Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris SNMPTN 2010

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PREDIKSI SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SNMPTN 2010 1. PETUNJUK UMUM. 1. Sebelum mengerjakan ujian,telitilah terlebih dahulu jumlah dan nomor halaman.
PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Sebelum mengerjakan ujian,telitilah terlebih dahulu jumlah dan nomor halaman yang terdapat pada naskah ujian 2. Tulislah nomor peserta saudara pada lembar jawaban di tempat yang disediakan,sesuai dengan petunjuk yang di berikan petugas 3. Pikirkanlah baik-baik jawaban saudara,karena setiap jawaban yang salah akan mengakibatkan pengurangan nilai(penilaian: betul +4,kosong:0,salah:-1) 4. Jawablah terlebih dahulu soal yang menurut saudara mudah,kemudian di lanjutkan dengan menjawab soal yang sukar.

PETUNJUK KHUSUS 1. Soal terdiri dari tiga bagian,yaitu:PERNYATAAN,kata SEBAB dan ALASAN yang disusun berurut. 2. Jawaban A jika pernyataan betul,alasan betul,dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat 3. Jawaban B jika pernyataan betul,alasan betul,dan keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat 4. Jawaban C jika pernyataan salah dan alasan salah 5. Jawaban D jika pernyataan salah dan alasan betul 6. Jawaban E jika pernyataan dan alasan salah,keduanya salah

PETUNJUK KHUSUS 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pilih A jika pernyataan (1),(2),(3) benar Pilih B jika pernyataan (1) dan (3) benar Pilih C jika pernyataan (2) dan (4) benar Pilih D jika pernyataan (4) benar Jika semuanya benar



PREDIKSI SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SNMPTN 2010 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal

: 12

1. After the Team of geologists had drawn the diagrams,They ............ to their camp site to compare notes. (A) Will return (B) Was returning (C) Returned (D) Had returned (E) Will have returned 2. .......... she has opened the window,the smell of smoke is still was strong. (A) Otherwise (B) However (C) Therefore (D) Eventhough (E) Inspite on 3. I don’t know ...................................... (A) When the accident happened (B) When the accident happens (C) When had the accident happened (D) When was the accident happening (E) When the accident being happened 4. John always behaves as though he ............... English well (A) Can speak (B) Spoke (C) Had spoken (D) Is speaking (E) Will speak 5. “I hear your son is going hiking again.” “Oh yes,I just don’t understand ........................ so much.” (A) Why does he like it (B) Why he likes it (C) He likes it | PREDIKSI SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SNMPTN 2010


(D) That he likes it (E) Does he like it 6. Hanny stayed up very late last night.Today she is very tired and sleepy.She wish........... (A) She didn’t stay up very late last night (B) She didn’t sleep last night (C) She were tired and sleep (D) She hadn’t been tired and sleepy (E) She hadn’t stayed up very late last night. 7. She is going to hold a big party,so he has to.................. (A) Have repaired the house (B) Have had the house repaired (C) Have the house repaired (D) Have the house to repaire (E) Had the house repaired TEXT Almost half of the earth’s population lives in tropical forest environment which cover an estimated 2000 million hectares,mostly in the sloping world. The management of these forest is matter of great (8)......... for the countries (9)...... they are situated for not only do they provide timber for lumber and paper but also with their unique diversity of plants life serve as renewable source of food medicines and fuel(10)............ they are wiselyharvested. Forests also help to regulate the quality and flow of water,and (11).......................... factor in development. They are the home of farmers and hunters,and yield many (12).................... which are used both by the local people and needed by city dwellers. 8. (A) attraction (B) intention (C) initiative (D) importance (E) reaction

9. (A) Who (B) Whose (C) Of which | PREDIKSI SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SNMPTN 2010


(D) Whom (E) In which 10. (A) As (B) For (C) If (D) So (E) Or 11. (A) Enormous (B) Efficient (C) Entire (D) External (E) Essential

12. (A) Produce (B) Products (C) Productively (D) Productivity (E) Productive