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Journal of

PRAGMATICS Journal of Piagmatits 27 (1997) 61-82

Interaction and causation: Causative constructions in modern Standard Dutch 1

Ane Verhageir *, Su/anne Kemmer


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Journal of Pragmatics 27 (1997) 61-82

Interaction and causation: Causative constructions in modern Standard Dutch Ane Verhageir1*, Suzanne Kemmerb h

Centn foi Languaye and Communuatwn Uticcht UmvctMty Tiam, 10 3512 JK Utiaht The Ncthcr/and·* Dcpaitment of Lmgunnt·; Rice Umvei vty 6100 Main Stieet Houston TX 77005 1892 USA Rcceived January 1996 revised Version February 1996

Abstract The Dutch verbs doen ('do') and taten ('let') categonze an event äs mvolving either direct or indirect causation, respectively The latter means that another force than the agent's is seen äs more immediately involved in bnnging about the effect, and is therefore especially suited to indicate interactions betwcen humans i e mind-to mind causation The difference between these verbs reflects the folk world view in which the mental world is seen äs separate from the physical, each having distinct causal properties We show how this explams the sharp difference, observable m usage, in the preferences of both verbs for animate and inammate parlicipants Another cultural cognitive model playmg a lole m the use of doen vs laten is the 'folk model of the mind', which governs our understandmg of mental processes such äs perception and behef Agamst the background ot this model, Speakers exploit the choice between the two verbs for particular effects, e g to attnbute particular causal powers to certain referents, such äs God or government authonties, or, combining verb choice with case markmg, to subtly indicate different degrees of autonomy and affectedness of causees The study demonstrates the intimate relation between cognitive models, pragmatic contextual factors, and lexical semantics

1. Introduction This paper reports on one part of a larger project on causative constructions (and m fact, the hnguistic expresston of causation m general) In Kemmer and Verhagen (1994) we developed a general conceptual framework for handlmg cross-lmguistic markmg patterns m causatives Here we will apply that framework to an m-depth

* Corresponding aulhor Email anc verhagen@let ruu nl Phone +31 302538131 (office) +31 71 5174079(homc) Fax +31302536000 0378 2166/96/$15 00 Copyright © 1996 Elscvicr Science B V All nghts rescrvcd PH 90378 2166(96)00003 3


Λ Vcrluiiicn, S. Ki-mmer ι Jintrnal uai>e of the American Psychological Association, published in the Amintan Pivcholoi>itt 30 (1975) 682-684, 01 the Guideliwi öl the Linguislic Society of Amenca m the ΖΛ/1 Bulletin (# 135, March 1992) Authors' bcncfits. Upon pubhcation in the Jouinal of Pia^matu \, authois receive (1) 50 icprints of thcir connibulion free of Charge, and (2) a 30% discount on all Elscvicr Science B V books US mailing noticc - Journal of Pragmatits (0378 2166) is published monthly by Elsevicr Science (Molenwcrf l , Postbus 2l l 1000 AE Amsterdam) Annual subscnplion pnce in ihe USA US $ 568 00 (US $ pncc vahd in North Ceniral and Soulh Amenca only), includmg air speed dchvery Sccond class postagc paid at Jamaica, NY 1143 USA POSTMASTERS Send address changes to Journal of Pragmalics Publication Expeditmg, Ine, 200 Meacham Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003 Air freighl and mailing in thc USA by Pubhcation Lxpcdiling

JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS • EDITORS Chief Editor: J.L. Mey, Odense Umversity, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense U, Denmark Executive Editon R.W. Janney, Universität zu Köln, Germany Editore: C. Catfl, Universitä diGenova, Italy, T. Frethelm, University öl Trondheim, Norway and H. Haberland, Umversity ölRoskilde,

An Interdisciplinary Monthly of Language

Studies Commenced publlcation 1977

Denmark Review Edltor: M. Dolitsky, Institut Universilaire de Formation des Maitre (IUFM), France Squfe Editor B. Fräser, Boston University, USA Associate Editors: L. Coleman, University öl Maryland, USA, f. Kiefer, Hungarian Acaderny of Sciences, Hungary, J.-O, Östman, University öl Helsinki, Finland and J. Versteueren, University olAntwerp, Belgium

• AUDIENCE Linguists, Sociologists, Psychologists, Anthropologists, those involved in Artificial Intelligence, Philosophers interested in pragmatics, semantics, language acquisition, universals of language, computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, speech act theories, discourse analysis etc.

• ABSTRACTED/INDEXEDIN Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Gurren! Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, INSPEC Information Services, Language Teaching, Linguistics Abstracts, Linguistics and Language ßehavior Abstracts (LLBA), Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Planning/ Policy and Development Abstracts (SOPODA), Sociological Abstracts, The Philosopher's Index. • ©1994 SUBSCRIPTIONS Volumes2l-22(in 12issues) ISSN 0378-2166 Please contact the publisher for the Subscription Price Send this form to your regulär supplier or to ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Attn. Marlene Hamers P.O. Box 103 1000 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Fax: (+31-20) 5862 616 Customers in the USA/Canada, send to ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. Attn.JudyWeislogel, P.O. Box 945 Madison Square Station, New York, NY 10160-0757 Q Please send me a FREE inspection copy of JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS Q Please enter my 1994 Subscription to JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS O Yes, l would like to be on your Mailing List: (mailing code 08736)



• AIMSANDSCOPE Linguistic pragmatics has baen able to formulate a number of queslions (hat are essontiai to our understanding of language äs humans' main Instrument of "nafi/ra/"and *soc/e/a/"interaction. ßy providing possible theoretical foundations for the study of linguistic practice, Imguistic pragmalics has helped to increase our Knowledge of human interaction. The Journal öl Pragmatics identifies with the above general scope and aims of pragmatics. In addition, the Journal will attempt to narrow the distance between such fields äs sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics (including the Information sciences, artificial intelligence research and, in general, the theory and practice of machine-human interaction), applied linguistics (including the theory and practice of language teaching and learning), psychiatry (induding the study of Schizophrenie speech). The Journal will also endeavour to cover the "s/iady" areas between these fields and between linguistics and the neighboring disciplines. The Journal of Pragmatics welcomes both those contributions originating in linguistics proper and those taking neighboring, related fields äs their point of departure. Recently the Journal oi Pragmatics also has begun to publish focus-on-issues on broad subject areas of general interest to different groups of readers. The first issue of this new type was "Pragmatic Paradigms" in 1992. Further issues are on "Genderand "Conversational Strategies" (1993). "Special Issues" devoted to a single topic are regularly published: Australian Contributions to Discourse Theory in 1989, Politeness and Selected Papers Irom the International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp 1987 (1990), Syntax and Pragmatics (1991), Cognitive Perspectives öl Language Usern 1991, Merjeclions (1992) and Pragmatics in Australia and New Zealand (1993),

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