Programme & Abstract book

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Programme and Abstract book

Programme & Abstract book

14th European Life Sciences Symposium 37th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting

Joint Life Science Meeting ‘Life in Space for Life on Earth’ 5-10 June 2016 - Toulouse, France

Copyright image: NASA–James M. Blair

Table of Contents Committees ...................................................................................... 2 Organisers ........................................................................................ 3 Social events .................................................................................... 4 Practical information ....................................................................... 5 Programme overview....................................................................... 6 Final programme Monday 6 June ................................................................................. 9 Tuesday 7 June ............................................................................... 18 Wednesday 8 June ......................................................................... 28 Thursday 9 June ............................................................................. 35 Poster sessions ............................................................................... 42 Abstracts ........................................................................................ 51


Committees Local Organiser Alain Maillet Organising Committee Chuck Fuller Martina Heer Jennifer Ngo-Anh Scientific Committee:

Local Organizing Committee:

Chair: Alain Maillet Stéphane Blanc Alexander Chouker Angèle Chopard Gilles Clement Marco Durante Jean-Pol Frippiat Charles A Fuller Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch Martina Heer Richard L. Hughson Lars Karlsson Peter Norsk Jennifer Ngo-Anh Stefan Schneider Laurence Vico

Chair: Alain Maillet Philippe Arbeille Marie-Pierre Bareille Sébastien Barde Laurent Braak Marc-Antoine Custaud Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch Anne Pavy- Le Traon Thomas A. Andersen Antonio Guell Claude Gharib


The Symposium is jointly organised by:


Social Events Sunday 5 June - Welcome Reception & Pre-registration The Welcome Reception will take place in the Patio of the Mercure Hotel Compans Caffarelli, located next to the conference centre. After collecting your badge and conference kit, drinks and snacks are served between 19:00 – 21:00 hrs. Wednesday 8 June ‐ Conference Dinner The symposium dinner will be organised in ‘Hôpital Hotel-Dieu Saint-Jacques’, as of 19:30hrs. The venue is located on walking distance from Toulouse city centre. Address: 2 Rue Viguerie, Toulouse Friday 10 June – Tour

A full day tour will be organised to Carcassonne. The tour will include a guided visit to the city and the castle.

Start time: 08:30 End time: 17:00

*** The social events are included in the registration fee. However, for logistical purposes all participants will need to pre-register in order to attend the event(s) ***


Practical Information Coffee Coffee will be served during the dedicated breaks in the foyer. Lunches Lunches are not included in the registration fees. Restaurants are located nearby the conference centre. Poster sessions The poster sessions will take place from Monday until Wednesday from 15:0016:00 in the foyer, along with the coffee break. Posters can be hang up on the day of your Poster Session. As we have multiple poster sessions, poster presenters are requested to remove their poster before the end of the day. Wifi Wifi is available free of charge in the conference centre. To login, please use the following network: LIFESCIENCE Log in: LIFESCIENCE Password: LIFESCIENCE Airport shuttle The Airport Shuttle bus has several stops in Toulouse centre. One of the bus stops to the Airport is located in front of the Mercure Hotel Compans Caffarelli (next to the conference centre). Tickets can be issued in the bus. The bus runs every 20 minutes between 5 AM and 9.20 PM.


Programme Overview 08:30 09:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:45 15:00 16:00 17:00 08:30 11:05 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:00 16:00

08:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 19:30

Monday 6 June 2016 Welcome and Introduction Current Concepts Coffee Break Young Researcher Session Lunch Break Bone (Part I) Muscle (Part I) Coffee Break & Poster Session Cardiovascular Bone (Part II) Artificial Gravity (Part I) Parabolic Flight Tuesday 7 June 2016 Gravity and the Cardiovascular System Coffee Break Young Researcher Session Lunch Break Space Analogues Radiation and Cells Telemedicine (Part I) (Part I) Coffee Break & Poster Session Cardiovascular Space Analogues (Part II) (Part II)

Radiation and Cells (Part II)

Wednesday 8 June 2016 Nutrition and Metabolism Coffee Break Young Researcher Session Lunch Break Countermeasures Muscle (Part II) (Part I) Coffee Break & Poster Session Countermeasures Metabolism, Immuno and bed rest (Part II) Social Dinner 6

08:30 11:00 11:30 12:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 08:30 17:00

Thursday 9 June 2016 Roles of Behavioural Neuroscience in Gravitational and Space Coffee Break Young Researcher Session Lunch Break Dry Immersion (Part I) Neurosciences (Part I) Coffee Break Dry Immersion (Part II) Neurosciences (Part II) Young Researcher Award Ceremony Closure of the Symposium Friday 10 June 2016 Full day excursion to Carcassonne



Final Programme Joint Life Science Meeting: Life in Space for Life on Earth Sunday 5 June 19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception & Pre-registration at the Mercure Hotel

Monday 6 June 07:30

Registration desk open

Plenary: Current Concepts Chairs: M. Heer, C. Fuller 08:30

Welcome and introduction


The NASA space life sciences exploration program Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist


Microgravity and skeletal muscle deconditioning Angele Chopard, Department Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme, University Montpellier, France


Lungs, Space, and CO2 Kim Prisk, Departments of Medicine and Radiology, University of California, San Diego, USA


Coffee break

Young Researcher Session Chairs: P. Migeotte & P Arbeille 11:30

Skeletal muscle regeneration and simulated microgravity: role of inflammation status on muscle fatty infiltration development Allan F. Pagano, Coralie Arc-Chagnaud, Thomas Brioche, Rémi Demangel, Angèle Chopard, Guillaume Py Université de Montpellier, INRA, France; ....................................... 52 9


Lessons Learned from the Amadee-15 Mars Analogue Mission: A Systematic Review and Derivation of a Novel Medical Early Warning System for Human Space Flight 1,5 2,5 3,5 Rochelle Marian Velho , Adrianos Golemis , Christian Lüthen , 4,5 5 5 Evangelos Kaimakamis , Gernot Groemer ,Thomas Luger 1 2 University of Warwick, United Kingdom; Marine Support Battalion, 3 Greek Armed Forces, Greece; Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The 4 Netherlands; st Intensive Care Unit, G.Papanikolaou General 5 Hospital, Greece; Austrian Space Forum; .......................................... 54


Lunch break

Session 1 Bone (Part I) Chairs: L. Vico & I. Larina 13:45

Site specific bone loss induced by spaceflight in mice: a multiscale evaluation of trabecular and cortical structure and quality 1,2 2 3 3 Maude Gerbaix , Vasily Gnyubkin , Delphine Farlay , Hélène Follet , 4 2 5 5 Patrick Ammann , Norbert Laroche , Cécile Olivier , Françoise Peyrin , 6 1 2 Boris Shenkman , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Laurence Vico 1 2 Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales Paris, France; INSERM U1059, Biologie du Tissu Osseux, Université de Lyon, Saint-Etienne, 3 France; UMR-U1033-INSERM, Université de Lyon, Lyon, 4 France; Service des maladies osseuses, Hôpitaux Universitaires de 5 Genève (HUG), Genève, Switzerland; Laboratoire CREATIS, Université 6 de Lyon, , France; Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;......................................... 56


Six-month of Spaceflight and 1 Year Follow-Up Revealed Differential Responses of Cortical and Trabecular Bone Dependent on Bone Localization and Starting Bone Status 1 1 2 Laurence Vico , Myriam Normand , Bert Van Rietbergen , Nicolas 3 1 4 1 Vilayphiou , Hervé Locrelle , Mohamed Zouch , Maude Gerbaix , 5 5 1 Galina Vassilieva , Ivan Morukov , Thierry Thomas 1 2 St-Etienne University, France; Eindhoven University of Technology, 3 4 Netherlands; SCANCO Medical AG, switzerland; Faculty of Medicine 10


Ibn-El-Jazzar, University of Sousse, Tunisia; INSTITUTE OF BIOMEDICAL PROBLEMS, Moscow, Russia; ........................................ 58 14:15

TBone investigation: Effect of Space Flight on Bone Quality Using High Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computer Tomography (HRpQCT) Luchino Cohen Canadian Space Agency, Canada; ................................................. 60


The Severity of Bone and Cartilage Degeneration in the Femoral Head of Mice During 30 days of Microgravity Exposure is Dependent on Physical Interactions with their Habitat Elizabeth A. Blaber, Eduardo A.C. Almeida NASA Ames Research Center, United States of America; ............... 61


Modification of Muscular and Bone System's Proteins in Healthy Humans Urine during 21-Day Bed Rest 1 2 Ludmila Khanifovna Pastushkova , Marc-Antoine Custard , Alexey 1,4 1 Sergeyevich Kononikhin , Alexander Gennadievich Brzhozovsky , 1 1 Darya Nikolayevna Kashirina , Igor Vladimirovich Dobrokhotov , 3 1 Evgeniy Sergeyevich Tiis , Irina Mikhailovna Larina 1 2 Institute For Biomedical Problems, Russian Federation; Angers 3 University, Angers, France; Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian 4 Federation; N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS, Russian Federation; ....................................................................... 63


Coffee break & Poster Session


Session 2 Muscle (Part I) Chairs: B. Shenkman & D. Blottner 14:00

Video analysis of motion as a method for assessment of musculoskeletal system functioning during simulated microgravity and lunar gravity in humans 1 2 Alexey Shpakov , Andrey Voronov 1 Research Institute for Space Medicine Federal Research Clinical Center of Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Russian 2 Federation; Federal Research Center of Physical Education and Sports, Russian Federation; ............................................................ 64


The Machinery of the Expression of Slow Myosin Downregulation in Soleus Muscle under Gravitational Unloading. Mechanisms Suppressing NFATc1 Myonuclear Accumulation Boris S. Shenkman, Yulia N. Lomonosova, Christina A. Lyubimova, Konstantin G. Ptitsyn SSC RF IBMP RAS, Russian Federation............................................ 66


Quantitatve Proteomics of Mouse Skeletal Muscles After 30 Days Space-Flight on the Bion-M1 Biosatellite 1,2,3 1 1 Georg Tascher , Pauline Maes , Alain van Dorsselaer , Guillemette 3 2 1 Gauquelin-Koch , Stephane Blanc , Fabrice Bertile 1 Laboratoire de spectrométrie de masse bio-organique (LSMBO), 2 IPHC, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg; France; Département Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie (DEPE), IPHC, CNRS, Université de 3 Strasbourg ; France; Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES), Paris; France; ........................................................................................ 68



Biofeedback based on mobile accelerometry to improve running in space – ideas and first results 1 2 3 Martin Daumer , Karl Müller , Alexander Mercader , Christian 4 Lederer 1 The Human Motion Institute , Trium Analysis Online GmbH, TU 2 München; The Human Motion Institute , Trium Analysis Online 3 GmbH, TU München; The Human Motion Institute , Trium Analysis 4 Online GmbH, TU München; The Human Motion Institute , Trium Analysis Online GmbH, TU München; ........................................... 70


Coffee break & Poster Session

Session 3 Bone (Part II) Chairs: L. Vico & I. Larina 16:00

Disuse Osteopenia: A Potential Vascular Coupling Mechanism in Bone 1 2 3 4 Michael Delp , Ronda Prisby , Matthew Allen , Bradley Behnke 1 2 Florida State University, United States of America; University of 3 Delaware, United States of America; Indiana University School of 4 Medicine, United States of America; Kansas State University, United States of America; ......................................................................... 71


In vitro effects of nanoparticles on bone remodelling in microgravity 1 2 3 Livia Visai , Angela Maria Rizzo , Giuseppina Rea , Francesco 1 2 3 Cristofaro , Giuseppe Pani , Barbara Pascucci 1 Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, 2 Biochemistry Unit, Via Taramelli 3/b, 27100 Pavia, Italy; Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Milan, 3 Via D. Trentacoste 2, 20134 Milan, Italy; Institute of Crystallography, CNR, 00015 Monterotondo Scalo, Rome, Italy;............................. 73


plasmacytoid dendritic cells protects from bone damage in inflammatory arthritis 1,2 1,2 1,2 Philippe Georgel , Ramzi Nehmar , Sieamak Bahram 1 2 INSERM UMR_S 1109; Strasbourg University; ............................ 74 13

Session 4 Parabolic Flight Chair: S. Rouqette 17:00

Scopolamine medication in parabolic flight space research - no neuromuscular side-effects in sensorimotor control Kathrin Freyler, Anne Krause, Albert Gollhofer, Ramona Ritzmann University of Freiburg, Germany; .................................................. 76


ModuLES-PBR – lessons learned through parabolic flight tests Sandra Podhajsky, Klaus Slenzka OHB System AG, Germany; ........................................................... 78

Session 5 Cardiovascular (Part I) Chairs: P. Norsk & G. Ferretti 16:00

Airway Monitoring: First results from an ISS study on the combined effects of microgravity and lowered gas density on pulmonary NO 1 1 1 2 Dag Linnarsson , Lars Karlsson , Lars Gustafsson , Alain Van Muylem 1 2 Karolinska Institutet, Sweden; Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium ......................................................................................... 80


Arterial wall stiffness and thickness change at carotid and femoral level during 6 months spaceflight. Philippe Arbeille, Romain Provost, Kathryn Zuj UMPS-CERCOM University of Tours, France .................................. 81


Dynamics of Arterial Baroreflex Reseting at Exercise Onset in Humans 1,2 1 2 Guido Ferretti , Alessandra Adami , Nazzareno Fagoni , Frédéric 3 1 4 1 Lador , Christian Moia , Enrico Tam , Aurélien Bringard 1 2 University of Geneva, Switzerland; University of Brescia, 3 4 Italy; University Hospital, Geneva; University of Verona, Italy;.. 82



Cardiovascular and baroreflex responses during resting and exercise apnoeas 1 2 2 Nazzareno Fagoni , Aurelien Bringard , Christian Moia , Anna 1 1,2 Taboni , Guido Ferretti 1 The Medical School, University di Brescia, Brescia, 2 Italy; Departements APSI and NEUFO, University of Geneva, Switzerland; ................................................................................... 83


Baroreflex response to blood pressure change due to postural transition in aging rats:90 degrees head-up tilt experiment 1 2 2 Masao Yamasaki , Hironobu Nishimura , Tetsuya Hiraiwa 1 Department of Physiology, Grad. Sch. of Health Sci., Fujita Health 2 Univ, Aichi 470-1192, Japan; Student of Grad. Sch. of Health Sci., Fujita Health Univ, Japan; ............................................................. 85


Multi-dimensional Kineticardiography in simulated microgravity: preliminary results from the ESA-RSL 60 days bed rest study. 1 2 1 Pierre-François Migeotte , F. Landreani , J. Monfils , A. Martin2 1 3 4 5 Yebra , Q. Delière , G.K. Prisk , I. Funtova , J. Tank , Ph. van de 1 2 Borne , E.G. Caiani 1 Lab. of Physics and Physiology, Dept. of Cardiology, Erasmus 2 Hospital, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium; Electronics, Information and Biomedical Engineering Dept., Politecnico di Milano, 3 Milano, Italy; Departments of Medicine and Radiology, University of 4 California San Diego, USA; Institute of biomedical problems, Russian 5 academy of sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany; ..................................................................... 86


Session 6 Artificial Gravity Chairs: G. Clement & S. Iwase 16:00

International Roadmap for Artificial Gravity Research Gilles Clement Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering Group, Houston TX, USA; ........................................................................... 90


The Reduced Gravity Paradigm: Centrifuges for Microgravity 1,2 Jack van Loon 1 DESC @ Dept. MKA, ACTA-VU Medical Center, VU-University 2 Amsterdam.; ESA-ESTEC-TEC-MMG Lab, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.;.................................................................................. 91


Anabolic Signaling Response to 30-day 2g-centrifugation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle 1 1 1 2 Timur Mirzoev , Sergey Tyganov , Irina Petrova , Norbert Laroche , 2 2 1 Vasily Gnyubkin , Laurence Vico , Boris Shenkman 1 2 Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, Russian Federation; Insern U1059 Université Jean Monnet, Faculte de Medecine Jacques Lisfranc, France; ............................................................................. 92



Disruptive Effect of Simulated Microgravity on Circadian Activity Rhythm of Rats and Intensity-Dependent Preventive Effect of Intermittent Centrifugation 1 2,3 4 5 Junichi Tajino , Akira Ito , Momoko Nagai , Xiangkai Zhang , Shoki 2,5 2,5 5 1 Yamaguchi , Hirotaka Iijima , Wataru Kiyan , Tomoki Aoyama , 5 Hiroshi Kuroki 1 Department of Development and Rehabilitation of Motor Function, Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto 2 University, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, 3 Japan; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of 4 Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan; Congenital Anomaly Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, 5 Japan; Department of Motor Function Analysis, Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan; ................................................................. 93


Effects of Angular Velocity on Mouse Liver Proteomics after Adaptation to Chronic Centrifugation 1 1 1 Charles A Fuller , Tana M Hoban-Higgins , Brett S Phinney , Jeffrey 2 Alberts 1 2 University of California, Davis, CA USA; Indiana University, Bloomington IN USA;..................................................................... 95


Effectiveness of newly fabricated short radius centrifuge device with ergometric or squatting exercise as a countermeasure for spaceflight deconditioning in humans. 1 2 3 4 Satoshi Iwase , Tadaaki Mano , Kunihiko Tanaka , Naoki Nishimura 1 2 Aichi Medical University, Japan; Gifu University of Medical 3 4 Science; Gifu University of Medical Science; Gifu University of Medical Science;............................................................................. 97


Tuesday 7 June 2016 Plenary Session: Gravity and the Cardiovascular System: Uses of Different Model Systems Chairs: O. Vinogradova, Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) & A.R. Hargens, University of California, San Diego 08:30

Introduction to Gravity and the Cardiovascular System (5 min) Alan R. Hargens, PhD, Professor Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of California, San Diego, United States of America


Regional Alterations in Vascular Responsiveness Induced by Spaceflight and Hindlimb Unloading in Rats and Mice Michael D. Delp, PhD, Professor and Dean College of Human Sciences Florida State University, United States of America


Gravitational Effects on Intracranial and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Lonnie G. Petersen MD, PhD University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Blood pressure regulation during and after bed rest and spaceflight Richard Hughson, PhD, Professor Faculty of Applied Health Sciences University of Waterloo, Canada


Evaluation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in HypoG and MicroG: Pros and Cons of Different Simulation Methods Thais Russomano, MD, PhD, Professor and Head of the Microgravity Laboratory Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil



Diverse effects of simulated microgravity on skin and skeletal muscle arteries in rat extremities Olga Vinogradova, Director, Lab of Exercise Physiology Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia ........................................... 122


Coffee break

Young Researcher Session Chair: D. Linnarson 11:30

Rachis modifications and postural consequences after a 3-day dry immersion. 1 2,3 4 Loïc Treffel , Claude Gharib , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Marie5 6 1 Pierre Bareille , Marc-Antoine Custaud , Stephane Blanc , Catherine 2,7 Millet 1 2 University of Strasbourg, IPHC-CNRS UMR 7178, France; University 3 Claude Bernard Lyon1, Lyon, France; Centre International 4 d'Ostéopathie, CIDO St Etienne, France; Centre National d’Etudes 5 6 Spatiales (CNES), Paris, France; MEDES-IMPS Toulouse, France; CRC, 7 CHU Angers, France; Service d’odontologie, Hospices Civils de Lyon, France ......................................................................................... 98


Human Machine : From Interaction to Integration 1 2 3 Rémi Nazin , Fass Didier , Bastien Christian 1 2 Université de Lorraine - Loria, France; ICN Business 3 School; Université de Lorraine - Loria, France............................... 99


Impact of simulated space stressors on the immune system using the in vitro DTH assay 1,3 1 1 Merel Van Walleghem , Kevin Tabury , Ann Janssen , Alexander 2 1,3 1 Choukèr , Sarah Baatout , Marjan Moreels 1 Radiobiology Unit, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN, Mol, 2 Belgium; Department of Anaesthesiology, Klinikum Großhadern, 3 University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; ..................... 101 19


Lunch break

Session 7 Telemedicine Chair: A. Solignac & A. Maillet 14:00

Wearable Monitoring: A project for the unobtrusive assessment of sleep physiology in microgravity 1 1 1 2 Marco Di Rienzo, Prospero Lombardi, Emanuele Vaini, Sara Piccirillo 1 2 Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, ONLUS, Italy; Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy. ................................................................................... 103


The ESA mobile procedure viewer - applications in telemedicine 1 1 2 Keshav Chintamani , Boris Van Lierde , Arnaud Runge 1 Space Applications Services, Belgium; 2 European Space Agency; ............................................................. 105


Integrated portable echograph and probe transducer tele-operated for remote ultrasound investigation in space 1 1 1 Didier Chaput , Arielle Depriester , Sebastien Barde , Philippe 2 Arbeille 1 2 CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Toulouse. France; UMPSCERCOM University of Tours, France; ......................................... 106


Tele echography in rural health houses using remote guidance or teleoperated devices developped for space. 1 1 2 2 Philippe Arbeille , Kathryn Zuj , Arnaud Saccomandi , Elise Andre , 1 Monica Georgescu 1 2 UMPS-CERCOM University of Tours, 37032, France; MSP (Maison de Santé), France; ........................................................ 107


Coffee break & Poster Session


Session 8 Space Analogues Chairs: C.A. Fuller 14:00

Physiological effects of zero magnetic field in human experiment 1,2 2 2 Yury Gurfinkel , Andrey Vasin , Maria Sasonko 1 Space Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia, Russian 2 Federation; Research Clinical Center of JSC «Russian Railways», Moscow, Russia;........................................................................... 108


Wound Healing and Sutures in Weightlessness 1 1 2 Monica Monici , Francesca Cialdai , Marco Vukich , Alessandro 2 3 3 4 Donati , Daniele Bani , Paolo Romagnoli , Desirée Pantalone 1 ASAcampus Joint Lab., ASA Res. Div., Dept. of Experimental and 2 Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence, Italy; Kayser 3 Italia, Livorno, Italy; Dept. of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 4 University of Florence, Italy; Dept. of Critical Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence, Italy; ........................................................ 110


Enhancing the scientific return from bed-rest studies 1 2 Lori Ploutz-Snyder , Dag Linnarsson 1 Universities Space Research Association, United States of 2 America; Karolinska Institutet, Sweden; ..................................... 112


Environmental Simulation Chamber for Variable Gravity Application Sandra Podhajsky, Klaus Slenzka OHB System AG, Germany ........................................................... 138


Coffee break & Poster Session


Session 9 Radiation and Cells (Part I) Chairs: Jennifer Ngo-Anh & M. Delp 14:00

Evaluation of the radiation risk: new paradigms for repair of DNA damage and individual radiosensitivity Nicolas Foray INSERM, France;.......................................................................... 115


Early and Long-Term Effects of Hindlimb Unloading and High-LET Radiation Exposure on Skeletal Muscle Resistance Artery Vasomotor Properties in Mice 1 1 2 3 Michael Delp , Payal Ghosh , Bradley Behnke , Joshua Alwood , 3 3 3 Yasaman Shirazi-Fard , Ann-Sofie Schreurs , Ruth Globus 1 2 Florida State University, United States of America; Kansas State 3 University, United States of America; NASA Ames Research Center, United States of America; ........................................................... 116


Effects of unloading and/or low-dose radiation on neurovascular remodeling in the mouse brain and eye 1 1 1 1 Xiao Wen Mao , Michael pecaut , Nina Nishiyama , Daila Gridley , 2 1 Marjan Boerma , Greg Nelson 1 2 Loma Linda University, United States of America; Division of Radiation Health, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA.;............. 118


BAMMsat: A platform for mammalian cell biology research in CubeSats and CubeSat-like payloads 1 1 1 2 David Charles Cullen , Jack Longley , Jennifer Kingston , David Lee , 2 2 2 3 Martin Black , David Pearson , Christopher Waring , Ryan C. Pink 1 Space Group, Insititue of Aerospace Sciences, Cranfield University, 2 United Kingdom; The UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh, 3 United Kingdom; Dept. Biological & Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom;.......................................... 120


Coffee break & Poster Session


Session 10 Cardiovascular (Part II) Chairs: Ph. Arbeille & V. Baranov 16:00

The functional state of the inspiratory muscles in the simulation of weightlessness and lunar gravity 1 2 2 Victor Baranov , Marina Segizbaeva , Nina Aleksandrova , Zhanna 2 2 1 Donina , Elizaveta Baranova , Vladimir Katuntsev , Gennady 1 Tarasenkov 1 Research Institute for Space Medicine of Federal Research Clinical Center of Specialized Types Medical Care and Medical Technologies of Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Russian 2 Federation; I.P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology; ........................... 124


Evidence for Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Following Deep Space Travel among Apollo Lunar Astronauts 1 2 3 Michael Delp , David Goukassian , Jacqueline Charvat , Charles 4 Limoli 1 2 Florida State University, United States of America; Boston 3 University School of Medicine, United States of America; Wyle 4 Science, Johnson Space Center, United States of America; University of California-Irvine, United States of America;............................ 127


Effect of atmosphere conditioning with 0.5% CO2 upon cerebral blood flow velocity in -12° head down tilt: Results from the SpaceCOT study 1 2 3 Jörn Rittweger , Henning Stetefeld , Eric Bershad , Chethan 3 3 1 Venkatasubba Rao , Dorit Donoviel , Karina Marshall-Goebel , Ulrich 1 1 3 2 Limper , Edwin Mulder , José Suarez , Christian Dohmen 1 2 German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany; University of 3 Cologne, Cologne, Germany; Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, United States;.............................................................................. 129



Influence of changing gravity and exerted exhalation- Linkage between oxygen uptake and cardiac output 1 1 1 1 Uwe Hoffmann , Jessica Koschate , Matthias Kempe , Uwe Drescher , 2 Andreas Werner 1 2 German Sport University, Germany; German Air Force Center for Aerospace Medicine; ................................................................... 131


Jugular and portal vein volume, and middle cerebral vein hemodynamic during dry immersion. Philippe Arbeille UMPS-CERCOM University of Tours, France; .............................. 132


Session 11 Space Analogues (Part II) Chairs: J. van Loon & A. Solignac 16:00

Space habitat units on earth for ethological researches of multinational crews Carole Tafforin ETHOSPACE, France; .................................................................... 133


Shoulder Neuropathy in Cohort of Mars Analogue Astronauts Lesson Learned from the Amadee-15 Mars Analog Mission 1,5 2,5 Christian Lüthen , Rochelle Marian Velho , Evangelos 3,5 4,5 5 Kaimakamis , Viviana Mucci , Gernot Groemer , Adrianos 6,5 Golemis 1 Erasmus MC - University Hospital Rotterdam, The 2 Netherlands; Heart of England NHS Trust and Warwick Medical 3 School, United Kingdom; quot;G.Papanikolaou" General Hospital, 4 Thessalonikis, Greece; Antwerp University Research Centre for Equilibrium and Aerospace (AUREA) & Laboratory of BioMedical 5 Physics (BIMEF), Antwerp, Belgium; Austrian Space Forum, 6 Innsbruck, Austria; quot;32 Marine Support Battalion", Greek Armed Forces, Greece; ............................................................................ 134


Management of Long-term Bed Rest Studies in :envihab – Advantages and Challenges (exemplified by the ESA-| RSL-Study 2015/16) Melanie von der Wiesche, Alexandra Noppe, Petra Frings-Meuthen, Edwin Mulder DLR - German Aerospace Center, Germany; ............................... 136


Long-duration rat hind limb suspension provides MRI evidence of globe flattening and optic sheath dilation similar to the VIIP syndrome Heinrich Gompf, Tana M Hoban-Higgins, Edward L Robinson, Charles A Fuller University of California, Davis, CA USA; ....................................... 114 25


Exercising in Virtual Reality: a promising countermeasure for space exploration 1 2 Amaury Solignac , Sebastien Kuntz 1 2 I.C.E.B.E.R.G., France; MiddleVR, France; ................................. 140


Virtual Reality with Natural Scenes to Reduce Stress in Isolated Confined Environments Allison Paige Anderson, Abigail Fellows, Mark Hegel, Jay Buckey Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine, United States of America; ...................................................................................... 142


Hibernating Astronauts - Science or Fiction? Juergen Bereiter-Hahn Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; ...................................... 144

Session 12 Radiation and Cells (Part II) Chairs: M. Monici 16:00

Microgravity Affects Fibroblast Functions Involved in Wound Healing 1 1 2 2 Monica Monici , Francesca Cialdai , Anna Caselli , Paolo Cirri , Lucia 3 4 4 Morbidelli , Alessandra Colciago , Fabio Celotti 1 ASAcampus Joint Lab., ASA Res. Div., Dept. of Experimental and 2 Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence, Italy; Sez. of Biochemistry, Dept. of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, 3 University of Florence, Italy; Dept. of Life Sciences, University of 4 Siena, Italy; Dept. of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Milano, Italy; ........................................................... 146


The content of cytoskeletal proteins in Drosophila melanogaster larvae cells after 44,5-day spaceflight and repeated 12-day spaceflight 1,2 1 2 1 Irina Ogneva , Anton Pokusaev , Yulia Zhdankina , Irina Larina , 1 Vladimir Sychev 1 2 SSC RF IBMP RAS, Russian Federation; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russian Federation;............................ 148 26


Profileration Processes in Linear Cell Cultures in the Modelling of Microgravity Effects under Ground-Based Conditions 1 2 Vladimir Adam Kulchitsky , Nastassia Navasiolava , Marc-Antoine 2 1 Custaud , Margarita Dosina 1 Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus, 2 Belarus; UMR CNRS 6214-INSERM 1083, Université d'Angers, France; ...................................................................................... 152


Wednesday 8 June 2016 Plenary Session: Nutrition and Metabolism Chairs: M.Heer & S. Blanc 08:30

Welcome and Introduction


The known unknown: Counfounding factors in metabolism during bed rest studies Audrey Bergouignan French Center for Scientific Research – CNRS Evolutive Ecophysiology Group Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien Strasbourg Cedex, France


Exercise protocol designed to control energy expenditure for longterm space missions Tomoaki Matsuo, Ph.D. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan Occupational Epidemiology Research Group Nagao, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Japan


Skeletal muscle metabolic regulation during bed rest: implications for space flight and health on Earth Donal o’Gorman Diabetes & Metabolism Head, 3U Diabetes Consortium Health & Human Performance Dublin City UniversityDublin, Ireland


Nutrient supply and the musculoskeletal system: results from space and analog studies Martina Heer Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences University of Bonn, Germany 28


Conclusion Stephane Blanc


Coffee break

Young Researcher Session Chairs: M.Heer & S. Blanc 11:30

Cardiorespiratory Adaptation After an Expedition in Complete Autonomous in Antarctica Andrée-Anne Parent, Alain-Steve Comtois Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada; ................................ 153


The effect of axial unloading and partial reloading via donning the SkinSuit on the thoracolumbar spine 1 1,2 Philip Alexander Thomas Carvil , Juan Gabriel Rios-Kristjansson , 1,3 4 Thais Russomano , Jonathan Scott , Amelia Elizabeth Broomfield 5 5 1 Moore , Dwight Dulnoan , David Andrew Green 1 Centre of Human & Aerospace Physiological Sciences, King's College 2 London, United Kingdom; Department of Physiology & Immunology, 3 Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain; Microgravity Centre, School of Engineering, PUCRS University, Porto Alegre, 4 Brazil; Space Medicine Office, Wyle, Cologne, 5 Germany; Osteoporosis Screening & Research Unit, Guy’s & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; ............................... 154


The effect of axial body loading on lower limb neuromuscular activity during static and dynamic exercise 1 2 3 1 Julia Attias , Jonathan Scott , Katya Mileva , Thais Russomano , 1 David Green 1 King's College London, Centre of Human and Aerospace Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, Guy's 2 Campus, London, United Kingdom; Wyle GmbH, Space Medicine 3 Office, European Astronaut Centre, Cologne, Germany; London South Bank University, School of Applied Sciences, London, United Kingdom; ..................................................................................... 156 29


A dietary anti-oxidant cocktail supplementation as a new countermeasure against musculo-skeletal system and metabolic alterations induced by physical inactivity in humans 1,2 5 5 Anthony Damiot , Rémi Demangel , Thomas Brioche , Allan 5 3,4 6 7 Pagano , François Crampes , Etienne Lefai , Donal O’Gorman , 5 1,2 1,2 Angèle Chopard , Isabelle Chery , Alexandre Zahariev , Sylvie 6 6,8 6,8 Normand , Jocelyne Drai , Delphine Collin-Chavagnac , Guillemette 9 10 11 5 Gauquelin-Koch , Michel Prost , Patrick Simon , Guillaume Py , 1,2 6 1,2 Audrey Bergouignan , Chantal Simon , Stéphane Blanc 1 2 Université de Strasbourg IPHC, France; CNRS, UMR7178, 3 France; INSERM, UMR 1048, Obesity Research Laboratory, Institute 4 of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases, France; Paul Sabatier 5 University, Toulouse, France; Université de Montpellier, INRA, 6 UMR866r, France; CARMEN INSERM U1060, INRA U1235, Université 7 de Lyon, CRNH-RA, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Oullins; Université de Dublin, Centre for Preventive Medicine, School of Health and Human 8 Performance, Ireland; Laboratoire de Biochimie CHLS 69310 Pierre 9 10 Bénite, France; CNES, France; Laboratoire de recherches 11 appliquées Spiral/Kirial International, France; Hôpital St-Joseph St-Luc, France; ............................................................................. 158


Lunch break

Session 13: Countermeasures (Part I) Chairs: U. Hoffmann & P. Norsk 14:00

The Vibration Parameters Effecting the T-reflex Suppression during Whole-Body Vibration 1 2 2 Halil Ibrahim Cakar , Muharrem Cidem , Ilhan Karacan 1 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Fatih University, Istanbul, 2 Turkey; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Bagcilar Training-Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey; .............. 160



SOLEUS: Combining an Ankle Foot Orthosis with Immersive Virtual Reality for Countermeasure Pierre Letier, Guillaume Fau, Uwe Mittag, Jochen Zange, Joern Rittweger, Moonki Jung, Jo McIntyre, Arnaud Runge Space Applications Services, France; ........................................... 162


The optimization of countermeasure in long-term space flights based on the individual strategies of locomotion Fomina Elena, Lysova Nataliya, Savinkina Alexandra SSC RF IBMP RAS, Russian Federation;......................................... 168


Coffee break & Poster Session

Session 14: Muscle (Part II) Chairs: A. Chopard & M. Salanova 14:00

The Role of CDKN1A/P21 in Microgravity-Induced Arrest of Stem cellBased Tissue Regeneration Eduardo Almeida, Elizabeth Blaber NASA, United States of America; ................................................ 170


Homer proteins are key players of skeletal muscle neuromuscular plasticity during chronic unloading on Earth and in spaceflown mice. 1 1 1 Michele Salanova , Guido Gambara , Gudrun Schiffl , Martina 1 2 1 3 Gutsmann , Sandra Furlan , Yungfei Huang , Lian-Wen Sun , Pompeo 2 1 Volpe , Dieter Blottner 1 2 Charité Universitätsmedizin Belin, Berlin, Germany; University of 3 Padova, Italy; Beihang University, Beijing, China; ...................... 172


Ceramide metabolism and effects of its inhibitors on phosphorylated mTOR in skeletal muscle during hindlimb unloading Maria Shalagina, Sergey Ovechkin, Alexey Yakovlev, Irina Bryndina Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Russian Federation; ................ 173



Proteasome inhibition and m.soleus atrophy under unloading. 1,2 2 Tatiana L. Nemirovskaya , B.S. Shenkman, Svetlana P. Belova 1 2 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation; Institute of Bio-Medical Problems, RAS, Moscow, Russia; ........................ 175


Coffee break & Poster Session

Session 15: Countermeasures (Part II) Chairs: F. Strollo 16:00

Physical exercise as countermeasure to disuse in bed rest and spaceflight analysed by –omics technology in human and mice skeletal muscle. 1 2 1 1 Dieter Blottner , Cecilia Gelfi , Guido Gambara , Gudrun Schiffl , 1 1 3 Martina Gutsmann , Ute Ungethuem , Yunfei Huang , Michele 1 Salanova 1 2 Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; University of 3 Milan, Italy; Beihang University, Beijing, China; ........................ 176


Overview of beneficial effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation during simulated microgravity: from physical parameters to molecular signaling Thomas Brioche, Rémi Demangel, Allan F. Pagano, Rémi Roumanille, Angèle Chopard, Guillaume Py 1 Université de Montpellier, INRA, UMR 866 Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme, France.; ............................................................ 177


Efficacy of the reactive jump countermeasure during the Cologne long-term bed rest study (RSL) 1 1 2 1 Andreas Kramer , Jakob Kümmel , Albert Gollhofer , Markus Gruber 1 2 University of Konstanz, Germany; University of Freiburg; ........ 179


Calculated forces on tibia and femur during Leg Press and seated execution of ordinary Calf Raise exercise due to ground reaction forces on the Multifunctional Dynamometer for Application in Space 32

Thomas Angeli, Christoph Kumpf, Bernhard Gmeiner, Norbert Barta, Georg Adamcik, Roman Talla Vienna University of Technology, Austria; .................................. 181 17:00

Towards a Holodeck for space travel. The ANSIBLE Project 1 2 2 1 Jacquelyn Ford Morie , Peggy Wu , Pete Wall , Eric Chance , Tammy 2 Ott 1 2 All These Worlds, LLC, United States of America; Smart Information Flow Technologies, United States of America; ............................ 183

Session 16 Metabolism, Immuno and Bed Rest Chairs: M. Heer & G. Trudel 16:00

Cellular and Genetic Adaptations Involved in Immune Related Functional Responses in Resting and Activated Human T- Cells in Response to Modeled Microgravity. 1 1 1 2 Alamelu Sundaresan , Vivek Mann , Elvedina Mansoor , Diana Risin , 1 Loretta olamigoke 1 2 Texas Southern University, United States of America; NASA Johnson Space Center Houston TX.; ........................................................... 184


Biological Sample Preparation for Cellular and Molecular Analysis in Microgravity 1 1 1 Christophe Riviere , Rob Brown , Sylvain Dubois , Paul-François 1 1 1 2 Paradis , Paul Grenier , Mathieu Legros , Perry Newhook , Bart 2 3 1 Verzijlenberg , Chen Wang , Ozzy Mermut 1 2 3 INO, Canada; MDA, Canada; Toronto Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada; ...................................................................................... 186



Hypoxia worsens affective responses and feeling of fatigue during prolonged inactivity 1,2 3 4 3 Nektarios Stavrou , Tadej Debevec , Ola Eiken , Igor Mekjavic 1 Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science, National & 2 Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece; Sport Psychology Department, National Sports Research Institute, Olympic Athletic 3 Center of Athens “Spyros Louis”, Athens, Greece; Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, Jozef Stefan Institute, 4 Ljubljana, Slovenia; Department of Environmental Physiology, Swedish Aerospace Physiology Centre, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; .................................................................... 187


The measure of hemolysis through alveolar air carbon monoxide concentration in alveolar air during 21-day bedrest. Guy Trudel, Odette Laneuville University of Ottawa, Canada; ..................................................... 188


Social Dinner ‘Hôpital Hotel-Dieu Saint-Jacques’ Address: 2 Rue Viguerie, Toulouse The venue is located on walking distance from Toulouse city centre.


Thursday 9 June 2016 Plenary Session: Roles of Behavioural Neuroscience in Gravitational and Space Physiology Chairs: Jeffrey R. Alberts, Indiana University, U.S.A. & Alexander AndreevAndrievsky, Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russia 08:30

The primacy of behavior and systems neuroscience in the space life sciences. Jeff Alberts, USA


Gravitational and spaceflight factors can alter cognitive and emotional measures in rodents. Daniela Santucci, Italy


Behavior of female mice (Mus musculus) aboard the International Space Station. April Ronca, USA


Mouse behavior after a 30-day spaceflight on Bion-M1. Alexander Andreev-Andrievskiy, Oleg Dolgov, Anfisa Popova, Evgenia Lagereva, Konstantin Anokhin and Olga Vinogradova


The vestibular system in memory and cognition Stephane Besnard, France


Coffee break


Young Researcher Session Chairs: J. Rittweger& E. Fomina 11:30

Cellular immunity in immune compromised conditions – from space to the intensive care unit (Hospace-Study) 1 1 1,3 Lars Sudhoff , Matthias Feuerecker , Ines Kaufmann , Brian 2 2 2 2 Crucian , Clarence Sams , Satish Mehta , Duane Pierson , Gustav 1 1 Schelling , Alexander Choukèr 1 Department of Anaesthesiology, Hospital of the University of 2 Munich, Munich, Germany; NASA, Johnons Space Centre, Houston, 3 Texas, USA; Department of Anaesthesiology, Klinikum Neuperlach, Städtisches Klinikum München; .................................................. 189


Vestibular gravitational perception builds motor and cognitive development 1 1,2 1 Anne Le Gall , Joseph Toulouse , Marie-Laure Machado , Pierre 1,2 3 1,2 Denise , Pascal Hilber , Stéphane Besnard 1 2 COMETE, INSERM U1075, Normandy University, Caen, France; CHU 3 Caen, France; EA 4700 PSY-NCA, Normandy University, Rouen, France; ....................................................................................... 191


Early skeletal muscle deconditioning after a human 3-day dry immersion 1 2 3 3 Rémi Demangel , Loïc Treffel , Marie-Pierre Bareille , Arnaud Beck , 1 1 1 4 Thomas Brioche , Allan F. Pagano , Robin Candau , Claude Gharib , 1 1 Guillaume Py , Angèle Chopard 1 Université de Montpellier, INRA, UMR 866 Dynamique Musculaire et 2 Métabolisme, F-34060, Montpellier, France.; Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, UMR 7178 Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, 3 4 France.; MEDES IMPS, clinique spatiale, France.; Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France .................................................................. 192



Effect of 3-Day Dry Immersion on Circadian Rhythms 1,2 1 5 Liubov Amirova , Steven De Abreu , Véronique Raverot , Nastassia 4 3 1 Navasiolava , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Elena Tomilovskaya , 5 6,7 1,4 Bruno Claustrat , Claude Gharib , Marc-Antoine Custaud 1 BNMI, UMR CNRS 6214 INSERM 1083, University of Angers, 2 3 4 France; IBMP, Moscow, Russia; CNES, Paris, France; Clinical 5 Research Center, Angers, France; Hospices Civils de Lyon, 6 7 France; Claude Bernard University, France; CIDO, Saint Etienne, France; ...................................................................................... 194



Session 17 Dry Immersion (Part 1) Chairs: M.A. Custaud& I. Kozlovskaya 14:00

Changes in intra-cranial pressure in Dry Immersion: indirect assessment by optic nerve sheath sonography. 1,2 3 2 Anne Pavy-Le Traon , Florian Leca , Marc Kermorgant , Laurence 4 5,6 3 Mahieu , Marc-Antoine Custaud , Thomas Geeraerts 1 Neurology department, University Hospital of Toulouse, 2 3 France; INSERM U1048, Equipe 8, Toulouse, France; Anesthesiology and Critical Care department, University Hospital of Toulouse, 4 Toulouse, France; Ophthalmology department, University Hospital of 5 Toulouse, Toulouse, France; BNMI, UMR CNRS 6214 – INSERM 1083, 6 Faculté de Médecine d’Angers, France; CRC, CHU d’Angers, France; ...................................................................................... 195


Molecular aspects of early skeletal muscle deconditioning after a human 3-day dry immersion Thomas Brioche, Rémi Demangel, Allan F. Pagano, Rémi Roumanille, Mélanie Roche-Subey, Guillaume Py, Angèle Chopard Université Montpellier, INRA, UMR 866 Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme, F-34060, Montpellier, France; .............................. 196



The contribution of the muscular and cardiovascular components in maintaining stabilographic stability after simulate the conditions of weightlessness 1,2 1 2,3 Liubov Amirova , Vladimir Kitov , Marc-Antoine Custaud , Elena 1 1 Tomilovskaya , Inessa Kozlovskaya 1 2 IBMP, Moscow, Russia; BNMI, UMR CNRS 6214, INSERM 1083, 3 Université d'Angers, France; Clinical Research Center, CHU Angers, France; ....................................................................................... 198


Dry Immersion as a Model of Deafferentation: A Neurophysiology Study Using Evoked Potentials 1 1 2,3 Blandine Acket , Angelique Gerdelat , Lyobov Amirova , Pascal 1 3,4 1,5 Cintas , Marc-Antoine Custaud , Anne Pavy Le Traon 1 2 3 CHU TOULOUSE PURPAN, France; IBMP, Moscow, Russia; BNMI, UMR CNRS 6214 – INSERM 1083, Faculté de Médecine d’Angers, 4 5 France; CRC, CHU d’Angers, France; INSERM U1048, Equipe 8, Toulouse, France; ........................................................................ 200


Coffee break

Session 18 Neurosciences (Part I) Chairs: R. Boyle & M. Baranov 14:00

Subjective straight ahead after adaptation to weightlessness 1 2 Gilles Clement , Scott Wood 1 Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, CNRS UMR5292 - INSERM 2 U1028 - University of Lyon, Bron, France; Azusa Pacific University, Azusa CA, USA; ............................................................................. 201


Vestibular function after real and simulated microgravity Ludmila Kornilova, Ivan Naumov, Dmitrii Glukhikh, Yrii Ekimovskii, Ekaterina Habarova IBMP, Russian Federation; .......................................................... 202


Neural Mechanisms to the Space Environment Richard D. Boyle, Yekaterina Popova NASA, United States of America; ................................................ 204 38


The Daily Dynamics of Pain Sensitivity and Blood Cortisol Level under Conditions of Prolonged Head-Down and Head-Up Bed Rest Mikhail Baranov, Aleksander Kovalev, Sergey Zakharov Research Institute for Space Medicine Federal Research Clinical Center Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Russian Federation ....................................................................... 206


Vestibular decompensation in partial gravity: a gradual process? 1 2 1 1 Anne Legall , Gilles Clement , Denise Pierre , Machado Marie-Laure , 1 1 1 Philoxene Bruno , Liegard Yannick , Stephane Besnard 1 2 COMETE, INSERM U1075, Normandy University, Caen, France; Lyon Neuroscience Research Center , CNRS UMR5292 - INSERM U1028 University of Lyon, Bron, France; ................................................ 208


Coffee break

Session 19 Dry Immersion (Part II) Chairs: A. Pavy& O. Vinogradova 16:00

Glucose intolerance induced by dry immersion 1,2 2 3 Liubov Amirova , Steven De Abreu , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , 4 5,6 2,4 Nastassia Navasiolava , Claude Gharib , Marc-Antoine Custaud 1 2 IBMP, Moscow, Russia; BNMI, UMR CNRS 6214, INSERM 1083, 3 4 Université d'Angers, France; CNES, Paris, France; Clinical Research 5 Center, CHU Angers, France; Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, 6 France; CIDO, Saint Etienne, France; ......................................... 209


Dynamics of complicated walk recovery following stay in real and simulated microgravity Nataliya Lysova, Kozlovskaya Inesa, Tomilovskaya Elena, Rukavishnikov Ilya, Kitov Vladimir, Ushakov Igor, Fomina Elena Institute for Biomedical Problems – Russian Federation State Scientific Research Center RAS, Russian Federation; .................. 210



Linear and nonlinear EMG characteristics in Parkinson’s disease patients recover under short-term microgravity induced by the «dry immersion» 1 2 3 Alexander Yu. Meigal , German G. Miroshnichenko , Irina V. Saenko , 1 4 Liudmila I. Gerasimova-Meigal , Liudmila A. Chernikova , Natalia S. 1 2 2 Subbotina , Saara M. Rissanen , Pasi A. Karjalainen 1 Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russian 2 3 Federation; University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland; Institute 4 of Biomedical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Scientific Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russian Federation; ................... 211

Session 20 Neurosciences (Part II) Chairs: A.R. Hargens & I. Bryndina 16:00

The ESA Enhanced Virtual Reality Stimulator (eVRS) - A platform for space life-sciences 1 1 2 Keshav Chintamani , Xavier Martinez , Arnaud Runge 1 Space Applications Services, Belgium; 2 European Space Agency; ............................................................ 213


The Human Virtual Maze: Virtual reality evaluates spatial strategy and memory performances in Space 1,2,3 1,2,4 1,2,3 Marie-Laure Machado , Nicolas Lefevre , Bruno Phyloxene , 1,2,4 1,2,4 1,2,3 Sophie Madelaine , Philippe Fleury , Stéphane Besnard 1 2 Normandie Univ, France; UNICAEN, COMETE, Caen, 14032, 3 4 France; INSERM, U 1075 COMETE, Caen 14032, France; CIREVE, Caen, 14032, France; ................................................................... 215


The Effects of Support Proprioceptive Deprivation and Conditions of Long-Term Spaceflicht on Visual Manual Tracking Dmitrii Glukhikh, Ludmila Kornilova, Ivan Naumov, Ekaterina Habarova, Yrii Ekimovskii IBMP, Russian Federation; .......................................................... 216



Eye hydrodynamic mechanisms of intraocular pressure elevation during short-term head down tilt in rabbits 1 1 1 Irina Bryndina , Masharif Rustamov , Robert Bayazitov , Aigul 1 1 2 Zakirova , Anton Knyazev , Alan Hargens 1 2 Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk, Russia; University of California, San Diego, USA; ......................................................... 218


Young Researcher Award Ceremony


Closure of the Symposium


Poster Session Monday 6 June 1.01

Vestibular Disorders after Space Flight. I. Mammals Dmitri V Lychakov, Andrey D Polyanovsky Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation; .................... 219


Vestibular Disorders after Space Flight. 2. Fish, Amphibians and Birds Dmitri V Lychakov, Andrey D Polyanovsky Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation; .................... 220


Microgravity does not influence the ongoing brain dynamics during visual feedback given to astronauts 1 1 2 Ana Maria Cebolla Alvarez , Mathieu Petieau , Laszlo Balazs , Joseph 3 1 McIntyre , Guy Cheron 1 2 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Hungarian Academy of 3 Sciences; Université Paris Descartes; ......................................... 222


Postural Influence on Intracranial and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure 1 1 2 Lonnie Grove Petersen , Johan Casper Petersen , Morten Andresen , 2 2 Niels Henry Secher , Marianne Juhler 1 2 University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; .................................................................................... 224


Sensorial Training to Improve Adaptation of Internal Models of Action to Microgravity 1,2 1,2 1,2 Christine Assaiante , Fabien Cignetti , Marianne Vaugoyeau 1 2 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, LNC; Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, FR 3512; ...................................................................................... 226


Exploring effects on aroma perception in space. 1 2 3 Veronica Pereda Loth , Harilanto Razafindrazaka , Camille Ferdenzi , 2 1 2 Margit Heiske , Brigitte Eche , Nicolas Brucato , François-Xavier 42





Ricaut , Didier Ginibriere , Thierry Talou , Thierry Letellier , Monique 1 3 2 Courtade-Saïdi , Moustafa Bensafi , Denis Pierron 1 GSBMS / Laboratoire AMIS UMR5288, 31073 Toulouse, 2 France; Equipe Medevo, Laboratoire AMIS UMR5288, 31073 3 Toulouse, France; CNRS, UMR5292, Lyon Neuroscience Research 4 Center, University Lyon, F-69000, France; Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle, Université́ de Toulouse, INP-ENSIACET, France; ...................................................................................... 228 1.07

Neurohormonal parameters and hydration status dynamics of women-volunteers before and after 8-days isolation experiment and during g-load exposure ("LUNA-2015" Project). Yuriy Smirnov, Milena Koloteva, Sergey Ponomarev, Victor Noskov, Galina Vassilieva, Oleg Orlov IBMP, Russian Federation; .......................................................... 230


Does the vestibular system influences circadian rhythmicity ? 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 Tristan Martin , Stéphane Besnard , Damien Davenne , Benoit 1,2,3 1,2,3 4 Mauvieux , Sébastien Moussay , Jan Bulla , Antoine 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 Gauthier , Pierre Denise , Gaëlle Quarck 1 2 UNICAEN, COMETE, 14032 Caen, France; INSERM, U1075, 14032 3 4 Caen, France; Normandie Universite, France; Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7800, 5020 Bergen, Norway; ...................................................................................... 232


Aftereffect Factors of Real Space Flight on Pigment Complex and Tomatoes Plants Stability to Pathogens L.T. Mishchenko Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine; ................. 235


Poster Session Tuesday 7 June 2.01

Young Researcher Poster Simulated weightlessness underwater: The influence of neutral buoyancy on whole-body reaching movements 1 1 1 Thomas Macaluso , Christophe Bourdin , Frank Buloup , Marie-Laure 1,2,3 1 1 4 Mille , Patrick Sainton , Fabrice Sarlegna , Virginie Taillebot , Jean1 4 1 Louis Vercher , Peter Weiss , Lionel Bringoux 1 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, ISM UMR 7287, Marseille, France, 2 3 France; Université de Toulon, La Garde, France; Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, Northwestern 4 University Medical School, Chicago, United States; COMEX S.A., Marseille, France;........................................................................ 237


Young Researcher Poster New Countermeasure Paradigms for Space Exploration: Lessons from Analog Astronaut Missions at Mars Desert Research Station Ilaria Cinelli National University of Ireland, Galway (Rep. of Ireland); ............ 238


Effects of dry immersion on bone and metabolic markers 1 1 1 Marie-Therese Linossier , Myriam Normand , Mireille Thomas-Paul , 2 3 2 Marie-Pierre Bareille , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Bernard Comet , 3 1 Claude Gharib , Laurence Vico 1 2 Lyon University, Inserm U1059, Saint-Etienne, France; Institute of 3 Space Physiology and Medicine (MEDES), Toulouse, France; Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Paris, France; ..................... 240


Two-stage adaptation to gravity in the perinatal period assessed by nonlinear parameters of the surface electromyogram. Yulia Zaripova, Alexander Meigal Petrozavodsk State University, Russian Federation; ................... 242



The “SubSpace” Project 1 1,2 3 Danilo Cialoni , Massimo Pieri , Mario Benassai , Alessandro 1,2 Marroni 1 2 DAN Europe Research Division, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy; Caddy Project: Cognitive Autonomous Diving Buddy (FP7 Marie Curie, grant 3 no. 611373); ALTEC SpA, Turin, Italy; .......................................... 244


Independent and combined effects of hypoxia and inactivity on appetite and appetite-regulating hormones: The PlanHab project 1 2 1 3 Tadej Debevec , Elizabeth J. Simpson , Igor B. Mekjavic , Ola Eiken , 2 Ian A. Macdonald 1 Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, Jozef 2 Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; MRC/Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, University of Nottingham Medical School, School of Life Sciences, Queen's Medical 3 Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Department of Environmental Physiology, Swedish Aerospace Physiology Centre, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; ................................................. 246


Combined effects of vestibular deficiency and hypergravity conditions on mice skeletal muscle characteristics 1 1 2 2 Laurence Stevens , Laetitia Cochon , Anne Legall , Bruno Philoxene , 3 2 1 Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Pierre Denise , Bruno Bastide , 2 Stephane Besnard 1 URePSS, EA 7369, Lab Activite Physique, Muscle et Sante, 2 France; Explorations Fonctionnelles Neurologiques, INSERM U1075, 3 CHU de Caen, France; Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, 2, Place Maurice Quentin, 75039 Paris, France; ....................................... 248


The influence of the shortterm isolation factors on some components of the human immune system Sergey Ponomarev, Sergey Kalinin, Alexandra Muranova IBMP, Russian Federation; .......................................................... 250



Disembodiment of auditory perception in microgravity 1 1 2 Isabelle Viaud-Delmon , Marine Taffou , Peter Brugger , Olivier 1 Warusfel 1 2 CNRS-IRCAM UMR 9912, France; Universitätsspital Zürich, Switzerland; ................................................................................ 253


Poster Session Wednesday 8 June 3.01

Young Researcher Poster Evaluation of an alternative solution for water microbial monitoring in the International Space Station. 1 1 1 Florian Michel , Lucie Campagnolo , Cécile Thevenot , Frédéric 2 2 3 1 Foucault , Christine Rozand , Sébastien Barde , Alain Maillet 1 MEDES-IMPS - BP 74404 31405 Toulouse cedex 4, 2 France; bioMérieux S.A., Innovation Unit - chemin de l'Orme 69280 3 Marcy l'étoile, France; CNES - 18, Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France; ........................................................................ 255


Young Researcher Poster Electrophysiological Measurements under Microgravity during a Sounding Rocket Flight 1,2 1 1 Simon L. Wuest , Tobias Plüss , Christoph Hardegger , Benno 1 1 1 1 Fleischli , Aaron Kunz , Mario Felder , Lukas Rüdlinger , Carlos 1 1 1 2 Komotar , Andreas Albisser , Thomas Gisler , Daniela Frauchiger , 1 Marcel Egli 1 Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Lucerne University 2 of Applied Sciences and Arts, Horw, Switzerland; Institute for Surgical Technology & Biomechanics, Tissue & Organ Mechanobiology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; ............ 256


Young Researcher Poster Genomic Measures to Predict Adaptation to Novel Sensorimotor Environments and Improve Personalization of Countermeasure Design 1 2 3 Galen A. Kreutzberg , Susana B. Zanello , Rachael D. Seidler , Brian T. 1 1 1 4 Peters , Yiri E. De Dios , Nichole E. Gadd , Jacob J. Bloomberg , 2 Ajitkumar P. Mulavara 1 Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering Group, United States of 2 America; Universities Space Research Association, United States of 3 4 America; University of Michigan, United States of America; NASA Johnson Space Center, United States of America;....................... 258



Young Researcher Poster Simulated Spaceflight Impacts Immune Populations in Nox2(-/-) Knockout Mice Nina C Nishiyama, Michael J Pecaut, Daila S Gridley, Mary CampbellBeachler, Peter Gifford, Xiao Wen Mao Loma Linda University, United States of America; ...................... 260


Effects of loading on musculoskeletal injury under hind-limb suspension in regard to genders 1 1 1 2 Jihyeong Park , Han A Lee , Dong Hyun Hwang , Seungkwan Cho , 1 1 3 1,2 Dong Hyun Seo , Seo Hyun Kim , Chi-Hwan Lee , Han Sung Kim* 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea, 2 Republic of (South Korea); Yonsei-Fraunhofer IZFP Medical Device 3 Lab; Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Inha University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea); ............................................... 262


The research of the peripheral circulation and the endothelin level in head-up and head-down bedrest Ekaterina Rudenko, Mikhail Baranov Research Institute for Space Medicine Federal Research Clinical Center FMBA Russia, Russian Federation;................................... 263


The first experience of behavior investigation of Ornate day geckos (Phelsuma ornata) in a long orbital experiment 1 2 Victoria Igorevna Gulimova , Rustam Kakadzhanovich Berdiev , 1 1 Valery Mikhailovich Barabanov , Sergey Vyacheslavovich Saveliev 1 Research Institute of Human Morphology, Russian 2 Federation; Research and Educational Center for Wild Animal Rehabilitation, Faculty of Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation; .................................................... 265


First on-orbit data collection using ESA Portable Doppler (PDOP) 1 1 2 1 Danielle Greaves , Kathryn Zuj , Philippe Arbeille , Richard Hughson 1 2 University of Waterloo, Applied Health Sciences, Canada; University of Tours, France; .......................................................................... 267 48


EveryWear, a personal assistant for astronauts Maurice Marnat, Yann Lapeyre, Audrey Berthier MEDES IMPS, France; .................................................................. 268


Wave reflection, assessed by pulse wave separation, is reduced under acute µ-g conditions in parabolic flight 1 2 3 Bernhard Hametner , Karsten Heusser , Stefan Moestl , Peter 3 3 1 2 Gauger , Ulrich Limper , Siegfried Wassertheurer , Jens Tank 1 2 Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria; Clinical Pharmacology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, 3 Germany; German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Space Physiology, Cologne, Germany .......................... 269


Human breast cancer cells under microgravity conditions: new therapeutic targets suggested by the Space 1 2 Julio Valdivia-Silva , David Lavan 1 NASA Ames Research Center, United States of America; 2 INICTEL-UNI;................................................................................ 271


Changes in body fluid distribution with postural changes using segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis Naoki Nishimura Aichi Medical University; ............................................................. 272


Dietary fatty acid trafficking in skeletal muscle lipids moieties following 21 days of bed rest 1,2 1,2 3 Isabelle Chery , Floriane Rudwill , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , 1,2 4 1,2 Alexandre Zahariev , Chantal Simon , Stephane Blanc , Audrey 1 Bergouignan 1 Université de Strasbourg, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, 2 3 Strasbourg, France; CNRS, UMR 7178; Strasbourg France; Centre 4 National des Études Spatiales, Paris, France; CARMEN INSERM Université de Lyon, Oullins, France; ............................................ 273



Epigenetic mechanisms in the CNS are involved in the parabolicelicited stress response 1 1 2 Mitsuhiro Yoshioka , Tadataka Yoshida , Hisashi Ohta , Toshimasa 3 Ochiai 1 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of 2 Neuropharmacology, Japan; Torii Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 3 Japan; Space Utilization Business Department, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Kobe, Japan; ....................................................... 274


Distinguishing between gravitational and dynamical joint torques in different gravity fields. 2,1 1,2 Michele Tagliabue , Joseph McIntyre 1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 2 France; Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France; ..................... 233


Physical training to sustain physical performance and immune status of the human during prolonged isolation 1,2 1 1 Fomina Elena , Uskov Konstantin , Rykova Marina 1 2 SSC RF IBMP RAS, Russian Federation; Moscow State Pedagogical University; ................................................................................... 166




Skeletal muscle regeneration and simulated microgravity: role of inflammation status on muscle fatty infiltration development Allan F. Pagano, Coralie Arc-Chagnaud, Thomas Brioche, Rémi Demangel, Angèle Chopard, Guillaume Py Université de Montpellier, INRA, France; Introduction. Skeletal muscle injuries are able to promote abnormal accumulation of fibrosis and intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT), thereby deteriorating muscle function. We previously shown that hindlimb unloading (HU), mimicking microgravity exposure, together with regeneration processes, severely reduces IMAT development and accumulation. Our previous study also indicated a decrease in PDGFRα-positive cells, representing fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), 21 days after glycerolinjured tibialis anterior. Moreover, only FAPs can differentiate into adipocytes in glycerol-injected muscles, thereby demonstrating the major implication of this cell type in IMAT development. The present study was designed in order 1°) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of IMAT inhibition observed during simulated microgravity and 2°) to elucidate the cellular processes at the origin of IMAT development observed in the glycerol model of skeletal muscle regeneration. Methods. We used the glycerol model of muscle regeneration to induce skeletal muscle injury in mice. Animals of the HU group were immediately hindlimb unloaded after glycerol injection into tibialis anterior muscle, whereas mice of the control group (CTL) were in weight-bearing conditions. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 5, 9, and 21 days after injection. Histologic analyses were performed to quantify IMAT accumulation, PDGFRα-stained FAPs and FAPs apoptosis. Mature adipocytes, adipogenesis and inflammation markers during the regenerative process were examined using immunoblotting. Results and discussion. PDGFRα protein expression, a cell surface marker of FAPs, did not differed at day 2 and 3 between CTL and HU groups, suggesting identical proliferation rate. In muscle regeneration, FAPs proliferation peak is classically observed at day 3 and then returns to basal values at day 9. This could suggest an effect of HU on FAPs apoptosis at day 5 and 9. We also shown an increased expression of TNFα in our HU group compared to our CTL group at day 3, concomitant with a decrease in TGFβ expression at the same time, suggesting FAPs apoptosis discrepancies between our simulated 52

microgravity and control groups. It is known that TNFα, released by M1 macrophages, induces FAPs apoptosis whereas TGF-β1, released by M2 macrophages, promotes their survival. In this context, we can hypothesize that pro-inflammatory processes could be disturbed in the glycerol model and then restored by HU. This specific model of regeneration leads to a major increase in IMAT development by FAPs compared to others classical skeletal muscle regeneration models. Interestingly, our study is in accordance with numerous studies having reported HU as a pro-inflammatory situation with macrophage infiltration and release of several pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α. These results highlight the link between local inflammatory processes and the regulation of IMAT development, including in skeletal muscle regeneration submitted to microgravity environment.


Lessons Learned from the Amadee-15 Mars Analogue Mission: A Systematic Review and Derivation of a Novel Medical Early Warning System for Human Space Flight 1,5 2,5 3,5 Rochelle Marian Velho , Adrianos Golemis , Christian Lüthen , Evangelos 4,5 5 Kaimakamis , Gernot Groemer , 5 Thomas Luger 1 2 University of Warwick, United Kingdom; Marine Support Battalion, Greek 3 Armed Forces, Greece; Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, 4 The Netherlands; st Intensive Care Unit, G.Papanikolaou General Hospital, 57010 Exohi, Thessalonikis, 5 Greece; Austrian Space Forum; Introduction. Skeletal muscle injuries are able to promote abnormal accumulation of fibrosis and intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT), thereby deteriorating muscle function. We previously shown that hindlimb unloading (HU), mimicking microgravity exposure, together with regeneration processes, severely reduces IMAT development and accumulation. Our previous study also indicated a decrease in PDGFRα-positive cells, representing fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), 21 days after glycerolinjured tibialis anterior. Moreover, only FAPs can differentiate into adipocytes in glycerol-injected muscles, thereby demonstrating the major implication of this cell type in IMAT development. The present study was designed in order 1°) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of IMAT inhibition observed during simulated microgravity and 2°) to elucidate the cellular processes at the origin of IMAT development observed in the glycerol model of skeletal muscle regeneration. Methods. We used the glycerol model of muscle regeneration to induce skeletal muscle injury in mice. Animals of the HU group were immediately hindlimb unloaded after glycerol injection into tibialis anterior muscle, whereas mice of the control group (CTL) were in weight-bearing conditions. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 5, 9, and 21 days after injection. Histologic analyses were performed to quantify IMAT accumulation, PDGFRα-stained FAPs and FAPs apoptosis. Mature adipocytes, adipogenesis and inflammation markers during the regenerative process were examined using immunoblotting. Results and discussion. PDGFRα protein expression, a cell surface marker of FAPs, did not differed at day 2 and 3 between CTL and HU groups, suggesting 54

identical proliferation rate. In muscle regeneration, FAPs proliferation peak is classically observed at day 3 and then returns to basal values at day 9. This could suggest an effect of HU on FAPs apoptosis at day 5 and 9. We also shown an increased expression of TNFα in our HU group compared to our CTL group at day 3, concomitant with a decrease in TGFβ expression at the same time, suggesting FAPs apoptosis discrepancies between our simulated microgravity and control groups. It is known that TNFα, released by M1 macrophages, induces FAPs apoptosis whereas TGF-β1, released by M2 macrophages, promotes their survival. In this context, we can hypothesize that pro-inflammatory processes could be disturbed in the glycerol model and then restored by HU. This specific model of regeneration leads to a major increase in IMAT development by FAPs compared to others classical skeletal muscle regeneration models. Interestingly, our study is in accordance with numerous studies having reported HU as a pro-inflammatory situation with macrophage infiltration and release of several pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α. These results highlight the link between local inflammatory processes and the regulation of IMAT development, including in skeletal muscle regeneration submitted to microgravity environment.


Site specific bone loss induced by spaceflight in mice: a multiscale evaluation of trabecular and cortical structure and quality 1,2 2 3 3 Maude Gerbaix , Vasily Gnyubkin , Delphine Farlay , Hélène Follet , Patrick 4 2 5 5 Ammann , Norbert Laroche , Cécile Olivier , Françoise Peyrin , Boris 6 1 2 Shenkman , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Laurence Vico 2 1 Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales Paris, France; INSERM U1059, Biologie du 3 Tissu Osseux, Université de Lyon, Saint-Etienne, France; UMR-U1033-INSERM, 4 Université de Lyon, Lyon, France; Service des maladies osseuses, Hôpitaux 5 Universitaires de Genève (HUG), Genève, Switzerland; Laboratoire CREATIS, Université de Lyon, CNRS, UMR5220, INSERM, U1044, Université Lyon 1 INSA6 Lyon, Villeurbanne, France; Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Intrinsic quality, micro and nano structure of bone after one month of spaceflight and during one week of recovery had never been investigated. The aim of this study was to explore these properties in appendicular and axial skeleton of mature mice after a spaceflight. Ten C57/Bl6 male mice flew on the 30-day space Russian BION-M1 high-orbit satellite mission. Five were euthanized 12 hours after landing, the others 8 days later. A ground control group (Ctr) was kept in the same conditions as in flight (housing, food and climate). Body weight, soleus muscle mass, and femur length were not significantly different between groups. In the femur, microgravity significantly decreased trabecular BV/TV (-65% vs Ctr) (micro-CT), increased trabecular and periosteal TRAP+ osteoclast surfaces and marrow adiposity (x22 vs Ctr), and decreased Ct.Th (-5.4% vs Ctr). Nano-indentation (NI) analysis indicated that cortical modulus, hardness and working energy were significantly decreased whereas the degree of mineralization (micro radiography) was not affected by microgravity. Microgravity did not affect cortical osteocyte lacuna density but decreased their mean 3D volume (Synchrotron Radiation nano-CT, n>8000 lacunae per sample). Eight days after landing, osteoclast cell surface were restored but trabecular BV/TV and Ct.Th remained lower than Ctr group. In vertebrae, microgravity significantly decreased BV/TV (-36% vs Ctr) and the modulus in the younger mineralized matrix (NI) which tended to increase after recovery. Degree of mineralization, mineral and collagen intrinsic quality (infra-red spectroscopy) were not changed by microgravity. 56

To summarize, microgravity severely decreased bone mass, altered bone structure and intrinsic mechanical properties in both sites and increased femoral marrow adiposity. One week after landing, these properties tended to be recovered in vertebrae but remained altered in the femur despite normalized osteoclastic cell surfaces. The decrease of osteocyte lacunar volume suggests the existence of an intra-cortical bone preservation mechanism in absence of mechanical loading.


Six-month of Spaceflight and 1 Year Follow-Up Revealed Differential Responses of Cortical and Trabecular Bone Dependent on Bone Localization and Starting Bone Status 1 1 2 3 Laurence Vico , Myriam Normand , Bert Van Rietbergen , Nicolas Vilayphiou , 1 4 1 5 Hervé Locrelle , Mohamed Zouch , Maude Gerbaix , Galina Vassilieva , Ivan 5 1 Morukov , Thierry Thomas 1 2 St-Etienne University, France; Eindhoven University of Technology, 3 4 Netherlands; SCANCO Medical AG, switzerland; Faculty of Medicine Ibn-El5 Jazzar, University of Sousse, Tunisia; INSTITUTE OF BIO-MEDICAL PROBLEMS, Moscow, Russia; Introduction Using pQCT, we previously found that the weight-bearing tibial site displayed trabecular and cortical bone losses after 6-month space exposure while the radius, being a non-weight bearing bone, did not exhibited any bone loss. During a 6-month follow-up survey after landing tibial bone loss persisted, suggesting that the time needed to recover is longer than the mission duration (Vico et al., Lancet 2000). In a new series of crewmembers, we aimed to better assess structural and mechanical changes and beyond 6months after space sojourns up to one year to appreciate if and when bone is regained. Methods We measured bone density, microarchitecture and micro-finite elementderived bone strength at the distal radius and tibia using HR-pQCT in 13 spacemen [mean age 43.6 (35-54 years old)] who sojourned in the International Space Station (ISS) during 6 months. Measurements were done before flight, immediately after landing, and after 3, 6, and 12 months followup. Results Despite inter-individual variability among crewmembers, statistical analysis revealed the following alterations. Radius: as found in previous missions, no significant bone loss was seen immediately after the flight. However, from 3 to 12 month post-flight Ct.Th and ultimate load, and at 12 month for trabecular BV/TV or density, declines were evidenced. 58

Tibia: we confirmed in these crewmembers a loss of bone during flight at both cortical and trabecular levels. One year after reentry, the recovery was effective for cortical thickness but not for trabecular BV/TV or density, and ultimate load. In tibia, a negative correlation was found between Ct.Th preflight and the change in Ct.Th during flight (R² = 0.41, p10% lower work product during maximal aerobic exercise without change in Oxygen consumption compared to loose fitting clothes (GYM). Thus, we sought to determine the effect of axial body loading induced by the GLCS upon lower limb neuromuscular activity during maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) and incremental cycling exercise. Methods: In two separate counterbalanced sessions, eight male subjects (29.6±5.6 yrs; 177.1±6.8 cm and 74.2±7.1 kg) performed - in a random order single-leg MVICs in knee flexion and extension in addition to ankle plantarand dorsi-flexion on an Isokinetic Dynamometer prior to completing a cycle ergometer maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) test (Bruce protocol) wearing either a custom-fabricated Mk VI GLCS or GYM. Surface electromyography (EMG) activity of the right Vastus Lateralis (VL), Biceps Femoris (BF), Tibialis Anterior (TA), and Lateral Gastrocnemius (GL) were recorded continuously throughout the sessions. The Root Mean Square (RMS) amplitude, total area and duration of muscle EMG activity, as well as the Median Frequency (MDF) of the EMG power spectral density were calculated for each revolution. EMG parameters were normalised to the respective mean values at 50W cycling and compared between the conditions (ATTIRE) and across the workloads (WORKLOAD) with a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Maximal torque and EMG data computed from the MVICs were compared between the conditions using paired t-tests. Results: EMG activation levels and the torque during MVICs were not significantly different between conditions. During cycling, EMG RMS and total area increased with WORKLOAD independent of ATTIRE for all muscles. VL MDF increased and GL decreased with increasing WORKLOAD with no effect 156

of ATTIRE. EMG activity duration increased with WORKLOAD in VL, BF and TA independent of ATTIRE. GL EMG activity was prolonged in GLCS vs. GYM. The GLCS induced subject-specific shifting of EMG onset-offset timing which became more apparent as workload increased to VO2max. Conclusion: Addition of GLCS-induced ~0.2G axial body loading does not affect muscle function during isometric maximal contractions and has minimal effects on the workload-related increments in EMG activation levels during incremental cycling. Although the overall EMG duration within the cycling revolution was unchanged, subject-specific shifting of muscle activation suggests an effect of axial loading upon lower limb neuromuscular control despite the biomechanical constraints of cycling. Therefore investigation of the effect of additional axial loading upon neuromuscular function during locomotion - where there is the requirement to control centre-of-body mass - is warranted.


A dietary anti-oxidant cocktail supplementation as a new countermeasure against musculo-skeletal system and metabolic alterations induced by physical inactivity in humans 1,2 5 5 5 Anthony Damiot , Rémi Demangel , Thomas Brioche , Allan Pagano , 3,4 6 7 5 François Crampes , Etienne Lefai , Donal O’Gorman , Angèle Chopard , 1,2 1,2 6 6,8 Isabelle Chery , Alexandre Zahariev , Sylvie Normand , Jocelyne Drai , 6,8 9 10 Delphine Collin-Chavagnac , Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch , Michel Prost , 11 5 1,2 6 Patrick Simon , Guillaume Py , Audrey Bergouignan , Chantal Simon , 1,2 Stéphane Blanc 1 2 Université de Strasbourg IPHC, 67087 Strasbourg, France; CNRS, UMR7178, 3 67087 Strasbourg, France; INSERM, UMR 1048, Obesity Research Laboratory, 4 Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases, Toulouse, France; Paul 5 Sabatier University, Toulouse, France; Université de Montpellier, INRA, 6 UMR866 34060, Montpellier, France; CARMEN INSERM U1060, INRA U1235, Université de Lyon, CRNH-RA, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69600 7 Oullins; Université de Dublin, Centre for Preventive Medicine, School of Health 8 and Human Performance, Dublin, Ireland; Laboratoire de Biochimie CHLS 9 10 69310 Pierre Bénite, France; CNES, 75001 Paris, France; Laboratoire de recherches appliquées Spiral/Kirial International, 21560 Couternon, 11 France; Hôpital St-Joseph St-Luc, 69007 Lyon, France; Recent studies showed several nutrients taken individually, such as resveratrol, quercitin, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and others, partially prevent from some alterations observed during actual and simulated weightlessness. We hypothesized additive effects would be obtained when these nutrients are taken as a cocktail. We tested the efficacy of such a cocktail, composed of polyphenols (530mg/d), omega 3 (2.1g/d), selenium (80µg/d) and vitamin E (168mg/d) during a deconditioning protocol consisting of 20 days of physical inactivity coupled during the last 10 days with fructose supplementation (3.5g/kg/d) to trigger metabolic deterioration. Twenty healthy active (14000 steps/d measured by accelerometer) young men, randomized in control (n=10) and cocktail supplemented (n=10) groups, were asked to stop exercise and drastically reduce their daily physical activities (2800 steps/d). Body composition, glucose tolerance, substrate oxidation, blood anti-oxidant capacities and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were assessed before and after period of reduced activity. Analyses used linear mixed models taking into account repeated measures. Comparisons 158

between groups at the end of the intervention, adjusted on fat-free-mass, are presented. Twenty days of deconditioning induced a reduction of about 20% in both total and type 2-myosin heavy chain cross sectional areas in the control group that was prevented in the supplemented group (p