Principles of Marketing Advertising Class Project Evaluation Rubric

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Umpqua Community College, May 2013. Principles of Marketing. Advertising Class Project. Evaluation Rubric. Outcome 1: Demonstrate use of basic marketing ...
Principles of Marketing Advertising Class Project Evaluation Rubric Outcome 1: Demonstrate use of basic marketing concepts 3

Target Market Identifies target market and states if marketing strategy is undifferentiated, differentiated, or concentrated

Product Identifies product being advertised and if a consumer product states product classification (convenience, shopping, specialty, or unsought) Identifies product but does not state classification

Needs or Wants Identifies needs or wants that product will satisfy according to advertisement


Identifies target market but does not indicate marketing strategy


Does not have a clear target market or Product is not clear strategy

Identified needs or wants are not clearly covered in advertisement


Does not have a target market or strategy

No needs or wants

Umpqua Community College, May 2013

Does not identify a product

Needs or wants are clear but do not fit product or do not fit advertisement

Outcome 2: Demonstrate application of marketing concepts with advertisement Advertising Objective Identifies specific communication task to be accomplished with specific target audience and uses appropriate marketing terminology (informative, persuasive, reminder, etc.) States a general communication task or general target audience, and uses appropriate marketing terminology

Message strategy States clear message to be communicated. Uses appropriate marketing terminology to identify execution style (slice of life, fantasy, scientific, etc) States clear message to be communicated but does not use appropriate marketing terminology

Reach, Frequency, Impact Provides a clear estimate of percentage of target market to be exposed to ad, times target market will be exposed, and how target will be engaged Provides clear estimates but leaves out one of the items, reach, frequency, or impact


Communication task or target audience is not clear. Does not use appropriate marketing terminology

Message to be communicated is not clear.

Estimates are not clear


No communication task or target audience mentioned.

No message is identified

No estimates provided



Umpqua Community College, May 2013

Outcome 3: Quality of Advertisement Creativity Provides a fresh, unique approach to the subject

Message Grabs attention of target audience with a clear message


Provides many unique ideas but copies aspects of other ads

Grabs attention but does not have a clear message

Contact Information Includes plenty of contact information such as name of person to contact, phone number, address, email, web site. Provides some contact information including name of person to contact


Provides some unique ideas but mostly copies other ads

Does not grab attention but has a clear message

Does not include name of person to contact


Basically copies other ads

Does not grab attention or have a clear message

Does not provide contact information


Umpqua Community College, May 2013

Outcome 3: Quality of Advertisement (continued)

3 2



Call to Action Clearly states what target audience is expected to do next

Professionalism Does not include any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors

States what target audience is expected to do next but does not provide information to do that Target audience’s next move is not clear

Includes one spelling, grammar, or punctuation error

Does not include a call to action

Includes more than two spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors

Umpqua Community College, May 2013

Includes two spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors