Jun 7, 2011 - Barbara Kroczynska, Sonali Joshi, Elizabeth A. Eklund, Amit Verma, ...... ...Kate Liddell 1 Linda Crofts 1 Glenn Pilkington 1 Denese Marks 1 ...
Cell Signaling Science™
Type I keratin 17 is phosphorylated on Serine 44 by RSK1 in a growth-and stressdependent fashion Xiaoou Pan, Lesley A. Kane, Jennifer E. Van Eyk and Pierre A. Coulombe J Biol Chem. 2011 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22006917 … BI-D1870 was from Symansis…
The phosphoinositide 3'‐kinase p110δ modulates contractile protein production and IL‐6 release in human airway smooth muscle Qi Ge, Lyn M Moir, Thomas Trian, Kyoko Niimi, Maree Poniris, Peter R Shepherd, Judith L. Black, Brian G. Oliver, Janette K. Burgess J Cell Physiol. 2011 Oct 20. doi: 10.1002/jcp.23046;PMID: 22015454 ….the small inhibitory molecules TGX221 (0.1, 1, 10µM), IC87114 (1, 10, 30µM) (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand)….
Genetic Interaction between MTMR2 and FIG4 Phospholipid Phosphatases Involved in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathies Ilaria Vaccari, Giorgia Dina, Hélène Tronchère, Emily Kaufman, Gaëtan Chicanne, Federica Cerri, Lawrence Wrabetz, Bernard Payrastre, Angelo Quattrini, Lois S. Weisman, Miriam H. Meisler, Alessandra Bolino PLoS Genet 7(10): e1002319. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002319;2011 http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.1002319 ….YM201636 was provided by Symansis….
Development of an optimized backbone of FRET biosensors for kinases and GTPases Naoki Komatsu, Kazuhiro Aoki, Masashi Yamada, Hiroko Yukinaga Yoshihisa Fujita Yuji Kamioka, and Michiyuki Matsuda Mol. Biol. Cell October 5, 2011 mbc.E11-01-0072 in press ….BI-D1870 was purchased from Symansis….
Phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate coordinates actin-mediated mobilization and translocation of secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane of chromaffin cells Peter J. Wen, Shona L. Osborne, Mark Zanin, Pei Ching Low, Hai-Tao A. Wang, Simone M. Schoenwaelder, Shaun P. Jackson, Roland Wedlich-Söldner, Bart Vanhaesebroeck, Damien J. Keating & Frédéric A. Meunier Nat Commun. 2011 Oct 4 ;2:491. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1500. PMID: 21971506 …..IC87114 ... provided by Symansis….
West Nile Virus Replication Requires Fatty Acid Synthesis but Is Independent on Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate Lipids Miguel A. Martín-Acebes, Ana-Belén Blázquez, Nereida Jiménez de Oya, Estela Escribano-Romero, Juan-Carlos Saiz PLoS ONE 6(9): e24970; September 2011 PIK93 was from Symansis (Washdyke, New Zeland)…
Glomerular endothelial PI3 kinase-α couples to VEGFR2, but is not required for eNOS activation Qiu-Xia Zhang, Maryam Nakhaei-Nejad, George Haddad, Xuemei Wang, Rodger D. Loutzenhiser, and Allan G Murray. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol September 21, 2011 PMID: 21937609 The following inhibitors 135 were used PI3 kinase-δ inhibitor IC87114(Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand) at 136 10 uM for 30 minutes
Cell Signaling Science™
Exercise-induced pyruvate dehydrogenase activation is not affected by 7 days of bed rest Kristian Kiilerich, Stine Ringholm, Rasmus S. Biensø, James P. Fisher, Ninna Iversen, Gerrit van Hall, Jørgen F. P. Wojtaszewski, Bengt Saltin, Carsten Lundby, Jose A. L. Calbet, and Henriette Pilegaard J Appl Physiol, Sep 2011; 111: 751 - 757. ...phosphorylation of TBC1D4/AKT substrate of 160 kDa (AS160; a key factor in GLUT4 translocation) at Ser588, Thr642 and Ser751 (Symansis no. 3028-P2, no. 3028-P1, Graham Hardie, Dundee) were measured in muscle samples by SDSPAGE and Western blotting as previously... ...
Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K(p110α)) Directly Regulates Key Components of the Z-disc and Cardiac Structure Ashley J. Waardenberg, Bianca C. Bernardo, Dominic C. H. Ng, Peter R. Shepherd, Nelly Cemerlang, Mauro Sbroggiò, Christine A. Wells, Brian P. Dalrymple, Mara Brancaccio, Ruby C. Y. Lin, and Julie R. McMullen J. Biol. Chem. 2011; 286:30837-30846. ...Animals. NRVM were treated with two PI3K(p110alpha) inhibitors (PIK75 (19) 0-100 muM or A66 (20, 21) 0-50 muM , both from Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand) with and without IGF1 (10 nm , Novozymes Biopharma AU Limited, CM001) for 18 h. Following experimental...
Increased basal intracellular signaling patterns do not correlate with JAK2 genotype in human myeloproliferative neoplasms Shubha Anand, Frances Stedham, Emma Gudgin, Peter Campbell, Philip Beer, Anthony R. Green, and Brian J. P. Huntly Blood, Aug 2011; 118: 1610 - 1621. The JAK2 inhibitor TG101209 (Symansis) was dissolved in DMSO and used at a concentration of 0.6muM…..
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway mediated by p110α regulates invadopodia formation Hideki Yamaguchi, Shuhei Yoshida, Emi Muroi, Nachi Yoshida, Masahiro Kawamura, Zen Kouchi, Yoshikazu Nakamura, Ryuichi Sakai, and Kiyoko Fukami J. Cell Biol., Jun 2011; 193: 1275 – 1288 ... PIK-75 and IC87114 were purchased from Symansis…
A homogeneous and nonisotopic assay for phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases Andrew W. Taia, Naveen Bojjireddy and Tamas Balla Analytical Biochemistry, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 7 June 2011, ISSN 0003-2697, DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2011.05.046. …..PIK-93 [9] was purchased from Symansis (Washdyke, New Zealand). Cell culture. ... PHAGOCYTES, GRANULOCYTES, AND MYELOPOIESIS:
C5a-mediated neutrophil dysfunction is RhoA-dependent and predicts infection in critically ill patients Andrew Conway Morris, Mairi Brittan, Thomas S. Wilkinson, Danny F. McAuley, Jean Antonelli, Corrienne McCulloch, Laura C. Barr, Neil A. McDonald, Kev Dhaliwal, Richard O. Jones, Annie Mackellar, Christopher Haslett, Alasdair W. Hay, David G. Swann, Niall Anderson, Ian F. Laurenson, Donald J. Davidson, Adriano G. Rossi, Timothy S. Walsh, and A. John Simpson Blood, May 2011; 117: 5178 - 5188. ... and delta (IC87114) isoforms of phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) were obtained….. from Symansis, respectively. The non-isoform-specific PI3K inhibitor LY294002 and -specific PI3K activator 740Y-P were …… INFLAMMATION, IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, AND ASTHMA:
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Isoform-Specific Effects in Airway Mesenchymal Cell Function Lyn M. Moir, Thomas Trian, Qi Ge, Peter R. Shepherd, Janette K. Burgess, Brian G. G. Oliver, and Judith L. Black J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., May 2011; 337: 557 - 566. …..PIK75,IC87114,TGX221...p110alpha, p110beta, and p110delta, respectively; Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand) were dissolved in DMSO and diluted...571098]…..*
Cell Signaling Science™
Tumor-Conditioned Macrophages Secrete Migration-Stimulating Factor: A New Marker for M2-Polarization, Influencing Tumor Cell Motility
Graziella Solinas, Silvia Schiarea, Manuela Liguori, Marco Fabbri, Samantha Pesce, Luca Zammataro, Fabio Pasqualini, Manuela Nebuloni, Chiara Chiabrando, Alberto Mantovani, and Paola Allavena J. Immunol., Jul 2010; 185: 642 - 652. ...different concentrations of Recombinant Human M-CSF R-Fc Chimera (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand). As experimental control, a solution...pretreated with different concentrations of rhMCSF R-Fc Chimera (Symansis). Results from one representative experiment of three performed... ...* MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF DISEASE:
Involvement of Oxygen-regulated Protein 150 in AMP-activated Protein Kinasemediated Alleviation of Lipid-induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Yun Wang, Zeyu Wu, Dan Li, Duan Wang, Xiaoming Wang, Xiang Feng, and Min Xia J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2011; 286: 11119 – 11131
...MA). AMPK antagonist compound C was obtained from Calbiochem. Metformin was purchased from Sigma. A-769662 was provided by Symansis Pty Ltd. Anti-ORP150 antibody (ab85233, the band size is 111 kDa) was obtained from Abcam (Cambridge, CA). The non-radioactive...*
The Phosphoinositide Kinase PIKfyve Is Vital in Early Embryonic Development: PREIMPLANTATION LETHALITY OF PIKfyve –/– EMBRYOS BUT NORMALITY OF PIKfyve+/– MICE
Ognian C. Ikonomov, Diego Sbrissa, Khortnal Delvecchio, Yufen Xie, Jian-Ping Jin, Daniel Rappolee, and Assia Shisheva J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2011; 286: 13404 - 13413. ….The YM201636 inhibitor was from Symansis. For the isolation of MEFs, the head, limbs, and viscera were removed from mouse E12.5 embryo. The remaining tissue was minced... ...* SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION:
Regulatory Effects of Ribosomal S6 Kinase 1 (RSK1) in IFN
Barbara Kroczynska, Sonali Joshi, Elizabeth A. Eklund, Amit Verma, Sergei V. Kotenko, Eleanor N. Fish, and Leonidas C. Platanias J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2011; 286: 1147 - 1156. ... ...final concentration of 20 n m . The RSK inhibitors, SL0101-1 and BI-D1870, were from Tocris Bioscience (Ellisville, MO) and Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand), respectively. SL0101-1 was used at a final concentration of 80 m , and BI-D1870 was used at a final... ...*
A novel zebrafish jak2aV581F model shared features of human JAK2V617F polycythemia vera
Alvin C.H. Ma, August Fan, Alister C. Ward, Clifford Liongue, Rowena S. Lewis, Suk H. Cheng, P.K. Chan, Sze-Fai Yip, Raymond Liang, Anskar Y.H. Leung Exp. Hematol. (December 2009) 37(12):1379-1386.e4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ …San Diego, CA, USA) at 50 μmol/L and a specific JAK2 inhibitor, TG101209, at 0.5 μmol/L (Symansis Cell Signaling Science, Timaru, New Zealand). ...* SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION:
Regulation of Glucose Transporter 4 Translocation by the Rab Guanosine Triphosphatase-Activating Protein AS160/TBC1D4: Role of Phosphorylation and Membrane Association
Jacqueline Stöckli, Jonathan R. Davey, Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, Aimin Xu, David E. James, and Georg Ramm Mol. Endocrinol., Dec 2008; 22: 2703 - 2715. ... ...phospho-Ser588 and phospho-Thr642 were obtained from Peter Shepherd (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand). Total TBC1D4 antibodies were from...Cushman for providing us with reagents. We thank Peter Shepherd (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand) for providing us with the phospho-642... ..* .
Cell Signaling Science™
Tyrosine Phosphorylation Profiling Reveals the Signaling Network Characteristics of Basal Breast Cancer Cells
Falko Hochgräfe, Luxi Zhang, Sandra A. O'Toole, Brigid C. Browne, Mark Pinese, Ana Porta Cubas, Gillian M. Lehrbach, David R. Croucher, Danny Rickwood, Alice Boulghourjian, Robert Shearer, Radhika Nair, Alexander Swarbrick, Dana Faratian, Peter Mullen, David J. Harrison, Andrew V. Biankin, Robert L. Sutherland, Mark J. Raftery, and Roger J. Daly Cancer Res., Nov 2010; 70: 9391 - 9401. ... ...SU11274 were obtained from Sigma and used at a final concentration of 10 and 1 mumol/L, respectively. PF-562271 was obtained from Symansis and used at 1 to 100 nmol/L. All drugs were dissolved in DMSO. Short interfering RNA transfection Lyn short interfering... ...* LIPIDS:
Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase Induces Cholesterol Efflux from Macrophage-derived Foam Cells and Alleviates Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-deficient Mice
Dan Li, Duan Wang, Yun Wang, Wenhua Ling, Xiang Feng, and Min Xia J. Biol. Chem., Oct 2010; 285: 33499 - 33509. ... ...salt were obtained from Calbiochem. A-769662, a cell-permeable drug that potently activates AMPK in cells, was provided by Symansis Pty Ltd. (Washdyke, New Zealand). Human 3,3-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine-labeled fluorescent high density lipoprotein (DiI-HDL... ...* LIPIDS:
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulates membrane fission of Golgi carriers for selective cytokine secretion Pei Ching Low, Ryo Misaki, Kate Schroder, Amanda C. Stanley, Matthew J. Sweet, Rohan D. Teasdale, Bart Vanhaesebroeck, Frédéric A. Meunier, Tomohiko Taguchi, and Jennifer L. Stow J. Cell Biol., Sep 2010; 190: 1053 - 1065.
... ...Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), and IC87114 (p110delta) was supplied by Symansis. Dynasore was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. All inhibitors were reconstituted in DMSO (SigmaAldrich) with final concentration... ...* INFLAMMATION, IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, AND ASTHMA:
Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Regulates Airway Smooth Muscle Contraction by Modulating Calcium Oscillations
Haihong Jiang, Peter W. Abel, Myron L. Toews, Caishu Deng, Thomas B. Casale, Yan Xie, and Yaping Tu J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Sep 2010; 334: 703 - 709. ... ...PI3Kdelta inhibitor 2-(6-aminopurin-9-ylmethyl)-3-(2-chlorophenyl)-6,7-dimethoxy-3H-quinazoli-n-4-one (IC87114) was obtained from Symansis (Washdyke, New Zealand). Rabbit PI3Kgamma antibody and IRDye800-labeled anti-rabbit IgG were purchased from Cell Signaling... ... * CELL CYCLE, CELL DEATH, AND SENESCENCE: CELL BIOLOGY:
Autophagy Controls IL-1β Secretion by Targeting Pro-IL-1β for Degradation
James Harris, Michelle Hartman, Caitrionna Roche, Shijuan G. Zeng, Amy O'Shea, Fiona A. Sharp, Eimear M. Lambe, Emma M. Creagh, Douglas T. Golenbock, Jurg Tschopp, Hardy Kornfeld, Katherine A. Fitzgerald, and Ed C. Lavelle J. Biol. Chem., Jan. 2011; 286: 9587 - 9597. ... ...4-morpholinyl)thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-phenol, was from Cayman Chemicals (Tallinn, Estonia). The PI3K inhibitor, IC87114, was from Symansis (Washdyke, NZ). Wortmannin, 3-methyladenine, and Akt inhibitor were all from Sigma. All TLR agonists were obtained from Invivogen..
The Pan-Bcl-2 Inhibitor (–)-Gossypol Triggers Autophagic Cell Death in Malignant Glioma Valerie Voss, Christian Senft, Verena Lang, Michael W. Ronellenfitsch, Joachim P. Steinbach, Volker Seifert, and Donat Kögel Mol. Cancer Res., Jul 2010; 8: 1002 - 1016. ... ...TMRM) was from MobiTec. BH3 mimetics BH3I-2 and HA14-1 were purchased from Calbiochem (Merck Biosciences) and ABT-737 was from Symansis. C2-Ceramide was from Merck Chemicals Ltd. Lysotracker Red DND-99 was obtained from Invitrogen. All other chemicals were used... ... *
Cell Signaling Science™
Selective BRAFV600E Inhibition Enhances T-Cell Recognition of Melanoma without Affecting Lymphocyte Function Andrea Boni, Alexandria P. Cogdill, Ping Dang, Durga Udayakumar, Ching-Ni Jenny Njauw, Callum M. Sloss, Cristina R. Ferrone, Keith T. Flaherty, Donald P. Lawrence, David E. Fisher, Hensin Tsao, and Jennifer A. Wargo Cancer Res., Jul 2010; 70: 5213 - 5219. ... ...inhibitors U0126 and PD0325901 were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology. The BRAF-V600E inhibitor PLX4720 was obtained from Symansis. Quantitative PCR Differential expression of MDAs in melanoma lines was validated using Taqman Gene Expression Assays (Applied... ... * THERAPEUTICS, TARGETS, AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY:
Correlating Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitor Efficacy with Signaling Pathway Status: In silico and Biological Evaluations
Shingo Dan, Mutsumi Okamura, Mariko Seki, Kanami Yamazaki, Hironobu Sugita, Michiyo Okui, Yumiko Mukai, Hiroyuki Nishimura, Reimi Asaka, Kimie Nomura, Yuichi Ishikawa, and Takao Yamori Cancer Res., Jun 2010; 70: 4982 - 4994. ... ...XI were purchased from Calbiochem. TGX221 and perifosine were purchased from Cayman. GDC-0941 and IC87114 were obtained from Symansis. RAD001 and CCI779 were purchased from LC Laboratories. Wortmannin, PX866, NVP-BEZ235, and rapamycin were obtained from Kyowa... ... *
Gatekeeper Mutations Mediate Resistance to BRAF-Targeted Therapies
Steven Whittaker, Ruth Kirk, Robert Hayward, Alfonso Zambon, Amaya Viros, Neus Cantarino, Annette Affolter, Arnaud Nourry, Dan Niculescu-Duvaz, Caroline Springer, and Richard Marais Science Translational Medicine, Jun 2010; 2: 35ra41. ... ...synthesized by published routes ( 13 ). RAF265 (CHIR265) was purchased from American Custom Chemicals, and SB590885 was from Symansis. All drugs were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Expression and purification of BRAF proteins Recombinant baculoviruses... ... * IMMUNOBIOLOGY:
The receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit controls IL-33 receptor signaling in mast cells
Sebastian Drube, Sylvia Heink, Sabine Walter, Tobias Löhn, Mandy Grusser, Alexander Gerbaulet, Luciana Berod, Julia Schons, Anne Dudeck, Jenny Freitag, Stefan Grotha, Daniela Reich, Olga Rudeschko, Johannes Norgauer, Karin Hartmann, Axel Roers, and Thomas Kamradt Blood, May 2010; 115: 3899 - 3906. ... ...Figure S2. IL-33 is not a c-Kit ligand (JPG, 639 KB) - (A), (B) HMC-1.1 cells were pre-incubated with sc-Kit (Symansis) for 30min and stimulated with IL-33 (A) or SCF (B) for 20min. Lysates were analyzed by immunoblot for phosphorylated signaling... ... * PHAGOCYTES, GRANULOCYTES, AND MYELOPOIESIS:
Tyrosine kinase Btk regulates E-selectin–mediated integrin activation and neutrophil recruitment by controlling phospholipase C (PLC) 2 and PI3K pathways
Helena Mueller, Anika Stadtmann, Hugo Van Aken, Emilio Hirsch, Demin Wang, Klaus Ley, and Alexander Zarbock Blood, Apr 2010; 115: 3118 - 3127. ... ...PI3Kdelta inhibitor (20 mg/kg PI3Kgamma [Merck], 35 20 mg/kg PI3Kdelta [IC87114] intraperitoneally, 1 hour before the experiments [Symansis] (36) or DMSO control. For further details, see supplemental Methods. Intravital microscopy At 2 hours before cremaster... ... * SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION:
Dissecting the Mechanism of Insulin Resistance Using a Novel Heterodimerization Strategy to Activate Akt Yvonne Ng, Georg Ramm, and David E. James J. Biol. Chem., Feb 2010; 285: 5232 - 5239. ... ...ImmunoResearch (West Grove, PA). Polyclonal sheep antibody raised against pThr 642 AS160 was obtained from Peter Shepherd (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand). Paraformaldehyde was from ProSciTech (Thuringowa, Australia). Insulin, PKC pseudosubstrate, and Rac... ... *
Cell Signaling Science™
Cluster Analysis of Insulin Action in Adipocytes Reveals a Key Role for Akt at the Plasma Membrane
Yvonne Ng, Georg Ramm, James G. Burchfield, Adelle C. F. Coster, Jacqueline Stöckli, and David E. James J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2010; 285: 2245 - 2257. ... ...raised against Ser(P)-588 AS160 and Thr(P)-642 AS160 and the Akt-i1/2 specific inhibitor were obtained from Peter Shepherd (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand). Paraformaldehyde was from ProSciTech (Thuringowa, Australia). Insulin was purchased from Calbiochem... ... * MEDICAL SCIENCES:
MEK1 mutations confer resistance to MEK and B-RAF inhibition
Caroline M. Emery, Krishna G. Vijayendran, Marie C. Zipser, Allison M. Sawyer, Lili Niu, Jessica J. Kim, Charles Hatton, Rajiv Chopra, Patrick A. Oberholzer, Maria B. Karpova, Laura E. MacConaill, Jianming Zhang, Nathanael S. Gray, William R. Sellers, Reinhard Dummer, and Levi A. Garraway PNAS, Dec 2009; 106: 20411 - 20416. ... ...Lechen International Trading Company; AZD6244 ( 12 ) was purchased from Selleck Chemicals, and PLX4720 ( 21 ) was purchased from Symansis. Cell growth inhibition assays were performed as described in the SI Text . Colony Formation Assays. For each cell line, 40... ... *
Insulin resistance is a cellular antioxidant defense mechanism
Kyle L. Hoehn, Adam B. Salmon, Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, Nigel Turner, Andrew J. Hoy, Ghassan J. Maghzal, Roland Stocker, Holly Van Remmen, Edward W. Kraegen, Greg J. Cooney, Arlan R. Richardson, and David E. James PNAS, Oct 2009; 106: 17787 - 17792. ... ...fluorescence over time. Materials. Antibodies against p-Akt and p-GSK3 were from Cell Signaling. pT642-AS160 antibody was from Symansis. MitoSOX Red was from Invitrogen. MitoTEMPO, MnTBAP, and MnTMPyP were purchased from Alexis Biochemicals. Rotenone, Stigmatellin... ... *
Identification of a Distal GLUT4 Trafficking Event Controlled by Actin Polymerization
Jamie A. Lopez, James G. Burchfield, Duncan H. Blair, Katarina Mele, Yvonne Ng, Pascal Vallotton, David E. James, and William E. Hughes Mol. Biol. Cell, Sep 2009; 20: 3918 - 3929. ... ...Leiden, The Netherlands). The sheep anti-pTBC1D4(T642) antibody and the Akt inhibitor Akti-1/2 (SN30978) was obtained from P. Shepherd (Symansis, Auckland, NZ). All other reagents were obtained as follows: tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-conjugated phalloidin... ... *
Lipid and insulin infusion-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance is likely due to metabolic feedback and not changes in IRS-1, Akt, or AS160 phosphorylation
Andrew J. Hoy, Amanda E. Brandon, Nigel Turner, Matthew J. Watt, Clinton R. Bruce, Gregory J. Cooney, and Edward W. Kraegen Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Jul 2009; 297: E67 - E75. ... ...Lake Placid, NY); and anti-14-3-3b from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA). Anti-phospho-Thr642 AS160 was a gift from Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand). Statistical Analysis Statistical analyses were performed using Prism5 (Graphpad Software, San... ... * CELL BIOLOGY:
Glucose infusion causes insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of rats without changes in Akt and AS160 phosphorylation
Andrew J. Hoy, Clinton R. Bruce, Anna Cederberg, Nigel Turner, David E. James, Gregory J. Cooney, and Edward W. Kraegen Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Nov 2007; 293: E1358 - E1364. ... ...anti-AS160 from Upstate Biotechnology (Lake Placid, NY); and anti-phospho-Ser588 AS160 and anti-phosphoThr642 AS160 were gifts from Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand). Statistical Analysis …..
Cell Signaling Science™
Phosphorylation-dependent binding of 14-3-3 terminates signalling by the Gab2 docking protein Tilman Brummer, Mark Larance, Maria Teresa Herrera Abreu1, Ruth J Lyons, Paul Timpson1, Christoph Emmerich, Emmy DG, Fleuren, Gillian M Lehrbach, Daniel Schramek, Michael Guilhaus, David E James and Roger J Daly EMBO J (2008) 27, 2305-2316. Polyclonal anti-phospho-S210 and anti-phospho-T391..(3043 P2) antibodies were generated in sheep using standard techniques by Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand).
Akt2 regulates expression of the actin-bundling protein paladin Y. Rebecca Chin, a, and Alex Toker FEBS Letters, Volume 584, Issue 23, 1 December 2010, Pages 4769-4774 ….and SN30978 (referred to Akti-1/2 in [25]; gift from Dr. Peter Shepherd (Symansis and University of Auckland, New 5 Zealand)) were added to cells at final concentrations of 10 mM and 5 mM, respectively.
Functional differences between two classes of oncogenic mutation in the PIK3CA gene Claire Chaussadea, c, 1, Kitty Choa, Claire Mawsonb, Gordon W. Rewcastleb, c and Peter R. Shepherd Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,Volume 381, Issue 4, 17 April 2009, Pages 577-581 ….PIK-75, PI-103 and polyclonal antibodies to p85 were obtained from Symansis (Auckland, NZ)…..
ERp46 binds to AdipoR1, but not AdipoR2, and modulates adiponectin signaling Hayley K. Charltona, Julie Webstera, Sarah Krugera, Fiona Simpsona, Ayanthi A. Richardsa and Jonathan P. Whitehead Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Volume 392, Issue 2, 5 February 2010, Pages 234-239 …..Full-length adiponectin secreted from HEK293 cells was from Symansis (Auckland, NZ)…..
Overexpression of the oncogenic signal transducer Gab2 occurs early in breast cancer development
Emmy D.G. Fleuren1, Sandra O'Toole1,2, Ewan K. Millar1, Catriona McNeil1, Elena Lopez-Knowles1, Alice Boulghourjian1, David R. Croucher1, Daniel Schramek3, Tilman Brummer1, Josef M. Penninger3, Robert L. Sutherland1,2, Roger J. Daly International Journal of Cancer Volume 127, Issue 6, pages 1486–1492, 15 September 2010 …..An affinity-purified sheep polyclonal antibody was generated against the C-terminal Gab2 peptide sequence WTDVRQSSEPSKGAKL in association with Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand)….
AMPK regulates ABCG1-mediated oxysterol efflux from endothelial cells and protects against hypercholesterolemia-induced endothelial dysfunction Dan Li, Yuan Zhang, Jing Ma, Wenhua Ling, Min Xia Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2010;30:1354-1362 ... A-769662, a cell permeable drug that potently activates AMPK in cells, was provided by Symansis Pty Ltd….
Investigating the role of class-IA PI 3-kinase isoforms in adipocyte differentiation Ji Eun Kima, Peter R. Shepherd, a, and Claire Chaussade Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Volume 379, Issue 4, 20 February 2009, Pages 830-834. The β-catenin antibody, PIK-75, TGX-221 and IC87114 obtained from Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand)
YM201636, an inhibitor of retroviral budding and PIKfyve-catalyzed PtdIns(3,5)P2 synthesis, halts glucose entry by insulin in adipocytes ian C. Ikonomova, Diego Sbrissaa and Assia Shisheva Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,Volume 382, Issue 3, 8 May 2009, Pages 566-570. …..YM201636 was purchased from Symansis….
Cell Signaling Science™
RAF inhibitors prime wild-type RAF to activate the MAPK pathway and enhance growth Georgia Hatzivassiliou, Kyung Song, Ivana Yen, Barbara J. Brandhuber, Daniel J. Anderson, Ryan Alvarado, Mary J. C. Ludlam, David Stokoe, Susan L. Gloor, Guy Vigers, Tony Morales, Ignacio Aliagas, Bonnie Liu, Steve Sideris, Klaus P. Hoeflich, Bijay S. Jaiswal, Somasekar Seshagiri, Hartmut Koeppen, Marcia Belvin, Lori S. Friedman & Shiva Malek Nature, Vol 464| 18 March 2010| doi:10.1038/nature08833 …..PLX4720 ….. were purchased from Symansis….
Regulation of PIKfyve phosphorylation by insulin and osmotic stress
Elaine V. Hill, Claire A. Hudson, Didier Vertommen, Mark H. Rider and Jeremy M. Tavaré Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Volume 397, Issue 4, 9 July 2010, Pages 650-655 …..and YM201636 was from Symansis…..
Glucose induces an autocrine activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in macrophage cell lines Sasha H. ANAGNOSTOU and Peter R. SHEPHERD Biochem. J. (2008) 416 (211–218) ……The β-catenin antibody was from Symansis…..
Involvement of oxygen-regulated protein 150 in AMPK-mediated alleviation of lipid-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress Yun Wang, Zeyu Wu, Dan Li, Duan Wang, Xiaoming Wang, Xiang Feng and Min Xia. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 1;286(13):11119-31. A-769662 was provided by Symansis Pty Ltd
IRS1-Independent Defects Define Major Nodes of Insulin Resistance
Kyle L. Hoehn Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, Anna Cederberg, Lindsay E. Wu, Nigel Turner, Tomoyuki Yuasa, Yousuke Ebina, and David E. James.
Cell Metabolism 7, 421–433, May 2008 The Akt1/2 inhibitor was obtained from Symansis; details on its characterization can be found elsewhere (DeFeo-Jones et al., 2005)…. and phospho-Thr642 TBC1D4 antibody were… from ….Symansis
Fibroblast growth factor requirements for in vitro development of bovine embryos Sarah D Fields, Peter J Hansen, Alan D Ealy Theriogenology, 75(8): Pages 1466-1475 (May 2011) …..The SU5402 was purchased from Symansis….
Reduced phosphorylation of AS160 contributes to glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of glucose uptake in human and murine adipocytes Sherry Ngo, Janelle B. Barry, Janelle C. Nisbet, Johannes B. Prins,and Jonathan P. Whitehead Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Volume 302, Issue 1, 10 April 2009, Pages 33-40 …..Anti-phospho-AS160-T642 was from Symansis……
Inhibition profiles of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors against PI3K superfamily and human cancer cell line panel JFCR39 Dexin Kong,Shingo Dan,Kanami Yamazaki,Takao Yamori. European Journal of Cancer, Volume 46,Issue 6 , Pages 1111-1121, April 2010 …..GDC-0941 was purchased from Symansis…….
Regulatory Effects of Ribosomal S6 Kinase 1 (RSK1) in IFNλ Signaling
Barbara Kroczynska, Sonali Joshi, Elizabeth A. Eklund, Amit Verma, Sergei V. Kotenko, Eleanor N. Fish and Leonidas C. Platanias January 14, 2011 The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, 1147-1156. BI-D1870, …..from Symansis…..
Cell Signaling Science™
Biased binding of class IA phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase subunits to inducible costimulator (CD278)
Yenny Y. Acosta, Maria Paz Zafra, Gloria Ojeda, Ilaria Seren Bernardone, Umberto Dianzani, Pilar Portolés and Jose M. Rojo Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 Dec 28 ... PI3-Kd inhibitor IC87114 was purchased from Symansis….
Both p110α and p110β Isoforms of Phosphatidylinositol 3-OH-Kinase are Required for Insulin Signalling in the Hypothalamus A. Tups, G. M. Anderson, M. Rizwan, R. A. Augustine, C. Chaussade, P. R. Shepherd, D. R. Grattan Journal of Neuroendocrinology,Volume 22, Issue 6, pages 534–542, June 2010 ... To immunoprecipitate PI3K, sheep polyclonal antibodies to the N-SH2 domain of p85 alpha (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand) were pre-incubated with protein G-Sepharose before the addition of cleared lysates and incubation overnight at 4 °C. Immune complexes were ...
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Isoform-Specific Effects in Airway Mesenchymal Cell Function Lyn M. Moir, Thomas Trian, Qi Ge, Peter R. Shepherd, Janette K. Burgess, Brian G. G. Oliver and Judith L. Black JPET May 2011 vol. 337 no. 2 557-566 …..TGX221 (7-methyl-2-(4-morpholinyl)-9-[1-(phenylamino)ethyl]-4H-pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-one), and IC87114 (2-[(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)methyl]-5-methyl-3-(2-methylphenyl)-4(3H)-quinazolinone) (p110α, p110β, and p110δ, from …..Symansis……
Prolactin-induced Jak2 phosphorylation of RUSH: A key element in Jak/RUSH signaling
Rebecca A. Helmer, Marlyn Panchoo, Janet S. Dertienb, Suhani M. Bhakta, Aveline Hewetson and Beverly S. Chilton Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,Volume 325, Issues 1-2, 30 August 2010, Pages 143-149 …..additional Jak2 inhibitors included TG101209 purchased from Symansis….
The evolution of insulin resistance in muscle of the glucose infused rat
Amanda E. Brandon,Andrew J. Hoy, Lauren E. Wright, Nigel Turner, Bronwyn D. Hegarty, Tristan J. Iseli, X. Julia Xu, Gregory J. Cooney, Asish K. Saha, Neil B. Ruderman and Edward W. Kraegen Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 509, Issue 2, 15 May 2011, Pages 133-141. and phospho-Thr 642 AS160, antibody was a gift from Symansis
Lung adenocarcinoma cells floating in lymphatic vessels resist anoikis by expressing phosphorylated Src
Yuji Sakuma, Tomoyo Takeuchi, Yoshiyasu Nakamura, Mitsuyo Yoshihara, Shoichi Matsukuma, Haruhiko Nakayama, Naoki Ohgane, Tomoyuki Yokose, Yoichi Kameda, Eiju Tsuchiya, Yohei Miyagi. The Journal of Pathology,Volume 220, Issue 5, pages 574–585, April 2010 ... Four of the nine cell lines (LC-KJ, HCC827, H1650, and H1975) were treated with two Src family tyrosine kinase inhibitors…..and bosutinib (SKI-606) (Symansis, Auckland, New Zealand ...
Regulation of Glucose Transporter 4 Translocation by the Rab Guanosine Triphosphatase-Activating Protein AS160/TBC1D4: Role of Phosphorylation and Membrane Association Jacqueline Stöckli, Jonathan R. Davey, Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, Aimin Xu, David E. James and Georg Ramm Molecular Endocrinology December 1, 2008 vol. 22 no. 12 2703-2715 ...and against TBC1D4 phospho- Ser588 and phospho-Thr642 from Peter Shepherd Symansis…..
Inhibition of the c-fms proto-oncogene autocrine loop and tumor phenotype in glucocorticoid stimulated human breast carcinoma cells Eugene P. Toy, Tiffany Lamb, Masoud Azodi, William J. Roy, Ho-Hyung Woo and Setsuko K. Chambers Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21063905 . Ki20227 inhibition of c-fms signaling Ki20227 from Symansis
Cell Signaling Science™
The Actin-Bundling Protein Palladin Is an Akt1-Specific Substrate that Regulates Breast Cancer Cell Migration Y. Rebecca Chin, Alex Toker Molecular Cell, Volume 38, Issue 3, 333-344, 14 May 2010 SN30978 (referred to Akti-1/2 in DeFeo-Jones et al., 2005; gift from Peter Shepherd Symansis
Rapid Activation of Akt2 Is Sufficient to Stimulate GLUT4 Translocation in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Yvonne Ng, Georg Ramm, Jamie A. Lopez and David E. James Cell Metabolism, Volume 7, Issue 4, 348-356, 9 April 2008 …phospho-AS160 antibodies, and the Akt inhibitor SN30978… Symansis
COT drives resistance to RAF inhibition through MAP kinase pathway reactivation
Cory M. Johannessen, Jesse S. Boehm, So Young Kim, Sapana R. Thomas, Leslie Wardwell, Laura A. Johnson, Caroline M. Emery, et al. Nature 468,968–972 PLX4720 (PubChem ID: 24180719) from Symansis
Adiponectin Haploinsufficiency Promotes Mammary Tumor Development in MMTVPyVT Mice by Modulation of Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Activities
JB Lam, K.M. Chow, A.Xu,, Karen Lam, Jing Liu, Nai-Sum Wong, Randall Moon, P. Shepherd, Garth Cooper, Yu Wang. PLoS One. 2009;4(3):e4968. Epub 2009 Mar 25 …sheep anti-beta-catenin was from Symansis (Auckland, New Zealand). Pharmacological inhibitors, including Akt-1/2 inhibitor, PI3K p110alpha inhibitor,PIK-75, PI3K p110beta inhibitor TGX221, and PI3K p110delta inhibitor IC87114 were provided by Dr Peter R. Shepherd, Symansis.
APPL1 Potentiates Insulin-Mediated Inhibition of Hepatic Glucose Production and Alleviates Diabetes via Akt Activation in Mice Kenneth K.Y. Cheng, Miguel A. Iglesias, Karen S.L. Lam, Yu Wang, Gary Sweeney, Weidong Zhu, Paul M. Vanhoutte, Edward W. Kraegen, and Aimin Xu Cell Metabolism, Volume 9, Issue 5, 417-427, 6 May 2009 …..anti-Akt2 IgG was from Symansis…
Kinetic Evidence for Unique Regulation of GLUT4 Trafficking by Insulin and AMPactivated Protein Kinase Activators in L6 Myotubes Daniel J. Fazakerley, Geoffrey D. Holman, Anna Marley, David E. James, Jacqueline Stöckli, and Adelle C. F. Coster. January 15, 2010 The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 1653-1660. …..Akt inhibitory molecule Akti..provided by Symansis…..
Activation of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Increases Insulin Sensitivity through a Reciprocal Regulation of Wnt10b and SREBP-1c in Skeletal Muscle Cells
Mounira Abiola, Maryline Favier, Eleni Christodoulou-Vafeiadou, Anne-Lise Pichard, Isabelle Martelly, Isabeille GuilletDeniau. PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org December 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | e8509 Antibody against P-AS160Ser588 was from Symansis
Inhibition of the PtdIns(5) kinase PIKfyve disrupts intracellular replication of Salmonella
Markus C Kerr, Jack T H Wang, Natalie A Castro, Nicholas A Hamilton, Liam Town, Darren L Brown, Frederic A Meunier, Nat F Brown, Jennifer L Stow, and Rohan D Teasdale EMBO J. 2010 April 21; 29(8): 1331–1347. YM201636 was purchased from Symansis
Cell Signaling Science™
Adenosine Monophosphate Kinase Regulates ABCG1-Mediated Oxysterol Efflux From Endothelial Cells and Protects Against Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction Dan Li;Yuan Zhang;Jing Ma;Wenhua Ling;and Min Xia Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2010;30:1354 A-769662, a cell permeable drug that potently activates AMPK in cells, was provided by Symansis
AKAP-Lbc enhances cyclic AMP control of the ERK1/2 cascade
F. Donelson Smith, Lorene K. Langeberg, Cristina Cellurale, Tony Pawson, Deborah K. Morrison, Roger J. Davis,& John D. Scott Nature Cell Biology 12,1242–1249 …. The inhibitors sorafenib (Symansis)…
The SNX-PX-BAR Family in Macropinocytosis: The Regulation of Macropinosome Formation by SNX-PX-BAR Proteins Jack TH Wang, Markus C Kerr, Seetha Karunaratne, Angela Jeanes, Alpha S Yap, Rohan D Teasdale. Plos ONE 5(10):e13763. YM201636 was purchased from Symansis
Oncogenic BRAF Induces Melanoma Cell Invasion by Downregulating the cGMPSpecific Phosphodiesterase PDE5A
. Imanol Arozarena, Berta Sanchez-Laorden, Leisl Packer, Cristina Hidalgo-Carcedo, Robert Hayward, Amaya Viros, Erik Sahai, Richard Marais Cancer Cell, Volume 19, Issue 1, 45-57, 06 January 2011 SB590885 ….from Symansis
DIE ROLLE VON BCL-2 FAMILIENMITGLIEDERN FÜR DIE ZELLTOD-RESISTENZ VON MALIGNEN GLIOMEN PHD Dissertation http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=1010894323&dok_var=d1&dok_ext=pdf&filename=1010894323.pdf ABT-737 from Symansis
Studies of Immune Biology of the Common Marmoset: Novel Non-Human Primate Transplant Model Dr. Shilpanjali Prasad, MBBS, FRACP PhD thesis http://digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2440/61317/1/02whole.pdf ….Rh human-cell expressed IL-4 (Apollo Cytokine Research/Symansis)… TUMOR BIOLOGY AND HUMAN GENETICS:
Effect of CCL2 on survival of breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells via inhibition of apoptosis
A. S. Alva, Z. Varsos, H. Roca, and K. Pienta ASCO Meeting Abstracts, May 2009; 27: e22176. Abstract ...Ray Biotech, Inc). Serum starved MDA-MB-231 cells were treated with CCL2 (75 ng/mL) and IL-6 (100 ng/mL; both from Apollo Cytokine Research. Cell viability in response to treatment was analyzed at serial time points by cell proliferation assay WST-1 (Roche... ... EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES:
Possible Mechanism of CCL2-induced Akt Activation in Prostate Cancer Cells
Kosuke Mizutani, Hernan Roca, Zachary Varsos, And Kenneth J. Pienta Anticancer Res, Aug 2009; 29: 3109 - 3113. Abstract ... ...Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) and BIOMOL (Plymouth Meeting, PA,USA), respectively. Recombinant human CCL2 was obtained from APOLLO Cytokine Research (Alexandria, Sydney, Australia). Cell culture. PC-3 cells, an androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell line... ...
Cell Signaling Science™
Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER-1:HER-3) Fc-mediated heterodimer has broad antiproliferative activity in vitro and in human tumor xenografts Jay Sarup, Pei Jin, Lisa Turin, Xiaomei Bai, Malgorzata Beryt, Cathleen Brdlik, Jeffrey N. Higaki, Brett Jorgensen, Francis W. Lau, Peter Lindley, Jim Liu, Irene Ni, James Rozzelle, Rajendra Kumari, Susan A. Watson, Juan Zhang, and H. Michael Shepard Mol. Cancer Ther., Oct 2008; 7: 3223 - 3236.
... ...anti-phosphotyrosine-HRP (anti-PY-HRP) were from RD Systems. NRG1-beta3 was from Upstate/Millipore and amphiregulin was from Apollo Cytokine Research. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), human recombinant insulin, human recombinant insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, antihuman... ... MECHANISMS OF SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION:
CCL2 Protects Prostate Cancer PC3 Cells from Autophagic Death via Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/AKT-dependent Survivin Up-regulation Hernan Roca, Zachary Varsos, and Kenneth J. Pienta J. Biol. Chem., Sep 2008; 283: 25057 - 25073.
... ...allowed to attach for 6 h. Cells were then treated with increasing concentrations of inhibitors and/or CCL2 chemokine (Apollo Cytokine Research) or IGF-1 (catalog number 291-G1; R&D Systems) and incubated for 24-168 h. WST-1 reagent was added following the manufacturer's instructions, and plates... ... CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNE REGULATION:
IFN--Induced Signal Transduction, Gene Expression, and Antitumor Activity of Immune Effector Cells Are Negatively Regulated by Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling Proteins Jason M. Zimmerer, Gregory B. Lesinski, Sri Vidya Kondadasula, Volodymyr I. Karpa, Amy Lehman, Abhik RayChaudhury, Brian Becknell, and William E. Carson, III J. Immunol., Apr 2007; 178: 4832 - 4845.
... ...IFN-a-2b (specific activity of 2 108 IU/mg) was purchased from Schering-Plough. Human growth hormone was purchased from Apollo Cytokine Research. IFN-A/D (sp. act. 1.1 108 U/mg; PBL Biomedical) was used in all murine tumor challenge experiments and was administered... ... IMMUNOGENETICS:
Functionally Significant Differences in Expression of Disease-Associated IL-7 Receptor Haplotypes in CD4 T Cells and Dendritic Cells Edwin Hoe, Fiona C. McKay, Stephen D. Schibeci, Kaushal Gandhi, Rob N. Heard, Graeme J. Stewart, and David R. Booth J. Immunol., Mar 2010; 184: 2512 - 2517. ... ...day 2, and all cytokines and Abs were...added, and all cytokines and Abs replenished...IL-7Ralpha-Ig conjugate (Apollo Biosciences, Sydney, Australia). Cell surface...
Human Cell Expressed Cytokines for Expansion of CD34+ Hematpoietic Stem Cells. Teresa Rede, Teresa Domagala, Kate Liddell, Linda Crofts, Glenn Pilkington, and Denese Marks Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2006; 108: 4186.
... ...Kate Liddell 1 Linda Crofts 1 Glenn Pilkington 1 Denese Marks 1 (Intr. by Elchanan H. Januszewicz) 1 Apollo Cytokine Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Differences in Human Growth Factors Induced by Non-Human Cell Expression. Glenn Pilkington, Denese Marks, Linda Crofts, Teresa Domagala, Kate Liddell, and Greg Russell-Jones Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2006; 108: 4229.
... ...Linda Crofts 1 Teresa Domagala 1 Kate Liddell 1 Greg Russell-Jones 1 (Intr. by Elchanan H. Januszewicz ) 1 Apollo Cytokine Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Cell Signaling Science™
Generation of Dendritic Cells from Human Cell Expressed Cytokines. Rosie Newman, Raina Simpson, Teresa Domagala, Mei Lim, Linda Crofts, Glenn Pilkington, and Denese Marks Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2006; 108: 5208.
... ...Domagala 1 Mei Lim 1 Linda Crofts 1 Glenn Pilkington 1 Denese Marks 1 (Intr. by Elchanan H. Januszewicz) 1 Apollo Cytokine Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Cheiradone: a vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor antagonist Sajjad Hussain, Mark Slevin, Mohammad A Mesaik, Mohammad I Choudhary, Abdul H Elosta, Sabine Matou, Nessar Ahmed, David West and John Gaffney BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:7 ... Matrigel (Becton Dickinson, UK), FGF-2, goat anti-active caspase-3 antibody (R&D System), VEGF 165 (Apollo Cytokine Research, Cambridge, UK), EGF, VEGFR-1 and -2 and FGFR-1 and -2, anti-FGF-2 and anti-VEGF antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Heidelberg, GDR ...
Increased plasma urotensin-II levels are associated with diabetic retinopathy and carotid atherosclerosis in Type 2 diabetes Toshiaki SUGURO, Takuya WATANABE, Syuusuke KODATE, Gang XU, Tsutomu HIRANO, Mitsuru ADACHI and Akira MIYAZAKI Clinical Science (2008) 115, (327–334) ….VEGF Elisa….(Apollo Cytokine Research)…
Introductory glycosylation analysis using SDS-PAGE and peptide mass fingerprinting. Wilson N, Simpson R, Cooper-Liddell C. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;534:205-12. ….Apollo Cytokine Research….
Functional characterization of the atopy-associated gene PHF11 Emily Clarke,Nusrat Rahman,Natalie Page, Michael S. Rolph, Graeme J. Stewart,and Graham J. Jones J Allergy Clin. Immunol, Vol 121(5):1148. ….and recombinant human IL-4 (Apollo Cytokine Research, Beaconsfield, Australia)
Possible Mechanism of CCL2-induced Akt Activation in Prostate Cancer Cells KOSUKE MIZUTANI1, HERNAN ROCA1, ZACHARY VARSOS2 and KENNETH J. PIENTA Anticancer Research, 2009 29(8):3109-3113 …. CCL2 was obtained from APOLLO Cytokine Research….
VEGF121b and VEGF165b are weakly angiogenic isoforms of VEGF-A
Raúl Catena, Leyre Larzaba, Marta Larrayoz, Eva Molina, Jose Hermida, Jackeline Agorreta, Ramon Montes, Ruben Pio, Luis M Montuenga and Alfonso Calvo Molecular Cancer 2010, 9:320 human VEGF 165 (rhVEGF 165 , Apollo Cytokine Research),
Cheiradone: a vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor antagonist
Sajjad Hussain,Mark Slevin, Mohammad A Mesaik, Mohammad I Choudhary, Abdul H Elosta, Sabine Matou , Nessar Ahmed , David West and John Gaffney BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:7 …VEGF165 Apollo Cytokine Research…