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Jul 17, 2007 - 1999; Sultan 2005;. Watson and Casper 1984; White 1979). ..... tissue 13C at the University of Wyoming Stable Isotope. Facility in Laramie ...
Oecologia (2007) 153:821–832 DOI 10.1007/s00442-007-0794-z


Plastic responses to temporal variation in moisture availability: consequences for water use eYciency and plant performance Joshua J. Picotte · David M. Rosenthal · Jennifer M. Rhode · Mitchell B. Cruzan

Received: 26 December 2006 / Accepted: 8 June 2007 / Published online: 17 July 2007 © Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract The ability to appropriately modify physiological and morphological traits in response to temporal variation should increase Wtness. We used recombinant hybrid plants generated by crossing taxa in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex to assess the eVects of individual leaf traits and trait plasticities on growth in a temporally variable environment. Recombinant hybrids were used to provide a wide range of trait expression and to allow an assessment of the independent eVects of individual traits across a range of genetic backgrounds. Hybrid genotypes were replicated through vegetative propagation and planted in common gardens at Archbold Biological Station in Venus, Florida, where they were monitored for growth, leaf morphological characters, and integrated water use eYciency (WUE) (C isotope ratio; 13C) for two successive seasons. Under wet conditions only leaf area had signiWcant eVects on plant growth, but as conditions became drier, growth rates were greatest in plants with narrow leaves and higher trichome densities. Plants with higher WUE exhibited increased growth during the dry season but not during the wet season. WUE during the dry season was increased for plants with smaller, narrower leaves that had higher trichome densities and increased reXectance. Examination of alternative path models revealed that during the dry season leaf traits had signiWcant eVects on plant growth only through their direct

Communicated by Manuel Lerdau. J. J. Picotte · D. M. Rosenthal · M. B. Cruzan (&) Department of Biology, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207, USA e-mail: [email protected] J. M. Rhode Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC 28804, USA

eVects on WUE, as estimated from 13C. Over the entire growing season, plants with a greater ability to produce smaller and narrower leaves with higher trichome densities in response to reduced water availability had the greatest growth rate. These Wndings suggest that plants making appropriate changes to leaf morphology as conditions became dry had increased WUE, and that the ability to adjust leaf phenotypes in response to environmental variation is a mechanism by which plants increase Wtness. Keywords Adaptive plasticity · Carbon isotope ratio · Drought · Hybrid · Piriqueta

Introduction Organisms that experience changing environments often respond by making physiological and morphological modiWcations that aVect their survival and reproduction. While phenotypic responses to temporal environmental variation are probably common and may be important for adaptation to variable environments (Alpert and Simms 2002; Gomulkiewicz and Kirkpatrick 1992; Levins 1968; Schlichting and Pigliucci 1995), research on phenotypic plasticity has primarily focused on spatial variation (reviewed in Pigliucci 2001), and relatively few studies examine phenotypic responses of individuals to changing environments (Martinez-Garza and Howe 2005; Winn 1996a, b). Moreover, it has been diYcult to demonstrate the adaptive value of phenotypic plasticity in response to Wne-grained temporal variation (i.e., environmental variation experienced by individuals within a single growth cycle: Miner and Vonesh 2004; Winn 1999). Considering the Wtness consequences of environmental variation within a single season is particularly appropriate for perennial plants since their sedentary



nature precludes many avoidance responses (i.e., other than dormancy: Harper 1977), and their modular organization enables phenotypic adjustments in “real time” as new modules develop under changing conditions (Chu et al. 2006; de Kroon et al. 2005; Huber et al. 1999; Sultan 2005; Watson and Casper 1984; White 1979). Of the types of environmental variation that plants typically experience, changes in levels of moisture and temperature are probably the most critical to their survival and reproduction (Lambers et al. 1998; Nobel 2005). This is especially true for plants growing in seasonally arid habitats, where extremes of water availability and temperature may be common (Fischer and Turner 1978; Schwinning et al. 2004). Plants growing in these habitats may produce leaves that are smaller (Dudley 1996b) or have increased trichome densities (Ehleringer 1982) in response to increasing drought. We expect these modiWcations to be adaptive since smaller or narrower leaves reduce heat load through convective cooling (reviewed in Gates 1980; Gibson 1998; Givnish 1987; Nobel 2005). Similarly, higher trichome densities may reduce leaf temperatures by reXecting more incident sunlight (Ehleringer 1976; Ehleringer and Mooney 1978; Ehleringer and Werk 1986). Trichomes may also increase the leaf’s boundary layer (thin layer of stagnant air adjacent to the leaf surface), which will decrease the amount of water lost by evapotranspiration (Gates 1980; Schuepp 1993). Decreased leaf area and higher trichome densities may result in higher water use eYciency (WUE; deWned as the total amount of uptake of CO2 per amount of water loss), which is often characteristic of plants growing in xeric environments (Ehleringer and Cooper 1988; Hamerlynck et al. 2004; Rosenthal et al. 2005; Smith and Nobel 1977). Plants that are able to increase trichome density and reduce leaf surface area as plastic responses to decreased water availability should have higher Wtness in arid environments (Ackerly et al. 2000). However, demonstrating that plastic responses of physiological traits are adaptive has been problematic (e.g., Caruso et al. 2006). Our ability to delineate the ways in which individual traits and plastic responses inXuence Wtness may be complicated by the fact that sets of characters may function in concert to confer adaptation to particular conditions. For example, adaptation to diVerent levels of water availability may be due to a combination of traits (e.g., leaf size, shape, reXectance, and trichome density) that have the potential to inXuence the thickness of the boundary layer and the leaf heat load, which will consequently aVect WUE and biomass accumulation. For xeric environments, variation in leaf size and the density of trichomes are often cited as critical (Ackerly et al. 2000; Ehleringer and Mooney 1978; Lambers et al. 1998; Nobel 2005), but to our knowledge, no previous study has simultaneously examined the independent eVects of these traits or their plastic responses to


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drought within a single species. While a number of studies have examined associations between leaf morphological traits and WUE in drought environments (e.g., Dudley 1996a; Heschel et al. 2002; Heschel and Riginos 2005; Ludwig et al. 2004), the number of traits that have been examined and the range of variation in those traits has been limited. Furthermore, most functional trait analyses have compared populations or taxa that are likely to diVer for a range of morphological and physiological traits, so that correlations may confound the interpretations of individual trait eVects (Lande and Arnold 1983). One way to circumvent this problem would be to measure associations between traits and plant responses in artiWcial populations of recombinant hybrids (e.g., Ludwig et al. 2004). Functional analyses of traits important for adaptation would best be conducted by examining a number of traits in a broad range of genetic backgrounds to reduce the confounding eVects of linkage and inter-trait correlations. In this study, we use recombinant hybrids generated from crosses between two closely-related herbaceous perennial morphotypes in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex (Turneraceae), caroliniana (C) and viridis (V) and their advanced-generation hybrid derivatives (H; here referred to as a “morphotype”), to assess the eVects of leaf morphological characters on WUE and plant growth in a Weld environment with temporal variation in water availability. These plants are diploid (n = 7: Lewis et al. 1962), and easily crossed to produce fertile F1 hybrids (Cruzan 2005; Cruzan and Rhode 2004; Rhode and Cruzan 2005). The three morphotypes diVer dramatically in their leaf morphology and the moisture availability of their associated habitats (Martin and Cruzan 1999; Picotte 2006). Plants of the C morphotype have broad leaves (width = 1.02 § 0.09 cm: Picotte 2006) that are densely covered with stellate trichomes, and grow in the drought-prone sandhill regions of Florida scrub communities. In contrast, plants of the V morphotype are completely glabrous with very narrow leaves (width = 0.15 § 0.07 cm: Picotte 2006), and grow in the Xood-prone slash pine/palmetto Xatwoods of southern Florida (Benz et al. 2007; Martin and Cruzan 1999; Picotte 2006). The H genotypes, which exclusively occupy Florida scrub habitats across most of central Florida, have leaves that are intermediate in width and can be transgressive (i.e., exceeding the range seen in the parental morphotypes) for their trichome densities (Martin and Cruzan 1999; Picotte 2006). These H populations have existed for at least 20, and perhaps over 100 generations since their derivation from interbreeding between the parental C and V morphotypes (Cruzan 2005; Maskas and Cruzan 2000). The broad range of leaf morphologies, contrasting habitat aYliations, and the ease of generating multiple hybrid generations from these taxa (Benz et al. 2007; Cruzan and Rhode 2004; Rhode and Cruzan 2005) make

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this an ideal system for investigating phenotypic responses to drought and the adaptive value of individual leaf traits. Here we measure leaf traits in third-generation recombinant hybrid genotypes and their plastic responses to temporal variation in water availability under Weld conditions to assess the inXuence of these traits on WUE, and its consequent eVects on plant growth. SpeciWcally, we examine the expression and plastic responses of a number of leaf traits including leaf area, shape (width/length ratio), trichome density, reXectance, and anthocyanin content during relatively wet and dry periods of the growth season. We estimated anthocyanin because hybrids vary in widely in their pigmentation (Picotte 2006) and anthocyanins protect the leaf by enhancing photo-chemical quenching of highenergy electrons that may damage cells and reduce the photosynthetic rate (Close et al. 2000; Mendez et al. 1999). We were particularly interested in the eVects of leaf morphological traits on WUE, measured here with C isotope ratio (13C). Under similar atmospheric conditions, greater 13C is generally interpreted as higher integrated leaf-level WUE and frequently greater C gain for C3 plants (Farquhar et al. 1989), but see Donovan and Ehleringer (1994) for a notable exception. Our analyses indicate that several leaf traits had strong inXuences on WUE and plant growth under drought conditions, and genotypes that had the largest changes in their leaf morphologies in response to drying conditions had the greatest biomass accumulation over the growing season.


Propagation and establishment of the common garden Fruits from crosses among second-generation recombinant hybrids were collected 15–18 days after hand pollination in the greenhouse, allowed to dry for at least 18 days, planted into 6.35 £ 6.35-cm pots, and placed under misters with twice daily watering for approximately 2 months. Four to six cuttings were made from each mature recombinant hybrid plant by Wrst dipping them into rooting hormone (Schultz TakeRoot) and then inserting them into JiVy-7 peat pellets (JiVy Products). The cuttings were kept under greenhouse conditions (watered 3 times daily for 10 min with an overhead water misting system, 27–35°C day/night temperature, and 10 h day length) for 1 month. A total of 900 cuttings representing 265 unique recombinant hybrid genotypes were planted in a common garden at the Archbold Biological Station (ABS) in Venus, Florida in late July 2004. The common garden was located on Red Hill in an area of Florida scrub that has deep yellow sand soil, which is characteristic of the long-leaf pine and turkey oak scrub habitats where C and H populations of Piriqueta often occur. Cuttings were planted in a randomized block design that consisted of 60 blocks of 15 plants each. The block design was included in the data analyses to account for microenvironmental variation. Plant growth measurements

Materials and methods Crosses We used third-generation recombinant-hybrid genotypes in these experiments to obtain a wide range of phenotypic expression and to reduce correlations among separate traits. Genotypes were generated in the fall of 2003 by haphazardly crossing pairs of second-generation recombinant hybrid genotypes within six lineages based on reciprocal F1 crosses (i.e., CH, HC, CV, VC, VH, and HV: Wrst letter indicates the maternal parent) among three parental types (the C and V morphotypes and their hybrid derivatives, H). Second-generation recombinant genotypes had previously been generated by haphazardly crossing backcross genotypes (Wrst-generation recombinant hybrids) within the same lineages. The proportional contribution of the C, V, and H genotypes to third-generation recombinant hybrid genomes and the cytoplasmic genotype (assuming maternal inheritance) for each plant were inferred from known pedigrees. The recombinant hybrids selected for this experiment displayed variation in leaf morphology that overlaps the range of variation seen among parental morphotypes and hybrid derivatives.

Plants in the common garden were allowed to establish during the late summer and fall of 2004, and measurements began in the spring of 2005. During the 2005 growing season, each plant was measured for its stem length and leaf number, and the total number of stems, leaves, buds, Xowers, and fruits were counted every 6 weeks from May to September, for a total of three measurements (initial size in mid May, the beginning of July, and at the end of August in 2005). Of the three cuttings per genotype that were originally planted, 1.28 survived until the beginning of this experiment, so this low level of clone replication precluded the inclusion of genetic identity as a variable in the statistical analyses described below. Above-ground biomass (plant size) was estimated by multiplying the total number of leaves by the stem length (nearly all plants in this experiment had a single stem). Since this is an herbaceous perennial with indeterminate growth and all stems produce Xowers at each node after the Wrst few leaves, stem length reXects above-ground biomass and is indicative of reproductive eVort. Previous analyses by Rhode and Cruzan (2005) have shown this estimate of plant size to be a good predictor of over-winter survival and future growth of plants in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex.



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Leaf morphology

Water use eYciency

In mid July and late August 2005, one leaf was taken from the Wrst or second node (newest growth) from each plant in the garden over a 1- or 2-day period. Leaves were placed in a coin envelope, labeled, and dried in a plant press for analysis of leaf length, width, area, trichome density, spectral reXectance, and anthocyanin content. Each leaf collected from the garden was photographed at Portland State University with a Panasonic GCD digital camera attached to a copy stand for analysis of leaf length, width, and area. Leaves were photographed for trichome density with a Leica MZ16 dissecting microscope and Q-Imaging Retisa 1300 digital camera at 4£ magniWcation. All images were analyzed using Image-Pro Plus v5.1. We estimated trichome density of the underside of each leaf by counting the total number of trichomes in the Weld of view and divided this amount by the total leaf area sampled. Previous analyses indicated that the density of trichomes on the upper and lower surfaces of leaves are strongly correlated (Martin and Cruzan 1999). We performed these analyses on 213 leaves collected in July and 209 collected in August. Leaves were analyzed for spectral reXectance characteristics to estimate total surface reXectance and anthocyanin content (Sims and Gamon 2002). Higher leaf reXectance has been associated with higher trichome density and is thought to decrease overall leaf temperature by decreasing the heat load (Ehleringer 1976; Ehleringer and Mooney 1978; Ehleringer and Werk 1986). ReXectance analyses were conducted with an Ocean Optics USB2000 reXectance spectrophotometer in conjunction with Ocean Optics OOIBase32 (v.1.0.09 1999) software to analyze the percent of light reXected, from 1–999 nm, oV the leaf surface. Measurements taken with this instrument provided distinct reXectance patterns for diVerent genotypes. Each leaf was positioned at a 90° angle underneath the spectrophotometer to reduce the amount of error by light scattering. Anthocyanin concentration was estimated by the formula: A = R600¡699/R500¡599 , where A is the red/green ratio, R600¡699 is the sum of the reXectance values from 600 to 699 nm (red spectrum of light), and R500¡599 is the sum of the reXectance values between 500 and 599 nm (spectrum of green light) (Sims and Gamon 2002). This formula calculated the ratio of anthocyanin to chlorophyll in the leaf, thereby oVering an estimate of anthocyanin content. Surface reXectance was calculated by the formula: R = R445/ R400¡500 , where R is the ratio of reXectance at R445 and R400¡500. ReXectance at 445 nm has been previously used as a good estimator of surface reXectance (Sims and Gamon 2002), and we corrected for variation due to the leaf surface angle to the light source by dividing by the sum of the reXectance values from 400 to 500 nm.

Leaves from a subsample of 75 plants (32 from July and 43 from August) that weighed at least 2 g (minimum amount of leaf tissue needed for tests) were chosen for analysis of tissue 13C at the University of Wyoming Stable Isotope Facility in Laramie, Wyoming. Note that this parameter diVers from C isotope discrimination (), which is 13C corrected for the ratio of isotopes in the local atmosphere (Farquhar et al. 1989). The atmospheric correction was not necessary in this case because all plants in the transplant garden were exposed to approximately the same atmospheric conditions. A more negative 13C value is interpreted as a lower WUE integrated over the life of the leaf (Farquhar et al. 1989).


Temporal variation in water availability To estimate the relative amount of water available to the plants grown in the transplant garden at ABS we obtained 30-year averages and the monthly climate variables for July and August of 2005. Average temperature and precipitation over a 30-year period and in the summer of 2005 were used to calculate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) using Malmstrom’s (1969) method: PET = 40.9 £ ea(Ta), where ea(Ta) was the saturation vapor pressure at the mean daily temperature in degrees Celsius at each site (Malmstrom 1969). The aridity (A) of ABS was calculated as A = P/ PET, where P was the monthly precipitation (Budyko 1974; Thornthwaite 1948). Aridity levels in July and August 2005 were compared to the 30-year averages and to each other to assess the relative water availability over the growing season. Data analyses EVects of leaf traits on plant growth Since climate data suggested that June and July precipitation typically diVer, all data from 2005 were divided into two measurement periods: early season (leaves collected in July) and late season (leaves collected at the end of August). Aridity index values for the 2005 growing season indicated that leaves collected in early July were from a wetter period than those collected in August (Picotte 2006). This was unusual because comparison to the 30-year aridity index suggests that, in Central Florida, June is usually drier than July and August (Picotte 2006). Hereafter the early season of 2005, which was less arid than the 30-year average, will be considered the “wet” growth period, and the late season of 2005, which was drier than both the 30-year average and the early season of 2005, will be considered the “dry” growth season.

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Models for the analysis of leaf traits (leaf area, length/ width ratio, trichome density, anthocyanin content, and reXectance—all entered as covariates) on plant size included estimates of genomic composition (entered as a covariate for each parental type) and cytoplasmic genotype (categorical, Wxed eVect) to account for the eVects of unmeasured phenotypic traits that diVered among the parental taxa. These models included variables for the block (location within the transplant garden) as a categorical random eVect, and initial plant size for each growth period (i.e., early May and early July size) as a covariate. Separate analyses were conducted for each growth period (May–June and July–August) using PROC GLM of SAS (SAS 2002). These models analyze the change in plant size over time since we control for initial plant size by including it as a covariate, so we refer to this response as “plant growth.” Plant size estimates were log-transformed and leaf traits were log- or square-root transformed when necessary to produce approximately normal distributions. Path analyses The subsample of 75 plants for which 13C was measured was analyzed to estimate the eVects of leaf area, width/ length ratio, trichome density, leaf reXectance, anthocyanin content, and 13C on plant size at the end of each growth period. Data were analyzed separately for the May–June and July–August seasons using AMOS v.6.0 (Arbuckle 2005) to estimate standardized regression coeYcients and to create path models. Several path models were explored by modifying the paths so that individual variables: (1) only had direct eVects on plant size, (2) had both direct and indirect (through their eVects on 13C) eVects on plant size, and (3) only had indirect eVects on plant size through 13C. Models were compared using the second-order Akaike information criterion (AICc) for small samples (i.e., for n/ k < 40, where n is the sample size and k is the number of parameters in the model; Burnham and Anderson 1998, p. 66) calculated with the 2 values from AMOS analyses of each model as described by Angilletta et al. (2006). Plasticity analyses The degree to which changes in the expression of leaf traits aVected biomass accumulation over both wet and dry seasons was analyzed by including initial trait values and the magnitude of change for each leaf trait in analyses of covariance (ANCOVA). Plasticity of each trait for each plant (TPi) is deWned here as the diVerence in expression between the second (T2) and Wrst (T1) time period, standardized by expression in the Wrst time period : TPi = [(T2 – T1)/ T1]. ANCOVA models for the analysis of the eVects of plasticity on plant size at the end of August included the


eVects of garden position entered as a random factor, and initial plant size in May, all July leaf trait values, and their plasticities (TPi) entered as covariates.

Results Leaf traits of plants in the transplant garden diVered between the wet (May–June) and dry (July–August) growing seasons (Fig. 1). During the dry season of 2005 plants produced leaves with signiWcantly lower width/length ratios (F = 98.56, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df), higher trichome densities (F = 46.73, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df), and lower anthocyanin content (F = 52.57, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df) than the same plants measured at the end of June (Fig. 1). While the leaves from the dry season were narrower (mean width = 0.267 vs. 0.235 cm for the wet and dry seasons, respectively; F = 13.92, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df), their overall surface area was larger (F = 248.68, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df) because they were signiWcantly longer (mean length = 1.19 vs. 1.58 cm; F = 54.31, P < 0.0001, 1/406 df). Mean August leaf reXectance was almost identical to June reXectance (mean = 12.12% for both). Plants were nearly twice as tall at the end of August (mean height = 52.52) compared to June (mean height = 26.61: F = 55.43, P < 0.0001, 1/325 df), but the diVerence in the number of leaves was not as substantial (mean leaf number = 12.7 and 9.3 for August and June, respectively: F = 58.80, P < 0.0001, 1/325 df). May plant size estimates were a good predictor of plant size at the end of the 2005 summer wet season (May–July; Table 1). Leaf area was the only trait that had signiWcant eVects on July plant size, so that plants with larger leaves had signiWcantly greater growth during this wetter season. There were weaker eVects of trichome density and leaf width/length ratio, where plants bearing wider leaves with fewer trichomes tended to have higher Wtness, but these eVects were not signiWcant (Table 1). Block, cytoplasmic genotype, and the parental nuclear genomic composition parameters did not signiWcantly aVect July plant size in this model. When the covariates from this model were examined with path analysis the same trends were evident, and the overall path model explained 37% of variation in July plant size (path model not shown). When a separate path analysis was conducted on a subsample of plants from the wet season for which we had determined WUE (13C), the model with the lowest AICc value (indicating that it is the most plausible; Burnham and Anderson 1998) included direct eVects of initial plant size, leaf area, and leaf width/length ratio with all other leaf characters acting indirectly through their eVect on WUE (13C as estimated from single leaves collected from each plant at the end of each season; Fig. 2a). The AICc values for alternative models were substantially larger (i.e., all



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Fig. 1 Changes in leaf traits between the wet (May–July) and dry (July–August) seasons: leaf width/length ratio (a), total leaf area (b), trichome density (c), and anthocyanin content (based on reXectance estimates; d) for recombinant genotypes in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex. The dashed line in each panel represents no change in traits between the wet to the dry seasons. Values below the line indicate a shift to narrower leaves (a), smaller leaves (b), lower trichome densities (c), and lower anthocyanin content (d). For trichome densities, 50 genotypes did not have any leaf hairs in either season (points at the origin in c), and 52 genotypes shifted from no hairs in the wet season to varying trichome densities in the dry season (points along the y-axis of c)

Table 1 ANOVA for the eVects of garden position (Block), cytoplasmic genotype, percent parental genomic composition, leaf traits, and initial plant size on July 2005 size of recombinant hybrids in the Piriqueta caroliniana complex [morphotypes caroliniana (C) and viridis (V)]a


The overall model was signiWcant (F = 9.77, P < 0.0001, 28/ 137 df)




Mean square


Pr > F






Cytoplasmic genotype






Percent V






Percent C






Leaf area






Leaf width/length






Trichome density












Anthocyanin content





Initial plant size




i > 2) indicating that they did not warrant further consideration (Burnham and Anderson 1998, p. 70). The leaf characters explained 24% of the variation in WUE, but none of the individual leaf characters signiWcantly inXuenced WUE measured from leaves collected at the end of the wet season (Fig. 2a). The results for this subsample are consistent with the full data set since initial plant size and leaf area had strong direct eVects on the growth of plants during the wet period in both models (Table 1, Fig. 2a). Plants with high WUE appeared to have slightly slower growth during the wet season, but this relationship was not signiWcant (P > 0.10; Fig. 2a). The overall model explained 36% of the variation in growth for this subsample of plants (Fig. 2a). Initial plant size was a good predictor of growth during the more arid period of the summer 2005 growing season




0.6372 2). Levels of WUE were aVected by leaf reXectance, leaf area, leaf trichome density, and leaf width/ length ratio, with all the leaf characters combined explaining 54% of the variation in WUE. Both WUE and initial plant size had signiWcant eVects on plant size at the end of the dry season, and the overall model explained 34% of the

variation in plant size measured at the end of August (Fig. 2b). The nuclear genetic composition of plants had signiWcant eVects on leaf characters and plant growth during the wet and dry seasons. Note that the contributions of all three parental morphotypes summed to one, making it impossible to assess all of them in the same model, so we chose to analyze only the proportion of C and V genomic contributions. The proportion of the nuclear genomic composition from the V parental morphotype signiWcantly aVected wet and dry season leaf area (F = 18.90, P < 0.0001, slope = ¡0.45 and F = 22.64, P < 0.0001, slope = ¡0.51), length/width


828 Table 2 ANOVA for the eVects of garden position (Block), cytoplasmic genotype, percent parental genomic composition, leaf traits, and initial plant size on August 2005 size of recombinant hybrids in the P. caroliniana complexa. For abbreviations, see Table 1


The overall model was signiWcant (F = 9.77, P < 0.0001, 28/137 df)

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Cytoplasmic genotype






Percent V






Percent C






Leaf area






Leaf width/length






Trichome density












Anthocyanin content






Initial plant size





0.90, slope = ¡0.01) and anthocyanin content (F = 2.72, P = 0.1004 and F = 0.01, P = 0.9050) were weak. With the exceptions of anthocyanin content (F = 5.65, P = 0.0185, slope = ¡0.34 and F = 8.23, P = 0.0046, slope = ¡0.31) and leaf trichome density (F = 3.30, P = 0.0707, slope = ¡0.07 and F = 6.54, P = 0.0113, slope = ¡0.14), the eVects of the proportion of the genome contributed from C parentals on leaf characters was much weaker (P > 0.15 for all other characters). The cytoplasmic (maternal) genotype (C, V, or H) had a marginal eVect on the dry season leaf width/length ratio (F = 4.85, P < 0.089; plants with a V cytotype had leaves that were narrower than plants with the C and H cytotypes), but not on any other leaf characters (P > 0.15 for all). The only signiWcant eVect of genomic composition on plant growth was for the proportion of V genome in the wet season (F = 4.62, P = 0.0328) where higher proportions were associated with slower growth (standardized slope = ¡0.26). Individual genotypes varied in their magnitudes and directions of changes in leaf traits (Fig. 1), and these plastic responses had signiWcant eVects on biomass accumulation over the wet and dry growth seasons (Table 3). Plants that had a larger decrease in leaf width/length ratio (slope = ¡29.17), increase in leaf trichome density (slope = 0.39), decrease in leaf area (slope = ¡11.79), and decrease in leaf anthocyanin content (a marginal eVect, slope = ¡22.38; Table 3) between the wet and dry seasons were larger by the August growth measurement. In this same model the initial plant size in May (slope = 0.63), plant position in the garden (marginal eVect), July leaf width/length ratio (slope = ¡4.67), and July trichome


Mean square


Pr > F

density (a marginal eVect, slope = 0.23) had aVected Wnal plant size at the end of the dry season. All other variables (genomic composition, initial leaf area, initial reXectance, initial anthocyanin content, and plasticity for reXectance) did not have signiWcant eVects on plant size at the end of the dry season (Table 3). With the exception of change in leaf width/ length ratio between seasons [for maternal genotype, F = 3.61, P = 0.0291 (C > H = V), and for percent V, F = 5.80, P = 0.0170], these plasticity variables were not correlated with maternal genotype or nuclear genomic composition (P > 0.10 for all).

Discussion Temporal variation in water availability to plants within the Piriqueta caroliniana complex has selected for the development of morphological and physiological adaptations that maximize the eYciency of water use relative to C acquisition. When subjected to temporal changes in water availability under natural conditions, these recombinant hybrid genotypes exhibited variation in vegetative growth that was dependent on each plant’s leaf morphological traits and their ability to make appropriate morphological responses. Plants responded to changes in water availability by modifying leaf characters that aVected WUE and biomass accumulation. Under wetter conditions, most plants had wider leaves and lower trichome densities. Under water stress conditions most of these recombinant genotypes modiWed their leaves to increase WUE by decreasing leaf width and increasing trichome density. The ability of these plants to acclimate to changes in moisture availability had a direct impact on their growth and reproductive eVort. These results support the hypothesis that recombinant Piriqueta hybrids are responding to temporal variation in soil water availability by altering leaf traits that aVect WUE. Moreover, it is apparent that these phenotypic changes are adaptive since plants that were able to make appropriate

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Table 3 ANOVA for the eVects of leaf trait plasticitya on growth over the wet and dry seasons of recombinant hybrids in the P. caroliniana complexb. For abbreviations, see Table 1 Source














Percent V






Percent C






Leaf area






Leaf width/length



