The Politics of International Studies in an Age of Crises 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations Barcelona, Spain 13th – 16th September 2017 |
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Victoria Basham & Cemal Burak Tansel (Programme co-chairs) Katharina Krause (Programme assistant)
Tuesday – 12 September 2017 9:00am - 6pm Young Researchers’ Workshops YRW1 The significance of obscure practices and subjects: investigating silences in transnational legal spaces. Organised by: Sofia Stolk (Free University Amsterdam) and Renske Vos (University of Edinburgh) YRW2 Knowing what and how: research methods in complex environments. Organised by: Kerstin Tomiak (Cardiff University) YRW3 Dissecting the radical: knowledge production and policy-making through the (de-)radicalisation prism. Organised by: Alessandra Russo (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) and Ervjola Selenica (University of Trento)
Wednesday – 13 September 2017 11:00 – 20:00 Registration 14:15 – 15:45 Semi Plenary I: International Studies and Race & Racism Speakers: Gurminder K. Bhambra (University of Warwick), Branwen Gruffyd Jones (Cardiff University), Meera Sabaratnam (SOAS, University of London), Robbie Shilliam (Queen Mary University of London) 14:15 – 15:45 Semi Plenary II: International Studies and Climate Change Speakers: Hugh Dyer (University of Leeds), Hannah Hughes (Cardiff University), Chukwumerije Okereke (University of Reading), Olaf Corry (University of Copenhagen), Lucy Ford (Oxford Brookes University) 16:00 – 17:30 Semi Plenary III: International Studies and Inequality Speakers: Juanita Elias (University of Warwick), Ben Selwyn (University of Sussex), Jan Aart Scholte (University of Gothenburg), Graham Harrison (University of Sheffield) 16:00 – 17:30 Semi Plenary IV: International Studies and Militarism & Militarisation Speakers: Tarak Barkawi (LSE), Dan Oberg (Swedish Defense University), Martin Shaw (University of Sussex), Anna Stavrianakis (University of Sussex), Ruth Blakeley (University of Sheffield) 2 of 148
18:00 – 19:45 Conference Plenary: The Politics and Responsibility of International Studies in An Age of Crises Speakers: Vivienne Jabri (King’s College London), Teivo Teivainen (University of Helsinki), Beate Jahn (University of Sussex), Nicola Pratt (University of Warwick), Cynthia Weber (University of Sussex) 20:00 – 21:30 Conference Address Address by Dr Javier Solana followed by conference reception sponsored by Palgrave Studies in International Relations.
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Sections S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36
After Deconstruction: Exploring ‘New’ Discourses of Governance and Critique in International Relations Analysing Foreign Policy Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Dominations, Crises, Resistances Conceptualising International Practices: New Directions for the Practice Turn Crises as Catalysts: The Rise of the Pan-European New Right Crisis and Change Nexus in Global Politics Critical Military Studies Dimensions of Power in Global Politics Dislocating Geopower: New Approaches to Space, Culture, and Violence in World Politics Emerging Powers in Global Governance English School: The Politics of International Studies in an Age of Crises Ethical Worlds in World Politics Ethnographic Approaches to International Interventions Exploring and Studying Emotions in Global Politics Global Affairs and/of Europe Global Governance in the Internet Age Global Health and International Relations Globalising the Climate, Climatising the World: The Transformation of Global Politics in Times of the Climate Crisis Historical International Relations Inter-Organisational Relations in Crises: Coordination, Competition and Change International Law in Crisis International Migration and International Relations: Forced Movements of People Across Borders and Interdisciplinary Approaches International/Economy/Society: IPE Meets IPS Islam in World Affairs: Politics and Paradigms Maritime Security Migration and the European Welfare State: Mapping the (Violent) Encounters between Welfare and Mobility Negotiating Divides in IR and Reading International Politics in Times of Crises New Horizons and Research Perspectives on Latin America and the Caribbean Normative Ambitions, (De)Militarised Societies and the Transcendence of War Politics of Global Economic Governance in Times of Change Public Contestation, Legitimacy and Effectiveness in Regional and Global Governance (Promoted by ECPR SGIR) Reappraising Eurocentrism Reconsidering ‘Transit Migration’: Techniques, Subjects and Spaces of Governing Mobile Populations Reconstructing Global Histories of the International Remote Interventionisms Responsibility in Global Politics 4 of 148
S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50
Resurfacing 1989 in the History of International Relations Rethinking Agency Beyond, or in Spite of, the State Rethinking International Relations in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities Scandalous Economics of Gender in Conflict and Post-Conflict The EU in a Contested World Order: How to Address the EU’s Responsibilities and Challenges in a Time of Crises? The European Union: Promoting or Obstructing Global Justice? The Future of European Security The Politics of International Political Theory The Power Politics of International Orders The Role of Professional Associations in Advancing International Studies The Role of Technology in IR Understanding International Relations through the Lens of Education Unravelling Contemporary Settler-Colonial Relations: Realities, Knowledge and Decolonisation Visuality and Global Politics
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Thursday – 14 September 2017 9:00am - 10:45am S01-01: Roundtable: International Relations After Critique Chair: Peter Finkenbusch, University of Duisburg-Essen Presenter(s): David Chandler (University of Westminster), Gideon Baker (Griffith University), Claudia Aradau (King's College London), Leonie Ansems de Vries (King's College London)
9:00am - 10:45am S02-01: Turkey Inside-Out: Domestic Trends and Foreign Policy Choices Chair: André Matos, Portucalense University Discussant: Natalie Jane Martin, Nottingham Trent University
The EU and Turkey: norms or geostrategy? Natalie Martin Nottingham Trent University, UK
Agency in Foreign Policy Analysis: the role of Erdogan in the Turkish accession process André Pereira Matos Portucalense University and Portucalense Institute for Legal Research (IJP), Portugal
A Pragmatic Shift in the Turkish foreign policy: The case of Turkish Visa Policy Digdem Soyaltin Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Turkey
Turkish Foreign Policy between Europeanization and NeoOttomanism: From de-securitization to resecuritization Didem Buhari Gulmez Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Turkey
A generic methodological approach to analyze the paralellism in foreign policy words and deeds: The case of Turkey İsmail Erkam Sula1,2 1Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey; 2Bilkent University, Turkey
9:00am - 10:45am S03-01: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Origins, Genealogies, Evolutions Chair: Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Framing the Neoliberal Canon: Resisting the Market Myth via Literary Enquiry Ian Bruff1, Kathryn Starnes2 1University of Manchester, UK; 2Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Beyond States and Markets: Macroeconomics, Governance and Democracy Rune Møller Stahl University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Public Management and the Reconfiguration of Power under Neoliberal Governance Samuel Knafo University of Sussex, UK
Authoritarian neoliberalism and the political economy of monetary sovereignty Konsta Aamos Kotilainen University of Helsinki, Finland
Norms vs laws in the making of development: an alternative explanation of informality 6 of 148
Abel Polese1, Jeremy Morris2 1Tallinn University, Estonia; 2Arhus University
9:00am - 10:45am S04-01: Conceptualizing International Practices I Chair: Christian Bueger, Cardiff University Discussant: Alena Drieschova, Cardiff University
Practices and Norms: Relationships, Disjunctures and Change Marion Laurence1, Steven Bernstein2 1University of Toronto; 2University of Toronto
The Normativity of International Practices Frank Gadinger Centre for Global Cooperation Research
The Nano-Foundations of Practice Theodore Geoffrey Hopf National University of Singapore, Singapore
Placing Practices: Spatiality and Method in the Study of Transnational Diplomacy Merje Kuus University of British Columbia, Canada
Accounting for Change : Authority in practice and the emergence of the political authority of central banker Joelle Dumouchel University of Copenhagen
9:00am - 10:45am S07-12: Critical Approaches to the Study of Private Military and Security Companies Chair: Maria Stern, University of Gothenburg
PMSCs and Social Media: Using Twitter to Attract and Distract Andrea Schneiker1, Jutta Joachim2 1University of Siegen, 2Radboud University Nijmegen
Representing Security: The Visual Practices of Public/Private Peacekeeping in MONUC/MONUSCO Elke Krahmann Witten/Herdecke University
From Pariahs to Partners: The (De-)Politicization of Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) Berenike Prem Witten/Herdecke University
Public and Private in Maritime Counter-Piracy: The Regulation of PMSCs and the Assembly of Ocean Governance Alexander Gould King’s College London
PMSCs and global recruitment: When demand from the 'West' meets labour the 'South' Hilde van Meegdenburg Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
9:00am - 10:45am 7 of 148
S08-03: (Post-)conflict Sexual Violence Interventions, Gender and Post-colonial Power Relations Chair: Marsha Giselle Henry, LSE
The Security Politics of Sexual Violence Paul Kirby University of Sussex
‘Without education you can never become president’: Sexual violence sensitization and the shaping of ‘proper’ female aspirations in Sierra Leone Anne Menzel University of Marburg
Stabilising Patriarchy? – Notes on the Heteronormativity of Post-Conflict Interventions on SGBV Henri Myrttinen International Alert
Engaging ‘Arab Men’ in Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention Lewis Turner SOAS, University of London
Interventions against SGBV and the International State of the Congo Alex Veit University of Bremen
9:00am - 10:45am S09-01: Roundtable: The Military Entertainment Complex: Space, Culture and Violence in the Industries of Popular Culture Chair: Benjamin Tallis, Institute of International Relations Prague Presenter(s): Aggie Hirst (City University), Susan Jackson (Stockholm University), Georg Löfflmann (University of Warwick), Nick Robinson (University of Leeds), Julian Schmid (University of Warwick)
9:00am - 10:45am S10-01: Domestic Politics Theories and Emerging Powers' International Relations Chair: Sebastian Krapohl, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Laura Mahrenbach, Bavarian School of Public Policy
The Role of societal interest and domestic ideas - China’s approach to the structures of global governance Stefanie Weil, Richard Higgott Vesalius College / Free University Brussels, Belgium
Ambivalence and ambiguity: Brazil relation with the international order Carmen Fonseca IPRI-NOVA, Portugal
Domestic Ideas, Institutions, or Interests? A Societal Approach to Global Governance Stefan Alexander Schirm University of Bochum, Germany
A Clash of Values and Norms? EU-Russia Energy Security Discourse in an Institutional Setting Yaroslava Marusyk University fo Groningen, The Netherlands
Domestic Sources of China’s Belt and Road Initiative Joern-Carsten Gottwald, Robert Pauls
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Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S11-01: International Society Tradition / History of International Society Chair: Tonny Brems Knudsen, Aarhus University Discussant: Peter Colin Wilson, LSE
The International Society Tradition: Who is in it?
Cornelia Navari University of Buckingham, UK
Order and Justice in Confucian Moralpolitik: --The discourse of Wang Dao vs Ba Dao Yongjin Zhang University of Bristol, UK
Anthropological Investigations Nicolas Terradas Florida International University, United States of America
Great Power Status qua Concert Membership? the Negotiations on the Admission of Spain (1860) and Italy (1867) Thomas Müller Bielefeld University, Germany
'Fortune is a River': The Taming of Nature as a Standard of Civilization Joanne Yao London School of Economics (LSE), UK
9:00am - 10:45am S12-01: Imagination and World Politics Chair: Shannon Brincat, Griffith University Discussant: Charlotte Heath-Kelly, University of Warwick
The Political Significance of the Social Faculty of Imagination: Bringing Vygotsky into IR Shannon Brincat Griffith University
Constituent Imagination: The Transformative Potential of Affects in Contemporary Movements against Austerity in Europe Simona Rentea Saint Louis University
The Art of Migration in Troubled Times Samid Suliman University of Queensland
9:00am - 10:45am S14-01: Conceptual Explorations of Emotions in Global Politics Chair: Michelle Pace, Roskilde University
Terrorist attacks, emotions and Realism in Global Politics: are States still "cold monsters" since 2015? Angela Kahil USEK, Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
Seeking to Shame: Conceptualizing shame as a mechanism of sanctions Asli Ilgit1, Deepa Prakash2
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Cukurova University, Turkey; 2DePauw University, U.S.A.
How do states feel? Exploring the emotion-identity nexus Halima Akhrif University of Stuttgart, Germany
What's love got to do with it? Love as Liberal Emotion Liane Marie Hartnett London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
9:00am - 10:45am
S15-01: Global Affairs and/of Europe Chair: Knud Erik Jørgensen, Aarhus University
Evolving together but growing apart: diverging role of EU sanctioning practice among dominant sanction sender strategies Martin Chovancik Masaryk university, Czech Republic
Global and Regional Dimensions of the Sino-EU Relations: Central and Eastern European Case Oleg Timofeev1,2 1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia; 2State University of Management, Russia
The EU Response to Energy Security Threats: Strategies; Organizational Adaptability and Assets Fungibility Lyubov Grigorova Hristova Mincheva1, Ivan Dinev Ivanov2 1Sofia University, Bulgaria; 2University of Cincinnati, USA
The Politics of Normative Power Europe: Self-Referentiality, Norm Entrepreneurs and Human Rights Anne Jenichen Aston University, UK
The Rise of Macro-Regionalism in Europe: Fiddling while Rome Burns? Roberto Belloni University of Trento, Italy
9:00am - 10:45am S17-01: Global Health Governance post-Ebola Chair: Sonja Kittelsen, University of Oslo Discussant: Anne Roemer-Mahler, University of Sussex
Ebola and the Global Health and Medical Humanitarianism Problem Sophie Harman1, Clare Wenham2 1Queen Mary University of London, 2London School of Economics and Political Science
The global care chain and the governance of its health workforce Remco van de Pas Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Social accountability and rights based governance reforms amid changing global health cooperation Anuj Kapilashrami University of Edinburgh
Revisiting sovereignty in the post Ebola landscape Clare Wenham London School of Economics and Political Science
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9:00am - 10:45am S21-01: International Law in Crisis: Sites of Crisis Chair: Sofia Stolk, VU Amsterdam Discussant: Nikolas M Rajkovic, Tilburg University
State Equality and Status Considerations in International Law Development and Crisis Margarita H. Petrova IBEI, Spain
The ICC, Palestine and Israel: A path for escalating conflict or resolution? Ayse Omur Atmaca, Pinar Gözen Ercan Hacettepe University, Turkey
Zero Hour: The practice of framing and the many beginnings of the EU Libya response Renske Vos University of Edinburgh, UK
The Russian Re-conceptualization of Norms of Humanitarian Intervention Juris Pupcenoks Marist College, USA, United States of America
9:00am - 10:45am S22-01: Refugees and Border Controls in the EU: Between Securitization and Humanitarian Approaches Chair: Valeria Bello, United Nations University
The Mediterranean migration crisis: border control versus humanitarian approaches Stefania Panebianco University of Catania, Italy
EU Foreign Policy, How it has worked towards refugee’ crisis? Ruth Ferrero-Turrión1, Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez2 1Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; 2Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
The EU’s refugee ‘crisis’: Framing policy failure as an opportunity for success Ariadna Ripoll Servent University of Bamberg, Germany
Frontex and Asylum-Seekers: Between Securitization and Human Rights Sarah Leonard, Christian Kaunert Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
9:00am - 10:45am S23-01: The politics of economic expertise Chair: Gabriel Siles-Brugge, University of Warwick
Transnational Professional Competition in Field and Ecology: The Case of Corporate Tax Transparency Rasmus Corlin Christensen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
The transnational experts of climate change adaptation at the World Bank Romain Felli1,2, Amal Tawfik2, Nicolas Baya-Laffite1 1University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2University of Geneva, Switzerland
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Tax battles as epistemic conflicts Martin Hearson London School of Economics, UK
The Role of Law within the Dialectics Between Capital and Environmental Movements in Crony Capitalism Defne Gonenc IHEID, Switzerland
9:00am - 10:45am S24-01: Islam and International Relations Theory Chair: Farhood Badri, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Discussant: Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Muslim Theorizing of International Relations: An Assessment of "International Relations in Islam" Project Ahmed Ali Salem Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
The Notion Of "Other" In Islamic International Relations Theory Adem ÇAYLAK1, Seyit Ali AVCU2 1Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey; 2Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey
Theorizing about Islamic IR in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Status Quaestionis Raffaele Mauriello, Seyed Mohammad Marandi University of Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
‘It’s change, Jim. But not as we know it.’ Conceptualizing cyclical world order through Ibn Khaldun Faiz Sheikh1, Owen D Thomas2 1University of Hamburg, Germany; 2University of Exeter, UK
Towards a final combination - Relations between, and among, nations in Muhammad Iqbal's thought Carimo Mohomed IPSA's Research Committee "Religion and Politics", Portugal
9:00am - 10:45am S27-01: Negotiating "isms" in International Relations Chair: Gunther Hellmann, Goethe University
Analytical Eclecticism and Inter-theoretical Approaches in IR Benjamin Coulson Newcastle University, UK
Beyond the Realism/Liberalism Divide in IR Richard John Beardsworth Aberystwyth University, UK
The Promise of Ontology in IR Vassilios Paipais University of St Andrews, UK
Realism meets Liberalism or Why We Need a Political Doctrine 12 of 148
Kamila Stullerova Aberystwyth University, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S31-01: Legitimacy and (De)Legitimation in Global Governance Chair: Catia Gregoratti, Lund University Discussant: Fulviio Attina, University of Catania
The New Transnationalism Revisited Klaus Dingwerth University of St. Gallen
Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Governance: The Emergence of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Anders Uhlin Lund University
Justifying Judgments: Legitimacy and the Interpretive Practices of International Criminal Courts Nora Stappert University of Gothenburg
Legitimation and Delegitimation Strategies in the African Union Fredrik Söderbaum, Linnéa Gelot University of Gothenburg
Legitimation and Delegitimation in Global Climate and Health Governance Karin Bäckstrand1, Kristina Jönsson2 1Stockholm University, 2Lund University
9:00am - 10:45am S32-01: Roundtable: Revisiting the 'American Dominance' thesis: International Relations Beyond Eurocentrism? Chair: Cemal Burak Tansel, University of Sheffield Presenter(s): Helen Louise Turton (University of Sheffield), Zeynep Gülşah Çapan (Istanbul Bilgi University), Peter Marcus Kristensen (University of Copenhagen), Jonas Hagmann (ETH Zürich), Lucian Ashworth (Memorial University)
9:00am - 10:45am S36-01: Great Powers = Great Responsibility? Chair: Antje Vetterlein, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Hannes Hansen-Magnusson, Cardiff University
The Emergence of Informal International Organizations Steve Biedermann Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Germany’s new responsibility – vision or void? Bernhard Stahl University of Passau, Germany
German Words and French Deeds: Taking Responsibility in the Libyan Crisis Elena Dueck Universität Passau, Germany
Domestic and international dimensions of Chinese approach to responsibility: Governance innovation under Xi Jinping Nele Noesselt, Elizaveta Priupolina
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University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Middle powers and military intervention: gendered protection? Christine Agius Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
9:00am - 10:45am S37-01: 'Roads not Taken'? From 1989 Liminalities to Current Mimetic Walls Chair: Cristina Blanco Sío-López, EUI / University of Oxford Discussant: Jan van der Harst, University of Groningen
1989 as a Mimetic Revolution Prof. Richard Sakwa University of Kent
Envisioning Europe from the East: À la recherche du temps perdu with Václav Havel and Lennart Meri Dr. Maria Mälksoo Brussels School of International Studies
The Temporal Perception Management 'Wall': EU's Eastward Enlargement Communication Strategy as a Missed Chance? Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López EUI / Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC) - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The Mimetic Politics of Walls and Borders in a Limitless World Dr. Harald Wydra St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge
British Foreign Policy from 1989 to 2016: The failure of an elite consensus? Dr. Nick Wright University College London (UCL)
9:00am - 10:45am S38-01: The challenges of “acting” International peace and security Chair: Licinia Simão, University of Coimbra
Understanding the humanitarian, development and security nexus: an analysis of actors and practices Daniela Nascimento Centre for Social Studies and Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra
Humanitarian NGOs as ‘implementing actor’ in the EU emergencies response policies Daniela Irrera University of Catania
How Terrorist Groups Use Natural Disasters for Political Influence Sharad Joshi Middlebury Institute of International Studies, United States of America
“Territorial peace” in Colombia as space for conciliation and dispute. Local, national and international agencies Karlos Pérez de Armiño University of the Basque Country, Spain
9:00am - 10:45am S39-03: Human and Nonhuman Life in the Anthropocene Chair: Franziskus von Lucke, University of Tuebingen Discussant: Emilian Kavalski, Australian Catholic University 14 of 148
A Terraist Manifesto for Posthuman Emancipation in the Anthropocene Erika Cudworth, Stephen Charles Hobden University of East London, UK
“Let’s just do it for the hell of it and for love of the world”: Why we need posthuman IR Theory Carolin Kaltofen University College London, UK
What risk, whose responsibility? Human-nature relations in the Anthropocene Christine Prokopf1, Linda Wallbott2 1University of Münster, Germany; 2Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Challenges borne of Opportunities: New Zealand’s Biosecurity Dilemma Deidre Ann McDonald Massey University
9:00am - 10:45am S41-01: EU-Russia relations in a post-West world order Chair: Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti, Middle East Technical University
Russia and the EU as European Powers: Incompatible Interests or Overlapping Identities? Javier Morales1, Francesc Serra2 1Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain; 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Challenges to Socialization in case of the EU-Russia Relationship Natalia G. Zaslavskaya Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
The internal-external nexus in the fight against terrorism: effects of the securitization move in EURussia relations Maria Raquel Freire1, Ana Paula Brandão2 1CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal; 2CICP, University of Minho, Portugal
Unification as a model of Russian Imperial Policy Tomasz Stępniewski1, Andrzej Szabaciuk2 1Catholic University of Lublin, Poland; 2Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
9:00am - 10:45am S45-02: Theoretical approaches to power politics and global order Chair: Bahar Rumelili, Koc University Discussant: Benjamin de Carvalho, NUPI
Theorizing Variation in Hegemonic Orders in Terms of Goods Provision Daniel Nexon1, Carla Norrlof2 1Georgetown University, United States of America; 2University of Toronto, Canada
Global rise, regional resistance? Explaining the paradox of contested rising powers Nicolas Blarel1, Hannes Ebert2 1Leiden University, Netherlands, The; 2GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Power Transitions and Rising Powers' Regional Influence: China, France, and the UK in Africa Gonca Biltekin1, Eyup Ersoy2, Volkan Ipek3
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Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, Turkey; 2Independent Researcher; 3Yeditepe University
Hegemonic Designs: A network approach to hierarchy, authority and change in the international system Daniel Hywel Nicholls Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
9:00am - 10:45am
S47-01: Technology and IR Theory Chair: Marijn Hoijtink, VU University Discussant: Stefan Elbe, University of Sussex
Co-production in International Relations – Promises and Pitfalls of New Materialism in IR Linda Monsees1, Katja Lindskov Jacobsen2 1Universtiät Bremen, Germany; 2University of Copenhagen
How (not) to talk about technology: the problem with IR theory Matthias Leese ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Technology, Authority, and Global Governance Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
The devil lies in the details: Evidence-making, Crude empiricism, and current International Security Georgios Kolliarakis University of Frankfurt, Germany
The Sovereign and the ANT: Why Latour misses IR and what to do about it Mark B. Salter University of Ottawa, Canada
9:00am - 10:45am S48-01: Educational diplomacy I: Education in conflicts and peace-building Chair: Antonina Levatino, INED - Institut National d'Études Démographiques Discussant: Eva Hartmann, Copenhagen Business School
Education, Peacebuilding & Social Justice in Conflict-Affected Contexts: Transcending Negative Peace, Peace Education & the Global Education Agenda Mario Novelli University of Sussex, UK
The power of networks: the role of the International Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE) in the emergence of the field of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Mieke {M.T.A.} Lopes Cardozo1, Mario Novelli2 1University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The; 2University of Sussex, UK
The education sector as a site of violence and peacebuilding in South Sudan Gabrielle Daoust University of Sussex, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S49-01: Unravelling Settler Colonial Realities - The Settler Community Chair: Jason Dittmer, University College London
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From the 2011 Social Movement to Settlement Expansion: Neoliberalism and Settler Colonialism in Contemporary Israeli Society Sai Englert SOAS, UK
Israel under Siege: The Politics of Insecurity and the Rise of the Israeli Neo-Revisionist Right Raffaella A. Del Sarto SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University, Italy
Law and legitimacy: the transformations of the Israeli military legal system Maayan Geva University of Roehampton, UK
The return of the Prevention of Infiltration Law Shira Havkin CERI / SciencesPo, France
9:00am - 10:45am S50-01: Visuality and the study of Global Politics: theories, methodologies, practices Chair: Axel Heck, University of Kiel Discussant: Jutta Weldes, University of Bristol
Thinking Visually and Feeling Visually in Global Politics: Visibility, Visuality and ISIS William A. Callahan London School of Economics, UK
Questioning Visual Securitization: Aida Silvestri and the Repoliticization of ‘Surveillance – Routes’ Holger Stritzel King's College London, UK
Norm contestation at the movies - representations of torture in Zero Dark Thirty Gabi Schlag Helmut Schmidt University, Germany
On the Global Politics of Invisibility Elspeth Van Veeren University of Bristol, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S01-02: Technologies of Governmentality: New Discourses on the European Union as an international Actor Chair: Theresa Sophia Reinold, Universitaet Duisburg Essen Discussant: Pol Bargués-Pedreny, University of Duisburg-Essen
Resilience as an Emergent European Project? Jonathan Joseph1, Ana Juncos Garcia2 1University of Sheffield, 2University of Bristol
The Management of Freedom: The European Union’s neoliberal Governing of Deviance Hendrik Huelss University of Kent
A feminist governmentality approach to the EU: Rationalities and power in the EU’s international women’s empowerment policies 17 of 148
Hanna L Muehlenhoff Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
EU governmentality in post-revolutionary Tunisia Emel Akcali University of Swansea
Beyond EU-as-power discourse: governmentality and history Lucie Chamlian Kiel University
11:15am - 1:00pm S02-02: De-/re-constructing Russia's Geopolitical Discourses: Concepts, Methods, Agenda Chair: Oleksii Polegkyi, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), Hungary
A ‘Russian civilization’? Geopolitics as ontological security Aliaksei Kazharski Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
The 'Energy Superpower' versus the West: Russia’s energy wealth discourses and EU-Russia relations Anna Kuteleva Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Narratives of great power and resentment in the Russian geopolitical discourse Oleksii Polegkyi Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
From celebration to mourning: Emotional investments and Russian foreign policy Andrey S. Makarychev Johan Skytte Institute of Political Science, University of Tartu, Estonia
The concept of Eurasia and the space-time nexus in Russian identity formation and foreign policy David Svarin Department of War Studies, King’s College London, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S03-02: Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Europe I: Commonalities and Diversities Chair: Magnus Ryner, King's College London
Centralise and insulate. The interlocked dynamic between austerity political economy and emergency legal mechanisms in Italy during the global crisis (2008-2016) Adriano Cozzolino University of Napoli L'Orientale, Italy
Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Disciplining of Labour Mònica Clua-Losada2, Olatz Ribera-Almandoz1 1Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; 2University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Germany’s Repressed Problem: Analyzing Discourses of Economic Inequality Christopher Claudio Soren Smith University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
From democratic fairy tale to authoritarian ruling: political crisis at the Eurozone post-socialist periphery Ana Podvrsic University Villetaneuse-Paris 13; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Sick Man No Longer - German ordoliberalism in historical context Jesse Glenn Hembruff King's College London, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S04-02: Conceptualizing International Practices II Chair: Alena Drieschova, Cardiff University Discussant: Theodore Hopf, National University of Singapore
Visibility: Practices of Seeing and Overlooking
Jonathan Austin1, Anna Leander2 1The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; 2Copenhagen Business School
Practice as repetition: Iterability and its consequences for the methodology of praxeological research Hilmar Schäfer Europa-Universität Viadrina, Germany
Evolving practice Vincent Pouliot McGill University, Canada
Performance, performativity and practices Rebecca Adler-Nissen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Counter-Conduct: A New Point Of Contact For Foucault, IR, And Theories Of Power? William Walters Carleton University, Canada
11:15am - 1:00pm S06-02: Theoretical Debates on the Crisis and Change Nexus in Global Politics Chair: Daniel Pinéu, Amsterdam University College Discussant: Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
Crisis and affect: From 9/11 to Trump and Brexit
Jack Holland Leeds University, UK
Hegemons can have identity crises too: rethinking liberal identity in the 21st century Noga Glucksam SOAS, UK
Crisis and Social Change in Global Politics: A Dialogue with Deleuze’s Event Erica Resende Iuperj, Brazil
Identity concessions and the use of violence Lesley-Ann Daniels IBEI, Spain
11:15am - 1:00pm S07-02: Embodied War and Militarised Aesthetics Chair: Henri Myrttinen, International Alert
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On the politics of dance: Exploring emotion, bodies and choreography of war Linda Ahall University of Keele
Why does nobody talk about female military masculinities?’: assembling a queer aesthetic curiosity Catherine Baker University of Hull
Pieces of War Synne L. Dyvik University of Sussex
Ajax and the Pentagon: Guiding Communal Emotions Ali Bond University of California, Berkeley, United States of America
The Will to Art in Peace and War Kelcy Louise Davenport Anglia Ruskin University, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S07-11: Militaries and Liberal Misconducts Chair: Ashley Harriman Dodsworth, University of Bristol
Biopolitical Responsibility: the Myth of Self-Government and the Redemption of Liberal War Victoria Basham1, Owen D Thomas2 1Cardiff University, UK; 2University of Exeter, UK
Controlling Violence – A Cartography of Instrumental Minds and Practices Anders Malm University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Neoliberal Governmentality and Military Recruitment: Governing the White Male Working Class Body Matthew Kearns Newcastle University, UK
War and the politics of outrage Jamie M. Johnson University of Sheffield, UK
The Soldier on Trial: Problematizing Military Misconduct Owen D Thomas University of Exeter, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S08-02: Sexuality and Power in Global Politics Chair: Caron E. Gentry, University of St. Andrews Discussant: L.(Lily) H.M. Ling, The New School
The Fallibility of Queer IR: Thinking legitimacy beyond performative power Thomas Clément Mercier King's College London, UK
Gender and Power Politics 20 of 148
Laura Sjoberg University of Florida, United States of America
The Sexualized Logic of Power and Agency Jessica Auchter University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
11:15am - 1:00pm S09-02: 'Are you talkin' to me?' Geopower and Discourses of Identity Chair: Caitlin Ryan, University of Groningen
A feminist foreign policy vs 'traditional values': Gendered discourses of the Baltic as borderspace Emil Edenborg1, Christine Agius2 1Södertörn University, Sweden; 2Swinburne University, Australia
Cartographies of Crisis: constructing symbolic imaginations of Europe and Alter-Europe in Ukraine Russell David Foster King's College London, UK
Clashing Retro-topias in Japan and America Marie Thorsten Doshisha University, Japan
Critical Geopolitics 2.0: Russian Cultural Identity and the Geopolitics of Disorder Andreas Behnke University of Reading, UK
Performing security regionalism: the spatial organisation of regional security at the intersection of theory and practice Elisa Lopez Lucia ULB, Belgium
11:15am - 1:00pm S10-02: Emerging Powers in formal and informal governance Chair: Laura Mahrenbach, Bavarian School of Public Policy Discussant: Stefan Alexander Schirm, University of Bochum
With power comes new friends? Understanding the evolution of the multilateral and bilateral preferences of emerging powers towards the Israel-Palestine dispute Nicolas Blarel1, Michal Onderco2 1Leiden University, 2Erasmus University Rotterdam
Between History and the Market: Emerging Powers and the Changing Order for Bilateral Investment Regulation Marc D. Froese Burman University
When Does Power Matter? Emerging Powers in Formal and Informal Governance Laura C. Mahrenbach Bavarian School of Public Policy
11:15am - 1:00pm S11-02: International Society and the Study of Crises Chair: Hans Friedrich Schmidt, Washington State University Discussant: Cornelia Navari, University of Buckingham
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The English School, Constructivism and Brexit: Theoretical Investigations Peter Wilson1, Tim Oliver2 1LSE, UK; 2EUI, Italy
Constructing ‘Financial Others’?: Financial ‘Standards of Civilisation’ in International Society and the Eurozone Crisis Dimitrios Stroikos1, Kyriakos Mikelis2 1London School of Economics, UK; 2University of Macedonia, Greece
Populism as a cultural movement Antoine Armin Roth University of Tokyo, Japan
Religion and Crises - uncharted potential for the English School? Katharina McLarren University of Passau, Germany
Change in International Society: How not to Recreate the 'First Debate' of IR Charlotta Friedner Parrat Uppsala University, Sweden
11:15am - 1:00pm S12-02: Ethics and/after the Decolonial Critique: Eurocentrism, Racism and the DeColonisation of Ethical Enquiry Chair: Jenny Barrett, King's College London
Coloniality, Poetics and ‘Being Human as Praxis’: Prolegomena to a Decolonial Ethics Louiza Odysseos University of Sussex
Decolonising ethics of migration in the current refugee “crisis”: the figure of the migrant as the Other to be named Myriam Fotou University of Leicester
A Drowned Memory Space: White Innocence and the Politics of Mourning in the Black Mediterranean Ida Danewid London School of Economics
Enfleshment as Decolonial Ethics Lisa Tilley University of Warwick
11:15am - 1:00pm S13-02: Ethnographic Approaches to International Interventions: Reflections on the Practicalities of Doing Fieldwork in IR Chair: Morten Bøås, NUPI Discussant: John Heathershaw, University of Exeter
(Non)Political Work – An ethnography of everyday democracy and rule of law assistance in Lebanon Sina Birkholz Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Global Ethnography in Practice. Challenges & Strategies in the Study of Electoral Assistance 22 of 148
Eva Diana Chantal Johais Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Germany
From the boardroom to the workshop: methodological challenges in research on transnational business feminism Catia Gregoratti1, Sofie Tornhill2, Katherine Allison3 1Lund University; 2Stockholm University; 3University of Glasgow
Anthropological Approaches to Conflict Analysis: Challenges from Kosovo Nikolaos Pasamitros Panteion University/Inter Alia NGO, Greece
Researching peacebuilding in South Sudan: Challenges, strategies, and reflections Gabrielle Daoust University of Sussex, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S17-02: Rethinking Global Health Security: Outbreaks, Narratives and Securitization Chair: Stefan Elbe, University of Sussex Discussant: Nicholas Thomas, City University of Hong Kong
Health (In)security as Silence? A Feminist Approach to Health Security Adam James Ferhani University of Sheffield, UK
Re-thinking securitization in the context of health security Joao David Malagueta Terrenas University of York, UK
This Graveyard Earth: Making Sense of Onscreen Pandemic Narratives Florian Andrei Vlad Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania, Romania
Challenging Conceptual Frameworks of Security Studies: Antimicrobial Resistance as a Global Security Threat Anja Opitz Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, Germany
11:15am - 1:00pm S18-01: Climate Governance After Paris Chair: Matt McDonald, University of Queensland
Climatisation and declamitisation of the world, from the « Paris momentum » to Trump’s backlash Jean Foyer1, Stefan Aykut2, Edouard Morena3 1CNRS, France; 2University of Hambourg; 3University of London Institute
The necessary and inaccessible long-term temperature goal of 1.5° C. A turning point in the relations between climate science and politics ? Hélène Guillemot Centre Alexandre Koyré, France
Governing through verbs. The practice of negotiating and the making of a new mode of governance Stefan Aykut Lisis, France
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A neo-gramscian study of the gap between international climate change politics and its national implementation: The case of Brazil Monica Rodriguez de Luna Universität Hamburg, Germany
Sea-level-rise, Relocation, and the Importance of kustom to Small Island Identities Milla Emilia Vaha University of Turku, Finland
11:15am - 1:00pm S19-02: Historical International Relations of the Middle East Chair: Ellen Ravndal, Australian National University
Constructing the Legitimization of War: A Discursive Media Analysis of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Ryan Donovan O'Connor University of Leeds, UK
Politics and poetics of fear: Anti-Communist ethos in Turkey in the aftermath of the World War II Aylin Ozman1, Cagla Luleci-Sula1,2 1TED University, Turkey; 2Bilkent University,Turkey
Decoding ISIS: A Conjunctural Analysis of Nation-State (De-)Formation in Iraq Kamran Matin Sussex University
Iran’s Idea of the Europe from 1880 to 1979: What Concepts Shaped Iranian Social and its Relation with International Society? Alireza Shams Lahijani London School of Economics & Political Science, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S20-02: International Actors in Security Sector Reform in Post-Conflict Countries Chair: Nadine Ansorg, University of Kent
Conflict Management, Extractive Industries, and the 2014 International Military Exit Strategy in Afghanistan Srinjoy Bose1, Timor Sharan2 1Durham University, 2International Crisis Group
An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of DDR on the Prospects for Peace Margit Bussmann1, Jamie Levin2, Dan Miodownik2 1University of Greifswald, 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Quo Vadis? International Organizations in the Cyprus Conflict Zeynep Kaya Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey
Extending State Authority to Protect Civilians in the Central African Republic Shannon Zimmerman University of Queensland, Australia
The use of force in United Nations peace operations in the Congo 24 of 148
Sergio Luiz Aguilar UNESP, Brazil
11:15am - 1:00pm S21-02: International Law in Crisis: Institutions in Crisis Chair: Tanja Aalberts, VU Amsterdam Discussant: Michelle Farrell, School of Law and Social Justice
Crisis in International Criminal Law
Sarah-Jane Jessica Koulen Princeton University, USA, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Crisis of the Part XV of the UNCLOS Makoto SETA Yokohama City University, Japan
The ICC’s Legitimacy Crisis in Africa: Understanding South Africa’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute Alexander Beresford, Daniel Wand University of Leeds, UK
Can the subaltern speak international criminal law? Reading the ICC’s world mapping and its African crisis Roberto Vilchez Yamato PUC-Rio, Brazil
11:15am - 1:00pm S22-02: Refugee Crises and Opportunities for Strategic Transformation Chair: Sarah Léonard, Vesalius College, VUB
How the EU’s management of the ‘migration crisis’ transformed its regional relations with the Western Balkans Jonathan Webb University of Sheffield, UK
Protection as a Political Tool? The Instrumentalization of the Refugee Question by Turkish Government vis-à-vis the European Union Armagan Gozkaman Beykent University, Turkey
Deflecting asylum seekers – An assessment of the international externalities of Hungarian border security measures Andras Tetenyi, Peter Marton Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Turkey's Humanitarian Action towards the Syrian Crisis: Between Aid and Politics Asligul Sarikamis Kaya Selcuk University, Turkey
The Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Missing connections and missed opportunities in Europe Aiko Iiris Holvikivi1, Audrey Reeves2 1London School of Economics and Political Science, UK; 2University of Bristol, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm 25 of 148
S23-02: Sites and mechanisms of economic governance Chair: Juliette Schwak, City University of Hong Kong
Mobility and security governance in African ports. A controversies approach to the global politics of infrastructure Jana Hönke1, Iván Cuesta-Fernandez2 1University of Groningen, Netherlands, The; 2University of Edinburgh, UK
A debt is a powerful device. Petrocaribe and the unmaking of ‘socialist oil’ in Jamaica Carlos Eduardo Morreo Australian National University, Australia
Differentiation and Retreat of Private Authority in the Early 20th Century: The Governance Decisions of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in a Relational Perspective Michael Sander London School of Economcis and Political Science, UK
European political economy of household resilience Monica Tennberg University of Lapland, Finland
11:15am - 1:00pm S24-02: Islamic Jurisprudential Thought and the State Chair: Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba'i University Discussant: Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Are Human Rights in Islam Between Universalism and Cultural Relativism? An OntologicalEpistemological Survey Mansoor Limba Limba Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
Genuine Islamic Conceptualizations of Religious Freedom Farhood Badri Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Implementation of the concept; Maqashid Sharia Relevance to Norms and Values for the realization of Islamic Political Identity in Indonesia Novi Rizka Tholut Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia
Rethinking Islam and Democracy: The ‘Other’ in Modern-Day Sunni Islamic Religious Writings Muhammad Al Atawneh Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
11:15am - 1:00pm S25-02: The EU's role in Europe's Maritime Security Chair: Brendan Flynn, National University of Ireland, Galway Discussant: Joao Piedade, Instituto Universitário Militar
A maritime great power in the making? EU maritime security policy in times of crisis Marianne Riddervold University of Oslo, Norway, Norway
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EU Maritime Strategies. The EU vision for the Oceans João Almeida Silveira Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), Portugal
European Maritime Security. Portugal’s case Sónia Ribeiro, Francisco Proença Garcia Catholic University Portugal, Portugal
Security Community-Building in the Mediterranean Sea: The Roles of NATO and EU in Managing Maritime Challenges. Shazwanis Shukri Cardiff University, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S29-01: Utopian Visions? Re-imagining Institutional Architectures for Peace Chair: Lucas Knotter, Massey University
Being Cosmopolitan in a Non-Cosmopolitan World: Conceiving ‘Concrete Utopias’ amidst the Neonationalist Challenge Jonathan Gilmore Kingston University London, UK
Conciliatory Institutional Frameworks of Protection? How the Play of Practice transforms Institutions' Dialogue on Protection Cristina Gabriela Stefan1, Linnea Gelot2 1University of Leeds, UK; 2University of Gothenburg, Sweden
De-militarising peacekeeping: How unarmed civilians challenge the assumption that 'if there is violence you need soldiers'. Rachel Julian Leeds beckett University, UK
The elusive UN agenda: transnational advocacy, political opportunities and the latest campaign to establish a UN standing force Annie Herro UNSW, Australia
11:15am - 1:00pm S30-02: Emerging Powers in Global Economic Governance Chair: Stefanie Weil, Vesalius College / Free University Brussels
Rise of ‘the Informals’: A Comparative Analysis of MIKTA in Changing World Order Radiye Funda Karadeniz Gaziantep University
Analyzing “T” in MIKTA: Turkey’s Changing MiddlePower Role at the United Nations Gonca Oguz Gok Marmara University
Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Indicators for MIKTA Fahriye Yıldız Gaziantep University
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BRICS in a crumbling wall: rising powers, economic nationalism and global multilateralism in the post, post-crisis era Matthew Louis Bishop University of Sheffield, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S31-02: Normative contestation in Europe: Implications for the EU in a changing global order Chair: Esther Barbé, IBEI-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Testing the foreign policy traditions approach on the politics of EU policies towards the wider Middle East Knud Erik Jørgensen Aarhus University
The European Commission response to TTIP contestation Patricia García-Duran1, Leif Johan Eliasson2 1University of Barcelona, 2East Stroudsburg University
EU foreign policy as a potential issues: voters preferences over different party families Berta Barbet1, Guillem Vidal2, Oriol Costsa3 1Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2European University Institute, 3UAB and IBEI
Party politics at the water’s edge. Politicisation of military operations in Europe Wolfgang Wagner1, Anna Herranz-Surralles2, Juliet Kaarbo3, Falk Ostermann4 1Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2Maastricht University, 3University of Edinburgh, 4Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
From norm promotion to norm regress? The contestation of EU foreign policy. Oriol Costa UAB and IBEI
11:15am - 1:00pm S34-02: Epistemic histories of global order: the international as an economic concept Chair: Guillaume T. Xavier, University of Groeningen Discussant: George Lawson, LSE
Failure to Launch: The ‘International’ as Epistemological Obstacle Inanna Hamati-Ataya Aberystwyth University
The international and the concept of exchange Andreas Langenohl Justus-Liebig University, Gießen
On the Materiality of International Relations. The Case of the Natural Currency Wampum in Iroquois Diplomacy Anna Echterhölter Humboldt University, Berlin
Financial Regulation as ’Retrospective Ethnography‘ of the state: The Case of Capital requirements for banks in the EU Benjamin Wilhelm Justus-Liebig University, Gießen
11:15am - 1:00pm S35-02: Remote Borders: Remoteness and Boundary-Making in Intervention Practice Chair: Jolle Demmers, Utrecht University
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Breaking Virtual Boarders: The Potential Impact of Visual Technology in Future Crisis Ciaran Gillespie University of Surrey
The Intervention of the Other: exploring practices of resistance and intervention by asylum seekers in Europe Natasha Saunders University of St Andrews
Borders as Battle Zones in the making of Liberal Space Hannah Partis-Jennings University College Dublin
Remote Borders and Borderless Drones: The Utility and Risk of Drone Proliferation James I. Rogers University of York
11:15am - 1:00pm S36-02: Theorising Responsibility in Global Politics Chair: Felix Sebastian Berenskoetter, SOAS, University of London
Responsibility in Global Politics Hannes Hansen-Magnusson1, Antje Vetterlein2 1Cardiff University, UK; 2Copenhagen Business School
The Responsibility of Institutions – A Research Agenda Luana Martin, Jürgen Neyer, Mitja Sienknecht European University Viadrina, Germany
Theorising Responsible Nuclear Sovereignty Laura Considine, James Souter University of Leeds, UK
Criminal Responsibility and Civilian Protection in Wars: an intertwined history of individuals and groups Maja Spanu University of Cambridge, UK
Biopolitics of Responsibility to Protect: From "Vulnerable Populations" to "Right to Police" Tuncer Beyribey Marmara University, Turkey
11:15am - 1:00pm S38-02: Entangling agency and security Chair: Raffaela Puggioni, ADA University Discussant: Niels Terpstra, Utrecht University
NGOs and de/securitization Margarita H. Petrova IBEI, Spain
Analysing the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process in light of the Palestinian Authority’s legitimacy crisis Joana Ricarte Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Being Reformed: Subjectification and Security Sector Reform in the Congolese Armed Forces 29 of 148
Maria Stern, Maria Eriksson Baaz University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Discourses of Professionalism: PMCs Between Regulation and Patriotism Christopher Kearney BAGSS, University of Bamberg, Germany
The Discomfort of Safety: Theorising Gendered Civilian Anxiety in Wartime Katharine Millar London School of Economics, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S41-02: Europe and the Middle East: Contestation beyond Borders Chair: Raffaella A. Del Sarto, SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University
Domesticating Egypt, Domesticated by Egypt? Cooperation and Contestation in EU-Promoted Banking Supervision Reform Roberto Roccu King's College London
Shifting interdependence dynamics and European Union (EU) rule expansion: Turkey as a ‘recipient’ of the EU’s Integrated Border Management strategy Asli Selin Okyay European University Institute/ Istituto Affari Internazionali
Contestation Practices in the EU-MENA relationship Simone Tholens Cardiff University
Turkey-EU-Japan relationship in a changing international environment’ Atsuko Higashino University of Tsukuba/VuB, Japan
11:15am - 1:00pm S42-01: Global Justice and European Security (GLOBUS I) Chair: Helene Sjursen, University of Oslo
The study of crisis management – the African experience Anthoni Van Nieuwkerk University of the Witwatersrand
The EU’s contribution to global justice through ethno-national conflict resolution: the case of Kosovo Nikola Tomic University College Dublin
The (In)Justices of Peacekeeping: EUFOR Tchad/RCA Ben Tonra University College Dublin
“Doing battle against all violence, all terror, and all fanaticism”: Heroic Narratives, Information Campaigns and the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) Stephanie Anderson University of Wyoming
Impact of the Global Strategy on the EU’s role in the light of increasing power of Russia in the neighborhood Beata Piskorska
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John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
11:15am - 1:00pm S43-02: Trouble in Russia's Near Abroad? Chair: Tracey German, King's College London
Changed Perceptions - The EU-Russian ‘Strategic Challenge’ (1999-2016) Anna-Sophie Maass College of Europe
Russia’s images of the EU: Exploring and Theorising Image Change Natalia Chaban1, Ole Elgström2, Olga Gulyaeva3 1Canterbury University, New Zealand, 2Lund University, 3University of Canterbury, NZ
Understanding Russia’s counter hegemonic strategies Tom Casier Brussels School of International Studies
It takes three to tango? The EU, its ‘Eastern neighbourhood’ and Russia Laure Delcour College of Europe
Negotiating from strength, swapping assets or rebuilding trust? Strategies for overcoming the confrontation in EU-Russia relations Tuomas Forsberg Univerity of Tampere
11:15am - 1:00pm S45-04: Orders and Borders in Post-Ottoman Space Chair: Morten Valbjorn, Aarhus University
Legacies of Ottoman conceptions of order and sovereignty Ayşe Zarakol University of Cambridge
The Post-Ottoman Order: A Historical Sociology of IR Approach Mehdi Zibaei University of Guilan
The 'Sixth Great Power' in the Middle East: Revisiting Emancipatory Struggles in the Ottoman Empire Cemal Burak Tansel University of Sheffield
Border(ing) Spaces and the Dynamics of Regional Order in the Middle East Jan Busse Bundeswehr University Munich
Hierarchy is What Middlemen Make of It: A Post-Ottoman Sub-System of States Einar Wigen University of Oslo
11:15am - 1:00pm S47-02: Technology and Communication Chair: Matthias Leese, ETH Zurich Discussant: Rocco Bellanova, University of Amsterdam
Between Hierarchies and Networks: Exploring Twitter Networks of MFAs and UN Missions Ilan Manor University of Oxford, UK
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Militarization as content diffusion on Facebook and Twitter: The arms industry and militarized nation branding Susan T Jackson1, Libby Hemphill2 1Stockholm University, Sweden; 2Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Technologizing Security Governance: Assembling the Satellite Surveillance of North Korea Philipp Olbrich University of Groningen, The Netherlands
“Touchdown”: Imagining people, targeting SIM Cards Bruno Oliveira Martins Malmö University, Sweden
11:15am - 1:00pm S49-03: Colonial ‘Unknowing’ - Unsettling Knowledge production of/in settler societies Chair: Mandy Turner, Council for British Research in the Levant
Knowledge Production and the Genealogy of Settler Colonialism in Palestine Areej Sabbagh-khoury Brown University, United States of America
Seeing like an empire: representations of the 'Other' in International Relations Nivi Manchanda LSE, UK
Institutionalising Settler Colonial Knowledge Production: The problematic Case of ‘Israel Studies’ Sharri Plonski1, Elian Weizman2 1SOAS, University of London; 2Centre for British Research in the Levant (CBRL)
Words as Swords: Resisting Epistemic Violence on Israel/Palestine Rimona Afana Ulster University, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S50-02: Knowledge production, critique and scopic regimes: visual assemblages of global security Chair: Gabi Schlag, Helmut Schmidt University Discussant: Juha Antero Vuori, University of Turku
Critique through Imagination: Conceptual Art Strategies in the War on Terror Frank Gadinger Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Germany
Medusa’s Gaze Peter Mantello Ritsumeikan University, Japan
British Counter-Radicalisation and the Making Visible of the 'Vulnerable' Subject Thomas Christopher Martin University of Sussex, UK
Abyss through the looking-glass: Visuality, knowledge and security in the Anthropocene 32 of 148
Delf Rothe University of Hamburg, Germany
Digital Dilemmas for Visual Global Politics Rhys Jon Crilley University of Warwick, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S01-03: Beyond Liberal Peace? Assessing the ‘Pragmatic Turn’ in Peacebuilding Chair: Louise Wiuff Moe, Danish Institute for International Studies Discussant: Markus-Michael Müller, Freie Universität Berlin
Reframing Peace: The End of Liberal Interventionism and the Future of UN Peace Operations Louise Riis Andersen Danish Institute for International Studies
Adaptive peacebuilding Cedric de Coning Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Pragmatic peacebuilding and emerging governscapes Finn Stepputat Danish Institute for International Studies
Bringing Pragmatism in: Ending the frustrations of two decades of failed peacebuilding Pol Bargués-Pedreny University of Duisburg Essen
Prevention as Intervention: the case of Burundi Katja Lindskov Jacobsen, Troels Gauslå Engel Centre for Military Studies, Copenhagen University
2:30pm - 4:15pm S02-03: Party Politics and Foreign Policy Chair: Wolfgang Wagner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Discussant: Juliet Kaarbo, University of Edinburgh
Guns or Butter? How Party Ideologies Affect Foreign and Security Policy in Western Industrialized Countries Florian Böller, Georg Wenzelburger University of Kaiserslautern
An exceptional cleavage? Does EU trade policy undermine the party consensus in the European Parliament? Guri Rosén University of Oslo
Policy Mood, Party Politics and Policy Responsiveness on the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy Pierangelo Isernia, Francesco Olmastroni University of Siena
Ideology or national interest: foreign and security policy votes in the European Parliament Tapio Raunio1, Wolfgang Wagner2 1University of Tampere, 2Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Party-politics and military intervention Party-politics and military intervention Insights from parliamentary debates in Belgium and the Netherlands on the Libya intervention and the US-led coalition against IS Tim Haesebrouck Ghent University, Belgium
2:30pm - 4:15pm S03-03: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Austerity and Structural Reform at Global, Regional and National Levels Chair: Luis Buendía, University of Leon Discussant: Bryan Evans, Ryerson University
Consolidating the Schäuble System: combining economic cosmopolitanism and nationalism Dieter Plehwe WZB Berlin
National Forms, Global Realities: Austerity and Labour Market Restructuring Gary Teeple Simon Fraser University
Austerity, Authoritarianism, and the Structural Reform of Labour Stephen McBride McMaster University
The impact of the 2008 crisis on European women Nuria Alonso, David Trillo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Austerity, Internal Devaluation, and 'Soft' Structural Reforms :Canadian Labour Market Policy in International Perspective Sorin Mitrea McMaster University
2:30pm - 4:15pm S04-03: Conceptual Challenges for International Practice Theory Chair: Frank Gadinger, Centre for Global Cooperation Research Discussant: Hilmar Schäfer, Europa-Universität Viadrina
Experiencing practices
Johannes Gunesch Central European University, Hungary
Giving people what they want: practices’ many truths Isabel Rocha de Siqueira PUC-Rio, Brazil
How can we criticise international practices? Sebastian Schindler, Tobias Wille Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Seeing like a practice theorist: navigating the indeterminacy and intransparency of social practices Timo Walter Universität Erfurt, Germany
Studying the Present: Problematizing the question of time in International Practice Theory Øyvind Svendsen
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University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2:30pm - 4:15pm S06-01: Crisis within the Framework of Self-Determination Chair: Katharina Bodirsky, University of Konstanz Discussant: Douglas J Becker, University of Southern California
War, Revolution, Nationalism: National Independence Movements during the Russian Civil War (1917-1922) Pinar Ure Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
Governance in the Limited Statehood: When Self-determination meets Europeanisation in the Western Balkans Digdem Soyaltin Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
Diplomacy and National Self-Determination Seckin Baris Gulmaz Koc University
Self-Determination in International Law Tuba Turan Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
2:30pm - 4:15pm S07-03: War, Militarism and Gratification Chair: Paul Kirby, University of Sussex / London School of Economics
Between healthy citizens and ideal soldiers – ‘The Swedish Armed Forces’ Fitness Club’ and the militarization of desirable bodies Sanna Strand University of Gothenburg
Doing military fitness: physical culture, civilian leisure and militarism Kevin McSorley University of Portsmouth
Synchronous movement and militarisation Susanna Hast University of Helsinki
The Joy of War: Embodied, Affective and Everyday Pleasures Julia Welland University of Warwick
Sublime Violence in the Age of Neoliberalism Tina J Managhan Oxford Brookes University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S09-03: Roundtable: Space, Culture, and Violence in World Politics: Methodologies and Methods This roundtable will be organised in an interactive question and answer format. Chair: Una McGahern, Newcastle University Presenter(s): Claudia Aradau (King's College London), Jason Dittmer (University College London), Angharad Closs Stephens (Swansea University), Ruth Blakeley (University of Sheffield), Debbie Lisle (Queen's University Belfast)
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S10-03: Emerging Powers and the New Regionalism Chair: Stefan Alexander Schirm, University of Bochum
Challenging Western Blueprints of Regional Governance: How Russia constructs the Eurasian Region Ann-Sophie Gast Free University Berlin, Germany
The Determinants for Leadership: China in AIIB Fei Su Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Power and Interests in Trade Cooperation: The EU and Brazil between Interregionalism and Bilateralism Aukje van Loon Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
The Region that Isn’t: China, Russia and the Failure of Economic Integration in Central Asia Sebastian Krapohl, Alexandra Vasileva University of Amsterdam
2:30pm - 4:15pm S11-03: Regional International Societies Chair: Charlotta Friedner Parrat, Uppsala University Discussant: Nicolas Terradas, Florida International University
The English School, Process Tracing and the Formation of Regional International Societies Filippo Costa Buranelli University of St Andrews, UK
The English School, social roles and postcolonial agency in Southeast Asia Robert Yates University of Bristol, UK
The post-Soviet regional international society: a case of illiberal international society? Thomas Linsenmaier University of Tartu, Estonia
Exploring Regional-level International Society in the Middle East: Buzan, Halliday and the Arab Regional Security Complex Lucy Abbott University of Oxford, UK
Regional International Societies as a Critique: Middle East Barbara Allen Roberson Formerly Warwick University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S12-03: In Search of Radicalism: Ethics, Politics, Praxis Chair: Kerem Nisancioglu, SOAS Discussant: Louiza Odysseos, University of Sussex
The struggles of others: towards a radical ethics of solidarity (or: decolonising precarious life) Lara Coleman
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University of Sussex
Radicalising Postpositivism Aggie Hirst1, Tom Houseman2 1City, University of London, 2University of York
Radical Compromises: Negotiating Law and Public Discourse in Anti-Militarism Chris Rossdale LSE
2:30pm - 4:15pm S13-03: Ethnographic Approaches to International Interventions: Storytelling, Memory and Authenticity of Information Chair: John Heathershaw, University of Exeter Discussant: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Aberystwyth University
When everything is not the way it first appears: problems of research in nervous theatres of war Mats Utas Uppsala University, Sweden
Urban Legends, Grey Areas, Innuendo and Webs of Complicity: Experiences of Researching Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence in UN Peacekeeping Missions Henri Myrttinen International Alert, UK
The ‘e’ in surveys: ethnography as an integral part of quantitative research Kerstin Irene Tomiak Cardiff University, UK
Validity of gathered data when dealing with the past: cases of protracted armed conflicts Giulia Prelz Oltramonti Universite libre de Bruxelles
The Extraction of Faraway Conflict Knowledge by Foreign Advocacy NGOs Alistair Sean Markland Aberystwyth University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S15-04: After Liberal Peace? Crises of the Liberal West Chair: Tarja H. Väyrynen, University of Tampere
The End of Humanitarian World Politics? Noora Kotilainen University of Helsinki
The revival of the crisis thinking: the Anti-Liberal West Ideology and a new struggle within the West and its implications to the rest Marko Lehti University of Tampere
The politics of empathy and the decline of a liberal West Johanna Vuorelma University of Helsinki
Vicarious Identification as Foreign Policy Strategy: Temptations and Vulnerabilities of the ‘Renewed Special Relationship’ Christopher Browning
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University of Warwick
2:30pm - 4:15pm
S16-01: Regulating Cyberspace Chair: Jerome Duberry, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Discussant: Steven J. Barela, University of Geneva;
A Geneva Declaration for Cyberspace
Stein Schjolberg, Solange Ghernaouti Cybercrimedata, Norway
Towards a framework governing state and non-state actors in using active measures to defend critical infrastructures in cyberspace Bastien Wanner1, Solange Ghernaouti2, Laura Crespo1 1University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group
Towards norm, principles and rules for responsible state behavior in the cyber realm: Switzerland’s role in fostering cyber security through diplomatic channels Laura Crespo, Solange Ghernaouti, Bastien Wanner Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
“Collective malicious operations in cyberspace from a social and legal approach: are public international and criminal law ticking all the right boxes?” Nicolo Bussolati University of Amsterdam
2:30pm - 4:15pm S17-03: Global Health Governance: Actors, Accountability and Relationships Chair: Simon Rushton, University of Sheffield Discussant: Anja Opitz, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
The World Health Organization and Non-State Actors through the prism of (de)politicization Auriane Guilbaud Université Paris 8, France
European donors and health system strengthening: a distinct approach? Lies Steurs, Sarah Delputte, Jan Orbie Centre for EU Studies, Ghent University, Belgium
Rethinking IO-IO Relations: Practices, Network Dynamics and the Emergence of Order in Global Health Thurid Bahr1, Anna Holzscheiter1,2, Laura Pantzerhielm2 1Freie Universität Berlin; 2WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Public-Private Partnerships: Innovators and Regulators of New Pharmaceuticals? Anne Roemer-Mahler University of Sussex, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S18-02: Climatizing Global Institutions Chair: Stefan Aykut, University of Hamburg Discussant: Jonna Nyman, University of Sheffield
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The Regionalisation of Global Climate Politics: Explaining the Emergence of Regional Organisations’ Climate Change Competences Anna Starkmann University of Freiburg, Germany
The end of fossil fuels? The politics of the selective climatization of a policy domaine Stefan Aykut1,2, Monica Castro3 1INRA,; 2UniversitéParis-Est; 3Université de Pau
Sailing Uncharted Waters – International Economic Institutions Address Climate Finance Jakob Skovgaard Lund University, Sweden
The European Union’s Waiving its Global Leadership Role for Climate Action: Surrendering to Lobbying Corporations or a new European geopolitical constellation ? Susanne Peters Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland
Institutional complexity and sectoral transformation in global climate governance: the cases of climate engineering, REDD+, and short-lived climate pollutants Fariborz Zelli1, Ina Möller1, Harro van Asselt2,3 1Lund University, Sweden; 2Stockholm Environment Institute; 3University of Eastern Finland
2:30pm - 4:15pm S19-03: Empires, states and the globe in the Early Modern Chair: Jelena Subotic, Georgia State University Discussant: Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University
The Military Revolution and European Expansion in History and International Relations Jason Sharman University of Cambridge, UK
Privateering and the making of colonial empires Benjamin de Carvalho, Halvard Leira NUPI, Norway
Imperial Rule Beyond International Law and Great Power Politics: Princely Mysore and the Concrete Makings of Paramountcy Ted Svensson Lund University, Sweden
War-making and State-making Revisited: The Pacific Consequences of the Military Revolution in Europe Suthan Krishnarajan Aarhus University, Denmark
Reexamining the expansion of international society Elsa Aime-Gonzalez Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Spain
2:30pm - 4:15pm S22-03: The Role of Different Actors in the Securitization of Migration Chair: Stefania Panebianco, University of Catania
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Forced migration and prejudice. The role of different actors in constructing and deconstructing human mobility as a threat Valeria Bello United Nations University, Spain
Securitization of migration, externalization of borders and Spanish/European development aid Ángel González Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Securitizing Migration, Europeanizing Czechs? Kristýna Tamchynová University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Refugees, Security and the EU Christian Kaunert, Leonard Sarah Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
De-securitizing refugee migration: Actors, Audience and Dynamics of Securitization in the European Public Space Bruno Oliveira Martins Malmö University, Sweden
2:30pm - 4:15pm S23-03: Roundtable: Exploring the seam: Between economy and society in international studies Chair: Amin Samman, City, University of London Presenter(s): Juanita Elias (University of Warwick), Marieke de Goede (University of Amsterdam), Jonathan Joseph (University of Sheffield), Samuel Knafo (University of Sussex)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S25-03: Maritime Security in a Globalized World Chair: Mariann Riddervold, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Discussant: Yohannes Wiebes, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy - Hamburg
Russia’s Naval Posture - Priorities and strategic aims after the Ukrainian crisis Liv Karin Parnemo Norwegian Defence University College, Institute for Defence Studies
Maritime Security: From Awareness to Security, connecting the dots! Michiel Bart Hijmans Maritime & More Solutions, The Netherlands
India’s Search for a Maritime Identity as an ‘ Indo-Pacific’ Power in the 21st Century Pounami Basu University of Reading, UK
Mapping energy sea lines of communication Joao Piedade1,2, Carla Isabel Fernandes2, Pedro Morais3 1Instituto Universitário Militar, Portugal; 2Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais( IPRI-UNL); 3REN
The rise of China as a global martime power Michael Allen McDevitt CNA, United States of America
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S26-01: Hospitality in crisis: Critical approaches to asylum and welfare 1 Chair: Katie Bales, University of Bristol
Access to Housing under the Common European Asylum System – Right or Instrument for Deterring Asylum-Seekers? Janine Silga University of Luxembourg
Dehumanisation by design: Asylum seekers, welfare and the ‘essential’ living needs of those who would be destitute, the UK Lucy Mayblin1, Katie Bales2 1University of Warwick, 2University of Bristol
Between Walls and a Warm Welcome: Urban responses to People in Flight Helen Hintjens1, Anila Noor2 1International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 2Independent
2:30pm - 4:15pm S27-03: Crossing and Challenging Theoretical Divides in IR Chair: Hartmut Behr, Newcastle University
The English School and Liberal Internationalism: Brothers and Rivals Cornelia Navari University of Buckingham
A Realist Social Theorizing of International Politics? Minda Holm Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
The Dialectic of Political Realism and Liberalism Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten University of Oslo
The Friendly Pluralism of Status Research Paul David Beaumont, Pål Røren Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Theoretical Fractions and Fusions in Scholarly Practice Helen Turton University of Sheffield
2:30pm - 4:15pm S29-02: Demilitarising Societies and Constructing Peace Chair: Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa, University of Portsmouth
Forging the Social Contract in Conflict-affected Countries: the Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina Roberto Belloni1, Jasmin Ramovic2 1University of Trento, Italy; 2University of Manchester, UK
Gender and post-conflict statebuilding: Implications of state responsiveness to violence against women in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya. Diana Carina Koester University of Oxford, UK
The Hopeful Turn? Hybridity in Peacebuilding as Hopeful Praxis Hannah Partis-Jennings
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University College Dublin, Ireland
De-militarising Rebellion Astrid Heidemann Simonsen University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2:30pm - 4:15pm S30-03: Politics of Preferential Trade Agreements - The Case of the European Union Chair: Joanna Katarzyna Starzyk-Sulejewska, University of Warsaw
Propelling trade liberalization through inter-regionalism: conditions for agreement on EU’s trade partners Jordi Mas Elias Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, Spain
Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in the new generation of the EU Preferential Trade Agreements: Fragmentation or Development of International Economic Governance ? Miloš Hrnjaz, Aleksandar Milošević University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Sciences, Serbia
All about cars... Role of big issues in European Free Trade Agreeements Pawel Frankowski, Magdalena Kania Jagiellonian University, Poland
Behind Closed Curtains - The Eurogroup and the Rise of Informality in European Governance Joscha Abels Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
Field theories in the study of the European Union involvement in global economic governance Marina Vadimovna Strezhneva Primakov Institution Of World Economy And International Relations, Russian Federation
2:30pm - 4:15pm S31-03: Parliamentary dimensions in addressing international conflicts: Lessons from Europe's neighbourhood and beyond Chair: Zlatko Šabič, University of Ljubljana Discussant: Daniela Irrera, University of Catania
The "Russian factor" in the European Parliament stances on international conflicts: the cases of Syria and the Ukraine Stelios Stavridis1, Marie-Cécile Cadilhac2 1ARAID/University of Zaragoza, 2University of Rennes 1
"To defend human rights": Slovenia's 2017 preemptive approach to the refugee crisis and ((inter)national parliamentary response Zlatko Šabič, Ana Bojinović Fenko, Petra Roter University of Ljubljana
The Greek Parliament and the Palestinian Question: The contribution of Parliamentary Diplomacy at the solution of a “frozen” conflict Vivi Kefala University of the Aegean
The European Parliament and Conflict Resolution: The case of Sudan María Ángeles Alaminos Hervás
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Valencian International University
The OSCE PA and democratic governance in Central Asia: norm diffusion in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan Licínia Simão University of Coimbra
2:30pm - 4:15pm S34-03: Roundtable: Global Histories of the 'International' Chair: Filipe dos Reis, University of Erfurt Presenter(s): Meera Sabaratnam (SOAS), George Lawson (LSE), Gurminder Bhambra (University of Warwick), Xavier Guillaume (University of Groningen), Ayse Zarakol (University of Cambridge)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S35-01: The Politics of Ignorance, Ambiguity and Uncertainty: Furthering an InterDisciplinary Development of Agnotology Chair: Nora Marie Stel, Maastricht School of Management Discussant: Jolle Demmers, Utrecht University
Investigating the Politics of Uncertainty – Intentional Institutional Ambiguity and Spatial Informality in Lebanon’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis Nora Stel1, Jessy Nassar2 1Maastricht School of Management, 2King's College London
Erased from Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948 Noga Kadman Independent researcher
The Uncertain and Undefined Position of Syrian Men in the Refugee Response Lewis Turner University of London, Department of Politics and International Studies at SOAS
Keep it Unknown. Disentangling Political-Humanitarian Epistemologies in Lebanon Estella Carpi University College London, Development Planning Unit
"Playing soldiers" - The Daily Resistance of Soldiers in the Israeli Military and the Practice of Švejkian 'Subversive Obedience' Daphne Inbar Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2:30pm - 4:15pm S36-03: Issue Areas of Responsibility in Global Politics: Human Rights, Climate Change, Development and Protection Chair: Hannes Hansen-Magnusson, Cardiff University Discussant: Antje Vetterlein, Copenhagen Business School
Accountability in United Nations peace operations: the UN Human Rights due diligence policy Gisela Hirschmann Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Southern responsibilities: Sharing and shifting climate responsibility – the case of REDD+ Franziska Müller University of Kassel, Germany
Corporate anti-corruption as power: A case study on Danish Multinational Companies in China Anestis Keremis
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Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Aid partnership and Responsibilisation Jon Harald Sande Lie Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Norway
A dangerous responsibility: Protecting national minorities, religious fellows or irredentism movements under the R2P umbrella Alexander Reichwein Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
2:30pm - 4:15pm S38-03: Civic activism and agency from a IR perspective Chair: I. Aytac Kadioglu, University of Nottingham Discussant: Etel Solingen, University of California Irvine
Exploring silences and alternatives in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: the role of social movements to conflict transformation Joana Ricarte Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Negotiating Identity: State Power and Agency of Environmental NGOs in Russia Kirsti Stuvøy, Katharina Glaab Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
The Anti-TTIP-Protests from a Civic Studies Perspective Nora Sophie Schroeder University of Augsburg, Germany
Change from below: How femicide emerged as a visible social fact and political priority Laura Isabella Brunke University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Challenging social (b)orders - on the political role of human rights networks in conflict transformation processes Richard Georgi University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2:30pm - 4:15pm S41-03: Deteriorating US-China Relations and the Implications for Europe Chair: Thomas Lindemann, Université de Versailles
Europe, the EU and the South-China Sea Conflict Andrew Cottey University College Cork
Forgotten Power: Europe Seeks its Place in the World Sven Biscop Royal Institute for International Relations/Ghent University
Europe in Asia: Squashed by Clashing Titans? Markus Liegl Goethe-University Frankfurt
Germany and US-China Relations in the Trump Era: Foreign Policy Options and Their Pitfalls 44 of 148
Sebastian Biba Goethe-University Frankfurt
The EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: increasing engagement beyond the economic realm Fleur Elise Huijskens Fudan University, People's Republic of China
2:30pm - 4:15pm S42-02: The European Union and Climate Justice (GLOBUS II) Chair: Ben Tonra, University College Dublin Discussant: Matt McDonald, University of Queensland
Climate Justice in International Society Thomas Diez, Franziskus von Lucke University of Tuebingen
The Solidarisation of International Society – The EU in the Global Climate Change Regime Bettina Ahrens University of Tuebingen
The EU ETS & Climate Justice: Clean Transitions, Dirty Coal – The Case of Germany Louise Michelle Fitzgerald University College Dublin
2:30pm - 4:15pm S43-03: The Bear Awakens? Russia and European Security Chair: Andrew Dorman, Chatham House
Georgia, NATO and the challenge from Russia
Tracey German King's College London, UK
Better Putin than Stalin? Assessing the novelty of the Russian challenge to European Security Olivier Schmitt, Vincent Keating University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Self-Determination and Secession in Europe's "Near Abroad" Nino Kemoklidze University of Birmingham, UK
Protracted Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space as a Challenge for European Security Sergei Rastoltsev Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Federation
Does the International Order Face a Russia Question? Gültekin Sümer Beykent University, Turkey
2:30pm - 4:15pm
S47-03: Technology, Law and Warfare Chair: Stephan Davidshofer, University of Geneva Discussant: Lianne Boer, VU Amsterdam
(Inter)facing the ‘enemy’: affective interactions in drone warfare Alexandra Kate {Alex} Edney-Browne
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University of Melbourne, Australia
Changing Warfare: Investigating the Normativity of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Ingvild Bode1, Hendrik Huelss2 1University of Kent, UK; 2University of Kent, UK
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: At the intersection of gender and war Lisa Wnek University of Florida, United States of America
Technology and moral vacuums in just war thinking Elke Schwarz University of Leicester, UK
The International Law of Precision Bombing: Doctrine, History, Language Markus Gunneflo Lund University, Faculty of Law, Sweden
2:30pm - 4:15pm S50-03: Power, rule, resistance: visual narratives and legitimacy in a globalized world Chair: Hanna Pfeifer, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg Discussant: Rune Saugmann, University of Tampere
Dangerous bodies: representations, public assemblies and embodied resistance Mona Lilja1, Mikael Baaz2 1University of Gothenburg and Karlstad university, Sweden; 2University of Gothenburg
Visual Protest Memes: The Global Diffusion Of Alan Kurdi Thomas Olesen Aarhus University, Denmark
‘This stillness, this lack of incident…’: Making the War in West Papua Visible in Social Media Simon Douglas Philpott Newcastle University, UK
The Manga/Anime titled One Piece and its vison on World Order – Justice and its enemies Akos Kopper1, Andras Szalai2, Kata Benya3 1ELTE University Budapest, Hungary; 2ELTE University Budapest, Hungary; 3ELTE University Budapest, Hungary
Visualisation of dissent: The use of images in 2013 Gezi Protests Aysem Mert University of Freiburg, Germany
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S01-04: Fracturing Politics Chair: Jef Huysmans, Queen Mary University of London Discussant: William Walters, Carleton University
Politics of fracturing: subjectivity, knowledge, struggle Leonie Ansems de Vries King's College London
The small worlds of violence Jonathan Austin
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The Graduate Institute Geneva
Fracturing politics, fracturing frames Lara Montesinos Coleman1, Doerthe Rosenow2 1University of Sussex, 2Oxford Brookes University
Questioning grand narratives through the ethnographic lens: the securitisation of the Roma in Rome Ana Ivasiuc Justus Leibig University Giessen
International political sociology in/of fracturing worlds Jef Huysmans1, Joao Nogueira2 1Queen Mary University of London, 2PUC - Rio de Janeiro
4:45pm - 6:30pm S02-04: Leaders Matter: Cognitive and Psychological Perspectives on Foreign Policy Making Chair: Juliet Kaarbo, University of Edinburgh Discussant: Kai Oppermann, University of Sussex
”We Did Not Believe In Change Because We Did Not Want It”: Confirmation Bias, Finnish Foreign Policy And The End Of The Cold War Tuomas Forsberg University of Tampere, Finland
“Wir schaffen das”: Opportunities, Challenges and Limitations of Translating Coding Schemes of Leadership Trait Analysis and Operational Code Analysis into German Katharina Margaretha Dimmroth1, Christian Rabini2 1RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
The role of beliefs, ideas and perceptions in the foreign policymaking process – the Brazilian case Carmen Fonseca IPRI-NOVA, Portugal
Nuclear empathy: Brazil, Turkey, and the Iran nuclear crisis Joshua Baker University of Leicester, UK
Leaders, Gender, and Foreign Policy Decision Making Klaus Brummer Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
4:45pm - 6:30pm S04-04: Numeric knowledge and the micro-practices of international institutions Chair: Jon Harald Sande Lie, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Discussant: Jorg Kustermans, University of Antwerp
Prior actions in practice – the use of benchmarks in development cooperation Jon Harald Sande Lie Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Indicators, rankings and the political economy of academic production in international law Geoff Gordon Asser Institute
Competing measurement regimes in global health politics Luis Aue
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WZB Berlin Social Science Centre
Bureaucrats of cyberspace: The making of connections and disconnections at international multistakeholder conferences Niels Nagelhus Schia Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
The Micropolitics of Creating Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals Katja Freistein Centre for Global Cooperation Research/University Duisburg-Essen
4:45pm - 6:30pm S06-03: Change in the Age of Global Crisis Chair: Dovile Budryte, Georgia Gwinnett College Discussant: Jack Holland, Leeds University
Constitution of the Self through Events: A Poststructuralist Analysis of JDP's FP Discourse on Distant Natural Disasters Erdem Ceydilek1,2 1Middle East Technical University, Turkey; 2Bilkent University, Turkey
Refugees vulnerability in a world of State horrorism: how the refugee crisis changes the state/citizen relationship Flavia Guerra UFRJ, Brazil
Internal and External Power Dynamics of Regional Security Orders Ieva Karpaviciute Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Human rights activism in the context of conflict and crisis Richard Georgi University of Gothenburg, Sweden
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S07-04: Military Afterlives Chair: Sarah Bulmer, University of Exeter
From the combat zone, home: the military afterlife of deployment from the perspective of those who weren’t there Alexandra Hyde University College London
Official discourses of military-to-civilian transition: A UK perspective Nick Caddick Anglia Ruskin University
Moving away “from Military to Civilian Life” Towards a New Framework for Understanding PostCombat Experience Bethany Cuffe-Fuller University of Exeter
Listening to Women Veterans’ Narratives – Analyzing Experiences of Formerly Women Combat Soldiers Ayelet Harel-Shalev1, Shir Daphna-Tekoah2 1Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2Ashkelon Academic College
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4:45pm - 6:30pm S07-13: Gendered Experiences of Militaries and Militarism Chair: Synne Dyvik, University of Sussex
Gender cosmopolitanism: Danish and Swedish veteran narratives in the face of military interventionism Annika Bergman Rosamond, Annika Kronsell Lund University, Sweden
In their own words: U.S. servicewomen’s narratives Annick T.R. Wibben University of San Francisco, United States of America
Fire Souls: Gender Advisors in NATO militaries and operations Claire Duncanson1, Megan Bastick2 1University of Edinburgh, UK; 2University of Edinburgh, UK
Emancipation by the military: discourses and practices Ilaria Simonetti EHESS, France
4:45pm - 6:30pm S08-04: Roundtable: Power, Status, and Hierarchy in Global Politics Chair: Vincent Pouliot, McGill University Presenter(s): Sara Mitchell (University of Iowa), Dan Nexon (Georgetown University), Felix Berenskotter (SOAS), Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S09-04: Dislocating Geopower from the Ground Up: Material Infrastructures of Violence Chair: Kyle Grayson, Newcastle University
Affect and everyday infrastructure: remapping security in the urban age Martin Philip Coward University of Manchester, UK
T-walls: landscaping for the bunkered supreme Kali J Rubaii University of California, Santa Cruz, United States of America
The politics and practises of everyday urban control in Marrakech Jonas Hagmann ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Violent Geographies of ‘Development’ – Large-Scale agribusiness investment and the violent disruption of agricultural spaces Caitlin Ryan University of Groningen, The Netherlands
4:45pm - 6:30pm S13-01: Ethnographic Approaches to International Interventions: The Challenges of Access to the Field Chair: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Aberystwyth University Discussant: Marsha Giselle Henry, LSE
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Touching from a distance: in time, but yet out of time Morten Bøås NUPI, Norway
Positioning in the field - data collection in the context of international interventions Maria-Louise Clausen Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark
Researching representations in/of informality: on flirting, floating and hanging out Ilona Steiler University of Helsinki, Finland
Ethnography (in international relations) at home Jasmin Ramovic University of Manchester, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S16-02: States and power struggle in cyberspace Chair: Stein Schjolberg, Cybercrimedata Discussant: Solange Ghernaouti, Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group
Internet Governance and EU Foreign Policy: the role of the EU in a nascent Internet Governance Science Diplomacy Andrea Calderaro Cardiff University, UK
The governance of internet as a desecuritization process: Brazil's initiatives towards governance in cyberspace Tiago Pedro Vales University of Coimbra, Portugal
India in the Globalised World: Crises in Social and Foreign Policy Structures Kailash Chand Samota University of Rajasthan, India
Policy Visions of Big Data: Views from the Global South Laura Mahrenbach, Katja Mayer, Jürgen Pfeffer Bavarian School of Public Policy, Germany
Cross-Border Cyber Ops to Erode Legitimacy: Russian Interference in the 2016 US Election Steven J. Barela University of Geneva, Switzerland
4:45pm - 6:30pm S17-04: New Issues in Global Health Security Chair: Clare Wenham, London School of Economics and Political Science
INGO Engagement in the Global Health Security Agenda Sonja Kittelsen University of Oslo
Synergies and Tensions between Universal Health Coverage and Global Health Security 50 of 148
Gorik Ooms London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Revisiting the H5N1 Dual Use Research Controversy: The Co-Production of the Life Sciences and Global Health Security Stefan Elbe University of Sussex
Signs, Signals and Syndromes: Algorithmic Surveillance and Global Health in the 21st Century Stephen Roberts London School of Economics
4:45pm - 6:30pm S18-03: Critical Café on Global Governance Chair: Lucile Maertens, Columbia University After a short presentation introducing key points about global governance and the process of climatization, the session will be organized as a critical café. In a very interactive format, participants will be able to exchange on the following topics: Table 1: Global governance = collaborative methods? (Moderator: Nils Moussu) Table 2: Is climatisation the new environnementalisation? (Moderator: Jean Foyer) Table 3: A “voluntary turn” in global governance? (Moderator: Stefan Aykut)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S20-04: Crisis Perception, Procedural Norms and Changing Inter-organisational Constellations Chair: Ole Jacob Sending, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
International Organizations Under Pressure Klaus Dingwerth University of St. Gallen
Shaping through closure in times of crisis. A discursive perspective on inter-organizational relations in the field of security Eva Herschinger1, Martin Koch2 1The University of Aberdeen, 2Universität Bielefeld
Explaining Cooperation Among NGOs in Times of Crisis: Transnational Expert Networks as Translators of Procedural Norms Andrea Schneiker Universität Siegen
Want to cooperate? Yet what are the rules? – IO diplomacy in moments of crisis Lisbeth Zimmermann Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
Struggles over authority: Competing knowledges and claims to authority in the construction of the informal economy as governance object Anna Danielsson Uppsala University, Sweden
4:45pm - 6:30pm S21-03: International Law in Crisis: Rights in Crisis Chair: Sofia Stolk, VU Amsterdam Discussant: Thorsten Bonacker, University of Marburg
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The ‘Politics of Age’: Children and Older Persons as Contested Subjects in International Human Rights Law-Making Anna Holzscheiter WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Practicing rightlessness: Constitutions of the frontier between right-holders and the rightless Judith Renner Technical University of Munich
Human Rights, Resistance and Superfluous Subjects: Optics of Rightlessness, Platforms for Action and Processes of Self-Formation Louiza Odysseos University of Sussex
4:45pm - 6:30pm S22-04: Borders and Boundaries in the Euro-Mediterranean Space Chair: Annette Juenemann, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Practicing ´foreign policy` to secure the Self – The Mediterranean migrant Other in the discourse of EU institutions Julia Simon Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Locating EU borders - and the Eastern Mediterranean new challenges Natalia Ribos-Mateos Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona
The naturalisation of national categories and a new understanding of citizenship Sybille De La Rosa Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg
Emotions matter: Fear and (non-) empathy in German reactions to the “refugee crisis” Annette Juenemann Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
“Your name is ‘refugee’”: Migrants’ Journey Narratives and the Challenge to the International refugee Regime Hamza Safouane Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
4:45pm - 6:30pm S23-04: Historical imagination and the global economy Chair: Liam Stanley, University of Sheffield
The competitiveness society: for a sociological understanding of the reproduction of global capitalism Juliette Schwak City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Strange loops: Producing history in financial times Amin Samman City, University of London, UK
'Governance' as the semantics of the globalized state? How economic globalization becomes inscribed in social imaginaries Timo Walter Universität Erfurt, Germany
Capital as Power and Connected Histories 52 of 148
Tim DiMuzio, Matt Dow University of Wollongong, Australia
Whence and Whither Critical IPE? Towards a Radical Historicism Matthieu Hughes Universität Erfurt, Germany
4:45pm - 6:30pm S24-04: Transnational Islamic Movements, Fitna and Jihad Chair: Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell Discussant: Farhood Badri, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Insurrectional Politics And ‘Ummatic’ Islamism: Movements In Global Commonspaces Of The South Nevzat Soguk University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States of America
The Politics and Aesthetics of Jihadi Cool Peter Mantello Ritsumeikan University, Japan
The Concept of Fitna and Its Use in the Iranian-Saudi Rivalry Samia Rebiai University of Batna, Algeria
Clash of civilizations or clash of religions? ISIS, Jihadism and the Western international order Alice Martini Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Spain
4:45pm - 6:30pm S26-02: Hospitality in crisis: Critical approaches to asylum and welfare 2 Chair: Joe B Turner, University of Sheffield Discussant: Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield
From hospitality to efficiency: shifting contours of asylum seekers’ reception in Switzerland Camilla Alberti University of Neuchâtel
‘Immigrant’ first, ‘child’ second. The modern priorities of immigration control Katie Bales University of Bristol
Punitive policies and experiences of resettlement: people seeking asylum and access to employment Caroline Fleay Curtin University
Earned Citizenship and Neoliberal Belonging in the European Union: Including and Excluding Free Movers in European Welfare States Dion Kramer Vrije Universiteit, NL
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S28-01: Political economy Chair: Iratxe Perea Ozerin, University of the Basque Country
South America between heritage and renewal
Carsten Baran University of Erfurt, Germany
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The current status of security in the neoliberal ontological drama: Gestell and Gouvernementalité in the spiral of neoliberal security and the constitutive opening–desecuritization of the Event. Diego Borrajo University of the Basque Country, Spain
Rebel vs. Paramilitary Groups: Adaptation to the Coal Mining Region of Colombia Daniel Eduardo Gómez Uribe University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The role of External Economic Incentives in times of Political Transitions and Consolidations Valeriia Anatolyevna Popova, NIkoloz Esitashvili Florida International University, United States of America
4:45pm - 6:30pm S30-01: Power Shift in Global Financial Governance Chair: Matthew Louis Bishop, University of Sheffield
Rising Role of the BRICS Countries in Global Financial Governance Karina Joanna Jędrzejowska University of Warsaw, Poland
The Fund as ‘second fiddle’? IMF-RFA crisis lending and regime complexity Ivaylo Iaydjiev University of Oxford, UK
Developments in the Political Economy of Monetary Sovereignty Konsta Aamos Kotilainen University of Helsinki, Finland
Transforming the Global Economic Governance System through the backdoor: The Rise of China´s RMB in East Asia Luis Mah1, Stefanie Weil2 1Lisbon School of Economics & Management; 2Vesalius College / Free University Brussels, Belgium
The Determinants for Leadership: China in AIIB Fei Su Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
4:45pm - 6:30pm S31-04: Roundtable: The importance of being International Relations scholars in a period of cleavages Chair: Thomas Diez, EISA Presenter(s): Fulvio Attinà (University of Catania), Esther Barbé (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona; IBEI), Jacint Jordana (IBEI), Etel Solingen (University of California, Irvine), Michael Haas (University of Hawaii)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S32-02: Reappraising Eurocentrism: regions, models and shadows Chair: Diana Panke, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
Reappraising Eurocentrism in Comparative Regionalism: Solutions to the Divide Between Eurocentrism vs Anti-Eurocentrism Fredrik Söderbaum
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University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, Sweden
Remapping regionalism Frank Mattheis University of Pretoria, South Africa
Towards a post-Islamist model of citizenship after the Arab Revolutions Alberto Priego Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain
4:45pm - 6:30pm S34-04: GLOBE - Knowing the making of the global, targeting the international Chair: Julia Costa Lopez, University of Groningen
Historicizing Military Targeting Erik Reichborn NUPI
Empire, International Law and the Production of Disciplinary Knowledge Filipe dos Reis1, Zeynep Gulsah Capan2 1Erfurt University, 2Istanbul Bilgi University
The Aesthetics of Writing: The Sabk-e Hindi and The Politics of Knowledge Formation in a XVII C. Safavid Diplomatic Report Anahita Arian University of Groningen
4:45pm - 6:30pm S36-04: Responsibility in Global Politics: the Refugee Crisis Chair: Antje Vetterlein, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Christine Agius, Swinburne University of Technology
Responsibility as Political Beauty? Derrida and the global ethics of responsiveness Stephan Engelkamp King's College London, UK
The Syrian refugee crisis and the implementation of the global responsibility to protect Pinar Gözen Ercan Hacettepe University, Turkey
When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: the EU Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis Stefania Panebianco, Iole Pina Fontana University of Catania, Italy
The institute of International Responsibility and Turkey-EU Agreement on Refugees André Matos Portucalense University, Portucalense Institute for Legal Research
Western Morality In Libyan Case Nazife Selcen Pinar Akgul Bayburt University/Turkey, Turkey
4:45pm - 6:30pm S38-04: The loci of agency in armed conflicts Chair: Ruth Hanau Santini, Università L'Orientale
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Rethinking Peacemakers: The Influence of Intermediaries in Backchannel Communications towards Ending the Northern Irish and Kurdish Conflicts I. Aytac Kadioglu University of Nottingham, UK
The critical agency of European foreign fighters Maja Touzari Greenwood University of Copenhagen & Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark
Governance and Compliance: Civilian Life under the Taliban Insurgency Niels Terpstra Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Elite co-optation and intra-ethnic struggle: understanding hybrid governance, polarization and conflict in Mali and the Sahel. Luca Raineri1, Francesco Strazzari2 1Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy; 2NUPI, Norway
4:45pm - 6:30pm S39-02: Rethinking Security in the Anthropocene Chair: Joanne Yao, London School of Economics (LSE) Discussant: Thomas Henökl, University of Agder (UiA)
The History of Security and the Challenge of the Anthropocene Rens van Munster1, Casper Sylvest2 1DIIS, Denmark; 2University of Southern Denmark, Denmark;
Re-thinking Critical Security Studies in the age of the Capitalocene Yelda Erçandırlı Middle East Technical University, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey
Climate Security in the Anthropocene Franziskus von Lucke University of Tuebingen, Germany
The Politics of Seeds: Articulations of the End of the World Suvi Alt University of Groningen, The Netherlands
4:45pm - 6:30pm S40-01: Scandalous Post-Conflict Economic Reforms Chair: Catherine Baker, University of Hull Discussant: Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam
International Financial Institutions and Gender-Inclusive Post-Conflict Economic Reform Jacqui True Monash University, Australia
The political economy of socioeconomic injustice in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina Daniela Lai Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
The Scandalous Economics of Peace and War Jacqui True1, Aida Hozic2
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Monash University; 2University of Florida
A scalpel or a sledgehammer? An analysis of IMF’s role in multiple transitions in a global periphery Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic London School of Economics and Political Sceince, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S42-03: Trade, Development and Justice (GLOBUS III) Chair: Helene Sjursen, University of Oslo
Conceptions of justice in the EU's trade and development policies Johanne Døhlie Saltnes ARENA - Centre for European Studies, Norway
Trade, Development and Social Justice in Africa Pundy Pillay University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
African Perspectives on Aid and Development David Everatt University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Global Justice via Aid for Trade? Micro-level Evidence from Nepal Samuel Rueckert Brazys University College Dublin, Ireland
From Africa to Europe: the (re)making of migration in the age of Crisis Toni Haastrup University of Kent, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S43-04: Trouble on Europe's borders? Chair: Niklas Bremberg, Swedish Institute of International Affairs/Uppsala University
Implementing a Comprehensive Approach to European Security:Managing population flows in the Aegean Fotini Bellou University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece
Producing knowledge on regional security: the EU's liberal governmentality challenged in Ukraine Licinia Simão, António Leitão University of Coimbra
EU foreign policy and occupations: political entrepreneurship and the construction of policy problems Benedetta Voltolini Science Po
EU responses to conflicts in the neighbourhood and the projects-based approach as the nexus in security-development debate Michal Natorski Maastricht University
Contested states and EU practices of territorial (un)differentiation: insights from the cases of Palestine and Western Sahara Dimitris Bouris1, Irene Fernández-Molina2 1University of Amsterdam, 2University of Exeter
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4:45pm - 6:30pm S46-02: Roundtable: The Role of Professional Association Journals in Advancing International Studies Chair: Mark Webber, University of Birmingham Presenter(s): Ruth Blakeley (University of Sheffield), Beate Jahn (University of Sussex), Knud Erik Jørgensen (Aarhus University), Annika Bjorkdahl (Lund University), Paul Roe (Central European University)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S47-04: Technology and Knowledge Production Chair: Julien Jeandesboz, Université Libre de Bruxelles Discussant: Debbie Lisle, Queen's University Belfast
Cyborg Knowledge: More-Than-Human, All Too More-Than-Human David Chandler University of Westminster, UK
Disembodying the Power of Nuclear Weapons: Experts and the Materiality and Governance of Nuclear Technologies Anne Harrington1, Matthias Englert2 1Cardiff, UK; 2Oeko Institute
Science to blame? Problematising the relationship between science and technology Carolin Kaltofen University College London, UK
Seeing through the crowd: The visual assemblage of micro-mapping Delf Rothe University of Hamburg, Germany
What is a weapon? Understanding knowledge practices in contemporary arms control Marijn Hoijtink VU University, The Netherlands
4:45pm - 6:30pm S49-02: Structures and Events - The Violence of Settler Colonialism Chair: Sharri Plonski, SOAS, University of London
Narrating Emptiness: Giv’at Amal and the production of urban frontiers Elya Lucy Milner Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Violence, Representation and Ethnic Honor in Settler Societies: Comparing Israel to the U.S. Tom Pessah Ben-Gurion University, Israel
How does the settler colony become white? The racial ontology of Israeli settler colonialism James Eastwood Queen Mary, University of London, UK
The anxious sovereign: Canada and the Inuit Mark B. Salter University of Ottawa, Canada
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4:45pm - 6:30pm S50-06: Foreign policy, film and social media Chair: Axel Heck, University of Kiel
Films as carriers of Strategic Culture? Analysing societal beliefs on the use of military means through film Lukas Zech University of Passau, Germany
The Politics of Horror: Social Media, Affect and Foreign Policy Constance Duncombe University of Queensland, Australia
Depiction of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Case of Valley of the Wolves: Ambush Umut Yukaruc University of East Anglia, UK
Papal Choreography. How Pictures Constitute Power and Legitimacy on the Global Stage Mariano P. Barbato, Johannes Löffler University of Münster, Germany
The global politics of commemorative symbols Nataliya Danilova University of Aberdeen, UK
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Friday – 15 September 2017 9:00am - 10:45am S01-05: Roundtable: New Materialism and Decoloniality – A Conversation I Chair: Pol Bargués-Pedreny, University of Duisburg-Essen Presenter(s): Meera Sabaratnam (Soas University of London), Doerthe Rosenow (Oxford Brookes University), Lisa Tilley (University of Warwick), Kai Koddenbrock (University of Duisburg-Essen)
9:00am - 10:45am S02-05: Domestic Drivers of Foreign Policy Chair: Klaus Brummer, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Discussant: Ralph G Carter, Texas Christian University
Conceptualizing The July 1914 Crisis: A Decision Units Analysis Joe Dickerson Hagan West Virginia University, United States of America
The impact of political polarization on Polish foreign policy Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Conceptualizing and Analyzing the Foreign Policies of Hybrid Regimes: The Case of Russia during Vladimir Putin’s 3rd Presidential Term Sebastian Hoppe Institute of Political Science, University of Leipzig, Germany
The analysis of non-democratic states' foreign policy: theoretical challenges Marcin Kaczmarski University of Warsaw, Poland
How to be Great: Russia's Internal Status Dilemma Kirsti Stuvøy, Paul Beaumont Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
9:00am - 10:45am S03-05: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Histories, Transitions, Futures Chair: Heather Watkins, Nottingham Trent University
The sad-go-round: An austere radicalization of society. Martin Pachel UAS bfi Vienna, Austria
Re-Organizing the Chinese Leviathan? Authoritarian Neo-Liberalism 2.0 Nele Noesselt University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Transitions to and from? Neoliberalism Morten Ougard Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
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Consensus and Coercion in Cold War discourses: Narratives of Neoliberalism in the Foreign Relations of Augusto Pinochet and Margaret Thatcher Maria Loreta Urbina Montana1, Jon Mansell2, Heather Watkins2 1University of Wolverhampton; 2Nottingham Trent University
9:00am - 10:45am S03-08: Authoritarian Neoliberalism in the Americas Chair: Sébastien Rioux, Université de Montréal
Coercive Cities, contested states? Authoritarian Mechanisms of Rule in Latin America Alke Jenss Bielefeld University, Germany
Learning to Love the Wall: Neoliberal Restructuring and the Racial Economies of Border Militarization in Rural Arizona (USA) Aaron Bobrow-Strain Whitman College, United States of America
Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Brazil: Ludwig von Mises Goes to the Streets Jimmy Casas Klausen Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Resistencia: Latin American IGOs as agents and structures of change in global trade governance Erin Norma Hannah1, Holly Ryan2, James Scott3 1King's University College at the University of Western Ontario, Canada; 2Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; 3King's College London, UK
The Normative Blocking to the Change in the neoliberal Chile and South Africa Rommy Morales Olivares Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
9:00am - 10:45am S03-10: Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Turkey Chair: Sara Salem, University of Warwick
Neoliberal Authoritarianism in and through Privatizations in Turkey Merih Angin1, Pinar Bedirhanoglu2, Deniz Gungor2 1University of Oxford, UK; 2Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Constructing neoliberal authoritarian governmentality in Turkey and Southeastern Europe Cengiz Günay, Vedran Dzihic Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austria
State Power and Double Movements: Neoliberalism in Turkey Roy Karadag University of Bremen, Germany
Authoritarian Constitutionalism in Turkey: Regime Security and the Use of Exceptional Powers under AKP Rule Özlem Kaygusuz Ankara University, Turkey
9:00am - 10:45am S04-05: Translating International Practices 61 of 148
Chair: Joelle Dumouchel, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Frank Gadinger, Centre for Global Cooperation Research
Translation Alejandro Esguerra1, Tobias Berger2 1University of Potsdam, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin
Re-thinking Emancipatory Practice in the Anthropocene Erika Cudworth, Stephen Charles Hobden University of East London, UK
International Practice Theory And The Crisis Of Global Order: A Psychopathology Of Everyday Politics Antonio Di Biagio University of St Andrews, UK
Political Representation Practices in Transnational Civil Society Henrike Knappe Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Germany
Emerging Think Tanks in Japan: Reconsiderating the Role of Think Tank through the Lens of International Practice Theory Misato Matsuoka Tokai University, Japan
9:00am - 10:45am S06-04: Crisis and Change Nexus in Global Politics: the Case of Ukraine Chair: Erica Resende, Iuperj Discussant: Maria Mälksoo, BSIS, University of Kent
The Rationality and Emotion of Russian Historical Memory: The Case of Crimea Douglas J Becker University of Southern California, United States of America
Political anxieties bordering collective identities: European Union, Ukraine, Russia Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), Brazil
Memory, War and Mnemonical In/Security: Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective Dovile Budryte Georgia Gwinnett College, United States of America
Evolving Norms, Values and Principles in EU-Russian and EU-Ukrainian Energy Security Discourses Yaroslava Marusyk University fo Groningen, The Netherlands
9:00am - 10:45am
S07-05: Sex, Gender and Militaries Chair: Tina J Managhan, Oxford Brookes University
Making feminist sense of the interface: gender, technology & war Cristina Masters University of Manchester, UK
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‘Sweden, a country to fall in love in’ - Gender and sexuality in representations of the Swedish Armed Forces Sanna Angelica Strand, Katharina Kehl School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
The Soldiers Contract Benjamin Schrader Colorado State University, United States of America
Making Violences Visible: ‘Sexual violence’ and ‘torture’ in academic, legal and policy discourses. Harriet Gray, Maria Stern University of Gothenburg, Sweden
9:00am - 10:45am S08-05: Non-State Actors, Power, and Global Politics Chair: Jarrod Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Transnational Non-State Actors in International Security: Advancing a Structural Theory Miriam Anderson1, David Malet2 1Ryerson University, Canada; 2George Washington University, USA
State Repression and Nonviolent Resistance Erica Chenoweth, Evan Perkoski, Sooyeon Kang University of Denver, United States of America
Terrorism and Protean Power: How Terrorists Navigate Uncertainty Barak Mendelsohn Haverford College
Locating Productive Power in Inter-Organizational Fields: The Discursive Production of Order in Global Health Thurid Bahr1, Anna Holzscheiter1,2, Laura Pantzerhielm2 1Freie Universität Berlin; 2WZB Berlin Social Science Center
9:00am - 10:45am S09-05: The Final Frontier? Borders and Contentious Spaces Chair: Sharri Plonski, SOAS, University of London
Clashing statebuilding processes and imagined states in the Bosnian space Annika Björkdahl Lund University, Sweden
Conceptualizing the corruption of space in the context of humanitarianism Janine Bressmer Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Hardening, insecurity, and reconfiguring the border as a broken middle Jennifer Anne Ombler University of Otago, New Zealand
Places for refugees, territories of violence? Angela Kahil USEK, Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
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The territoriality of borders in the Sahel: do IIs and NGOs play a role? Giulia Prelz Oltramonti Universite libre de Bruxelles
9:00am - 10:45am S10-05: The BRICS in Global Governance Chair: Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, University of Bochum Discussant: Robert Pauls, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Defining and Explaining the Evolution of BRICS: Challenges and Opportunities in the Current Geopolitical Context and Global Governance Architecture Huanyu ZHAO UGent, Belgium
Is there a free lunch? South-South Cooperation as soft power Lars Thomann Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy
China Engages Global Governance: Shifting positions for a Post Bretton Woods Era? The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in Sight. Alejandra Peña1,2 1Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain); 2University of the Andes (Venezuela)
India: Regional Hegemon? Global Aspirer? Revisionist State? Rahul Chaudhary University of Rajasthan, India
9:00am - 10:45am S11-04: Human Justice, Humanitarian Intervention and the ICC Chair: Barbara Allen Roberson, formerly Warwick University Discussant: Takamitsu Hadano, Durham University
Conceptualising Humanity in the English School
Adrian Gallagher University of Leeds, UK
The English School and the Laws of War: Theoretical Tensions Viewed Through Contemporary Examples of State Practice Matthew Thomas Zommer The Military College of South Carolina, United States of America
Africa and International Justice: Between Acceptance and Resistance? Elsa Aime-Gonzalez, Andrea Betti Department of International Relations, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Spain
Subaltern Approaches to Humanitarian Intervention: Regional ownership, state building and third world justice Tonny Brems Knudsen Aarhus University, Denmark
From protecting civilians toward a regime change: application of humanitarian intervention in Libya through English Shool of IR Theory Gëzim Vllasi
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9:00am - 10:45am S12-04: Ethical Challenges to Global Governance Chair: Jonna Nyman, University of Sheffield
Ethics, Security and Climate Change Matt McDonald University of Queensland, Australia
Virtue Ethics and International Norms Marcel Jon Zentveld-Wale Massey University, University of Auckland
Ethics and ICTs in World Politics Jerome Duberry Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Human(e) dignity and the ethics of international development Diego de Merich London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Rethinking human rights from the (post)colonial experience of modern violence and injustice Roberto Vilchez Yamato1, Marta Fernández2 1PUC-Rio, Brazil; 2PUC-Rio, Brazil
9:00am - 10:45am S14-02: Emotions in Feminist and Gender Studies in IR Chair: Linda Therese Åhäll, Keele University
Constructing European Neo-colonial Masculinity through Emotions: Producing a Life to be Feared, Despised, and Cherished Ali Bilgic Loughborough University, UK
Researching (Post)War, a Love story: Reconciling with emotions and/in feminist fieldwork. Giulia Carabelli1, Maria Deiana2 1Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity, Germany; 2Dublin City University, Ireland
'Everything or Nothing, All of Us or None?': Politics of Civil Resistance and Gezi Nurten Cevik Bilkent University, Turkey
9:00am - 10:45am S16-03: Social media: empowering civil society? Chair: Laura Mahrenbach, Bavarian School of Public Policy
The impact of social media on Chinese social organizations within and beyond disaster contexts Cong Duan University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Social Media and Political Conflict in the GCC Mazhar Al-Zoubi Qatar University, Qatar
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Tweet on COP: understanding climatization dynamics in the online public space Nicolas Baya-Laffite Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Why climate diplomacy will not be tweeted: Social movements and the micro-blogging service Twitter during COP22 Katharina Hoene Aberystwyth University
9:00am - 10:45am S17-05: Non-Western Global Health: Perspectives on Asia in the 21st Century Chair: Auriane Guilbaud, Université Paris 8 Discussant: Tine Hanrieder, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
AMR in China Nicholas Thomas, Catherine Lo City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Disinfecting global cities: the self-sanitizing logic and urban security Nadine Voelkner University of Groningen, Germany
The Cost-Benefits of Securitizing Infectious Diseases on Regional Cooperation Nadirah binti Mohd Azmi University of Leeds, UK
Global policy discourse meets local health system realities: Resilience, Nepal and the 2015 earthquakes Simon Rushton, Julie Balen, Bhimsen Devkota University of Sheffield, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S20-05: Inter-organisational relations as a source of change in the governance of international security Chair: Aglaya Snetkov, ETH Zurich
Hubs of Inter-Regional Organizational Security? Roberto Dominguez1, Andrea Oelsner2 1Suffolk University, 2University of Aberdeen
An Ocean for the Global South: Brazil and the Zone of Peace and Cooperation in the South Atlantic Frank Mattheis1, Pedro Seabra2 1GovInn, University of Pretoria, 2German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Contesting boundaries, political entities and scales of regulation: Making and governing Eurasia Stephen Aris ETH Zurich
"Multilateralisms at War?: Contending Visions of Regional Architecture in East Asia" See Seng Tan S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies)
International organizations in times of turbulence. The effects of crises on inter-organizational relations Angela Elisabeth Heucher
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University of Potsdam, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S21-04: International Law in Crisis: Complicity in Crisis Chair: Renske Vos, University of Edinburgh Discussant: Philip Liste, Universität Hamburg
Legal expertise in crisis? The Chilcot inquiry and the defeat of lawyers on their own turf Lianne Boer, Tanja Aalberts VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sailing under false colours: uncovering international law at the heart of the crisis Christopher M.J. Boyd University of Glasgow, UK
The Cartographic Theatre of Jurisdiction: Territory, Mapping and the Horizon of Law as Graphic Power Nikolas M Rajkovic Tilburg University, The Netherlands
The Politics around Self-Defence Elisabeth Schweiger University of Edinburgh, UK
‘Let them drown’: rescuing migrants at sea and the non-refoulement obligation as a case study of international law’s relationship to ‘crisis’ Ralph Wilde UCL, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S22-05: Public Discourse and Attitudes towards Migrants, Refugees and IDPs Chair: Florian Trauner, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The migration Crisis management and the European Public Opinion Feedback. Rosa Rossi University of Catania, Italy
The Refugee Crisis and Euroscepticism: The Case of Germany Gokce Yigit Middle East Technical University, Turkey
People as Security Risks: The framing of migration in the UK security-development nexus Eamonn McConnon Dublin City University, Ireland
Forgotten Victims of War. Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Ukraine Tomasz Stępniewski1, Andrzej Szabaciuk2 1Catholic University of Lublin, Poland; 2Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
9:00am - 10:45am S23-05: Money and finance as politics Chair: Nina Boy, PRIO
New Platforms for Politics: Chinese FinTech and Authoritarian Capitalism Julian Y Gruin
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University of Amsterdam
Voice versus Exit: The causes and consequence of increasing shareholder concentration Patrick Dirk Jahnke University of Edinburgh, UK
The Creation of New Currencies and the Future of Money: Monetary ecologies and the modern subject Tobias Pforr University of Warwick, UK
The Politics of Money Joscha Wullweber University of Kassel, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S25-04: Maritime Security perspectives from law, diplomacy and technology Chair: Ruxandra Laura Bosilca, The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Discussant: Robert Mikac, Faculty of Political Science University of Zagreb
Reflections on Islands or rocks in the South China Sea dispute settlement Qi Xu Groningen University, The Netherlands
The Shock of the Old (Technology) at Sea: how high-tech might future maritime conflicts be? Brendan Flynn National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Explaining recent shifts in collaborative European naval procurement patterns since the turn of the Millennium Michael Kluth Roskilde University, Denmark
Rethinking the Relevance of Military Force in Small States: The Case for Niche Military Strategy Terence Christopher Johanson Massey University, New Zealand
9:00am - 10:45am S27-04: Roundtable: Negotiating Divides in International Relations I Chair: Felix Roesch, Coventry University Presenter(s): Hartmut Behr (Newcastle University), Beate Jahn (University of Sussex), Thomas Biersteker (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Reiko Shindo (Coventry University), Michael Haas (University of Hawai'i)
9:00am - 10:45am S30-04: Megaregional Trade Agreements - Implications for Global Trade Governance Chair: Anna Wrobel, University of Warsaw Discussant: Matthew Louis Bishop, University of Sheffield
TTIP: To be or not to be
Valentina Amuso Durham University, UK
Non-tariff measures and the new generation of trade agreements: TBT and SPS compared Manfred Elsig, Sebastian Klotz
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World Trade Institute, Switzerland
The relations between the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Joanna Katarzyna Starzyk-Sulejewska University of Warsaw, Poland
The Rise and Fall of the TPP: Trade Politics Through a New Constitutionalist Lens Tom Chodor Monash University, Australia
Cross regionalism: A new strategy of international insertion in a polycentric world? Jorge Garzón German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S31-05: Challenging the Middle Kingdom at the Fringes: Political Economy of Contesting China in East, South, and Central Asia Chair: Piotr Ryszard Kozłowski, Warsaw School of Economics
The Integration in Betwixt: Maritime East Asia's Responses in Regional Integration to the Contemporary US-China Power Shift Piotr Ryszard Kozlowski Warsaw School of Economics
Newer Great Games: Central Asian Response to Chinese Economic Power Projection Krzysztof Kozłowski Warsaw School of Economics
The legitimacy crisis of foreign investment protection regimes: Explaining the emergence of transnational public knowledge controversies Anna Herranz-Surrallés Maastricht University, The Netherlands
The Global Governance of Radicalization: Depoliticization in a Politicized Area? Hendrik Hegemann University of Osnabrück, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S33-01: 'Reconsidering ‘Transit Migration’: Daily practices Chair: Münevver Cebeci, Marmara University Discussant: William Walters, Carleton University
Bordercratic practices and the making of transit migration Shoshana Fine Sciences Po, France
Transit Migration in Turkey: Care and Control in Daily Practices Beste Isleyen University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Crisis in Slow motion: the stubborn habits of migration Debbie Lisle
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Queen's University Belfast, UK
Transit migration in Mexico: Between illegality and vulnerability. Claudia Maria Robles Moreno Université Lille 3, France
Governing transnational migratory flows of domestic workers in Southeast Asia: public-private partnerships, regulatory grey zones and the household Juanita Marie Elias University of Warwick, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S34-01: Roundtable: Against International Relations Chair: Charlotte Epstein, The University of Sydney Presenter(s): Vivienne Jabri (Kings College London), Gülşah Çapan (, Istanbul Bilgi University), Maj Grastens (Copenhagen Business School), Ayse Zarakol (Cambridge)
9:00am - 10:45am S35-03: Roundtable: What makes intervention ‘western’ or ‘liberal’? Re-considering interventionism as universal practice Chair: Mandy Turner, Council for British Research in the Levant Discussant: Florian P Kühn, Helmut Schmidt University Presenter(s): John Macmillan (Brunel University), Philip Cunliffe (University of Kent), Clemens Hoffman (University of Stirling), Marsha Henry (London School of Economics (LSE))
9:00am - 10:45am S36-05: Responsibility for UN Sustainable Development Goals Chair: Magdalena Bexell, Lund University Discussant: Nora Stappert, Gothenburg University
The Responsibility to Count. The SDG indicators and international organisations as Custodian Agencies Katja Freistein University Duisburg-Essen
(Sovereignty as) Responsibility for meeting the SDG Goal 3 Clare Wenham London School of Economics and Political Science
Neoliberalism and global development Lars Engberg-Pedersen Danish Institute for International Studies
The politics of SDG responsibility – a national level comparison of Sweden and Tanzania Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson Lund University
The responsibility of civil society for the Sustainable Development Agenda Gabriele Koehler1, Sir Richard Jolly2 1UNRISD Geneva, 2Institute of Development Studies
9:00am - 10:45am S38-05: National and transnational actors reshaping (in) security dynamics across MENA and the Sahara-Sahel Chair: Ruth Hanau Santini, Università L'Orientale Discussant: Francesco Strazzari, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies 70 of 148
A dangerous method: the failed inclusion of transnational actors in the Malian security governance Edoardo Baldaro Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
External actors and reforming security in Tunisia: questioning the newfound legitimacy of a State Giulia Cimini Università L'Orientale, Napoli
Heterarchical political orders and (in)security dynamics Ruth Hanau Santini Università L'Orientale, Napoli
9:00am - 10:45am S41-04: EU foreign and security policy in a Contested World Order: Normative contestation within and beyond the European Union Chair: Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués, Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, IBEI
Normative contestation regarding Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Emergent sovereigntism clashes with European values and policy paradigm Esther Barbé Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, IBEI
Transparency Requirements as a Threat to Sovereignty? How the Foreign Accountability Norm is Contested at Multilateral Institutions Martijn Vlaskamp Yale University and IBEI
Banal contestation? EU’s peacebuilding approach and patterns of EU-Africa relations Marta Iñiguez de Heredia Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, IBEI
The EU, the ICC and a Lifetime of Normative Contestation Gemma Collantes Celador Cranfield University
Rising Powers and Alternative Conceptions of Modernity Cord Jakobeit, Jörg Meyer Universität Hamburg, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am S43-05: Europe's Grand Strategy: A Return to Never, Never Land? Chair: Andrew Dorman, Chatham House
Strategic Functional Multilateralism: From theory to course of action on EU´s Foreign and Security Policy Anja Opitz Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, Germany
New security challenges : Austrian defence and security strategy as an alternative to the EU strategy? Laure Gallouet Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, France
The new EU Global Strategy: Building up new CSDP Capacities? Luis Eduardo Saraiva Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa & Instituto Universitário Militar, Portugal;
9:00am - 10:45am 71 of 148
S44-01: Challenges to the Contemporary Political Chair: Mathias Albert, Bielefeld University Discussant: Heikki Patomäki, University of Helsinki
(De-)Politicization and the Public Sphere
Linda Monsees Universität Bremen, Germany
European Integration Through Constitutional Patriotism and Habermasian Theory Melis Menent University of Sussex, Cyprus
The Cosmopolitan Challenge to Democracy Gerard Rosich University of Helsinki, Finland
The dilemma of world community: A new critique of neo-medievalism Iain Ferguson Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
What ‘Society’ Means in the ‘International Society’ Tradition? International Societies in a Troubled World Thiago Babo University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
9:00am - 10:45am
S45-03: Undermining hegemony Chair: Morten Skumsrud Andersen, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) Discussant: Julia Bader, University of Amsterdam
Undermining Hegemony in the Arctic: How Greenland, Iceland and the Faroese Islands exploit cracks in the liberal order Halvard Leira1, Rebecca Adler-Nissen2, Benjamin de Carvalho1 1NUPI, Norway; 2Institute of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Hollowing out Hegemony? The Logics of Goods Substitution, the United States, and Liberal Order Daniel Nexon1, Alexander Cooley2 1Georgetown University, United States of America; 2Barnard College, United States of America
Dealing with a Hegemon in Retreat: Balancing against a Revisionist United States Ville Sinkkonen Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Finland
Driving a Soft Bargain: A Theory of Hegemonic Ascendancy Michael Sampson University of Leiden, The Netherlands
9:00am - 10:45am S47-05: Technology, Networks and Patterns Chair: Ilan Manor, University of Oxford Discussant: Mark B. Salter, University of Ottawa
Molecular Technologies in World Politics
Stefan Elbe
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University of Sussex, UK
Digital Technologies and the Politics of Patterns Mareile Kaufmann Oslo University, Norway
Thr Algorithmic System in International Relations James H. Mittelman American University, United States of America
Security data-flows: governing digital data Rocco Bellanova, Marieke de Goede University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
9:00am - 10:45am S50-04: Visualizing peace and conflict: collective violence, trauma and transitional justice Chair: Alexander Spencer, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Discussant: Anna Geis, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
The Politics, Policy and Pedagogy of Visualizing Peace Alexander Spencer1, Stephan Engelkamp2, Kristina Roepstorff1 1Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany; 2King's College London
War and Peace on Russian Social Networks Elizaveta Gaufman University of Bremen, Germany
Making peace visible: colours in visual peace research Juha A. Vuori1, Guillaume T. Xavier2, Rune S. Andersen3 1University of Turku, Finland; 2University of Groeningen, Netherlands; 3University of Tampere, Finland
The road to peace? Visualising conflict as a tool for peacebuilding but not for dealing with the past in Timor-Leste Eva Ottendoerfer Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Documenting transitional justice: In the footsteps of the ICTY’s Outreach documentaries. Anastasia Kriachko Røren University of Oslo, Norway
11:15am - 1:00pm S01-06: Governance in Post-Foundational IR Chair: Maria Martin de Almagro, University of Cambridge Discussant: Christian Scheper, University of Duisburg-Essen
Haunting concepts—a ‘specter’-analysis of the nexus between peace, security, and development Richard Georgi University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Entangled Agency: Rethinking International Security in a Complex World Peter Finkenbusch University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
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The Discursive Operation of International Human Rights as Means and Ends of Governance: A Critical Post-Foundationalist Approach Laura Pantzerhielm1,2 1WZB Berlin Social Science Center; 2Freie Universität Berlin
After Failure - Experimenting with Non-Normative Alternatives to Statebuilding David Chandler University of Westminster, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S02-06: Grasping Foreign Policy Change Chair: Joe Dickerson Hagan, West Virginia University Discussant: James Scott, Texas Christian University
Role Socialisation and Brexit
Ryan Beasley1, Juliet Kaarbo2, Kai Oppermann3 1University of St Andrews, UK; 2University of Edinburgh, UK; 3University of Sussex, UK
Changing the diamond into the pivot ? A case study of shifting strategic parameters in Japan's foreign policy David Adebahr Kyoto University, Japan
Making Sense of (German) Foreign Policy: „Continuity“, „Change“ and other Familiar Language Games Gunther Hellmann Goethe University, Germany
Foreign Policy Change: the Role of National Identity, Interests and Institutios. The Case of Lithuania. Ieva Karpaviciute Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Bringing role theory to the study of foreign aid policy-making: How 'moral leadership' changed the game in the field of British aid Elena Sondermann University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
11:15am - 1:00pm S03-04: Roundtable: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Roundtable on States of Discipline: Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Contested Reproduction of Capitalist Order Chair: Victoria Basham, Cardiff University Presenter(s): Cemal Burak Tansel (University of Sheffield), Sébastien Rioux (Université de Montréal), Katharina Bodirsky (University of Konstanz), Ilona Steiler (University of Helsinki)
11:15am - 1:00pm S06-05: Framing Crisis and Change in Post-Soviet Space Chair: Marta Fernández, PUC-Rio Discussant: Abel Polese, Tallinn University
Using external crises to gain control: The case of Kazakhstan Paolo Sorbello University of Glasgow
Fighting the crisis together: Political framing of Eurasian integration in Kazakhstan 74 of 148
Aliya Tskhay OSCE Academy
Russian war on terror: how domestic affairs shape foreign policy Elena Zhirukhina University of St Andrews
In search of post-liberal cooperation: The impasse in Russia’s civilisational foreign policy Iain Ferguson Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg
Russian foreign policy towards Syria and its domestic repercussions: Russian political culture and citizens’ perception Daria Vorobyeva University of St Andrews
11:15am - 1:00pm
S07-06: The Politics of Torture Chair: Carmi Lecker, Independent Researcher
Why Torture When Torture Does Not Work? Orientalism, anti-Blackness and the Persistence of White Terror Melanie Richter-Monpetit University of Sheffield
Torture Fact-Finding: Methods, Data Generation, Analysis and Ethics Ruth Blakeley University of Sheffield
Reading the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture Lisa Stampnitzky University of Sheffield
11:15am - 1:00pm S08-06: Measuring Power in Global Politics Chair: Jaroslav Tir, University of Colorado Boulder
Gendered Rallies? Incumbent Voting in the Wake of Militarized Interstate Disputes Jaroslav Tir University of Colorado Boulder
Force “Cordon Bleu:” Military Force and Economic Sanctions T. Clifton Morgan, Cem Birol Rice University, United States of America
Exponential Capacity of Power and its Impact on Military Alliance Dynamics Nikoloz Gabriel Esitashvili, Felix Martin Florida International University, United States of America
Methods and Measuring Power in Global Politics Kelly Kadera University of Iowa, United States of America
11:15am - 1:00pm S09-06: New Approaches to Space, Culture, and Violence in World Politics: Insights from Popular Culture Chair: Charlotte Heath-Kelly, University of Warwick
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Militarized Masculinities, Political Violence and the ‘Epic Imagination’: an Audioovisual Aesthetic Approach Catherine Baker University of Hull
Videogames and Urban War: Towards City as Playground? Graeme Davies1, Nick Robinson1, Marcus Schulzke2 1University of Leeds, 2University of York
Visualizing the Other: An Analysis of Violent Imagery in Contemporary War Films Ryan O'Connor University of Leeds
Heroes vs. Villains: Geopolitics in the Age of the Superhero Georg Löfflmann, Julian Schmid University of Warwick
Playing Politics? The Spatialities of Videogame War Robert Young University of Leeds
11:15am - 1:00pm S10-06: Roundtable: Economic Nationalism? Emerging Powers in the New World Economy Chair: Sebastian Krapohl, University of Amsterdam Presenter(s): Laura Mahrenbach (Technical University of Munich), Joern-Carsten Gottwald (University of Bochum), Sebastian Krapohl (University of Amsterdam), Stefan Schirm (University of Bochum)
11:15am - 1:00pm S11-05: UN Reform and Great Power Politics Chair: Adrian Gallagher, University of Leeds Discussant: Charlotta Friedner Parrat, Uppsala University
Peaceful Change, Collective Security and UN Security Council Reform in an Age of Global Crises Takamitsu Hadano Durham University, UK
Hierarchy in Contemporary International Society. A Societal Approach to Hegemony Montserrat Pintado, Leire Moure University of the Basque Country, Spain
Revising The Status Quo Of Revisionism, Grand Strategy And International Order Onur Erpul Florida International University, United States of America
International society, world society and contact points: the case of UN targeted sanctions Francesco Giumelli1, Filippo Costa Buranelli2 1University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 2University of St Andrews, UK
International Taxation as International Society? Practical and Theoretical Implications of Harmonization Hans Friedrich Schmidt Washington State University, United States of America
11:15am - 1:00pm
S12-05: Ethical Knowledge and War Chair: Elke Schwarz, University of Leicester
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Reconciliation in Just War Theory and Transitional Justice Wolfgang Muno University of Mainz, Germany
Righteous Warriors: Cosmopolitans, Idealists and the Left Realist Alternative Paul Guy Dixon Kingston University, UK
Past truths, post-truth: The ethics of history politicization Noga Glucksam SOAS, UK
Emotions and War: Sources of Ethical Knowledge Ali Bond University of California, Berkeley, United States of America
11:15am - 1:00pm S13-04: Ethnographic Approaches to International Interventions: Problematising the Role of Academia Chair: Marsha Giselle Henry, LSE Discussant: Morten Bøås, NUPI
The Politics and Ethics of Fieldwork in Post-Conflict Environments John Heathershaw University of Exeter, UK
A different form of intervention: revisiting the role of researchers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Daniela Lai Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
The Fieldwork Industry Berit Bliesemann de Guevara Aberystwyth University, UK
Grassroots, helpless, ambiguous, ongoing, and utterly without absolution: the ethics of warzone field access Kali J Rubaii University of California, Santa Cruz, United States of America
The biopolitics of safe research in the dangerhood Alessandra Russo1, Francesco Strazzari2 1Sciences Po Bordeaux, France; 2NUPI - Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
11:15am - 1:00pm S16-04: New forms of diplomacy for a new world Chair: Steven J. Barela, University of Geneva Discussant: Andrea Calderaro, Cardiff University
New Forms of Diplomacy for a New World
Suddha Chakravarti, Jerome Duberry Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Visuality within New Forms of Global Regulative Governance 77 of 148
Julia Drubel Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany
The international in the digital age Carsten Baran
Security for whom? Internet governance through the World Summit on the Information Society Lilly Pijnenburg Muller Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway
11:15am - 1:00pm S19-06: International organisations and diplomacy Chair: Rebecca Adler-Nissen, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Rocco Bellanova, University of Amsterdam
Acting Like a State: Non-European Membership of International Organisations Ellen Ravndal Lund University, Sweden
Agents of Empire and the Making of a Post-colonial World Order Maja Spanu University of Cambridge, UK
Structural and functional changes of the foreign ministries in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries Didzis Klavins University of Latvia, Latvia
Creating the international - Practices of internationalism in the development of the secretariats of the League of Nations and the United Nations, 1919-1961 Marco Moraes University of Oxford, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S20-06: Liaison-office Diplomacy: Assessing Inter-organisational Institutionalization in Crises Chair: John Karlsrud, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) Discussant: Ingvild Bode, University of Kent
The EU’s delegation at the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR): debating its effectiveness Claudia Morsut Centre for Risk Management and Societal Safety SEROS, University of Stavanger, Norway
UN-EU cooperation: the UN Liaison Office for Peace and Security UNLOPS Chiara Giovanna Maria Pinardi Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy
EU-ASEAN cooperation: the Mission of the European Union to ASEAN Giulia Tercovich Warwick University & ULB, Belgium
The EU and crisis management: dynamics of change and stability among EU personnel Lorenzo Angelini Université libre de Bruxelles / REPI, Belgium
11:15am - 1:00pm 78 of 148
S21-05: International Law in Crisis: Language in Crisis Chair: Markus Gunneflo, Lund University Discussant: Sofia Stolk, VU Amsterdam
Opinio Juris and the Crisis of International Legal Normativity: A Discourse Analysis Olaf Tans Amsterdam University College / CePTL
Sexual Violence against Men in Armed Conflict and International Law: A Crisis in Differing Discourses Thomas Charman University of Edinburgh, UK
The Evidentiary Standard of Self-defence in International Law Jasmin Nessa University of Liverpool, UK
The Longevity of Punitivity in International Law and International Relations Wolfgang Wagner, Wouter Werner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11:15am - 1:00pm S24-06: The Foreign Policy of Muslim Majority Countries Chair: Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba'i University Discussant: Imène Ajala, University of Wollongong in Dubai
Recognition and Conflict in International Relations: A Cultural Explanation of the Saudi Intervention in Yemen May Darwich Durham University, UK
The Saudi – Iranian rivalry: Does religion matter? Vivi Kefala University of the Aegean, Greece
“Qatar. A model of Islamic diplomacy” Alberto Priego Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain
Indonesia and Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the 2000s: A Comparative Discourse Analysis Hadza Min Fadhli Robby1, Ramazan Erdağ2 1Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey; 2Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Islam as an Ideological Apparatus of Turkish Foreign Policy: Justice and Development Party (JDP) Case Bulent Ozcelik Ankara University, Turkey
11:15am - 1:00pm S26-03: Rethinking Citizenship and Community: limits and possibilities of humanitarianism Chair: Martin Philip Coward, University of Manchester
Tales of the Dispossessed: refugees, radicals, and the working poor Svetoslav Nenov
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Coventry University
The Visual Politics of Refugee 'Crisis': continuity, resistance and the way forward Carolina Moulin Instituto de Relações Internacionais - PUC Rio
Critically Examining Affective Solidarities in Response to Terrorist Events in Europe Angharad Closs Stephens Swansea University
Unresponsive Humanitarianism: reimagining home as an untranslatable community Reiko Shindo Coventry University
Migrants and Benevolent State Aggression: A Plea for Less Hypocritical Humanism Imed Ben Labidi Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, QA
11:15am - 1:00pm S27-05: Roundtable: Negotiating Divides in International Relations II Chair: Felix Roesch, Coventry University Presenter(s): Inanna Hamati-Ataya (Aberystwyth University), Lucian Ashworth (Memorial University), Richard Devetak (University of Queensland), Tom Lundborg (Swedish Institute of International Affairs), Michael Haas (University of Hawaii)
11:15am - 1:00pm S29-03: Pacifist Approaches to International Relations Chair: Jonathan Gilmore, Kingston University London
Losing my religion? Pacifist realism and the problem of immediate violence Jeremy Moses University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Rethinking Pacifism: cosmopolitanism from the margins. Helen Dexter University of Leicester, UK
The Wrong Kind of Nonviolence: Diversity of Tactics and Pacifism in Anti-Militarist Activism Chris Rossdale London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Why Civil Resistance Still Works Erica Chenoweth University of Denver, United States of America
11:15am - 1:00pm S30-05: Political Economy of Competition and Conflict Chair: Valentina Amuso, Durham University Discussant: Jan Aart Scholte, University of Gothenburg
Global Governance sans Formal Governance: Lessons from the Globalization of Competition Laws Raju Parakkal Philadelphia University, United States of America
Explaining diverging pathways in the international regulation of competition policy and public procurement 80 of 148
Ivo Krizic University of Geneva, Switzerland
The selection of Foreign Trade Barriers for WTO litigation Sven Van Kerckhoven1,2 1Vesalius College/ Vrije Universiteit Brussels; 2Centre For Global Governance Studies/ KULeuven
The distributional impacts of the economic globalization. Christopher Andrés Salazar Cortés University of Barcelona, Spain
11:15am - 1:00pm S31-06: Legitimacy, effectiveness and accountability of regional and global governance institutions; Chair: Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, University of Granada
IOs and Peer Pressure: An Examination of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Ruth Ben-Artzi Providence College, United States of America
Permanent Peoples’ Tribunals and the (De)legitimation of Global Governance Institutions Catia Gregoratti Lund University, Sweden
The Anti-Mercenary Norm and United Nations’ Use of Private Military and Security Companies Oldrich Bures, Jeremy Meyer Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic
Legitimacy and effectiveness of the EU management of the migration crisis Fulvio Attina University of Catania, Italy
11:15am - 1:00pm S34-05: Roundtable: Historicising Concepts Beyond Conceptual History? Chair: Maj Grasten, Copenhagen Business School Presenter(s): Vivienne Jabri (King’s College London), Oliver Kessler (University of Erfurt), Benjamin Herborth (University of Groningen), Felix Berenskoetter (SOAS)
11:15am - 1:00pm S38-06: Theorising agency beyond the state Chair: Ilona Baumane-Vitolina, University of Latvia Discussant: Luca Raineri, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
A Constructivist Critique of Realism’s State-Centrism: The Case of Collective Security in the Arab League Ahmed Ali Salem Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Methodological Challenges of Globalization to the Westphalian Thinking within IR Boryana Aleksandrova Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
Rethinking Group Persons in IR: Applying Carol Rovane’s Conception of Personhood Nikolay Nikolaevich Gudalov
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Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
What is austerity? Troika’s intervention in Portugal. António Leitão Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
11:15am - 1:00pm S39-01: International Relations Theory and the Anthropocene Chair: Suvi Alt, University of Groningen Discussant: Rens van Munster, DIIS
Who Will Form the Anthropocene?
John Dryzek, Jonathan Pickering University of Canberra, Australia
Remembering the Holocene: IR and the Anthropocene turn Franziska Müller University of Kassel, Germany
Inside/Outside & Around: International Relations as Ecological Narrative Emilian Kavalski Australian Catholic University, Australia
The Problem of Natural Resources in the Anthropocene Ashley Harriman Dodsworth University of Bristol, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S42-04: Conceptions of Justice in EU Foreign Policy (GLOBUS IV) Chair: Pundy Pillay, University of the Witwatersrand
Justice in foreign policy: the case of the EU
Helene Sjursen University of Oslo, Norway
Multilateral Politics in the Pursuit of Global Climate Justice Katie Verlin Laatikainen Adelphi University, United States of America
Six forms of global justice claims Thomas Diez, Bettina Ahrens University of Tuebingen, Germany
Justice claims in the EU migration system: from discourses to practices (and back?) Michela Ceccorulli1, Enrico Fassi2 1University of Bologna; 2Catholic University Milan
Justice and the EU's Security Strategy Nikola Tomic, Ben Tonra University College Dublin
11:15am - 1:00pm S43-06: A New Great Game? Russia and European Security Chair: Mark Webber, University of Birmingham
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Russian foreign policy and the mobilisation of humiliation Tom Casier Kent University
Anything new in Russian foreign policy? A focus on material factors and ideas Maria Raquel Freire Coimbra University
The Russian Quest for Ontological Security: The Role of the Kosovo Crisis for the Reconstruction of Russia’s post-Soviet National Identity Jonas Gejl Pedersen Aarhus University
Between past, present and prediction: the case of Russian justification of peacebuilding efforts Johanna Ohlsson Uppsala University
Strategic Deterrence, Regime Security, or Status Seeking? Explaining Russia’s Nuclear Brinkmanship Elias Götz Uppsala University
The EU’s Global Strategy: Grand Strategy or Introspective Approach? María Ángeles Alaminos Hervás Universidad Internacional de Valencia, Spain
11:15am - 1:00pm S46-03: Roundtable: The Role of Professional Associations Beyond the Ivory Tower Chair: Simon Rushton, University of Sheffield Presenter(s): Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University), Maria Mälksoo (University of Kent), Christian Bueger (Cardiff University)
11:15am - 1:00pm
S47-06: Technology and Cyberspace Chair: Carolin Kaltofen, University College London Discussant: Linda Monsees, Universtiät Bremen
Cyberspace as metaphor: balancing the internal and external perspective Lianne Boer VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
National Security, Big Data and the Ontopolitics of Pre-crime Peter Mantello Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Technological Discourses as Proxies for Political Struggles: The Case of Cyber-Securitization Laura Fichtner Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
The Ontological Politics of Cyber Security Tobias Liebetrau, Kristoffer Christensen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
What does the cloud do to security? Andreas Baur-Ahrens University of Tübingen, Germany
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11:15am - 1:00pm S48-02: Educational diplomacy II: Science, IR and geopolitics Chair: Mieke (M.T.A.) Lopes Cardozo, University of Amsterdam; Discussant: Mario Novelli, University of Sussex
Academic/diplomatic encounters: Research diplomacy in times of crises Thomas Biersteker1, Felix Grenier1, Marina Lebedeva2, Yulia Nikitina2 1Graduate Institute, Switzerland; 2MGIMO, Russia
Education and Science as Sources of Power for States in International Relations Anna Wojciuk University of Warsaw, Poland
Socially Engineering the Cosmopolitan Subject? Why International Relations should care about Global Citizenship Education April Renee Biccum Australian National University, Australia
Broading perspectives in International Development Studies Joost Monks NORRAG, Switzerland
11:15am - 1:00pm S50-05: Gender, bodies, and emotions: images and imaginations in times of crisis Chair: Anna Geis, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg Discussant: Eric Sangar, FNRS / University of Namur
The Humanity Politics of Picturing “the Refugee Crisis” Noora Kotilainen University of Helsinki, Finland
The Beauty and The Beast: Securitizing Images of Queer Bodies (in Pain) Dean Robert Cooper-Cunningham University of St Andrews, UK
The Moral Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid: Visual Representation in Humanitarian Imagery and its Implications Kamila Qeytqam Suchomel Anglo-American University, Czech Republic
Off camera. How photographic representation of Melilla’s border are framing perceptions on borders and mobility: a gender focus Lorenzo Gabrielli GRITIM - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
2:30pm - 4:15pm S01-07: From Foucault to Latour: Politics and Critique in the Anthropocene Chair: Cristina Masters, University of Manchester Discussant: Kai Koddenbrock, University of Duisburg-Essen
Agamben's Genealogy of Government and its Implications for Critique Gideon Baker Griffith University, Australia
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How to get at domination? Decolonising Latour’s politics of the collective Doerthe Rosenow Oxford Brookes University, UK
The emergence of nature as political subject: Potentials of the Anthropocene for anti-essentialist ontology Aysem Mert University of Freiburg, Germany
From Observation to Critique? Rethinking Critical Perspectives with Niklas Luhmann Florian Edelmann Aberystwyth University
2:30pm - 4:15pm S02-07: Explaining (Non-)Military Interventions Chair: Balkan Devlen, Izmir University of Economics
Changing Channels: Non-Democratic Regime Conditions and the Allocation of US Democracy Assistance, 1990-2010 James Scott, Ralph Carter Texas Christian University, United States of America
Framing National Interest: How Media Discourses Influence Western Policy Agendas Towards Foreign Armed Conflicts Patrice Wangen European University Institute, Italy
Interplay between reputation building and outside intervention: The Turkish Case in Syria Aysegul Sever Marmara University, Turkey
Why has the European Union and the African Union involved themselves in Peace Operations? Gorm Rye Olsen Roskilde University, Denmark
The normative impact of EU foreign and security policies in the Middle East: The cases of Egypt and Tunisia Cengiz Günay, Sherin Gharib Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austria
2:30pm - 4:15pm S03-07: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Populisms Chair: Katharina Bodirsky, University of Konstanz
Is Brexit Free Market or Anti-Free Market?: Explaining the Split Among British Neoliberals Adam Harmes University of Western Ontario, Canada
‘Before, we were ruled by the law:’ Legal discourses of dissent in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Jenny Barrett King's College London, UK
Rising Tide of Neoliberal Authoritarianism and Conservative Populism in Turkey 85 of 148
Cemil Boyraz Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Race and the logic of radicalisation under neoliberalism Cameron Maxwell Stockley Smith Macquarie University, Australia
2:30pm - 4:15pm S04-07: Culture and practice in security policy: Two sides of the same coin? Chair: Marta Iñiguez de Heredia, Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
Rethinking Strategic Culture: Epistemic Communities, Discursive Institutionalism and Computational Research Agenda Tamir Libel IBEI
Borders, bordering and (in)security Kathryn Marie Fisher College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University
‘Comprehensive security’ and the evolution of security policy in Russia Anna-Liisa Heusala Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki
Practices of security and the militarisation of peacebuilding Marta Iñiguez de Heredia IBEI
The Emerging Western Practices of Countering Hybrid Warfare Maria Mälksoo Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent
2:30pm - 4:15pm S07-07: Representations of the Enemy in Contemporary Western Wars Chair: Mathias Delori, CNRS
From ‘Going for Mr. Big’ to killing Bin Laden. Enemies, targeted killing and the wars on drugs and terror Eva Herschinger; University of Aberdeen
Framing individuals into Human Intelligence sources: a sociological analysis of military internment during the “global war on terrorism” Christophe Wasinski Université Libre de Bruxelles
Enmity, War and the Problematization of Violence under Political Modernity Philippe Bonditti Université Catholique de Lille
2:30pm - 4:15pm S07-14: Roundtable: Resisting Militarism Through Activist-Academic Practice: Reflections on Conference at the Gates and Beyond Chair: Chris Rossdale, London School of Economics and Political Science Presenter(s): Aggie Hirst (City, University of London), Kerem Nisancioglu (SOAS), Anna Stavrianakis (University of Sussex), Julia Welland (University of Warwick)
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S08-01: Roundtable: Dimensions of Power in Global Politics: Contending Perspectives Chair: Beate Jahn, University of Sussex Presenter(s): Bob Vitalis (University of Pennsylvania), Ayse Zarakol (Cambridge University), Cynthia Weber (University of Sussex), JP Singh (University of Edinburgh), Ted Hopf (National University of Singapore)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S08-07: Social and/of Power in Global Politics Chair: Theodore Hopf, National University of Singapore Discussant: Jutta Weldes, University of Bristol
Power and Social Construction in Global Politics
J. Samuel Barkin University of Massachusetts, Boston
What’s in a Name?: Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan National Role Conceptions and the Power of Identity Cameron Thies1, Inaki Sagarzazu2 1Arizona State University, United States of America; 2Texas Tech University, United States of America
Memories of trauma and the construction of power Karin Fierke University of St. Andrews
Rhetorical power: The perniciousness of the other soft power of framing – losing voices in the rhetoric of rights and climate change Brooke Ackerly Vanderbilt University
Power to the Guanxi? China’s relational productive power Lina Benabdallah University of Florida, United States of America
2:30pm - 4:15pm S09-07: Rethinking Urban Spaces of Violence Chair: Keith Krause, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Understanding the Grammar of the City: Urban Safety and Peacebuilding Practice through a Semiotic Lens Jonathan Luke Austin, Oliver Juetersonke Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Gangland Terra Nullius: Violence, territoriality, and the spaces of peacebuilding in urban Nicaragua Dennis Rodgers University of Amsterdam
Urban safety and crime prevention: architectural perspectives from Quito and Guayaquil Cyntia Paulina Lopez Rueda, Luna Cara Universidad Internacional SEK
Towards people-centred urban development Achim Wennmann Graduate Institute of International Development Studies
2:30pm - 4:15pm S09-13: Dislocating Geopower: The Elements of Space Chair: Marie Thorsten, Doshisha University
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Liquid Territory: Commons, State Power and the Jurisprudence of Marine Appropriation Costas M. Constantinou, Maria Hadjimichael University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Other spaces and the death of the international Tom Lundborg Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden
World Heritage in Conflict: Sites and Sources of Value in Global Politics Elif Kalaycioglu University of Minnesota, United States of America
“Spaces of Injury”: the (Un)Moral Construction of Symbolic Space(s) and Time(s) Andrea Pavón Guinea, Teresa Laporte University of Navarra, Spain
Landscapes of secrecy in Sahara-Sahel counter-terrorism Oliver Kearns University of Edinburgh, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S10-07: New Strategies and Concepts in Emerging Powers' Foreign Policies? Chair: Laura Mahrenbach, Bavarian School of Public Policy Discussant: Roman Novak, Ruhr University Bochum
Whose Global Governance? Explaining the Evolution of Russia’s Approach to Global Governance, 1945-2016 Kazushige Kobayashi Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Emerging Powers in Global Governance: Constructing a New Consensus? Tom Chodor Monash University, Australia
South-South Cooperation: unintended balancing against traditional development donors? Lars Thomann Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy
Shallow Regionalism: The Inflation of Regional Institutions in Africa and South America Sebastian Krapohl University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2:30pm - 4:15pm S14-04: Roundtable on Emotions and IR Scholars: Towards a Feeling Discipline Chair: Michelle Pace, Roskilde University Presenter(s): Linda Åhäll (Keele University), Lisa Stampnitzky (University of Sheffield), Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S17-07: Roundtable: Global Health Politics Film 'Pili': Part 1 Chair: Sophie Harman, Queen Mary University of London Presenter(s): Toni Haastrup Haastrup (University of Kent), Holly Ryan (Manchester Metropolitan University), Graham Harrison (University of Sheffield)
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S18-04: Non-State Actors in the Climate Debate Chair: Jean Foyer, CNRS Discussant: Stefan Aykut, University of Hamburg
Think Local, Act Global: Connecting Local Actors to International Climate Negotiations Aja Jacqueline Binette Temple University, United States of America
Transnational grassroots networks bringing territorial security back into the debate: from climate opportunism to the post-2015 agenda Emilie Dupuits University of Geneva, Switzerland
Accountability of Transnational Climate Governance: What Role for MRV Actions? Laura Iozzelli Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Has business really changed? The never-ending narrative of business climatization Nils Moussu University of Lausanne, Switzerland
2:30pm - 4:15pm
S19-07: Historiography and the globe Chair: Vassilios Paipais, University of St Andrews Discussant: Atsuko Watanabe, The University of Warwick
‘I’m Going Through Changes’: The Functionalist Approach in IR and the Lack of Social Change and Historical Studies Thiago Babo University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Re-Inventing the Contemporary Historical Order: Chinese IR Debates Nele Noesselt University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Historical Evolution of Regional Studies Ieva Karpaviciute Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
The Obfuscation of the East African Campaign; Controlling British Narratives and British Knowledge of the First World War Charlotte Catherine Botfield Aberystwyth University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S20-01: Multinational crisis management: coordination or competition? Chair: Claudia Morsut, Centre for Risk Management and Societal Safety University of Stavanger Norway Discussant: Katja Lindskov Jacobsen, Copenhagen University
Multinational rapid response forces: Past Promises and Future Prospects Yf Reykers1, John Karlsrud2 1Leuven International and European Studies, KU Leuven, 2NUPI
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NATO’s Response Force: More than an expensive tool for transformation? Jens Ringsmose1, Sten Rynning2 1Royal Danish Defence Academy, 2Centre for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark
Synergies between EU, UN, OSCE in conflict prevention and peacebuilding Hylke Dijkstra Maastricht University
Shared knowledge, shared practice? Cooperation and competition in EU-NATO relations Nina Graeger Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway
The Role of Member States in Interorganisational Interaction in Military Crisis Management Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters University of Kent, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S21-06: International Law in Crisis: Discipline in Crisis Chair: Jasmin Nessa, University of Liverpool Discussant: Tanja Aalberts, VU Amsterdam
Crisis/theory Geoffrey Gordon T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Netherlands
International Relations Theory and the Legacy of Critical Legal Studies Philip Liste Universität Hamburg, Germany
The impact of international law on politics: the ICC in crisis Marco Moraes University of Oxford, UK
Writing about International Law in Dark Times Fuad Zarbiyev Graduate Institute of International Studies, Switzerland
2:30pm - 4:15pm S22-07: Responses to Refugee Crises from the Local to the European Levels Chair: Ariadna Ripoll Servent, University of Bamberg
A collective sigh of relief: local responses to the “refugee crisis” Susanne Bygnes University of Bergen, Norway
The 'volunteering' of asylum seekers in Italy Martina Pasqualetto Cà Foscari University - Venice, Italy
Humanitarian Acts of Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees Janina Pescinski United Nations University, Spain
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Overcoming borders: The Europeanization of Civil Society Activism in the ‘Refugee Crisis’ Katharina Crepaz1,2 1Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Germany; 2Technical University of Munich, Germany
EU Foreign Policy during the “Refugee Crisis”: A Poststructuralist Account Zeynep Arkan Tuncel Hacettepe University, Turkey
2:30pm - 4:15pm
S23-06: Securing markets Chair: Romain Felli, University of Lausanne
The cost of security Nina Boy PRIO, Germany
Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk: Security Cultures at the Bank of England Before and after the Global Financial Crisis. John Hogan Morris University College London, UK
Securing the nation: Making sense of austerity imaginaries in post-crisis life Liam Stanley University of Sheffield, UK;
Elements of the neoliberal way of war: An IPES approach to British security policy and practice Ben Whitham De Montfort University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm
S24-07: Islam and the West Chair: Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts Lowell Discussant: Hanna Pfeifer, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg;
Contemporary European statecraft and Muslim Citizens Nadya Ali University of Sussex, UK
Islam in the west: critical approaches in disrupting islamophobia and radicalization Javier Ruipérez Canales Euro-Arab Foundations for Higher Studies, Spain
Islam in Western Studies: Ernest Renan, "Al Afghâni", Louis Massignon and the complexity of a confrontation in a global history perspective Angela Kahil USEK, Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
Religion and the Corporate State: When Theories of State Personhood Enter the World of Islamic Finance Saba Sana Kareemi Current: Qatar University; Former: University of Toronto
Perspectives from Islamic Organizations in France and Great Britain on International Relations 91 of 148
Imène AJALA University of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2:30pm - 4:15pm S25-05: Understanding Ocean and Littoral Governance Chair: Joao Piedade, Instituto Universitário Militar Discussant: Mariann Riddervold, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Guardianship of the Oceans: A holistic approach to maritime security. Rachel Butler Massey University, New Zealand
Maritime issues after UNCLOS - A brief analysis in a cooperative perspective Daniele Dionisio da Silva1, Monah Marins P. Carneiro2 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2Escola de Guerra Naval, Marinha do Brasil
Ocean Governance Hybridity: A Case Study of the Arctic, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Patricia Schneider, Sybille Reinke de Buitrago Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH), Germany
Security at Portuguese sea and its connection with West Africa and Latin America José António Passos Palmeira University of Minho, Portugal
2:30pm - 4:15pm S27-02: Writing the history of international theory – new approaches and methodologies Chair: Chris Brown, London School of Economics
The long waves of international scholarship Torbjørn L. Knutsen Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Rewriting the history of international thought: intellectual history, origins and missing voices Lucian M. Ashworth Memorial University of Newfoundland
Perpetual problems in International Relations? British pluralism and the discourse on democracy 1919-1950 Leonie Holthaus Technische Universität Darmstadt
Postcolonialism as a grand theory Felix Berenskoetter SOAS, University of London
Discursive shifts in international relations theory Hartmut Behr1, Marcus Müller2, Jens Steffek2 1Newcastle University, 2Technische Universität Darmstadt
2:30pm - 4:15pm S29-04: Violence, Intervention and Civilian Protection Chair: Hannah Partis-Jennings, University College Dublin
Pacifism in Practice: Responsibility for Structural Injustice in the Face of Atrocity Crimes Andreas Papamichail University of St Andrews, UK
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Strong Weak States: Post-liberal Sovereignty in the Global South Jan Pospisil University of Edinburgh, UK
The Responsibility to Protect: A Call to Managing Expectations Adrian Gallagher University of Leeds, UK
To Protect or to Respect Human Life? A Critical Review of the Mexican Drug War Evelyne Tauchnitz European University Institute, Florence, Italy
2:30pm - 4:15pm S30-06: Politics and Society in Economic Governance Chair: Pablo Alonso-Rodriguez, Banco de España - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) Discussant: Raju Parakkal, Philadelphia University
Populism and Republican Political Thought Steven Slaughter Deakin University, Australia
"El ejército del pueblo”: from conflict to external funding Catarina Milhais Gonçalves IPRI/FCSH, Portugal
The status of the European Union in the United Nations in the light of the EU's economic and political role in this organization. Joanna Katarzyna Starzyk-Sulejewska University of Warsaw, Poland
2:30pm - 4:15pm S34-06: ‘After the Globe, before the World’? Inquiring Narratives of the Post-International Chair: R.B.J. Walker, University of Victoria
We Have Never Been Modern-International Friederike Kuntz Visiting Research Fellow at SFB&TRR 138 “Dynamics of Security” at Philipps-University Marburg & Justus-LiebigUniversity Gießen
Welcome in-/-to the World: Eradicating the Enemy and Closing the Outside? Philippe Bonditti ESPOL, Université Catholique de Lille
Lost Futures, Lost Worlds: (Central) Europe and ‘the (Post) International’ Benjamin Tallis Institute of International Relations, Prague
Haunting Specters of the Political: The Life of the International after its Death Janis Grzybowski ESPOL, Université Catholique de Lille
2:30pm - 4:15pm S35-04: Remote Control: histories and practices Chair: Lauren Michele Gould, Utrecht University Discussant: Georg Frerks, Utrecht University
Remote interventionism and assemblage analytics
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Jolle Demmers Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Experimental Air Power: Early Drone Programs and Colonial Intervention in Iraq Katharine Kindervater Dartmouth College, United States of America
Rethinking Civil-Military Relations: The Role of Foreign Military Training in Africa Christopher Day College of Charleston, United States of America
Should we stay or should we go? Examining remote management strategies in humanitarianism Janine Bressmer Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
2:30pm - 4:15pm S36-06: Responsibility in Global Politics: Peace and Security Chair: Viktor Friedmann, Budapest Metropolitan University Discussant: Péter Marton, Corvinus University of Budapest
Relational and functional models of sharing responsibility for peace in China-US relations Viktor Friedmann Budapest Metropolitan University
The "small shareholders:" Explaining salient contributions by the comparatively small members of international coalitions Péter Marton Institute of International Studies, Corvinus University, Budapest
Two models of responsibility grounding the "Responsibility to Protect": complementarity or contradiction? Erna Burai Central European University
Great Powers, Responsibility and the Future of International Society Jamie Gaskarth University of Birmingham
Burden-Sharing for Peace Support Operations and the Motives of NATO's Newcomer Allies: Seeking Security or Status? Eoin Micheál McNamara University of Tartu
2:30pm - 4:15pm S37-02: Looking back but seeing beyond: The Impact of 1989 in Global Governance Dilemmas Chair: Harald Wydra, University of Cambridge Discussant: Jan van der Harst, University of Groningen
30 years on: Is Europe prepared for the end of the post-cold war order? Thomas Henökl University of Agder (UiA), Norway ; Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Germany
ASEAN & Regional Integration in the Trump Era of Increasing U.S.-China Competition: Implications for EU Policy-Making & Diplomacy in Southeast Asia Pek Koon Heng
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American University, United States of America
Impact of the EU Eastern enlargement on the development of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). Ida Musialkowska Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
Drawing lessons from the Yugoslav debt crisis: Neoliberalisation of crisis policy within asymetrical state power structures Ana Podvrsic University Villetaneuse-Paris 13; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Security Force Defections during the Collapse of the Soviet Union Alexei Anisin Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
2:30pm - 4:15pm S38-07: Victims and experts in international politics: dynamics of knowledge production, representation and empowerment (II) Chair: Eva Ottendoerfer, Goethe-University Frankfurt
‘Then he realised the other one was a victim, too.’ How competing victimhood constructions in Cambodia’s Transitional Justice process impact reconciliation. Timothy Williams University of Marburg
The Promise and Practice of Victim Reparations in International Criminal Justice Christoph Sperfeldt Australian National University
Hierarchies of victimhood in victim reparation programs Jemima Garcia-Godos University of Oslo
Trial and (potential) error: The transforming regime on reparations at the ICC Manon Bax, Alina Balta Tilburg Law School
2:30pm - 4:15pm S40-02: Scandalous Economics of Peace/Conflict Flows Chair: Marsha Giselle Henry, LSE Discussant: Dan Öberg, Swedish Defense University
Arts, Wars, Markets
Aida Arfan Hozic, Kokila Mendis University of Florida, United States of America
The Housing Market in Crisis – Austria and the Republic of Ireland Stefanie Wöhl University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria
The Politics of Migration and Global Trumpism: A Feminist Political Economy Approach to European Free Movement of People Nicole Renee Lindstrom1, Owen Parker2 1University of York, UK; 2University of Sheffield, UK
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S42-05: Justice and the ‘refugee crisis’: the EU, migration and its contestants (GLOBUS V) Chair: Thomas Diez, EISA
The Sea as Humanitarian Space. Non-Governmental Search and Rescue Dilemmas on the Central Mediterranean Migratory Route Eugenio Cusumano Leiden University
Injustice for all? Exploring the ethical implications of EU policy responses to the refugee ‘crisis’ in the context of Greece Lena Karamanidou Glasgow Caledonian University
Legitimacy and effectiveness of the EU management of the migration crisis Fulvio Attinà University of Catania
Justice and mobility in the new European logistics Giorgio Grappi University of Bologna
The UK’s piecemeal approach to migration and its relationships with global justice. Antonio Zotti1,2 1Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy; 2Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
2:30pm - 4:15pm S43-07: Military Adaptation or a Case of Putting One's head in the Sand? Chair: David Dunn, University of Birmingham
Learning in War: Organisational Learning in the British and German Armies Tom Dyson Royal Holloway College, University of London, UK
Brexit: What Impact on Armaments Cooperation in the EU Defence Field? Antonio Calcara LUISS University "Guido Carli", Italy
A Window of Vulnerability: British defence and security policy in a post-Brexit, Trump world Andrew Dorman King's College London
Bridging the Capability-Expectations Gap in the EU: Smart Weapons, Dual-use Technologies, and the Case of Hybrid Drones Raluca Csernatoni Charles University, Czech Republic
The European Commission in Drone Community: towards a European policy framework? Chantal Lavallée Université de Montréal, Canada
2:30pm - 4:15pm S44-02: Engaging with IPT through the Work of Chris Brown I Chair: Mathias Albert, Bielefeld University
IPT - Reflections on the Work of Chris Brown 96 of 148
Anthony Lang University of St Andrews
Humanity and International Political Theory Henry Radice LSE
Practical Reason and Selective Humanitarianism: Inconsistent, or incoherent? Nicholas Rengger University of St Andrews
(Non)intervention in Inter-Polity Relations. Rethinking the Link between Sovereignty and Nonintervention in IR Theory Christelle Rigual Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
2:30pm - 4:15pm S46-04: Roundtable: The Role of Professional Associations in Responding to the Changing Higher Education Landscape Chair: Richard Whitman, University of Kent Presenter(s): Stefania Panebianco (University of Catania), Nick Robinson (University of Leeds), Zlatko Sabic (University of Ljubljana), Daniela Irrera (University of Catania)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S47-07: Technology, Decision and Authority Chair: Stephan Scheel, Goldsmiths, University of London Discussant: Marijn Hoijtink, VU University
Emerging technologies and institutional fragmentation: the cases of geoengineering and synthetic biology Florian Rabitz Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
ICTs, cognitive biases and global decision-making processes Jerome Duberry Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Superior Responsibility over Killer Robots and a Genealogy of Control Ioannis Kalpouzos City, University of London, UK
Technology, Big Data and Security Politics Susanne Fischer Universität der Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
2:30pm - 4:15pm S48-03: Educational diplomacy III: International cooperation between higher education institutions Chair: Kerstin Martens, University of Bremen Discussant: Thomas Biersteker, Graduate Institute, Geneva
A different underlying logic of ‘Normative Power Europe’ in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Education Process Que Anh Dang University of Bristol, UK
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Bahrain’s distinctive approach to cross-border trade of educational services: benefits within its borders but not beyond? Aneta Hayes, Sally Findlow Keele University, UK
European Governance of Education. The Bologna Process – a regional strategy for global supremacy? Katja Brøgger Aarhus University, Denmark
Liaisons Dangereuses in the emerging cross-border labour market for professional services? Eva Hartmann Copenhagen Business School
The rationales behind transnational higher education: Student training or draining? Antonina Levatino INED - Institut National d'Études Démographiques - France, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Spain
4:45pm - 6:30pm S01-08: Rethinking Inclusive Peacebuilding Chair: Nicolas Lemay-Hebert, University of Birmingham Discussant: Maria Martin de Almagro, University of Cambridge
Peacekeeping and Governance Feminism
Philip Cunliffe University of Kent, UK
“This is a forest, is a shelter, is arable land” - Land-use governance and the Colombian peace process Markus Lederer, Linda Wallbott Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Local-International Relations and the Recalibration of Peacebuilding Interventions. Insights from Bougainville and Sierra Leone Volker Boege1, Patricia Rinck2, Tobias Debiel2 1University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
National troubles, local peace? The paradox of ‘reconciliation’ in post-conflict Côte d’Ivoire Giulia Piccolino Loughborough University, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S02-08: Novel Theoretical Approaches in Foreign Policy Analysis Chair: Gorm Rye Olsen, Roskilde University Discussant: Tuomas Forsberg, University of Tampere
Comparing Feminist Foreign Policy Frames
Annick T.R. Wibben1, Annika Bergman Rosamond2 1University of San Francisco, United States of America; 2Lund University, Sweden
FPA meets Bourdieu: Towards a Field Theory of Foreign Policy Making Alexander Graef University of St. Gallen/National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation
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French foreign policy: practicing grandeur Pernille Rieker NUPI, Norway
Is it Friendship? Exploring the Nature and Status of German-Israeli Relations Felix Sebastian Berenskoetter1, Mor Mitrani2 1SOAS, University of London, UK; 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Measuring Performance of the EU’s interregional approach towards other regional entities around the world Joren Selleslaghs Leiden University, The Netherlands
4:45pm - 6:30pm S03-06: Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Northern and Central Africa Chair: Roy Karadag, University of Bremen
Authoritarian Neoliberalism for Neoliberal Authoritarianism? Limits to Democratisation in Neoliberal Egypt Roberto Roccu King's College London, UK
Egypt’s 2011 Revolution: Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Popular Resistance Sara Salem University of Warwick, UK
Neoliberal Feminism and Authoritarian Governance in Rwanda Katherine Allison University of Glasgow, UK
Governing the Other's Self-Regulation: Northern European Cultural Institution and Politics of Labor and Identity in Cairo Ilka Eickhof University of Amsterdam/Netherlands-Flemish Institute Cairo, Egypt
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S04-08: Practices of War and Peace Chair: Thomas Henökl, University of Agder (UiA) Discussant: Niklas Bremberg, Swedish Institute of International Affairs/Uppsala University
Elements of a theory of democratic peace (as a cultural practice) Jorg Kustermans University of Antwerp, Belgium
Implementing international norms in a dilemmatic situation: How do international practices evolve in the field of reparations for victims of war? Eva Ottendoerfer Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
O Power Where Art Thou? Practices & Global Standards in the Field of Electoral Assistance Eva Diana Chantal Johais Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Germany
Diplomacy's Ascendancy - Practices, influence and the rise of China's Diplomats 99 of 148
Dylan Loh1,2 1The University of Cambridge, UK; 2Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
4:45pm - 6:30pm S07-08: Evaluating the changing role of history in conflict discourses in an age of collective memory fragmentation Chair: Eric Sangar, FNRS / University of Namur
Fighting Inhuman Enemies: The historical and political impacts of dehumanisation in warfare Noga Glucksam SOAS, University of London
The Imperial Wound of Memory: US Foreign Policy, Use of Force and the Shootings at Kent State Mark Laffey SOAS, University of London
‘Support the troops, bring them home!’: The paradoxical links between nationalist commemoration, militarisation, and resistance to Western ‘wars of choice’ Paul Dixon Kingston University
The Use of Collective Memory in the Transatlantic Alliance Sarah Sporys Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
4:45pm - 6:30pm S07-09: New Directions in Critical Military Studies Chair: Julia Welland, University of Warwick
Critical military studies in practice: participatory research with military institutions Rachel Woodward1, Antonia Dawes2, Tim Edmunds2, Paul Higate2, K. Neil Jenkings1 1Newcastle University, UK, UK; 2University of Bristol
Enabling militarism? The inclusion of disabled soldiers in the Israeli military James Eastwood Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Researching the Rear-Echelon: Conceptual Challenges and Payoffs of Writing About “Non-Combat” Soldiers Joanna Tidy University of Sheffield, UK
Queering Civil-Military Relations: Support for the Military and the Repeal of DADT Katharine Millar London School of Economics, UK
‘I’m only ten but I’m ready for war!’ Affective investments in militarisation Rhys Jon Crilley University of Warwick, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S07-15: Gendered and Imperial Intersections in Couterterrorism and Counterinsurgency Chair: Audrey Reeves, University of Bristol
Bodily vulnerability in perpetual Imperial wars Lisa Wnek
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University of Florida
The Necropolitics of Information Warfare: the sieges of Fallujah as a case study Ross Caputi University of Massachusetts
Comparison and Relationality in the Global War on Terror Kali J Rubaii University of California, Santa Cruz
Gendered discourses of counterinsurgency Hannah West University of Bath, UK
YouTube’s "Military Dads” and the gendering of US military practices in counterinsurgency Rebecca Elizabeth Selberg, Amin Parsa Lund University, Sweden
4:45pm - 6:30pm S08-08: Seeing Dimensions of Power and Hierarchy Chair: Jessica Auchter, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Crafting Power: Creatively Empowered Caron E Gentry St. Andrews
War Beyond the Human Lauren Wilcox University of Cambridge, UK
Whiteness as International Moral Power after Decolonization: Power, Race, and the “Ends of Man,” 1964-1974 Jimmy Casas Klausen Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Islamic Radicalization: What, How, Why L.H.M Ling, Ebby Abramson The New School
4:45pm - 6:30pm S09-08: Roundtable: The Urban and the International: Situating Cities in World Politics This roundtable will be organised in an interactive question and answer format. Chair: Kyle Grayson, Newcastle University Presenter(s): Martin Coward (University of Manchester), Elisabetta Brighi (University of Westminster), João Nogueira (PUC-Rio), Simon Curtis (University of East Anglia)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S10-08: Global Economic and Security Policy of Emerging Powers Chair: Sebastian Krapohl, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Aukje van Loon, Ruhr University Bochum
Brazil’s Participation In Un Peace Missions: Reflections And Motivation On The Articulation Between Brazilian External Policy And Defence Policy Mauro Cid
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Meira Mattos Institute - Brazilian Army Command and Staff College, Brazil
Non-Western IR through the lens of large-scale economic projects. Unpacking 'Brazil in Africa’ in the north of Mozambique Jana Hönke, Eric Cezne University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Controlling Interdependence: The Case of China's Financial Transaction Tax Proposal Yuan-Juhn Chiao Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
India: an accommodative power in global governance Josukutty Cheriantharayil Abraham University of Kerala, India
4:45pm - 6:30pm S14-05: Diplomatic Emotions: An Institutional Perspective Chair: Merje Kuus, University of British Columbia
The personal and the international: how the relationships of the political elite affect International Relations Ryan Donovan O'Connor, Yuri Van Hoef University of Leeds, UK
Trust, but Verify? Mapping out Trust in the European Diplomatic Community Karolina Pomorska Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Emotions and institutional agency in global politics Ali Bilgic1, Michelle Pace2 1Loughborough University, UK; 2University of Roskilde, Denmark
Mapping the Repertoire of Emotions and their Functions in the Practice of Face-to-face Diplomacy Seanon Wong Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Empathetic Practices in International Security Claire Yorke King's College London, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S15-02: Global governance and European security Chair: Fulviio Attina, University of Catania Discussant: Stefania Panebianco, University of Catania
Explaining Cooperation and Non-Cooperation in European defence procurement Antonio Calcara LUISS University "Guido Carli", Italy
Interstitial Organizations and the Formation of the EU's Security Governance Jozef Bátora Comenius University, Slovak Republic
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NATO’s Legitimacy Question in the European Security Concept Gültekin Sümer Beykent University, Turkey
The EU’s integrated approach to crises – analysis of the EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy. Paula Marcinkowska University of Warsaw, Poland
4:45pm - 6:30pm S17-08: Roundtable: Global Health Politics Film 'Pili': Part 2 Chair: Sophie Harman, Queen Mary University of London Presenter(s): Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London), Graham Harrison (University of Sheffield), Toni Haastrup (University of Kent), Holly Ryan (Manchester Metropolitan University)
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S18-05: Climatization of Security Chair: Monica Castro, University of Pau Discussant: Lucile Maertens, Columbia University
Security and Global Climate Politics Matt McDonald University of Queensland, Australia
The Partial Climatisation of Migration, Security and Conflict Alice Baillat1, Lucile Maertens2 1IRIS/Sciences Po-CERI, France; 2King's College London & Columbia University
The energy security paradox: transforming global energy politics in the Anthropocene Jonna Nyman University of Sheffield, UK
Climate security and global politics: a view from the French armed forces Adrien Estève Sciences Po - CERI, France
International Bottom-Up “Civil Defense” in a Time of Existential Environmental/Climate Emergency: Community-Centered Civilian Natural Disaster Resilience and Response Terrence Michael O'Sullivan University of Akron, United States of America
4:45pm - 6:30pm S20-07: Inter-organisational relations in migration Chair: Shannon Zimmerman, University of Queensland
Theorizing the Role of International Organizations in Migration Governance Elaine Wallace McGregor Maastricht University, The Netherlands
The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Are IOs Autonomous Actors? Elham Seyedsayamdost American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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The impact of International Organizations on the EU management of the Migration crisis Rosa Rossi University of Catania, Italy
Jumping on the migration bandwagon: the rush of international organizations to address the migration crisis Lars Thomann Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy
4:45pm - 6:30pm S22-08: New and Critical Approaches to the Analysis of Migration Chair: Peter Seeberg, University of Southern Denmark
Coercive Displacement and Emplacement in Modern Conflict Adam Gordon Lichtenheld University of California, Berkeley, USA
Border and migration management in Yunnan: Border regimes in the context of regionalization and localization Franziska Pluemmer Tuebingen University, Germany
Governing the ungovernable: migrants, borders and crises Raffaela Puggioni ADA University, Azerbaijan
The Arab spring and the consequences of Globalization: slouching towards democracy? Marion Boulby1, Kenneth Christie2 1Trent University, Canada; 2Royal Roads University, Canas
Fostering More Humanitarian Migration Regimes and Policies Through Compassionate Migration: The Present Challenges of Irregular and Forced Migration under New Forms of Nativism William F. Arrocha Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS), United States of America
4:45pm - 6:30pm S23-07: Continuity and change in financial regulation Chair: Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn, Balsillie School of International Affairs
New kids on the block: The rise of private non-profit organizations in cross-border financial governance Sebastian Botzem University of Bremen, Germany
From Global Governor to Governing Figure : the Historical Emergence of Central Banker Joelle Dumouchel University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The (Failed) Regulation of Clearing Houses and the Sovereign-Debt Crisis Lorenzo Genito University of Warwick, UK
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Regulatory stress testing as covert ops. capital reform Nathan Coombs University of Edinburgh, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm S24-08: Examining the Nexus between Religion and International Relations in a Sectarian New Middle East Chair: Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba'i University
The Securitisation of Faith in the International Relations of the Middle May Darwich Durham University
Dialogues in Sunni-Muslim Politics – Comparing Arab and Sunni Supra-State Identities Morten Valbjorn Aarhus University
The Saudi-Iranian Rivalry in the Aftermath of the Arab Uprisings Henrik Lauritsen Aarhus University
Beyond the meta-narrative of sectarianism in the Middle East: Rosita Di Peri University of Turin
4:45pm - 6:30pm S25-01: Rethinking the maritime piracy problem? Chair: Christian Bueger, Cardiff University Discussant: Jan Stockbruegger, Brown University
A comparison between piracy in Somalia and Nigeria: causes, consequencies and responses Marta Fernandez Sebastian Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
From the Gulf of Aden to the Gulf of Guinea: Piracy paradigm shift? José Francisco Pavia Lusíada University of Lisbon, CLIPIS
Beyond Piracy: Maritime Security Sector Reconstruction and Governance in Somalia Robert C. McCabe Cardiff University
Institutional choices: Counter-piracy cooperation in Southeast Asia Anja Menzel University of Greifswald, Germany
The Portuguese Presidency of the G7++FoGG: Major challenges and main results Joaquim Ferreira Marques Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Portugal
4:45pm - 6:30pm S26-04: EU citizenship and free movement: beyond the progressive's dilemma? Chair: Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield Discussant: Owen Parker, University of Sheffield
Social rights as EU citizenship rights - legal discourses on EU mobility and the welfare state 105 of 148
Sandra Mantu Radboud University
Logics that underpin politicisation of rights and EU mobility Bozena Sojka University of Bath
Critical Political Economy, Free Movement and Brexit; Beyonw the Pregoressive's Dilemma? Owen Parker University of Sheffield
Free movement and social rights: the logics of law and the absence of the political Chenchen Zhang University of Copenhagen
'Taking Back Control', But How? Brexit, Depoliticisation and Citizenship Matt Wood University of Sheffield
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S27-06: Theory as Ideology Chair: Tobias Wille, Goethe University Frankfurt Discussant: Hartmut Behr, Newcastle University
Epistemology as Ideology: Lessons and Antidotes from the Sociology of Knowledge Inanna Hamati-Ataya Aberystwyth University
On Reconstruction: The Dispute on Positivism in International Relations Benjamin Herborth University of Groningen
Exploring the ideological dimensions of 'critical theory' Beate Jahn University of Sussex
Paradigms of Ideological Analysis in International Relations Benjamin Martill University College London
Theory, Ideology, Plurality Raymond Duvall1, Sebastian Schindler2 1University of Minnesota, 2Goethe University Frankfurt
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S28-02: Theorizing Latin America Chair: Félix E. Martín, Florida International University Discussant: Nicolas Terradas, Florida International University
Dependency Theory in the 21st Century: Latin American Development and Modern Structural Forces Diego Zambrano Florida International University
NGOs and Neoliberal Norms: A Critique of Modernization Theory Linea Cutter Florida International University
The Influences of the International State System Behind the Adoption of MERCOSUR Kevin Modlin Florida International University
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Theorizing the Impact of Normative Change on Drug Policy in Latin America Nicolas Beckmann Florida International University
State-Building in Chile and Peru: A Neoclassical Realist Approach Onur Erpul Florida International University
4:45pm - 6:30pm S29-05: Roundtable: Normative Ambitions in a Time of Uncertainty, Chaos and Crisis Chair: Jeremy Moses, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Presenter(s): Richard Jackson (University of Otago), Jonathan Gilmore (Kingston University), Helen Dexter (University of Lecester), Erica Chenoweth (University of Denver)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S30-07: Economic Policy - Between Liberalism and Interventionism Chair: Karina Joanna Jędrzejowska, University of Warsaw
The Evolution of China's Trade Policy
Anna Wrobel University of Warsaw, Poland
Multilateralism At Stake? Brazilian New Foreign Policy Towards Latin America Luiz Eduardo Garcia da Silva GIGA (Germany), UFRGS (Brazil)
Taking back control? The discursive constraints on post-Brexit trade policy Gabriel Siles-Brugge University of Warwick, UK
Energy security in Russia and the challenges to the economy Ana Campos IPRI/UNL, Portugal
Complex Hegemony: The IANA Transition in Global Internet Governance Jan Aart Scholte University of Gothenburg, Sweden
4:45pm - 6:30pm S31-08: Authority and legitimacy in regional and global governance Chair: Pablo Pareja Alcaraz, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
A dire need for EU legitimacy in direct taxation
Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama IBFD, The Netherlands,
Global governance for violent markets and profitable wars: the links between organized crime and armed conflict Josep Ibáñez Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
The shadow of the International Criminal Court Lesley-Ann Daniels IBEI, Spain
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Who Grants Legitimacy? Global Governance Organizations and the Constitution and (De)legitimation of Audiences Magdalena Bexell Lund University, Sweden
4:45pm - 6:30pm
S32-04: Transcending Eurocentrism Chair: Fredrik Söderbaum, University of Gothenburg
Are Theories Capable of Understanding the Re-emergence of China and the Transformation of the International System? Emre Demir Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Considering responsibility in the "migration crisis” from different angles: an analysis of the study of EU border security policy Cagla Luleci-Sula1,2 1Bilkent University, Turkey; 2TED University, Turkey
Responses to Crisis: How Regional Organizations Change Diana Panke, Anna Starkmann University of Freiburg, Germany
4:45pm - 6:30pm S33-02: 'Reconsidering ‘Transit Migration’: 'Governance' and 'Security' at the National, Regional and International Levels Chair: Jutta Weldes, University of Bristol
Smart Borders and the changing governmentality of European Border Control Clemens Binder Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austria
The “balloon effect” in the Mediterranean. Understanding interactions between the external dimension of European migration policies and migratory flows. Lorenzo Gabrielli GRITIM - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Mapping and theorizing migration governance: insights from the South-to-West Asian Migration Corridor Nicolas Blarel, Crystal Ennis Leiden University, The Netherlands
On the whimsical nature of the ‘transit country’ label: comparing France-UK and Morocco-Spain border cooperation on migration control Nora El Qadim Université Paris 8, France
Policing transit migration in Niger: security intervention meets the smuggling economy Philippe Mamadou Frowd University of York, UK
4:45pm - 6:30pm 108 of 148
S34-07: The Historical Relationship between the “International” and the “Global” and Present Political Order Chair: Oliver Kessler, University of Erfurt Discussant: Zeynep Gulsah Capan, Istanbul Bilgi University
Cuban Medical Internationalism and the History of “Global” Health Tine Hanrieder WZB
Order and ordering in historical perspective Ole Jacob Sending NUPI
Practices of Social Knowledge Production in the XVII. Century: The Constitution of the ‘Global’ Anahita Arian University of Groningen
The Historical Emergence of the Global and the Re-Making of the International Friederike Kuntz Visiting Research Fellow at SFB/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security! at Philipps-University Marburg & Justus-LiebigUniversity Gießen
4:45pm - 6:30pm S35-05: Legitimacy, interventions and governance: in-depth case-studies Chair: Nora Marie Stel, Maastricht School of Management Discussant: Jolle Demmers, Utrecht University
The Global Justice Assemblage
Lauren Michele Gould Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Discourses of (Non)Intervention: How do States Justify Interventions or Non-Interventions Abroad? Birsen Erdogan Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Discursive Support to Militias: Legitimacy Frames of the Afghan Local Police Toon Dirkx Utrecht University, The Netherlands
The peace process as “another place”: analyzing the encounter between the virtual/virtuous (negotiated) peace and the normalized political terrain Maira Gomes1, Marta Fernández2, Isa Mendes3 1PUC-Rio, Brazil; 2PUC-Rio, Brazil; 3PUC-Rio, Brazil
Impacting conflict and post-conflict from beyond: the case of Sri Lanka. The role of soft power and aid Georg Frerks Utrecht University, The Netherlands
4:45pm - 6:30pm S38-08: The domestic and the sub-national in IR Chair: Agha Bayramov, University of Groningen
When the state barges in: perceptions, suspicions and development in Samstkhe-Javakheti Giulia Prelz Oltramonti Universite libre de Bruxelles; Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
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Informal payments, mechanisms, dynamics and networks of solidarity: an empirical study of the Ukrainian healthcare sector Abel Polese1, Tetiana Stepurko2 1Tallinn University, Estonia; 2Kiev Mohyla Academy
The return of agency in transnational private regulation of production regimes Jean-Christophe Graz, Nicole Helmerich, Cécile Prébandier Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Trade Union Corporatism and Autonomous Resistance to the Spanish Economic Crisis Olatz Ribera-Almandoz1, Jon Las Heras2 1Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; 2The University of Manchester
Domestic Coalitions as Agents in International Relations Etel Solingen University of California Irvine, United States of America
4:45pm - 6:30pm S43-01: Roundtable: 'Don't panic Mr Manwarring': Brexit's impact on European Security Chair: Andrew Dorman, Chatham House Presenter(s): Mark Webber (University of Birmingham), David Dunn (University of Birmingham), Jamie Gaskarth (University of Birmingham), Richard Whitman (University of Kent)
4:45pm - 6:30pm S45-01: The Power Politics of International Orders: Crucial cases Chair: Rebecca Adler-Nissen, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University
Place-making, scale-making and flow-making: The politics of great-power political-economic projects Stephen Aris ETH Zurich, Switzerland
China’s Rise: Views from Inside Nicholas Thomas1, Qin Pang2 1City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China); 2Sun Yat-Sen University, China
International Revisionism Beyond the State: A Typology of Societal Revisionist Discourses in Russia Michael Sander London School of Economcis and Political Science, UK
Global Public Goods and Discourses: The Case of Strategic Interpretation in Post-9/11 United StatesColombia Relations Salvador Santino Regilme Leiden University, The Netherlands
Emerging Powers and Legitimacy. An Analysis of China’s Rising Global Project Montserrat Pintado, Leire Moure University of the Basque Country, Spain
4:45pm - 6:30pm S47-08: Technology and Infrastructure Chair: Georgios Glouftsios, Queen's University Belfast Discussant: Matthias Leese, ETH Zurich
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Automation, Improvisation and Emergence: re-thinking objectification at the border Debbie Lisle, Mike Bourne Queen's University Belfast, UK
Biopolitical bordering: Enacting populations as intelligible objects of government Stephan Scheel Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
European Union border security, technology and the politics of means Julien Jeandesboz Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Infrastructuring IR Tobias Liebetrau University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The Rise of Border Middle Management: Police and Customs Cooperation Centers and the Policing of Internal Schengen Borders Stephan Davidshofer University of Geneva, Switzerland
4:45pm - 6:30pm S48-04: Repurposing education in current times Chair: Antoni Verger Planells, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Discussant: Antonio Olmedo, University of Roehampton
Educational Globalization: Repurposing Universities James H. Mittelman American University, United States of America
Fuzzy Privatization and Decline of Democracy at the University of Helsinki Teivo Teivainen, Taavi Kalevi Sundell University of Helsinki, Finland
Undressing financial education: The global politics and discourses around a ‘dark and full of terrors’ phenomenon Miren Alonso Álvarez Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
A ‘glocalization’ perspective on education’s role in social change: the limits of models for governance and analysis Sally Findlow Keele University, UK
Equipo Pueblo´s Citizen Diplomacy Program: A non-formal experience for global citizenship education in Mexico Antonio Alejo FLACSO Spain, Spain
4:45pm - 6:30pm S50-07: Public space, social media and the re-making of politics Chair: Alexander Spencer, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
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The Politics of Visual Discourse in European Integration: the case of ‘green Europe’ Kennet Lynggaard Roskilde University, Denmark
Teaching Visual Global Politics David Shim University of Groningen, The Netherlands
The Blessed Envoy, or Visual Diplomacy in the Postcolony Costas M. Constantinou University of Cyprus, Cyprus
The Iconic FCO: On the Use of Iconic Imagery in British Digital Diplomacy Ilan Manor the Univeristy of Oxford, UK
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Saturday – 16 September 2017 9:00am - 10:45am S01-09: Hierarchies and Symmetries of Critique Chair: Rocco Bellanova, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Leonie Ansems de Vries, King's College London
Assembling credibility in International Relations: knowledge, method, critique Jef Huysmans1, Claudia Aradau2 1Queen Mary University of London, 2King's College London
Critical Problem-Solving in Global Spaces Keith Krause Graduate Institute, Geneva
Can International Practice Theory be Critical Theory? The Ordering and Disordering Perspectives on the Everyday Rebecca Adler-Nissen University of Copenhagen
Struggle Session: The psychopathology of peer-review Mark Salter University of Ottawa
Change-Making in World Politics: Towards a Post-Critical International Relations Jonathan Luke Austin Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
9:00am - 10:45am S01-13: Decentring and Deconstructing Governance Institutions in IR Chair: Katja Freistein, University Duisburg-Essen Discussant: Nicolas Lemay-Hebert, University of Birmingham
De-centering Europe through Civil Society Engagement in the European Southern Neighborhood Policy Andrea Pavón-Guinea, Teresa Laporte University of Navarra, Spain
The UN Peacebuilding Architecture: Struggling for inclusivity Ignasi Torrent Oliva Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Deconstructing the "European" in Critical European Foreign Policy Research: The EU and its Temporal Selves Münevver Cebeci Marmara University, Turkey
The African challenge to the global normative order Theresa Sophia Reinold Universitaet Duisburg Essen, Germany
9:00am - 10:45am 113 of 148
S02-09: Honor and Humiliation in International Conflict Negotiations: Emotions as a Bargaining Aspect Chair: Gil Murciano, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
Saving face, saving peace. Negotiations at the brink of war Thomas Lindemann Université de Versailles
Restored honor as a pre-condition for negotiations: The influence of honor considerations on Egypt's change of policy towards peace with Israel Gil Murciano, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Hertie School of Governance
Anger and austerity: Explaining Greece's Path to the Abyss Reinhard Wolf Goethe University Frankfurt
9:00am - 10:45am S03-09: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Austerity and Structural Reform of Social Welfare Chair: Dieter Plehwe, WZB Berlin Discussant: Stephen McBride, McMaster University
The impact of the 2008 crisis on European welfare states: background and estimates Luis Buendía1, Pedro Jose Gómez Serrano2, Ricardo Molero Simarro3 1University of Leon, 2Complutense University of Madrid, 3Loyola-Andalucía University
Authoritarian Neoliberalism & Abandoned PPPs? Heather Whiteside University of Waterloo
Austerity in the Making: Reconfiguring Social Policy through Social Impact Bonds Meghan Joy1, John Shields2 1Concordia University, 2Ryerson University
In the Service of Austerity: Social Dialogue and Partnership In the Post Crisis Era Bryan Evans Ryerson University
9:00am - 10:45am S04-09: Roundtable: Concepts and Conversations: New Directions for International Practice Theory Chair: Christian Bueger, Cardiff University Presenter(s): Alena Drieschova (Cardiff University), Ted Hopf (NUS), Vincent Pouliot (McGill), Merje Kuus (UBC)
9:00am - 10:45am
S05-01: The identitarian movement Chair: Gudrun Elisabeth Hentges, University of Cologne
The ’New Right’: Is the Identitarian Movement a right-wing extremist group? Felix Nicolas Lippe, Clemens Binder Austrian Institute for International Affairs
From Nation to Culture? Local, European and National Identity in the Austrian ‘Identitarian’ Discourse Stefanie Mayer Universität Wien
Masculinities within the Identitarian Movement Alice Blum Justus Leibig University
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The Identitarians and Subculture Daniela Pisoiu Austrian Institute for Interntional Affairs
9:00am - 10:45am S08-09: Gender, Power, and Politics in the International Arena Chair: Lauren Wilcox, University of Cambridge
Change, war and violence: militant women in Colombia Serena Simoni Samford University, United States of America
Giving meaning to the promise of women’s empowerment in international relations: governmental power, rationalities and resistance in empowerment Hanna L. Muehlenhoff VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
U.S. Servicewomens’ Narratives After 9/11 Annick Wibben University of San Francisco
Gendering The Extraverted State: The Politics Of The Kenyan Sex Workers’ Movement Egle Cesnulyte University of Bristol, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S09-09: Space, Culture, and Violence in World Politics: Landscapes of International Studies Chair: Martin Philip Coward, University of Manchester Discussant: Kyle Grayson, Newcastle University
Mutating Bombsites and Memory Activism at the Ground Zero Mosque and Bali Bombsite Charlotte Heath-Kelly University of Warwick
Worlds Known to we who dwell in/on them: Re(dis)covering Landscape in Social and Political Research Ben Tallis Institute of International Relations, Prague
The Playful Subject: Critique, Popular Culture and the Imagined Subjectivities of IR Felix Ciută UCL
Negotiating violence in Bogota’s urban visual landscape Alba Griffin Newcastle University
Playing the Aesthetic Subject? Videogames, IR and the Spatial Imaginary Nick Robinson University of Leeds
9:00am - 10:45am S09-12: Geopower, Bodies, and Senses Chair: Elisabetta Brighi, University of Westminster
Olfaction, violence and ontological in/security
Kevin McSorley
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University of Portsmouth, UK
Performing masculinity through technology: the EU in Israel and Palestine Catherine Charrett Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Violence, Embodiment and the Politics of Material Production: War from a making point of view Joanna Tidy University of Sheffield, UK
Seeing like a weapons system? Art questioning precision and ambiguity in militarized optics Rune Saugmann University of Tampere, Finland
War-Porn: An online experience and the memory of war Sandra Yao1, Ira Lewy2 1University of Ottawa, Canada; 2McMaster University, Canada
9:00am - 10:45am S13-05: (In)Security as Seen from Below: Practices, Emotions and the Everyday Chair: Simone Tholens, Cardiff University
Reflections on Researching War and Peace from Below: Insights from Burma and Syria Birgit Poopuu1, Berit Bliesemann de Guevara2 1University of Tartu, 2Aberystwyth University
Cooperation in NATO Institutions since 2009: Practices in Crisis Falk Ostermann Justus Liebig University Giessen
The Emotional Politics of Gezi Park Protests: A ‘Network of Treachery’ Nurten Çevik Bilkent University
“We Need a Fence!” Reading Border Militarisation Policies through Pro-fence Mobilisations in Israel and in Arizona (United States of America) Damien Simonneau University of Bordeaux
9:00am - 10:45am S14-06: Emotions at Work: Conceptualising How Emotions Set the Scene for Foreign Policy in Europe Chair: Ben Tonra, University College Dublin
Emotions in Diplomacy of the Polish Government: When Foreign Policy Meets Domestic Party-Games Karolina Pomorska Maastricht University
Emotions in a Cold Country: Passions and Decisions in Russian Foreign Policy Hakan Güneş Istanbul University
Emotion as a Factor in Turkey-EU Relations Çiğdem Nas Yıldız Technical University
Emotion as a Factor in Determining Future 'Europeans' 116 of 148
Özlem Terzi Istanbul University
9:00am - 10:45am S15-03: The EU in Global Politics: Coping with Challenges Chair: Diana Panke, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg Discussant: Spyros Blavoukos, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
One of many or one of a kind? A comparative study of the EU’s functioning at the UN in New York Edith Drieskens KU Leuven
The EU and global challenges: Leaving regional imprints on international norms Diana Panke University of Freiburg
‘Who Speaks for Europe’ After All? The EU Representation in International Organizations Spyros Blavoukos1, Dimitris Bourantonis1, Ioannis Galariotis2, Maria Gianniou1 1Athens University, 2EUI
The Shifting Politics of Climate Change in UN Multilateralism Katie Laatikainen Adelphi University
9:00am - 10:45am S19-05: History>Theory / Theory>History Chair: Lucian M. Ashworth, Memorial University of Newfoundland Discussant: Maja Spanu, University of Cambridge
Political Memory after State Death: The Abandoned Yugoslav National Pavilion at Auschwitz Jelena Subotic Georgia State University, United States of America
A Social Structure of International Politics: Conformity and Change in the Liberal Order Jorg Kustermans1, Benjamin de Carvalho2 1University of Antwerp, Belgium; 2NUPI, Norway
Historicizing Transnational Terrorist Waves Andreas Gofas Panteion University of Athens, Greece
Historical International Relations: Past Debates and Future Paths Halvard Leira1, Benjamin de Carvalho1, Xavier Guillaume2, Julia Costa Lopez2 1NUPI, Norway; 2Rikjsuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
9:00am - 10:45am S20-08: EU-UN relations in crisis management Chair: Nina Graeger, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) Discussant: Giulia Tercovich, Warwick Univerity and ULB
International Contact Groups: A Successful Mechanism of Inter-Organizational Crisis Response? Ingo Henneberg University of Freiburg, Germany
Inter-Organisational Relations and Conflict Resolution: The EU and the OSCE as Competing, Coordinating or Cooperating Actors? Andrea Gawrich1, Vera Axyonova1, Lusine Badalyan2
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Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 2Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
The onset and modalities of the EU's partnership with 40 international organizations Rafael Biermann Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany
The EU and the UN in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding: Close Partners or Autonomous Players? Vladimir Kmec University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Cambridge, UK
To find out a niche in times of crisis: environmental cooperation between International Organizations in the Baltic Sea Region in the late-Westphalian international order. Damian Szacawa Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
9:00am - 10:45am S22-09: The Migration Crisis and the EU’s Migration Management Tools Chair: Raffaella A. Del Sarto, SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University
From Mobility Partnerships to Migration Compacts: talking the talk of migration in times of crisis? Federica Zardo1, Peter Seeberg2 1Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna, 2Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark
Outsourced sovereignty? EU cooperation and the development of an immigration policy in Ghana Ilke Adam, Florian Trauner Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The EU Mobility partnerships: New envelope for the same security-oriented approach Mohamed Limam Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et de Gestion, Université de Jendouba - Tunisie
Playing boomerang in the EU neighbourhood quicksands: the EU migration management policies in times of crisis Jonathan Zaragoza-Cristiani Borderlands project, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
9:00am - 10:45am S23-08: Roundtable: The struggle for development Chair: Tim DiMuzio, University of Wollongong Presenter(s): Benjamin Selwyn (University of Sussex), Matt Bishop (University of Sheffied), Ian Bruff (University of Manchester), Juanita Elias (University of Warwick)
9:00am - 10:45am S24-05: Western Liberal Democracy and Islam Chair: Imène Ajala, University of Wollongong in Dubai Discussant: Angela Kahil, USEK
Illiberal Democracy In The Context Of Islamist Movements Taner Dogan City, University of London, UK
Islamists’ Constructions of World Order under Liberal Hegemony Hanna Pfeifer Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany
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Sovereignty in the Arab world: A hybrid between Westphalia and Islam? Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Spain
Old Wine in New Bottles: On the Limits of Secularism Deina Abdelkader University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States of America
Islamic and Secular Feminism in the Shadow of Contemporary Social-Political Transformations in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI): a Practical Leap Forward or a Step Back for Sustainable Critical Civil Society? Samira Ghoreishi The University of Auckland, New Zealand
9:00am - 10:45am S25-06: The Privatization of Maritime Security-opportunities, challenges, and regulation Chair: Patricia Schneider, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) Discussant: Brendan Flynn, National University of Ireland, Galway
Floating Armouries and the international community: Sharks that slip trough the net Yohannes Haile Wiebes, Patricia Schneider Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy - Hamburg, Germany
Navies, Merchant, Mercenaries: The Political Economy of Piracy and Maritime Security Jan Stockbruegger Brown University, United States of America
Private security and maritime security governance Patrick Cullen NUPI, Norway
Private Security Companies and Migration Management Mišo Mudrić, Robert Mikac University of Zagreb, Croatia
9:00am - 10:45am S26-05: Migration and the Social Conditions of the Welfare State Chair: Matt Wood, University of Sheffield Discussant: Joe B Turner, University of Sheffield
The Political Dimension of the Progressive’s Dilemma Clara Sandelind University of Sheffield
Integration narratives in times of crisis: an assessment of how the (Spanish) Basque Country and Israel cope with the principle of solidarity Amandine Desille1, Tina Magazzini2 1University of Poitiers, 2University of Deusto
National identity and community values among non-immigrants living in Denmark Karen Nielsen Breidahl Aalborg University
Nationalism and Social Cohesion Nils Holtug
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University of Copenhagen
Received Welfare and Migration: a Study on Differences between Migrant Life Stages across Europe Petra De Jong, Helga De Valk, Christof Van Mol Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
9:00am - 10:45am S30-08: The Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in National, Regional and Global Governance Chair: Karina Joanna Jędrzejowska, University of Warsaw Discussant: Ivaylo Plamenov Iaydjiev, University of Oxford
“And nevertheless she moves…” - Spill-overs of unconventional monetary policies and their internalization within the transnational field of central banking Matthias Thiemann, Max Nagel Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Neoliberal Inclusion: Gendered Political Economy & Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework Raianne Kei Mata La Trobe University, Australia
Lessons for Italy: dealing with non-performing loans in the European Union Pablo Alonso-Rodriguez Banco de España - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Strategic tax policy in a G-20 world Martin Hearson London School of Economics, UK
Reputation and stimgatisation on the international credit market: the case study of Poland Maciej Jan Sychowiec University of Gothenburg, Sweden
9:00am - 10:45am S31-07: Legitimacy and effectiveness of institutional responses to regional and global crises; Chair: Stelios Stavridis, ARAID/Universidad de Zaragoza
Assessing legitimacy and effectiveness in a fragmented global climate and energy governance landscape Naghmeh Nasiritousi University of Stockholm, Sweden
Contestation and legitimacy of the EU management of the migration crisis Fulvio Attina University of Catania, Italy
Governance responses to the “refugee crisis” at the gate of Europe: The case of Lesvos Alexandra Bousiou, Andrea Spehar University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Institutional Sources of Popular Legitimacy in Global Governance Jan Aart Scholte1, Lisa Dellmuth2, Jonas Tallberg2 1University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 2University of Stockholm, Sweden
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9:00am - 10:45am S32-03: Roundtable: Reappraising Realism as a European Tradition in IR Chair: Audrey Alejandro, London School of Economics and Political Science Presenter(s): Alex Reichwein (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen), Kamila Stullerova (Aberystwyth University), Vassilis Paipais (University of St. Andrews), Felix Rösch (Coventry University)
9:00am - 10:45am S34-08: Puzzles and Problems of Foreign Policy and IR/IPE Theory in Historicist Perspective Chair: Maj Grasten, Copenhagen Business School
British Grand Strategy & The Origins of the Balance of Power at the Peace of Utrecht: Bringing Diplomacy back into International Historical Sociology Benno Gerhard Teschke University of Sussex
The Agent-Structure Debate in International Politics: Anatomy of a Non-Debate Can Cemgil Istanbul Bilgi University
The Political Economy of Security during the ‘American Century’ Steffan Wyn-Jones University of Sussex
The German Model in the global political economy: foreign economic policy making and socioeconomic change in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-2014 Matthieu Hughes Universität Erfurt
Class and Geopolitical Agency: A Non-Eurocentric and Non-State-Centric view of Brazilian State Formation Pedro Lucas Dutra Salgado University of Sussex, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S38-09: Victims and experts in international politics: dynamics of knowledge production, representation and empowerment (I) Chair: Thorsten Bonacker, University of Marburg
Victim participation outside the legal framework: political engagement at the grassroots level in Peru and Colombia Mijke F. de Waardt VU University Amsterdam
Victim-centeredness and programme design in transitional justice instruments. How International Organisations deal with victims’ demands in reparations programs Eva Ottendoerfer University of Frankfurt
Speaking for ‘the victims:’ Maximalist intransigence and (de) constructing hierarchies in transitional justice Roxani Krystalli, Kimberly Theidon Tufts University
Negotiating victimhood between ethno-national and activist agendas: the case of REKOM in the former Yugoslavia Caterina Bonora University of Bremen
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Women as Victims in Truth Commissions Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Anne Menzel University of Marburg
9:00am - 10:45am S39-04: Order and Governance in the Anthropocene Chair: Joana Castro Pereira, IPRI-NOVA & Lusíada University Discussant: John Dryzek, University of Canberra
Institutions for the Anthropocence: Governing International Rivers in the 19th century Joanne Yao London School of Economics (LSE), UK
Thinking and coping with the future of human togetherness Thomas Henökl University of Agder (UiA), Norway ; German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn
Anthropocenic Democracy? Globality and the Ordering of the World Gerard Rosich University of Helsinki, Finland
Challenges for regional governance of the Amazon in the Anthropocene Eduardo Viola University of Brasilia, Brazil
9:00am - 10:45am S41-06: Praxis makes perfect? The theory and practice of EU responses to the rise of new powers Chair: Cord Jakobeit, Universität Hamburg
The EU Strategic Partnerships: do the preferences of member-states matter? The cases of Brazil and Mexico Carmen Fonseca IPRI-NOVA, Portugal
The I in Team: EU Responses to Changes and Challenges in the International System. The Case of the AIIB. Claudia Rives Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
The policy dilemma in EU’s technologies of power: contested diffusion towards Brazil Carolina de Oliveira Salgado PUC-Rio (Brazil) & GIGA-Hamburg (Germany)
How should the EU respond to the Chinese “invasion” of Africa? Evidence from European electoral manifestos Yannis Karagiannis Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, Spain
9:00am - 10:45am S43-12: Europe's Institutions and European Security Chair: Tracey German, King's College London
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European Union’s Defense in Time of Austerity: Challenges for Southern Europe Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Ana Santos Pinto IPRI - NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
Assessing the impact of Arab Uprisings on European Security: The future of NATO's Strategic Concepts Ismail Erkam Sula1,2, Cagla Luleci-Sula1,3 1Bilkent University, Turkey; 2Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey; 3TED University, Turkey
What is left of Normative Power Europe: The European Neighbourhood Policy after the Arab Uprisings Assem Dandashly1, Christos Kourtelis2 1Maastricht University, Netherlands, The; 2Antalya International University, Turkey
The energy security issue and the EU-Russia relations Ana Campos, Teresa Rodrigues
9:00am - 10:45am S44-04: Violence, Human Rights, and the Politics of International Political Theory Chair: Mathias Albert, Bielefeld University Discussant: Chris Brown, London School of Economics
Contesting Terror
Carsten Bagge Laustsen Aarhus University, Denmark
Republican Global Governance Steven Slaughter Deakin University, Australia
Boundaries and failures: Looking through the Arab spring Emine Sezin Dost Yalova University, Turkey
Reading democratic war study through conceptual politics – a claim for politicisation as research strategy Valerie Waldow Magdeburg University, Germany
Judging violent resistances: Camus, Fanon and the grey zone of rebellion Maša Mrovlje University of Edinburgh, UK
9:00am - 10:45am S46-01: Roundtable: The Role of Professional Associations in Advancing International Studies Chair: Helen Louise Turton, University of Sheffield Presenter(s): Richard Whitman (University of Kent), Victoria Basham (Cardiff University), Tuomas Forsberg (University of Tampere), Akos Kopper (Eotos Lorand University)
9:00am - 10:45am S47-09: Roundtable: Digital Technology and World Politics - Conceptual Challenges and Theoretical Innovation Chair: Linda Monsees, Universtiät Bremen
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Presenter(s): Liza Gaufman (University of Bremen), Jana Hönke (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Julien Jeandesboz (Univsersité Libre de Bruxelles), Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn (Balsillie School of International Affairs), Kristoffer Christensen (University of Copenhagen)
9:00am - 10:45am S48-05: Global and regional mobility of policies I: OECD countries Chair: Joost Monks, NORRAG Discussant: Rebecca Tarlau, Stanford University
Transnational skills capture in small, open, and hybrid regional economies: The case of Luxembourg Lukas Graf1, Matias Gardin2 1University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 2University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Spreading Knowledge and Evidence. The OECD as a Knowledge Brokers and Norm Entrepreneurs in International Education Policy Dennis Niemann, Kerstin Martens University of Bremen, Germany
New Epistemic Governance and Politics of “Soft Skills”. Transnational networks, actors and metrics shaping new standards for the Knowledge Economy Sarah Maire, Romuald Normand SAGE - University of Strasbourg, France
Introducing private capitalisation to a public policy sector - Corporatisation of K-12 Education Hanna Kivisto University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
9:00am - 10:45am S50-08: Addressing the challenges of studying still and moving images: a dialogue on theories, methods and cases Chair: Gabi Schlag, Helmut Schmidt University Discussant: Rens van Munster, DIIS
Method for Visual Analysis of TV News in Transitional Justice Field Katarina Ristic Helmut-Schmidt-University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
Contemporary War Photography: A Compositional Analysis Erika Marie Kirkpatrick N/A, Canada
Alternative Visualizations of the Afghanistan War – Identity Narratives in “Tell Spring Not to Come This Year” Axel Heck University of Kiel, Germany
Aesthetic Crisis – Cinematic Representations of the War on Terror and The Normalisation of Security Practices after 9/11 Julian Schmid University of Warwick, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm 124 of 148
S01-10: Beyond Biopolitics? The Limits, Silences and Exclusions of Contemporary Accounts of Rule Chair: Tom Lundborg, Swedish Institute of International Affairs Discussant: Vivienne Jabri, Kings College London
Beyond biopolitics? Contesting the life and times of liberal war Jamie M. Johnson University of Sheffield
Reflections on life, living, and resistance: A feminist call to ‘forget’ biopolitics in IR Cristina Masters University of Manchester
Ta(l)king Stock: Theorizing Race and Racism in the Governmentality of Migration David Moffette1, William Walters2 1University of Ottawa, 2Carleton University
Intimate Surveillance at the limits of Biopolitics: Race, Sexuality and the Management of Migrant Families Joe Turner University of Sheffield
11:15am - 1:00pm S04-10: Practices of International Organizations Chair: Tobias Wille, Goethe University Frankfurt Discussant: Thomas Henökl, University of Agder (UiA)
Creating organizational routines and practices: The do-ing of Austria’s chairmanship of the OSCE Daniel Schade Vienna School of International Studies, Austria
Power in the community of practice: Integrating crisis early warning systems Kamil Zwolski University of Southampton, UK
Precedents and Rule-like Informal Practice in the Security Council: The Yugoslavia Sanctions Committee Thomas Doerfler United Nations University, Japan
What kind of power? The practice of recognizing the EU Pål Røren University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
African institutions, security and militarism Linnea Gelot Gothenburg University, Sweden
11:15am - 1:00pm S05-02: Strategies and networks of the New Right Chair: Felix Nicolas Lippe, Austrian Institute for International Affairs
New Right think tank networks in Germany – normalising the extreme Hartwig Pautz University of the West of Scotland, UK
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Foreign Policy Operational Codes of Populist Far Right Leaders in Europe Özgür Özdamar2, Erdem Ceydilek1,2 1Middle East Technical University, Turkey; 2Bilkent University, Turkey
11:15am - 1:00pm S07-10: Military Heroism and Sacrifice Chair: Alexandra Frances Hyde, University College London
'Every Man (Re)membered': Exploring agency and subjectivity in the Royal British Legion's commemorations of the First World War Centenary Joseph Haigh University of Warwick, UK
Exposing Fake Heroes as a Moment of Militarisation? The Walter Mitty Hunting Club and the Protection of Valour Paul Richard Higate1, Nivi Manchanda2 1University of Bristol; 2London School of Economics
Hero-soldiers and hero-veterans: exploring politics, emotions and representation of military heroism in Britain Nataliya Danilova University of Aberdeen, UK
Life After Traumatic Injury: Embodiment and Identity of UK ex Service Personnel L. Allison Roberts University of Portsmouth, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S08-10: Movement, Change, and Power in Global Politics Chair: Rebecca Adler-Nissen, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Anne Harrington, Cardiff
Street Harassment and Everyday In/Security Strategies in London and Cairo: Inclusions, Exclusions and Possibilities Jutta Weldes1, Elisa Wynne-Hughes2, Karen Desborough1 1University of Bristol, UK; 2University of Cardiff, UK
Power isn't everything: the social construction of authority and power in the modern era Jarrod Hayes1, Janelle Knox-Hayes2 1Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America; 2Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and Timescapes Mona Lilja1, Mikael Baaz2 1Univeristy of Gothenburg/Karlstad university, Sweden; 2University of Gothenburg
"After this war, I would like to learn how to live, finally" Andreea Nicutar Department of International Relations, Central European University, Hungary
The power of “terrorism” Alice Martini Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Spain
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S09-10: Popular Culture, Geo/Politics, Violence, and Space in Post-Revolutionary Egypt Chair: Lisa Tilley, University of Warwick
The Political Economy of Popular Culture in Egypt: A materialist approach to contestation, culture, and political change Sara Salem University of Warwick
Narratives of Police Violence in Egyptian Popular Cultural Outputs in the Aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution Dalia Said Mostafa University of Manchester
Recalling Revolt: Controversies and contradictions of Jehaine Noujaim’s ‘The Square' Dina Rezk University of Reading
Poetics of Ruination: The afterlives of the revolution in the city-scape of Cairo Aya Nassar University of Warwick
Rethinking the Gender Politics of the 25 January 2011 Revolution and its Aftermath Nicola Pratt University of Warwick
11:15am - 1:00pm S10-04: China's Emergence in Global Governance Chair: Robert Pauls, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Discussant: Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, University of Bochum
Chinese indigenous ideas in IR and the challenge of global governance Benjamin Ho S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore
He who pays the piper calls the tune? The role of societal interests in China’s WTO accession Stefanie Weil, Sven Van Kerckhoven Vesalius College / Free University Brussels, Belgium
China’s Coercive Diplomacy: A Reassessment of the “Dalai Lama Effect” and Beijing’s Punitive Trade Diplomacy Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson1, Xianwen Chen2, Osbakk Johann3 1Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway; 2Norwegian University of Life Sciences; 3London School of Economics and Political Science
China’s Alternative Paths to Security: the Case of the African Peace and Security Architecture Ilaria Carrozza LSE, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S13-06: Roundtable: The Practice of Interventionism: Universal patterns in diverse cases of liberal or non-liberal nature Chair: Florian P Kühn, Helmut Schmidt University Discussant: Mandy Turner, Council for British Research in the Levant Presenter(s): Bruno Charbonneau (Laurentian University), Ayla Gol (Aberystwyth University), John Heathershaw (Exeter University), Mohammadbagher Forough (Clingendael/Leiden University)
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S14-07: Methodological Innovations to Study Emotions in IR Chair: Charlotte Godziewski, University of Sheffield
Humanity Washed Ashore: On Art and Emotion in the Refugee Crisis Holly Eva Ryan Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The Arab Spring: Emotions as New Political Repertoires of Social Movements? Efser Rana Coskun Bilkent University, Turkey
Mourning Artifacts: Adjudicating Loss and Value Through World Heritage Elif Kalaycioglu University of Minnesota, United States of America
Breaking the barrier of fear: the spatial dialectics of Palestinian protest in Israel Una McGahern Newcastle University, UK
Pride and Prejudice: The Affective Dimension of Europeanisation in Turkey since 1999 Başak Zeynep Alpan1, Albrecht Sonntag2 1Middle East Technical University, Turkey; 2ESSCA, EU-Asia Institute
11:15am - 1:00pm S17-09: Whither Global Health Justice: Ethics and Inequality in Global Health Chair: Eva Hilberg, University of Sheffield Discussant: Thurid Bahr, Freie Universität Berlin
The ethno-political dimension of maternal health care delivery Gudrun Østby1, Håvard Strand1,2, Ole Magnus Theisen3 1Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO); 2University of Oslo; 3Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mindfulness in political policy Nathaly Jiménez Univerisdad del Rosario, Colombia
Medicine from the South: Global health education in the US Tine Hanrieder WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
11:15am - 1:00pm S19-01: 20th Century IR Historiography Chair: Charlotte Catherine Botfield, Aberystwyth University Discussant: Peter Colin Wilson, LSE
Realism as Christian existentialism Vassilios Paipais University of St Andrews, UK
Misconceiving Rationality, Misconceiving Substantive Historical Change: Theory and Politics of History in the Realist International Relations Paradigm Nikolay Nikolaevich Gudalov Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
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The Concert or the Dance of Europe: When Did the Study of World Politics Cease to Be Relational? Emilian Kavalski Australian Catholic University, Australia
Two Phenomenological Conceptions of the World: Nishida Kitaro and Maurice Merleau-Ponty Atsuko Watanabe The University of Warwick
11:15am - 1:00pm S20-03: Inter-Organisational Relations in African Conflict Settings: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives Chair: Toni Haastrup, University of Kent Discussant: Vladimir Kmec, University College Dublin/ University of Cambridge
Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding and Imperial Internationalism Philip Cunliffe University of Kent
Preventive diplomacy in Burundi: Preventive diplomacy and the relationship between UN, AU, and EAC Katja Lindskov Jacobsen Copenhagen University
Insights from Somalia: Peacebuilding, counterinsurgency and the changing roles and powers of IOs Louise Wiuff Moe1, Markus-Michael Müller2 1Danish Institute of International Studies, 2Freie Universität Berlin
Maritime capacity building: assesing the cooperation between EU, NATO and AU Christian Bueger Cardiff University
The Eu-Un Cooperation In Crisis Management In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case Of An Effective Or An Opportunistic Multilateralism? Taylan Özgür Kaya Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
11:15am - 1:00pm S21-07: International Law in Crisis: Concepts in Crisis Chair: Renske Vos, University of Edinburgh Discussant: Markus Gunneflo, Lund University
Conceptual dissonance in transitional justice: between identity and accountability Noga Glucksam SOAS, UK
Responding to Crisis: The Accelerated Development of International Law in response to large-scale conflicts. Deepak Mawar King's College London, UK
The crisis of international law and the politics of exclusion Katja Creutz Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights
The return of the perishable civilian Gil Merom
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University of Sydney, Australia
11:15am - 1:00pm S22-10: Forced Migration: Human Rights and Legal Frameworks Chair: Lorenzo Gabrielli, GRITIM - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Non-refoulement in Crisis
William Thomas Worster The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Hybrid Approaches towards Climate Change and Migration Cosmin Corendea United Nations University, Germany
The Concept of Human Security: its applicability to migratory and refugee flows Gracia Abad-Quintanal Nebrija University, Spain
Migration and Justice: Examining the UK government’s response to the Syrian ‘refugee crisis’ Emily Louise Boyce IBEI, Spain
11:15am - 1:00pm S23-09: International political sociology/economy: Building or stumbling fields? Chair: Jean-Christophe Graz, Université de Lausanne Discussant: Oliver Kessler, University of Erfurt
International political sociology/economy: building or stumbling fields? Jean-Christophe Graz1, Oliver Kessler2, Rahel Kunz1 1Université de Lausanne, 2Universität Erfurt
The multi-dimensionality of remittances, boundary-drawing practices and connectivities Rahel Kunz, Lekh Nath Paudel Université de Lausanne
Self-Sufficiency Economy of Organic Tea Farming: The Compelling Nature of Self- Dependency Chanatporn Limprapoowiwattana Thammasat University
The Ouroboros of doing development ‘politically’: a serpent eating its own tail? Elisa Lopez Lucia Unniversité Libre de Bruxelles
Making transnational sense of war liabilities - The case of Agent Orange Anne Nguyen Unniversité Libre de Bruxelles
11:15am - 1:00pm S25-07: Critical and Practitioner Perspectives on Maritime 'Human Security' Chair: Jan Stockbruegger, Brown University Discussant: Michiel Bart Hijmans, Maritime & More Solutions
The Global Security Assemblage of Stowaway Governance and Consequences Amaha Feleke Senu Cardiff University, UK
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The Biopolitical Warfare on Migrant logistics of crossing: EU Naval Force and NATO Operations of migration government in the Mediterranean Martina Tazzioli1, Glenda Garelli2 1University of Swansea, UK; 2Queen Mary, University of London
The EU militarized response to the migration crisis in the Mediterranean: Launching EUNAVFOR MED (Sophia) Ruxandra Laura Bosilca1, Marianne Riddervold2 1The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania; 2ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo
The Maritime Dimension of the Migration and Human Trafficking Crisis in the Mediterranean Brian Walter Fitzgerald Irish Naval Service, IE
11:15am - 1:00pm S27-07: These times are changing: New perspectives on the history and sociology of IR in times of crises Chair: Thomas Biersteker, Graduate Institute, Geneva Discussant: Inanna Hamati-Ataya, Aberystwyth University
Whose knowledge? The knowledge-power nexus in contemporary International Relations scholarship beyond the West Katarzyna Kaczmarska Aberystwyth University and St. Petersburg State University
Teaching IR in Russia: before and after the collapse of the USSR Marina Lebedeva MGIMO
IR textbooks in Russia: what is missing? Yulia Nikitina MGIMO
From critique to reflexivity: overcoming academic identities divides and the need for crisis Audrey Alejandro London School of Economics and Political Science
The World and Us: Analyzing the Development of IR during the end of the Cold War period Felix Grenier1, Jonas Hagmann2 1Graduate Institute, 2ETH Zürich
11:15am - 1:00pm S28-03: Case studies of Latin American politics Chair: Minerva Campion, Universidad Central
The Use Of The Constitution In Force As A Brake To Big Political Changes. The Cases Of Venezuela (1999-2000), Bolivia (2005-9), Ecuador (2007-8), And The Current Case Of Catalonia (2010-17) From A Comparative Perspective Eneko Compains University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
The international legacy of sports mega-events in Brazil: Political and economic lessons for the semiperipheral countries Carlos Pulleiro University of the Basque Country, Spain
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Analysys of Colombian´s Extradition Process from the Perspective of the Foundation for the Defense of Colombians with Orders of Extradition (DECOPEX) Julio cesar Ramirez montañez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
Towards non-normative approaches to studying post-neoliberal projects: A case from Colombia. Natalia Munera Parra Independent researcher, Colombia
Transnational Feminist Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean. Contributions for the Study of European Activism Iratxe Perea Ozerin University of the Basque Country, Spain
11:15am - 1:00pm S30-09: Agency within Neoliberal ‘Subalternity’: Comparing the Political Economy-Foreign Policy Link in Jordan and Morocco Chair: Artur Malantowicz, Centre for International Initiatives
King Abdullah’s Balancing Act: Neo-liberalism Versus ‘The Politics of Tradition’ in Post-Arab Spring Jordan Imad El-Anis Nottingham Trent University
Foreign Debt and Foreign Policy in Jordan and Morocco: Two-level Games and Strategic Role-playing in the Negotiations with the IMF Irene Fernández-Molina University of Exeter
The Bilateral Trade Agreements of Morocco and Jordan with the United States: Foreign Economic Policy and Power Regimes Laura Feliu Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The Involvement of Political and Social Actors in the EU-Morocco DCFTA Negotiation Process Anna Khakee University of Malta
11:15am - 1:00pm S34-09: Global Histories and Sociologies of the International Chair: Julia Costa Lopez, University of Groningen Discussant: Benjamin Herborth, University of Groningen
A Global Historical Sociology of Revolution
George Lawson LSE, UK
Thinking about 'modern' world politics: Conceptions of modernity in IR Neslihan Dikmen Alsancak Bilkent University, Turkey
The I of I.R. [or: The word is not enough] — International Relations and (trans)disciplinary learnings from (meta)theoretical deeds Roberto Vinicius P.S. Gama
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Independent researcher, Brazil
Recovering Meaning in the History of the International: What Does Constructivism Have to Say? Maja Spanu University of Cambridge, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S38-10: Borders, sovereignty and self-determination in contemporary Europe Discussant: Axel Marx, KU Leuven
Regions as Actors of International Relations: the limits of sub-state regionalism Caterina Garcia1, John Etherington2 1UPF Barcelona, 2UAB Barcelona
The influence of the European level of governance on the politics of secession Jacint Jordana, Adam Holesch IBEI
Democracy and Borders: Secessionism in European plurinational states. The Catalan case Ferran Requejo, Klaus-Juergen Nagel UPF Barcelona
11:15am - 1:00pm S39-05: Imagining the Future: Ideas and Practices for the Anthropocene Chair: Yelda Erçandırlı, Middle East Technical University, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Discussant: Eduardo Viola, University of Brasilia
The Amazon and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A New Development Paradigm for the Region Joana Castro Pereira IPRI-NOVA & Lusíada University, Portugal
Global Inequality against the Test of Climate Change: Whither Vulnerable Populations? Linda Joyce Yarr The George Washington University, United States of America
Knocking on mitigation’s door – How coastal carbon could unlock finance for wetland protection Jennifer Sophie Bansard University of Potsdam, Germany
Biopolitics of global climate Ilari Nikula University of Lapland, Finland
11:15am - 1:00pm S40-03: Scandalous Economics of Extraction, Expulsion and War Chair: Maria Stern, University of Gothenburg Discussant: Jana Hönke, University of Groningen
Extractivism, the Environment and Empowerment: The World Bank’s Gender and Extractive Industries Programme in Post-Conflict Contexts Claire Duncanson University of Edinburgh, UK
Building gender-sensitive and durable peace: what role for international law? Olga Jurasz Open University Law School, UK
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The Crisis in Ukraine and Gendered Economic Insecurities Jennifer Gayle Mathers Aberystwyth University, UK
11:15am - 1:00pm S41-07: Roles, principles and normativity: the EU’s identity in a contested world order Chair: Hartmut Mayer, University of Oxford
Deconstructing the EU’s role in Peacebuilding: Governmentality, Security and Normativity Münevver Cebeci Marmara University, Turkey
The EU's Quest for the Ideal Self in the Post-Soviet Space Cristian Nitoiu Aston university, UK
Regional Organisation membership and norm diffusion: How much has the EU really done to increase support for the UNGA moratorium on the death resolution? Robert Kissack Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, Spain
How Do Norms and Values Matter? EU-Russian Energy Security Discourse in a Time of Crisis Yaroslava Marusyk University fo Groningen, The Netherlands
11:15am - 1:00pm S42-06: The European Union's Relations with Strategic Partners (GLOBUS VI) Chair: Ben Tonra, University College Dublin
EU-China Security Relations: Patterns of Cooperation Emil Kirchner2, Thomas Christiansen1, Han Dorussen2 1Maastricht University, Netherlands, The; 2Essex University, UK
Reception of Russia's Strategic Narrative in the European Union Irina Petrova University of Leuven, Belgium
Understanding the EU in a changing world: EU external perceptions in EU Strategic Partners Natalia Chaban Univerisity of Canterbury, New Zealand
Falling through the cracks? Labour rights governance in EU-Central American agricultural trade Deborah Martens Ghent University, Belgium
‘Strategy, Coherence and Legitimacy’ – Variations on a Theme in the Case of EU-China Relations Kolja Raube, Matthieu Burnay University of Leuven, Belgium
11:15am - 1:00pm S43-10: The Terrorism Challenge for Europe Chair: Andrew Dorman, Chatham House
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Warsaw Summit-2016 and the Evolution of NATO’s Role in Euro-Atlantic Counter-terrorism Cooperation Giray Sadık, Eda Bekci Arı Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey
Terrorist Financing: Analisys and strategic responses for security in Europe Javier Ruipérez Canales Euro-Arab Foundations for Higher Studies, Spain
Euro-Israeli Counterterrorism Cooperation, risks, challenges, and lessons learned Aviva Daniela Therese Guttmann Johns Hopkins University, Italy
The EU and fight against terrorism: the case of the Western Balkans Anastasiia Kudlenko Canterbury Christ Church University, UK,
11:15am - 1:00pm S44-03: Engaging with IPT through the Work of Chris Brown II Chair: Anthony Francis Lang Jr, University of St Andrews
The Politics of Coercion. Justifying, Criticizing and Perpetuating Collective Violence Lothar Brock Peace Research Instiute Frankfurt
Awkward Partners: Chris Brown and Liberal Internationalism Timothy Dunne University of Queensland
Chris Brown’s skepticism and the case for better global institutions Heikki Patomäki Univerity of Helsinki
Why BISA conferences should be held in Bayreuth - Chris Brown's IR Mathias Albert Bielefeld University
On the Right Authority and Individualisation of Just War Milla Emilia Vaha University of Turku, Finland
11:15am - 1:00pm S46-05: Roundtable: The Role of Professional Associations in Ensuring Inclusivity, Diversity and Mobility Chair: Charlotte Heath-Kelly, University of Warwick Presenter(s): Kyle Grayson (Newcastle University), Melanie Richter-Montpetit (University of Sheffield), Anastasia Shesterninina (University of Sheffield), Meera Sabaratnam (Queen Mary University)
11:15am - 1:00pm S47-10: Technological Politics and Border Security Chair: Stef Wittendorp, Leiden University
Practice-Networking Technoscience and EU Border Security Georgios Glouftsios Queen's University Belfast
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Ferocious Architecture in/at the Border: Violence, Technology and Exclusion/Elimination by Design Benjamin J Muller King's University College at the University of Western Ontario
The Lure of Security beyond Control: Re-Thinking Securitisation through the Material Michael Bourne Queen's University Belfast
Discretion and border technologies: the ethics of (un)certainty and (in)decision Alexandra Hall The University of York
Cyber-deportability and regime-collisions: illegalised migrants as legal actors Stephan Scheel Goldsmiths University of London
11:15am - 1:00pm S48-06: Global and regional mobility of policies II: Networks Chair: Eva Hartmann, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Kerstin Martens, University of Bremen
Michael and Susan reform the school: policy mobility, governance and the commercialisation of education. Stephen Ball UCL Institute of Education
Education network governance and global policy mobility: a distended case between Brazil and Australia Marina Avelar UCL Institute of Education
‘Let’s get networked’: network governance, policy networks and discursive communities Dimitra Pavlina Nikita UCL Institute of Education
The Neoliberalisation of Higher Education in India Shelina Thawer UCL Institute of Education
11:15am - 1:00pm S49-04: Decolonising Knowledge - Modes of resistance, disruption and change (there ain't no metaphors here) Chair: Elian Weizman, Council for British Research in the Levant, Kenyon Institute
Settler Colonialism, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Limitations of the Two-State Consensus Nadia Naser-Najjab University of Exeter, UK
Acts of Decolonization: Palestinian Youth Leading Change Resisting settler-colonial relations: The case of the Sami people and Suohpanterror Tarja H. Väyrynen University of Tampere, Finland
Unsettling knowledge production and creating spaces for decolonisation in Palestine Yara Hawari University of Exeter, UK
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11:15am - 1:00pm S50-09: The spectacles of global war on terror Chair: Nadya Ali, University of Sussex Discussant: Elspeth Van Veeren, University of Bristol
The unbearable anxiety of being Muslim Nadya Ali1, Ben Whitham2 1University of Sussex, 2De Montfort University
Sublime Violence in the Age of Neoliberalism Tina Managhan Oxford Brookes
Islamic State’s promotion of terror through otherness Gareth Thompson London College of Communication
'He is dead. You are going to die.' A subjunctive performance of terror. Michael Moshe Dahan University of California
2:30pm - 4:15pm S01-11: Roundtable: New Materialism and Decoloniality – A Conversation II Chair: Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa, University of Portsmouth Presenter(s): Rosalba Icaza (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Kerem Nisancioglu (SOAS, University of London), David Chandler (University of Westminster)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S01-12: Knowledge, Power and Legality: Studying Law and Politics after the ‘Practice Turn’ Chair: Nikolas M Rajkovic, Tilburg University Discussant: Tanja Aalberts, VU Amsterdam
The Transnational Legal Ordering and Governance of Wildlife and Forest Crime Corinne Heaven University of Reading
Rule of Law Reforms in Development Cooperation as International Standards for Stability Julia Liebermann TU Darmstadt
Practices of Legality in Global Production Networks Christian Scheper University of Duisburg-Essen
Between Routinized Behaviour and the Potential for Change: The Practices of Legal Interpretation in International Criminal Law Nora Stappert University of Oxford
2:30pm - 4:15pm S02-10: Identity, Ideology and Religion in Foreign Policy Chair: Thomas Diez, EISA Discussant: Felix Sebastian Berenskoetter, SOAS, University of London
Hybrid Actors - When Foreign Policy goes Transnational Katharina McLarren, Bernhard Stahl
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University of Passau, Germany
Fractured Identities and Revolutionary Foreign Policy in Iran Babak Mohammadzadeh University of Cambridge, UK
International Ideology and Foreign Policy Balkan Devlen Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Identity discourses in the EU’s and Russia’s foreign policies: perspectives from the policy receiver Irina Petrova University of Leuven, Belgium
The diffusion of religion in European foreign policies Anne Jenichen Aston University, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S03-11: Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Coercion, Policing, Violence Chair: Alke Jenss, Bielefeld University
No Future. Pre-emption, Temporal Sovereignty, Hegemonic Implosion Christos Boukalas Cardiff uUniversity, UK
'Authoritarian neoliberalism' and the Australian border-industrial complex Cameron Maxwell Stockley Smith Macquarie University, Australia
Authoritarian governmentality: Contemporary Illiberal Government Simon Douglas Philpott Newcastle University, UK
What is Neoliberal About Neoliberal Policing? A Historical and Theoretical Examination of Recent Policing Transformations Malte Michael Laub King's College London, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S03-12: Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Europe II: Pan-European Trends and Developments Chair: Ana Podvrsic, University Villetaneuse-Paris 13; University of Ljubljana
Gender and Authoritarian Neoliberalism in European Economic Governance Muireann O'Dwyer University College Dublin, Ireland
Querying the Neoliberalism of Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Managerialism and European Economic Governance Ian Alexander Lovering University of Sussex, UK
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Political Economy of Eurozone Crisis Management 138 of 148
Magnus Ryner King's College London, UK
Neoliberal conversion of the European Social Model Bernhard Zeilinger University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria
Austerity Blues - Eurozone crisis, authoritarian neoliberalism, and economic nationalism Jesse Glenn Hembruff King's College London, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S04-06: The European Union in the light of International Practice Theory Chair: Merje Kuus, University of British Columbia Discussant: Rebecca Adler-Nissen, University of Copenhagen
Beneath the institutional iceberg: practices as limits to EU’s power over implementation of the rule of law in Ukraine Marta Kralikova Comenius University, Slovak Republic
Can we please stop talking about EU actorness! On the potential and limitations of studying the EU in international politics from a communities of practices perspective Niklas Bremberg1, Nina Graeger2 1Swedish Institute of International Affairs/Uppsala University, Sweden; 2Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Norway
Crisis, continuity and change in European diplomatic practice: Evidence from the European External Action Service Thomas Henökl University of Agder (UiA), Norway ; German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn
Encountering Recognition: The Hybridisation of Contested State Diplomatic Practices towards the EU Irene Fernández-Molina1, Dimitris Bouris2 1University of Exeter, UK; 2University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
2:30pm - 4:15pm S05-03: New Right ideas and intellectuals Chair: Hartwig Pautz, University of the West of Scotland
Lev Gumilev and the European New Right
Mark Bassin Södertörn University, Sweden
Geopolitics and the new right: some lessons from Germany Ian Klinke University of Oxford, UK
‘Brexit means Brexit’: hypnosis, contagion and strategies of the ‘New Right’ Elisabetta Brighi University of Westminster, UK
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, The Pan-European Spectre of the New Right Benjamin Thorpe
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University of Nottingham, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S07-01: Ballistic Politics: critical perspectives on the productivity of weapons and ammunitions Chair: Mathias Delori, CNRS
Automatic Death: A sociological-historical analysis of "full auto fire" Christophe Wasinski Université Libre de Bruxelles
Close air supports, land patrols and counter-IEDs practices: counter-insurgency tactics and the production of a never-ending military violence Julien Pomarède Université Libre de Bruxelles
The ramifications of risk: war, violence and security in efforts to control the arms trade Anna Stavrianakis University of Sussex
Comparing the French and British framework for the use of MALE drones: What are drones (not) changing in war? Samuel Longuet Université Libre de Bruxelles
The Coward’s Weapon? - How Drone Warfare disrupts the Definition of Military Heroism in the US Georg Löfflmann University of Warwick, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S08-11: Mechanisms and Manifestations of Power in Global Politics Chair: T. Clifton Morgan, Rice University Discussant: Sara Mitchell, University of Iowa
Does the Prospect of International Recognition Influence Support for Secession? A Survey Experiment in Catalonia and Scotland Diego Muro Ruiz1, Martijn Christian Vlaskamp2,3, Guillem Vidal Lorda4 1University of St Andrews; 2Yale University; 3Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI); 4European University Institute
Unequal Trade Relations and Asymmetric Discounting Michael Sampson University of Leiden, The Netherlands
The Politics of Assessing Military Power: the Public Debates on “Force Comparisons” in the 1980s Thomas Müller1, Mathias Albert2 1Bielefeld University, Germany; 2Bielefeld University, Germany
Content-Analysing Foreign Policy Manifestos: CAQDAS, MMR and Foreign Policy Goals in Salience and Convergence Analysis Andriy Tyushka1, Lucyna Czechowska2 1College of Europe (Natolin Campus), Poland; 2Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń (UMK), Poland
Why UN Security Council sanctions are (not) effective: a configurational exploration of MENA sanctions between 1991 and 2015 140 of 148
Andreas Boogaerts1,2, Edith Drieskens1 1KU Leuven, Belgium; 2Research Foundation Flanders - FWO
2:30pm - 4:15pm S09-11: Spaces Dealing with the Legacies of Violence Chair: Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Center for Conflict Studies
“Frozen in Time”: The Temporality of Memory Sites Stefanie Kappler Durham University
Post-conflict Memory Politics: Emplacing Mnemonic Formations Annika Björkdahl Lund University
Memorialising Universal Victimhood at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum Timothy Williams Center for Conflict Studies, University of Marburg
Massgraves, Memory and the Presence of Absence Johanna Mannergren Selimovic Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Sites of Memory after Violence. A Genealogy. Susanne Buckley-Zistel Center for Conflict Studies, University of Marburg
2:30pm - 4:15pm S14-03: Emotions in Conflict and Peace Chair: Ali Bilgic, Loughborough University
Thinking-feeling peace
Ana Isabel Rodriguez Iglesias1,2 1University of Coimbra, Portugal; 2American University, USA
Targeting the emotions: the socio-psychological effects of drone warfare Alexandra Kate {Alex} Edney-Browne University of Melbourne, Australia
The Empathic Foundations of the Security Dilemma Joshua Baker University of Leicester, UK
Fear in International Relations: Aggression and Restraint Arash Heydarian Pashakhanlou Swedish Defence University
2:30pm - 4:15pm S17-06: Data in Global Health: Digitisation, Evidence and Information Diplomacy Chair: Nadine Voelkner, University of Groningen
Deal with global health security, innovating: an antibiotic stewardship approach Mélanie Raimundo Maia, Luís Velez Lapão Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Data Sharing During Global Health Emergencies Stefan Elbe
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University of Sussex, UK
Bio-economies and Molecularly Resilient Bodies: Public Private Partnerships and Medical Countermeasures in the United States Christopher Long Univesity of Sussex, UK
Regimes of Imperception: why the international community cannot identify the cause of birth defects in Iraq Kali J Rubaii University of California, Santa Cruz, United States of America
2:30pm - 4:15pm S19-04: Globalisation, sovereignty and silence - long-term developments and futures past? Chair: Jorg Kustermans, University of Antwerp Discussant: Oliver Kessler, University of Erfurt
Globalization Past, Present, and Future
Yale H. Ferguson1, Richard W. Mansbach2 1Rutgers University-Newark, United States of America; 2Iowa State University, United States of America
Nationalism and Ethnicity: The Supplementation of the State Jaakko Wilhelm Heiskanen University of Cambridge, UK
Lineages of Hegemony: Capitalism, Geopolitics and Global Modernity in the Thirty Years’ Crisis, 1914-1945 Joseph Leigh London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
The recognition of sovereignty in the context of multiple cosmologies Marc Sinan Winrow London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
2:30pm - 4:15pm S22-06: The Role of the Media in Shaping the Debates on International Migration Chair: Valeria Bello, United Nations University
Claiming migration in the news media coverage
Ornella Urso Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
The Migration crisis and Pandora’s box Chara Karagiannopoulou Panteion University, Greece
The Pope as Migrant or “Building walls is not Christian”: The Papacy, Migrations, and the Media Mariano P. Barbato, Johannes Löffler University of Münster, Germany
Suffering with smartphones - The “IPhonemen” and the visual performativity dilemma of refugeeness Noora Kotilainen, Saara Pellander University of Helsinki, Finland
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2:30pm - 4:15pm S24-03: The ISIS Phenomenon Chair: Hanna Pfeifer, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg Discussant: Raffaele Mauriello, Allameh Tabataba'i University
A new symbolic order in the case of the "Islamic State" Galit Truman Zinman The University of Haifa and Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Islamic State as an empirical challenge to International Relations Maria-Louise Clausen Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark
The narrative of Islamic State and its impact on the development of contemporary international relations Holger Mölder Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
The Prominence and Rise of The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria: A Postcolonial Analysis Peter Hamo McMaster University, Canada
2:30pm - 4:15pm S25-08: Roundtable: The Past, Present and Future of Maritime Security Studies Chair: Brendan Flynn, National University of Ireland, Galway Presenter(s): Christian Bueger (Cardiff University), Mariann Riddervold (University of Oslo), Daniele Dionisio da Silva (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
2:30pm - 4:15pm S26-06: Migration and the European Welfare State: Mapping the (Violent) Encounters between Welfare and Mobility Chair: Beste Isleyen, University of Amsterdam
Earned Citizenship and Neoliberal Belonging in the European Union: Including and Excluding Free Movers in European Welfare States Dion Kramer Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Received Welfare and Migration: a Study on Differences between Migrant Life Stages across Europe Petra De Jong, Helga De Valk, Christof Van Mol Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
Migrants and Benevolent State Aggression: A Plea for Less Hypocritical Humanism Imed Ben Labidi Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar
Free movement and social rights: the logics of law and the absence of the political Chenchen Zhang University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2:30pm - 4:15pm S27-08: Realist contentions on order, crisis, and agency Chair: Hartmut Behr, Newcastle University
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Discussant: Benjamin Coulson, Newcastle University
How does the IR crystal ball work?: Exploring the inability of IR theories to accurately predict the future. Christopher James Wheeler Newcastle University, UK
Negotiating ideas and political realism through the work of P. Kondylis Kyriakos Mikelis University of Macedonia, Greece
Negotiating the Realism-Postpositivism Divide in IR Nikolay Nikolaevich Gudalov Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
2:30pm - 4:15pm S28-04: Regionalism and international cooperation Chair: Iratxe Perea Ozerin, University of the Basque Country
EU-Latin America interregional cooperation in combatting the consequences of climate change Joren Selleslaghs Leiden University, The Netherlands
International Relations in Andean Region: Networks and Transnational Knowledge Production Rubén Alfonso Vergara Crespo Basque Country University, Spain
Escape from Hegemony: Redrawing order in the Western Hemisphere Daniel Hywel Nicholls Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
From free market to social policies. Remapping regulatory cooperation and regional governance in MERCOSUR Andrea C. Bianculli Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Spai
2:30pm - 4:15pm S31-09: International organizations and the promotion of democracy and human rights Chair: Alexandra Bousiou, University of Gothenburg
Global Mass Society: How a Forgotten Paradigm Can Assist Democratization of Global Governance Michael Haas University of Hawai'i, United States of America
Make it a People's Integration Mariel Janina Mirijam Reiss Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Public contestation and effectiveness of human rights norms-the case of Ethiopia and global actors Sarah Hinz University of Potsdam, Germany
The Construction Of Cosmopolitan International Norms: An Integrative Constructivist Account Of Normative Change And Normative Diffusion 144 of 148
Pablo Pareja Alcaraz Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
2:30pm - 4:15pm S34-10: Reconstructing Histories of the International Chair: Matthieu Hughes, Universität Erfurt Discussant: Karin Fierke, University of St. Andrews
Bombing Civilians: a history of the idea of distinction in aerial warfare Luis Paulo Bogliolo Piancastelli de Siqueira University of Melbourne, Australia
Different disciplines, different histories? On the Use of History in International Relations and International Law Filipe dos Reis University of Erfurt, Germany
The conceptions of “the international” in non-core contexts: the case of Turkey Mine Nur Küçük Bilkent University, Turkey
Re-constructing or retrofitting history? Can we, and should we, get rid of the good ol' meta-narratives? Timo Walter Universität Erfurt, Germany
2:30pm - 4:15pm S38-11: Control, surveillance and resistance Chair: Adam Holesch, IBEI Discussant: Daniel Pinéu, Amsterdam University College
Everyday urban control between public and private interests Jonas Hagmann ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Multistakeholdism as a model of cyberspace governance and the role of the State actors Tiago Pedro Vales University of Coimbra, Portugal
Security in the multiple: Emerging EU cybersecurity governance spaces Tobias Liebetrau University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Border struggles: political activism against migrants’ b/ordering Raffaela Puggioni ADA University, Azerbaijan
2:30pm - 4:15pm S38-12: Transnational networks and agency Chair: Christopher Kearney, University of Bamberg
The Great Power Game or Multiple Actors in Resource Governance: The Caspian Sea region Example Agha Bayramov University of Groningen, The Netherlands
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Drug Cartels, the State and the Principle of Non-Intervention Maiken Gelardi Madsen Aarhus University, Denmark
Governing innovation ecosystems in Baltics Ilona Baumane-Vitolina University of Latvia, Latvia
The Counter-Hegemonic Strategy of the Turkish Anti-Nuclear Platform Sevgi Balkan-Sahin Çağ University, Turkey
2:30pm - 4:15pm S38-13: Visible and invisible determinants of foreign policy making Chair: Alice Martini, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Sectarian Groups as Sub-State Foreign Policy Actors? The Case of Lebanon Ozlem Tur1, Murat Tinas2 1Middle East Technical University,Ankara, Turkey; 2Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Assessing and explaining the expert authority of international bureaucracies Per-Olof Busch, Hauke Feil, Jana Herold, Andrea Liese University of Potsdam, Germany
Theorising the de facto-patron state relationship: from dependence to a patron-client model? Kristel Vits University of Tartu, Estonia
2:30pm - 4:15pm S41-05: Is the European Union an agent of collective securitization? Chair: Jörg Meyer, Universität Hamburg
A Theory of Collective Securitization. James Sperling1, Mark Webber2 1University of Akron, 2University of Birmingham
The Collective Securitization of Terrorism Christian Kaunert Institute for European Studies
The Collective Securitization of Cyberspace George Christou University of Warwick
The Collective Securitization of Energy Stephanie C. Hofmann, Ueli Staeger Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
The European Union as an Agent of Securitization Sonia Lucarelli University of Bologna, Forli
2:30pm - 4:15pm S42-07: Exporting Norms of Democracy and Human Rights (GLOBUS VII) Chair: Pundy Pillay, University of the Witwatersrand
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European Parliamentary diplomacy as alternative approach to democracy promotion? Some insights from the Southern Mediterranean Jan Claudius Völkel Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
The EU as a norm exporter through trade. An ASEAN perspective Daniela Sicurelli University of Trento, Italy
The EU's Contribution to Global Political Justice in its Southern Neighbourhood: A Second Reading Münevver Cebeci Marmara University, Turkey
Emerging powers in global tax governance: the case of BEPS Wouter Lips Ghent University, Belgium
China and International Adjudication: Towards a New Understanding of Global Justice? Matthieu Burnay, Marta Hermez University of Leuven, Belgium
2:30pm - 4:15pm S43-09: Scrutiny and Governance in European Security Chair: David Dunn, University of Birmingham
Drones and targeted killings: what role for EU parliamentary scrutiny? Stelios Stavridis ARAID/Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
The future of the European security community in a time of crises Anastasiia Kudlenko Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, UK
EU-NATO relations in the Post-Brexit Era: What Implications for Turkey? Armagan Gozkaman Beykent University, Turkey
The IPC on CFSP/CSDP: An adequate tool for the parliamentary scrutiny of the EU’s security policy? Daniel Schade Vienna School of International Studies, Austria
From Technocratic to Contentious Politics? The Politicization of European Security Hendrik Hegemann, Ulrich Schneckener University of Osnabrück, Germany
2:30pm - 4:15pm S43-13: New thinking & Old Thinking in European Security Chair: Andrew Dorman, Chatham House
Regional Organizations and Secessionist Entities: Analyzing the Role of the EU and the OSCE in PostSoviet Protracted Conflict Areas Andrea Gawrich1, Vera Axyonova2 1Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 2Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
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Who Gets What in Foreign Affairs? Explaining the Portfolio Allocation in the Foreign Policy Executive in Coalition Governments Kai Oppermann University of Sussex, UK
The Role of Expertise in the Development of European Defence Capabilities Antonio Calcara LUISS University "Guido Carli", Italy
A new energy security model for the EU: The Portuguese contribution Ana Campos, Teresa Rodrigues IPRI/UNL, Portugal
2:30pm - 4:15pm S48-07: Global and regional mobility of policies III: Global South Chair: Xavier Rambla, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Discussant: Sally Findlow, Keele University
New Education Governance: Global Networks and Student Learning Outcomes in India Neha Miglani, Patricia Burch University of Southern California, United States of America
Network of entrepreneurs and Latin American educational policy Erika Moreira Martins Faculdade de Educação/Unicamp, Brazil
Education Privatisation Trends in Latin America: Global and Regional Patterns of Education Reform Antoni Verger, Mauro Moschetti, Clara Fontdevila Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
“Philanthropizing” Consent: How a Foundation in Brazil Pushed through a National Curriculum Rebecca Tarlau1, Kathryn Moeller2 1Stanford University, United States of America; 2University of Wisconsin, Madison
Comparing webs of education policy transfer: the cases of the Civil Society Education Fund, the Ibero American Educational Goals and the European Council Recommendation on Early School Leaving Xavier Rambla Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
2:30pm - 4:15pm S49-05: Roundtable: Problematising the Settler Colonial Analytic: Theory, Concepts and the Praxis of Research Chair: Elian Weizman, Council for British Research in the Levant, Kenyon Institute Discussant: Sharri Plonski, SOAS, University of London Presenter(s): Yara Hawari (Exeter University), Areej Sabbagh (Brown University), Maayan Geva (Roehampton University), Rimona Afana (Ulster University), Nadia Naser-Najjab (University of Exeter)
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