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Random Currents Through Nerve Membranes. I. Uniform Poisson or White Noise Current in One-Dimensional Cables. Henry C. Tuckwell I and John B. Walsh 2.
Biological Cybernetics

Biol. Cybern. 49, 99-110 (1983)

@ Springer-Verlag 1983

Random Currents Through Nerve Membranes I. Uniform Poisson or White Noise Current in One-Dimensional Cables

Henry C. Tuckwell I and John B. Walsh 2 1 Department of Mathematics, Monash University, Clayton, Australia 2 Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Abstract. The linear cable equation with uniform Poisson or white noise input current is employed as a model for the voltage across the membrane of a onedimensional nerve cylinder, which may sometimes represent the dendritic tree of a nerve cell. From the Green's function representation of the solutions, the mean, variance and covariance of the voltage are found. At large times, the voltage becomes asymptotically wide-sense stationary and we find the spectral density functions for various cable lengths and boundary conditions. For large frequencies the voltage exhibits " l / f 3/2 noise". Using the Fourier series representation of the voltage we study the moments of the firing times for the diffusion model with numerical techniques, employing a simplified threshold criterion. We also simulate the solution of the stochastic cable equation by two different methods in order to estimate the moments and density of the firing time.

1 Introduction

There are two neurophysiological situations with which we are concerned in this paper. In the first, the depolarization V(x, t) of a nerve cylinder receiving synaptic excitation and inhibition (RaU, 1964) satisfies the equation

V~= - V + Vx~ + g~g V~ - V] + g~gV~- V],


where V~, Vx are constants, (providing Very large ionic fluxes do not occur) called the excitatory and inhibitory reversal potentials, g~(x, t), gi(x, t) are the corresponding conductances and subscripts t and x denote partial derivatives with respect to these variables. Usually Vx< 0 < VE, so that when gE is switched on, V increases (excitation), whereas when g~ is swit-

ched on V decreases (inhibition). Equation (1.1) is assumed to apply to single segments of neurons and in particular, portions of dendrites. Unfortunately it does not enjoy the property of mapping from dendritic trees to cylinders as does the usual cable equation under certain circumstances (Rall, 1962; Walsh and Tuckwell, 1983). We are interested in the properties of V and other quantities associated with it when random synaptic conductance changes occur over the surface of the neuron. Examples of noisy voltage records from a cat spinal motoneuron are shown in Fig. 1A. The corresponding histogram of amplitudes and fitted Gaussian density are shown in Fig. lB. In the second situation of interest, the depolarization is governed by the Hodgkin-Huxley (1952) equations, the first of which is

Ytt= VxxACgKEYK- Y] -~-gNaEVNa--I/f]@gLEE-- V], (1.2) where gK, gNa, and gc are the potassium ion, sodium ion, and leakage conduetances and VK, VN~, and VL are the corresponding Nernst potentials. In the HodgkinHuxley system, gK and gNa are given in terms of other variables which satisfy further differential equations.

A %:~""::'%'>~'":'~:\;+'~""~"':'%~'

\:" ~"-"~",.":?'~'~J:'.~v-"'" :%.,:

160 140 120



- \~~~NOISE


500,uV[__, 1mSEC

40 20 0

Fig. 1. A Voltage records from a resting spinal motoneuron. B Amplitude histogram of voltage noise and Gaussian density with the same mean and variance. The mean is zero and the voltage scale is marked at 50gV intervals. (From Jack et al., 1981)

100 b


30" 20100 0

', 1

I 2

I 3

I 4

Fig. 2. A Current noise record from a squid axon. B Amplitude histogram (occurrences per second) of current noise ; current in nA. (From Matsumoto and Shimizu, 1983)

Here we are interested in the properties of V when 9K and 9N, undergo random fluctuations due to the opening and closing of the corresponding ion channels. Examples of current noise records (Matsumoto and Shimizu, 1983) and the histogram of amplitudes for squid axon are shown in Fig. 2. When gE and gz in Eq. (1.1) and when 9K and gN~ in Eq. (1.2) are random processes, the resulting equations are very difficult to study. As a first step in the direction of understanding their solutions we will consider the simpler cable equation,

Vt= - V+ V~+rmI,

a 0 } from this point process by IIX(x,t)=II~((a,x] x (0, t]). H~'(x, t) is called the two-parameter Poisson process. Since some currents are positive and others are negative, with various possible magnitude, we let V be governed by

V~= - V+ V~+ 2.,ai ~ W" =, i

a y; t 2 - s)dsdy .


This expression can be simplified by using the semigroup property of the Green's function: b

G(x, z; s)G(y, z; t)dz = a(x, y ; s + t) . a

Then (2.5) becomes t2+tl __1 2 K(xl, tl;x2, t2)-g(~2,a~)

\ l

5 G(xpx2;s)ds,



The variance of V(x, t) is K(x, t;x, t). The solution of Eq. (1.5) is b t

l/(x, t) = a ~ ~ G(x, y; t - s)dsdy aO b t

+ S

y; t - s)dW(s, y),


a 0

where the second integral is a stochastic integral with respect to the two-parameter Wiener process. It may be more intuitive to think of it as an integral with respect to white noise:

2 Solutions of the Stochastic Equations


The covariance of the depolarization at (xl, tl) and at (x2,t2), with t2>t I >0, is




~ G(x, y; t - s)dW(s, y) = ~ ~ G(x, y; t - s)Wyflsdy. (2.8) aO


The theory of these stochastic integrals is outlined in the appendix of Walsh (1981). For our purposes the following facts are useful: b t

(i) ~ ~f(y,s)dW(y,s) is a Gaussian random vari-

with initial value





0 0

L t

+/3 y" qS.(x) ~ ~ q~,,(y)exp [ n

2.(t- s)]dW(y, s).



Using (3.1) in (2.4) gives


exp [ - ( t - s)]

o 41/

Define L t


9exp[- 89

V.(t) = a ~ ~ q~.(y)exp [ - 2.(t- s)]dyds 00



The relation

L t

+/3 ~ I qb.(y)exp [ - 2 . ( t -

s)]dW(y, s),



~j exp[-z2/Z]dz=1/~,



and L t

W,(t) = ~ S (o,(y)dW(y, s).


is used to perform the y-integration; the subsequent s-integration gives the mean depolarization:

E[V(x, t)] = ~(1 -

0 0

Then, for fixed Wiener process, are independent lation will show

n, W, is a standard one-parameter and, for different n, the processes W. (Walsh, 1981). Some careful maniputhat

K ( X 1 , t 1 ; X 2 , t 2) --






4V~- ,~-,,


+/3 ~ exp [ -


To obtain the covariance we use (3.1) in (2.6):

V.(t) = ~. ~ exp [ - ) ~ . ( t - s)]ds 0


2,(t- s)]dW,,(s),



We utilize the relation

i exp [-

where L

T - x2/4T]



% =o~S r



Equation (4.5) shows that each V, is an OrnsteinUhlenbeck process with stochastic differential


-L/~[e-lXlerfc(~)-elXlerfc([X'+2tl] JJ' (3.6) where erfc(.) is the complementary error function:

V,(0)= 0.


For different n, the processes V, are independent. Thus the series (2.12) may be written

V(x, t)= ~. (~.(xlV.(t).


2 erfc(x) = ~-n

j exp[-z2]dz

This gives the required (2.18)


Technical matters such as the convergence of this series were dealt with previously (Walsh, 1981). A similar series solution was employed in the study of the response of a nerve cylinder to white noise current injected at a point by Wan and Tuckwell (1979) and also in a study of the corresponding firing time problem (Tuckwell et al., 1983). 3 Mean, Variance and Covariance of the Depolarization In this section we will obtain expressions for the mean, variance and covariance for various cable lengt~ and

boundary conditions. Since the formulas for V are obtained from those of V by the replacements (2.9) and (2.10), we will here use V to represent either V or [1.



K(xp t 1 ; x2, t2)

= ,_'[..x. 8

2 tV~z+tl

e.c('- 2-'t]/~-2- q ',:)1 _ elx=-x,I [O V(x, 0)=0}, f12 [~2~2 1

202fl2 1]

and assume that the threshold function 0 has the Fourier expansion

~/'22,1 OX 1

- - ( 1 -1- g 2 / L 2 ) x 2 8 ~ -1 -




0(x)= ~, a,O,(x), n=l

where q51 = L - 1/2, q~ = (2/L)1/2 cos (nrcx/L), n = 2, 3,.... Put

P= y. n=l


We are mainly interested in the value of the solution of this equation at x 1 X 2 0. Therefore, in a numerical solution we consider (5.16) on a finite rectangle with one side along x 1 + x 2 = 0 and which contains (0, 0). =



Simulation Methods


But with the given boundary conditions

The use of numerical methods for solving the partial, differential equations (5.13) is usually inefficient because : (i) to find the solution at one point one has to generate the solution at several points in a large region surrounding that point; (ii) to solve the equation for the second moment of the firing time one needs a solution of the equation for the first moment whose accuracy exceeds that required for the second moment; (iii) to find the density, p(x m, t) of the first exit time of the m-dimensional diffusion Xm, one has to solve the (m + 1)-dimensional partial differential equation,

1L Y1( t) - a I (o1 = ~ ! ( I7(x, t) - O(x) )dx .

~'('xmp(xm,t)= ~8p.

Let T~ = inf{tlYl(t) > a 1q511YI(0) = 0}. Then To ~ T I 9 To see this, note that




109 Hence, even with just two terms in the series one has to solve a three-dimensional equation9 It is therefore desirable to use simulation methods which can yield estimates of the moments and density of the firing time. We have investigated two simulation methods, which we now describe.

Simulation of the Series Xm(t) Approximate sample paths for Xm(t) may be generated as follows. First we write out the integral representations of the terms in the series : X~(t) = c~(1- e-t) + +

e-t i e~dW~(s),





e dWn(s),



where it has been assumed that X,(0)=0, n = 1, 2,.... The (Ito) stochastic integrals in (5.18) and (5.19) are limits in mean square, as As~O, M ~ co, with t = MAs, of random sums. Hence we put,

and record the time at which J~m first reaches or exceeds 0. This is done for N trials, whereupon sample mean, sample standard deviation and histogram of the firing time can be found.

Simulation of the Stochastic Integral Solution At small t (less than about 0.2 for typical values of L), the convergence of the eigenfunction expansion (2.11) for the Green's function is very slow. At such values of t, the first few terms of the series (5.7) are an inadequate approximation to IT(x,t). If the interspike interval density is concentrated appreciably at such values of t, then the values of the interspike time obtained by the simulation of the first few terms of the Fourier series are not a reasonable approximation to the actual interspike time. It is therefore sometimes advantageous to simulate V(x, t) by appealing directly to its definition through the stochastic integral in (2.7). Let VR be the random component of V: Lt

I/R(X, t) = fl S S G(x, y; t-- s)dW(s, y).




By definition of stochastic integral we have, 9{ W,(kAs)- Wl((k- X)As)},


[/g(X,t)=fi lim ~ ~, Xn(t)-fl

m~o~ n~oo

exp[-2nt] ~ exp[2,(k- 1)As] k=l

. { Wn(kA s) - % ( ( k -

i= l j= l

9G(x, iAy;(n-j + 1)As)W(AAij), 1)A s)},


n = 2, 3 , . . . .

(5.21) For large M, (5.20) and (5.21) may be used to approximate (5.18) and (5.19). In the actual simulations, the increments in the Wiener processes are replaced by random samples of normal random variables with the correct variances. Thus, let Nn, k, n = 1, 2,... ; k = 1, 2 .... be families of independent standard normal random variables. Then the simulations are performed by replacing (5.20) and (5.21) by,

where lim means limit in mean square, Ay=L/m, As = tin and AA~j is the rectangle

[lAy, (i+ 1)Ay]x [jAs, (j+ 1)As]. Since W(AAij ) is normal with mean zero and variance AsAy, an approximate discrete realization of Vg is afforded by setting, with As and Ax "small",

i=l j=t

21(t)=o~(1--e-t)+e -t


9G(x, iAy;(n - j + 1)As)No,


9exp[(kJr,(t) = fl



e x p [ - Ant] 1 / ~ 2

-exp[2n(k- 1)As]N,, k ,


n = 2, 3,....


We compute the values of)(x, J(2, etc. for M = 1, 2, ... and the corresponding values of their sum )~,,= ~ Xn(t), n=i


n = 1, 2, ...,


where Nij , i = 1, 2 .... , m; j = 1, 2, ..., n are independent standard normal random variables. The expected value of [Z(x, nAs)is given exactly by e [ 1 - e x p ( - n A s ) ] and is added to the values of VR to olStain approximate sample paths for V. For small values of t, G(x, y; t) is computed efficiently from the images representation e-t


G(x, y;t) = l / ~ - t n__~ - co {exp[ - ( x - 2 n L - y)2/4t] + e x p [ - ( x - 2nL + y)2/4t]},


110 whereas for large t an efficient c o m p u t a t i o n is m a d e f r o m the eigenfunction expansion. Thus convergence difficulties are circumvented.

Examples B o t h of the a b o v e s i m u l a t i o n m e t h o d s were carried o u t in o r d e r to estimate the m o m e n t s a n d density of the interspike interval. In all the cases we report, the t h r e s h o l d c o n d i t i o n is 0 = 10 at x = 0, the length of the nerve cylinder is L = 1, with sealed end c o n d i t i o n s at x = 0 a n d x=L, a n d / ~ = 1 0 . W e first consider the case c~=30. F o r the series s i m u l a t i o n a time step of As = 0.002 was e m p l o y e d with 500 trials. W i t h two terms in the F o u r i e r series, the m e a n interspike time was E [ T ] = 0 . 3 0 6 (0.289, 0.323) where 95 % confidence limits are i n d i c a t e d in brackets. W h e n the stochastic integral was s i m u l a t e d with As =0.002, A y = 0 . 0 5 a n d 200 trials, the value of E [ T ] = 0 . 2 6 2 (0.240, 0.284). Thus there is a statistically significant difference in the m e a n interspike time obt a i n e d b y the two methods. F o r the smaller value of c~= 10, the series simul a t i o n with two terms, A s = 0 . 0 0 2 a n d 500 trials gave E[-T] = 0 . 7 7 4 (0.682, 0.807). The result by s i m u l a t i o n of the stochastic integral with A s = 0.005, A y = 0.05 a n d 200 trials was E [ T ] =0.681 (0.602, 0.759), so t h a t there is no significant difference between the two results. F o r the series with 3 terms, the c o r r e s p o n d i n g result was E [ T ] = 0 . 6 5 4 (0.603, 0.705) a n d the result o b t a i n e d b y solving the p a r t i a l differential e q u a t i o n (5.16) b y finitedifferencing was E [ T ] = 0 . 7 3 1 . The h i s t o g r a m of interspike times o b t a i n e d b y simulating two terms in the F o u r i e r series is shown in Fig. 7. The results o b t a i n e d in the a b o v e examples represent very small interspike times. F o r p h y s i o l o g i c a l firing rates, values of E [ T ] will usually be in the range 5-10 time constants, a n d possibly as great as 100 for s p o n t a n e o u s l y firing cortical cells (Burns a n d W e b b , 1976). In such situations the first two terms in the F o u r i e r series s h o u l d give an a d e q u a t e representation.

lOO 8o 6o No. 4O 2O

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t E(T)

Fig. 7. Histogram of interspike intervals obtained by simulating the first two terms of the Fourier series representation of V(x,t). For parameter values, see text

Dr. Henry Tuckwell Monash University Department of Mathematics Clayton, Victoria Australia 3168