Reading List

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Joseph, A, DeVito. (2005) Study Guide and Activity Manual for Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills. Muriel Solomon (2002) Working with ...
Text Book Mentoring & Induction for the beginning teacher a practical approach to supporting new teachers (C. Bezzina, 2008) Agreement between the Government and MUT (2010) Job description Handbook for Grades and Positions within the DQSE & DES (2010)

Books worth referring Mentoring Policies & Practices: Agreement between The Government and MUT (2007) Inclusive and Special Education Review (2005) Child Protection, Bullying and Substance Abuse Policies Biex it-tfal kollha jmorru ahjar il-mixja mill-primaria ghas-sekondaria Teachers’ Code of Ethics Core Competencies National Strategy For all children to succeed National Minimum Curriculum “Creating the future together” (2000)

Intrapersonal Skills Doug Hissong. (2001) Positive Impacts: Discovering the keys to better Interpersonal Skills. Jean Barbazette (2006) Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools, and Techniques Joseph, A, DeVito. (2005) Study Guide and Activity Manual for Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills. Muriel Solomon (2002) Working with Difficult People Peter Hadder (2005) Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills: Key Techniques for effective decision-making and personal success. Robert Bolton. (1986) People Skills: How to Assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts.

Mentoring Skills Andrew, S, Dubrin. (2004) Coaching and mentoring Skills. Anne Edwards & Jill Collison (1996) Mentoring and developing practice in primary schools: Supporting student teacher learning in schools. Barbara Jaworski & Anne Watson (1994) Mentoring in mathematics teaching. Bob Gavery et al (2008) Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice. David Clutterbuch. (2009) Furthur Techniques for coaching and mentoring. David Clutterbuck. (2005) Technique for coaching and mentoring. Della Fish (1995) Quality mentoring for student teachers: A principled approach to practice. Derek Bell & Ron Ritchie (1999) Towards effective subject leadership in the primary school. Erika Azzopardi & Brian Bonnici (2000) Mentoring in initial teacher education: A proposal. Geof Alred. (2003) The Mentoring Pocketbook (Management Pocketbook). Hal Portner (2003) Mentoring new teachers. Hal Portner (ed.) (2005) Teacher mentoring and induction: The state of the art and beyond. Helen Colley (2003) Mentoring for social inclusion: A critical approach to nurturing mentor relationships. Jean Boreen (2000) Mentoring Beginning Teachers: Guiding, Reflecting, Coaching John Furlong & Trisha Maynard (1995) Mentoring student teachers: The growth of professional knowledge. Kenneth Borg (2002) Induction teacher training in Malta. Lois Zachary (2000) The mentor’s guide: Facilitating effective learning relationships. M. Scherer (2000) A better beginning: Supporting and mentoring new teachers. Mary Stacey (2009) Teamwork and collaboration in Early Years Setting. Mike Pegg. The Art of Mentoring. Pamela Saliba (2006) The mentoring relationship, its development and contribution in Maltese small firms. Paulo Freire & James Fraser (1997) Mentoring the mentor: A critical dialogue with Paulo Freire. Peter Tomlinson (1995) Understanding mentoring: Reflective strategies for school-based teacher preparation. Saah Fletcher (2000) Mentoring in schools: A handbook of good practice. Tammy D. Allen & Lillian T. Eby (eds.) (2007) Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspective approach. Terry Allsop & Ann Benson (ed.) (1997) Mentoring for science teachers. Val Brooks & Pat Sikes (1997) The good mentor guide: Initial teacher education in secondary schools. Biddy Fisher (1994) Mentoring.