Preparation and characterisation of chicken skin

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The average molecular weight of chicken gelatin was 285,000 Da. These findings, ob- .... samples and amino acid standards (20 ml) were derivatized with .... and 263 g bloom) as reported by Grossman and Bergman (1992) and Jamilah and ...
Food Hydrocolloids 30 (2013) 143e151

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Preparation and characterisation of chicken skin gelatin as an alternative to mammalian gelatin Norizah Mhd Sarbon 1, Farah Badii, Nazlin K. Howell* Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history: Received 12 July 2011 Accepted 9 May 2012

The aims of this study were to report for the first time, the extraction and physico-chemical properties of chicken skin gelatin compared to bovine gelatin. Extracted chicken skin gelatin 6.67% (w/v) had a higher bloom value (355  1.48 g) than bovine gelatin (259  0.71 g). The dynamic viscoelastic profile of chicken gelatin exhibited higher viscous and elastic modulus values compared to bovine gelatin for a range of concentrations and frequencies. Thermal properties studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that the melting temperature of 6.67%, chicken skin gelatin was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that of bovine gelatin, indicating lower stability of bovine gelatin compared to chicken skin gelatin. Results obtained in this study showed that Gly (33.70%), Pro (13.42%), H.Pro (12.13%) and Ala (10.08%) were the most dominant amino acids in chicken skin gelatin which contributed to the higher gel strength and stability. Raman spectra of chicken skin and bovine gelatin were similar and displayed typical protein spectra. Chicken gelatin showed strong hydrogen bonding compared to bovine gelatin as the tyrosine doublet ratio (I855/I830) of chicken gelatin was significantly lower than that of bovine gelatin. Significantly, the alpha helix and b-sheet type structures were higher for chicken skin gelatin compared with bovine gelatin. The average molecular weight of chicken gelatin was 285,000 Da. These findings, obtained for the first time for chicken skin gelatin, show that it has high potential for application as an alternative to commercial gelatin. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chicken skin gelatin Gel strength Viscoelasticity Differential scanning calorimetry Raman spectroscopy

1. Introduction Gelatin is a polypeptide produced by the partial hydrolysis of collagen derived from animal skin, connective tissue and bones (Morrison, Clark, Chen, Talashek, & Sworn, 1999). Gelatin has gelling, foaming and emulsifying properties that contribute to a wide range of applications in the food, pharmaceutical, photographic and cosmetic industries. The unique properties of gelatin are the ability to form thermo-reversible gels with a melting temperature close to body temperature and solubility in water (Zhou, Mulvaney, & Regenstein, 2006). The estimated world usage of gelatin is reported at about 200,000 metric tonnes per year (Choi & Regenstein, 2000). Most available gelatins are manufactured from mammalian resources such as pig skin, cattle bones and cattle hide. However, other sources of gelatin are becoming increasing relevant, such as fish bone, scales and skin.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 1483 686448; fax: þ44 1483 686401. E-mail address: [email protected] (N.K. Howell). 1 Present address: Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agrotechnology and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 0268-005X/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2012.05.009

Gel strength or bloom value including low ( 0.05) in the denaturation temperature between chicken skin and bovine gelatin at a 10% concentration. The observed denaturation temperature of the gelatin gels detected as heat flow by DSC corresponds to the energy absorbed by the gels to achieve helix-to-coil transformation through melting of the junction zones (Michon, Cuvelier, Launay, & Parker, 1997), Similarly, the enthalpy change (DH) values of chicken skin gelatin were higher than those of bovine gelatin at all concentrations (p < 0.05). DH values for chicken gelatin were 0.36, 0.50, 0.60 and 0.88 J/g while for bovine gelatin they were 0.13, 0.14, 0.31 and 0.75 J/g at 3, 5, 7 and 10% (w/v) concentration, respectively. Results showed that the enthalpy change (DH) values of both gelatins increased with concentration increase. However, there was no significant difference in DH values (p > 0.05) between the concentration of 3 and 5% for bovine gelatin. It is generally accepted that the endothermic process of collagenous materials involves rupture of hydrogen bonds and a rearrangement of the triple helix into a random configuration (Achet & He, 1995; Tanioka, Miyasaka, & Ishikawa, 1976). At high gelatin concentration, the number of junction zones increase and the average distance between junction zones decreases; thus more energy is needed to break hydrogen bonds and for helix to coil transitions. In addition, the enthalpy change depends on the stability of the collagen structure; imino acids proline and hydroxyproline are believed to influence the rigidity of gelatin through hydrogen bonding that stabilizes the triple-helix structure (Badii & Howell, 2006; Norziah, Al-Hassan, Khairulnizam, Mordi, & Norita, 2008).

N. Mhd Sarbon et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 30 (2013) 143e151


Fig. 7. Dynamic storage (G0 ) and loss (G00 ) modulus values and frequency sweeps for a) 3%, b) 5%, c) 7% and d) 10% (w/v) bovine (BG) and chicken gelatin (CG).

3.5. Raman spectroscopy Table 5 shows the relative peak intensity of the spectral bands of chicken and bovine gelatin powders as mean  standard deviation of three replicates. The spectra (Figure not shown) were baseline corrected, smoothed and normalised to the intensity of the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine band at 1004 cm1 which is not

affected by the microenvironment or external factors (Tu, 1986). There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between bovine and chicken gelatin in the spectra which corresponds to the amino acid composition except for the band 990 cm1 which indicated that chicken gelatin contained higher b sheet-type structure compared to bovine gelatin (p < 0.05). Table 5 shows that the tyrosine doublet intensity ratio (I855/I830) of chicken gelatin (0.87) was lower than bovine gelatin (0.92). The involvement of tyrosine residues in the gelation of gelatin was Table 4 Denaturation temperature(Tm) and enthalpy value (DH) of chicken and bovine gelatin at different concentrations in distilled water. Conc. (%)

Enthalpy (DH, J/g)

Tm ( C) Chicken

10 7 5 3

Fig. 8. DSC thermograms for 6.67% (w/v) bovine and chicken gelatin heated from 10 to 90  C.

31.16 31.08 30.73 30.99


Bovine 0.35a 0.40a 0.18a 0.14a

27.57 26.41 25.97 25.91


Chicken 2.00a 0.41b 1.25b 0.53b

0.88 0.60 0.50 0.36


0.05aA 0.02bA 0.01cA 0.01dA

Bovine 0.75 0.31 0.14 0.13


0.00cB 0.02bB 0.03aB 0.01aB

Each value is a mean of triplicate determinations and is reported with its standard deviation. aeb Means within a column with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) for Tm. aed Means within a column with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) for DH. AeB Means within a row with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) for DH. Analyses were carried out by using ANOVA followed by LSD test.


N. Mhd Sarbon et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 30 (2013) 143e151

Table 5 Relative peak intensity of Raman spectra of chicken and bovine gelatin. Peak assignment (wavenumbers (cm1)

Relative peak intensity of gelatin Chicken

Trp (760) Tyr (830) Tyr (855) Tyr (855/830) a-Helix CeC Stretch, CH3 symmetric stretch (920) b-Sheet like structure (990) Phe, ring band (1034) Isopropyl anti symmetric stretch CH stretch back bone (1128) CH3 anti symmetric (aliphatic), CH3 rock (aromatic) (1160) Amide III e b-Sheet type structure (1239) Amide II (1320) H band doublet from Trp (1340) (Sh*, residue vibration) asp, glu, lys (1425) Aliphatic groups CH bend (1451) Trp (1554) Amide I (1660) CH stretch, aliphatic (2940) Shoulder (2888) Shoulder (2976) (2969)

0.21 0.82 0.72 0.87 1.02


Bovine 0.02a 0.08a 0.05a 0.05a 0.03a

0.22 0.98 0.91 0.92 1.36


0.03a 0.06a 0.04a 0.01a 0.02a

0.07  0.00a 0.76  0.02a 0.25  0.04a

0.02  0.00b 0.90  0.11a 0.25  0.01a

0.53  0.08a

0.65  0.05a

2.55  0.20a

3.20  0.10a

1.43  0.19a 0.94  0.14a 1.24  0.03a

1.86  0.05a 1.36  0.05a 1.68  0.03b

3.77 0.18 3.36 14.63 5.49 9.48


0.22a 0.02a 0.18a 1.06a 0.34a 0.73a

4.93 0.25 3.90 13.61 4.97 8.84


0.15b 0.07a 0.14a 0.42a 0.15a 0.29a

Each value is a mean of three replicate determinations and is reported with its standard deviation. aeb Means within a row with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05). Sh* Shoulder.

indicated by a decrease in the intensity ratio I855/I830, which could be interpreted as an increase in the role of phenolic hydroxyl groups as strong hydrogen bond donor, or an increase in buriedness of the tyrosine residues within the gel network. The results obtained are in good agreement with previous research (Howell & LiChan, 1996; Tu, 1986) as a high ratio (I855/I830) indicates that the tyrosine residue is exposed whereas a low ratio indicates strong hydrogen bonding. Therefore, evidence of stronger hydrogen bonding of chicken gelatin is reflected in the higher Bloom value compared to bovine gelatin. Besides the tyrosine doublet (855 and 830 cm1) and aliphatic hydrophobic (CeH bending and CeH stretching), information about protein tertiary structure is also provided by tryptophan residues. The indole ring vibrations of the tryptophan residues at 760 and 1554 cm1 showed relative intensity values of (0.21, 0.22) and (0.18, 0.25) for chicken and bovine gelatin, respectively. The buried or exposed state of tryptophan residue to the polar solvent or exposure of the tryptophan hydrophobic residues may decrease the tryptophan intensity of bands near 760 and 1554 cm1 bands. Results for both gelatins showed strong bands at 1425 cm1 which are 1.24 and 1.68 for chicken and bovine gelatin respectively (p < 0.05). The band around 1425 cm1 is assigned to the COO symmetric stretch of the ionized carboxyl group vibration for aspartic and glutamic acid residues (shoulder) and side chain vibrations of the imidazole ring of histidine (Howell & Li-Chan, 1996; Li-Chan & Qin, 1998). Tu (1986) indicated that the carboxyl group vibrational bands can be used to monitor the state of ionization since the ionized group (COO) exhibits a band at 1400e1420 cm1 while the undissociated form (COOH) exhibits bands at 1700e1750 cm1. CeH deformation (bending and stretching) mode of aliphatic amino acids residues were seen in the 1400e1500 cm1 and 2800e3000 cm1 region, respectively. The intensity values of CHbending at 1451 cm1 which was assigned as an aliphatic hydrophobic (CH2 and CH3 bending vibration) was 3.77 and 4.93 for

chicken and bovine gelatin, respectively. Li-Chan, Nakai, and Hirotsuka (1994, chap.8) reported that the changes in CeH bending band intensity are a function of polarity of the solvent or microenvironment; thus this band could be used to monitor hydrophobic interaction between aliphatic residues. The CeH stretching vibrational bands of aliphatic amino acid residues at 2940 cm1 (CH2 asymmetric stretching vibration) were 14.63 and 13.61 respectively for chicken and bovine gelatin, which are not significantly different (p > 0.05). Similar to the CeH bending, a shift in the location of the CeH stretching band near 2940 cm1 to higher wavenumbers suggests that this band is affected by the polarity of the microenvironment and to protein denaturation (LiChan et al., 1994, chap.8). There was no clear role of hydrophobic amino acids in the differences in the rheological properties of chicken and bovine gelatins in the present study. Moreover, the amide I and III bands are very useful for the investigation of secondary structure of the amide (peptide) bond of proteins with several distinct vibrational modes (Susi & Byler, 1988; Tu, 1986). The Raman bands are located at 1645e1685 cm1 for amide I and 1200e1350 cm1 for amide III. The amide I band arises primarily from in-plane peptide C]O stretching vibrations and partly from in-plane NeH bending vibrations. The exact location of the amide I band depends on hydrogen bonding and protein conformation. Generally, proteins with high a-helix, b-sheet, and random coil show an amide I band centred at 1645e1657 cm1, 1665e1680 cm1 and 1660 cm1 respectively. Amide I bands often shows several components or shoulders in the region because most proteins have mixed secondary structure (Ngarize, Adams, & Howell, 2004). In this study however, most peaks were centred around 1660 cm1; there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between chicken (3.36) and bovine (3.90) gelatinamide I band values (Table 5). 3.6. Molecular weight analysis Chicken gelatin had a weight average molecular mass of 285,000  31,000 g/mol which was slightly lower but not significantly different from that of bovine gelatin which was 350,000  35,000 g/mol (p > 0.05) (Table 6). Molecular weight of the extracted gelatin may be affected by the hydrolysis process that contributes to the splitting of the peptide bonds and also intramolecular crosslinks between peptide chains. There was no significant difference in the radius of gyration r_g (nm) values between chicken gelatin (32.8  1.3) and bovine gelatin (33.5  2.4) (p < 0.05). Chicken gelatin exhibited higher viscosity values than bovine gelatin which were 150 ml/g and 127 ml/g for chicken and bovine gelatin respectively; this corresponds well with the higher bloom value, rheological properties of chicken skin gelatin compared with bovine gelatin. Generally, gelatins of higher gel strength show higher viscosity attributed to the higher proportion of cross-linked components (b- and g-components) (Ogawa et al., 2004). In terms of stiffness/flexibility, bovine gelatin had a MarkHouwink “a” value of 0.69  0.02 and chicken gelatin had a value of 0.83  0.02; the higher the value the stiffer the molecule. In general terms 0.5e0.8 is in the random coil range and greater than

Table 6 Weight average molecular masshMiw, intrinsic viscosity [h] and radius of gyration r_g (nm) of extracted chicken skin gelatin compared to bovine gelatin. Gelatin

Mw (g/mol)

[h] (ml/g)

r_g (nm)

Chicken skin Bovine

285,000  31,000 350,000  35,000

150  18 127  9

32.8  1.3 33.5  2.4

Each value is a mean of three replicate determinations and is reported with its standard deviation.

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0.8 is the rigid rod range, although triple helices would usually have a value of >1. These preliminary results concur with the main rheological results that the chicken gelatin gel was stiffer than the bovine gelatin gel. 4. Conclusions Chicken gelatin from skin waste by-product can provide an alternative source of gelatin as it shows similar chemical composition to bovine gelatin and better physicochemical properties compared with reported fish gelatins. The bloom strength of chicken gelatin (355  1.48 g) was significantly higher than that of bovine gelatin (229  0.71 g) but both formed stable structures on cooling. Chicken gelatin indicated greater increases in the G0 and G00 values with increase in concentration, compared to bovine gelatin. The strength of gelatin gels, measured as a function of frequency sweeps showed that G0 values for chicken gelatin were higher than those of bovine gelatin at all concentrations tested and stable in the frequency range tested. The higher DSC thermal transition values and higher enthalpy change (DH), on cooling and heating, shown by all concentrations of chicken gelatin compared with bovine gelatin, indicate that chicken gelatin was more heat stable probably due to the higher imino acids (Pro and H.Pro) content. FT-Raman analysis indicated a lower tyrosine doublet ratio and therefore more hydrogen bonding, as well as higher b-sheet type structure values, typical of stronger gels for chicken gelatin compared with bovine gelatin. Both gelatins had high MW that was not significantly different; thus MW does not appear to be the main reason for differences in gel strength in this study. Although, the different origin and extraction processes can influence the properties of gelatins obtained, results from this study show that chicken skin gelatin could potentially be an alternative to commercial gelatin. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge funding received from the Malaysian Government for Norizah Mhd Sarbon’s PhD studentship. We would also like to thank Professor Steve Harding and Dr. Gordon Morris, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington for analysing the gelatin samples for molecular weight by SEC-MALLS and differential pressure viscometry. References Achet, D., & He, X. W. (1995). Determination of the renaturation level in gelatin films. Polymer, 36, 787e791. AOAC. (2006). Official methods of analysis of AOAC international (18th ed.). Virginia, USA: Association of Official and Analytical Chemists International. Babin, H., & Dickinson, E. (2001). Influence of transglutaminase treatment on the thermoreversible gelation of gelatin. Food Hydrocolloids, 15(3), 271e276. Badii, F., & Howell, N. K. (2003). Elucidation of the effect of formaldehyde and lipids on frozen stored cod collagen by FT-Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 1440e1446. Badii, F., & Howell, N. K. (2006). Fish gelatin: structure, gelling properties and interaction with egg albumen proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 20, 630e640. Binsi, P. K., Shamasundar, B. A., Dileep, A. O., Badii, F., & Howell, N. K. (2009). Rheological and functional properties of gelatin from the skin of bigeye snapper (Priacanthus hamrur) fish: influence of gelatin on the gel-forming ability of fish mince. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 132e145. Cardinali, B., Profumo, A., Aprile, A., Byron, O., Morris, G., Harding, S. E., et al. (2010). Hydrodynamic and mass spectrometry analysis of nearly-intact human fibrinogen, chicken fibrinogen, and of a substantially monodisperse human fibrinogen fragment X. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 493, 157e168. Cheow, C. S., Norizah, M. S., Kyaw, Z. Y., & Howell, N. K. (2007). Preparation and characterisation of gelatins from the skins of sin croaker (Johnius dussumieri) and shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma). Food Chemistry, 101(2007), 386e391. Cho, S., Jahncke, M. L., Chin, K., & Eun, J. (2006). The effect of processing conditions on the properties of gelatin from skate (Raja kenojei) skins. Food Hydrocolloids, 20(6), 810e816.


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