative model of self-service technology attitudes impact factors. The result will provide the best service and business in the industry. The purpose of this study was to discussing service innovation to Self-Service Technologies attitude impact factors. The purpose of the study is as follows:

Keywords - SSTs, TRI, service innovation, TA



Modern enterprises are facing dynamic changes of the environment must to fast growth and transformation, as well as continuous product innovation and services to create niche market. The service technology is a new development trends, we can be found it from the global development direction of the service industry. Germany's Metro Group is the world's top five retailers, it was to idea "Future Store Project" with IBM, Microsoft, Intel, SAP Si P, NCR vendors in a few years ago, and it was to begin experiments with Extra future Shop of Burg on the Rhine in northern Germany. The services industry value of output and the employment scale growth accelerated were beyond the manufacturing industry. This phenomenon becomes more evident in the developed countries. Therefore, the service industry development and innovation vitality are an important factor of affected countries in economic growth. However, the service industry flourish, the kind of property are continued to emerge, the dynamics environment and speed changes in consumer preferences. The services industries will face a few of issues, such as market competition, development of digital technology, standards of living, the consumer emphasizes convenience and instant. Faced with global competition, and the development of innovative services to capture

978-1-4244-2330-9/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE



Explore the innovative services dependence with technology readiness and technology anxiety. Discuss the technology anxiety was impacted on technology readiness index. II. LITERATURE REVIEW

A. Service Innovation Model Pim den Hertog & Rob Bilderbeek [16] report the concludes according to the 1998 EU Services Innovation, Innovation for Services, SI4S, and collation this report from reference of many


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Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE ICMIT

scholars, to the beginning of service innovation model. Because services and other industries are different, and have no line, and many of the services is through interaction with the customer by customer diversity, in order to meet customer demands so must continue to innovate. The main mode of services innovation from the four dimensions, namely the concept of services, new customers interface, new delivery systems and technology options dimensions, dimensions of the use of marketing, organizational development, as well as access links to play an innovative dimensions function smoothly services provided to customers Fig. 1. The main content of dimensions, the following will be done are described in detail



Dimension 4: technological options The fourth dimension is the centre of much analysis and debate, especially concerning the degree to which service firms themselves in practice are giving shape to technology development. Clearly, service innovation is possible without technological innovation; technology is not always a dimension. Nonetheless, in practice there is a wide range of UHODWLRQVKLSV EHWZHHQ µWHFKQRORJ\¶ DQG µVHUYLFH LQQRYDWLRQ¶ YDU\LQJ IURP WHFKQRORJ\ PDLQO\ playing a role as a facilitating or enabling factor, to something much closer to supply-push, technology-driven innovation. Although IT is certainly not the only relevant technology in services innovation, the reason why IT is often described as a revolutionary technology is that it is so pervasive, with numerous information processing tasks to which it could be applied, being intrinsic to almost all economic activities. IT is often perceived as the great enabler of services innovation.

characteristics of actual and

Organization development


potential clients(market intelligence)

of existingandcompeting

services (business intelligence)

Knowledge of the characteristics


job properly, and to develop and offer innovative services. It is closely related to the question of how to empower employees, to facilitate them so that they can perform their jobs and deliver service products adequately. On the one hand, new services may require new organizational forms, personal capabilities, and skills. On the other hand, an organization can be designed, and employees can be trained, so as to leave room for innovations and nonconventional solutions to practical problems.



capabilities, skills & attitude of existing and competing service workers (Human Resource Management)

Fig.1 Service innovation model (Date Source: Pim den Hertog ˂Rob Bilderbeek, 1999, Conceptualising Service Innovation and Service Innovation Patterns) Dimension 1: the service concept In manufacturing innovation, new products (and processes) are typically highly tangible and visible. This is often not the case with services. Some service innovations are highly visible, especially where delivery of the product is involved (ATMs, etc.). However, frequently it is not so much a physical product but a much more intangible characteristic of a new service, like a new idea or concept how to organize a solution to a problem.

B. Technology Readiness Index Technology Readiness Index means that customers are willing to accept the use of new technology and the daily life and work to achieve the goals of the tendency [17], as consumers of science and technology will also have a positive or negative view such composition of the positive and negative sense on technology, formation the scope of technology readiness index; In other words, to know consumers will accept to new technology and will use it, and the technology attitudes, we must adapt to the technology required of consumers. The view of technology readiness index can be measured with the use of innovative technology and become a pioneer [12]. The technology readiness index will impact on the service quality of network and E-shopping Behavior [20]. When services are transmission through network, the customer of use technology ability will affect to perception that the network quality of service and further affect the actual purchase behavior of customers.

Dimension 2ΚClient Interface A second element of service innovations is the design of the interface between the service provider and its clients. Dimension 3: The Service Delivery System / Organization The third dimension µLQYROYLQJVHUYLFHGHOLYHU\ system and organizDWLRQ¶ is often directly related to the previously discussed dimension ± referring to the linkage between the service provider and its client (the client interface). The delivery is one specific type of interaction across the client interface (others including financial transactions, design inputs, after sales, and so on). However, dimension 3 is different. It refers to the internal organizational arrangements that have to be managed to allow service workers to perform their

C. Technology Anxiety

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Technology anxiety is defined as "when people are using or considering the use of technology, they will be felt scared, worried and need to help, has a negative rating, and will try to avoid the use of volume" [18, 9] that technology anxiety (TA)is a emotional responses, including resistance, escape, fear, hostility and anxiety, other words, technology anxiety stressed that the heart management status of customers use the relevant technology ability and willingness, appear on the attitudes science of customer to counter with technology. The studies have shown that the level of technology anxiety for customers will affect the experience of used technology anxiety [11], when technology anxiety lower the customer satisfaction higheU when technology anxiety higher, the interests are lower that it come form self-service technology.

study, and this study is to target the "Discussing service innovation to Self-Service Technologies attitude impact factors," for main research, they are exploring research and descriptive study, because of the past domestic and foreign services Industry services are have less innovative research, the empirical study in this regard remains to be added that this study, so that the study using LISREL model to analyze the discussing service innovation to Self-Service Technologies attitude impact factors. C.

The first read the documents to confirm the initial studies, through further study and analysis of relevant literature to study further the development model. The questionnaire depending on the model and choose the method of tools, through a questionnaire survey to collect information and analysis of the whole. Finally, the data analysis to make conclusions and recommendations.

III. METHOD A. Research Model


Liner Structured Relationships Model, LISREL is used to handling the causal model analysis method, can be processed at the same time a series of independent variables and dependent variables of the relationship. Liner Structured Relationships Model is between the social and behavior science that it¶s a favorable analysis tools [10]. This study used LISREL construction consumer model of "self-service technology attitudes" of a causal relationship model ago. Data analysis methods, the measure model is used confirmatory factor analysis future testing and evaluation of the reliability, and construct validity degree level, the final structure model validation study of the structure and hypothesis. Through the literature on the whole and analysis of the proposed framework of this study is false and illustration. The study structure is show in Fig. 2.

Service Innovation H1

H3 Self-Service Technologies Attitude

H5 H2

Design of questionnaire

This study will be for service innovation, technology readiness, technology anxiety and sense of self-service technology on the attitudes of variables, operate-definition and description of the study variables measured way. z Service Innovation Innovative research leading domain is very broad, innovation can be many different views coming to be defined. Such as that "the use of the person or unit that is a new concept of the concept, technology or entity, can be called innovation [5]." Scholars will be divided into service innovation that radical innovations and incremental innovations two types [13]. Radical innovations that the service is not yet on the market in terms of definition, or the business organization is a new service. Other incremental innovations, the services currently will be improved of available in the further, or the expansion of services. Pim den Hertog & Rob Bilderbeek [16] according to the 1998 EU services innovation research program (SI4S) the conclusions of the report, and collect many scholars refer to service innovation of this report, the proposed service innovation model. The innovative service model based on the four dimensions of the five variables with the design of this study asked of the situation.

Technology Readiness Index

New Service Concept New Client Interface Technological Options New Service Delivery System

Research Process

H4 Technology Anxiety H6

Fig.2. Research Model B. Research Methods On the understanding of the researchers, the volume is a "sample - Statistics - inferences" process, that is, test hypotheses, showing statistical data, to explain the results of inference, although the show can be concise findings, but they can not have a good understanding a participate in the

z Technology Readiness Index This study of Technology Readiness Index (TRI) is defined as "the acceptance and use of new technology to complete the

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objectives of the daily life or work habits." And reference by the amount of TRI table [17], the volume table of four dimensions, 36 variables, were Optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity, which are optimism and innovativeness technology readiness index for the extent of the drivers, rather than discomfort and insecurity are not inhibitors.

form incomplete and can not be answer a questionnaire. The effective questionnaires are 248 and the questionnaires were recovery of 82.67 %. The males were account for 54.8 % and the females were account for 45.2%; By used the self-service technology to the Internet accounted for up to 80.6%, ATM for the secondary, and At least were online registration to 35.9%, IBON41.9%.

z Technology Anxiety Technology Anxiety (TA) that customers will be afraid to use technology, and have a negative assessment, and will try to avoid the use of volume. In other words, Technology Anxiety (TA) that customers use technology and the ability of the wishes of mental status when the customer can accept the services of technology, that technology anxiety is lower. This study used the definition of that Technology Anxiety when people are using or considering the use of technology will feel fear, anxiety or need help [18]. The reference Meuter et al. that technology anxiety are about the volume table have 18 variables of the original title [12]. Technology anxiety dimensions of refer to the original technology will change the sense of anxiety to reduce the volume table four variables.

B. Reliability and Validity Analysis The study ZDV XVHG &URQEDFK V Į DQG measure consistency of dimensions. The GLPHQVLRQV RI &URQEDFK V Į ZHUH VKRZ LQ WKH EHORZ WDEOH *HQHUDOO\ VSHDNLQJ &URQEDFK V Į values greater than 0.7 reliability that a very high level. In addition to the reliability test the dimensions of internal consistency, this study used to the varimax rotation and extracted from the composition of the various dimensions of factors, the research tool to test the concept of validity of the construct validity. In the conduct factor analysis, uses the way of varimax rotation, while the number of factors choice the eigenvalue by greater than 1 main. Taking into account factors explain whether the extent of up to 70 percent and according to factors analysis of final results to naming the factors. The results analysis contrast with literature review and design right. The empirical results and references results are consistence. The structure-activity of volume is shown on TABLE I.

z Self-Service Technologies Attitude According to Fishbein and Ajzen on "attitude" as defined in "a person engaged in the conduct of a particular positive or negative feelings / affect [6]," this study of consumers will be defined "The self-service technology attitudes as consumer selfservice technology affect." In the operation, this study developed a total of five variables that carried a scale of consumers that the self-service technology attitudes. These five variables is refer to Taylor et al. carried the question and subject of study under this situation changes to consumers that use of self-service technology accept or not accept to meet the next level [19]. Therefore the study of Self-Service Technologies attitude is major affect of technology. The reference Dabholkar study by the self-service volume table, be modified based on context, to test self-service technology to consumer attitudes [7]. IV


Average Value


Dimension Of Cronbach ͉













New Sercive Concept Service Innovation

New Client Interface Technology Options New Service Delivery System Optimism

Technology Readiness Index(TRI)

Innovativeness Discomfort Insecurity

Technology Anxiety (TA) Self-Service Technologies Attitude


C. Structure Analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used Chi-square of statistical as one of the indicators, but the Chi-square affected easily by the sample size [3]. Scholar suggested that the issue of sample size included in the test volume. Measure the fit measure model used the Chisquare and degree free, not more than three as the standard [4]. In addition, there are other important statistical indicators related to a scale model fit measure. The study chooses eight indicators conducted fit measure assessment of the overall model. The evaluation criteria and the result shown on TABLE II (GFI = 0.939, AGFI = 0.915, RMSEA = 0.087). Overall, this study through the fit measure standard and have fit


A. Analysis of samples In this study, the samples of students have been used in self-service technology in Asia University, issued a total of 400 questionnaires were returned of 300 questionnaires that deduct

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measure well. The result is shown on TABLE II.

innovation for consumers of information and knowledge are ready or not ready. Because of customers collected information and knowledge is not complete will lead consumers to use selfservice technology reduce. When the service through innovative selfservice technology, customers can use the technology would affect their ability to use selfservice technology attitude. In Meuter et al. study showed that customers the level of anxiety on technology will affect the use of services and technology experience [12], when the technology anxiety is lower, the customer satisfaction experience higher. When customers were higher sense of technology anxiety, the self-service technology was in the interests of the lower.


Default model

Perfect index

Fit degree



















0-1and near 1




0-1and near 1




0-1and near 1




0-1and near 1











e152.08 e14

1 1 1

b28 b18 b11

-.49 -.51 -.04 1.00




.46 .16 1

Technology Anxiety

e24 1


1.00 1.28














1.54 .93


Service Innovation -.34






d4 1 1.28


d3 1 .05


d2 1



2.41 1.00


c. Services innovative effect to self-service technology attitude of customer remarkable. The advancement of technology, innovation allows consumers walk in advanced age. For in this era of rapid technological innovation, consumers have to constantly updated information and knowledge. The more-familiar consumers have less sensitive of technology innovation and not easy receptive to new things, so the new self-service technology to accept a lower.

e8 1.48


-.09 1

Self-Service Technologies

e6 .53



Technology Readiness Index










d1 1



Fig.3 path analysis of dimensions Then this study will make use of structural model causal path analysis and inspection every hypothesis of research dimension. The results shown in Fig. 3, building model can be seen the relationship between of latent variables. The empirical results pointed out that apart from H1 and H5 the assumptions can not be positive support, the rest of the assumption that were supported of empirical examine.

V. CONCLUSION The paper is counter to the service innovation, particularly is the self-service technology, to understand the consumers impact technology factors of a service attitude of the service innovation technologyˎ It is mainly directed against the four service innovation model dimensions new service concept, new customer interface, technology options, the new delivery system. The results find out to service innovation model, a new service concept, new customer interface, technology options and new delivery systems will make consumers for new innovations in technology and a technology anxiety and new service innovation technology was unable to fully accept. This study also found that consumers of technology readiness index low will be make them presence anxiety about the technology, and the consumer are reducing to use product of services innovation technology. This study suggested that strengthen the business information of service innovation, provided free innovative information manuals to consumer, as well as by service personnel on the introduction and add to the consumers have more understanding for innovation and technology services. For older consumers, should provide professional services personnel for their operations and describe the function of innovation and technology services, thereby increasing their use of services for innovation and technology readiness and reduce anxiety.

D. Discussion z Research Founding a. Services innovative effect to Technology Anxiety (TA) of customer remarkable. Service innovation of self-service technology can effect the customers to bring anxiety. From the empirical results of this study tells us that if self-service technology will make consumers more innovation the customer have higher sense of anxiety. Because consumers in contact with innovative technology, because of the customers were not familiar new technology and no doubt will have a sense of security that is the service innovation will be positive effects on consumers of the technology generated anxiety. b. Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Technology Anxiety (TA) effect to selfservice Technology attitude of customer remarkable. Self-service technology to consumers is a convenient and fast service, but when the technology innovation of science and technology

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Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE ICMIT [14]














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