Preliminary Test Estimation in the Pareto Distribution Using Minimax ...

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The Pareto distribution has been used in a variety of fields, especially in economics. It is often used to model the distribution of income (Steindl, 1965;.
International Mathematical Forum, 3, 2008, no. 10, 473 - 478

Preliminary Test Estimation in the Pareto Distribution Using Minimax Regret Significance Levels Ayman Baklizi Department of Mathematics and Physics Qatar University, Doha, Qatar [email protected]

Abstract We consider preliminary test estimator based on the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter of the pareto distribution. The optimal significance levels for the preliminary test are obtained using the minimax regret criterion. The corresponding critical values of the preliminary test are calculated. Mathematics Subject Classification: 62F10 Keywords: Maximum likelihood estimator, Minimax regret criterion, Preliminary test estimator, Optimum significance levels. Pareto distribution.

1. Introduction The Pareto distribution has been used in a variety of fields, especially in economics. It is often used to model the distribution of income (Steindl, 1965; Mandelbrot, 1967, Ord, 1975). Various estimation methods for the parameter of the Pareto distribution have been discussed in the literature. The least squares and the moment estimators and their properties have been discussed by Quandt (1966). The maximum likelihood estimator is dicussed by Malik (1970). Estimators based on order statistics are discussed by (Ogawa, 1962; Koutrouvelis, 1981) among others. Minimax, Bayesian and other issues of estimation in this model are reviewed in Johnson et. al. (1994)


A. Baklizi

In some applications, the researcher possesses some knowledge about the parameter a in the form of a prior estimate a 0 . This prior information may be incorporated to improve the estimation process using a preliminary test estimator (Ohtani and Toyoda, 1978; Toyoda and Wallace, 1975; Sawa and Hiromatsu, 1973). In this paper we present a preliminary test estimator for the parameter of the Pareto distribution. Similar work in this problem was done by Chiou (1978, 1988) and Baklizi (2005) among others. The procedure for obtaining the optimum values of the significance levels using the minimax regret criterion of Brook (1976) is developed in section 2. The results are given in the final section.

2. Preliminary test estimation Consider a random sample x1 , K, x n from the Pareto distribution with pdf f ( x) = ak a x -(a +1) a, k > 0, x ≥ k . The maximum likelihood estimator of a when k is unknown is given by −1

⎡ n ⎛ xi ⎞⎤ ⎟⎟⎥ , It can be shown (Johnson et. al., 1994) aˆ = n ⎢∑ ln⎜⎜ ⎣ i =1 ⎝ min( xi ) ⎠⎦ that. 2 na aˆ ~ χ 22( n −1) (Johnson et. al., 1994). Assume that a 0 is a prior guess of a , Consider testing H 0 : a = a 0 against H 1 : a ≠ a 0 , the likelihood ratio test rejects H 0 when 2 na 0 aˆ > c1 or 2 na 0 aˆ < c 2 , a preliminary test estimator a~ of ⎧ a may be obtained as follows a~ = ⎪⎨ a 0 , ⎪⎩ aˆ ,

2n a 0 < c2 aˆ Otherwise.

c 2 ) =


, where W ~ χ 22( n −1) .

2 Our aim is to find the optimum values of α according to the minimax regret criterion. The mean of a~ is given by ⎡ ⎧ ⎡ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞⎤ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞⎫⎤ ⎟⎟⎥ + E ⎢aˆ ⎨1 − I ⎜⎜ 1 < ⎟⎟⎬⎥ E (a~ ) = a 0 E ⎢ I ⎜⎜ 1 < < < ˆ ˆ a a a a a a 0 ⎠⎦ 0 ⎠ ⎭⎥ ⎝ 0 ⎣ ⎝ 0 ⎣⎢ ⎩ ⎦ Notice that ⎡ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ = E ⎢ I ⎜⎜ 1 < < aˆ a0 ⎟⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎝ a0

⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞ ⎟= p⎜⎜ 1 < < aˆ a 0 ⎟⎠ ⎝ a0

c2 a a0

∫ g (w)dw ,

where g (w) is the

c1a a0

pdf of a chi-squared random variable with 2(n − 1) degrees of freedom. Also; ⎡ ⎧ ⎛ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞⎫⎤ ⎟⎟⎬⎥ = E (aˆ ) − E ⎜ aˆ I ⎜⎜ 1 < ⎟⎟ ⎟ < < E ⎢aˆ ⎨1 − I ⎜⎜ 1 < ⎜ ⎟ ˆ ˆ a a a a a a 0 ⎠ ⎭⎦ 0 ⎠⎠ ⎥ ⎝ 0 ⎝ ⎝ 0 ⎣⎢ ⎩

Pareto distribution


⎛1 ⎛ aˆ ⎞ Now, E (aˆ ) = 2naE ⎜ ⎟ = 2naE ⎜ ⎝W ⎝ 2na ⎠

na ⎞ , W ~ χ 22( n −1) , and; ⎟= ⎠ na − 2 c2 a a0

⎛ aˆ ⎛ c1 a 2na c 2 a ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ c a 2na c 2 a ⎞ ⎞ 1 ⎟⎟ ⎟ = 2na ∫ g ( w)dw ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟ = 2naE ⎜ E ⎜⎜ aˆ I ⎜⎜ 1 < I < < < ⎜ 2na a aˆ a0 ⎠ ⎟⎠ aˆ a 0 ⎠ ⎟⎠ c1a w ⎝ 0 ⎝ ⎝ ⎝ a0 a0

Thus; E (a~ ) = a 0

c2 a a0


c2 a a0

∫ g (w)dw + na − 2 − 2na ∫

c1a a0

c1a a0

1 g ( w)dw w

Similarly, the second moment of a~ is given by

( )

E a~ 2 = a02

c2 a a0




c2 ⎛ na ⎞ 2 2 a0 + + g ( w ) dw − ( 2 na ) ⎜ ⎟ a 1 w g ( w) dw 2 ∫c a ∫ c1 (n − 2) (n − 3) ⎝ n − 2 ⎠ a0 1




The mean squared error of a~ is given by 2 2 MSE (a~ ) = E a~ 2 − (E (a~ )) + (E (a~ ) − a ) = E a~ 2 − 2aE (a~ ) + a 2 Thus;

( )

MSE (a~ ) = a02

c2 a a0

∫ g (w)dw +

c1a a0

( )




c2 ⎛ na ⎞ 2 2 +⎜ ⎟ − (2na) ∫ aa0 1 w g ( w)dw − 2 c 1 (n − 2) (n − 3) ⎝ n − 2 ⎠ a0



c2 a ⎞ ⎛ ca2 a a0 0 ⎟ ⎜ na 1 2a⎜ a 0 ∫ g ( w)dw + − 2na ∫ g ( w)dw ⎟ + a 2 na − 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ c1a c1a w a0 ⎠ ⎝ a0


σ MSE (a~ ) can be considered as a risk function (Chiou, 1988), let ψ = 0 we 2 σ a

get c2


RIS (ψ , α ) = ψ 2 ∫ g ( w)dw + c1





2 ⎛ n ⎞ 2 ψ + − ( 2 n ) 1 w 2 g ( w)dw − ⎜ ⎟ c ∫ 2 1 (n − 2) (n − 3) ⎝ n − 2 ⎠ ψ



c2 ⎛ ψc2 ⎞ ψ ⎜ ⎟ na 1 − 2n ∫ g ( w)dw ⎟ + 1 2⎜ψ ∫ g ( w)dw + na − 2 ⎜⎜ c1 ⎟⎟ c1 w ψ ⎝ ψ ⎠ Notice that the risk function depends on α through c1 and c 2 which are

determined such that p a0 (W < c1 ) = p a0 (W > c 2 ) =



, where W ~ χ 22( n −1) .


A. Baklizi

If ψ → 0 or ∞ , then RIS (ψ ,α ) converges to RIS (ψ ,1) which is the risk of the maximum likelihood estimator aˆ . The general shapes of RIS (ψ ,α ) can be found in (Chiou, 1988; figure 1). An optimal value of α is α = 1 if ψ ≤ ψ 1 or ψ ≥ ψ 2 and α = 0 otherwise, where ψ 1 and ψ 2 are intersections of RIS (ψ ,0) = (ψ − 1) 2 with RIS (ψ ,1) =

n2 4 + .The intersections 2 (n − 2) (n − 3) (n − 2) 2

⎛ n2 4 ψ 1 = 1 − ⎜⎜ + 2 2 ⎝ (n − 2) (n − 3) (n − 2)


⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠




⎛ 4 ⎞ n2 ⎟ . Since ψ is unknown we seek an optimal ψ 2 = 1 + ⎜⎜ + 2 2 ⎟ ⎝ (n − 2) (n − 3) (n − 2) ⎠ value α = α * which gives a reasonable risk for all values of ψ . Going along the lines of Sawa and Hiromatsu (1973), the regret function is REG (ψ ,α ) = RIS (ψ ,α ) − inf RIS (ψ ,α ) , where α

⎧ RIS (ψ ,1), ψ ≤ ψ 1 or ψ ≥ ψ 2 inf RIS (ψ , α ) = ⎨ α ⎩ RIS (ψ ,0), otherwise.

REG (ψ ,α ) takes a maximum value at ψ L . For For ψ ≤ ψ 2 ψ > ψ 2 , REG (ψ ,α ) takes a maximum value at ψ U , see (Chiou, 1988; figure 1).

α * such that Thus the minimax regret criterion determines * * REG (ψ L ,α ) = REG (ψ U ,α ) . An estimator for a that uses the minimax regret significance levels now can be defined as ⎧ ⎪a , ~ a =⎨ 0 ⎪⎩aˆ , where

2na 0 < c2 aˆ otherwise.

c 2 ) =

α* 2

, where

W ~ χ 22( n −1) .

3. Results We found numerically the optimum significance levels α * and the corresponding critical values for n=4,5,…,20. The results are given in table 1.

Pareto distribution


Table 1: Optimum significance levels and the corresponding critical values. N



c1 c2 N



c1 c2

4 0190

5 0819

6 1615

7 2426

8 3197

9 3910

10 4562

11 5159

12 5703



















13 6202

14 6660

15 7082

16 7471

17 7830

18 8164

19 8475

20 8764

















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A. Baklizi

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